27776 PE-1750 SHELLEY LAKE W" ~ REVEEw CoMErvMNTs ib SPOKANE COUNTY DNISION OF ENGINEERING & ROADS ~ 1026 W BROADWAY, SPOKANE WA 99260-0710 PHONE (509)456-3600 FAX (509)324-3478 SUBMITTAL 3 REVIEWER: Ed Parrv PROJECT P1750 DATE: AuLyust 16. 1996 PROJECT NAME: Shellev Lake P. U. D. Due to the extent of recurring items, these comments are general in nature, and reflect a cursory review of this submittal. Please ensure that all comments are resolved, and that the plans and calculations conform to the applicable standards, and good engineering practice, prior to resubmittal - Previously noted comments, still pending resolution: 2nd Review: GENERAL 1. Plans will need to be signed by the Developer prior to approval by the County(Still needed) 2. Plans for the entire length of Rotchford Drive (per conditions of the design deviation - see County Engineer's letter dated 22 Jan 96) were not received with this submittal (Received 14 Aug 96. For future reference, please ensure that the P.E. stamp bears a full signature) 3. Engineer's Condition #40 requires that the 4th Avenue intersection at Conklin be designed as a 4-way intersection. How does this road alignment fulfill this condition? Please call to discuss. (Please see anached memo) 6. Street names need to be coordinated with the names shown on the plat (Are Lane "C" and Lane "F" named as such on the plat?) 7. The plans will need the approval of the Fire District prior to approval by the County (Still needed: approval by Fire District of road layout in the full plan set) - 8. Berm/bank elevations at ponds needs to set to at least 0.2' above the lowest T/C at the pond. (Still needs to be indicated at "typical 208 w/sidewallt" detail) 9. Finished grade contours need to be shown for all drainage swales (Still need to coordinate with the grading plan; e. g. : Pond "H REVIEW CONMENNTS Page 2 of 5 1$ August 96 PR(]JECT # P1750 IZEVIE'W # 3 RQ,A,17 & DRAIlVAGE FLANS 5heet 2 L, Provide "R" `r`alue tests fvr ayi svil group types tv verify pavement sectiaris. Dther methvds of pavement section design may be acceptaTmle ta the Caunty Engineer, upvn submittal of a Design Deviation Request (Calcs , far road desagn, and the Design 1)eviation far the road desagn rnethod, were not received with thi,r suhmrttal, please errsure that all raecessary Desigrt Deviatiorrs huve been appraved prior to the next sulimrttal of the p[ans} 2. The width indicated far Conkiin Rd. (40') daes nvt meet the 44' width required in Engineer's Conditivn #25. fihe sectian far CQnkIin Raad shoutd aIsa indicate the 2-way left turn Iane nated in that conditiQn. (Engineer's Condition #25 requires a 44' width f'ram 4th Ave to Sprague for Cvrrklan; the Cnnklr'n Rocrd section , fram Sta. 41 +64 tca Sprague rs only 40' (curb fcace to edge of paving), A planfar the 2-way left-turn -Iane is also needed) 4. Road sectians need to indic,ate existing RlW, prapased RIW, future acquisation area, aatd existing paving, as appropriate (Sections far Conklin and 4th Ave da nat irrdicate the extent of exfsting puvang. This is needed so that the amount of widening arid incoming taper length can be accurately evaluated) Sheet 4: 2. The design needs to provide 208 tceatment fvr the new paVing, as aminimum. The drywell in the curbline at Cvniclin 40+49 RT does nat accomplish this. {208 swade sizing r►at checked dree to exterrtlsigrtaficance of other unresaived cornrnents} . Sheet 5: 1. The design needs ta prav'rde 20$ treatment for the new paving, as a minimum. The drywell in the curbline at 4th Avenue 6+75 RT does not accamplish this. {208 swale sizing not checked due tn exten,tl,rigrzificance of other umresolved eomments} 3. 'I'he paVement transition on 4th Avenue neeis to provide a taper length of at Ieast 10:1 {100' minimum} (The plarrr.rs irulica.te that the rrrided paving wr'dth at the west plat bvurrdarya is an the arder of IZ.Z, feet; the 100' raper provided does nat nzeet the la:l taper ratio) 4. Curb grades on 4th Ave. are below the caunty minimum of 0.5%; the County Engineer's apgrcrval of a Design Deviation Request is needed prior to plan approval. ('The Design I3eviatton was not received wrth this suhmitttcl; please ertsure that adl rtecessary Desrgn DeviatiQrs have been appraved prior to the next subrraftta[ of the plars) REVIEW CONIlVIENTS Page 3 of 5 16 August 96 PROJECT # P1750 REVIEW # 3 Sheet 7: 1. The "knuckle" intersections will need the County Engineer's approval of a Design Deviation Request. Written approval from the Fire District should be included as part of the justification. (The Design Deviation was not received with this submittal; please ensure that all necessary Design Deviations have been approved prior to the next submittal of the plans) Sheet 11: l. Retaining wall: (Now Sheet 14) a. Need to include the necessary soils information, calcs, etc., to show that the wall is design ed properly. For example: - (1) ICBO report #4599 (contained in the Keystone manufacturer's book) indicates that a soils report must be submitted. The soils report needs to conform to Section 2905 of the 91 UBC (which is now Section 1804 of the 94 UBC). The "geotechnical review" provided in your 21 march 961etter does not appear to address the required items. In addition, there are elements of the geotechnical review (relocation of the heel drain to the subgrade elevation of the crushed rock bearing course, 2' width of backdrain up the height of the wall, geogrid reinforcement, etc.,) which aze not indicated on the wall detail. The P.E. stamp on the geotechnical review does not bear the date of signature. (RCW and WAC require that the signature on a P.E. stamp be accompanied by the date the stamp was signed. A"site-specific evaluation" for geogrid reinforced segmental retaining walls entails a detailed evaluation of the soils ai the proposed wall location - please refer to NCMA TR12 7) (2) The Keystone Buyline information (contained in the Keystone manufacturer's book) indicates that geogrid is needed for walls with sloping backfills (A copy of the calculations referenced in Jerry Peterson's letter was not received with this submittal. The soils gradasion data included in this submittal indicates that the soils are at least somewhax variable over the site. While the friction angle assumed appears to be conservative with respect to that typically encountered for the various soil types that are found in a typical soil column of the Garrison series, an extrract from your technical reference source would be appreciated. This assumption should be accompanied at least by test pit log data at the proposed wall location. Technical data on the proposed geo-reinforcement should also be included) c. The retaining wall location needs to be coordinated with the grading p(an. Finished grade contours in the vicinity of the wall need to be shown as part of either the road plans or the wall detail; grading easements may be needed (Coordinaiion with the grading plan, as well as easements, is still needed) e. Landscaping needs to drain to the street (2 % min.) (Still need a callout for this at the "Public Road" section detail) 2. The floor elevation at Pond H(2020.87) needs to be coordinated with the grading plan (2052), and with the curb elevations for Rotchford Drive. Finished grade contours need to be shown (Coordinaiion with the grading plan is still needed. The berm callout needs to be coordinated with the grading contours shown; spot elevations for the top of berm would be helpful. Please review the locations of the 2047 and 2048 contours across the sidewalk - at this scale, the sidewalk slopes are between 12 % and 16 the slope indicated on the grading plan slope is closer to 1%) REVIEW CONIlVIENTS Page 4 of 5 16 August 96 PROJECT # P1750 REVIEW # 3 Sheet 12: 1. The private road entry onto the Rotchford Drive temporary cul-de-sac needs to be constructed as a driveway entry, to delineate the public roads from the private roads (Signing such as "end of public road/stan of private road "end of County Maintenance" will be an acceptable alternative to the private driveway entry. Specific _ language and location should be coordinaied with the County Maintenance Engineer ;Phil Barto, P.E.). Sign locations need to be coordinated with easement limits for the public road temporary turnaround) 2. The temporary easement should be configured as separate easements for the public (Separate easements for the public road turnaround and the private road turnaround were not indicated, nor were easement descriptions received with this submittal) GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL PLANS (Not checked due to extent/signifzcance of other unresolved comments) 1. As was mentioned in the previous comments for these plans (November 1995), the straw bales are not likely to be effective as proposed, due to excessive uphill areas, long surface lengths, and steep slopes. Some additional information about the use of straw bales in included for your information 3. Are there any limits on the amount of disturbed area, and how long the disturbed areas can remain open before some sort of stabilizing means is mandatory? " 4. Your transmittal letter (29 Feb 1996) indicates that no calculations were provided for the sump/sediment trap at the NW corner of the site. The grading plan indicates that an existing is being utilized for this purpose, with some grading to expand the natural sump area. Calculations are still needed to show that the proposed sump is properly sized. CALCULATIONS (Not checked due to eztent/significance of other unresolved comments) 1. The basin limits shown on the basin map need to be coordinated with the grading plan, as well as with the location of the various catch basins 2. Offsite topography needs to extend far enough to define the basin limits 3. Offsite basins need to be accounted for in the design. How are the flows from the offsite basin south of basin A managed? 4. Pre-developed and post development flows for the basins discharging off the site need to be analyzed to determine what, if any, mitigating measures may be needed to manage flows 5. Provide calculations for the pipe to temp pond A. REVIEW COMNIENTS Page 5 of 5 16 August 96 PROJECT # P1750 REVIEW # 3 6. Pipe from CB1 to CB 2 does not appear to be adequately sized for the flows into the pipe; Please check & resolve. Please recheck other pipes to ensure that they are adequately sized - a pipe network analysis is typically done when a pipe system is intended. 7.Verify the width of ponding in the street at the locations where a sump condition exists. EASEMENTS 1. Sight distance easements will be needed(Dimensions for easements shown on plans need to be indicated) ~ J suBnIMAL +cHEcKLIsT - PROJECT #REVTEW REVIEWER: ~ I)ATE: 13 August 1996 I - PRaJEcT: i PROJECT SPONSflR: TEL # PROJECT ENGIIVEER: 1'EL # {kaad & P?rainage Plans} PROJECT SULtVEYDR: TEL # (Plat) ADNfMSTRATIVE REQUIREEMEN'i'S YX N. El nr/ti E3 1. The $1QD.0(} fee and Agreement wPay Fees for ,plat review have been accepted hy Spakaue Caunt}+ far this submittal. Y. El K~A E) 2, The Reuiew Fee Account is current (no invoices oVer 30 days outstanding). Y. Zn9 0 x/n C' 3. I have nQted the plans in, pPans ouc dates on the pink sheet in die file. Y. El N. ❑ HIAZ 4. If this is a mobile home park project, were plans routed through Planraing? Y. El N. El NiA El 5. The file contains a Spakane Caunty Engineers 5ectian map, Assessors's map and aerial phvtv. % 0 n, E] H~,. Q S. Field review made. If yes, evmpleEe atr,ached fprm "Field Review Report". ~LAN REYIEW REQ[II1tEME1VTS r~Ha 0 NIA 0 1 2 capies of the plans and a baund drainage repai-t were submitted, v.04 N. ❑ NIA 0 2, The plans are an 74" x 36" sheets ,f v~ ~rro ~Nin ~ 3. 7'he glans and calculacions are stamped. ~'lans must be mar~ced "Pr'eliminary" or "Not for Construction" if they are not the final apprvveei glans Final glans must be sygned and dated by the resparisible Washingtan 5tate Professional Engineer. yo 04&A 1:1 4. The developer has signed and appraved the Final Submittal of che road and drainage plans. r~a,P rre ~ Nrn ~ 5. The Staudard Plan N`ates have been ineluded on the plans. Ys,ON. ❑ nrla Ll 6. Is the project located in the Aquifer Sensitive Area? ,res El rrs E) rrrn El 7. List any design deviacivn requests and their status: 4K AX/CYaur~J MAX -A&Ido 1 A6 0 - ia ~ ~r~+~'~if~~~ c~nns ~~r~,l~~'1 l~~F~►'~ ~'u~:~ I~'~~~ ~ r.sd,,, El rr,A 0 8. Locate the Findz'~ngs' Orde~ fo the project an ~t ~y usual cQnditi~: .1 r •~.~i c~ ~ ~ ~ ~►~.,~.~~x i~ pp~~~ 41k f1X36 4AdL" 4-1 7A ~ ❑ Yea Na ❑ NIA 0 7 . .treet nan* $ $re Co 1$tCllt W1th Pj$t, ~~j ~a FLQQD ZQIVES El NQbL+ xrn El 3. Does the entire plat lie nutside of designated 100-year Flaoi Plain Area? v~ 0 Ne E] rrI,a El 2. Does the entire plat lie outside of Zone "B" af the designated F1Qad Plaiii A_rea? Y~ 0N. E] HrA El 3. Is the mauc. street gonding in any part of a Tone "B " less than r'? ,2~w El nrrA fl 4. Dves tke plat cantain ap ropriate language limitingttte lawermost opening in a sttucture located in aZone ,-,,,1 "B" ta not tess than 1' agove t.he lovvest raad elevaEian? ro ~ Yo ~Nfa El 5. Is the encire project located autside af an identified Flood Plain Area7 vu EJ Ns El NIA~ 6. Is the eutire groject loeated Qutside of an identi5ed 5tormwater Managernent Prcrblem Area? , cklistv4.017an95 1 RQAD PLANS 1. List auy roads that must be designed and caiistructed nn tlie project. ~ Rf]tLB NAME I RC]A]] NAME I I2QAI] NAME I ACIAD NAME I ROAD NAM13 I RC3A17 NAMF: I~~ hg fLOAf] CLA55IFICATIC7N TRAFFIC 1NI]EX (3) I.~ I I I I ~ TVRRAIN PAV~~ WIDTH Ia b v I4'6V 1 40, ~ I RM WMni POSTi EI) SPEEI7 I I I I ~ I}ESICrN SFEED GRAnE I ~ I I I I MAXIM~ GRADF, I ~ I I ~ I STORPING SIGHT DISTANCE I ~ I I 4 I MINMiUM H~~ CURYE I P I I I I TYpE OF Cvn.B REQUrxrn I I I ~ I I MI1+1 ASYIIALT SECTiON I I I I I I MIN GRAVEI., $EC'TTC3N I r~. I ~ I I I I v■ [ Iir~ I I I (1)'I1inFFIC [NDEx: Major Artenal 7; SeconCiary Artenal 6, C:aiiectbr Arterial 5, L,acal AccesslResidentia] 5; Pnvate 4. Y" 0 nq 0 Krn El 2. Planning cQndirions require submission of a laudscape plan. (NOTE: Usually associated with PUD's). Y. El n. El nrjA 11 3. I haue checked t1ie landscage plan against the raad and swrm drainage design. If there are any cant]icts, list them in space pravided, or nate that na conflicts were found. ~ra Ebw Q xfa EJ 4. The failpwiag rnazl plans have a bearing an the design af roads for this project and acopy is in #he file. res ❑ tia ❑ Kra'0 5. Vertical cut-ves nam stoppiixg sight distance requirements. EIAu El N1A El 6. An "R" Value Test is required for this graject. Y. El N. El N/A E) 6a. For this project, for each soi1 group ca1Ted out an "R" Value Test has }aeei7 submiited. E4. ❑ NIA El 6b. The pavement section is adequate far t,he "R" Value Test and required traffic index. vEs El NQ ❑ Nrn El 7. is the bench mark ealled Qut on the plans? Ye,S El',n ElNIA ❑ Are stationing equations sho►3m? Y. QN. QNIn 0 9, Ts stationing correct (soutk ta north, west ta east, reading ieft ta right on the plan)? res El No El HIn El 10. Are existing util'ities shown on the plans (or au infoimacian copy Qf the utility plans submitted)? Ycs El ,w, El N)A ❑11, Aze propased utilities shown on ciae plans (or an informaiion Copy Df the utility plans suhmitted)? ves ❑No 0 x,a El 12. The project plan name matches the plat nane. ck1GSCv4 01lan95 2 ' Yes 0•4 Q rrin C 13. STREET WmENIlVG1N'I'ERSECTION WITH EXISTIN(i CQLINTY RpAD v.E] no 0 YIn 0 13a. Are curb desiga sheets provided fpr widerung of existing screets? Ya[-] n~ E-] IA E] 13b Does the curb design conforrn to Spokane County Standards of sectFOn cross slape (&etrveen 2% and 4.5 Y. 0 ISa E]NIA El 13c. Is there a street cross section showu for widening existing streets? v~ ~~El NIA ❑ 13d. Dnes the pruposed new width match the width cequired in the Fiiidings anti Qrder? Yes E] Ka E] NIA d 13e. 'I'he cross-section shavvs: Existing RIW, Propnsei RIW, any reguired Future 5e#aside, and edge of existing and proposed pauement. Yes ❑ nw E] N,A 0 13f. 100' (min.) pavement taper inta project is shnwn. ,.❑N. El K~A 11 (1) There is adequate RIW foc lhe taper to extend from the new pa►+ing width za existing paVement. r~ Elna El N~A ❑ (2) There is inadequate RIW for the tager to extend frflm the new paving width tv existing pavemene; tager extends fr6m existing paving to R{W. v~ ~~E]NIn E] 13g. Lengih of pavement taper nut af praject meets AASHTD requirements: WS~= 64 fvr design speeds 4[1 mph, WS for design speeds > 45 mph, or feet has been approved by 3gokane Cnunty Traffic Engineer. v~ El Ko E] Nrn E] 13h. Transition frnm end vf curb to existing paaing is shawn (curb shauld nose dovan rn 12"). Ves El r~. ❑ rrr. ❑ 13i.Are the curb grades, fmr any requi3-ecl curhs, ahoVe tlae cvunty minimum of 0.8 El Nia El 131. The curb type meets Spokane Cvunty 5tandards, Yes 0 m El Krn El 14. IVEW STREETS Yes 11 Nw EIHIn Q 14a. Ilaes Lhe prpppseci alignment meet Spokawe Cvanty Standards? Yes 0 M 0 nrIn ❑ (1) Centea°line slopes are within 5gakane County Standards. Yes d rr4 EIKen 0 (2) Verdcal curve lengdis are adequate for intersectipns and stopping sight distance. Yes Elno El NIn 0 (3) Honaontal curve radius meets 5pokane Caurzty s#andards. Yea El nro El rva ❑ 14b. The pIans shvw the Cypical cross section for slreets. Yes Ll N. Ll rr/.a El 14c, Dves the prng4seti streeC width match the Findings and Drder7 Yes Ll rwo Li Nrn d I4d. The t,ypical road cross-section shows: Existing RIW, Prvpvsed RIW, any applieable Futune 5etaside, edge of new paVement and any o#lier required impmVemencs. v. QN.EJ K,n Ll 14e. The typical road section on che plans shows the cross slope and it is witJun the 2 5'o to 4.5 %standard. ro 0 , ❑ N1A ❑ (1) The Caass Slope is correct when checked vn the profile drawings. v. 0 N. ❑ rrrn E) 14f Cur6 type: Ts showry and is the proper type for the raad classification. yes d nw EIKIn 13 (l.) Meets 5pakane County Road Standards for curbs wit.hin the public right-of-way. r" ❑ Na E] N7A El (2) Consistent with the curb type in the general area. Yea El N. Ll K/A 0 14g. Are the curb grades above the county minimum Qf (].8 % ? Y. EINs 0 K/A 0 15. Has the Fire I]istrict approved all prapased private road turnarounds that are substandard according to our 5pnkane Caunty Raad 5tandards? {A one lot stuh less than 150' on a public road is allowed). cYhstv4 0llan95 3 ' V. Q rr3 E]run ❑ 16. STGNAGE PLAN Y. Cl xa 0~rrt 0 lfa. 5tog signs are shown fpr all streets which itikerssect an arterial (Check with Couniy Traffic Engineer if efiere is a question). v~. EIxo 1:1 rr/n O 16ta. Street name signs are shoum ac all intersecting strem. v~. EIH. 0 nr/n ❑ Tdc. Is there a need for barriers at the enri of dead end streets? Y. 0 r.E]xrn O 16d. Ts there a need far oCher special signing? {Ctteck with the County Traffic Engineer}. r~ 0,, El Nin 17. Cl1HS RETURNS ves E] No El HiA CI 17a. Are BCR, MCR, and ECR stafionslelevatiDris on curb rekut'ns sffowii in the plan view? Ysa 11 Ttn ❑ H1A E] 17}?. AIC [tle Clllb IeL11rf1 eleVa[1'L1ilS CC1P'CBCt? y~ 0 ~0 NIAE] 17c. Is there pasitiWe drainage frQm the road intersectian to the MCR? If nvt, is elesign safe accarding to AASHTC? sfandards~ yes El ria ❑N1n E] 17d. Curb return radius rneets the Spakane County Standard minimum. (ta back af curb for rolteilwedge curbs, ta face for vertical curb face typeS)? yp 140 EIN,n E] 17e. BCR, MCR, arid ECR eleVations are set to allow drainnage frnm rhe centerline to the curbline? va d~~~~AE] 17f. The cross sloge bexween the intersectian aud curbline meets AASI41'Q requitements: (reef. qASHTf3) 10% (flat terrain); 8 % (ralling terrain); b % (mraunfiainous terrain). v~ 0 m Ll x,AEJ 18. CUL-I]E-5AC5 r~ 0 ri. 0 KinEl 18a. The cul-le-sac grades (top oF curb) meet county cul-de-sac standards (195 min.) Y. El NIA O 18h. T'he cul-de-sac curb is shown iu profile. Ya Q n.