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27806 PE-1750 SHELLEY LAKE
~ ~~~~~~~ELO ~ ' ` ~ rr ` ~ -i•~l ~ ~ 1 R~' . . y~ _ . ~ r ~ ~ • DRAIN.AGE. TECHNICAL REPORT fox rhe ~~EY L1~ . C3FFfClAL, F'LJ ~ sPaKANE couNTY ENGtNEER'S OFFEC~~~~ ~ i~996 ORI ~ A L PRC1,}ECZ # ~ SPOI~`~~~~'~ 5U8M€TfAL # ~ • RETURN TO CflUNTY ENGiNEMBguARY 1996 , Pregared for: , ~ ~ • - ~ . ' ,r.> . • r> ~ ANDMA~, B~~.DERS ~ 82D5',•N. Drvision Street; , v~~10kai1p;'Wa5h137gtoI'1 9920$ PI"ep&Ied By: , Tnlartd Pacafac Engrneering Campany ~ 707 W 7th Auercue ~ Suate 200 .~5"pok.ane, WA 99204 ~ . " ` (509)458-6840 DRAI1 \ ~~E REPORT - for ttte Shelley Lake PUD Plat Spokane County, Washington ~~~~uary 1996 Prepared for: L.andmark Builders 8205 N. I]ivisivn Stree[ SpQkane, Washingtan 99208 Prepared by: ~FF-IC1AL Pi78LIC DCfGUMEIVT Inland Facifc Engitteering Company §PCKANE C[3UNTY ENGINEER'S flFFICE 707 W. 7th Avenue ORI~ IN!~°'~I L Suite 200 ~~~~~CT o - Spokane. WA 99204 ~~~it(AL 0 . . ~ (509)458-6840 W-TrVF'N To COUM ENGNEER 'Chis repart has been prepared by the staff vf In1'anti Facific Engineering Cvmpany under the direction of [he undersigr►ed prafessiona vs seal and signature appear hecevn. , RECEIVED z-046- ~ FFg 13 1996 ExPIRES 9,l24 r 5P(]1~Hh1E CfUI~TI' ENGfNE'E4~ , . Shelley Lake PUD .Drainage Narrati ve GENERAL The first phase of the Shelley Lake PUD Plat is a development of 107 singie family residential Fots Zvcated south and east of [he intersection of 4th Avenue and Conklin Road, within Spokane County, Washington. The site is currently vacant with fie1d grass and fallraw fields as the gredorninant land caver and vegetatiQn vvith 25 ta 40 acres occupied hy 5helley I.ake, a privatelv owned lake. Single family residential develapment lies directly to the narthwest, wesc and south. A 1" to 400' scale uicinity and locativn map have been included within the technical seCtion of this dacument. PURI'D5E "T'he purpose of this repart is av detezxnzne the extent of starm drainage facilities which will be required to dispose of the increase in storrnwazer runvff created by the deVelopment of tfie Shelley Lake plat. lThe stva7r► drainage facilities on thiis project vwill be designed to dispvse of runoff from either a ten year or fifty year design sCorm, depending upon basin size. This tievelagment is within the Aquifer Sensiteve Area of Spokane County and is subject tv '2£38° requirements. Far this project the 10 and 50-year curves from the Spokane, IVledical L,ake, Reardon, Cneney and Rockfard irttensity curves were used. A,s well as the SCS isa-pluvial rainfall curves. Per directivn from Spokane CQUnty, the SCS curves have laeen futther refined with the NC3AA isv-pluVial curves. ANALYSIS MLTH4I)OLOGY The F.ationai Method, which is reccrmrrzended for basins less than ten acres in saze, will be used tv determine the peak discharges and runoff uvlumes for a11 onsite basins. All vff site basins and aII on-site basins larger than ten acres will use the SCS Method to detennine peak discharge and runoff Vatumes. PRC3,TECT DESCRIPTTON This phase of the Shelley Lake plat camprises 107 1ots of t'te approvel 262 lots and 459 units in the apprvved pretiminary plat and FEIS dacutnents. The Shelley Lake subdiviszan is lacated in the North 112 of the SE 114 of the NE 114 of Section 24, T24 N., R. 44 E., W.M. within 5pakane Cvunty, Washingtvn. frtlrrnd Facrfcc Ejigineenng Campany DI Shet2ey Lake Flcrt Dratnrrge Repon TOP'(1GRAPHY Due to the existing topagraphy on tY►e site, Ratchford T]rive, which is Che extension of Canklin Rvad, is fairly centered alvng the sgine af aridge. This ridge fotms a natural basin line as Iand to the east of the ridge t]ows toward the lake, while the flvws to the west of the ridge flow away from the lake. Within this area, there is a tvpvgraphic saddIe laying to the svuth vf this pJaC phase and north vf the preliminary plaC baundary. Drainage withm this saddle area and within this portion of thie plat will naturally flovv svuth and then east to enter the lake at the southwest cvrrcer where there is a recognizable evncentrated flvw point. However, due to the absence of a tilled crop, no visible signs of concentrated flaw have occurred during the fallow canditIlans that now exrst. The flows fram the west side aIthough extending past the reeognized Iimits of 300 feeC far sheet floua, generally are represented by sheet flvws north to 4th Avenue. The general slapes wtthin this plat Vary from nearly flat within several nattaral saadles to short slapes of up to 20-percent for that area east af Che ridge towards the lake and south towards existing Rotchfvrd Acres. Generally, the area within ttais plaCCed portion wguld be characterized as rolling. Fvr develapment purposes, the natural slaping was used for design and is maintained as possible throughaut the project. ,S(?ILS As can be seen frQm the accompanying soils map frvm tne Spokane Cvunty Sails Sua-vey as performed by the SCS, Ehe 51te CC]IiS15C5 {]f tWC1 Fyp?e5 0f 5[71L5 aII WlfihdI7 C.he CIaSS B C}+pe. Tt1e5e SC1PiS aTe a5 fQlIoVk+. GgA -Garrison gravelly lvam, 0 t0 5percent sio,pes: Soils within this soil type are scrme what excessiaely drained svils formed in gravelly glacial vutwash matenal from avanety Qf igneous rock 5urface runoff is slow, and the hazard of esosion is slight. Spokane Cvunry Guidelines fcar 5tormwaler Manap-ement indzcaEe this to he aSoii Croup Tyg~ B and ,pre- appraved for drywell installation, Hydrvlcrgic Soal Cla,ssication - B , GmB -Garrisvn very gravelly loam, 0 to S percent sZopes: This soil is generally the sarne as the Garrison gravelly loam, with the on1y difference being t1iat the surface layer is rnuch more stgny and contains very little lvarn if any. Spakane County Guidelines for StQrmwater Managernent indicate this to be a Svil Graug TYge B and pre-appraved for drywell instalPativn. . Hydrvingac Sorl Cla,rsaficalion - B ~ Inlanrl Pacrjfic E►xgrnecnng Company D2 Shelley Lake Plat L?raanage RepQrs I)RAl1VAGE NARRATIVL Offsite Based upon the general gevgraphic ten€iencies of this site, na agpreciable amounts vf offsite flaws are expecteel for c.his phase. Any offsite flaws tQward thts site generally will either be intercepted by Rvtchford Drive Qr be passed directly thrvugh alpng lines of historical cvncentrations. Onsate As this plat is within ihe aquifer sensitive area vf Spokane County aIl vnsite drainage vvill he collected anti treated using the °208" runoff methvd as described in the Spakane County Gwdelines for Stormwater Management. To facititate thrs analysts the Shelley I..ake pIat was divided into 24 permanenC sub-basins { A tPuaugh X} and three tempcarary sub-basins (A, B and C-Cemp). Although their are 24 basins these basins have been combined in many instances to utiiize the sarne pond. TabZe 1, Iists the basins and pgnd combinativrs for easy refePence. Table Nv. 1- Pond and Basin Sumrnary - . .F~.