❑ v~AE] 18c. 'Che cul-ie-sac radius fneet 5pokane County Staiidards. va 0 Nb EINIn E] 18d. The center of cui-de-sac Station is shown. rCA El rro ❑ Mn E] 19. INTERSECTIDNS v. ❑ N. Ej nIa E] 19a. [ntersecriorrs meet AASH`i'U sighi distance requiremencs for contralled and uncontrolled interseccions. res El ,vQ El 19b. IntersectiQn separation is greater than or equal to 150' ou local access streets and 300' on arteerials. v~ E]H6 1-1 nin E] 19c. I?o tlie interseceions meet the landing requireme:its? 1:1 Ko LJ xrn E] 19b. Wheelchair ramps are provided at intersections with sis]ewalks. reA El N. El NIA E] 19c The intersection horixontal sight distance anaIysis slicrws that sight triangle encraachment an pfiVate property is 2' []i lC5S fbT COIltCoII2d ill[eT'S2Ci1DriS. Ye. EIH.OrvrA❑ 20. Is ttiere a need for slope easements? ckhstv4 Ollan95 4 • v.C],e E1,,.F1 IIRAIIYAGE FLANS v- El avs Cl hrti El 1. p-Ias a plat map been submitted wluch shraws lat dimensions, street widths, etc.? vm 0 No 1:1 NrA El 2. BASINI MAP 11~0 N. (:1 N. El Ca. Nvrth arrvw and scale is shown. v. El N. ❑Irn ❑ 2b. 5ubbasins are labeled aad cvrrelatcd with calculations. v~ IJ Nd F-] Nu El 2e. Was a map ►vrth cQntourslspot elevations subinitted to properly deternsine drainage basins? v" 1:3 Yo El pirn El 2d. Wet'e the rvutes used tg determune time of canceatraliou shawtt? Y. El N. 0NrA El' 2e. Were all exastutg drainage courses shown~ Y. Cl N. El NrA El ?f. Were all the proposed drainage caurses shown? ,r~ 0 N. ❑ Krn ❑ 3, Were Hydrolagic calculativn.s submitted for each bxsin? (Itatianal Farmula if area 5 10 acres, 5CS TR-55 if area > 10 acres). vE, E] rra E] Hrn E] 3a Fermission was given to use 5C5 TR-55 for basins :!9 10 acres. v- ❑ N. El N,n El 3b. Ea.sita inciudes uffsite and ansite areas together (use 50 year analysis). rn E] br. ❑ xra El 3c. Basin is all onsite {use 14 year starm}. Vn El Ns EIN,A El 3d. RunoCf rate for basin is campared ta unperviaus road area runQff ra€e. 7"he larger rate contrals design. C ON VEY ANCEfDTSF(35AL vo Cl N. El r+A ❑ 4. Pipesf Culuerts - If, yes, complete cheoklist section for culVerts and pipe-systems. v~❑ N. 0 Hrn 0 5. ❑ifches are identified in plans and details provided. And have a mirumurn grade af Q.5 ra El no❑ tiIn El C. Are there any can#licts betdveen the prvgvsed sepeic Lvnk effluenk drainage fields and any ditches on ctse drainage plan? r- El NiA d 7. Gutter flaw depth is less rhan gutter height and allrws for 6' non wecced area of each side af canterline for local access or c411ec[or saads. ,'p EINo ❑Nin El 8, Lacations where water is intended to flow through an inlet or cur6 cut are at the lpw pvink in vertical curve. rW 11 No ❑ KIn Ll 9. Backwater - Analysis for any pipe andlar tittches was submi[ted. v~ Q rra 0 N,a El 10. Headwater - Calcukaisans for culWerts were submitted for reuiew. va 0 rre 0 N,n 0 11. Curb droplcurb irilets are used in the conVeyance and plan and r.alculatians for f3aw capaEity have heen suhsnitted r-0 n.ONl 12. Is Erosiom protection requirerl and haVe ealcurations beerr sixbrrsitted for reaiew. r~El Nu 11 N/A ❑ 13. Soils rype is "pre-apgrvved" {Ciarrison, etc.,} for drywells withvu+t percalation eesrs. vw 11 H6 11 v/n El 14 Does r.he drainage repor[ identify the SC5 sca'sl groups for the praject area and for rhe proposed roads ta be huile in ehe prvject area? Y" 11 wo ~NA El 15. The drainage design maintains existing firrw pateerns in natural watercourses. 11 N. El NrA 16, The drainage design maintains existing sheec flovv pat[erns withvut concentrating flows. v- El rro0 NIA El 17. The drainage concept is compatihle ►vith The GuidelLne for 5tmrrnwater Management. yn El piQ El NrA El 14. The difFerence between present and future flcsws ss retained vn the site. Y. IJ N. EIYrn El 19. A detentinn basin cancept is proposed for s[ormwater disposal. If, yes, use separate checklist for decenfian panda. CULVERTS AND FIQE SYSTEMS r" 0 Ho ❑ Y~A Cl 1. The road culverts are at the low paints af stream flaw. r~ 0 N, EINiA 0 2 The headwater vvas calculaeed for culYert en¢eances and is uncFer 2 diainekers for culVerts under 18" in diameter arsd 1.5 dzamekers for culverts greater than 18". vw ~ No ~ Y/A ~ 3. '[here is a mummum of 12" of caver for all culuerts and storm serwer pipes. vw ~ nrs ~ viA ~ 4. The designer has demvns[rated that the propase.d pipe is suitab3e for cover less than 2.5' (PVC), 1.5' (C➢VIP), l'(RCP) (H'DPEIAI)S) or the enguieer has provided trench detai9s for upgraded pipe bcdding for these areas. re E] H. E] Nrn Cl 5. The niinjmum velaciCy !WttLn the pipe aystem is 4 feet per secand at design flow in a backvater candirion. {Note. The County Engmeer may perrnit Dower velocities}. vo 1:1 xq El HI,. El fi. The backwater calculations show a minimum freeboard rrf 4.75 feet for each catch hasin or manhole. rcs El N. 0 HIw 13 7. The zninimum culvert anti pipe slope is [}.57o and all piges rneet vr exceeti thls standard. vaEl K, 1:1 N/w El $ A1] angle pomts in the starni sewer systern have suitahle access such as a manhale for cleaning. vo El nd 0 rqin El 9. At lacations where [wo different pipe sizes enter fhe same manhaale the 0.8 diame[er points of each pipe are at ttte same elevation. (Nate: Excepnnn allowed for drog manholes). ra0 Ko El NIA 11 10. Is tttere any downsizang vf pipes in a sys[ems af gipes that are 1$" tn dianeter and srnaller. cklistv4.0llan95 5 ' ra 0 rr.: ❑ NrA d 11. There is a dvwnsiaing of piges in the amaunt of 3" for a rnirumum af 100 feet in a pipe system that cantains prpes that over 18" in d'iametcr. va ❑ rva ~ xin 0 42. All pipes in ttze pige system are 12" anc€ larger as per Sgvlcane County Standards; f1Q" gips that is allorved for cvnnection vf inlets tv catch basins ar drywells, if the length does nak exceed 44 LF and the velacity is at least 4 fps). ya ~ N. ❑ rrin Q 13. All stvrm sewer pipes are lacated a mnnimum of 5 feet ftam a rear ar ssde prvperitJr line and have adequatc easements for maintenance, r~ El rr5 EIx/n 0 14. Inle[s vn the same sIap e are located sa that the maximurn width of sgread for the gutter flow due.5 nut exceed G' (frnm curh face for Type "A" or "B", i5-om back of cur6 for Type "R") for major artenals; 12' for colleccor streets and local access rnads. Y. Q N. El NIA [71 15. The plans prvfiles show a11 culvert ptpe types, statians, offsets, lengths, and inYerts. r" 0No 1:1 NrA 0 16. Pipe maserials meet county srandards for systems that lie wittxin cvunty ROW. (Note: The eype of pipe in peivace systems may be as specified by the design engineer). r" Q N.E] rvin EJ 17. 1fie culvarts shawn are praperiy stationed from centerPine stationing. Y. El Ka 0 rrra 11 18. Daes the dramage systean car,figuracion avnid confliccs with underground utilities? Ya El N. El NfACl 19. Is there a need for energy dassipatiQn an any vf the culver[ outlers shown on the plans7 EJ No Ll NfA El 20. Is r.here a neeri for rip rap around the culvert outleC at any of the culVerts as prapased an the drainage plans. v- 0 N. Ll rr,n fl 21. 'I'he rip sap thaL is shQwn for xhe drainage plans is adequate Fnr the culverts where erasian is acancern and the engineer h~ suhrtutted acceptable rip rap design calcula[ions. va 11 rro 11 wn 0 22. Pipe anchors are shvwn for pipe grades greater than 15 r~ El rvs El NIA E] 23. There are no instanr.es where water i5 trapped agamst a fill with no culverC shown. 11 No ❑ NIA 0 24. PrDfiles and cross sections are shnwn on the plans for all prapased channe3s and ditches. Y. El N. El wn El 25. Ditches with eroding velocities hava a proper lirung for erasion protection. Y. El N. El x,n 0 26. Water wo11 properly flow from an exiscing or praposed dsCch ontn the pxvement as p_rapnsed on the drainage p1an5. yn El Na El N,n 0 27. Where the rditch profile passes frvm cut to fill the flow has heen praperly dispvsed vf. , iNLET5 v" 11 N. 11 Nin ❑ 1, The inlets shown are within the stream flow. r~ONa ONin ❑ 2. In1eGs are shnwn on the law sida vf a rvad or at tha lo►v pairit vf a vertical curVe r" 13 ro ❑ Hrn 0 3. Curb cype metal inlets, if proposed, are sho►vsmm at sags and are prvperly siaed. raEl N. ❑ . El 3a. Perimeter calculation dves not include ttie side of the grate against the curh face (all grate €ypes). v~ EINa ❑ HIA ❑ 3b. Perirneter is divided by 2 for calculations where na curb agerung (Type 1 see srandard DRWG B-10) is psovided. r~ 0 Ho 0 Nrw E] 3e. A,rea = clear arefi 2 for Type 1 grates) v- 0 NQ 0 N,n 11 4. There are no vercioal oun+es that profluce areas oF very flat grades for extended areas wluch eould pose a prabtem wssla ponding water tn traffic Panes. vn 0Nd [j rrIn E] 5. The centerline road sta[irans, ofFsets, and mvart elevahons for a11 inlets are shown m the plan views. Y. 0 N. 11 N,n 11 6. Grate type is shawn on the plan and is acceptable. {Spvkana Counry 5tandard mlets nr WSDC?T standard irnlets in crrunty ROW, pn priVate prvperty vther in1et t}1pe may be specified) (Type 1. T]-2; Type 2: D-4 in old 1981 standards or type 1, sheet B-lU;type 2, sheec $-11 for 1995 sSandards). ru ❑No 0 nFA 13 7. A detarl drawing rrf the gratelcurb irstalla[rom is shown an rhe plans and includes a rmnunum 1" depressian and transitians as per counry standards for grates that are located ►3nttun c4unty ROW, or referenced w SCRS std, detail I]-8 m 1981 standards vr sheet B-I$ in 1995 standards. v~ 11 xa 11 rrrA ❑ S. A curb cut detail is sliown on the p]ans wES.h the new county back drap cancrete apron wnth transi[ians and a 1" depression for curh cuts inside caunty RaW, or referenced tp SC~tS std. detail S-8 of the 1995 standard drarvmgs r" 11 Na 11 Hin 0 9. The plans shows acceptable cunc cua details and gsate details for installations wtuch lie within private road easemenks. (For plarvs that are suhject [0 5pvkane County Revie►v). ra1:1 No 1:1 [VfA ❑ 10. If inlets are ui a gravel road ae a dir[ ditch a b' x fi' A.C. apron is shown around [he iNet. ru 11 ha F-I Nin Q 11. Catch basrn or special manhnle details are shown or a standard drawing is referenced. rp El xa d xIn 171 12. Critical low points in the drainage system have been provided with aVerflow easements. (Where it is pnssible). Ref. Fage 2-1 ❑f GSM. cklistv4 0!1an45 ( 208 SWALE SYSL'EM5 rn El N. El Hrw 1:1 1. Is the swale fvrated outside a future see aside area? 5ee Findings and Order for where setasides are requlreci. r~❑ Na E] KrA O 2. Thc srvale battorn and sides have sod or grass turf specified. rn El ~No E] rrin 0 3. Swale side slopes da na¢ exceed a 3:1 side slvpe. (A 2:1 side slope is allowed if swals depth is less Chan 12" deep. Shauld only he allowed where conscraineai by ohstacEes) v" 11 14o 11 NIn 0 4. Tf deprh of dvaker fronx br[trm to drywelr nm is }aenween 6 and 4 inches, soil mixture has been specified which meets Spnkarse Cvunty Cauidelines rn 0,va ❑ HrA CJ 5. Drywell is: Located within 8 Feet af the curb line, ar a maintenance access routa and easement ara prowided. r" 0 N. Li rr/A 1:1 6. Drywe11 statianing is siaggered frarts the inlet hy ac least 4'. x~ ❑ No EINrA C3 7. 1VYultaple dry►wehls are lvca[ed mvre than 30' (center-center) aparc. 11 No EINrA 1:1 Soil type is a,ppropriate for drywells (perc rate ~t 72"ihr), I,f rsat: Yp ❑ rro ❑ Wr,a 0 $a. Overflaw fram asvvale a[ a low point wi11 be directed away frram huilding pads hy an identified easement vver improvec6 graund vr an exis[ing natural drainage channel cavered 6y an easement where an averflow is required. Y. El N6 Q xin 0 9. I3rywell lacation does not conflict with underground utilities. ym El N. Ej PriAE) 10. L]nywell rype is specified. r~ 11 No Q nIA 0 11. Ilrywe€1 rate type is specified (T'ype 3-std. detail ~`1-7 For 1981 standards ar type 4, sheet B-15 of 1995 standards~ Vd 0N.❑ NrA 0' 12. Deyr►~ell grate elevaCson is: A rrsirumum of 0.4' belcsw tt~e nvrmal flow line ac the curb inIe[ and is hetween C~" and above the s►aaie floor elevaeian. vn 0 noE]Nrn d 13. Docs the nate: "Wrap the drywall un[h afilter fabric (ArnoGo 4545 or equsaalent)" appear Qn the plans? 14. Swale flQ4s^ eieaa¢sors is: ra ONa ONrA O 14a. Shawn vn the drawing, r" El no El NIp E) 14b. Between 6° and 8" belarv the drywell graee elevation. vaEl N9 11 Wn D 14c. At ]east 6" helaw r.he ngrmal gu[ter flowline at the curb irilet for swale withorat a dryvvelb. v~ 11 No 11 Nrn ❑ 14d. At least 10" helaw the narnial gu[ter flowline at the cucri Znlet for srvale with a drywefl. 15. Scvale floor. a" 0No EIN,A 0 i 5a. Diaiensions are shown. v~ 11 rr, ❑ rrin 0 15b. 'Che area matches nr is larger than the reyuired area Fram the 208 caleulatian for unpetviaus areas. 16. Easements for rhe 208: ro ❑ No EINrA ❑ 1 Ga. ?sre shown on the drainage plans. ro flNo Ll N~A 11 lfib. Are shown on the subdiv'ssian piat and match the drairage plans. vaCl K0 0 K/n E] iCG. ATe UF adEqkk3[2 S4ZB tiY COII[&llI At IEaSt 6" freeboard above the rnax. water surface elevation for iha design starm. rd0No 0Nr,. [3 15d. Are Tsed tv rhe iQt corners. rp 11 N. El Nr,. D 17. The side oF the swale tliat is the furttsest distance from ehe street should haae a top of swale eleuation that is 0.2' hip,her than the lowest top vf curb elavatian alang [he swale. va 11 Np0Nrn d 18. The normal flow line at the curb in7et is at or above tha max. water surface eleWatian for the design starm ar the max, water stssface wtll nat pand waieir mvre ttlan 12' in residenttial streers ar b' sn artenals above colleetor classification. YW 0~vb El;irA El 21. 208 5Wt1LE5 El rro CIwrn Cl 2 la. 20$ swale florrr area, vniume requuements sized properly to treat imperVious surface areas. Y" 11 No ❑ vrn ❑ 21 b. 208 swale volume prnr+ided in accordance wath "Gutdeltnes for Stormwater ManagemenY" . EASEIVIENTS v" El;vo El %u,, E1 1. Adequate drainage easements are shvwn for mairntenance of drainage ditches ar pipe syst,ems. ra 0 N. EINrn 0 2. There are easements grnpased or exIscing for natural channels which cross the proper[y, and shey are adequa[e to pass the S(J year stvrrn plus a 30% added depth af finw for a safety factor. Y. 0 N. E)wA E) 3 A puhlic drainage easemenc was praaided where pub1iG street drainage rvas diVereed onto pnaate properry. re❑ NQ ❑ Hrw ❑ 4. The perpetual maintenance of private systern.s has properiy been provided fvr. rm 0 Ho Cl NIw E] 5. The rnaintenance af drainage syskems rvithin Spokane County RQ'W has been properiy provided for. rUDrODNiAO 6, Appropriate drainaga lAnguage has been prar+ided by the reviewing engineer to the surveyar andlor engineer who is xnaol►+ed with the platting wark. Y. ❑ N. El x,w E] 7. A,re pre-existing drainage easements an tlus parcel affected by Clus plac? v" QNo Q Kin EI 8, Oaerflow easemenss are provided from swaTeslponds located in 1vw pvinis where it is possible. sklistv4 411an95 7 ro 0 xr,► ~ UNIfERGR[?1,]ND 4iRAVEL GALLERTES CHECKLIS'i'' Ts the site suitable fcrr undergounsl graVel galleries based on the site screening criteria contained in the draft standards for grauel galleries. If no, an apprDVed design deviation 'ss reguirea 6efare future review. V. Cl N.E] NIn 11 1. .3 Void ratiQ far gravel free space valume is used or test inforxnation ys prvvided to justify ratia used. yes 0 ro 1:1 HIA ❑ 2. Perc rate from fieTd cest is used to develop outflow rate rC3 El NO E] rrIAE] 3. li?-yr event vo1'ume is cantained ettitirely asnderground ves d,D❑N,AE] 4. 100-yr event r+olume is cantained by a cambiiiatiQn taf underground storage and abave graund storage up to de,pth ves El x.E]x/n E] S. Svil mix[ure is sgecifieci for rvacer depth in pond exceeding Y. El K~a 13 6. Entire gallery is wrapped in filter fabric res 1:1 rie El riiA 0 7. An adequate freeboarl is provided in any ahaae $rQUnd storage pand. ves El NO Q NIn E] UE'['ENTION FQND ves El;~ Elru,, El 1. Releases to a down4tcean chasrnel or pipe system that is c,agalale of praperly conveying the proposed #lows and dQes not cause downstrean flaoding. va 0NoE]Nj~ 11 2. Contains Si]-yr deVeloped. v. ❑x- El x,s El 3 Relmes at 50-yr pre-eteveloped. veSEINOEINtn Fl 4. Secondary 6verflradv to pipe in cvntrpl structure fat' 50-year deveYoped. Y. El N. 0N,A 0 S. Emergency averflaw weir for 100-year develcspei. v~ El riu ❑N,n El fi. Sunip prior to autlet to covtrol structure. vo Ll nOE] K,n El 7. 1' min. freeboard at 50-year design storm is gsovided, El n.E] H,A El 8. Lawn turf or hydrv seecied sides and tlaor for publicly-maintained ponds or dryland grasses sgecified, ve. El nDE1 Nin ❑ 9. S,prinkler system frar publicly-maintained pands or dryland grasses sgeclfied. vo 1:1 N. IJ NIA 11 10. Bernt compaction and 1rFt requiremeiits specified where necessary. ves El Vo Q NIn E] 11. Is a 12' maintenance drive to the bvttom oF pon[is needed? If so maximum grade is 6:1. 20$ LOT PLANS CHECKLIST v" Cl N. 1:1 YIn ❑ i. I.ot plans are required; subnuQ[ed on . Ya E] rb E] NIAE] 2 'I`he 208 lot plans show: Y. ❑N.E]HiA 0 2a The lat number, black number, subdivision nanie, date drawn, scale, north arraw and streec nanie. Ya 11 nff 0 vIa 0 2h. Easement dimensions in relation to graperty lines or corners. ves d NO❑ NIn E] 2c. Lacatiaii af curb, sidewalk csr edge of asghalt as applicable. xa El rio EIMA❑ 2d. 5etback reyuirements Yes E] No C]NIA ❑ 2e. SW3~~ flo4t L1tVStlOll va E] N. El 2f. Swa1e tlovr dimensions are shown in relation to prvpenty lives ear corners. v~ ❑N. 0 N/n 0 2g. Rimi eleuataan drywell type, frame and grate type, centeriine affiet and statian if drywells are presene v.E] N. El NIn ❑ 217. Curb cut station, nonnO flQwline inven Y. ❑ NQ E] Nfn E] 2i. Any drainage ditches, their easements, flqwline grade and Qther eequirecl imgroWernenis. va 0 N. El NrA E3 2j. 5haws depth fxo►n the tiesnnal flowliue to laottona of Swale. vm El ,v~ El 2k. An actached cross sectiern of the svwale or ciitcli. Va dN.❑MA E] 3. Existing easements, duiIdings, future set asiaes, atid required building setbas::k lines are shown. Ya ❑ nOE] K,n E] 4. The sectiQn drawiizg s[iows the concrete apron, R. (J.V4'. line, and grass soti or seeding if apgroved. res El NOE] K,n E] 5. Lot plans h~awe been stamped by a professionall engineer on a11 pages vu El r.O EIN,AE] 6. Lot plans are af sufficienfi scale to maxinvze the lot size to the 8'h" x 11 " paper size. [Drawings rnay he on plain whice paper) Yes El Nq El Nin 11 T. 20$ lot plans were approved ou ck]is1v4.0llar►95 8 . , ERQSIDN & SEDIMENTATIQN CC]N'1'ROTT.P REOL7IREMENT5 v" Li xo EJ NIA El 1. Ideiitify the cZearing and disturbed areas in the plan. This includes cuts and fills alvng sloges, Miriimize the amount of clearei area ra El xrn 0 2. Prorride erasion coniral facilities wluch slow water delncities - thresugh the use of check dams, debris basins, etc. ra El No d H/n El 3. Filter tunoff from expasW areas priar to disctarging inta drainage ponds and particularly grior to directing mnoff into dryvyells. Filtering measures included installing tenigorary silt traps, silt ponds, grawel cone filters, etc. In silt traps and ponds, syze sediment stprage voTumes by determining the amount of szlt material generated aver a 6 manth periad, using Utie Flaxman Mediod. The silt traps and pands are tn provide a settireg iane, and are to be sized in accQrcfa,nce with the method outlined in Section 11-5.8.6 and 1I-5.$.7 Qf tke W'L1[3E Stormwater Managemenc Manual. ves 0 xa'Q N/n ❑4. Stabilize exposeri areas as soon as praGtica9 after grading work is cvmplete, ar when grading tivork will temporarily cea4e for more than . in wet winter manths, temporacy stabili7ation measures will be requireci diroughaut the duratian of coastruction. Specify stabilization pmcedures, revege¢atiun reguirements, mulching, etc. 5,pecify the maximum time that cleared areas are tQ be exposed without pro tec tian or stabiliaatian and tirne nf yeas. Y. 0 {Ho El NIp 0 5. 5tabilize draunage channels. Prowide for temgorary and permaiient erosion protection measures. ru 0No 0 N/n 0 fi. Provide for perimeter barriers ar6uiid exposed areas thmugh the use ❑f silt fences, straw bales, temporary incerceptar ditches, etc. Rou#e runofF from unexposed areas around exposed areas wherer+er praccical. Y. fli. E%,A IJ 7. E.ist routine maintenanGe pracedures to be implemented by the Conttactor throughout tYie duratiou of eanstructiQn. Sitt trags, silt gogd5, check dams, channel restoration, etc. Hll will require fairly constant maintetfance, especially during and dmmediately following a rain scorm event. va El NO El N/n El 8. Reiuce the amount of mud, dirt atad rvcks transpvrted onto public roadways by motar weliicles or nuioff by cvnstructing a stabiI ization pa] 6f rock spalls at extrances to construccio a site. ves E] nQ 0 Nrn El 9. Provide special praVisians for caiistruction under wet season conditions. Define the season. Y. Cltm El xrn Cl 10. Prnvide final aestoration praceiures, site restareatian, access road cleanug, cleaniag drainage structures and pontis, etc. vn E.o El Nin ❑ Z 1 Iiiclude in the plaiis the standard Erosion and 5edimentation Cantrol notes prepared by Spakane County cklistu4.011an95 ~ . . , FEELL) REVIEVF' REPORT v~s El rro ❑ x/n ❑ P. Field inreestigatiDn trip niade an Y~ O,.a E] PqIn El 2. T7ate this field report was cosnpreced Yes nNO Cl K,n E] 3. Are tnere any existing utilities on the project site7 (C7veThead pa►+wer, fire hyc£rants, etc.) df yes, describe. va EJ x,a ❑ 4. Are the drairage basins on the grounci the same as diose cha¢ are gresenCed in the drrainage repart? Y. El a,,. El x/A 0 5. A,re there any draitjage chatmels direcced tnward groperty? rE. E] El x,A 1:1 6. Are chere any drainage ctuaimels directing water ttizough the praperky? ru 0rlo ❑ NIn E] T. Do C[aunty roads cut aff elrainage as per drairuage calculations? vejEl NO EINIn El H. IF tIleTe 7Te cWveIts UIILIEP COllflty rOR(I$~ doeS the flQW g[1 8W1y fiDIll flr ti?Ward the pYfl]EC[7 v~~ 1-1 K~n Cl 9. VAiat kind nF grDund coaer exists? res ❑ ND ❑piln 11 10. Tlcscribe any existing channel conditions: ves El no El NtAE] 11. Describe channel cross sectian: Ya E] N. 1:1 INIn E) 12. Existing Curb Type: cklistv4.41]an95 10 • ~ , i ' ~ ,`t r - , ' , . . ' ' • ' , . ` ~ - " , r r ` . _ , • , . _ _ _ • =c,,•..~ ~ y ~;~"~,r.: a r , , _ ~ • . r. `a-, , '~Y,•;.~~~;, axQ. „ - - ~ - t- x,- ' . ~ . . . •~i 1 " _ J $`Y:k _ 1 . . , ' • • ~ > ^ ' ~ i' 7 • _ , DRA ~~~~t~ ` .R ~ Z, fo-. the ~~~AIK-E F 'LJ D "A PLAT` FE$kUARI' 1996 . . . : JReviseri Jtuie 1996 Frepared for: ,~4I'+TMARK"BiJILI7ERS ~ . •r ~ ~ 8205 N. Division 5treet °Spgkane, Washi.ngtan 99208 , ~ Prepared By: ' Inland=Paci~'rc Engineerr`r~g Company 707 W. Tth! Avenue . . . "Su-iie 200 'Spolcczne; WA 99204 ` - ~ (509)458-6840 DRAI~~GI-1 REPORT for rhe Shelley Lake PUI] - Piat Spokane Cvunty, Washiragtvn February, 1996 Prepared for; Landrnark Builders 8245 N. Division Street Spaicane, Washington 1920$ i'repared by: Inland Pacific Engirzeeri~g Company 70 7 W. 71h Averzue Suite 2Dfl Spoksrne, WA 99204 (509)458-6840 This repart has been prepared by the staff of Inland Pacific Enganeering Company under the directinn of the uEndersigned professianal seal d'gnature appear herean. , D ~ ~ 2~ p ~ f EXPIRES 9/24 TDcfa R. 1pp e, . . Shelley Lake 1'UD Drainage Narrative GENERAL The first ptsase vf the Shelley Lace PLTD Plat is a develvprnent of 107 single family residential 1vts lacated south and east af the intersectivn of 4th Avenue and Gonklin Ruad, Evithin Spokane Caunty, VVashington. The site is currently uacant with field grass annd faliow f ePds as the predomixAant land cvver and vegetataon with 25 to 40 acres accupied by Shelley Lakke, aprivatelv owned lalce. Single farnily residential develvpment Zies directly to the narthwest, west anid south. A 1" tv 400' scale Vicuuty and Locativn map have been included within the technieal section of this dcrcument. PURP+OSE The purpose nf this repart is to detertnine the extent of storm drainage facilities which will be required to dispose of the increase in stormwater runaff created by the develaprnent of the Shelley Lake pkaC. The storm drainage facilaties on this praject will be designed to dispase of rranoff from either a ten year or fifty year design storm, depending upan hasin size. This develapment is within tFle AqWfeT SEfl5iI1Ve AI'ea of Spokane Cpunty Aild 15 SUbJeCt $4l'248' requirements. For this project the 10 and 50-year curves from the Spokarte, Medical Lake, Reardon, Cheney and Rock.ford intensity curves were used. As well as the SCS isa-pluvia] rainfall curues. Per directivn frarn Spokane County, the SCS cusves have been ftirther refned with the Nf3AA iso-pluvial curves. ANALYSIS MLTHf]D[7LOGY The Rational Method, which is recammended for hasins less than ten acres in size, will be used to determine the peak discharges and sunoff volumes for all onsite basirns. All off-site bssins arid all on-site basins larger than ten acres wi11 use the SCS Method ta deteranine peak tiischsu'ge and runoff vrolumes. 1'RC'?.IECT DESC'RlFTTOIV This phase of the 5helley Lake plat camprises 107 lats of the apprvved 2621vts and 459 units in the apprnVed prelzminary plat and FEIS dvcuments. The ShelLey L,ake subdivision is lacated ira the NQrth 112 of the SE l I4 of the NE 114 af Sectran 24, T. 24 N., R. 44 E., W.M. within Spokane County, V11as£ungton. In2ard Pacr;~c Engineering Compatry Dl Shedtey Lalr,e PLnr Drainage Repor1 TaPacRAPHY I}ue to the existing topagraphy on the site, Rotchford Driae, which is the extensian of Canklin R0ad, is fairly centered alvng the spine of a ridge. This ridge fomis a naihural basin lime as land to the east af the ridge flows tQward the lake, while the flows fa the vvest of the ridge flaw away from the 1ake. Within this area, there is a topagraphic saddle laying to the south o£ this plat phase and narkh of the preliminary plat boundary. Drainage within this saddle area and within this partian of the plat will naturally-flaw south and then east to enter the lake at the southwest cQmer where tfiere is a recagnizable concentrated flovv point. Hovvever, due to the absence of a tilled crop, na visible sigins af cvncenteated flaw have vccurred during the fallow canditions that novv exist. The flvws from the vvest side althvugh extending past the recognized limits of 300 feet fcrr sheet flow, generally are represented by sheet flows north to 4th Avenue, The general slopes within this plat vary from nearly flat within several natural saddles to short slapes vf up to 24-pereent for that area east of the ridge tQwards the lake and svuth towards existirrg Ttoichfard Acres. Generally, the area within this platted portion wvuld be characterized as ralling. For develvpment purpases, the natua'a1 sloping was used fvx design and is mainfained as po551b~e thi'Ullgh011$ tlle pPC1]Ect. SQI'LS As can be seen from the accompanying soils map frotn the Spokane County Soi1s Suruey as performed by the SCS, the site comsists of twv types of soi1s a1l within the C1ass B type. 'fhese soils are as fo11ow. GgA -Garrison gravelly Ioam, 4 to 5 percent slopes. Svils within this sail type are some what excessively drained saiis forrned in graVelTy glacial outwash material from a va.riety of igneous rock. Surface runoff is slaw, and the hazard af erosion is slight. Spokane Cvunty Guidelines for Starmwater Management iradicate this to he a Sail Crraup Type S and pre-approved fnr drywelfl instaPlation. • Hydrningic 5ai[ Classiftcaction a 13 ' GmB - Garrison very gravelly lvam, 0 to 8percent slapes: This soil is generally the same as the Garrisvn gravelly loam, with the vnly difference being that the surface 1ayer is muGh mare sfiany and contaans very li#tle loam if any. Spokane Courtty Guidelines far Stormwater Manaeement indicate ihis to be a Sai1 Crroup Type B and pre-approved for drywell instatlation. Hydrolagic Srril ClasslficatiQn - B Inlarrd Puca~fcc Engineerxng Company T)2 Shelley Lake Plat Drainage Repnrr DRAEVA GE NARRATI VE Of'~f'site '°~•r~s"'~ir :f-~ ~3`a~~~p~n tt~e ,~~ner~g~q,~'~~~~tep nd ncies caf ~is,sz~te ,p a~rpar~cUbaf~ ~aou~iits~o~offs~te flo,w,s ~ ~ . , ~ ~i~e ~~1'~ieraWe$~nt~r~~ed : - -ea -a• xa x ; ~r.~'` ec - t:: • ,e: r cir~ c ='-"~,-.sa""~' 7rs.dr.. b~~~teh~fard~lJn~e~or~be_p~~~,~d.~,c.t~y thxau. aloi~~ ~n~xatF4ns~p. ~S I.ec ~ ~ ;s.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~de~# F,~e~i b~sti~ la ~~~uth~~t~~#~~ wesCeri~ ortion ~.re~O~s~t~~ff3as~A°' ~`and (),~~t~ ~ri ~ ~ nthe'ra l e~ 5~hc~nl ~ r~tn~„t ie ~~a ~~rt~ has b~een ictent~i~~~~~iginal~l~ vt o•~o~s a~ °tv be-~= ~ eH that R . ` , KK' arxd~.w; e of ~1~~ frvm t~us prc~ e a,~ t~ ~ae srna~l~~~'~z~s~~~rue su~.c~ th~ ~flow, w. ,v,~d ~eneral!I~y be s~ieet flow ~n~~harac~ezz~~ics r~ w~d ~o i~npa`c~t~i~~~#~~ ch it waulyc~ rriigratetaw~r~~ I-~~w~~er as the C~~'l~s~~iiavl district plan~ t~E~d~~~~~~o'~ ~th~~s~; ro ``~rt°.y_,~ and~ta ~at~le~,iate.~~e . 'e fvr~fti,~e~offsite~fl~vws,'r~!e ~re r'•eaomm~din~~t`h~t ~~~interceptiofn~s~.vale ~~r~i`r~talled. ~ta acc~~rzo~date~fu~tu~;e~;uel,prnMR! . . a ~ ~ • ~ . _ _ . The s e~s~~ttan ae~urs~fnr t7f~site ~,,,,,asu1~3~~`~~ Bc}, where~th~flow,;frarn~,the dsifie~i~ e '°ar Hoer al~t ~a~~rristream:" aw'i~ inconse.q~ueni~al~~0~1~"6`~cfs~,~aU-yar and ~0.;19 cfs~far~ilie~5:4.y~:)-•; , ~ ~ . ' r~ ' : . f _tio~~w,,,,Lar~d~~.s~~ier~~lopmeut~T~~th~fiatuxe as ,~;his~ rv d is~de~:eloji,e.cia tur,~~de~el6prne~it~fl,ow~ we~aur`e~i,~~vininenduig an,int~icep~x~~~suc~e ~~g~ade~ r a ~'~`.w Yru""~f* ~ '~'•.V „ ~ ' . . ai~d~hy~i~~~eded~~r Rot~~ifn~d Drive. asra wz311 xth~n:flaW ~~riz~h that r~innoff'~rfroin wOlb~a~ded and h~+d~rvs~~le~ ~y thOP76je6d,. ~r: Y- ~ ~ ~ r • - r~ ° ~ s. m~nt`enance sur.~;ou~d~n,~~e~s~ir~~es asid erefore ;ar~ anly ant~cipa~g~~~~n~~i~~t~~~`ae~ s~ ; A ~ z~ - " ~ ~ pem~t ta gra~ie~and h,y°,~ra~~d~~~a~dc~land ga~ass mi~tiue;~ Futt~r~~~~,''~:=schav'1Rdistnc~plan~~'11~ar~de~~'~~r,"~`ta"'°ddiuo a~isrti~iv~"~~ci° t~~~ en~ at that t~~r`ne: Onsite As this plat is within tFae aquifer sensitive area of Spvkane County a11 onsite d.rainage will be collected and treated using the "20$" runoff inethad as described in the Spakane County Guidelines for Sfi4ranwater Management. To facilitate Chis analysis the Shelley Lake plat was divided inta 24 petmanent sub-basins ( A through X) and three temporary sub-basins (A, B and C-temp). Although their are 24 basins these basins have been cQmbined in many instances tv utilize the same pvmd. Table lists the basins and pond combinations £or easy reference. Indand Pacific Engineerang Company D3 5heddey Lake Plat Drar►urge Report Tab1e Na. 1- Pond and Basin Summary y~~.' Fi. _ - - 3_. ,r_-~•. _ . - . . . ~ ~ ~ ~y~p~~{q~7 ~S ~■.'~+~a~,~,~..~71~,.~. .x~,.~Y1~.-'~.•~il•J~~~4_'l'J~i7IIaf%BIYt~~~l~ l'J,i►1'STl~ } • _ • 4 F -lP~noi Tat~l Area (5 Imperous*~° ~Weig6fed 'crefij e ;fV A ~ A ~ 91755 18170 I 0.2856 I 2 29 B I C I 42412 • 13145 I 0.3825 I 0.974 c D f ~ 178405 ~ 30550 ~ 0.2784 I 4.496 I7 E,F ~ 86260 ~ 13595 0.2682 ~ 1.480 E ~ T W-4 8~72 ~ 121~SSf7 ~Q51 ~ wl .Qfflh F 5956 I 2335 I 0 4443 ~ 0.137 E& F ~ l,d'&~.+OO'ffB~ ~ O3r3.8, ~ N~,8$,5- ~ b"4~1,211, I -1~5.'b9 .Qji! ~ ~;lsIl`'4%28 44'Dl~ ~ 4wmo ~ &m85' G2 I ;G2 ~ ~t3J* .~+2~I: 46fflg ~ ~3~Z 11" I 015t34' H ~ ltiI ~ R-2711 917;G; aI~'4SD ~ 6-'(Tfi I p14 I ]C 1 28221 I 14567 ~ 0.5371 I 0.648 J H,M,4,Q,H I 3~1~39!53` I '6~- ljt7~~ i!?~3081~ I 7.2617, K I 5 20080~ 6714 0.4008 I 0.461 ; I ~ 1461O16 I 31716 ~ 4. ~ ~4~3~"f Q6 i, M u;~r M%s-Q o~~~~~=s ly N I-s7 96 0:9 V24 Q~~3-10 IP P ;~4'S 4~l.~lr~5 ~g ~~4 ~ ~IW593 * I 0 ~325i3 I DY'fi'b9 , Note, Basin A-Temp has 14593 sqft afgradel [;a C=0.50 per SCSVdNiCa N~ite,4Uripembu~ area includeszaur~~ut~Cr;~sid"ewa~}c~aiiitt;asghal~~pauing:' fn[and Pcrcif:e Engineering Cainpany D4 Shelley T.r~:lc~ Plar Drui+nage Repon 11208 " {Calculations Within each basin the slreets are divided into sub-hasins hy cwh drops, inlets or catch hasins whiGh capture upstream stormwater runaff frOna the impervivus street surf'ace and direct the runoff into grassy '2(}8' pQnds. As shown vn fikle '208' calculativn wvrksheet included, the '208' stvrage valume praVided is adequate to perfarm '208' treatxnent for the zunoff created by the first haif inch ofrainfall. In same cases, the pands are nvt quite large enaugh tv prvVide'24]8' starage for all o£ the upstreann runoff. In such cases the excess is carried vver ta the next dvwnstre,am ponds which provide adequate capacity for the carry-over flaws. However, for the Shelley I,a1ce plat no carrynVer flow are anticipated. Crurb Drn,p, rnlets and CatGh ]3asin Calculatians It is necessary to check the adequacy Dfihe ctirh draps, inlets ar catch basins provided to divert the nxnoff fram the gutter into the '208' ponds, The curb drvp, inlet and catch basin calculation sheets incEuded shaw the required lengths of curb apenings, ar single curb drnps with lengths greater than 4.0', as well as the adequacy ofthe inlet grates or catch basin grates. For curb drops greater than 4.0' either multiple curb clrops are added ar the curb drops are lengthened as required. DRAINAGE CAI.C'ULATZ(]NS SUMMAR Y CalculatiQns ltave been included for Drainage Basin cansiderativns such as QTFZ 55 and pond routing calculativns, Peak Ficrw, Time of Concentrativn, "208° sizing, drywell requirements, inlet sizing, curb drops as well as culverts and pipe flaw same af which ai`e swrunarized below with the rernaining calculativns in the appendix. VVithin tlae calculation sectivn several sketches, as well as details fisam the pians have been incvrparated to demonstrate assurnptions and conclusions. tn2and Percific Engrneering Canpany DS Sheddey Lake Plat Drciinage Report Table No. 2- Pond and 208 Basin 5ummar,y t . • 'y~` _ . . . • ~,~ry ~ .i,.. C~?~~ ~ f -C: r: . ~ ti..ttl. ° ,l~~Al~i,~'' Lrak~ ~ ~~'3~~ c e • ~ ~7 ~y„.~-~~ 3 ~ ~ Yd. ; a.,i a.... .v. ~ ,a a._.<J . r ~a, sr~ I,' ~ .,~3.ns ~ . "ti.•rv• 7 Y' S~~`~ ~ ~ p ~ z i .S ~n~'~f'i g ~ ~Requrar~e~~{cf} a R~qu€ii~eri~[~f}~ agr~n;►~idied~ Vi.,b~r~~:~ is~s] ~ A A 757 1514 1905 1B B C 548 1096 1285 1 A c D 1273 2546 2933 1S D E,F 565 1130 1516 1B E&F I,d &RJ9~9~~1~'~ E~7 3~~ 02 02 I ~182~ 3'6~'4` 3W~ €1~A H ~ N ORR AMMM Y A I X 607 1214 1354 lA , J I~,M,D,i~,R 2~5~7: 5~5~1~4 ~5~5~; 3$' K S 284 560 560 1A ,L B 1NE& 75:a ,~A A Temp ~ Temp A OR Lf ~~~h6 IIm1 A P' P -gr~~` 1 A Type A is a Spvkxne Standard Drywell - Single F7epth, Capacity 0.3 cfs - Type B is a Spvkane 5tandard Drywell - Lfouble Depth, Capacity 1.4 cfs = Swale, see swale volume spreadsheet for va9ume provided calculativn $ = 54 year~f]ow.at.0:1-9•cfs;acariatiiiied!~wi~i;:5~3~yearvaliuine~for~corspositet~asin•;Cifxl;01cf:Tqe;~tofa9>Vnliime providedjin*vrids,!E:arid',xs,~fl33efa0l:!O1foc?oor`de 6s081626icfatK~sB~f~toffd~pth „Therefgi~~the•vbiurrie pIY)V]d!kd0 dlllasI l]W~fai ~ 5{} y66&vnMby:to`t017alu' me~? _ In2and Pacific Engineenng Comparay DG shed[ey Lazke PIa11]racnuge Repon Table Na. 3 - Curb AroplCatcS Basin Summary P aCiir cvpjan&,Ca"tclioBas~uui~ary V , . ~,t~~. r . _ d.3"'I)~r 't v s vp? ''~tch~Bas~n~: ~ ~urt ~ . . _ ~ . . . „ .W - - . b~ . ~`~Iit~11,10 - • aa. ``n;"+e'_ _ ' `7" ~.eF~ ; ~1I1I7~ . , _ . _ . W ~ ' - Con~ ~ ~ D i]Il gTade - C7 ~ G flI1 g1"dde - H N on grade - - Cvnklin Rd - on grade - 4th Avenue ~ - on grade 3 H,1vi,G,Q,R - on grade & sramp ,Per 5pgkane County Guidelines curb drops in a sump condition have a capacity af 4.0 cfs Per W5D[)T F-Iydraulics Manual, Gra#e Inlet, has a sump capacity af 13.0 cfs NaTE: (]nly curb drmp and grate calculatioos werre performed foar thase cases "On Gz-ade", curb drops and catchbasins in surnp conditiua are assumed tv handte 4.0 cfs. drefancL Pacific Engcneenng Compcury D7 Shed[ey Lake PW 2haanage Repart i~ ~ I APPENDIX Inlrarrd Pactfic Engineering Campany ShedIey Lake P2at Drainage Reporr FIGURES Inland Pacific Engineering Company Shelley Lake Plat Drainage Report i ~ ~ ~ 1 , J . r , -N 7s~ ~L 20]6 13 ~ ~ f .