~ ~~•r, h: , p A~!~`a ~~~N , ,Z„sF„•,F, ~ ,,•FF,, $ - ~ ' • x .......N. a ,,.~,r a - ~ , "%`/„-,';a; ; ; . M"', , • ;y , , ,~,.'.'s•'"`~,'ac ' < ,N. ~""~nd, <•; ~:~s•, rs~ ,J A I A ~ 99755 ~ 1$170 ~ 0.2$66 2.29 S c I 42412 ~ 13145 0.3825 ~ 0.974 C b I 178405 30550 ~ 01784 I 4.096 D E.F I 86260 13595 (].2682 I 1.980 E ~ I I 25488 ~ 20754 ~ 0.7375 I 4.608 F 1 I 595[] 2335 ~ 0.4443 I 0 137 E&F ~ I,7 I 32438 23085 0.6837 I 0745 G G 35310 9615 0.3542 0811 H N I 21108 ~ 13780 ~ 0.6396 0.485 1 x I 28221 ~ 14567 ~ 0.5371 0.648 1 ~ H=M,O,Q,H I 296569 I 66172 ~ 0 3173 I 6.$08 K ~ S I 20080 I 6714 0.40(}8 I 0.451 P ~ P I 44845 ~ 7438 0.2744 I 1.021 Temp A ~ A-TemplK(L,) I 35073 ~ 19835* ~ 0.5144 I 0.845 * Note„ Basdn A-Temp has 14593 sqft of gravel @ C=0.50 per SCSWMG !rr[unt! Pacrfrc Engrneertng Co►Vcany ❑3 She![ey T_uke F[ar Drainage Reporr „208" Cadculations Within each basin the streets are diuided inta su€b-basins by curb drops, inlets or catch hasins which capture upstream starmwater runoff from the impervious street surface and direct the n1T1Qff lIlto gra55y '208' ponds. As shvwn an the '208' calculation worksheet included, the '20$' _ stcarage vvlume provided is adequate ta petfvrrn '208' treatnent for the tunaff created by the ; first half inch of ra'rnfall. Tn some cases, the ponds arc not quite large enough to provide '208' ' storage for all of the upstream runoff. Tn such cases the excess is carried over tv the next downstream gvnds whfch prvuide adequate capacity for the carry-vver flows. However, for the 5helley Lake piat no carryover flow are anticipated, Curb Drop, Inlets and Catch Basin Calculatinns rt is necessaa'y to check the adequacy of [he curb drops, inlets vr catch basins provided to divert the runaff from the gutter into the '208' ponds. The curb drog, inlet and catch basin calculation sheets included show the required lengths of curb openings, or single curb dcops with lengths greater t.han 40', as wefl as the adequacy vf the irlet grates or catch basin grates. Fpr curh drvps greater than 4.0' either multiple curb drops are added ar the curb drops are lengthened as required. fnland Pacific Engineering Campany L74 She2ley fyake A[ar 1)rainage Report DRArNAGE cALGULATraNs ~UMMARY Calculations have been included ior Drainage Basan corasiderations such as QTR 55 and pvnd rauting calculations, Peak F1ow, Time Qf Concentrativn, "208" sizing, drywell requirements, inlet sizing, curb draps as we1l as culuerts and pipe flvw sam,e af which are surnrnarxzed betow with the rernaining calcuiativns in the appendix. Within the calculation sectian several sketches, as weil as details from ghe pPans have been incarporated tv demvnstrate assumptions and cvnclusxans. Tabie No, 2- Pvnd and 20$ Basin Summary „ , , •~~,w ~ F ,~beljG~ .~d#Cr B~~dSJ.k~ Sfi~r4~Lr~F~ ~lX]L&v`C~4 > > , , u~ ' ~ . ~ ` >rr~'~~'~ %~Qik[,~ ~1~I F l ~~D~~~~ ' ~ ~ ~ > Required, ' ~Ceqtured {s~ F , ~ Ret~ui~'ei- ~ , . ~ F.~ `y~v~ ~~~t F F fay ~F %y; t:~\~~~\" A A 757 1514 1905 1 B B c 548 1096 12$5 1 A C D 1273 2546 2933 1B D ~ E,F 565 1130 1516 18 LIA.l ifJ 962 1924 20~33 1 B G G 401 $02 1112 IA H N 574 1148 1190 T A I x 607 1214 1354 lA I H,M,{7,Q,R 2757 5514 5533 2B K s 280 560 560 iA A Temp Eemp A,K 826 1652 1652 lA p F 314 620 620 1 A Type A is a Spokane Standard Drywel[ - Single Depih, Capacity fl 3 cfs - Type B is a Spakane Scandard L3rywe1l - I3auhle Depth, Capaciry 10 cfs Inland Facafrc Engtneenng Garnpany DS Shelley Lake Plar Drarnage Keport Table No. 3 - Curb DraplCatch Basin Surmmary ``~F, ~V ~ ,~'!Si'J•,i~ ~F%r ' ` ~ p( . J ~~+AiA `^t ~/~c- \ \ 1971~ °~~CL i~~.•` 115 , ,~~a~ $~1 ' , . . ~ r,e~. . ~ ~isrns> P~n ~~t~ . ~ ` 4 ~ti rmxr ' F✓/F a ~ , • ~ t~ S y}~~ • r, ,~~,g•• ~Fy,~~+■y~/~~p~ ~~~c~.~.~. J} ` } , • ~ V 3' }4r r { , + "i }'j•Fj~ ~rn~ 4 ~ ` C+C++\~f ~XS ~ ~ inF FF L rrrr ~ ~F`~~ ~ ; < FFi/,- . ~ ~ ~ : « .f~~i~•c,% • > ,.~Ff,- ` %/'lG , ~ ~ . C ~ D on grade - G Cr on grade - H N an grade ~ - - - Conciin Itd - ~ vn grade - 4th Avenue - vn grade 1 H,M,O,Q,R - on grade & sump Per 5pokane Counry Guidelines curb drops tn a sump condition have a capaciry of 4.4 cfs Fer WSIJOT Hydraukics Manual, Grate inlet, has a sump capacit}+ nf 13 0 cfs ~OTE: OnIy eurb drap and grate caTculatians were performed far thnse cases "(]n Grade", curb drmps and catchbasins in sump condition are assumed tm handle 4.0 efs, In2and Pacafic Engrneenng Company D6 She[ley Lake PtaY L]ratnrtge Report APPENDIX i Infund PAcFfr~ Engineerrng Campany 5h€tfey La1ce F'!Qr Drainage Repart ~i FIGURES lnlant! Pacific Engtneering Company She![ey Lake PPrct fJrainage Report 3 ~ y _ ~ Y ~ ~ " • • ~ ~ . . 5 203 6 13 t . r . O li1: ~ • q • . • • T 0 ' O • I ~ O 4 •s1• Q ProgreS$ • ~i ~ ~ ~ SC}l ' o o • . . . . . j.2032 1^ ' C ~i • 1 8 ~ ~2029 , • . . . • :I ' . . : ~ : : ~ ~ _ - . • vatt~Y • . e.. . . •w.~v - z . • o • ~ ~ o 'e ~ .I : a I F . Jr High l _ ] ~ ' ~ ~ _ _ • ~ , • • SCh jr ~ ~-1f • J ~ , • ~ ~ ~ . ~ -r o ~ ~ 11 II Vera(lale •I~:~ • ...I ' a • _ Y;•:'p + 1 ` . • t! ' f V LANE ~ ~ ~i~•, , ~1~~ ~ ~ ~ • • ~ ~ • • ~ ~ ~I~ Y a+ i~ • ! ! o t arr~•'. . • i 'I.;~ ' • ' ~~~,~.uy= ~ . . . ~ : ~ e),° . I.;~ . ~ ~ C, a ~o a ~ • ~ ~ • ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ~ • ~•~l . • ►'w1~.LWAfJKEE S: ST PAUL & J'AC1FJC ~-F . . , i •u..~ r i ~ i ~ 1 • , • ~Vera' r'=_~~:'I ~ i • • L; . ^ . ~ . ~ - E~ , • ~ , g e , :.~~1... . . ~rx . ,avt Tra~fer t,~14 . . .ya' . a~i . •y ~ Paf6'C ~ . ~ o~ O•' 4~I' y - - , • s•f ~ o ~ y ~ a`= ~ . S, • E~ , • ~~,r f ~r ~ Adams C 5ch •r!~• •i~ „ • r. I w Cen[ral Valle}• • ~ ~ .~.if I$igh 5Ch ^ ~ • Sewi • 8 . 239 • ~ ' - . : • o • - o. • . ~ - ~ • . .