~i , . ~ ~o,.~ {J I 4 •~•o •;l;ti.+a ~ • • ~ a : ProgCeSS . ~~j~ c I • • . . . . . ~ ' ° Sch R ~ • .~f ' r • a a f1 e e. .C O : ~ ~ ~'j ~ 2029 7 ~ • • • • ~~]f r • f • • • ~ i • ~ ! ~ i • • ~ • • • ~ • • to VALLEY • • ~ . . . ~ ~ • ~ r 0 1NAY r p ~ ~ . a f ~ 1 . ~ o~ ra e e :I ~ I C ~ ~ _ . ; • ~ • ` o a ~ . dr H igh a q o a • • ~ .la 5r?r -=,i-°=~ . . • Veradale ~ 1' ,b ~ANE ~ - ~ '~li: ~ , ~lt•• . ~ • . . . ~.1{ - _ ~ 4 tANE: .•~~^t J ~ 'f i' • 1. .1 . I• . . ■ a r • ~ • I • . ~;c. • ■ a . ~ ~ a ~ . ~ . i ~ 1' ° ~o ' ~ _ a a p o •~l ° M.iLV1IALfiCEE S7' PAUL ~r P.4ClFIC ~ ~ ~ , • ~ " . { • 71.Wr&' L19 . , •':I ~l•' i . ~ ~ ~ . ~ .I {er -I • ' ~ Tra~ d 9 . ~ • . . r 4 rx . . i • r . . . ' R Ye . 2014 . . . . . ~ . . . , ~ . . Park _j . 0 0 ~ • ; ° ~ r ~ Adams . I s :h ~ ~ ~ s • ~~1 . . - ~ ~ ,ii • ~ ~ s Cer~tral Valler ~ High Sch 5e ~ . . : . 8 2S 1 _ " - [ • - • o • . I li l ~ ~ . . e • f - ~ . ~ ~ . ' ••I.... .fl..~ x2 -t _ ►~V~HyVkt~. ~ ~ • ~i~ ~ _ a . • w ~ ' 9 . QI . * =i2~82o..~.'. ~ • .4vE nk ~ ~ ~ . • y ~ ~ ~~r,r ~ ~ ` - ~ - ~ LO): 4! • _ . p Q: z • _ C] . ~ . ry • ~ _ - Q. g a VC \-Y MAP NOT TC7 SCALE - " ' • - - ~ _ . . ~ _ _ . - - , , _ . . _ .,•.~,.q•,~,.,...~~ ' . ~ ~ • - 1 ~t~ ~ 7~j~► I. 1M ~ ~,j l A ~ ~ - ~ j ~ K T~~ ~ ~ • - , '.1 ~ 1'• ' • ^ ~yT~~4' Ir ~ 7' • : ~ ~ t~ ~ t s~~~ 1~~~ •1~~~~ ~ , ~ • . % `4 { ~ r Y• ~ f.' / ~ + ' - ' •c ~l lr..s f~„ S; ;~r~5 C ~Et~. . :~y;r ` ' f~ ° ' ~ ~ ~ r;' ~ ~ * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~.3 ~ i ~ ' radale 9 1~.~ " ; r t, . • ~ ° , N~ • :ti • Y ` ~ :~:w . .~K`_►i~'~~~ „ •l • •''~L1:~1`111• Y. ~r ..w.~~;. • 4d G •~l •f~ ~ic . • ~ •i • . ~ . c -Y GgAs~1 ' .1 AND ~ ~ • MI~.LWAUKEE I ST ~AUL• • , Q ~ t . ~ . yr ' I.'4 :i .~~h'~ . '•2 ~ J . . ..j _...J ~ : Vcradale. 1 • GmB ~ { • .i . . ' : {f ' - . .A~ ~S : • • - tkc ~ G8A . 't 'I \ v~ GmB ~ • 8 . _ 3 - ~ ~ 24 CkC Nc ~ • ' C'cnllal V. 17 PeA NoA SLhool Gme . ` , . PsA _ , 40-~ . Y, _ ~ • ` .F ~ %g ~ c j . Geg V J ~ , Co Ht8 e ~ ~ I - SITE + We H5B - I • 1 SIE ~ ~ , _ . . GmB ,p0/HSB ~ BsB . : UhB " • PsA. . La8 -'8s8 rtl~' ~ • . r' r S~ PsA •~s~ ~ • • , . L C 0 _ ~ j , . HvC ~se ~ • rP '4 , ~PcA •e/ ; ~ . 1. LaB - CnB UB C. CoB , `AD • . . . , ` \ • . r M':856 ' : .l " " G6A~ A }B\Q818 • . ~•'i'' + ' _ . . •:~1..G~nB BaB H lB ,B f~ ' c` YB t, • ~ ~~/T'..•7~t~ • Ce% g ~ . .ti;;•.~1 . • • `r t. . ` ~ \ HhA S. Ps8 " . ..X, nQ ~"~1~~ ~ ,Cpg1~ ;Li ~ ~ t'L`:•if. ~ GgA Bs8 ~ rl~,~ ~ ~ t • _ 2\ ~ Gm8 GuB LEfiEfVD: ~ SuE OpA Gerraon prevelly loem, O to 5 percent slopes ~ / ; •s~`~' -`d ~ Oy8 Qeniton prevelly loem, 6 to 20 percent slopes ~"~='~s~ t•~ Gm6 (ienison very prevelly loam, 0 to 8 percent slopee ` L~ StC Spokane very rocky complex, 0 to 30 percent sIope@ ~ ;StC! 3'„spC ;7',~ SuE Spokane sztremely rodcy eomplex, 20 to 70 psrcent slopss ~ n GmB I ; i. • . . . . ~'~i . , . • . - SOURCE: SPOKANE COUNTY SOiI SURVEY MANUAL ' DATE: JANUARY 1994 I SCALE: NONE FIGURE NO: ' pROJECT NO.: 92-032 SOILS MAP 6 /I ~l SHELLEY LAKE PRELIMINARY PUO PLAT larrLm OTi~oci,afE~,, Jnc. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT ~ -i TABLE 2 5ai1s Characteristics y+~' '4 ' ti ' ' ~ r. ~ " " 2 ,~,v ~ • a~`~i l , ; ' ' r:~~}~~ , h , ,~rER ~ ~ • `<<n~ab= • ' 'v ' PFRcEnrr~- El~s►anr . , . ; ; ~ . ~NriLOiiv~ ~ ~r6aR ca~a,~r►~ ,a c~►ce~c ~i i~ae ` R+tA1~'F'1111G,UNlT I SE.t7PE Pr7TElV]r1AL,' PERM6481L17'Y. -f7iJ►V•l]FF Cr4P.ACl7`Y 5TREIVGTH G:4P.4CRYft: STA~iLIT.Y ruf'.48ICITY ~ CgA 0-5 Slight RAodereteEy 51ow Moderate Ffigh Htgh Moderate IIls-2lfowa repid 4o 1aw Gg6 5-20 5light Moderate ta 59ow Moderate Hieh High Moderate IWe-5 {fow) Very rapid to low Gm8 0-8 Moderate Moderete ta Medium Moderate High Fiigh Moderate EVe•S ilowrl very rapid to Isw StC 20-70 Moderate tv ARciclerata AAariium Moderate Cow High Law V[!s•2 tWery seVere to low rocleyl SuE 0-30 Moderate Mod4rate ta Medium Moderate Law High Low VI1s-2 (very rapid to luw rncky) Saurca: US Depertment af Ngriculture 5oil Cnnservetian Serrica, 5oil Survev of Saokana Counri. Weehinqtun.• i9$8 Shelley Cake EIS 34 February 1994 RUNOFF COEFFICIENTS AND PONDBASIN SUMMARIES ~ Inland Pacific Engineering Compary Shelley Lake Plat Drainage Repon sr,eney Lake, Pua Runoff Coeffcient Calcufatians Basin V Totall Impervl C" 5um Ac , A I 997551 181701 0.2865 2.290 B 1 1061011 317161 0,3742 2.436 C 1 424121 131451 0.3825 0.974 D I 1784051 305501 0.27841 4.096 E 1 311651 65651 4.30801 0.715 F 1 550951 70301 0.24571 1.265 Gl I 124281 4007I 0.3918I 0.285 GZ ~ 232711 43781 0.29111 0.534 H 281701 68881 0.33341 0.647 i p 273561 215501 0.74081 0.628 J 1 595{] 1 23351 0.44431 0.137 K k 01 i ERR I 0.000 cambined with P M f 848011 12863 0.26381 1.947 N 1 219761 14580 0.64761 0.504 C] 1 333701 717(] 1 0.31111 0.766 P 1 490451 114381 0.32491 1.126 Q I 602121 186751 0.38261 1.382 R 1 10740[] 1 205761 0.2937 2.466 s 1 200801 67141 0.4008 0.461 T 1 106701 101371 0.8825 0.245 u 1 35528 337511 0.$6251 0_816 v 1 16532 157051 0.8625 0.380 w 1 165321 99191 0.6000 0.380 x 1 282211 145671 0.5371 0.548 aff A 1 538351 01 (].15(]0 1.236 off B 1 175161 01 0.1500 0.402 A Temp I 291391 145931 0.32531 0.669 Ta#als 1 1194965 I 3370221 0.36151 27.433 Shelley Lake, PUD Pond and Basin Summary Pond I Basins ITotal I Imperv I C I Sum Ac A JA 1 997551 181701 0.28661 2.290 B iC 1 424121 131451 0.38251 0.974 C I D 1 1784051 305501 0.27841 4.096 D JE, F 1 862601 135951 0.26821 1.980 E I I& Off B I 448721 215501 0.51021 1.030 F 11 1 59501 23351 0.44431 0.137 E&F 11,J & Off B 1 683381 238851 0.41211 1.569 G2 IG2 1 232711 43781 0.29111 0.534 H IN 1 219761 145801 0.64761 0.504 I iX 1 282211 145671 0.53711 0.648 J IH,M,O,Q,R I 3139531 661721 0.30811 7.207 K iS 1 200801 67141 0.40081 0.461 A Temp JA temp 1 291391 145931 0.52561 0.669 G 1 IG 1 1 124281 40071 0.39181 0.285 L I B 1 1061011 317161 0.37421 2.436 M I U,T 1 461981 438881 0.86251 1.061 N IV 1 165321 15705 0.86251 0.380 P I P 1 490451 11438 0.32491 1.126 CURB DFZOP ANALYSIS Inland Pacaf c Engrrceerrng Compairy ShQlley Lake Plctt IJrainage Report CURB OPENING/DROP ANALYSIS FORM This form is based upon Figure 16 in the Spokane County Guidelines for Stromwater Management Shelley Lake Spokane County, Washington Date 02/06/96 Engineer TRW Note, this sheet is being provided to determine the amount of capture for the curb drops on grade within the Shelley Lake PUD Plat, Phase 1 Locations Roadway Super Roadway Peak Depth of Qa/La Flow Width Req'd Opening Slope Rate Width Flow Flow In Street Length ~(n/ft) ~(n/ft) ~(ft) ~(cfs) ~(ft) ~(n) I It I I hI NYN4 I I I _ " y rv . " v'~ i Ym~~v~%iA..~r+~h3ltiif'%+q~~~14.^vTT Fi,+:" . . ~ v • ~'~~~'i t At Pond H ~ 0.039 ~ 0 02 ~ 20 ~ 0.980 ~ 0.124 ~ 0086 ~ 6.20 ~ 11.448 ~,~~.,{'~:~.'.^.*Y~LF`+.t;::a~„> o~~~~.;,,:t~n'~S`N.Y'.E~;.'~?„%`ore%s'' • , - n,,,.>,.,;x;;•~`~; ~'^~•;$i,s~~ ' - At Pond C ~ 0.012 ~ 0.02 15 ~ 3.030 ~ 0.236 ~ 0.163 ~ v 11.81 4~+ 18 583 . See Note 1 ♦ ♦ 4 r .),i• . )~.N> v 1:.*v~.~~r~`~#~r'Jhi~Y ♦ . . . ~ , W++v~v)~{vv Z Z ♦ . y . yI Note 1- This curb drop is the first curb drop for a pond with two seperate curb drops. Therefore, the ultimate length is not required as the second curb drop is in a sump conditon. However to seperate flows into the pond two 4-foot curb drops will be placed at the upper locatlon. Capture is expected to be approximately 0.80 cfs with two 4-foot curb drops, see calculation below. : : ;,•Wc ~ ~ ~x ;c,~, p : ~ # ~k~ ~f , ond c ~ 0.012 0.02 ~ 1-5'1 o.3btS`1 o.ilrl o.oys i 1.77-1 . ~ ,.w.r.~, ......y , _ ~,.;w: . {:.~.o?......€ i' • € i ` ' ' GRATE INI.►F T AI'dALYSIS Inland Pacrfrc £ngineerrng Cofnpany Shefley Lake Plnt Drairruge I2epart INLE7 AN,4LYSI5 FtJAM Thia Tarn is as Found in the WSpC.3T Hydrau[ic AAanual Figure 5-5 1Y1 for Infs[ Spadng Calculatians Shglejr Lafia PC!(} - RhasB 1 5hfllley Laka PUD Spdrana Counly. Washington Grafe Widihs HBmrlgbOn9 - 1 87' Qate 02106f96 vaned fl 1 BT' W&CH?T Grate inlat = 2 OS' {normal to cur6} Engineer 7AW WBC}C7T Grate InIaY = 400' (Perpendisulau Y[+cur6) WSDOT Grete Inlef = 296' (norrrral ta e.urb w10 10 sump) A I 6 I C ~ 1) I E I F I G ~ i'I I I I J I K ~ L STATIt]IV RL7AOWAY W❑ISTANCE FLOW FLOW TO :GllTTER SLlPER GF3qT€ DEPTFf Gl1TTFJR GUTTER BY-PA55 WIp7'H BETWEEN HETWEEN INLET SLUPE RATE UVIpYH C1F FLOW VELOC9TY FLOW lNLErS CB's FLOW WIDTH [n) ftt) (n) {cts) (cfs) {fVft] tFt1n3 Iftl (n) th1 (fps) [CIS) 8asins hn nnd 0 Catch EL95ms No 1 thrcw{ph S Note CQ No i is arr a Sump Condihcun Nate C$ h!o 2 as at a E°iigh Pom[ Note GH 1Va s a and 5 are in sump ccxicliUonstY 067 ~ a~'.t•..` . ~a.. `a:~w~,~'~~~~~~~ \ i.. ~ ~~~~~~~^.i~. t.,~, * A Ganre a I[15 670 ,y1ooao 1042 1167 10094 14685 2964 ~4207 , ~ SWALE VOLTJME CALCULAT~ONS Inland Pacifzc Engineering Compu►ry 5'he!!ey Lrrke PW Drainage Report Shelley Lake PlJD iPEG ,lab Na. 93143 This fQrm is based upan 5ectivn 5 of the 5po'kane County Guidelmes far Starmwater Management Swale Vofumes fflr Gankhn Road and 4th Avenue Date• 06627195 Engineer TRW +Conk[in Rnad (Riqht Swale) & 4ih Avenue Stationinq FromlTo Slnpe Depth Battom 5ide Sectianai Volume Leve! Volume Volume BegErrnirrg Ending Width :Iope Areallf Fla# Paof L,tg. On Slape Llsed by (°Io3 (ft) . {ft) 1 ]i - (cflft) (cf) (ft) (Cf) 5lo e C 4th Avenue 650001 7000{] I 0.00 1 0.50 ~ 15.00 I 3.00 I 8.251 412501 50.00; 206.251 412.50 7001 750,001 o.00 I 0.50 1 1500 1 300 I 8251 412.501 5000 206251 41250 7501 800.00 1 000 I 050 1 1500 I 300 I 8251 412.501 50001 206251 412 54 800,00 850.00I aoa 050 I15.00 k 300 I 8.251 41250 50.001 20625I 41250 I I Valume as Fla# (cf) ~ 165000 I I I I I Vaiume on 5tope (cfl I I l 825.001 Va1ume Pravided (cf) ~ I I 1650.00 I I I, I I I I I I I I I I I I I I CQnlcqin Av~ I I I I 6 I l I 4345.001 4445001 0.80 050 1 150 I3.00 1 1.501 150001 62501 46.88I 150.00 4445001 4545,001 0.80 I 0.50 I 1.50 1 3.00 I 1.50 150,001 6250 46.881 150ao 4545 001 4645001 4.80 1 0.50 1 150 1 3.00 I 1 50 150001 62.50 46.881 150.00 4645001 4745.001 0.80 1 [].50 1 1 50 1 3.00 I 7 501 150001 62 50 1 46.881 15000 4745001 4845.001 0.80 I 0.50 1 1.50 1 300 I 1501 1,5o ao 1 62501 46.881 15000 I l ~ I I I I A I 1lvlume as Flat (cf) I 750.00 I ~ I ~ uoiume on siope (cf) I I 1 234381 p r lVolume Provided (cfl I I 1 I 750.00 I a I I ~ I I I I _ I I I I I I I I I PIPING DIAGRAMS , BA~KWATER CALCYTLATI(3NS PIPE FLC)W CALCULAT'IONS InLand Pucific Ertgtneering Campany She[dcy Lake Plax fJrainage Reprrri f ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ ~ BOT. EL. 2029.00 W.S, EL 2029.80 A`P RQMD "d' CB i5 OUTLU ~ T!]P EL 2032.75 IN I.E. 2029.30 18" 13.50 LF. OE1T I.E. 2029.20 ■ .0148 Ss1MP CB #5 tEr 200 LF. ~ 7:68 CF5 W#1 Q~.O11!3 1~ 200 LF. I ~ 12 A .L]18[~ CI~P * 1 ~ 26 L~'. 1.51 (F5 [e '3 1 i,r 116 LF. 0.0f 89 0 .0255 CIAA I 0 c CMP CB j1 J4 TOP Q.. 2040.72 CB #2 0.87 ~ I.E. 2037.82 TQP EL, 2042.22 ~ SUMP IN I.E. 2035.83 I OL1T I.E. 2035.53 CB #3 1.44 CFS AT H.P. 70'P EL. 2035.23 IN I.E. 2032.33 Ce J4 OL1T I.E. 2032.23 TOP EL 2032.75 ~ON GRADE AT -0.0400 [N I.E. 2028.85 i OUT I.E. 2029.75 E StIIAP ~ i LEGEND ~ i ~ ■ CATCH BASIN p PIPE FLow (xxx) oN CFs - y cUTrER Ftaw (Xxx) IN cFS ~ - ~ ~ FLOuuv cAFrUReo sY GRATE ' (oN cRADE.) 9w cFs REV45ED JUNE 1996 N.TS. f INLAND i STORM DRAI NAG E DETAI LS PACNFIc ISH E LLEY LAK E P . U . D, ENa[NEERIMG n rvr West 7tn • surts 200 (509) 458-6890 5pcskann. WA 59204 FA?(: (509) 458-8844.0 I Backwater Galculation Sheet Shelfey Lake fle - Backwat1wq1 Pipe Segment cb1 to pnd j cb5 tfl 64 cb3 to cb4 cb2 #a ch3 cb1 tv cb2 1 Q 5.30 3.62 2.18 1.51 1.51 2 Length 13.50 28.00 116.00 200.00 200 00 3 Pipe Size 1.50 1.50 1 50 1.50 1.50 4 rr 0.(}24 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.[}2 5 Outlet EI. 2029.00 2029.30 2029.85 2032.33 2035.63 fi Inle# EI. 2029.20 2029.75 2032.23 2035.53 2037.82 , Slvpe 0.015 0,016 0.021 0.415 0.011 7 Barrel Area 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 1.77 8 Barrel Ve}. 3.00 2.05 1.23 0.85 0.85 9 Vel. Head 0.14 0.07 0.02 0.01 0.01 10 Water Surface EI. 2029.80 2030.62 2030.89 2033.12 2036.24 11 Frict. Ivss 0.12 0.08 0.17 0.14 0.14 12 Entr. HGL E!. 2029.92 2030.70 2031.06 2033.26 2036.38 13 Entr. Head Ioss 0.13 0.06 0.02 0.01 0.01 14 Exit Head Loss 0.14 0.07 0.02 0.01 0.01 15 ❑utiet Ctrl. EI. 2030.18 2030.82 2031.10 2033.28 2036.40 InEet Ctrl. HW 1.42 1.14 0.89 0.71 0.70 16 Inlet Ctrl. EI. 203062 2630.89 2033.12 2035.24 2038.52 17 Appr. Ve1. h9ead 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 18 Bend Head Loss 0.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 19 Junct. Wead Loss 0.00 {3.0{3 0.00 0.00 0.00 20 Headwater Elev 2034.62 2030.89 2033 12 2435.24 2038.52 Gra#e E9. 21732.75 2032_75 2[}35.23 2042.22 2040.72 Freebvard 2.13 1.86 2.11 5.98 2.24 6NkAf~~ PACIFIC ENGVNEER11VG Circular Channel cb5 to Pand J Flaw 5.300 cfs ❑iameter 1.50 ft Slflpe 4.0148 ftsft _ n 0.0240 L 13.50 ft d,ldi a R R Q V Depth af flvw,d 0.23 ft 0.15 0.1663 0.2090 0.44 2.66 FIowrrag Full 1.50 ft 1.00 1.7672 0.5625 9.05 5.15 Critical pepth 0.885 ft 0.59 1.0850 0.8194 5.30 4.89 Norrnal Depth 0.975 ft 0.65 1.2159 06482 5.3[] 4.35 HWc 1.441 ft HWn 1 418 ft ❑IJTLET CDNfiRC]L INLANa PACIFIG EfVGlNEERING Circu[at° Channel cb4 to cb a Flow 3 620 cfs Diameter 1.5 ft Slope 0 0161 ftlft n 0.0240 L 28 ft dldia A R Q V Depth of flow,d 0.23 ft 0.15 0.1663 02090 0.46 2.77 Flowing Full 1 50 ft 1.00 1.7612 0,5625 949 5.37 Critical Depth 0 720 ft 0.48 0.8386 0 5477 3.62 4.32 _ Narma! [3ep#h 0.750 ft 0.54 0.88 0 56 3.62 410 HWc 1.154 ft HWn 1.141 Tt QUTLET CGNTROL 11VLAND PAGIFIC ENGlNEERINC Circular Ghannel cb3 ta cb4 - Flaw 2 180 cfs piameter 1.5 ft SfQpe 4.0205 ftlit n 0,0240 L 116 ft dJdia A R 0 lA Depth of flow,d 0.23 f# 0.15 0.1663 0.2090 0.52 3.13 Flowing Full 1 50 ft 1.00 17672 05625 10.70 606 Critical Depth 0.555 ft 0.37 05729 0.4451 298 3.81 Normal Depth 0.525 ft 0.35 0 55 0.44 218 3.95 HWc 0 892 ft INf.ET CONTROL HWn 0.889 ft INLAND PAC1F1C ENGINEERING i ~ , Circular Ghannel cb2 to cb3 Flow 1 510 t:fs []Larneter 3.5 ft Slope 0 0160 ftlft n 00240 L 200 ft dldia A R Q V ❑epth ofi flow,d 0.23 ft 0.15 0.1663 0.2090 0.46 2.77 Flowing Fuli 1.50 ft 100 1.7672 0.5625 9.46 5.35 Critical ❑epth 0.450 ft 0.34 0.4460 0.3845 1.51 3.39 Narrna1 Dep#h 4fi5 ft 0.31 0.47 0.39 1.51 3.24 FlWc 0 7'97 ft HWn 0 709 ft OUTLET CON7ROL VNLAND PACIFIG ENGINEERIRIG +Circular Gharanel cb7 to cb2 Flow 1.510 cfs OEameter 1.5 ft Slope 0.0110 ftlit n 0.0240 L 200 ft d1dia M R Q V De;pth of flow,d 0.23 ft 0.15 0.1563 02090 0.38 2 29 Flowing Full 1.50 ft 1.00 1.7672 05625 7.+$4 444 Critica9 Depth 0450 ft 030 0.4460 0.3845 1.51 3.39 Ntirrnal bepth 0.510 ft 0.34 0.53 4.43 1 51 2 85 HWc 0.717 ft HWn 0.699 ft C]UfiLET CON'TROL INCAN[3 PACIFIC ENC'afMEERING I I [B 06 ~ TOP El. 2035.63 0.$6 CFS OUT I.E. 2Q33.4."~ ~ ~ ~g SUFiP I ■ ~ ~ ~ 12' 104 C.F A 0.0428 CMP ~ E ~ ~ Olil.U I BDT. EL. 2029.00 W.S. EI.. 2029.80 AT PUND ".r ~ ~ f LEG EN D ■ CATCH 6ULSEN s PIPE FLow (xxx) ati CFS GU1'rEa FL4w {xxx} iM CFS ~ FLow CAPTURED eY cRArE ~I I ~ (oN cRAD xx) ~N CFS , N.T.S. STORM DRAINAG E aETAI LS I NLAlVD ~ PACIFIC ISMELLE'Y LAKE P.U.D. ~ EHGINEERING 707 w~ 7th . suita aao (509) 458--6eoa - 14. 02/ 1 3/9fi spokona. wA 99204 FAX: (509) 4513-6844 ~ ~ Backwater Calculatian Sheet Shelley Lake Pipa Segment cb6 to pond J 1 0 0.68 2 Length 104.04 3 Pipe Size i M 4 n 0.024 5 Outlet El. 2029.00 6 Inlet El. 2033.45 Slope {7.043 7 8arrel Area 0,79 8 Barrel VeE. 0.87 9 Ve6. Fiead 0.01 10 1Nater Surface E I. 2029.80 11 Friet.9vss 0.13 12 Entr. HGL El. 20~29.93 13 Entr. Eiead loss 0.01 14 Exit Head Lass 0.01 15 Outlet Gtri. El. 2029.95 Irflst Ctrl. HW 0.53 16 Inlet Ctrl. El. 2033.98 17 Appr. Vei. Head 0.00 18 Rend Head Loss 0.00 19 Junct. Head Loss 0.00 2[] Headwater Elev 2033.98 G rate E I. 2(}35.63 Freebvard 1.65 , CNLANa PACIFIG ENGINEERING Circular Channel cb5 tv Pand J Flow 0.680 cfs Diameter 1.00 ft Slape 0.0428 ftJft , rt 0,0240 L 104.00 ft d(dia A R Q V Deptn ot flow,d 0.23 ft 0 23 0.1365 0.1364 0.46 3.40 Flawing Full 1.00 ft 1.00 0.7854 0.2580 4.00 5.10 Crittcal Depth 0.340 it 0.34 4.2355 0.1891 0.65 2.89 IVarmal Depth 0.270 ft 0.27 0.1711 0.1566 0.68 3.97 FiWc 0.534 #t INLET CDNTFiOL HWn 0.638 ft INLANa PACIFIC ENGINEERING ~ ~ I~ ~ BOT. EL. 2036.87 W.S. a. 2037.167 I ArPONoOd' cwn.ET' ~ tz` 33 t.F, a .01242 yc;s ta r.13 18 f ~M CFS 0.64 12" 28 LF. 0.0100 ~ cs #9 TOP t 2039.74 TaP EL. 2039.74 fN I.E. 2037.66 IH I.E. 2037.38 SUMp OUf I.E. 2037.28 SLfMF 1 I ~ ~ 04' ~ LEGEND ■ CATCH WIAI PIPE F'LOW (Xa) !N CFS ` GUrMR FLBW (xxx) [N CF5 ~ Gf~aOE'~~IH CFS 0/ Id.TS. ` J STORM DRAI NAGEDETAh LS I NLAND ; PA+CIFIC I SHELLEY L4KE P.U.D. - ~ ENaINEEaiNG 707 wast 7tr, • suite 200 (509) 458-eW Q2 - ' /13/95 ~ ~ spokane. wA 99204 FrX: (509) 458-6844 r gackwater Calcuiation Sheet 5helley Lake frle - Backwa#1.wq1 Pipe 5egmen# cb9 to pnd d cbB xo cb9 1 ~ 1.46 0.82 2 Length 33.00 28.00 3 Pipe Size 1.00 1.0[] 4 n 0.924 0.02 5 C3utlet El. 2036.87 2037.3$ fi 1rrlet El. 2037.28 2037.66 Seope 0.012 0.010 7 garrel Area 0.79 0.79 8 Barrel Vel. 1.86 1.04 9 Vel. Head 0.05 0.02 10 Water 5urface El. 2037.67 2038.09 11 FflCt. I055 0.19 0.05 12 Enfr. HGL El. 2037.86 2038.14 13 Entr. Head Imss 0.05 a.02 14 EJCIt HBSd CC}5S 0.05 0.02 15 autlet Gtri. El. 2037.96 203817 Inlet Ctrl. HW 0.81 0.58 16 Inlet Ctri. El. 2038.03 2038.24 17 pppr. Vel. Nead 0.00 0.00 18 Bend Head Lvss 0.00 0.00 19 Junct. Head Loss 0.00 0.00 20 HeadwaterEfev 2038.09 2038.24 Grate E I 2039.74 2039.74 Freebaard 1.65 1 5o INLAIVQ PAGfFIG ENGINEERING Circular Ghannea cb9 t4 pond D FlOW 1.460 Cf5 Qiameter 1.00 ft Slope 0.0124 ttlft n 0.0240 L - 33.00 ft d/dia A R Q V' ❑epth of flQw,d 0.23 ft 0.23 0,1365 0.1364 0,25 1 83 Flowing Faall 1.00 ft 1.00 0.7854 0.2500 2.16 2.75 Critical Depth 0.510 ft 0.51 0.4927 0.2531 1.46 3.63 Normal Depth 0.600 ft 0.60 0.4920 0.2776 1 46 2.97 HWc (?.816 ft H'Wn 0 805 ft DUTLET CONTRQL INLAND PACCFIG ENGINEERING Gircular ChanneE cb 8 ta cb9 Flow 0.800 cfs Diameter 1.00 ft 5lo,pa 0.0100 ft/ft n 0.0240 L 28.00 fE d/dia A R Q V ❑epth of flflw,d [}.23 ft 0.23 0.1365 0.1364 0.22 165 Flvwing FuEI 1.00 ft 1.00 0.7854 4.2500 1.94 2.46 Critical Depth 0.370 ft 0.37 0.2642 0.2020 0.80 3.03 Narmal Depth 0.440 ft 0.44 [].3328 0.2294 0.80 2.40 HWc 0.584 ft HWn 0.575 ft QUTLET CDNTROL IIVLAN[] AAClFIC EIVGINEERING 100 1 ~ r ~ . CB FA 10 TOP EL 2022.91 2.24 CFS ~ oU'r I.E. 2020.01 ca ~to suMR ► s ~ ~ ~ 4'Er 65 LF. ~~.0f2tf ~ 1 OUILET 807. EL 2019.23 W.S. 0., 2020.03 AT PONp ' AAt ~ LEGEND ~ ~ CATCH BASIN ~ P~~E FLow (Xxx) iw CFS ~ curr~R FLow (Xxx) iN CFS ~ FLaw cr~RED Bv cRATE (vN cRAD x,,) iN CFS ~ HE{Y JLiNE 1996 N.T.S. ~ ■ STO RM D RAINAG EDETAI LS to I~~ANa ISHELLEI' ~►KE P,U.a. P~`~~~~~ ENGINEEF~INQ B !28 ■96 707 w~t 7th • su3te 200 (sos) ~-ss4a ■ ■ SRokane. WA 99204 FAJ4: (5D8) 458-61144J Backwater Calculativn 5heet file: 6ackwater4,wb2 Shelley Lake Pipe Segcnent cb10 ta Pond h!T 1 Q 2.24 2 Leng#h 65.00 3 Pipe 5ize 1.50 4 n 0.024 5 Outiet El. 2019.23 - fi Inlet El. 2020.01 51vqe 0.012 7 Barrel Area 1.77 8 Barrel Vel. 1.27 9 Vef. Head 0.02 10 Water Surface El. 2020.[}3 11 Fract. lass 0.10 12 Entr. HGL El. 2020.13 13 Entr. Head Evss 0.02 14 Ex9t Head Lvss 0.02 15 Outfet Ctrl. El. 2020.18 Inlef Ctrl F-IW 0.88 16 Inlef Ctrl. El. 2020.$9 17 Appr. Vef. Head 0.00 18 8end Head E.ass 0.00 19 .9 unct. Head Lass 0. 00 - 20 Headwater Elev 2020.89 Grate E1. 2022.91 Freebaard 2.02 INLFINL PACIFIC EN(;IIVEERING Circular Channel cb1O to Ppnd M Fiow 2 240 cfs DiaQneter 1.5 ft 5iope fl 0120 ftlft n 00240 L 65 fE dld3a A R Q V Depth af flsaw,d 023 ft 0.15 0.1653 02094 0.40 2.40 Flc►wing Full 1 50 if 100 1.7672 05825 8.19 4 63 Critical DeptFr 0 555 ft 0 37 05729 fl.4459 2.24 3 91 Narrna! Depth 0.615 ft 041 0.66 0.4$ 2.24 3.39 HWe 0991 ft HWn 0.883 ft O€JTLE7 CC?NTROL 1NL,4Na PACFFIC ENGINEERIN'G TIME ANII 208 +CALCULATIONS Inland Paeific Engarreerrng Cvmparcy Shelley Lake Plas Drarnage liepora • gqWSTR[NG METFiOD PAID.IECT. Shdley l,ake • Phase I PEAK FLOW CALCllLATIOhI PRO.gEGT Shelley ks[ce • Phase I DEl'ENTIdN BA31NDESIGN BASIN' A BA31N• A i3ESIGNER. TRW ToY. Area 2,29 Acres [7ATE. 11 (3Cfp35 Imp Waa 18170 5F C. 0 29 Tma Increnent (min) S CFISE 1 xTima of Crmc {mfn] 8 24 a=d--ao Outflow [cfs] 1 1oo tt dverlsnd FI[m peslgn Year F7cvr 10 Prea (ncrss) 229 Ct - 0.15 Impernoua Area (eq ft) 98170 L= 1 09 fi. <°C' Facta a 2888 n= 0 50 '208' Vdume Provfded 205 8= 0080 Area * C U 658 hY Equs4tn 3-26f ~Citifdd[n03 i•? Tc 2.84 n'tin., ,•w'`~~~~,~5 yime Tims 6nc. Intena. Q Oevel VafJn Vd Out Staega in eac ft cu ~ ft Gun~flov~ a; [min) fsm) " fcT31 [ ) { FU (cu ft) Zi = sv.o Far z~ -a s2a @m• asa - -~ds o- es o- - g 1077 aea 682 a=a Z2 = 3.6 Type B- 1 0 n a 0016 'qdlap = 3 5 S 3m 318 2,09 839 300 Em = Q C73@ 10 ~ 2.24 1.47 1129 ~ 5~ Y 15 9w 1 77 7.48 1241 gm 3+11 d d a [J.147 tt, 20 1200 145 095 1302 12M 102 25 7500 1 21 079 1325 1400 -175 A R O 7e Tc totel I Qc 4; ~ 30 1500 104 @ fiB 4343 18w -07 aaQae- - - a- 4aaaem -eaeam -eae-b --aaafl QasAa f. 35 2100 0,91 0,80 7355 2100 -745 058 0 07 163 5 31 824 248 9 63 4f7 24DD 0 62 0 54 1382 2400 -1 G16 45 27m 0.74 049 1393 2700 4307 opee}s fw Case f- 1 63 cfs 50 3tDD 069 0 45 1414 3IX10 -9588 55 33U0 0.64 0.42 1457 3306 -1843 - 60 35DO 081 0 40 1509 3806 -2091 CASE 2 SS 3800 060 039 1602 99(10 -2298 a o a a 70 4200 G 59 038 18M 4200 -2537 Csse 2 asstames e Ttme af CeneentreVon less [han 6 minutes sa Giat tha ~ 75 4500 0.56 037 991e 4500 -2794 peak now Qgo (3 is) (Emp Rrea) m 1.1e cfs z ; 80 4800 063 035 1728 4800 aora 85 5400 0 52 034 1788 5100 3302 : z 90 5400 0.50 4.33 1927 5400 -MT3 Su, the Pea Ilem la tha Basin is ihs grea[er oT She Mro fl oms, } 95 5700 049 4.32 1 B87 5700 -W13 1 83 cts 100 8DD0 0.48 0.32 1843 6000 4057 1VMv;~ . 268' 9RAiNA{3E POMO CAiCllL4TION5 . Requfred '208' Ssomge Vdume - ImpenArxas Area x.e in 112 InM 757 cu ft ~ 208' 3tcsrege Vdume ProvidiDd eu ft D ; 0 RYWEI.L REAUIRENlENT9 -10 YEAH RESIGN 5TLL7RM Nedmum Starage Requfred 6y Bawstring 542 cu R Numtaer erid Type c} prywdls Requfred 6 SiflgSe 1 Lkiu6fa ft+ILAND PACIFIC ENGINEERIPIG I aowsTRsNc MErHaa PaoJEC°r sheEiey Lake - Pnage r PEAI{ FLOW CRLCULATIp1V FRQJECT Sheiley Lake - Phase I DEtEN7lON BASfN OESIGN EiASIN. B(1) revised SASIN B(i) revised DE51GNER TRW Tot Area 2 44 Acres DATE: 08P24196 Imp. Area 31716 SF C = 037 • Fime Increment (min) 5 CASE 1 lfime af Conc {min} 566 Outflaw (cfs) 1 130 R Dverland Flcrw Design Year F6ow 10 Area (acrss) 2.436 Ct H 015 Impervavus Area (sq ft) 31716 L= 130 ft. 'C' Factor 03742 n= 040 '208' Volume Provided 1409.5 5 = Q70 Area " C O.992 Tc = 357 min, hy Equatipn 3-2 of Liuidetines Tirne Time Inc Intens 0 []eve9. Vol.fn V'ol.0ut 5torage 270 ft Gutter flow (min) {sec} (in!!hr) {cfs} {cu €t} (cu ft) [esa ft) Z1 = 5047 Far 72 5.66 339 300 273 1244 339 904 ~b= Z2 = 1 Type B= 1 p n r 0016 Rvlled W 3 5 5 300 3.18 2.90 9165 300 865 S= 0010 10 600 2.24 204 1461 506 861 15 900 1 77 161 1638 900 738 d= 0224 ft 20 1200 1 45 132 1339 9200 539 25 1500 1.21 1.30 9782 9500 282 A R Q Tc fictotal 6 QC 30 9800 1 04 095 1816 1800 iB 35 2100 ❑ 91 0 83 1838 2100 -282 1 28 4 11 275 2 09 5 66 3 00 2 73 40 2400 082 075 1880 2400 -520 45 2300 0.74 067 9899 2700 -801 Qpeak for Case 9= 2 73 cfs 5(} 3000 068 0 62 1931 3000 -1069 55 3300 0.64 0.58 1993 3300 -1307 fid 3600 061 6 56 2056 3600 -1534 CASE 2 65 3900 060 055 2996 3900 -1704 70 4200 0.58 0 53 2282 4200 -9918 Casa 2 assumes aTime of Concentratinn less than 5 rninutes 5o that the 75 4500 056 051 2356 4500 -2144 peak 13aw =.30(3 18)(Imp Rrea) ~ 2.48 c(s 80 4800 0.53 0 46 2375 4800 -2425 85 5100 52 047 2472 5100 -2628 90 5400 0.50 046 2514 5400 -2886 50, the Peak flaw fvr the Basin is the greater of the two flaws, 95 5700 049 045 259$ 5700 -39 02 2.73 efs 100 6400 048 0.44 2676 6000 -3324 208' ORAlNAGE PC3N[3 CALCUL14710N5 Required '2D8' $torage VoPume =1mperviuus Area x,5 m 112 irrlR 1322 cu ft 20€3' Storage Volume PrvVided 1409.5 cu it DRYlNELL REQIJIREMENTS - 90 YEF1R C]E51GN STQRF Nlax[mum Storage Reqwred hp Bowstnng 904 r,u ft Number and Type of Clrywetls Required D Smgle 1 douhle 1NLqY+lO PACIFIC ENGiNEERING B6Vd5TRING METNOD PROJECT, Shelley Lske • Phass I ~ PEAK FL4W CALCULhTIt7N PRO.IECT' Shd[ey E.aks - Phase I ~ DETEiVT➢C]N BASIN OESiGN BA5lN, B[2] BASfN' 6(2) ~ ❑ESlGNER, TRW Tot. Ared 2 07 Acres : DATE' 1 v130195 Imp ,Area 17305 5F G a 029 ~ lima lncrament (min) 5 Pt ~ ~ / CASE 1 ~ z , llme ~ C~na (min) 6.38 ~Dutflov(cfa) 7 ~ M S!J flC, Ctvmland Row Deslgn Yecr Florr 10 ~ Ares (acrea) 2 I?O Ct = St 15 r Impervleue Rrea {sq ft} 17305 L= 10 ft ~'C' Faetcr 0 2943 ~ n ~ 040 '208' Yolume Provided ~ 5= 0020 Rraa ' C n eUa Tc ~ 1.11 min., hry Equation 3-2 a! GuEdelInes Tirrse Tlme fna Intens C] Devel Vd.ln Vd fRr4 Simge 6D n Gutter flaw (min) {sec} {inltir] (cTe) ia ft3 {o+ ft)-000 [cu ft) i aoaaa oaoaaa aacc-at3 aomsmc mms:e-a as -9QYCa ZS = 5Ct❑ FwZ2 B38 389 280 1 70 871 ;1 4~ ca= a2 a I Typa a a s.o ` n- ❑ bt8 Rdled = 3 5 5 3DO 318 1 93 300 477 5 a 0010 10 800 2 25 1 36 999 5U0 393 15 9ot7 1 77 1 D9 1100 gop 248 d a 0187 ft. ~ 20 12DG 1 45 0 1172 1200 -28 25 15QH9 121 4 1198 159G -362 A R 0 Tc TC S9flfl 1 C]c 30 98w 104 0.e3 1220 18w -580 aa~aad aa--am se-v-a sesoa 'F s ~ 21DD 091 055 1233 2100 .sea 0 88 009 1, 70 5 24 5 38 280 170 ' 40 24DD 050 1291 24D0 -1139 45 2700 74 045 1273 27pp -1427 t]poak ftx Case 1 a 1 74 cfs E? so 3000 a 68 9.41 1293 3QD0 4707 ~ 66 064 039 1334 330a • 1M ~z. 60 0.91 0 37 1383 360C44 -229 7 CASE 2 95 3900 0 60 ❑ 38 1489 39pD -2431 ==a=s'' ~ 4260 0.56 ❑35 1525 4200 -2974 Case 2 assumes a Tlme eiT Concentration less [han 5 mfnutes so that 4he ~ 45DD 056 034 157a 45M -2824 peeia now -90(3 18) [!mp Aree] - 1 14 ds ~ ao 48DD 053 032 y 5aa 4WO -321a 85 51CTD 052 ❑.32 7ss3 51IDo ~7 90 5300 0.50 0.30 1884 5400 d3720 So, ths Paak tfaw for the QasEn ks ths grmtm af the twa flow5, 95 5700 049 0.30 1738 5700 -39S4 1.70 c!s ~ 1oo 6ODO 048 029 1788 6DO0 -4212 ...s . ~ 208' pFtAINAGE P[?AIa CRLCULAT4bN5 Requfred '208' 3tarage yaume - fmpervlcua Arsn x 5 in 112 InM 721 cu ft 208' 3tornge Vdums Pmvidad cu ft [3RYWELL REDUIFiEMENTS - 10 YEAR pE81[3N 3T[7RFA Maulmum Stcxage Requlred by Bc>wstrtn0 490 cu ft . htum6er and Tyrpe o} [)rpwells Reqcrire! 0 Singfs z: I Dou41e fNLANp PqC[FIC ENGINEERIHQ c°•, BOWSTRIN[3 fi+lETF106 PRDJECT. Bhelley Lnke - Phase 4 PEAK FLQW CALCtJLATIDN PRO.lECT Sheiley Lake - FhSee I , DETENTICsN 6ASIH 4ESIGN &4SIH' C BASIN' C DESIGNE'A. TFi1N Tot Area 0.97 Asres DATE. 11 j30135 Imp. Aren 13145 SF - C a 0 38 Time fnsrenenS (min) 5 8.88 CASE 1 ' Time o} Ccno, (min) Duffloov(efs) 09 40 1t. [)vvmlarEd Aow x. ' Design Yew Raw 10 Aree (aeres) 0.974 Ct m 0.15 fmPerviosis Area [sq R] t3145 L 4 40 n 'C' Factor 03825 n = 0,40 1N' Vdume PraWded S a 0 020 Area ' C 0373 'fc - 256 rrtfn., by Equs4ot 3-2 tr7` Oufdelines ~ . Tfma Time Ina. Intens +4 6evc# Vd In Yd.c7ut 3tarage 824 tL Gutter flc3w (mm) (s-) ~nlhr] iCft1 (cu (t) [cu R) [cu ft] Z1 = 54.0 Fw Z2 v`o 888 am- 415 -~a 2.71 ea~ 1.01 09- - - 558 ~ 173 432 72= 3 5 Typa B a 1.0 rr a 0 619 RolIed - 3.5 5 300 3,18 1 18 478 DD 388 S a 0027 10 600 2 24 0.83 617 180 437 c a~ 15 gm 1.77 CD.BB SBB 270 418 d a 0 125 tt. 20 1200 1 45 0.54 724 360 384 25 1500 1.21 45 739 450 269 A R 0 Ts ic tawf f Qc 39 190a 1 04 039 752 S44 212 ~aa- - g - - - oan maodab eda~sa aam~~a -s-=oa.~ , 35 2100 081 03+1 759 630 12D 042 008 1 05 4 30 8.88 ~ P 7E 9 01 40 2400 0.132 0 31 776 720 56 45 2700 074 028 783 At0 -27 Opaelr Fd Case 1 A 1 07 e}s 5U 3040 d 88 035 785 90a -10.5 SS 3300 094 0.24 9E0 m -476 80 3600 0.81 0 23 850 1080 -230 CRSE 2 a5 9900 0 bYt 022 903 1170 •887 ao¢qae~ 70 4200 058 042 9Li8 7~ 1~ Case 2 asssames a Time of Gorteentralon leas than 5 minutes cn tlmt gse 75 45I10 059 021 ow 1350 -W2 pesk Row =.90(3 18) {Imp Rrea) _ 0.86 cfs BO 48QQ 053 020 975 1440 -465 85 5100 052 018 7015 153U -575 90 5400 050 0.19 1032 1829 -59R So, the Peek Row for th$ 9asirr is the greaTer o1 the [wa flowa, ; 85 5700 049 0.16 10" 1710 -BNI 1 01 efs , 900 6000 048 ❑ 18 1098 1800 •702 0 2a8' oPLAfhlAGE PUNO CALCUUeT1ONS 3 ` RSqI1iTed !2DS' St6fag$ VdS1r1a ~ aImpevEous flrea x 5 in 112 InfR 548 cu ft ♦h"~9 ~~'A:f. 208' 6torage Volume Pravided eu ft i iDRYWELI RE04f1REMEPfTiS - 10 YEAR DESMN STOWM Maxlmum SivraAe RaquErod by Bvwsanng 437 cu tt ~ Numberand Type oi Orryvvelle Requiref f SmQle fY Daubie INlAIYO PAGIFIC EM1FGINEERlhfs3 9CJWSTRWG METHDD PRCh1ECT: ShiAley Laks - Phess I PEAK FLDtN CALCLILATION RRO.IECT, 5hdley Lslce - Phasa I ['fETENTION 13A31M f]E31GN BA51N' i] BA311Y D QESIS3MEFL' TRNf TaL llrea 4.10 AcCSS DA'fE. 19 f3[1ID5 Imp. Aras 30554 3F C ~ 0.28 ' TiRle 1nCPememt (min) 5 CRSE 1 Time af Ccn c. (min) 800 OufSlcau {c}s) 1 Q=a~ 40 ft. Dverlsnd Rvrr Qesign Yew R[m 90 : ~ ~•t ArBd (flC7eg) 4.096 ot = 0 15 z ~ Impemvua Area [eq R] 30550 0 278+1 L a 40 ft. n= Q 40 a"' C° 08' Yd Facttr ume Rrcrvided s- 0020 Ares • G 1,740 ; .F±~. y i~4• Te - 2 59 min, by EquaUan 32 af Cuidelines F• • Time Time 9nc. Infens 4 DevqEd. Vd,ln AId.Ou4 Storaga 720 ft. Gutter flQra (m1n) (asc) (inlhr) fcfa1 n} ft) [o+' ft) - - o 4 - A 4 - - a- - ao - a aoa- a amos_- o aaaeo - ss_QOo Zi a 50.0 Fa aa 600 360 2.89 &SO 15e0 36D 1230 Z2 a a.s rypa a a r a n- 0016 RdIed a3.S 5 309 318 363 1458 300 1153 S= 0033 ~ 10 840 2 24 2 55 1845 6m 1245 c o~ 15 ow 1.77 2.02 2083 900 1183 d= 0 165 R. 20 720D 1.45 1.55 2166 1200 m 25 1500 i 21 1 38 2239 150D 739 A R Ca Tc Tc total I S]c • 30 i Bflo 1 Q4 1 19 2280 18[X) 480 aaoos.m -ams-a --a-na -adaa- aomaoo Qam-Aa .a-oo- 35 2100 061 104 230B 2100 2Q6 0 95 009 3 30 3 44 8.00 289 330 . 48 2400 002 094 2358 2400 -41 45 2700 0.74 0.84 2382 2700 31 8 Opeak for Csss 1 a 330 cis 5U 3000 068 078 2921 300D 579 55 339U 084 0.73 2498 3w4 -W2 so 36M 061 070 2589 36i1t} -1011 CASE 2 85 39m 060 0 86 2752 3800 -1149 y 70 4200 0 58 068 2859 42D0 -1 341 Case 2 nsaumes a Tlme af ConcenRraUon IesS Shan 5 miflutes sa Ihat the ' 75 4500 0.66 0.84 2952 45W -1548 peak fluw 4IDO (3 is) (imp nma) ~ 2 ov cts ' +ao asav 0.53 oOD 2976 4800 -1625 as 6100 052 059 3097 5100 -2003 9N'~,~? f?~ ' 90 seon 0,50 0.57 a+as 5400 -2251 Sp, 4he Peek flocv Tor the 8asm is tha grenter aT tlte 4wo flrms. 4 ~ SS 5700 0.49 0.56 3253 5700 -2447 3.30 cfa 700 BDOO 0.48 a 55 3351 BUm -2849 ~ 208' DAAlHAGE ROPID CALiCULA7'IVNS r, F#~ Fkaqi11f01! '208' StoR9FS VdUrtIB ~ - ImpaMaua Area x 5 in 1 92 infft 1273 cu Ir ~ •~~a..~~; ~ -f!!F':.s'. : 208' 9[oruge 4duma Prrnrid~ cu fR i= DRYWELL RE4IJIREMENTS - 19 YEAR DESIGk BTC7RM Maximum Storege Required by Bowsuing 7245 eu tt hlumbeaend typa a} Dryvrella Raguired n Single 1 asuble lIJL4h1D FRCIFIG ENGINEEAINLi BOVdSTTiING RdESMOD PRDJEC`C Shdley Lake • Phese f PEAK FLC3W CALClJi1AT1QN PRQIECT' &hellsy Lake- Phase I • bE'Y£N7[aN BASIIV OE$IGN BASIN' E BASlN. E > CsESlGNER: 7RW Tot Area CY 72 Acres pATE: 11f30195 [rnp. Area 6565 SF C ~ 431 • Time Incrernent {m!n} 5 CASE i 71me of Conc (rrsin) 602 Outflow (cfs) 03 dU fi. Overlsnd Flrnv . pesign Year Porr 30 Arae (eere.5) 0715 ot = 0.15 ,;~s~~•a~: Impernrars Arm (sq ft) 6585 L= 46 ft 'C' Factrr 0308 n= 040 `y• 208` Vdume Prornded S a 0020 PJea ' C 0.226 Tc a 256 min , 6y Equanan 3-2 oS Guidelines Thne 'f[ma Ine Intens d Qavef VdJn VaC dut Stoage R a~ cu 350 ft Guiter 8rnr [min) tsec] QnIh►3 (cfs) Icv Ts] ft I J { fti - - a- - sA- eaQ aca- - - - esoao am- s- s- as- nem - - v- - s Z1 a So B For Z2 6.02 987 2.89 0,84 3D8 708 189 S=- 72 - 3 5 Tjrpa B= 1 0 n a 0.016 Rdled ¢ 3 B 5 300 318 0.70 282 go 782 5- ❑ 41 S 10 600 2 24 4.49 357 190 177 15 900 177 039 399 470 129 d= 0120 li_ 20 1200 1.45 032 422 360 82 25 15DQ 1 E1 0.27 432 450 •18 R R 4 Te Te[otnf I ee 30 7800 1.44 023 440 540 -100 „Rp v sa_as_ 35 21 ern 0.91 0.20 aas e3o •155 039 000 ❑ e5 3 aa a.02 2 ss Q ea aa 240D a s2 aie ase a2o •aea • ` 45 2700 0.74 0.16 asc► asa -350 opeck ror case s - 064 crs 5n 3 0 0 0 n e s a 9 s asa goo -432 J...=. v, ~ > ss 33M a.ea 0.14 482 m -sm 60 96DB 061 0 i 3 500 1080 -6W CASE 2 B5 3000 060 013 632 1170 -638 a~~~ 70 4290 0.50 0.19 552 1~ -708 Gase 2 ass~, ~taemes a Tirrse at CQncen"4on !ess dzan S minutes ao thst tFie rS">•~ 75 4500 0 59 012 670 1350 -780 penk n~ - 90 (3 18) (imp Area) n o 43 crs 80 4800 0.53 0.12 575 1aa0 -W ss 5100 0.52 0.11 ssa 1530 ~ 90 5400 050 Q 11 608 1620 -1 Qi 4 So, ths Pealt flowTor the Basin fa the gree4w of She hvo flows, 95 5700 049 0 11 1328 1710 -108 4 84 Cfa 100 5000 0 48 0 11 847 18oo •1 S53 .~.3 ' 208' OF1AlIVACiE PQHOCYILCULRT[[7NS Requlrea'2D8' StorageYotume lmpervi[us Area :.5 in / 12 in ffi 274 cu ft 208' 5iorage Valume RrrnAded cu ft QAYWELC REQUIREMEIVTS - iD YiEAF[ DESlGN STORI41 ~ Ma3imum Stasage F~~uired Gy Bowstring 199 cu St NumYrer end Type cf QryweEls Res{uired 1 Single 0 L3cxrble fNLANQ PAGfFIC EHGIHEERINC-i BOWSTRING METHQf7 PROs1ECT' Shelley Lake- Pheae { REAK FLOW CALC{JLATIOId PRC7.RECT. SheiIey l.ake - Pheae I MR. QETENTIDId 9ASIN OE8iC3N &ASIH. F =~;f &hSIN F DE8IQNER' TRW , Tat. Elrea 7.27 ftCr2s 'bA7'E 11 fa]f$5 Imp Ar~ 7030 SF • : ~ C~ 025 `Time Increment (min) 5 CASE 1 Time of Cwsc. (min) 7 22 sa~,=a~o , ❑uttlow [cTs] I 1~ ft. Ovwlend Flaw Oes3gn Yexr Flow 10 area Iacres1 1.255 ct ~ 0.15 i Impervfoua Area (eq R) 7M L a 100 ft, ""C' Faetor ❑ 2457 n = 0.40 ~rP208' Vdums Prwided 5 n 0035 t Jlrw ' C 4.311 Tc - 375 min., 4y Equa4vn 3-2 of Guidetines < Tims Time !nc Intersa O devel Vd In Vd C3ut 8iarago 370 nGurter now (mirr) f-] OrVhr] We] (cu ft) (cu rq RasQaQ s- a- oa aaea- s _oavoa o_ma_ms _aaeas zi = Soo Fex za 7,22 433 2.64 0.82 477 433 as za a as Typsaai ❑ ~,x.. . n n 0.018 Rolled a 3 s 5 900 318 099 397 300 97 c=~ s a ts a+a . . io Soo 2.24 070 520 600 -8D - gs DW I .rr o.ss 570 sao s24 d- 0130 n. 20 1200 1.45 0.45 607 9200 -6m aa 1500 1 aj 038 sao 15na ~so A R D Tc Tc tatnl 1 Qc 30 1800 1 04 0.92 828 1$t3(! -1971 mmaea$ - aemaa so-oae afl---- ea-am@ 35 21fH0 081 028 839 2100 4494 045 ❑06 080 3 47 7 22 2&1 ❑ 82 :-~Fr• - 40 24DO 082 6 25 649 2407 -1751 45 27{Kf 0.74 0.23 655 2700 -2445 qpeak SOr QMSe 5- 0$2 cTs ~ SO 3m 068 021 885 9000 -2395 55 m04 0.E34 0,20 BBB 3= -2994 60 3600 061 019 710 3600 -2890 CASE 2 ~ 85 39~9 060 019 755 3M -3195 o a= a= m s 70 4200 ft 58 o1 S 784 4200 -341 B Casa 2 tsssumes as Time of Cancontratlai less tlharY 5 minutaa aa that the 78 4500 D 56 017 809 4500 -m7 peak flow -,00(3.18){imp rvm} . 0 48 efa aa 4000 0.53 0.16 a15 asov -3965 es 5100 a.sa 0.16 aaa 5100 -4252 90 5400 0.50 0.16 ssa 5400 -453s Sa, tlse Peak flaw S[wr th$ Bas[n is the greater oi iha riro flwrs, 95 5700 049 0.15 891 5700 -4809 0 82 cfs 1DD 6000 0 48 0.15 917 0000 -5()83 208' DRAIAIAf3E POldd CALCULATIONS Rewyuired M8' St[sag e Vduma Impwvlaus Area ae 5 In 112 inIk 2133 cer R 248' SYasge Vdume Provldee9 Fu Tt ~{7RYWELL REDIJIfiENiEVtlTS - 10 YEAR bESfGN STiJRM 0- Ms)dmum Storage Requlreei by porvstnng 97 cu H r'n , ~ Rlumher and 7ype of C1rywe(ls Required 0 SEngla 1 Douhle IHLAhIO PACIFICENGftdEERING ~W3Tl~ING METHCID PRaJECT' Sh~ley Lske - F'fac~.se d PEAlC FLOW CALCLlL4TIQ1~ PRflJECT Shslley Luke - Pha9e I DETENTRON BASIN DE$IC'iFf $AS[N' EF 6ASIN EF QESIGNER. TRW To3. P+rea 1 98 Acres • [3ATE 1 i C30IaS Imp Ares 135E35 3F 'C ~ Q 27 Trme Incrernent (min) 5 CA3E i Tima ut Cwic. {min} 673 g m = _ _ Outtl cv (cfs) f E00 R. Ovelarvd Ffiow Qesign Year Flaw 10 Y1ren (seres) 1.93 Ct = 0.15 ImpervEors Area (ay ft) 13565 f, = 100 R. 'C' Fac~ 02682 n- 040 F '208' Votume Provided 3- 0,435 E; Aras • C 0531 Tc = 3 75 mm., by Equatian 3-2 af C3uiddines ~ Timg TEme Ine InYens. O Devel Vd.ln Vd.Out StQrage (cts) (cu ft) [csa ft} {eu (i] 377 ft Uvttex ftoey ~ [min) teec) pn" o Z 5= 54 D Fcx 22 a a 6.73 a ~ 4f14 a~ R 2.73 • R e 145 ~ 7aa 444 380 3 Z2 = 3.5 Type'8 = 10 n- 0016 qal Ied - 3 5 5 300 3,18 169 1379 300 379 S= 0014 50 600 224 1 19 877 600 277 75 oQ 9.7i p B4 875 B4U iS d= 0 183 Tt 20 1200 1.45 0 TA 1039 1200 •170 ' 25 1500 1.21 0 64 1052 15m -446 A Fl Q Ta Te total I Lic 30 1sm 104 0 55 1070 1800 -730 ~-oava - - m=a= aavaoe oaoaaa 4=-4-- aasas- mmb-- ~ 95 2100 081 m 49 1051 2180 -1019 0 71 008 1 47 2.98 8.33 8 73 1 45 40 2400 0 82 0.44 1105 240D •1295 as 2700 0.74 039 y il5 27DD -1[585 ❑geak fae Gass I= 1.45 c}s so 900d 4.88 038 1193 3000 4887 55 3306 0 84 ❑ 34 1168 9300 -2732 ~ 60 36DQ 4 61 0.32 121l 36pp •2m CA9E 2 85 3wo 060 032 1289 3900 -2814 'a a a a a 70 4207 0 58 031 1336 42UD -28B4 Case 2 assumes a Time o# Corcensratfo€r lm than 5 minuYes sa that fhe ~ 75 4500 0 58 0 30 1379 4500 -3121 peac ncrw =9D(s.ma) ([mp. Area} Q a es era ao 48M o.ss a as taar 4800 -3410 as 5100 0.52 a.as we 5104 -3654 90 540D 0.60 v 27 1470 5400 .q930 Srs, tha PeeEc flowr Par ihe Basln is tlse greater af the hva ilaws, 95 5700 D 49 D 26 6519 5704 -4481 145 03 ~ 100 Bm 048 0.25 4584 8000 -4438 0 .z y 28' 13FIAIPIAL'iE PON[] CALCl1LATIi7P1S ~ ' Requl.ed 'aas' stwuge vetume ~ + Imperviaas Rrea x.S [n f 12 inrR 5sS cu ft • T~ 208' Staage Vdume Pmvide€ csr tt """^',~a ~[3iiYWELL F4EL7UIFtEMENTS - 70 YEAR DE3![`aN STORM WPewmum $forags RBquired By'9awstnng 980 cu R , Num4er and Type oi []ryrMls FiequIrW 0 SinBle 1 Dauble [NLAND PAClFIC ENGlMEERInIG BOWSTRING METHOD PROJECT: Shelley Lake - Phase I PEAK FLOW CALCULATION PROJECT Shelley Lake - Phase I DETENTION BASIN DESIGN BASIN: g1 BASIN: g1 DESIGNER: TRW Tot. Area 0.29 Acres DATE: 06/24/96 Imp Area 4007 SF C = 0.39 Time Increment (min) 5 CASE 1 Time of Conc. (min) 5.00 Outflow (cfs) 0.3 50 H. Overland Flow Design Year Flow 10 Area (acres) 0.285 Ct = 0.15 Impervious Area (sq ft) 4007 L= 50 ft. 