~I. x2 • . ~ - I ~ i! F Q ~ - ri r K Gaypit~ . ~ ' Y ~ - { W r ~Lt' { a Q► _ 208; a . .,I` • .a ►rE n k ❑ ° ~ ~ yf~ a~' - - _ ~ • fjy . ~`~~~`r ~ i~ ~ - ! . . ~ co: cc z r` C • o p _ ~ti 4~ '°o ~J & ~ VC \-Y MAP N OT TO SCALE . . . - ~ . _ _ . . ~ ~ . ~ . . . . _ . . . . ,...,,..~....k. ' { R: ~ r 7~• ~ ~ ~xi~ ~ ~ L~ , r, , ~ 5 _ t ' E . ~ , y e ~i iE~~~~ °l i f _ ~Y ■ ~ ~ • i tri~ • ~ ~ IF•" ~ i . ~ ! M1 ~ , ~y~ ~~[3 , G ~i~i r • y "f~ . ~ - _ ~ • - 1 ~ . ° ~ - j~ y~,Si' • 5 , ~ ~ [.d ' :~4 ~ i ~ l;_ J ~R ti ~ } ~ e;~1. i~E ~ ~ ~ • +r~ 't u ~ ~ , s + '~`l R~ ~ ~ ~ • _ - N►~, ~ ra dale ~ ,~p ~[•~j ; t ~r . f~ ~5 ~ y j~ d .~.,.I~~ MR ~ ~ ~FY } ~ ~ ' i f-~ . , ~i ~ ' . i ~ 7 a ~ ~ ; ~ ~ ~ f~ ~ • r~ ,'e~r j • ' r {'I MILWA[lItEE II , sr ~aut' rg~`~ ~ Arvo; i~ ?y 4 ~ . v ~Y ~ ° ~ ~ 4 _ ~ ' , ~~.+t►f~' r . _ ♦ _ "VLrale, • _ Gm'Ei a-i=•[ . v ttis~±vti+&,°j~~ .51~ ~ "r/ ~ u - • ~ p ~ - ~ ' ~ , ~ t+~c . •_c: y' • . . ~'~A F _ i~' f . ~ 4JI l~~ r Gm6 G r, . CkC F'El ~ ' • , ` y' r"~ r critl.~l V. T' s a7 PeA "oA C S1.11001 GmB K• ~ , ' , ~PsA ~ - • ~ I SITE cga ~2 13 ca HII) . • i ~ ' v+re ..'0, rise SxE CsmB o tH38 BsB . , • Uh9 " PsA , C.aB ►'F3sB I ~ r4~ r • ' I Ps/1^ FSvC as,& ~ P • ' . Psl1 ; • - ,j.r La0 % ~Uh6 . • ~ ' •-~w '^`d • ~ ~Bkf, ' ~ , GgA •1 y _ . ~ • ~ i~ ;s,"~r [B 1~8 Ha9 ' : . j q e r~. rrr _ tB ~ ! ' ' C6' p~•w~s r ~ , • . ~,~~•^e~r• ~ - 1' f • nl.~ ~ ~ ~.7~ ~ N hA r ~ pSB _ ~ ~C, ° ~ • . _ ' . ~ s r _ `td'•f~f 95B GgA 1: fi cUe ~ . ~ ° ~ 1 c~e r: f ~ I.fGEf+10: 49. s$ 7r 0. SuE {}pq Garreson gravafly laam, q 1n fi peroens ilopaa i-`d ~ Qq1d Liarrison Qravally iaam, 5 to 20 paraent elapes ~ ` ~"~-'es~ f. Z` • Y Gm8 [3aretson vriry grere!!y laam, to 8 perrent slopea • +r. - • . - -•=S ~ StC Spokane wry roGicy complex. O lO 30 pefCanY i1GPls ii• ~ -54~ ~ S' s;~~ ti~~ SuE &pakena axtromaly rodcy compla:. 20 to 70 percarae sIqpss ~ GrnEi svuRcE: sPOKANE cOuNrv sorL suRVEY MaNuaL ~ DATE: JANUARY 1994 I SCALE: hiONE FIGLIRE NO, PRQIECT N0.: 82-032 SOILS MAP 6 ~f SHELLEY LJ~►KE PFtE~,INIIRfA'RY PUD PLAT ~Ct~lrr ~~.~.ocLC~t&~., _Jnc. ENV'IR4NNIENTAL IMP►4Cfi STAY"EMIENT _ _ ~ _ ~ - _ . ` - •-c.1. I I . TABLE 2 Sails Gharacterrstics t ~f`•.S , x. ~,~~>Yi } • ' W~1TE14v x M1 ' ` P6RCENT ' L0.4D• 3, ` . , ' • • ' s 140L[31AfG,, 5H~1YR , CARI4YING ? ~ s•.= ' ` A .f'r,1~ICUt Tl~!!R4`L 13~E4~JNf~ UAl1T, ; StDP,E •I ;6 TEIVTlAL PERM,~1191LATY RUIV;DFF CAPA CITY' STRENGTN c4pACATY 3]'ABlCf7Y ~<,C.APABILITY GgA 0•5 5fight Moderately Slow Moderate Fligh IHigh Moderate I119-2 (I❑w) ragEd to Cow Gg8 5-20 51iBAt Moderate kn Slow Moderate High HigFs Moderate Ille-5 (law} Very repid ta ]ow GrnB 0-8 Moderate NfQdarate to Madium Moderate High Fiigh Moderate IVe-5 powl vary rapid to low 5tC 20•70 Moderate to Moderate Medium Moderate Low High Law V119-2 Svary severe ta law rvakyl 5uE 0•30 Moderate Moderate Yo AAedium Moderate Law High Low Vf1s-2 {very rapid to fnw rocley} S Quraa: U5 Ciepartment of Rgriculiure Svil Consecvatian 5arvice, 5otl Svrvev af Soakane Covntw. Weshin on• ~988 Shelley Leke EIS 34 Fe6ruary 1994 ~ RUNOFF COEFFXCIENTS ' AND PONI]1BASIN SL]MMARIES fnland Pac~f~c Engrneering Campany She[[ey f ake Plat I]ratnags Repart Shelley Lake, RUCJ FtunaT# Cvet#icient Calcufatrons ~ Basirr ~ Tvtal imperu ~ c" ~5um Ac ~ A ~ 99755 18170 ~ 02866 ~ 2290 1.63 B ~ 96320 ~ 22235 ~ 4.3231 ~ 2.211 t Y i C ~ 42412 ~ 13145 ~ 0.3825 ~ 0.974 1.01 - o ~ 178405 ~ 30550 ~ 02784 ~ 4096 3-90 E ~ 31165 ~ 6565 ~ 03080 ~ 0715 ,6L{ F ~ 55[]95 ~ 7030 ~ ❑ 2457 ~ 1 255 . c6z G ~ 35310 ~ 9515 ~ 43542 0811 Pqd ' H ~ 28i70 ~ 6888 ~ 03334 0647 b q , i 2saaB ~ 20750 07375 0608 1. 3a J 595[] ~ 2335 ~ 6.4443 ❑ 137 .~q K 5934 ~ 5242 ~(].8125 ~ 0136 .1$ M ~ 84801 ~ 12863 1 02638 ~ 1 947 1-S"+ ti p 21103 I13780 06396 I 0.485 . g9 C] ~ 33370 ~ 7170 03111 ~ 0766 P ~ 44845 ~ 7438 ~ 02744 I 1 029 7 Q i 42827 ~ 18675 ~ 0.4770 ~0983 R ~ 107400 20576 I0.2937 2.466 1.08 S ~ 20080 A 6714 ~ 04008 ~ 0461 .~4 T ~ 27960 w 184Qi? ~ t] rA36 ~ 0.642 1, 2! U ~ 23460 ~ 15520 ~ 0.6781 ~ 0539 1. ~ Z v 11780 ~ 10600 I 0.8249 I 0,270 ~ . 70 w 11780 ~10600 ~ 08249 I 0.270 ~ .70 x 28221 ~14567 I05371 064$ F./r A Temp ~ 29139 ~ 14593 ~ 0.3253 ~ 0669 Tatais 1062636 I 300428 ~ 0.3620 I243s5 ~ 5helPey Lake, PUa Pond and 6asin 5ummary Pand ~6asins lTotal llrrtperv I C I 5um Ac - A A ~ 99755 I 18170 ~ 0.2866 I 2290 t. `3 B C ~ 42412 ~ 13145 03825 ~ 0.974 J ~O4 C I❑ k178405 ~ 30550 02784 ~ 4096 3.10 D JE, F 86260 ~ 13595 ~ 02682 ~ 1 980 0 1 .q6 E }i 26488 I 20750 07375 I 0,608 lgft F J } 5850 ~ 2335 0.4443 ~ 0137 ~ r=&F i'i 32438 ~ 23085 ~ 0.6837 1 0745 1 1•55 G C'a 35310 ~ 9515 ~ 17.3542 ~ 081 11 , 4 l H N { 21108 ~ 13780 ~ 06396 ~ 0.485 1 I x 28221 I14567 0.5371 I 0648 J M,O,R,f],H 29$56$ ~ 66172 03173 ~ 6.$0$ 7~ K is 107400 I 20576 ~ 02937 I 2.466 { Sq A Temp JA temp, It ~ 35073 ~ 19835 6 05144 ~ 4.$05 ~ 1+ V4 L..URB DRO'P ANAlrYSIS fnfand Factfzc Enganeenng Company Shelley L[rke Fltrd Drainage Repr7rt CUFIB OPENIf+IGiQRQP ANALYSIS F{JRM • This forrrr is based upvn Figuae 16 in tFae Spo#sane County Guidelines for 5trvmwater ManagQment Shelley Lake 5pokane County, Washmgton i7ate 02l06l96 Engineer TRW delote, this sheet is be€ng prouided tv determine the amtiunt ofi capture for the ~ curb drvps on grade wsthin the ShaElay Lake PUD Plat, Phase 1 l acatians Raadway 5uper Fioadway Peak Depth of Qa/La Flow Width Req'd C3pening 51vpe Raia Width Flouv Flow Irr Street Length I(itlit) I(nlft) I[rt) I~cfs) I (ft) I I I[ft] I I I ~ I J/`/F I- ; + ~ ~1 fF~ ~ ~~'VYF1~~ F ~$~~..Y;++\v~v+~•,},~"~'' ~';55n''r ~~F • r At wvnd H 0.039 002 aa ~ 0980 ~ T 0124 j 0086 ~ s zo11 aas } .~F' ~ n x~~4 At Pond C ~ 0012 ~ f3 QP~ ~ 15 ~ 3 030 4 23C ~ tl.1 fi3 11.81 ~ 18 583 5ee Alote 1 ~o->•;,~i•--'4~~~~~''s~"rc~i~.~,. , «t\` .