'C' Factor 0.3918 n= 0.40 '208' Volume Provided 168.5 S= 0.050 Area ' C 0.712 Tc = 2.22 min., by Equation 3-2 of Guidelines Time Time Inc. Intens Q Devel. Vol.ln Vol.Out Storage 250 ft. Gutter flow (min) (sec) (in/hr) (cfs) (cu ft) (cu ft) (cu ft) Z1 = 50.0 For Z2 5 00 300 3.18 0.36 143 90 53 Z2= 35 Type8=1.0 n= 0.016 Rolled = 3.5 5 300 3.18 0.36 143 90 53 S= 0.064 10 600 2.24 0.25 176 180 -4 15 900 1.77 0.20 198 270 -72 d= 0.072 ft 20 1200 1.45 0.16 211 360 -149 25 1500 121 0.14 216 450 -234 A R Q Tc Tc total I Qc 30 1800 1.04 012 221 540 -319 35 2100 0.91 0 10 224 630 -406 0 14 0.04 0.36 1.63 5.00 3.16 0 36 40 2400 0.82 0.09 229 720 -491 45 2700 0.74 0.08 232 810 -578 Qpeak for Case 1= 0.36 cfs 50 3000 0.68 0.08 236 900 -664 , 55 3300 0.64 0.07 243 990 -747 60 3600 0.61 0.07 252 1080 -828 CASE 2 65 3900 0.60 0.07 268 1170 -902 70 4200 0.58 0.06 279 1260 -981 Case 2 assumes a Time of Concentration less than 5 minutes so that the 75 4500 0 56 0.06 288 1350 -1062 peak flow =.90(3.1 S)(Imp. Area) = 0.26 ds 80 4800 0.53 0 06 290 1440 -1150 85 5100 0.52 0.06 302 1530 -1228 90 5400 0.50 0.06 307 1620 -1313 So, the Peak flow for the Basin is the greater of the two flows, 95 5700 0.49 0.05 317 1710 -1393 0.36 cfs 100 6000 0.48 0.05 327 1800 -1473 208' DRAINAGE POND CALCULATIONS Required '208' Storage Volume = Impervious Area x.5 in / 12 iNft 167 cu ft 208' Storage Volume Provided 168.5 cu ft DRYWELL REQUIREMENTS - 10 YEAR DESIGN STORt Maximum Storage Required by Bowstring 53 cu ft Number and Type of Drywelis Required 1 Single 0 Double INLAND PACIFIC ENGINEERING BOWSTFdING 6NETHpD PROJECT Shslley Lake - Phase I RERlt FLOVV CALCULATION PROJECT Shelley Lake - Phase I DETENTION 8A51N DE51GN BASIN G2 BA51N G2 DE57G}VER TFBW Tat. Area 053 Acres bATE 06124196 Imp Rrea 4378 SF CY 029 7tme Incremant (min) 5 CASE 1 Time nf Canc [min) 5.00 ~~~F=== Outflow (cfs) 03 50 ft f]derland Flow Destgn Year Flaw 10 Area (acres) 0534 Ct = 0.15 Impervious Area (sq ft) 4378 L= 50 ft. 'C' Factar 02911 n= 0 40 '208'VpISJRI@ PFoYIdBd 188.5 5= 0050 Area ' C 0155 Tc = 2 22 min , by Equatian 3-2 af Guidelines 7ime Yime dnc. Intens QDevel llol tn Vol.Dut Sttarage 2 50 fl. Gutte r flvw (mm) (sec) (mlFir) {cfs) [cu ft) (cu ft) [cu ft) Z1 = 500 ForZ.2 5.00 3041 3.18 0.49 199 90 109 e== 7-2= 3.5 Type8=t4 - n= 0016 Rafled = 3.5 5 300 3.18 0.49 199 80 109 S= 0464 14 500 224 035 244 184 64 15 900 177 0.2$ 276 27(} G d= 0.081 ft 20 1200 145 0 23 298 350 -67 25 9500 121 0 19 301 450 -149 R R Q Tc Tetatal I Qc 30 1$00 1,04 016 307 540 -233 ~,Tw-=~v r=~===-_ 35 2100 4.91 4.14 391 630 -339 0.18 004 0 49 i 50 5.44 318 049 40 2480 0.82 013 319 72[] -41011 45 2700 074 012 322 810 -488 Qpeak for Case 1= 0 49 cfs 50 3000 O.fiB 0.11 323 900 -572 55 3300 064 0 10 338 990 -652 fiD 3800 0 61 0 09 351 1080 -729 CAS'E 2 65 3900 0.60 0.09 373 1170 -797 70 4200 0.58 0.09 388 1260 -872 Case Z assumes a Ti me caf Coneentratian less #han 5 minutes sa that the 75 4500 0.56 0.09 401 1350 -548 peak fImw = 90(318){Imp Area} = p 29 cfs SD 4800 0.53 008 404 9440 -1036 85 5100 0,52 (].08 420 1530 -1190 90 5400 050 008 428 1620 -1192 5a, the Peak flow for tha Basin is the greaier af the iwo flovvs, 95 6700 0 49 0.08 442 1710 -1268 0 49 C#s 100 6000 048 007 455 1800 -1 345 206 DRAINAGE P{3ND CALCULAT[ON5 Required '208' Storage Volume =lmpennvus Area x 5 in P 12 lntft 182 cu ft 20$' $larage Volume ProVrded 188,5 cu ft DRYWELL FiEQUIREMENTS -10 YEfIR 0E51GN 5Ti]Rf Maximum StQrage Required hy Bavvstring 109 cu ft Number and 7ype oF Drywells Required I Single ❑ ❑ou51s INLAhIg PACIFIC ENGINEERING ~ I ' HDWSTRING eNETHOCY PR0.IECT, Shd ley+ Lake • Phsse 1 PEAK FLOW CALCULATll7N PRC}JECT Shelley Lake- Phase I BETENTIDN BASlM DES1GN 6ASIN' !i BASIN' H C1E31GfVEFL 'fFf1A1 3ct. Area v 55 EAcses DATE. 111301~`"-+ Imp. Ares 6B88 SF C. 4 33 ' TiTne Increment [rtlln] 5 CASE t Tima of Conc. Rminy 500 ~ oumrn,r (cts) n.s , 'SD R. Overland Flow " Design Year FIrnnr 70 Atee {aores} 0 847 Ct = 0.15 Imperviflus Arm (sq ft] 60$8 L = 50 ff. : • 'C' Fector 03334 n= 0 40 '208' Vdume Rrcvided 8= 0458 Jlrna " C 0.218 ~ Tc ~ a 22 mm , bp EqusLcxi 3-2 aT Gufdellnes Teme 71me Inc Inteins C) Deved Vd.ln VcP CuS 54orage teo n. Gutter flaw (min) Ssec) 0/h►? (Cft) (cu tt) fa+ ftt ft1 aa~- Q a.¢-Aa esoam- --n_-_ ai = 5ao ror a2 5.00 aov 318 069 276 PD ies a=a Z2 = 35 7yps 6- 1 0 n= 0078 Rolles! =35 ' S 300 31B fl89 238 9D 189 [~m am, 4•" ; o : S= 0015 4p BOp 229 048 339 i86 159 SS 9D0 1 77 038 983 274 913 d= 0120 Tt 20 120D 146 0 31 407 360 47 ^~+r-.Fr-~:•s; 25 1Fim 121 0.29 41$ 450 .92 A R ❑ Tc TC trstal I flC 30 18w 104 0.22 427 640 •519 - - - - aa ao- oag - - - - a¢ - - so~- eaoQes 35 210D osti 0,20 432 e30 -198 o as 006 n sa 1 52 soo 318 0 69 x~;• aa 240D a 82 0.18 aaa 724 -277 as 2700 o ia 016 aaT ssn -183 Qpask fa Gase 1= 0,69 cfs 50 30DO ❑ 68 ❑ t5 455 9m -445 SS 3= E7 84 ❑ 14 470 9o -520 ~ 60 36DO 481 013 487 7080 593 CA3E 2 BS 3900 660 013 519 1170 -652 a==a=- - 70 4200 0 59 093 538 126D -722 Case 2 assumes a Time af Concentragan less thary S minutes so tl1aS ths 75 48M 0 58 012 558 1350 -784 peak now _.90(3.1 8) (imP nrea) Q 0 45 sfs ev 49M 0.53 0.11 ~ 1440 -am 85 5100 D.52 0.11 584 1530 -W go 5400 050 A 11 583 9820 -1027 So. tha Reak n aw tor the Basin is tFre graater af the two ftorra, { 95 6700 0.49 0.17 BiS 1714 -7097 0 69 Gf9 100 6DDO 0 48 ❑ 10 632 1ow •1188 r1z ` ~r > 208" [3RAINAGE PQi+lD CALCl.P}.A71ON8 . Regulrei `M' Storage Ydume Impervlaus Aree x.S in 1 t 2 InlR 287 cu R 208' Starage Vdume Provided cu ft ~ ~ CiRYWELL REQUIREIv1ENT3 - 10 YEIIR DESIGN STC3RM Nleximum StoragB Requlmd by 9vYVSSSring 188 cu ft ~w~ ~ Numher nnd Type a} ❑rywells Requirad Y SEngle fl D[xtble fMLAiVG PAC]FIC EIdG]M1fEERING BOW57REM1lC3 METFlL1[7 PF0.fECT. $hel ley Raks- PhnSa T PEAK FLOW CA'LCULRTION PRC3JECT Slsellsy Lake - Phase I DEZEN3'lON BASIN RESIGN BASIN• I BASqk I DESIGW@FL• TRY11 Tot. Rrea 081 Acres pATE, 11t3nl45 Imp Area 24750 SF C a 0.74 YEme Increment [mfn) 5 GASE 1 Time oi Canc [mfn) 687 OutHorv(cis) 0.3 24 H Qverland Flow PH, pes3gn Year Row 10 Rrea (acres) 0.608 Ct a 0 i5 Imperviaus Area (sq it) 20750 L - 20 ft. 'C' Fnetor 07375 n= 0 40 `'20E' Vdume Provided s= 0020 auea • c ❑ aas Tc = 169 min, dy EquaGai 3-2 af Guidelines 11~ ~ Time Ttme Inc Intens 0 [3avel Yd In Vd Qun Storage 7M Ft Gunerflow (o II n~ g O 6 (m~~ a~ {i ~ ry~f} ~ ~ ~ (cls) ~ 60 ic] eO [(cu W ~ ) ~ ~ ~ ) - - - Z7 = 50 0 For Z2 687 412 2 70 1 21 6fi9 124 546 Z2 = 35 Type B= 0.0 n= 0019 Rdled = 3 5 5 300 9.18 7.Q 573 90 483 S= 0020 10 6o0 2 23 100 743 187 583 15 DDO 177 079 825 270 555 d= 0142 ►L, 2Q 12DO 1 45 4 E5 671 360 511 as 1500 1 21 064 ago aso aao A R ❑ Tc Tc tataf I Dc 3D 18oo 1 04 4 47 905 540 365 aaaaa- aaa.Qao en- - - - amaaaa o- e.oan a-ecaa. acao$a ~ 35 ~7~ ❑@1 041 B14 834 284 054 007 1 22 518 6.87 270 1.27 ~ 40 2+1DO 082 037 994 ?2{? 814 45 2700 ❑ 74 033 042 810 132 [ipeak far Case 1 m 1 25 cfs Si1 30M o89 030 957 gm 57 55 9300 064 6 29 9@7 am -3 : 60 36DO 081 0.27 1023 7080 -57 CASE 2 65 380G} 060 ❑ 97 4087 1170 -03 =-~oaea 70 4200 0.58 4.26 1129 7280 •131 Caae 2 assumes s Ttme df Caicentra4on less than 5 minuDes so that the 75 950(] 0 58 025 1165 1350 -185 Peak nov - 90 (s 18) [imR, n.ea) • 1 36 esa so aaW 0.53 024 1174 1440 -256 65 5100 052 0 23 1222 1530 -308 9[] 5400 0 5O 022 1242 1820 .978 So, Shg Feak npw Ta the gasEn is the greater oT the lwo tlr3WS, 95 5701 049 022 1283 1710 -427 5,38 c}s ~ f 700 6Dp0 ❑ 4B 0 22 t322 1800 -478 .203' DRAINAGE POfVC? CALCULATIO NS , •a, : ' Reqlt[ded '2UB' StCKnge Vdume - Empaviaus Area x 5 in 1 12 fnlf[ 865 eu ft 3 208' Storage Vdume Pravided tu TR ' i ORYWELL REqLJ1REMEWTS • 10 YEAR OE51Ci+l STORM z,"~r.`. ✓u FAwdmum Starage Requlred Gy Bowwstring 563 cu ft Number etnd Typs o} C1ryweIPs Required Y&ingle n powble {NLANO PACIF"IC Eh1GINEERING i BOW$TF21NG METFIOCI PRQJECT $helley Lflke • Rhase I PFJ11S FL❑W CALCULA71C7N PFti4.[ECT ShellBy l.ake - P}Sase I [3ETEIYTIDid BASIN DESiGhI BASIN I arsd ❑fl-B BA51N I and []K-B QESIGNER, TRW Tat Area 1 03 Acres ❑ATE 06124I98 ImQ Area 21550 SF C= 051 Time Prtuement (m1n) 5 CkSE 7 Time of £onc (min) 111360 Qutlraw [cfa) D 9 320 R pverland F9ow GeSign Year Flow 10 Area (acres) 103 Ct= 075 Imperviousl4reatsqRj 2755Q L= 329 ft 'C Facfcf 0.5762 n= o ao '20B' Voluma RrovWed to]d,f s = 0040 Area • C 0.526 Tc = 7 24 min.. 6y EQuativn 3-2 of GwdeGnes firms Tima fnc. Intens Q 17evel, Vol In Vd but Staraga 450 it Gutter flow {mmy (sec) {inlFsr} (cTs) (c~ irt} [cu R] [eu R] zti = Sn o Far zz iv Bo sss 217 IAa 972 191 7e1 Z2= 35 Type 8 =70 n= 0 096 Ruded ~ 3 5 5 300 3 98 7 67 672 9o 582 5= 0 020 70 600 224 118 848 1BLN 366 15 960 177 093 1038 270 788 d= 0746ft. ' 20 1200 145 078 1079 36D 77@ 25 9500 121 054 1091 450 641 A R 4 Tc 7c iaiaf 1 Qc 34 7800 103 D 55 1102 540 562 35 2100 fl 97 048 1108 830 478 052 007 7 17 336 1€1 8U 217 1 14 40 2440 082 0.43 9 727 720 407 45 2300 074 039 1134 870 324 QpeaEc fnr Cese 1= 1 14 efs 50 3000 058 9 36 1149 90a 249 55 3304 064 034 1183 940 193 60 36[)Q 085 032 1223 'd080 743 GASE 2 85 3900 0,60 032 1258 1170 428 70 4200 0 5H 030 1348 1260 $B Case 2 assumes a Time of ConaeritMan less iharr 5 mmutes so lhat the 75 4500 055 0 29 7 388 7350 38 peak flrsw = 90(3 18)[Imp Y1rea) = 142 tfs 80 4800 053 028 7397 7440 -43 85 5100 0 52 0,27 1453 1530 -77 96 5400 050 0 28 7476 7820 -744 5rs, She Peak tlow Tar ihe Besin ia the greaRer of ihe two fbws, 95 5700 049 026 7 523 7774 -7 B7 742 ds 100 6040 048 025 7568 1800 •232 248' C7RA9NA~'iE PQi+1D CALCLFLA7d0N5 RequEred'208' Starege Valume 4 Impervioua Rrea x 5 En 1 12 wnHft 898 cu R 208' Starege Volume Pruvided cu }t DRYWELL REQUIREMEPiTS -16 YEAR 0€SIGN STDRM Masumum Siarage Required 6y 8swsirtng 781 csi it Num6er and Type aF pnyvells Required 1 Smgle a Oouhle INLAPVLI PAiCIFIG EfVG€f4EERI1+tG i savvsrFUNG MEmoo PaWEc'r sneiiey Lake - Ph.sa i PEAI£ FZf7W CALCl1LATIQRV PROJEGZ. ShOey Le1[a - Phese I ;y DE'TENT1DM1t BASIM1I f.]E$IL"sH BA81Ph j 8rA5fN J C1ESlGNER' TRN 7at. Araa 0.14 Acres DATE 11 f30t85 Imp.Aree 2335 SF C ~ 044 - ~ ~r Time Ineremen! (min) s CA5E 1 ~y. • Time of Cunc. (min) 5.00 Outflaw{cts} 03 20 Tt OverlAnd Flow . Dos3gn Year Ravr 10 ' . Ar- (acr~sy ❑ , 37 Ct = 0.15 Impervi~ais Area (sq ft) 2335 L a 20 Tt ~'C' Factcu 04343 n s 090 '208' 4dume Pravidecl 6= 0.020 Araa • C 0001 Tc a 1.69 mIn, Dy Equabon 3-2 eT GuidelEnea [ ~ Wme Tima Inc. Intens O Dsvd Yd fn Vd.Out Siaaga 70 ft, Gutter flow f (mEn) {sec) (InVho (efs) {eea R} (cu ft) [cu ft] ~ a, aevaa.a a - ' ; . ~ 5Q U ForZ2 5~ as 3~d 6-0 916 ea@ ~ 19 -g--_ °°°'•_92 21 22= 3.5 Type8ml0 ' n m 0018 Rdled a 9.5 5 30l 3.18 4.19 78 go -12 SQQ 8 . 0.420 10 8DO 2 24 014 9e 180 -84 95 9Cm 1.77 0,11 106 270 •162 d. 0070 1! 20 1200 145 8 09 f 15 36[] -245 25 1500 121 007 t 1 B 450 332 A A Q 7c Tc totel 1 Oc 3E1 1800 104 606 124 540 -420 a--= ===--d ==-a=m -a=--a ma=44= ---$s= -a=- 35 2100 091 9,f1B 122 830 -508 013 003 ❑ 1 B 0 83 5.00 1.18 ❑ 1$ 4e 24DO 0 82 0.05 925 720 •595 ~ 45 2700 ❑ T4 0 05 b 26 B10 $84 ❑peak fdr Cnse 9~ ❑ 19 Gf8 50 30bU 088 0 64 i 28 DOO -772 55 3300 084 004 138 990 -857 BD 36M B1 004 139 1a80 -943 GASE 2 ~ 85 89M 060 0.04 148 1170 •1026 7{] 9$00 ❑5B 004 152 1260 -1146 Cdse 2 nssume9 d TIfnB o1 ConCenSfatiUn IQSa than & mfnu4es safhat iha ~ 75 95DO o5g 0,03 157 1350 -1193 peek flow =90(a 18)[!mp Arae) ~ 0 15 cfs 90 4800 053 0 03 15a 1480 -1282 =F 85 5100 052 003 185 7530 -1385 9Ll 5400 050 003 167 162fS -7453 Sa, fhQ Peak flrnv ior tte 6aain is tha grea[er of the twa Haws, 85 5700 049 6 03 9 73 1710 •1 S37 6.19 ots 107 80Dl] 0,48 003 1 78 180D -7822 248' C7RAINAGE RONf] GALCULA'FIQNS Required '308' 8[wags Vdums - ImpwvEors Ilrm x,5 En { 12 inPfR 97 cu R 2DO' Staagm Vdume Procnded cu ft ORYWEI.E REQUIREMENTS- 10 YEAR 0E31GN SiORM Msxirnum Starage Requfred hy Dowstring •12 cu ft Number and Type W mrywells Requlred 9' Single . fl Uwble INLAhiD PACIFIC ENCiINEEFiING gOWSTRiNG METHOD PRDJECT 5helley Lake - Phase I PEAK FLOlN CALCULATIfJN P€tO.lECT Shelley Lake - Phase I CJETENTlOIJ 6A$iN QESlGN BA51A1 I, J' and []ff 8 BA5ft I, J and Dff 8 DESIGNER TRW Tot Area 1 57 Acres DRZE 06I24l96 !mp Rrea 238$5 SF C= 041 Time Increment (min) 5 CASE 1 Time of Canc {min} 12 20 C3utflvw (cfs) 0.3 320 fl Qverland Flow Design YeaE Flaw 1{} Area (acres) 1 569 Ct = fl 15 Impervious Area {sq ffi} 23885 L = 320 ft 'C' Factor 94121 n= 040 '208' Vvlume Provided fdlo• !r ,5= 0020 Area ` C 0647 Tc= 8 J1 min , by Equation 3-2 a4 Guidelines Time Time Inc Intans. QDeVel Vol,In Vol,Out Storage 450 ft Gutter flaw (min) [sea) [inlhr) [ds) (cu ft) {cu ft) {cu ft} ..~~.r_3.... ~._~...~.~._......,N.,H...~ .,......M..~w .....~.,.,_.,.,w........,_.,.,....______~ Z9 = 50.4 Far Z2 12.20 732 200 929 1210 220 1050 7-2 = 15 3ype B=1.0 n= 0016 Ftalled = 35 5 300 3.18 2.06 827 90 737 S= 0A20 , iQ 600 2 24 1 45 1164 180 984 15 900 177 11+1 1315 270 1045 d= 0.945 ft 20 1204 1.45 0.94 1358 350 998 25 1544 1.21 0.78 1368 450 918 A R Q Tc Tc tata1 I Qe 30 1800 1 .04 O.67 1378 540 838 _=-=n-4= r=====-- 35 2100 091 459 1382 630 752 0.56 0 07 1.29 128 12.20 200 1 29 40 2400 0 82 ❑ 53 9404 720 684 45 2700 074 0.48 1411 810 609 Qpeak for Cass 1= 1.29 cfs 50 3000 0 88 044 1428 9Ufl 528 ' 55 33D0 064 0.41 1469 920 479 80 3600 0.E31 0.39 1518 1080 438 CASE 2 65 3900 4.60 4.39 1610 1170 440 70 4204 0.58 0.38 1658 1260 4081 Gase 2a ssumes a Time of Concenirativn less than 5 rrsinutes sv that the 75 4500 0.56 0.36 1799 1350 369 peak flow = 90(3 18)[drtsp Area] = 1 57 efs 80 4804 0.53 0.34 1730 1440 290 85 5100 0 52 0.34 1798 1530 268 90 5400 Q 5[} 0.32 4828 1620 206 50, the Peak flaw for the BasI n IS th$ greater vf the two fPvws, 95 5704 0 49 032 1885 1710 175 9 57 cfs 100 6000 048 0.31 1939 1840 139 208' DRA9NAGE PONQ GALCULATIQNS Reqwred'208" 5torage Vmlume = Emperviqus Area x.5 in 112 infft 995 cu ft 208' Stvrage Vofume Prouided ~QI6• S C+a ft DRYWELL REQLIIREMENTS - 40 YEAR DESlGN STQF2F Maximum Stvrage Reqwred 6y Bowstring 1450 cu Tt Numker and `fype af Drywells Required 9 SingPe 0 Dou61e INIJAHD PACIFEC ENG1PlEERING 80WSTRIMG ME'fHOD RROdECT, Shelley Leke - Phase I PEAK FLUW ChLCLfLATION PRC7.lECT Sheiley Ceke - Phass 1 ~ DE7ftNTIL]M @ASIH I7ESEC'aN &4SlN Ah BAS1N M r: r< pES[GNEFi: TRM Ta! Area Y 95 Acres C3ATE 11130195 Imp Arsa 12883 5F C ~ 0 28 'fime Increment {rnln} 5 CASE 1 i T(rne oi CaiC. (rnln} 5 88 ==a=a== ' Quttfrnv [cfs] 7 140 ft. Oveiarsd Flow s ' Oss3gn Year Fluw tp -,w f o9rm (acrea) 1947 c4 a 015 Impeviaus ATea (aq ft) rzeas L _ 140 n 'C'Fnetor 02638 n s 0,40 '20'Vsluma Provided S a 0080 Aren' C 0514 Fc fl 3.58 rrtin., hy Equahai 3-2 a1 E3uldelIrves Time Time Inc Pnsens 0 f7evel. Vd.ln Yd.c7ut Storesga 250 R Gutter flow (min) (sec) (inltv) (sfs) (cu t#) (cu T~ (cu R] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - T1 - 5a 0 For Z4 5,88 351 284 151 710 351 359 e=v Z2 a 35 TypeB=9U n= OOie Ralled a 3 5 5 300 118 1.63 857 300 357 S a 0010 ~ 10 BUo 2 24 1.15 829 960 228 15 Sm 5 77 0 9/ 927 9m 27 [I = 0 175 ft $ 24 9200 1.95 0 74 SB3 1200 -217 25 1500 1.21 0.62 74RN 1sm -494 A R G Tc Tc [afrel I 4c 30 180 104 963 1 025 18w -735 -a---Q omo-aa -----m e-dsoQ mado~- ---a35 2100 0,91 047 1037 2500 -1083 6 82 009 1sf1 227 586 294 151 46 4400 9 82 042 1001 2400 -1339 45 27011 074 0.38 1072 2700 -1 628 Opealc faf Cn,Se 1 a 1 51 c[s 50 3000 Lt.B$ 0.35 1090 3000 •1910 55 3300 Q.@4 33 1124 33M •21 iB 60 3640 0611 ❑ 91 1165 36DO -2435 CASE 2 85 3NO 060 031 1239 3900 -2881 ====m- v 70 4200 058 034 t287 42D0 -2818 Case 2 essumes a Time oP Corecenttatlon les5 tharr 5 rrtlnutea sa theS the 75 4500 0.56 0.29 1329 45M -3171 peax nrnN -go (a 1e) (imP Area) ~ ca es crs ao 4600 a.S3 0.27 1 am 46W _Wi 65 55OD 0.52 0.27 3394 510@ -3705 94 5900 ❑ 50 0.28 1417 5400 _1'983 Sa, ths Peek fl wv Tcm iha Basin Es !he gr~tee [sf ~aa two Rasvs. y 95 57~ G 48 0.25 465 Se'~ -4235 1 51 cTs 190 SUOQ 048 0.25 1509 8DOD -4491 2D8' pRAINAGE PC]HB CALCULA71OIVS RQqulred'208' Stcxega Volume = ImpeevEsws Yteea x.5 In 112 intn 536 cu it 20a` Storage Vdume ProWdaS au R OAYWELL REOLIIREMENTS - 10 YEAR DES1GN STDRM ¢ulaximum Siorags Fiequired hy Bowstring 359 cu }t hiumber snd Type of D" ls Requirecf CY Sfngle 1 double 174LAHl] PACIF7C EP1~`aIHEERIWCi ~ 6DWSTRING METHOD PROJECT ShelEey Lake - Phase I PF_AK FLOW CALCULATI(3N PRO,lECT shelley Lake - Phase I DETENTIaN BA51N C]ESlGN 6ASIN• N reVised BA51N_ N revised oESIGNER: 1"RW Tol Area 0 50 ,4cres C1ATE 06f24I96 fmp Area 14580 SF G = 065 Time Increment (min) 5 CASE 1 Time oP Conc [min] 5.00 f]utftow (c#s) 03 10 ft. Overland Flow Design Year Ffaw 10 Area [acres] 0504 Ct = 015 ;rnperviaus Area (sq ft) 14580 L = 10 ft. 'C Factor 06476 n= 040 '208' Volume Provided 610 5= 0020 Area " C 0.326 1'c = 1 11 min , Eay Equali[an 3-2 af Guidelines Time Time Inc, intens Q Devel VoV' In V'QI Clut 5torage 500 ft. Gutter flvw (min) {sec) {inChr) [cfs) [cu flt) (cu R) [cu ft] Z1 = 500 FDr Z2 500 300 3.18 1.04 497 90 327 c2- 35 TypeB=10 n= 0016 Rvlled = 3 5 6 360 318 1.Q4 417 90 327 S= 0.020 10 600 2.24 0.73 513 180 333 15 900 11.77 0 58 579 274 349 d= 0134 ff 20 1200 1 45 0.47 616 360 258 25 1500 1 21 039 633 450 183 A Ed Q Tc Tc tsstal 1 ac 34 180t1 1 .04 0.34 546 540 106 35 2100 0 91 0.30 654 830 24 Q 48 0 07 7 44 3 84 500 3.18 1 04 40 2400 082 0.27 670 728 -50 45 2700 0 74 0,24 677 B10 -133 Qpeak for Case 1= 104 cfs 50 3000 0 68 0.25 688 900 -292 55 3300 064 0 21 711 990 -279 60 3600 61 020 737 1080 -343 CASE 2 65 39D0 060 0.20 784 9170 -386 70 4204 0.58 19 814 1260 -446 Case 2 assumes aTime of Concentration dess than 5 minutes av that the 75 4500 4.56 018 841 3350 -509 peak flvw= 90(3 98)(lmp Area)= 0 95 ds SD 4800 0.53 017 848 1440 Z92 85 5100 0.52 017 863 1530 -647 90 5400 0 50 016 898 1620 -122 50, the F'eak flvw br the Basin ns t h e greater af ttte twa tlaws, 95 5700 049 0.18 928 1710 -782 1 Qd cfs 100 6000 0.48 0.16 955 1$f1Q -844 208' DRA3NAGE Pt7fVD CALCLfLATIDNS Required '208' Siorage Volume = Imperuious Area x.5 in 112 ftilft 608 cv ft 208" 5tarage VQlume PmVided 610 cu R QR`PWELL REQUIREMENTS -1D YEAR DE51GN STt}RF Maximum Storage Reqwred bp Bawstring 333 cu Tt Number and Type vf Drywells Requued 1 Singfe 0 C}vv61Q pNLANO PAG9FIC EHGIMEEFtING BOWSTRIIdGu METHC]❑ F'FiAIECT: 8hiN ley Leke- Phnae I PEAK FLO441 CAUCLlLATII]N PRD.1EC7 ShelEey Lake- Phsse I DETEEdTtON BASIfV DESiGhE BASIN. Q 6ASIN fl DESIGNEFt TRW Tot. Area ❑ 77 Acres DATE' 1 Tl30195 Imp Arem 7170 SF C ~ 0.31 7ime Inerenent [mfn] 5 CASE 1 Time of Csme (min) e,38 Outti oav (cfs) ❑ 3 150 ft C7veAarid Flciw masign Year Ra+n 10 ` 1#rea (ncres) 13768 Ct ~ 0.15 fmpenrfeus Aren {gq n} 7170 L o 150 }t :'G' Fec4Dr 03111 n m 4 40 s'208' Yoluma Prcvided S a 0060 A►ea • C Q.239 Tc m 4 07 min , by Equation 3-2 01 Guidclinea ~ Time Tlrne Inc Intens, q Deval. Vd.9n Vd.Out Storage 350 R Guitetttow [mIn] (Sec) [mlhr) (cta) [cu ft] {cu ►q {cu tty Z1 - 50.0 For Z2 8.38 m 2 80 067 342 115 227 c o a Z2 = 3.5 Type B~ 4~1 n= 0016 Rdlei o 3 S 5 300 3.18 078 306 g] 215 3- 0040 10 600 2,24 053 390 t80 210 l~ 15 80f] 9 77 042 435 27C1 165 d m 0.100 ft 20 121DO 1 45 035 46D 360 1DO vs ~ $¢3''~ 25 7500 1.21 020 430 950 20 A R Q 7c Ta tofsl 1 ae 30 1soo 104 025 478 540 -62 - ae- me - sa- av o - - v .,.Qeraa ma~osv -oa--- :--aaa• { 35 2100 091 022 484 890 -148 027 005 067 231 638 284 067 ' 40 2400 082 020 494 720 -226 45 2700 074 0 1 B +799 810 -311 qpaak Pa Cnse 1= 087 cPs 5f7 300 0.86 018 507 BQOF -%3 55 3300 064 0.15 523 m -487 BO 9800 ❑9i 016 542 iff80 f38 CA3E 2 :,-u. 85 99D0 860 014 576 1170 -594 ~agosaa ./F ` 70 42DO ❑58 014 598 1280 -642 Cnse 2 assumea a Trma af ConCentmAan fess than S minutas so thsf tlie 75 450Q 0.56 0,13 918 1350 -732 peak mow -.80(9 18) (IrtSp YVea} ~ 0.47 cfa ao 45W 0.53 0.t3 sm 1440 -817 ss 51 DO 052 0.12 eae rssv -asa 9v saoo 050 a s2 659 1e20 -01 So, Sha Pwic flrnv Icx !he Elesin is ths greater ert the hv[s flr~ws, 95 57G0 049 012 681 t710 -1029 es 087 c(s 400 fiflQQ 048 011 701 1804 -7D99 , ti~• ~ro 208' ORAINAGE POND CALGLJLA710N5 Flequlrgd 2G8' Stcrege Vduma ' ~ - Imper+r€aus Area x .5 in 112 dnlft 299 eu ft # 208' Straage Vdurrte Promdsd eu tt ~ ~DRYWELL REOUIREMENTS - iQ 1'EAR DE51GN 5'iORM d ; Msidmum 6"e Requlred by Bowstring 227 eu tt Number end Type oT 6rywe1is RequErGd 9$ingle 0 [7ouble INIANa PACIFIC E14GINEERIHG BOWSTRiNG METEiDQ PRQJECT• 5hellBy Lake - Phase I PEAK FLC]W CALCULATI(3N PRC}JECT ShelEey Lake - Rhase I bETENT[ON 6AS1N DESIGN BASIW, P revised Sf151M P revised C1E51C,NER 3RW Tot Area 1 13 Acres DATE• 06124/96 Imp Area 11438 5F C= 032 Time IncrerRent (min) 5 CASE 1 Time af Cone. (min) 5.30 Outflow (cfs) 03 144 ft Overland F3aw Llesign Year Flaw 10 Area (acres) 9.128 Ct = 0.15 Imperviasas Arsa (sq #t) 11438 L = 140 ft 'C' Factor 4.3249 n - 0.40 '208' Volume Pravided 480 S= 0080 Area " C 0356 Tc = 3 58 min., by Equativn 3-2 of Guidehnes Time Time Inc. Intens ❑eVe9 Vol In Vol Qut Slasage 250 ft. Guiter flvw {min} (sec) (in/hr) {cfs} (cu ft) {ou ft) {cu fl} V r_~_ ------_y Z1 = 500 For Z2 530 318 3 10 1 13 484 95 388 Z2= 35 TypeB=1Q rr = 0.016 Ralled = 3 5 5 300 3 18 1 16 468 9o 378 S= 4.025 10 600 224 0.82 580 180 400 15 900 177 O.65 653 270 383 d= 0 133 R 20 1200 1 45 0 63 694 364 334 25 1504 111 Q dd 712 450 262 A R Q Tc Zc to4a! I Qc 30 1800 4.04 0 38 726 540 186 ~~WW~=== 35 2100 091 033 735 630 105 047 007 1 15 1 72 530 310 113 40 2400 082 0.30 752 720 32 45 2704 0 74 027 760 Si0 -56 ❑peak far Case 1= 1 13 cfs 50 3404 0 58 0.25 773 900 -127 55 3300 064 023 798 390 -792 60 3600 D 61 4 22 828 1080 -252 CASE 2 65 3900 060 022 880 1170 -290 70 4200 0.58 021 914 4260 -345 Case 2 assumes a Time vf Conoentratioro less fhan 5 minutes so that the 75 4500 0.56 020 944 1350 406 peak flow = 90(3 98){imp. Area} = 0.75 cfs 8b 4800 0.53 0.19 952 4440 488 85 5100 O.52 019 991 1530 -539 90 5400 0.50 0 78 1048 1620 -612 50, the Peak flow fcar the 8asin rs the greatea of the t+nro flows, 95 5700 0.49 0 78 70d7 1710 -569 1 13 cfs 100 6000 O.AEi 0.18 1073 1800 -727 208' flRAINAGE PpND CALGIJLATI01V5 Required '208' Storage Vatume = Impervious Arca x 5 m 172 inlft 477 cu it 208' Storage Vvlume Provided 4$0 au ft DRYWELL REL}UiRE9NENTi S - 10'A'ERR QESIGN STORF Maximum 5tarage Required by 8nwstring 400 cu ft Number and Type af [3rywells Reqwred 9&ingle 0 Dou61e INLAND PACiFIC ENGENEEfiING BOWSTRING NiETI°10D PRC}.dECT• 5helley Lake - Phasa 4 PEAK'FLOW CALCl1LATICIN PRO.lEGT 5helley Lake - Phass I DE7ENTION BASIN [3E51GN BASIN, Q reVised ' B,45lN Q reVised [7E51GNER: TRW Tat Area 1 38 Acres []ATE' 06l24l96 Imp Area 18675 5F C~ 038 Time Increra3ent (min) 5 CASE 1 Time ai Cona. [min) 13.35 Outflpw (cfs) 2 140 ft buerland Flow C}esign Year FIQw 10 Area (acres) 1 382 Gf = 0.15 Pmpervious Area (sq ft) 98575 E_ 140 ft 'C' FaCtos U 3826 n = 040 '208' !]oluma Provided 2777.5 5= 04fl Area " C 0529 Tc = 441 min , by Equat'san 3-2 of Guidelines Time Time Inc Intens Q Devel Val In 4'0l Oui 5tarage 1240 R Gutter fiouv (min) {sec} {inlhr} (cfs) (cu ft) [cu ft] {cu R} Z'Y = 500 Fvr Z2 1135 ~=-=-801 1.90 1.01 yy~~tl1084 1642 tly_ .523 7-2 = 35 TypeB~90 n= 0016 RoITed = 3 5 5 304 3 18 168 676 600 76 5= 0024 S o 6[]4 2 24 1 18 952 1200 °248 15 944 1 77 094 1097 180[] -703 d= 0.127 ft. 20 1200 1 .45 0.77 1129 2400 -1279 25 1500 1 21 064 1134 3004 -1866 R R Q Tc Te total I Qc 30 1840 9.04 0.55 1140 3600 -2460 ====-Ty= 35 2100 0 91 0.48 1142 4200 -3458 0 43 0.46 1,00 8.94 13 35 1 9a 1 01 40 2400 082 043 1159 4800 -3641 45 2700 4.74 039 1163 5400 -4237 Qpeak for Case 9= 1 0 1 cfs 50 3000 4.68 0 36 1177 6400 -4823 55 3300 O.64 0.34 4209 6600 -5393 60 3600 0.61 032 1249 7200 -5951 CASE 2 65 3960 060 432 1324 7840 -6476 70 4200 0.58 0.31 1372 8400 -7028 Case 2 assumes a Time of Cnnce ntrativn less than 5 minutes so that the 75 4500 056 030 1413 9000 -7587 peslc flow = 90(3 1'8)(Imp Area) = 9.23 cfs SO 4800 0 53 0 28 1421 9600 -8179 85 510[] 4.52 027 1477 10200 -8723 90 5400 050 0 26 1500 10800 -9300 50, the Peak ffaw for the Basin is the greater af the twn flows, 95 5700 0.49 0.26 1547 19400 -9853 1 23 cfs 100 6000 4.48 026 1592 12000 -10448 208' DRAIN,+AGE PC]ND CAL,CULATIt]N5 Requtred'Z48' Starage Vv1ume = Impenrious Area x 5in 112 iNft 778 cu R 208' Storage Volume Provided 2777 a cu ft DRYiIVELL REOUIREMENTS -10 YEAR DE51GN STaRF Maximum 5tosage f2equired by BowString 76 eu ft Number andType of [3rywell5 Required 0 Sing4e 2 Dvuble iNLANO PACIFIG ENGkNEERING @C3VVSTRIHG AAETFiO[7 PFddJECT' &helley lake • Phas81 PEAIC FLQW CALCLILATIay pR7J C7,1EC7 $heJley Lake - Phasa I OETENTIDN BASIN 05SIGN BASIM. R B4SIN fi pE316NER' TFiW 3ot Area 2.47 Acres DATE' 11 r3G~5 3G Imp. Rres 20576 SF ~ G= ~29 7ime Incrernent (mErr) 5 CRSE 1 71ene at Cdo c, {rrcEn) 9.31 aa@==== C]umow (e1s) I 80 !L OverEand Flow } Deslgn Yeei Raw ie ~ Arfla (acrBS) 2 4GS Gt - ❑ 15 tmpeatioua Are+et [etg ft] 20578 L- 80 ft 'C' Facta 02937 n= 0 40 '208' VWume Pewi[fGd 0 820 AYea ' C 0724 Te - 3 86 rnln , hy Equugan 3-2 01 Guldelfnes ~ Tims 'Ffine Pne. Intersa Q devd Vd tn Vd Out 8wmge 960 n, Cwttar "rnw (mln) (sec) [lnlhr} (cfs) {cu ft} (e,u ft) [cu ft} ava... au - 50 a Far aa 931 sss 2.33 s.ea 1261 559 703 r=n ZE - 3.5 Type B- 1 0 n a 0018 Rd1ed - 15 S 300 310 230 926 3DO B28 5 a 0024 44 800 2.24 162 1292 800 882 15 9flo 1 5I 1 28 1397 gIQ 497 s1 = 0155 it. 26 1200 4 45 105 1450 1206 280 25 1500 121 0 E8 1+181 fS]0 -79 +9 R 47 rc rc tsnai i Oc 30 180D 1 44 4 75 1498 1sM .301 oaae-v moaQOa --saao -a-saa ooa--- amamom aam-a 35 21OD 0,94 0,66 15M 2100 -591 4 89 ❑as 4 70 543 931 2 33 1 8B 40 240f} 082 0 59 953$ 2400 -882 45 270D 0.74 D 54 4549 2700 -1181 qpeak fpr Cpse S a 5,88 cf9 50 30W 0 68 0 49 9571 3000 •1429 55 330Ci 0 94 048 l818 3= •1 B82 60 9NO 0 BS 0 44 1874 380O •1928 CASE 2 • 65 3900 0,50 0.43 1777 3900 -2123 - ==dm- m 70 4200 058 042 t644 4200 -235@ Cd9B'2 lA9SIlmB9 d TIRIB Q! COfYCen78UGf1 l¢SS IlllSTi 5 11'tVIS1tE9 80 [hAF th6 75 450D 0 58 0 41 1902 45W -2558 Pe~ flow a90{a ia'qImp Area) a 1 as ers 86 40M 0.53 a.ss sa35 4800 -asas ss 5100 0 52 0 38 1992 5100 -3108 go 5400 0.50 4.38 2024 54[H} .3378 Sq the Pesk Tlow Fcx ths Basin Is the greatsr aF fhe two n owa, 95 5704 0,49 0 35 2090 5700 .3810 1 88 c1s 900 8m 048 0 35 2152 BQ0D -380 SO':'s,•..... ti. . ;zs;az ~ 208' bRAfIdAGE F't]ND CALCULRTIfJN5 ~ Raqulred '20E' Starage Vckume ~ Impervious Area x 5 En 112 IntR 857 cu Tt r 208' Storage Vduma Pranded ru ft f]RYWECL REOl1fREMENTS - 10 YEAR ❑ESIGN $TORM ~ Maxlmum StArsge Requfred by Bawstring 703 cu it Numbe.r and Type of brywel ls Requlred 0 Singfe 1 Dou61e INLANQ PACIFIC EMOIMEERING BOWSTRtNG METHDO PROJECT. 5helley Lake -Phase 9 PEAf( FL,O1N GALCLJL,4TIpN PROJECT Shellsy Lake - Phase I DETENTIQN 6A511V DE51(;N BASIfY° M0QRH revised BAS1N MOCFRli revised DE5IC;NER- TFiW Tot Area 7 21 Acres DATE: 06124196 Imp Rrea 66172 5F c= 031 Ttme Inerement (min) 5 CA5E 1 Time of Canc. (min) 9.$5 Outflow (cfs) 3 BO ft. C}verland Flow Qesign Year Flow 10 Area (acres) 7207 Ct = 075 ImpenrEOUS Area (sq ft) 68172 L= 80 ft. 'C' Factox 03081 n= 040 '208' Volume Provided 2777.5 5 = 0.020 Area " C 2.220 Tc = 3 88 rnin , by Equation 3-2 of GuidLhrteS Time Tam$ Inc 1ntsns. Q DeYel Vvl In Val Out Starage 1240 ft Gutter flflw (min) [sec) [irVhr) (cTs) (cu ft) {cu ft} {ou ft} -dd--~== ~~~W~W~Y Zi = 500 For Z2 9.85 591 2.25 5.40 3358 1773 2185 72 = 35 TypeB=14Y n= 0.016 Ro1Ped - 3 5 5 300 3.18 706 2839 900 4939 5 = 0 624 10 600 2,24 4,97 3984 1800 2184 15 900 177 3.93 4327 2700 1627 d= 0 233 ft 20 1200 1 45 3.22 4510 3600 910 25 1540 1 .21 2.59 4570 4500 70 A R Q Tc Tc tofal I G!c 30 18o0 1 .04 2,31 4621 5400 -779 35 2100 091 2 02 4$49 63I30 -9659 7 45 012 503 5.97 9 85 2 25 5 00 40 2404 082 1 82 4736 7200 -2464 45 2700 074 1 64 4767 8100 -3333 Qpeak far Case 1= 5.00 cfs 50 3000 068 1.51 4833 9000 -4167 55 3300 064 1 .42 4975 9900 -3925 BO 3500 4 61 1.35 5148 10800 -5552 CASE 2 65 3900 060 1 33 5464 11700 •6238 70 4200 0 58 1 29 5668 12600 -6932 Case 2 assume s a Trne af C on ce nt rati o n less than 5 minutes so that the 75 4500 056 9 24 5845 135410 -7655 peak flow = 90{3 18}(Irrsp Rrea) = 4 35 efs 4800 0 63 1 18 5885 14400 -8555 85 5100 0.52 1,15 6121 15300 -9179 96 54417 0.5{] 1.11 6218 16204 -9982 5v, the Peafe ffrsw for Rhe 6asrn is the greater af the two flows, . 95 5700 0.49 109 6420 17100 -10680 5.40 efs 100 6000 ❑ 48 1 07 6609 18000 -11391 248' DRAINAGE POND CALCULATPC)NS Fiequired'208' St$rage Vcrlume = Imperviov5 Area x 5 dn 1 12 iNR 2757 cu ft 208' Storage Volume Provided 27775 cu ft DRYWELL REQUIREMENTS - 10 YEAR [7E51GN 5TC3RP Maximum 5tarage Require9 by $owstring 2185 cu fi Number and Typ$ of Drywefls Requued p 5inglg 3 Double IfJLR1Vf7 PACIFtG EPiGI1VEERlMC3 BOwsrRiNa M€nHoa PF1ddEC7. Sheliey Lake • Phase I PEAK FLC1W CALCIILRTIC7tJ PRCAIECT Shdlay l.aks • Phase! DETENTION BA311H OESIGM 6ASIW' S BASIN S DESIG1dER. TFiW Tot Rree 46 Acres pATE t 1130195 [mp Atea 6714 SF C = 0.40 ~ - ` Time Incmnent [min] 5 CASE 1 7ime Qt Canc (min) 500 ,'i0ufflPw (C1s) 0.8 =v a~ 28 n. Oveiiand Flaw ~ Deslgn Year Rrnx 10 Ares (a*.res) D 481 Ct g 015 tmpaNous dlrea (sq ft) 6714 L - 2€1 €L 'C' Fact[< 0 4008 n. ❑ 40 ~ i '208' Vdume ProviBed 5= ❑ 021 Ikrea ' C 0185 Tc a 1.59 min , 6y Equat rm 3-2 of Guldel ines .:F Tme Tme Inc Intena. Q Dsve9. Vd Irr Yd Qut Sterege 370 tt Gutter Nvw (en9n) (sec) [inlhl Icfs' {cu st} {w ft) {cu tt} aao aoo=a.o m~aass- aoss- aa a:- - s: ~ Q - - e~oacmmr v ss - aa Z1 ¢ 5a[3 FcYZ2 5.DD 300 318 059 238 90 74$ ~ :ra• FF Z2 = 3 5 T*p*pe 6 0 1.0 n= 4.018 Rrsllsd - 3,5 3M 3.18 059 238 90 146 5= 0040 10 660 2 24 4.41 291 180 111 15 gm 7.77 033 32B 270 58 d - 0095 ft. ~ acj 1200 1.45 027 349 38D as 15M 1.21 0 22 3a asa -02 A R ❑ Tc fic tow t ac ~ 34 18w 104 019 385 540 •1 iS 6 - = ' f =a=~~~ 35 P1~ ❑9i fJ 17 37d 830 •2~1 024 005 - o5f} ~ ae253 aa o5~ 3,18 658' 40 2400 489 015 379 720 -341 ~ `.w. , ~ 45 2~ U.~4 0 14 983 Bi D a127 ❑pealc for Csaa 1 a ❑ 59 efa SQ 3047O G B& CF 93 390 900 SIO SS 930A 0 84 012 402 990 -589 Ba 3$00 0.61 41l 417 1080 -sm CASE 2 85 3900 0.80 0.11 494 1170 -M 70 4200 0.58 6.17 461 1267 -799 Case P esssumes e Tme aT C~centratlai Iess than S minutm so that 1he 75 4500 6 56 ❑ 10 478 135Ef -874 peak flow - 90 (3 18) (Imp Psrea) = 044 efa sa 4800 0.53 0.10 cso 1440 -M 3~85 51DD p 52 d 90 5IX7 9530 -1030 90 540Q 0 50 0.49 508 1820 -1112 ~ So. the Pwfe flrnw dor the Basin fs tlie greater oF the iwo florsrs, 95 5700 0 49 009 $25 1710 -1185 0 54 cfs 100 6600 048 049 541 1aw -1259 t 208' dRAINAGE ROMD CALCULATfqWS Required '2i78' Storage Ydume = Impervious Fvea x 5 in 1 12 inlFt 280 cu ft ~'Q 20$' Sforage Voturtie PraYided Cu R DRYWELL FlE@UIRENEE1+175 • 10 YFJyR pESIC3N STORM Mapmum 8toage Required by eowstring 748 cu ft Numher and Tqpa oT Drywslla Required 1 Singie o C}au6fe INLRND PACIFIC ENG[NEEFifNG BOWSTRING METHaD f'ROJECT Sheliey Lake - Phase I PEAK FLOW CALGULATION PROJECT 5helley Lake - Phase t DETENTION BASlN GtESIGN 6A51N T revised BASIN T reuised DESIGNER TRW Tot. Area 0 25 Acres QATE 06l24195 PCnp. Area 10937 SF C~ 086 Time Increment (min) 5 GASE 1 Time of Canc (min) 5,01 t7utflow (efs) 9 20 ft Dverland F1aw Desigsr Year Flow 10 Area {acres} 0145 Ct = 0.15 Imperoivus Area (sq ft) 10137 L= 20 ft `C' Faciar 08625 n= 041) '208' Vvlume F'rovided 1830 5 Y 0020 Area * C 0211 Te - 1 69 mm , by Equatlon 3-2 of Guufelines Time Time Inc Intens. 0 Devel Vol In Vol Out Storage 280 ft Gutter flaw (mm) {sec) (cnlhr) (c#s) {cu ft) fr.u ft] (cu ft) , , Z1 = 500 Far Z2 ' 501 y~Y300 3.18 4 67 270 ~ 340 -30 Z2 = 9 Type S= 1 C] n= 0016 Rolled r 3.5 5 300 3 18 0.67 274 300 -30 S= 0 008 10 GQO 2 24 0.47 332 600 -268 15 500 177 Q.37 375 900 • -525 d= 0 140 ft 20 1200 145 4 31 399 1200 -845 25 1500 1.21 028 410 1500 -9090 A R Q Tc Tciotal 9 Qc 30 1840 1.04 022 478 1800 -1382 35 2140 17.91 0 19 423 2100 -9 fi77 050 0 07 070 9 32 501 118 067 40 2400 0,82 0.17 434 2400 -1966 45 2700 0 74 016 438 2706 -2282 !]peak foa Case 4' = 0 67 cfs 50 3000 068 (].14 +Wfi 3000 -2554 55 3340 064 U.14 Afifl 3300 -2840 60 3680 069 ❑ a3 477 3800 -3923 CASE 2 65 3906 0.50 013 507 39[]0 -3393 70 4200 4.58 0.12 527 42[]0 -3673 Gase 2 assumes a Time v# Goneeniratton less fhan 5 minutes sa that the 75 4540 056 0 12 545 4500 -3955 peak flovv =,30(3.1 S)(Imp, Area) = 4 67 sfis 80 4800 0.53 D 19 549 4800 -0259 85 5100 052 0 1l 572 5100 -1528 90 5400 054 0.19 581 5400 -4819 Sa, t h e Peak flaw far the 6asin is the greater af the hvo flaws, 95 57[}0 049 010 801 5700 -5099 067 cfs 100 5000 0 48 0.10 619 6000 -5381 208' ORAINAGE POND C14LCULATIC7NS Required '208' Storage Volurne = Impervious Area x.5 in 112 inlft 422 cu ft 208' Starage Vofume Provided 1880 cu ft QRINJELL REQUfREARENTS - ZO YEAR DESIGN STORP Mauimum Sterage Required by Bflwrsfring -30 cu ft ` Number and Type of Drywells FTequired 0 5ingle 1 C]ouble 1NL4NO PACIFIC ENC`a1NEERING L BQWSTRING NiETHOD PRDJECT: Shelley'Lake - Phase I PEAK FLQW CALCULATIdN PRO,]EC7 5helley Lake - Phase I CsETENTIOM 8A51iV DE51GN BA5lM U revised BA51N U revised [7ESIGNER TRW ToT Area 4 82 Acres DATE 06124196 Imp Area 33751 5F e= 086 Time Increment (rltin) 5 CASE 1 Time of Conc (rrtin) 5 DO Oulflow {efs} 1 20 f# Overland Flow C3esign Year Flow 10 Area (acres) 0.816 Ct = 4 15 lmperviaus Area (sq it) 33751 L = 20 ft 'C Factor O.8625 n= 040 '208' Vofume Provfded 1830 5= 0020 ~ Area ' C 0 704 7c = 169 min , by Equation 3-2 of Guidelirres Time Time Inc Intens Q Devel Vvl An VoI Qut Starage 580 ft Gutter fiaw (min) {sec) [iNhr) {C#s) (cu ft) (cu R) 4cu ft) Z1 = 500 Far Z2 5.00 300 118 2.24 900 ~----300 -----600 z== 72 = 1 Type B= 10 n= 0016 Rolled = 3 5 5 300 3 18 2 24 904 300 fipp a== 5= 0025 10 600 224 9 58 1107 600 507 15 500 177 125 1248 900 348 d= U 175 R. 20 1200 1 45 102 1329 1200 129 25 1500 1.21 0 85 1364 1504 -136 A R Q Tc Tc tofal d Qc 30 1 SDO 1.04 0 73 9392 1800 -408 35 2100 0.91 064 1410 290{} -690 0 78 0(]8 2 25 3 23 500 318 2.24 40 2400 0 82 0 58 1444 2400 -956 45 270[} 0 74 0.52 1459 2700 -1241 Qpeak dar Gase 1= 2 24 cfs 50 3000 0 68 48 1485 3000 -1515 55 3800 064 45 1532 3300 -1768 60 8600 061 043 1589 3500 -2011 CA5E2 65 3900 0.60 042 1690 3900 -2210 70 4200 068 041 1756 4200 -2444 Case 2 assumes a Time of Cancentratian fess than 5 rninutes sa that the 75 4500 0.5F'i 039 1814 4504 -2686 peak tlaw = 90{118}{Imp Area)= 2.22 cfs 80 4$00 0.53 0.37 1829 490D -2971 85 5900 O.52 0 37 1944 5100 -3196 90 5400 0.50 035 1935 540if -3484 50, the Peak flnw fvr the Basin is the greater of ihe twa flovWS, 95 5704 ❑ 49 0.34 2007 570p -3899 2 24 Cfs 14D 5000 048 0.34 2467 6040 -3939 208' piZA1NAGE'PtJNQ CALiGULP,TIt}N5 Requi red'248' Storage Volume = Impervious Area x.5 in f 12 infft 140E cu ft 248' Starage Volume PraVided 9830 cu R DRYINELL RECdUIREMENTS - 10 YEAR DESlGN STDRF Maximum Slorage Required hy Bgwsfryng fiDD eu ft hlum6er and Ti ype af Dryvvetls Required 4 Sing1e 1 Dauble iNoaNo PnciFtc ENGiNEERiNc $OWSTRING ME`fFtD[7 PRO,lECT 5helley Lake - Phase f PEAK FLOW CALCULATIaN PR4JECT Shelley Lake - Phase I flET'ENTi ION BASiN DE51GN BA51N. Z,11- new BA51}4f T,U - new DESIGNER TRW Tvt Area 1 66 Acres DATE 06I24196 Irtrp Area 438$8 5F C= 0$6 Time Increment {min} 5 CASE 1 Time af Conc (min) 5.