&%r ~ •`'3;~i • i•• hlote 1-'fhis curb drap is tha fiirst curb drop tor a pnnd with twp seperate curb drpps Therefare, the u€tirnate length is not required as tha second ourb drop is in a surnp ooraditcsn, Howet+sr to seperate ffows into the pond two 4-fvvt curb drops will be placed at the upper lovatinn Capture is expecaed trn be approximat$ly D 80 cfs witta teva 44oot curb cfrops, see calculatiarr below. , s,u • y , oncl U I~ U.600 ~ U ~ ~ Y~y g ' : r . > . , , GRATE INLET ANALYSIS In2and Pacifie Engineering Company Shelley Lake Plat flrainage Report IlYL£T e4NALYSIS FC}RM This Trxm is as founC in the WSOOT FEydraulic Manuel F~gure 5-5 1A Fpr Enlei SpaCing CaICUlabonS ShpJley L9lce Fll(} - PhaBe 1 Shelleyr lake PUC7 Spc+karse Caursty, +Nastnngtan Gra[e Widms Hemnghase = 1 67" DA[B 02106196 V9riEd = 1 5T WS[]oT Gaate InIeY = 2 Oe' (ncumal ta curb) Engcneer TRW WSDOT Grfiie Inlet - 4 Oa' (Perpentlicular [o curG] WSDOT Grate lnCe[ = 2 86' [norrnsl to curb w/ U 10 sumP] A I e I c I D I E I F I G I N I I I J I K I L STAtlOhd RQABVyAY W 61STANGE FLOW FLOW Tp GLlTTER ^ SlJPEFt i'aRATE ❑EPTH GlJTTEFI GUTTER BY-PASS WIDTH 6E7WEEN @ETWEEN INLET SLt]RE RA7E WIDTFi pF FZOW VELt]GTY FLpW 1MLETS C$'s FL6W 'WEOTk (rt) {ft) {tt) (cts) (cfs) trt/ftY (ftIft) (h) (n) {h) fEAsl (cfs) Basins M end O Catch Basins No t through 5 Nota CB Na 1 as in a Sump Gondiiion P+IOtB CB IV6 2 is st a Fligh Prirli Note Cg VNo s a end 5 are in sump conditrpnsp I E•-.:.:~~t:;•, EMs` I s I I -I + . - I _ 1067 ,;ar'/~~~c` j• ",'/i'' , Cs No a li s , .:',~Ja e~a a oan 1002 f 11 67 la osd 14sss f I~2fi~~v saa. o~i ~ lf ''Jf ~ ` 'b,'~ S4~ ~ ~ r•rr ~F F i~ ~ PIPING DIAGRAMS BACKWATER CALCULATI[]NS PIPE FL[]W CALCULATIC)N5 Inlancl Paci,fie Engineering Campany Shelley Lake P[at Drrinage Repart ~ ~ ~ I ~ BOT. EL. 2029.00 W.S. El. 2029.80 p7 P[?HD ' 1' Ce f5 OUTLU TOF' EL. 2032.75 fN I.E. 2029.30 1ir !3'S0 LF. OLfT I:E 2029.20 0 A14$ SUMP ~ 1:88 ICFS ~ I7' 200 L~F. CB f1 ~ ~ 12" ~ L.F. ~ ~g ~p .02193 !MP I~ ~ L.F 1.51 ~ CB ':i 1~" 116 LF. 8.0125 0 .f123fii [~P 0 CFS ClAP CB #1 1"OP EL. 204a.72 CB #2 0.87~ ~5 ~ I.E. 2038.82 :INI.E. P EL. 20#2.~2 ~ SUMA 2~37.62 f I.E. 2037.52 CB 1.44 CF'S AT H.P. TOP EL 2035.23 fM I.E. 2033.13 CB #4 OUT I.E. 2033.03 TOP EL 2032.75 ON GRAQE AT -0.0400 dA! I.E. 2030.25 DIJT I.E. 2029.65 SUMP LEG EN a ■ CATCH BA51N ~ Z RIPE F'LipW (xxx) IN CFS ~ GLJTTER FZOW (xapc) IM CF5 ■ ~ FLOVY CAPTURED BY GRAATE ` (ON GRAOE) (xxc) [N CFS j N.T.S. ■ ~ TORM DRAINAGE DETAILS ~ INLAND PACiFIc SHELLEY L►4K E P. LJ . D. ~ EwOfNEERING 747 WRet 7th ■ Suite 2~ (549) 468-8$40 v2/ ~ 3/s s~~ spcKa". wA 99204 F►uc: (509) 458-aa+.1 . Backwater Calculation Sheet 5helley Lake file - Backwat3 wq1 F'ipe Segrraent cbi to pnd j cb5 to eb4 cb3 ta cb4 cb2 to cb3 cb1 ta cb2 1 C~ 5.30 3.62 2.18 1.51 ` 1.51 2 Length 13.50 28.00 116.00 200.00 200.00 3 Pipe Siae 1.50 1 5D 1.00 1.00 1.00 4 n 0.024 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 5 Outlet EI. 2029A0 2029.30 2030.25 2033.13 2037.52 B Inlet EI. 2029.2[} 2029.65 2033.03 2037.52 2038.62 Slope 0.015 0.013 0.024 0.022 0.005 7 Barrel F,rea 1.77 1.77 0.79 0.79 0.79 8 Barrel Ve1. 3.00 2.05 2.78 1.92 1.82 J VeL Head 0.14 D.[]7 0.12 0.06 006 10 Water Surface EI. 2029.80 2030.62 2030.82 2034.07 2(}38.35 11 Frict. lass 0.12 0.0$ 1,47 1.21 1.21 12 Enir. hICL EI. 2029.32 2030.7(} 2032.29 2035.28 2039.56 13 Entr. Head 9ass 013 0.06 0.11 0.05 0.05 14 Exit Head Lass 0.14 0.07 0.12 0.06 0.06 15 (]utaet Ctrl EI. 2030.18 2030.82 2032.51 2035.35 2039.67 Inlet Ctrl. HW 1.42 1.13 1.04 0.83 1.09 16 fnlet Ctrl. El. 2030.62 2030.78 2034,07 2038.35 2039.71 17 Appr. Vel. Head 0.00 0.0(} 0.00 0.00 p.D[y 18 Bond Head Loss O.ilO 000 0.00 Cl.oO 000 19 Junct. Head Loss 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 20 Headwater Elev 2030.62 2030.82 2034.07 2038.35 2039.71 Grate El. 2032.75 2032.75 2035.23 2042.22 204072 Freehoart! 2.13 1.93 1 16 3.87 1.01 dNLAND FACIFIC ENGINEERING Circular Channel cb5 to Pond J Flow 5.300 cfs Diameter 1.50 ft 510pe 0148 ft/ft n 0.0240 L 13.50 ff dld ia A R a V Depth of flow„d [3.23 ft ❑ 15 0.1663 ❑.2090 0.44 2.66 , Ffowing FuII 1.50 ft 1.00 1.7672 0.5E25 9,09 5.15 Critical Depth 0.885 ft 0.59 1.(]850 0.6194 5.30 4.89 Normal Depth 0.975 ft 0.65 1.2159 0.6482 5.30 4.36 HWc 1.441 ft HWn 1 418 tt DU'TLET CDNTRDL INLAIN❑ PACIFIC ENGlNEERlNG ' Gircular Channel cb4 tv cb5 Fl❑w 3.620 cfs ' Diameter 1 ,50 ft 51ope 0.0125 ft{f# n 0.0240 L 28.{]0 ft dJdia A R a V Qepth af flvw,d 0.23 ft 0.15 0.1663 0.2090 041 2.44 Fiowing Fuli 1 50 ft 1.00 1.7672 0.5525 8.36 4.73 Critical Qepth 0.720 ft 0.48 0.8386 0.5477 3.62 4.32 NvrmaO aepth 0.810 ft 0.54 0.9735 0.5895 3.62 3.72 MlIVc 1.154 ft HWn 1.132 ft ❑UTLET C[3NTROL INLANFJ PAGfFIC ENGGNEERCNG Circupar Channel cb3 to ch4 Fivw 2.180 cfs - ❑iameter 1.04 ft S1vpe 0.0240 ft/ft n 00240 L 116.00 it dldia A R Q V Depth af flvw,d 0.23 ft 0.23 01365 0.1364 0.35 2.55 FEawQng Full 1.00 ft 1.00 0.7854 0,2500 3.00 3.81 Critical ❑epfh 0.630 i# 0.63 0.5212 0.2839 218 4.18 Narmal Depth 0.630 ft 0.63 0.5212 0.2835 2.18 4.18 HWc 1.037 ft HWn 1.037 ft INLAND PACIFIG EIVGiNEERING Circular Channel cb2 to cb3 Flow 1.510 cfs Diameter 1.00 ft Slope 0.0220 ft/ft n 0.0240 L 200.00 ft d/dia A R Q V Depth of flow,d 0.23 ft 0.23 0.1365 0.1364 0.33 2.44 Flowing Full 1.00 ft 1.00 0.7854 0.2500 2.87 3.65 Cntical Depth 0.520 ft 0.52 0.4127 0.2561 1.51 3.66 Normal Depth 0.510 ft 0.51 0.4027 0.2531 1.51 3.75 HWc 0.832 ft INLET CONTROL HWn 0.837 ft INLAND PACIFIC ENGINEERING Circular Channel cb1 to cb2 Flow 1.510 cfs Diameter 1.00 ft Slope 0.0050 ft/ft n 0.0240 L 200.00 ft d/dia A R Q V Depth of flow,d 0.23 ft 0.23 0.1365 0.1364 0.16 1.16 Flowing Full 1.00 ft 1.00 0.7854 0.2500 1.37 1.74 Critical Depth 0.520 ft 0.52 0.4127 0.2561 1.51 3.66 Normal Depth 1.000 ft 1.00 0.7854 0.2500 1.51 1.92 HWc 0.832 ft HWn 1.086 ft OUTLET CONTROL INLAND PACIFIC ENGINEERING I ~ ~ Ce #6 TOP EL 2035,63 ~ 0.68 {n DUi'!' I.E. 2033.45 ~ ce #8 SUAIP s ■ ~ ,t 104 LF. 0o.o42s cMP ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ orn.Er ~ SOr, a. 2n29.00 W.S. EL 2829,80 A7 POND "J' ~ ririr ~r LEGEND I ■ CATCFI B4.51N ~ F'iPE FLDW (xxx) IN ~'a I ~ G117'fER FLOYY {xxx} IN CF5 ~ FlAW CAPTI.JRQ? 81f GRATE ~ ~QN GRADEac~a~fN GFS I M.T.S. J . INLANC3 , 3T+D R MDRAf NAGEDETAI LS PACIFiC ISH ELLEY LAKE P.U. D. ENGINEEaINa I07 1 1 , s„rte zoo {sasy 4se-eaw 02/13/96 J`S~ane, wn sa~ FAx: {~ys) 4ss-6M4 ~ j Backwater GalculatiQn Shee# 5hefley Lake Pipe Segment cb6 to pvnd J 1 Q 0.68 2 Length 104.00 - 3 Pipe Size 1.00 4 n 0.024 5 Dutlet El. 2029.00 6 anlet El. 2033.45 51ape 0.043 ' 7 Barcef Area 0.79 8 Barrel Vel. 0 87 9 Vel. Head 0.01 10 Water Surface El. 2429.80 11 Frict, ioss 0,13 12 Entr. HGL El. 2029,93 13 Entr. Flead loss 0.01 14 Exit Head Loss 0.01 15 C3utlet Ctri. El. 2029.95 Inlet C#rl. HW 0.53 16 fnlet Gtrl. El. 2033.98 17 Appr. VeI. Head 0.00 18 Bend Head Loss 0,00 19 Junct Head Loss 0,00 20 Headwater Elev 2033,98 Grate El. 2035.63 Freeboard 1.65 1NLAND PACfFIG ENGINEERlNG Circular Channef cb6 to Pond J Ffaw 0.680 cf5 - - Diameter 1.00 ft 51ope 0.4428 ft/ft n 0.024CJ L 104 00 it dfdia A R Q V aepth of flaw,d 0.23 ft 023 0.1365 0.1364 046 3 40 Flawing Full 1.00 ft 1 00 0.7854 0.2500 4.00 5.10 Critical Depth 0.344 ft 0.34 {].2355 0,1891 0.68 2,$9 Nvrrraal []epth 0.270 ft 0 27 0.1711 0.1566 068 3.97 HWc 0.534 ft fNL,ET CQNTROL HWn 0.638 ft INLAN❑ PACPFIG ENG1NEERING - . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ aor. EL 2036.87 W.S. EL. 2037.67 AT RONC1 "CF ~ OUrLEr ~ 12"' 3:i L.F a .01242 Vca #9 ce fs r 0.~ cFs I - 0.84~ 7 ~~,F. 0.0100 'fdPt 2039.74 TOP #Q.. 2039.74 I IN I.E. 20.37.66 IN I.E, 2037.38 SUMp OUT I.E. 2037.28 5!!!r[P I I ~ I LEGEND ~ ■ CATCH BASIN i PIPE FLOW (xac) ffV CFS GU'FTER FIAW (xac) IN CFS ~ FLDW GAPTUEtE[? BY GRA7E ..ION GRRDELLXXX) IN GFS ~ ~ N.T.S. ~ INLAND ~ ~iTOR M DRAI NAG E aETAF LS IMENGINEERING H ELLEY LAK E P. U. D. PAGIFIC ~32~i ~'07 west nn • sutt~ z~ {~os} 4ss-6a~a Ii 3,I9 `svokone, wn 99204 FAx; (509) 4W-.6844 Of Backwater Calculation Sheet Shelfey Lake file - Backwatl.wql ~ Pipe 5egment cb9 to pnd d cb8 tv cb9 1 Q 1.46 4.82 2 Length 33.00 28.00 3 Pipe Size 1.{]0 1.00 4 n 0.024 0.02 5 Outlet El. 2036.87 2037.38 6 InEet El. 2037.28 2037.66 Sla,pe 0.01 C 0.010 7 Qarrel Area 079 0.79 6 Barrel Vel 1.86 1.04 9 Vel. Head 0.45 0.02 10 Wa#er Surface El. 2037.67 203$.09 11 Frict. Poss 0.19 0,05 12 Entr HGL El. 2037.86 2038,14 13 Entr. Head Ioss 0,05 0,02 14 Exit Head Loss 0,05 0.02 15 Outlet Ctrl. EI, 2037.38 2038,17 inlet Ctri. HW 0.81 0,58 16 inlet Ctri. El. 2038,09 2038.24 17 Appr. Vel. Head Q.flc] 0.00 18 Bend Head Loss 0.00 000 19 Junct. Head Lnss 0.00 0.00 24 Headwater Elev 203809 2038.24 Grate El. 2039 74 2039,74 Freeboard 1.65 1.50 INLAN[3 PACIFIC ENGINEERING Circular ChanneP cb9 to pvnd ❑ Flaw 1450 cfs Diameter 1.00 ft Sla,pe 0.0124 ftlft n 0.0240 L 33.00 ft d/dia A R Q V Depth of flaw,d 0.23 ft 0.23 0.1365 0.1354 0.25 1 83 , Flowing Full 1,00 ft 1.00 0.7854 0,2500 2.16 275 Gritical ❑epth 0.510 ft 0.51 0.4027 0.2531 1.46 3.63 Narma! ❑epth ❑.5C30 ft 0.50 04920 0.2776 1.45 2.97 , HWc 0.816 ft , HWn 0,805 ft DIJTLET CONTR4L - INLAIND PAGIFIC ENGINEERING Circular Channel cb 8 to cb9 Flow 0.800 cfs Diameter 1.00 ft Slope 0.0100 ft/ft n 0.0240 L 28.00 ft d/dia A R Q V Depth of flow,d 0.23 ft 0.23 0.1365 0.1364 0.22 1.65 Flowing Full 1.00 ft 1.00 0.7854 0.2500 1.94 2.46 Critical Depth 0.370 ft 0.37 0.2642 0.2020 0.80 3.03 Normal Depth 0.440 ft 0.44 0.3328 0.2294 0.80 2.40 HWc 0.584 ft HWn 0.575 ft OUTLET CONTROL INLAND PACIFIC ENGINEERING I TIME A.ND 248 CALCULATiONS 1n2and Pac ific Engrneenng CampRny She[2ey Lake Plar Drainage Re,port - ~ _ - 'WBE7WSTRlNa METHOE) RROJECT' Shelley 9_ske - Rhase I PEAK FLC3W CALCl1Lq7EpN PROJEC7, Shelley l.alce - Phase I DE7EPVTI4N B1151N pESIGN BASIN A BA91N A DESIGNER TRW Tot Area 229 Acres QATE 11 P3Q195 Imp Aren 18970 SF C~ 0 20 ~ Time IncreRlgrSt (min) 5 GASE S Time o} Canc. {mm} S 24 - - g outflaw (eTs) 1 f 06 fi, Overland Flow Design Year Floav 10 ~ Hrea {acres} 229 Ct = 0 1S i.~ Imperviaaa Area (sq Pt) 18170 L a 100 ft ;...z„'C' Factvr 02866 n= 0.40 Vofume Provided 205 s= 0080 Wea • C ❑ 858 Tc a 2 93 mm , By Eque4w~ 32 aT S'auidelinee ~ ~ Time Time tnc Intena 4 Deuel Vd In Vd Out Sforage 8w !t CiuttEV flaw (min) (sec) (iMhr) {cfs) {cu ft) (cer fi) [cu ft) Qaaama Qeavaa esoaaaa Qoaama aa- aaa 21 a 5ao ForF2 i_'~•s'~'~`~ 824 484 2.48 1,83 1077 494 582 Z8 = 3 5 Type 8= 1 0 n a 0016 Rdler! - 3 5 5 300 318 2 09 B39 300 539 5= 0030 } 4'~ 10 8~6 2 24 1 47 1128 BW 524 ~ 15 goo 1 77 1 SB 1249 am 341 d= 0 147 ft 20 1200 1.45 ❑@5 1302 1200 102 25 1500 1 21 ❑ 79 1325 1500 -1 i5 A R Ca Tc Tc total I Oc 30 1sw 104 ❑ 48 1343 1800 -457 w--•-"-,~''< aa~4~~ - - - - e- 4~=aea ~i~ •,,.v• 35 2100 ❑91 ❑60 1355 2100 -745 0 58 0 07 1 63 5.31 824 2 48 4.83 40 2400 0 82 0 54 1382 2400 -1 D18 45 2700 0 74 049 1393 2700 -1347 Opeek lor CESB 1= 163 CfS 5O 3000 0 BB 45 1414 3000 -159fi 55 3300 ❑&t ❑ 42 1457 3300 -1843 BD 36Q17 tl 61 040 1509 3600 -2051 CASE 2 BS 8800 0@0 039 1002 3900 -2288 a- - 70 4200 d 58 4 38 1663 4200 -2537 Case 2 sssumas a iTtme of ConcentraUor+ less 4han 5 minutss sa that the 75 4500 0 58 0 37 1718 45IX3 -2764 PoeLk now _90{3 18}[Imp Ares) = 1 is cfs 4, ea asDD 053 035 1728 asoer -3072 85 5100 0'S2 ❑ 34 1788 6100 .9302 90 54DD 4 SO 0 33 1829 5400 -3573 Sa, th a Pea1c Slov far the Basm is the greater crf thetwo Acwa, 95 5700 0 49 032 1867 5700 -3813 I 1 83 c1s i~ ea~ ❑ 48 ❑ 32 1943 ~ -4057 s ~ 208' pRAINAGE AGN6 CALCiJU1TIQfVS RequfreS '2D8' Staags Yotume lmpennous Area x 5 in 1 12 mlFt 757 cu it 208' Stuage Vdume Rrorided cu ft , • QRYNfELL RE4UIREIwEENT3 - 14 YFAR l7ESIGH 8Tt3RM k[aAmum Storage Reqwred by Howstring 582 au fE ~ Nurnber and Type Qf Dryvvd le RequEred 0 Scngie 1 'Ao1ble IIVL41dp PACIFIC EM1IGINEERING ~ BOW37RING METHOD PROJECT Shelley Leke- Fhase I PEAK FLOW CALCLlLATIDN PRDJECT Shelley lBice - Phase I Ic"m DEl'ENTIQN E3ASIN pESIGN BASIN 9(t) BA^a[ftl. B(S) pE31CsNER TRW Tat Area 2 22 14Cres C}Rl`E 11 /30(85 Imp Area 22235 SF e v 0213 q 5 " i Tcme Increment (mm) CASE S Tima oC Cartc (min) 5.90 a- a- ao= > oputt4rn+e(cTs) 1 134 ft Overiand Flow pasign Ysar Flow 10 Area tecresy 2221 Ct . o t5 Impernous Area (sq ft) 22235 L = 130 ft 'C' Factar 0.2043 n= tl dd ~'208' Vdume Prawded 5= 0.070 ~ Area • C 0654 l Tc = 357 m i n , by Equahcm 3-2 ot 13uidelmes Time Tme Inc Intens ODeve! Vd In Vol Dut Stor€ige 270 it iGutter tiow F~. [mm] [9ec] [infno (eTs) {eu Tt} (cu it) (eu n) aoeea neeoao a- m- sn nao~aa asoaa~~ aaaaaa aaa~~a 21 = 50.0 Far 22 590 354 292 1 91 9w 354 582 c o m ;a ~j~jrFF 22 = 1 TypO 6 a t❑ 5 300 318 208 m 300 538 n- 0018 Rdled = 35 S= 0010 10 BOQ 2 24 1 48 1055 600 455 15 DOC} 1 77 1 1 B 1180 8D0 280 r d~ 0.190 n F; 20 1200 1+15 0.95 1251 1207 51 ~ 25 15qt] 1 21 D 79 1282 150D -218 A R O Tc Tc tofal I Oc 30 i 9M 1(]4 0 68 1305 1800 485 aoa~o- amso- o eaaa- m aavaoa eamb- a - - a- -a Qeaava as 2100 osi 059 1321 2100 -rrs '5~~. 092 o os 233 590 292 i ss ao 2400 0 82 0.54 1351 2400 -a aas as 2700 ❑7a o ns 1364 2700 -1336 Opea1c for GR3a t= 1 Si cts 50 3000 Q 8B 0 Ad 1307 30@6 -1893 55 3300 0 64 0 42 1435 9300 -1868 BO 38Qd Q 61 0 40 1483 300f7 -2117 CASE2 65 3900 46D 0 39 1577 39DO -2323 70 4200 0 58 0 38 1 B38 4200 -2582 Cass 2 assumea e Time o} Gancentr'aban less than 5 minutes ea [hat the ~~•,'a, 75 4500 0 58 0 37 1895 4500 -29p9 peeLk now a so(3 18) [Imp Rreo = 1.46 crs ea 4e00 053 0 35 1705 aaW -3095 65 5100 4 52 0 34 1774 5100 -3325 90 5+100 050 0 33 1804 5400 -35a6 50, [ha Pealc flasw for irie 8asin is fhe greater of tl5e hvo Aowe, 85 5700 049 0.92 i884 570D -3938 1.91 cf8 1 DO 8pOO Q 48 0 39 1920 60D0 -4080 208' DAAINAGE PL]ND CRLCLJIATIONS Requirecl '208' 8torage Vdume a Imperviws Area x 5 in / 12 fnlft 925 cu tt 208' 5ttxetgs Vdume Provided cu ft DRYWELL REOLfIREMENTS - 70 YEAR DE51GN STORM Maximum Sbaage Requireci 6y 6cswsfing 552 cu ft ~P+lum6er and Type of Drywelfa Required U Singla 9 Dou61e INLANp PACIFIC EhlGINEEF7ING BOVYSTRINa ME7HOq PR0.IECT 5helley Le1[e - Phase I PEAK FLOW CALCULATIt3N PRD.IECT SFtelI Lske - Ptseae I ey pETENTIaN B►ISIN C1EsIGN BASIN B(2) ~ BR51N B(a) Rf,~ DE316NER TRW Tot Aree 2 07 Acres DATE 11130f95 1 Imp Arem 17305 SF C R 0.29 Timff Incronent (min) 5 CRSE 5 ; lime ot Cons (min) 636 : : ou[Aaw(cfe) 1 ~ 50 tt Orerlend Florv Y` X❑esfgn Year Flow 10 a ~ Araea (acres) 2065 ~ Ct = U.r 5 ~ Impevious Pvea (sq ft) 17305 L= 10 4t C' Factor 0 2943 n= 040 ~ 208' Wdume Providad S= 0.020 ~ Aree' C 0808 Tc A 1.11 min, by fquaUon 3-2 at Guidelines Tims Time Inc Intena O Qevel Val In 11d 4ui Stcmge soa tt. cwtter nzm # [m[n) (sac] Qn(hrf {cta} (cu tt) (su ft) (cu ft) oa s Z1 ~Q Far22 9¢ g~ oaa a~ 1~ 971 maa ' ooa 490 r~m Z2 - f Ty¢a 6 a 7.0 n Q 0.416 RC41ed = 35 5 300 3,18 1,93 300 477 s= aoia 10 6m 224 136 993 600 ass 15 900 1.77 1 08 1108 ow 278 d a 0187 FL 20 1260 9 45 0 5172 1200 -28 2s 1500 121 a 1198 1500 -302 a R G Tc Tc tcstN I ac 30 1 e9i1 1 oa 003 1220 1800 -550 saaQ aoaa=~ aaQaae -a oam--m aamme 95 2100 0,01 O55 1233 2100 -N7 ❑ 85 009 7 70 5 24 8 38 280 1 70 40 2400 050 1261 2400 -1138 45 2700 7+7 0 45 1273 2700 -1427 t]peels fa Gase 1 a 1 70 ets so 3000 0.68 041 1293 3000 -Y i07 55 064 039 1334 3300 -im so 0.61 0 37 1 S83 3600 -2217 CASE 2 85 3800 060 0 38 1459 39M -2431 ==so.m= 4200 6S$ 035 1528 4200 -2674 Case 2 assumes e Time of Concen4ratlon less [hnn 5 minutes an thas tl-ie 4500 0ss 034 1578 45M -2924 P~flow -ga(3aa)[Imp nres]~ 9.14 eta , so 4800 053 032 jsss 4800 a242 85 5f oo 052 0 32 1653 5100 -3447 go S400 050 030 1 B80 540D -3720 Sfl. [he Pmk fl ow zrr tha Ekisin j s dhe greatef of th$ twa fl[swa, ~ 95 Sinfi 0.49 030 1736 5700 -3984 1 70 Cf& +x 100 BIXb 048 0 29 1788 GOOD -4212 Ms'oRniNnaE PoNo eaLcuLnTIoNs ~ • A, iiequired '208' Storage Vd ume Imper+nais P,rea x.5 En 1 12 infft 721 cu ft y : i 208' St~uage Vdursl8 Pryvided cu ft ❑RYWEL4 qE4UIREMENTS - 10 YEAA DESIGiV STORM Maytimum SYasge Required 6y Bowstrin0 490 cu fi Num4er and Type af Dryrvrells Aequired 0 Single ~h'~f~• 5 RoUGIe INLAND PACIEIC EkG3hlEE€tI1YC3 BOW3TR[MCi METHaD PRO.lECT Shelley Lske - Phase f PF-RK FLQW ChLCl1LATION PRt]JEGT' Shelley Laka - Phasff I ~ DETENTION BASfN DESIGN 6ASIN. C BA51N C DESIGNER TRW Tot Area 9 97 Rcres DATE. 11P30185 Imp, Area 13145 SF G= ❑3B Time ]nerement (min) 5 ~r~" ~4•. twa-:~ GASE 1 „ . Tims of Conc {min} 686 amaa=aa OutflDVr (C}s) 03 40 Tt. Onerland Flcsw ❑esign Yesr Flow 99 Aren (acres) ❑ 974 Ct = 4 15 vW. Impervfoua Area (aq Tt) 53145 L- 40 ft 'C' Fnemr ❑ 3f3?S n = ❑ 40 '208' Vdume Prwdef Araa • C 0373 0020 7e ~ 2,56 min , hy Equabam 3-2 of Guiddines Time 1-ime Inc Intens 0 Qevel 4C4 In Vd Out Stwage 520 ft Gutter Flowr (min) (see) (mlhr) (cfs) {cu ft) (cu ff) (cu ft) - Z1 a 50D F[xZ2 688 ~6a 411 a~a 274 aaa101 ~~p¢558 aoa 423 a~ 6 432 Z2 - 36 Typa B- 1 0 ~s Y: • n- 0016 Rdled = 35 5 300 3.18 1.18 476 av 368 S= 0023 10 H00 224 083 817 180 437 c=~ 16 9w 9 77 066 eB8 270 416 d g 0 125 ft 20 1200 1 45 4 54 724 360 384 25 1540 9 21 045 739 350 289 ~ A R Tc Tc total I L1c 30 1800 3 44 0 39 752 540 212 seea.aa aaaaa- a-- aRaaRg - Q- 4ae na=oaa evaae 35 2100 flgi 084 759 838 129 042 ❑06 1 OS 4.30 6.88 2 71 1 01 40 24Fk1 0 82 031 778 720 58 45 270D 074 ❑ 28 793 810 -27 Upeak fv Casa 1= 1 01 cls ; v„ 50 3000 068 0 25 795 9DO -1 [JS 55 330D 064 024 820 990 -17[7 60 36Cx] 0 81 023 &50 1080 -230 CA&E 2 BS 3900 050 0 22 9m 1170 -267 70 +3200 058 0 22 938 1280 -322 Case 2 nssumes s Time af Concentra4an less than 5 minut5s sa Shat the 75 45DO 0 59 0 21 968 1350 -382 t•': paelc flow = 90(3 ig) {Imp Area} ~ a ae cTa ~ HQ 4800 0 53 7.20 975 1440 -465 ss 5100 o.52 019 lois 1534 -515 90 5400 0 50 0.18 1032 9620 -599 So, the Peak flwar T[K the Basin is tha greaSer oP tha two Rowa, 85 5700 049 018 1666 1710 -844 $ 1 07 cta 100 6= 098 018 ifl98 1890 -702 E , r~, P08' DFiAIlYAOE PCND CALCULATIDNS Rgquire1 '208' 5taa9e Vs~ume ~ s,i„:-~ r 1F x. AA ~ = Imperwous Aree x 5 m 1 12 inlit 548 ou fY S; 208' Starage Vdume Prcmded cu ft ❑RYINELL REOl11REMENTS - 10 YEAR OES![3N STORM Maxmum Starage Flequired by Bawstnng 437 cu ft Number and Type o} ary"ls Required 1 Single 0 pasr6le INLANd PACIFiC EkOlNEERINC , i " F~UWSTRIMC3 METHOd PAQ.lECT SYselley C,skg - Fhase I PEAK FLQW CALiGUI.ATICIM PRQ.lEGT' Shd3ey Leke - Phase I I7ETENZIt3N 8A8W DESIGN BAS1W iD SASIN O C1ESlGNER TFiW zar. Tot. Ar$a 4 10 Rcres 4ATE 11130195 Imp. Aree 30550 SF ~ C 4 028 f Time fncreneni {min} 5 CASE 7 Time cf Canc {min) 1500 ==a~=~~ ,t c]utflow {eSe} 1 40 ft Oroerlarsd Aow j pesign Yew Rorr f0 i Area (acres) a Q99 C! . 015 Impernous Rrea (sq ft) 30550 L= Ap fL 'C' FacW 0.2784 n= 0 40 ~ '208' Vdume Prwided 5= 0.020 ~ Araa' C 1 140 Te = 2 56 [nfn , hy EquaLan 3-2 of Gufdelines TLme Time Irsc. Inlerts. Q Deve! Yd.tn Yd out 8iomgg 720 R. GutW flow (min) [sr.c) (inlhr) (cfs) tcu R1 (cu n) [~u ft} saaaae ~~~`vo aoaaom Qamaaa sao~m~~ Qaaa~~ 4easa- Z1 - 500 F~ Z2 e~ 3~ 2.89 3.3t5 15% 360 1230 Z2 = 315 Typs B o tA n= ❑ Q 18 Rdl ed - 3 5 5 300 318 3 63 1958 3DCi 1158 3 a 0,033 10 8Q0 2.24 2.55 1845 6D0 1245 c= o 9 S ow 1 77 202 2063 9G10 1183 d a 4. ~ 88 ft. fi20 120D 1 45 9 85 2188 1200 98S 25 1500 121 i 38 2239 5500 739 A F1 Q Tc Tstow I Oc 30 iBOa 104 119 2280 w8oo 484 a- n- =a ====a= - =dd== =m- b==n- 35 2100 691 1 04 2308 2100 206 0 9S 009 330 344 B QC1 289 3 30 40 2400 0,82 094 2359 2400 49 -,<< 45 2700 sr aa er ea Mz 27M -318 qpeac for Csse I $ 330 cfs so 3DDa 068 078 2421 30DO -579 55 3300 5794 0 73 2498 3304 -802 • , 60 3806 0 61 0 76 2589 3804 -5011 GABE 2 65 39M 0.60 0.68 2752 38QD -1748 aaa~a~~ 70 420D p58 608 2859 4200 -1341 Case 2assumes a Timia