(]0 outflvw (cfs) 1 20 ff Overfand Flaw besign Year Flaw 10 Area (acres) 1061 Ct = 015 Impervivus Area (sq ft) 43888 L= 20 ft 'C' FaGter 08625 n= 0.40 '208' Volurrse Provided 1839 5= 0 020 Rrea ' C 6.995 7e r 9 69 min, by Equativn 3-2 vf Guidehnes Tme Time Inc. Intens. Q Devel Vol.ln Vo1.Out 5tvrage 560 ft. Gutter flow {min} [sec] (inlhr) [cfs] (cu ft) [cu ft) {su ft} Z1 = 50 0 For Z2 5:00 300 3.18 2 91 1170 300 870 c== Z2= 1 Type6=1Q n= 4.015 Roiled = 3 5 5 300 3.18 2.91 1170 300 870 5= 0025 10 600 2.24 205 9439 BfID 839 15 900 1 77 162 1823 SOD 723 d= 0 193 it 2{] 1200 1 45 9 33 1728 1200 528 25 1500 121 111 1774 1500 274 A R 4 Tc Tc total I Qc 30 1800 104 0 95 1810 1800 90 35 2100 i? 91 083 1834 2100 -266 0 95 0.10 2 93 3 03 500 318 2 91 40 2400 [}.82 075 1873 2400 -523 45 2700 034 068 1897 2700 -803 Qpeak for Case 1 r 2 91 cfs 50 3000 068 0 62 1930 3000 -1070 55 33(]0 D 54 0 59 9992 3300 -1308 60 3600 0.81 0 55 2087 3600 -1533 CASE F 65 3300 0 60 0.55 2197 3900 -1703 70 a?oo 0.58 oZ3 22$3 4200 -1917 Gase 2 assumes a Yime af Concentrati an less than 5 tninuies sa lhat the 75 4500 0.56 0.53 2358 4500 ' -2142 peak flow = 90(3 18)(Imp Area) = 2 88 ds SO 4800 D.53 0.49 2378 4800 -2422 85 5100 0.52 048 2475 5100 -2528 90 5400 p 50 046 2517 5400 -2883 So, lhe Peak flow far the Basin is the greater oi the two fltjws, 95 5700 O.49 045 2602 5700 -3098 2 91 Cfs 104 5000 048 0 44 2680 6000 -3320 208' aFtAINAGE PaND CALCULATdC]NS Ftequired'248' Storage Valume = Rmperviaus Area x 5 in 112 iNtt 1825 cu #t 208' Starage Volume Pr6Vided 1850 csa ft ❑RYWELL REQUIf2EMENTS - 10 YEAR ~DESIGN STDRr Maximum 5tarage Required by Bvwstdng 870 cu ft Numher and Type of Oryweils Required Q 5ingle 9 pvub4e INLANC3 PRCIFfG EPIGINEERiNG BOWSI`RING 4VIETHf7D PRa,]ECT• Shelley l..ake - Phase 9 PEAK FLOW CALGUC,ATION PROJECT Shelley Lake - Phase I ❑ETENTION BASIAi DE51GN Bfh511Y, V rev ' BR$I1V V reu DESIGNER' 7RW Tv1. Area 0.38 Ac-res QATE. 06C24196 fmp. Area 35705 5F C = fl.8[i Time Incremen4 (min) 5 CASE 1 Time vf Conc, (min) 7 99 Outf3c:w (cts) 0.3 20 ft, C7verland Flousr Design Year Flow 10 prea (acres) 0 38 Ct = 015 dmpervious Area {sq ft} 15705 L= 20 ft 'C' Fac4or 0.8625 n = 04a '208'V0I111718 PfOVIded srj4 5= 0 020 Area ' C 0 328 Tc = 1 69 mirs , byEquatian 3-2 of GuEdeldnes Time Time Inc Intens. QDevel Val.ln Gol' Out 5torage 600 fS Gutter flow (min) {sec} (inlhr) (cfs) {cu fl} [cu ft] {cu ft} Z1 = 500 Fvr Z2 7.59 479 2 51 0 82 529 p`~^144 yYyy~385 C2 = 1 Type B= 10 n= 0016 Rolled = 3 5 5 300 3 18 1 04 419 90 329 5= 0010 10 BQO 2 24 073 560 180 380 15 900 1 77 0 58 697 270 347 d= 4.'Y42 ft 20 1200 1 45 048 648 360 288 25 1500 121 0.40 659 450 209 A R Q Tc Tc total I Qc 30 1800 1.44 6 34 689 540 129 35 2100 0.91 030 675 630 45 0 51 0 07 082 6 30 7 99 2 51 082 dp 2400 0.52 0 27 689 720 -31 ' 45 2700 0 74 24 fi94 810 -916 ❑peak fvr Case 1= 0.82 cfs 50 3004 068 022 705 900 -195 55 3300 0 64 021 726 990 -264 60 3500 061 4 20 752 1080 -328 CASE2 65 3900 064 4.20 799 9470 -371 70 4240 0.58 0.19 829 9280 -431 Case 2 assureses a Time mi Cvncentrativn less fhan 5 m I nutes sa that fhe 75 4500 056 0,18 $56 135[} 494 peak flow =.90(3.1 B)(Imp, Rrea) ~ 1 03 cfs 80 4840 4.53 0.17 862 1440 -578 85 5100 052 0.17 897 1534 -633 90 5440 0.50 016 942 1620 -708 Sv, the Peak flow for the Basm ia the greater vf the two flaws, 95 5700 049 0.16 942 1790 -768 1 03 ds 100 6000 048 016 570 1800 -8341 208' ORAINAGE P{]Nd CALCLJLATfp13S Required '208' Siarage Volume = Impenriaus Rrea x 5 in ! 12 irslft 654 cu ft 248' Starage Volume Provided E54 cu fi DRYVIIELL REQLiIREiIRENTS - 10 YEAR DE51GN STC]RP Maximum 5tvrage Required byBowstting 385 cu ft Numher and 7ype of ❑rywelis Required 1 5ingle D Double INLAN❑ RACIFIC ENGINEERIhlG BOWSTRING METHDD PROJECT, Shelley La1ce - Phase 4 'FEAK FLOW CALCULATIDN PRDJECT Sheliey Lake - Phase I DETEMTION BAS6N DE51t;N BASIN !N revised BA51N W eeVised DESIGNE6,'; TRW Sot flrea a 38 Aares DRTE' 06125196 Imp Area 9919 SF G = 060 Tme Inr,rement (rnin) 5 CRSE 1 Tme af Conc. (min) 8.62 C?utflow (e#s) (].41 20 ft. Overland Flaw Design Yeaa Flow 10 Area (acres) 0 38 Ct = 015 Impervious Area (sq f!) 9919 L= 24 ft 'C' Factor 06 n= 040 '20$' Vviume Prou€ded Q S= 0020 Area ' C 0228 Tc= 169 min , Gy Equativn 3-2 of Guidelfnes Time Tirne pnc. Intens. QDevel Vo! In Vof Out Storage 600 fi Gutter flow (min) (sec) (inlFir) (Gffs) [cu ft) (cu ft) [Cu ft) Z9 = 500 For Z2 8.62 517 2.42 0 55 383 ~r 5378 zz= 1 TypeB=7A n= O.016 Rqlled = 3 5 5 300 3.18 073 291 3 288 S d 0090 10 600 2.24 0 51 398 6 390 15 900 1.77 0.40 434 9 425 d= 0 123 ft 20 9200 1 45 033 455 12 443 25 15[]0 1 21 028 462 45 447 A Ft 0 Ta Tc tatal I Qc 30 1800 104 024 469 18 451 =~er~~_~ _m-~_ve- 35 2100 0 91 021 472 21 451 0.39 006 056 693 8.62 2.42 0 55 40 2400 082 019 482 24 458 45 2700 074 0,17 485 27 458 Opeak fvr Gase 1= 0.55 cf$ 50 3000 068 0.16 492 30 482 55 3300 4 64 a 15 547 33 474 60 36Od 0.61 014 525 36 489 CASE 2 65 3990 0.60 0.14 558 39 519 70 4200 0.58 013 579 42 537 Case 2 assumes a Time mt Gancentration less than 5 minufes sa that the 75 4540 0 56 013 597 45 552 peak flvw =.90(3.18)(Imp Area) = iY 65 cfs SD 4800 053 4 72 601 48 553 85 5100 052 0.12 626 51 575 e== 90 54[]0 0 50 O11 536 511 582 So, the Peak flaw for 1he Basin is thg greafer of 1he two flows, 95 5700 0 49 0,11 656 57 599 ' 0 65 cts 100 6000 0.48 419 676 fi(] 616 208' ❑RAINAGE P6NC? CALCLILATIONS Required '248' Storage Valume = dmpervinus Area x.5 in 1' 12 inlR 413 cu ft 208' Starage Vofume Pravided 0 eu ft C]RYWELL REQUIREMENTS - 14 YEAR bE51GN STQRN dHaasimum Storage RequEred by B[rwstnng 575 csa R lVurnher and Type af Dryweils Required 0 5mgle ERR Qauble SNLAI+fD PpCiFIC ENGiMEERING ;BOWSTGiINC3 N1ETFiQO PROJECT' 3hdley Lake - Phasa i PEAlS FLC]W GALCULATIC]N PRf&JECT. Shelley La1ta - Phnse I 1) ETENTION Bi4SlN 0 ESiGN BASIN. x BASlN' x RE31C33VER TRW Tat Araa 0.65 Acres dATE. 11Y37195 Imp Area 14587 SF , C 0 Sd ~ Time Inaeemerst (min) S CASE 1 M~ f Time ~sl C~e (min) 6 4F9 1 ==~g ~ k- oumorv(cfs) [s,a i❑ IL OverEsnd Flow . ~ t: Oeslgn Yeer Flaw 10 Arem (acm) o."8 Ct a 015 g9 Empervious Area (sq ft) 14587 L= 10 R F; ~ 'C' Factor b 537f n a 048 ; a '208' Vdume Prarided 5= fl 44C! Area • C 0,348 Tc P 0 91 m[n, by Eqtaabm 3-2 0} Guidelfrtes Tm9 Tims Irtc fn4en8 ❑ Devel Alcd !n 11'd Out 8taags asa tt Gutter ftawr (min) {sac} onlho SCfs1 ft] f~+ ft) I~+ ft} 0 6 - $1 = 500 Fcdr I2 5.00 ~ 0 3oa 318 o a ~ t.17 445 9d 355 Zaa I Typa9= 1.0 n = 0 0 E B Rd I9d - 3 5 5 3M 318 S 11 445 80 355 s= aona ,x~r.-: so 600 224 073 547 teo 397 45 9m 1 77 062 817 270 347 2Q 1200 1 45 f150 657 3130 297 d= 0123 ft 25 1500 i 21 042 575 450 225 A R CY Tc Tc faml I 00 30 180a 1.D4 0,98 B98 54C1 148 - a- eR- a- - eao a=-aaa sa=_-a ga-saQ amav-e ---d-a " 36 21DO 091 432 897 830 97 0.39 000 111 2.50 5.00 318 1 11 40 2400 0 88 029 714 720 -6 46 2700 074 4 28 722 61fl -88 Qpeek ta Case 1- 1.11 cPs s 50 3DDQ 068 0.24 734 g0 -7 88 55 3300 0 64 0.22 TSB go -232 60 3Ha0 061 021 788 1080 •294 a~gEgoa4 BS 060 021 B38 1770 -934 70 4260 058 020 A98 t 260 _A92 GHSe 2 aasumas e Time of ConcentraLon less Olinn 5 minutes so that the 75 4500 0.59 e.19 897 1350 -453 pwk floyr -.90(3 18' (Imp nrea) = 0.96 cfs 80 aaaa 0.63 a is 904 9440 -sw ~ . 85 5100 0.52 018 947 1= _S89 •~'a 80 540D 0.5i3 017 957 182ti -M Sa. the Peak flow 1or tha 8asin ia 9he grea[er oT the tvro Raws, 95 57DO 0.49 4 T 689 1710 -721 1.11 cfa 100 GCW 048 017 1015 18w -781 j 208' DRIUNAGE POMp CALCl1LATI0N8 F?equired'268' St[XSge V[tume ~ s 1nrpwvious Area x 5 En j 12 in/ff 007 eu R 208' Starage Vdume Pravided cu h DRYWELL REOIlIREA+1EfVY5 - 10 YEAR DFSI{'aN STORhM1 ~ a~, Meximum Stcrage Require[d tsy Bawrstring 987 cu ft Num6er end Type of Orywdls Required I Slngle p Dcu61e INfr4N6 RACIFIG ENGINEERIWC3 ~y aBf]WSTRING METkiOD PROJECT Sheiley Ls1ce - Phese I PEAK FLOw CALCULATION PRp.~ECT Shelley Laks - Phase i QETENTk6N BA51N DESIGiV 9ASIlU A Temp &4SIW A Tenp DESIGNER 7RW Trst Area ❑ 67 Acres DATE 02111/86 !mp Area 14593 SF C= ❑33 'h rime increment {min} 5 GASE 1 Tima ai C~oc (rrnn) 919 OuHlorv {cfs} 03 100 fi Overlsnd Flow Design Year Flow 10 r t~„ Area lSCreay 0669 Ct = 015 Impernaus Area (sq it) 14593 L= 1 00 R ;'C' Facta ❑ 3253 n = 040 i'2013' Vqlume Provided S= 0610 Araa•C 0299 \ Tc = 546 mm ,by Equaifan 3-2 af GurdeCines Time 7ime Inc Interss Q Qevel V[i !n Vd L)ut Storage aso ft Gutter flow (min) [sec) [inlhr) (cFs) (cu ft) [cu ft] (cu ft) -aaa= -_=Q~~,~r~~g~ _~va~a ___s~aa =naaoa aa~@va Z 1. 5(} p Fw Z2 919 551 23+5 051 377 185 211 y2 a 50 zypa g Q ti p .._-_________________e_____- n. 0 019 HdlerS a 15 S 300 318 ❑ 89 278 90 188 5= 0040 10 500 2 24 049 3B4 180 2U4 55 900 i 77 039 419 270 939 C= 0 071 R 20 1200 1+35 092 436 380 78 25 1Eioo 1 21 028 444 450 -9 A R Q TE Tc tataf I QC 30 1HOa 904 ❑ 29 65D 540 -90 35 2100 094 020 +753 93[} -177 ' 025 04*+ 055 373 919 234 051 40 2400 0 82 Q 18 462 720 -258 45 2700 074 016 465 9l4 -348 Qpeak tor Case 1 a 0 51 cis 50 3000 a e$ 015 472 900 -428 55 33DO 0 94 014 486 990 -504 ~ { Cio 3600 051 0,13 503 1080 -577 CASE 2 Bs 3906 ❑60 ❑ 13 534 1170 ^$38 ===a=a= 70 4200 055 013 554 1260 -706 Case 2 assumes e Tireie aP Cansentration less than 5 m[nutes so that the 75 45pp 8 56 012 571 1350 -779 Peak now 90(3 18)(!mp Area) a 0,96 cfs sa aaW 053 012 575 1440 -865 •~F~ F F 85 5100 4 52 0 11 598 1530 -832 90 5400 056 O11 608 1820 -1012 Sfl, ihe Peak flow lor the 8asin cs the grgster oi the t w o flsms, 85 5700 049 p 1 i 628 1710 -1 U62 0 86 cFs , 100 6000 ❑+SS 010 848 1840 -1154 4 .s}s ln~\ 208' flFiAINAGE Pt]IVD CALCU LATiQN5 Required'20B' Stwage Vdume pr, = Impervious Ares x,5 in 1 12 inCft w8 cu ft 208' Storesge Vcdume Provided cu R { ^1La.F QRYWEIkL REQ411REMEWYS - 10 YEAR DESIGN STORM •xk F MaAmum Siarage Required 6y 8ows4nng 211 cu ft Mumper snd Type o} Orywells Requlred 1 Single ❑ Qrxrhle INLANO PRCIFIC £AfGINEF-RING ~WSTRIN~'a INETH(7p FRf).IECT ShH3ep Laks - PRase I PEAK FLOW CALCLlLAYION PRC]JECT Shelley Lake - Phase I pE7ENTIQN $ASIN pE51GN BASIfV A'femp + K(L) BA51M1! A Temp + K(L) / 0E91GNEFI TRW 7at Area ❑ 89 Acres [3ATE 02111l95 Imp Aree 19835 5F ! G a 851 i°'E Time Ineremerat (mln) 5 CASE 1 Fme ol` Ca1c (min) S sv - - - ~ _ ° = Outfl ow (c€s) 03 100 St Overlend Flaw ~ ` Design Year FI[m 90 W2d(8CI°¢S) 0805 Ct Q 015 Y8mper+.neua Area (sq Ft) 19835 t Q SW tt F9Ct4r 05144 n= 040 ~~,'208' Voluma Pravided 5= 0 03 9 ~ Ares " C 0414 F~ ~ i • t Tc ~ 5 98 min, 6y Equaticm 3-2 of Guidelines 7ime 7ime Inc Intens 0 ❑euel Vd 1n Vd 4ut 5iorage 450 ft Gutter ff[nv , [min) (aec) (in/hr) {cfs) [eu n} (CU ft) {eu n} fi, ` a~QOa aaQaea amemao oaQa=ma aaaaao aaoana Z1 - 500 FcrZ2 ~a880 ~ 516 243 100 695 155 540 t=a Z2 a 58 Type 9= 1 a n- 0015 Rplled = 3 5 5 300 310 1 32 529 9(7 939 5 a 0 440 10 600 224 093 719 180 539 15 900 1 77 0.73 788 27(] 518 d= ❑ Q92 ft 2Q 12W 1 45 060 828 360 468 25 15[]e 921 050 835 +150 389 A Fi 0 Tc 1'c [Rtal I Qc 30 18pp 104 0 43 $51 540 311 - a- a aaaQaa aQaaaa oeoa~a @aa~a~ aaaoma a--aoa~ 35 2100 091 09$ 857 690 227 ❑ A2 405 101 314 860 2 43 1oo30 2400 082 0.34 974 720 154 45 2700 074 091 98t 84p 71 Opeek f[x Case 1= 7OC) cfa 50 3Q00 0 68 ❑ 28 894 gm -6 j~ 55 3300 064 027 925 9w -59 ryo 3600 051 0.25 954 1080 -128 CfkSE 2 85 3900 060 0 25 1013 1170 -167 70 42DO ❑58 4.$4 1051 1260 -209 Gase 2 e$sumes a Time Qf Goncenuation less than 5 minutes sa Ihat tha 75 4500 0se 023 1084 1354 -266 peakTlow R90(a 96) (Imp Area) = i 39 cts 80 4BOD 453 ❑ p2 9092 9440 ~18 $5 5100 052 022 li3fi 1530 .994 sa 5400 ca 54 o a, 1154 , 620 -ass So, the Feak Flpw ipr fh8 Basin fs tha greatp.r pP the twp ftows, 95 5700 049 020 1192 1790 S18 1 30 cSs 100 80[)0 048 020 1227 t8W -573 248' DRRINAGE PONQ CALCULATIDNS ' Required '208' Starepe Volurns m€mpervnous Area x 5 rn 112 in/ft 928 cu ft , 208' Storaga Vcdume Provided cu ft „7., ~f~ F'~? ORYNiELLF~E~L11REMENTS - 3p YEAR OESIGN SPpRlv1 /F ~F. fFF~~ rNeximurrr Stwage Requlred by eawsmrtg 540 cu tt Num4Qr and Type of pryw~ls Requ€red 1&ingle Q Double IMLANO F'AC[F3C ENGINEERIiVG BOWSTRfNG MET1H0❑ PRC]JEGT Shelfey Lake -Phase I PEAK FLQW CALCLILATION PROJECY Shelley Lake - Phase I DE7EN710N BA51N aE51GN BA51N: (3ffsits Bassn A BRSIN Offsite Basm A OESIGNER. T'RW 7at Area 1.24 Acres DATE• 06125196 Imp Area 0 SF C= 015 7ime Increment (min) 5 CASE 1 Time af Conc (min) 11 19 t7uttlow [efs) 01 fidQ ft. C]verland Flvw Design Year Flow 10 Area {acres} 1 236 Ct = 015 Impervious Area (sq ft) D L= 600 ft °C' Factor 0 15 n= 040 '208' Volume RroVided 4 5= 0 033 Area ' C 0185 Tc = 11,95 min , byEquatian 3-2 of GuEdefines Time Time Inc. Intsns. Q Devel. Vo1.lrr Vol Qut Sterage 0 ft Gutter Flow (min) (sec) [inlhs) (eis) (cu ft) {cu ft) {cu ft) Z1 = 20 For Z2 11.99 671 2.11 e.39 352 87 285 Z2= 2 TypeB-10 n = o416 Rollsd ~ 3 5 5 300 3.18 059 237 30 207 S= 0010 10 600 2.24 042 334 60 274 15 900 1,77 0 33 370 90 280 d= 0 285 R 20 1204 1 45 027 384 120 264 25 1506 121 0.22 388 150 238 A R Q Te Tc trstaC I Qc 30 1800 1 04 0 19 391 180 211 35 2100 0.91 017 393 290 183 016 013 038 000 11 19 2 11 D 39 40 2400 0.82 015 400 24f} 164 45 2700 0.74 414 402 ZTD 132 Qpeak far Case 1= 0 39 efs 50 3000 0.68 013 407 300 107 55 3300 064 0.12 499 330 89 60 36[]0 0 61 0i1 433 360 73 CASE 2 65 3500 0 60 0 11 459 390 69 74 4204 0 58 0.11 476 420 56 Case 2 assumes a Time vf Concentration less ihan 5 minutes sa that ths 76 4508 055 010 491 450 41 peak flaw = 90(8.18)(Imp Area)= D Oa cfs 80 4800 4 53 0.14 494 480 94 BS 5100 0.52 010 514 5S0 4 90 54{]0 4.5(] 009 522 540 -18 Sa, the Peak flaw ivr the 6asi n is tlte greater of the iwo flowrs, 95 5700 0.49 009 539 570 -31 0.39 cfs 100 6000 0.48 0 89 554 600 46 2{]8' ORAIIVAGE PONC7 CALCULATIt7NS Required °208' Sforage Vv4ume = Impervious Area x 5 in f 12 anlR 0 cu ft 208" 5torage Vvlume Prvvidecl' U cu ft ❑RYWELL REQUIREMEN75 - 10 YEe4R DESIGN STORI VWlaxrmum Storage F:equired by Bovsrstnng 285 cu tt Number and Type af Dryvvells Requued a Singte ERR Rouble IPILAND PACIFEC ENGIP[EERING IBOWSTR1NG METHpCD PRpJECT SheIIey Lake -Pha5e I PEAK FLOW CALCULATiC1N PROJECT 5helley Lake -Phase I 'QETENTIUN BA51N DESIGN BWSIN Offsite Basin B BAS1N Offsife Basin B aE51GNER TRY11 TQt Area 0 40 Acres DWTE 06125l96 Imp Area 0 SF C= 015 Trms Inarement (min) 5 CASE 1 Time of Cone (min) 7,38 Qutflow [cfs] 01 300 ft Ovedand Flow Design Year Ffow 10 Area (acres) 0402 Ct = 015 Impenrivus Area (sq ft) f] L = 300 ft 'C' Faetor 0.15 n= 4 40 '24$' Volume Prowded 4 S= 0033 Area " C 0060 Tc w 7 38 min by Equation 3-2 crf Gnidehnes Time Tirr:e dnc. lntens. Q[]evef VvE In VaLC?ut Storage o fl. Gutter fivw (min) (sec) {iNhr} (Cfs) (cu ft) {cu ft) {cu tk) Z1 = 20 Fvr 72 7 38 443 2 62 ❑ 16 94 44 49 c° Z2 w 2 Type 8= 10 n= 0016 Rolled = 3 5 5 300 3 18 4.19 77 30 47 5- 0010 10 600 2 24 0.14 101 60 41 15 900 177 0.19 112 90 22 d= a.200 ft 24 1200 1 45 409 198 124 -2 25 1500 1.21 0.07 aza 150 -30 A R Q Tc Tc totaB f Qc 34 1800 104 0.06 122 1841 -58 35 21f10 0.91 0.05 123 210 -87 D kls 009 015 000 7 38 2 62 016 40 2400 0.82 0.45 126 240 -114 ' 45 2700 074 0 04 127 270 -143 Qpeak (or Case 1= d 15 cfs 50 3900 068 004 129 300 -171 , 55 3300 0,64 004 133 330 -197 fiD 3640 067 a 04 138 360 -222 CASE 2 65 39017 06D DDA 147 390 -245 70 4200 0 58 0.03 952 420 ' -258 Case 2 assumes aTime vf Cvncentration less than 5 minutes sa thaC the 75 4500 056 003 157 450 -293 peak flow = 90{3 16}{Irnp Area} = 0.40 cfs BD 4800 053 0 03 158 480 -322 85 5100 052 0 03 165 510 -345 • sD 5400 0.50 0 03 1E37 540 -373 So, the Peak flow fvr the Basin is the greater of the two fEouvs, 95 5700 0.49 003 173 570 -397 0 16 cfs 190 6000 0 48 0 03 178 600 -422 208' DftAINAGE POND CALCU4AT9OFd5 Reqvued '208' Slorage Vvluma = Irrrperviaus Rrea x 5 in 112 inl9 0 cu ft 208' Storage lAalume Prvvided 0 cU ft DRYWELL REQLIIREMENTS - 40 YEAR DEalGN STC]RF Maximum 5torage Required 6y 8vwstring 49 au fE Numher and Type vT Orywefls Required 0 Single ERR QoubTe INLAM[7 R,AGIFIC ENGINEER[NG 5()-year STORM 66WSTRING METHQD F'RD,JECT• 5teers Addiiion PEAK FLQW CALCULATPt3tV PFdQJECT 5teen Addition DETEIVTIUN BA51N L3ESIGN 9ASIN- I,,l and Off 6- 50 year BASIN 1,,3 and Off B - 50 year CiESlGNER TRW Tot. Ar2a 7 57 Wcres DATE: 06127J96 Imp Area 23885 SF C= 041 • Time Incremen4 (min) 5 CASE 1 Time of Ccsnc {min} 93 19 []u[fipvu (ds} 03 320 ft Qrrerland Flow Design'(ear Flow 50 Area (acres) 1.57 Ct = 0.15 rmpenrivus Area {sq R} 23885 L= 320 R 'C' Facivr 0.41 n= 04[] 50-year llolume ProvideQ 2033 @ 10 ft of depth wffl sideslape area S = 0.420 Area " C 4.644 Tc = 8 91 min, by Equativn 3-2 ot Guidelines Time tcros Irsc. Intens Q[}eVeL Val.ln UoI.Out 5torage 450 ft Gutter flow (mirs) (sec) [9nlhr) (cfs) {cu ft} (ru ft) {cu f#) Z1 m 500 1119 791 270 1 74 1844 ' 237 ~Try1607 C== Z2 = 1 n= 0016 5 300 4 58 2.35 1985 90 1095 S= 0008 `10 600 320 206 9656 180 1478 15 900 245 158 1844 270 1574 d= 0 195 ft 20 1200 1 95 1 25 1844 360 1484 25 1500 182 1 .04 1845 450 1395 A FE Q TC 7C tvtal I aC 30 18(]0 156 1.00 2078 540 1538 35 2100 1 28 0 82 1952 $30 1322 097 0 10 9 70 4 27 1319 2 74 1 74 44 2400 1.19 0.76 2036 720 1316 45 2700 108 070 2064 840 1254 Opeak itsr Case 1= 1.74 Cfs 50 3400 099 064 2083 900 1183 55 3300 092 0 59 2114 590 1124 60 3600 0.87 0.56 2187 1480 1087 CASE 2 65 3900 0 82 4 53 2241 1170 1031 70 4200 084 051 2301 1260 1041 Case 2 assumes a Trrte of Canraentrafian fess than 5 minutes sp that the 75 4500 077 0.50 2354 1350 9014 peak flvw =.90(4 5$)[fmp Area) = 2 26 cfs So 4800 0.75 0.48 2447 1440 1007 85 5100 4 72 Q46 2488 1580 958 90 5400 071, 0.4E 2591 1620 971 $a, the F'eak fl6w for the Basin is the greater of the two flows, 95 5300 069 044 2651 1790 941 2 26 cfs 100 6000 067 0 43 2704 1840 904 208° DRAlNAGE PONd CALCIJLATIC]lV5 Requl red'208' Stvrage Volume = Impervious Area x.5 in 112 inlfl 995 cu ft 50 yea r Volume PTOVi ded 2033 cu ft DR'fWELL REQUIREMENTS - ifl YEAR DE51G6V ST{7Rf Maximum 5torage Reqwred d}r Bvwsfnng 1607 cu ft Number and 7ype of {7rywells Required 1 5ingle a DoWaie 1MLAN5 RACIFIC ENGINE@RING 50-year 530RM 8vW5TR[N[3 METHOD PRmJECT Steen Addit'sorr PEAK FLVW CRLC4JLATIC3N PRO,lECT Steen Addition DE7ENTIDN BA51N DESIGN f3AS1N: f7ff B- 50 year BA51N Off B- 50 year DE5IGNER: TR1N Tat Area 0 40 Acres DATE• 06127196 lmp Area 0 SF C= 035 Time Increment (mm) 5 CASE 1 T[me af Conc. (mm) 8.91 Outflaw (cfs) 03 320 ft aver[and Flow Design Year Ffow 50 Area [acres] 04 Ct = 015 Impervious Area (sq R) 4 l. = 320 R 'C' Factear p 95 n= 040 54-year Valume ProVided 2033 [a~ 10 ft af depth wfa sideslvpe araa S= 0020 Area ' C 0 660 Te = 8 91 min , by Eqnatiqn 3-2 o'f Guidehnes Time 7ime Inc Intena Q pevel. Vol 1n Nlal (.]ui 5tarage p ft Gutter flvw (min) {see} (inlhr) (cta) {cu ft) {cu tt) [eu ft) __~,~~.de_ Z1 = 20 8.91 535 123 0.99 939 960 _22 ?2 = 2 n= 0 016 5 300 4 58 0 27 110 90 21) S= 0010 . 1E3 6[]0 3.20 019 150 180 -30 95 900 245 015 159 270 -191 d= 0 220 ft 20 1200 1 95 012 162 350 -198 25 1500 162 410 163 450 -287 A R a Tc Tc tatal I Qc 3(] 1$00 1 56 0.09 18E 540 -354 35 2100 1.28 0.48 175 530 -455 0 10 0.10 0.19 000 8 91 3.23 019 40 2400 1 19 0.07 184 720 -536 45 2100 1.08 006 187 81D =823 Qpeak for Gase 1- 0 79 oTs 50 3000 099 006 189 940 -71a 55 3300 092 0.06 192 990 -798 60 3600 067 005 197 1080 -883 CASE 2 65 3900 0.82 0.05 209 1170 -969 70 4200 0.80 005 210 1260 -1050 Case 2 assumes a Time mf Gonoentration less fhan 5 mEnutes sa that 1he 75 4500 037 0.05 216 1350 -1134 peak flaw = 90(4 58)[Imp Area) = 0.00 cf5 80 4800 €1.75 0(]5 224 14E10 -1296 85 5190 4.72 0 04 228 1530 -9302 90 5400 0.71 0 D4 238 1620 -1382 Sa, the Peak flow fQr the easin is the greafer af the tuvo flows, 95 5700 0.69 0 04 244 1790 -1466 , a 19 cfs 100 8000 0.67 004 249 1800 -1551 208' C7RAINAGE PON❑ CALCULRTlONS Required '208' Starage Valume = Imperrriaus Area x.5 cra 112 infR 0 cu ft 50 year Volume €'rawided 2033 cu ff DRYWELL REQUIREAAEiV75 - 10 YEAR CiE51C',N STOF{P Maximum Stvrage Requised hy Bauustring 20 cu ft Number and Type afi Qrywells RequiPed 1 Single 0 C]ou61's IhLAN6 PA,CIFIC ENGINEERING