o} Cancenkafion Pess than 5 rrdnutes so thai the 75 450p 0.56 0 84 7852 4500 -1548 poeLx flow -90 (3 18) f[mp nra~ 6 2 oi crs ao aeaa 053 060 2975 aaoo -1e25 ~ es 51 oo 052 059 3D97 5100 -aDOa 90 5400 060 057 314e snoa •2251 Sa. tlia Peek flow fce the Bes€n i7 Vie graater af tha haoflowa, 95 57IX0 0.49 6.58 3253 5700 -24A7 330 cTs 100 6000 048 055 9351 80L3p -2849 208' ❑RAINAGE Pt3ND CALGVJLAT1CP6V5 ReqLIjTed '208' SFor8g8 VdllR19 Imperviats Area x 5 ln 112 inlR 1273 cu tt 2[56' 3torsge Vdume Provided cu ft ❑RYWELL REalJl€iEMENTf - 1[] YF_AR I]E31GN STQRM Mruslmum Staage Required Gy 9awstring 1245 cu ft :f c~ w~ ~ Numd~ ersd 7ype o10ryw~la Requfred a Single 1 Douh1e INLAMd PACIFIC EMQINEERIMCi j`;' BpWSTRIMG A+SE7HOD PRC3JECT 5h~15y l1ske - Phass I ~,,T~ ~ PEkK FLOW CALCUL~4TION PR0.IECT` 3helley [,eke - Phdae I IC7ETENTIOM &451N DE81GH 3A5lN. E 8+451N. E DESiGNER TAW Tot nrea ❑ 72 Rcres ARATE. a ~ pao~95 Imp Area 8585 9F C 0 39 T[me Increment {m1n} 5 CRSE 1 ~A TEme a} Conc (min) 8 02 QutNvinr (cls) 03 44 R Dveriend Flow Dmgn Year Flaw 10 rvsn (ai'res) 0715 C4 = 0,15 Imperviaua Ylree (aq ft) 8585 L= 40 tt 'G' Faetor 0308 n m 040 -208' Vdume Pravided S- 0020 Area' C 0220 Tc o 256 mm , by EqueGan 3-2 of [°suidd tnes Time Tima Inc Intena a Oevel Vd In Vd Out SteXage 350 IL Gutter flov (min) (sec) [inltto (cfs] (eu tt) [cu ft] [eu Tt] 21 = 500 Fv Z2 8.02 381 2.89 084 R o a3U8 a 108 0 0 6 199 22- 35 TypeB=1o n= 0016 Rdled = a 5 5 3DO 318 070 282 DO 192 5= D 014 10 800 2.24 049 357 18t1 177 S5 ~ 1 77 039 399 279 129 d= 0120 ft. 20 9200 1.45 032 A22 360 62 25 1500 i 21 027 a~~ 4SO •18 A FI Q Tc Te tcsiel I Qc 30 1800 1 04 023 440 540 -1 00 =aQ~~. Ro4. =R ,3aF,.. eo o~.a..A oo.n.aa .s- o. oa.eeso 35 21~ 091 020 445 830 -185 039 0(18 065 3 48 6 02 2 89 0 B4 40 2400 082 01 B 459 720 -284 45 2700 074 o16 460 810 350 Opeax far Cags I a [a Ba crs 50 3000 o ss 015 458 900 -432 55 3300 064 014 482 Bm -508 60 3600 0 61 018 590 1080 564 GA9 E 2 &S 3900 0.50 0.13 532 1170 -638 ~ 70 4200 0.58 0.99 552 1260 -709 Case 2assumes a Time aT Goncenveticm lesa than 5 mlnutea sa that tho ~ 75 4500 0.58 012 570 1350 -78o a• pmkflcw=90[3 1 8](Irnp Rrea) q 0.43 Cls As~,` y,~ 80 4800 053 012 575 1440 -M BS 5100 052 Y 1 598 153E1 -932 $F FY~ ~ 060 Q jl $Do 1152D 'lOS2 Sa. the Peak Baw lar tha 8ssln is thQ graster of the Mro florvs. 95 5700 0.49 G.I l 628 1710 -1052 0 84 cfs 100 B9m 048 0 91 647 SBDD -1 t53 :29$' ORAINAGE POMa CALCIlLATIOIVS Required '248' Storage Vduma a Impemous Area x,5 In 0 12 In/ft 274 cu Tt 208' Storage Vdume Provided cu 1t i]RYWELL REQllIAEMENT'S • 10 YEAR ii7ESIGN &Tf3AM Maatlmum Stdrage Aeyulred bp Buwstring 199 cu tt ~ Number arsd Sype of ❑rywel la Required 1 Single . o C]oubla INL4IVD PACIFiC ENGlNEERINO j -i - , BEDW57RIhEG METHOD PROJECT 8hd ley Lalra - Phsse I PEAK FLOW CALCULATION FRO.lECT Shalley LskQ - Phase I RETENTION B4S3N []ESl,f'aN @1131N' F 6A51N F 6~SIGMER TRW T~. Mea 1.27 Acras ~ DATE 11130195 c~ lmp Area 7430 5F • ~ _ C ~ 0 25 '~i ~ Trma Incremsrst (mm) 5 CABE f ~ Trma of Conc (mm) 722 OutTlow (cTs) 1 6a ~ 900 !t pverland Flow ° " ' Oesign Year Flaw 1{] Ared (SCte3) 1 265 C[ = 015 Impervloua Araa (sq Ft] 7030 L= 100 ft "C' Facta 02457 n= 040 '208' Ydume Prrn+ided 5= ❑ 03& Area ` C ❑ 311 Tc = 3 75 min , hy Equa4on 32 d Cwidellnes Tme Tlme fnc Int~s p [7ere1, Vd In VW E]us Storage {min} (sec ) (in~r) (cfs) (cu n) (eu n) (eu R) 3~ ft. Guttw flaw ws, Z1 = 590 FwZ2 72P 433 264 ~aA82 aeao~477 ~ p 433 ~44 $ Z2 = 3 S TypB B1 1 n- 0fl16 Rc~1ed = 3 5 : S 3L1O 318 099 397 300 97 ca= 5= ❑ 014 10 e07 2.24 0 70 520 eW -80 ~F'~~% • 15 900 1.T7 0 55 576 9W -324 d= 013E1 f! 20 12(KI 1 45 ❑ 45 907 1200 -593 25 9500 1 23 038 82p 150G -8$0 A R ❑ 7c 7c total I ac $0 1800 1 04 0 32 829 180D -1171 =aa==a aa~=a= e=a=a~ - - - Oe ==aa- ~aaa= , 35 2100 091 028 63E 2100 -1484 Q 45 006 ❑$0 3 47 7 22 2 Bd ❑ 82 49 2400 0.82 025 849 2400 -1751 45 2700 074 0.23 655 27C1f7 -20,45 Opeak f0rCase 1= 082 cfs 50 30l]0 0.68 ❑ a1 695 3007 -2335 55 3900 0 E3 ❑.24 696 3300 -2814 80 38dp 0.91 ❑ 19 710 3SC10 -aRa't ~ 3S 0 CASE 3 65 3300 060 ❑ 19 755 39q -3145 ~ - - =a- = 70 4200 U 58 0 58 784 4200 lu18 Casa 2 assumas a Time of CalcentraGon Yess than 5 minutes sathat tlie 75 4500 056 017 &19 4500 -3691 pee[k flow =90 [3 18) (Imp Ares) - D de cTa 9p 4E00 0 53 016 815 4800 -3985 85 5100 0 52 0.16 848 5100 -4252 ~o DO 54DO ❑ 50 016 862 5444 -0538 50, 1lh e Paek Hrm far tha Besin is fhe greater es} [he [rvalfowa, 95 57IX7 049 d 15 899 5700 -4809 0 82 cfs 100 6000 448 0 35 917 6000 5093 208" D RAINAGE PONS7 CALCULATION3 F; Required '208' Siqmge Valume _ lmpervlous Area x 5 m/ 12 m/it 293 cu R 208' Stcuage Ydume PraA ded cu ft ❑RY4YELL REQUIREMENTS - 10 YEAR OE51GfV STQRM 1NeAmum Storage Requved hy Bowstring 97 cu ft Numiser and Typa oi Drywells qequired 0 Single ~ 1 Double IMLRNa PRCIFIC ENGINEERIIYG Bf]WSTRINCa ME7HC]0 PFiO.IECT Shelley IBke - Phase I PEAK FLDW CALCULATION PR0.9ECT Shelley Lake - Phase I IpETENTlpN BASIN dESIGN BAS1N EF BA81N EF DE8IGNER TRW Tot Area 1 98 Aeres DATE 11130195 Imp Area 13595 SF ~ Ca 027 . ` x : Time Increment (min) 5 CASE I j Time af eanc (mfn) 8 73 aQO C7utflow (cfa) I 100 1t OVerland Flowr Qesign Year Flaw 10 Ar09 (aCres) 1 98 Ct - 015 Impenriaus Aras (sq ft) 13595 L= 5DD ft 'C' Factor 02682 re a 040 '208' Vduma Premded S b ❑ 035 Area • G 0531 ~ Te = 3 75 min, hy Equatfan 3-2 0f Guidel [nes Time Time Inc Intens C3 devel Vd In Vai Out Storage 370 ft Gutter Baw (mm) {sac) [in/hr) [cfs) (au tt) {cu ft} (cu it) . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Zl = 54] ❑ FOf Z2 8.73 404 2.73 1 45 784 404 380 C 4 a Z2= 35 TypeB=10 n= 0016 Rdled = 35 5 3DO 3 18 1 69 679 300 373 S= 0 01 d 10 BW 2 24 1 18 877 6D0 277 15 9w 5 77 ❑ 94 975 900 75 d- 0163 fi 20 12W 445 ❑ 77 1030 120d -170 > 25 i 5130 121 6 54 1052 1506 -448 A R Q Tc Tc fotal E - OC „ x; 30 1$IX1 104 ❑ 55 1070 1800 -730 ooaaaa vaa- a- 35 21[]0 081 048 1081 2100 -1019 ❑ 7i 008 ' 1 47 2 98 ~ 8 73 273 4.45 40 2400 0.82 044 9 105 2400 -1295 ; 45 2701) 0 74 0 99 1 155 2700 -1585 qpeak Rar Csae 1= 1 45 cfs ~ 50 3M 0.68 0.3$ 1133 3IX9p -1887 55 3300 0.84 0 34 1168 3300 •2132 80 36fl4 0.61 0.32 1211 36p0 •2389 CASE 2 65 3900 060 0 32 12815 3900 -2E14 a==a=a~ f' 70 420D 058 031 1338 4200 -084 ~ Case 2 assumes s Time af Caicentranors lasa than 5 minutes so iha[ the 75 4500 0 58 030 1379 4500 -3121 ~ peek nov alao (s 18) (Imp asrea) = o es cfs na aaM 053 028 1390 aaM -341n 95 51 DD 052 028 1448 5100 -1854 f#gs• 80 5400 050 0 27 1470 5400 -3930 Sa, the Pcak Aosv la die Elasin is tha greater af the two flayvs, 85 5700 0 48 ❑ 28 1518 5700 -41 a1 1 45 C}S ,v 100 6000 0 48 025 1564 6900 -4438 z ~ 208' ORWNAGE POH6 GALCL7LATIONB ~ Requrrsd "2D8' Staage VaEume Impernaus lVea x S m 112 m/tt 585 cu R E ; 208' Starage Volume Frrnndecf cu ft ~ .~;.Z r~ ~OFiY4VELL REOUIflEMEVdTS - 10 YFJIR OESEGN STORM Masumum Storage Requirad hy Bawstnng 387 cu ft Numher end Type of Drywwells Required d Single 1 Dw61 e IHLAh1D PACfF3G ENGIIdEERING &3WSTRIiYCi METFiOQ PF1C7.lECT Shelley Laka - Phase I PEAf( FLQW GALCULATION PRQJECT ShOey Lake - Phass I DETENTIGN BASIN QESIGN BA51N, G BASIN C3 ❑E81GNER TRNF 'fot. Aras @ 81 Acres DATE 11 r3n/9S lmp. Area 8515 SF C = 9 35 • ~ Time fncrement (min) 5 CASE1 / Time of Cone (mm) 500 .4.m..= J Qut#law (cfa) 03 50 ft Dverfand FI[nv pesign Year FEow 10 Area [acres) 0811 , c~ _ ❑>s imPerviws nr~ (sq n) ~1s L= 50 ft, 'C' Factfx 03542 n m 040 .208' Vdume Pravided 3 ¢ ❑ 65D ~ Area' C 0.287 Tc - 2,22 min , by Equatron 3-2 at Guldelq nea ` Tima rtme !nc Intens 4 Oevd vd In Vd Out 5torage 250 n Guner nuw (min) [secf (InEhr) (cfs) [cu n) (eu n) [cu n) ~:•>t~~ - aoo- amaoaQ aa - Z1 = 50R FGfZF 500 3~ 4318 6oa091 ~ooa367 a~a 4 90 ~aa 277 C-~ Z2 = 36 Type 8= 1.0 rl- OpSB Fidleti=35 300 918 091 367 8G 277 3° 0094 ifl 6m 2 24 064 452 98Q 272 95 900 1 77 0,51 509 270 239 d= 0,103 ft 20 12DO 1 45 042 542 380 182 25 1500 1 21 0 35 557 450 107 EM a C3 Tc 7c total I C]c ♦~~~4 34 1mo 1.04 0 30 568 w 28 - - aad.o aaQeoo a-~am, a.aaa~.n .naao~a ~.am~e 35 2100 091 0 2B 578 B3a -64 028 005 092 1 28 500 3 18 091 40 2400 082 0.24 589 72a -131 : 45 2700 0 74 0 21 598 810 -214 Opaak icx Ceae 1 a 091 cfs 50 30IX3 0 68 0.20 &OB 800 -294 ss 3300 ❑ ea 018 sas sO ~es 60 38W 061 0.18 948 iwO -431 CASE 2 85 39M 060 017 690 1170 -480 70 4200 958 0,17 717 1280 -543 Cese 2 assumes a T+me v} CorscenVation less than 5 minutes so thaE the 75 4500 0 58 0 18 740 1350 -610 paek fiow =90(3 18) {Imp Area) = 0 69 cfs 80 ABat 063 o ts 746 1440 -694 85 5100 0 52 Q 15 777 153G -753 90 54w 0.54 014 790 1$2p -830 So. th e Pealc Slorv for the Basirs is tt5e greater of the Mro tlows, 95 5700 0 49 014 817 i 710 -893 il 81 CTS • 1DO 6000 0 48 8 1 A 841 1800 -959 208' pRA1NAGE PC]NF7 CALCULATIONB Requirgd'zaa'3tw~geVr~ume \ o • : F : OF~ : 5; ~ Illlp@NIolJ$ 14r9H X 51f1 / 12 lf1/1[ 401 cU tt 268' 8twage VoEuma Pro+nded cu ft ~3;'`.;'• : ID RYWELL AEQLlIAEM ENT6 - 10 YEAR DESIGN BTQRM MexEmum 5tarage Raquirad by Bowstnng 277 cu f[ MumGer and Tyrie oi Drywells Required 1 5ingle _ o Qauble INLANd PACIFIC ENGlNEERIhfG BOWSZR3NG METHQp PRQJEC7. Sh#ley E.ake - Phase I PEAK FLOW CAICUEATIQId PRO.IECT Shelley Lnlta- Pheae I ❑ETEfdTION 6A31N ❑ESIGN Bd451iV. !i &451N' H DESf[3NER TRNi Tot Nea 0 65 Yletes •~>,°,::a , UATE 11 j3ol95 fmp Area 9868 SF ~ ` . . G = 0,33 Tme Incrernent (min) 5 CASE i Time of Caia (min) 5 GO Dutflow (GTs) U 3 50 Tt Gverland Flow ~Desigrr Yeer Flow 50 Af89 (9Cl@S) 0647 Ct = ❑ i5 r~,~<•,G` Irnpervlws Area (sq ft) SBSB L = 50 ft ~~cryx' nt 'G' Factor 033..'34 n= 0 40 ~ '248' Yalume Prornded 8= 0050 llrea " C 0216 Tc a 2.22 mcn., by Equadan 3-2 of Guidelines ~ Tlme Tlms Inc Intena O Derel Vd 9n Vol Out Stange 160 ft Gutter flow ~ (min) [sec) (inlrsr] (c►s) [cu n) (cu tt) (eu tt) z1 ~ so a For za - a 6~ aea 3~ a6- a19 aa ❑,~5 - 27s P^P. ~ 18e aa~ Z2 - 35 Type B= 1 0 n= ❑a1B Rdled =35 5 3oa 3.58 069 276 ~ 186 [44 S= ❑07 5 ~ 10 &IX3 2 24 0 48 339 180 159 15 9DO 1.77 ❑ 38 383 270 i 18 d= 0120 t[ 20 1200 1 45 0 31 407 3W 47 25 15C1U 1 21 0 26 418 45p $2 A R Q Tc Tc total I Oc 30 1800 1 04 0 22 427 540 -1S3 Qaavoa evaeos aso- as a=aa-a =o=_== =_a=== 35 2100 ast oan 432 sm _198 039 006 v ea 152 500 318 a sa 7~`•~ ao aacro 082 018 443 720 -277 45 2700 o7a 016 447 as o -363 qpeek tcx csae 1~ o ss cfs so 3000 a as 0.+5 ass 900 -445 55 3300 a en 014 470 sso 5ao 80 3600 0 Bi 013 487 1080 -59t3 `-2M2.o..,, 6 CASE 2 ~ t BS 39M 0 BU 013 518 1170 -852 70 4200 0 5B pi3 53$ 1260 -722 Cnse 2 assumes n Time af CQncenlration tesa than 5 mmutes ao [hat the 75 4500 0 58 012 556 1350 -794 peak #Iow o90(3 18) [Imp Area) ~ 4 45 cls 80 4800 p 53 011 560 14+10 -88U 85 5100 052 O1 S 584 1530 ,948 90 5400 050 0 11 593 1620 -1 A2T &o, 1he Peak f l t i r r }ar tl5s Basm is the greater cP the rivo ftowa, 95 57700 ❑ 48 a 1 t 813 1710 -1097 6 69 cfa 100 6000 ❑ 48 010 832 1800 -1168 .208' DRAIWAi3E AOWa CALCLILRTIOHS ~ Fiequ9red'208' Sterege Vofume < = Impernoccs Ares x 5 m] 12 m/ft 2$7 eu ft 208' Storage Vduma ProvidcKi cu R C7RYWELL REOUIREMEIUTS - 10 YEAR O£SIGIV ST{1RM Meximum Storage Raquired by Bows6nng 166 cu ft ~ Num6er end Type oT prywells Required 1 Single D Oau6fe INLAMD PACIFiC EMQ3IYEERINO i ' 8OW5TRlMG METMO❑ FR0.IECT Shefley Lske- Phase 1 PEAK FLOW CfhLCULATICIN PRCIJEC7 Shel[ey Leke • Phese I .❑E7ENT'dQN BASIN aE51.~'aN BRSIN' I BAS1N I ~ pESIGHER TR1N Tot Area Q gi Acres OATE 1 1I3a195 Imp Area 20750 SF C = 4 74 Tlme Incrarnent (min) 5 CASE 1 Ttme of Conc (min) 8,87 ~ v S - ' a - Outflavr (cPs) 03 20 ft Qverland Flow pesign Yeev Row itl Aren (acres' ❑ 608 C5 = fl 35 Impervnous Ilrea (sq n) 20750 L= 20 R 'G' Facta ❑ 7375 n a 0.40 '209' Vdume Pravided s= 0020 ares • C 0448 Tc a 169 rnin , hy EquaZon 3-2 of Guidelines Time Tme Inc Intens Q DeveE Vd In Vd Ctu[ Storege 700 n. ouner nowr (min) (sec) ([n/hr] {cta} (eu ft) {cu rq (cu ►t) - --a=a- as- - aa- a- aQ Q- oQSe 21 g so o For x2 687 412 170 1.21 ass 124 sae za m 35 Typa e- i o n= 0016 Rolled =85 5 307 3.SB 1.43 573 9o 4e3 S= 0020 10 fia0 2 24 9 00 743 18I7 563 c== 15 gm 177 079 925 270 555 , • d= 01A2 Ft 20 12D[7 1 45 0 95 871 960 511 25 15M 1 21 054 690 450 440 A R Q Tc 7c YoEal d oc 30 18DO 9 04 047 Boa 540 385 =as- sa-= =A - a==== - - ==a= - ===m= m=a=== - - nr•- 35 21DO 0,91 041 914 630 284 ❑ 5a 007 1 22 5 18 6 87 2 78 1 21 40 2400 082 4 37 934 720 214 45 27DO 074 f1,33 942 810 132 Opbak fIX CASB 1 a 1 21 CfS y 50 3000 068 030 957 QW 57 55 33DO 064 0 29 083' 994 •3 &a 36DO ❑ fi1 027 1023 f 08o -57 CABE 85 3900 060 097 1087 1170 -83 >'u 74 4200 o58 026 1129 1260 -131 {.i: . Cnsa 2 assumes a Time of Cc+ncenVancn less than 5 minutes sa thet tr+a # 75 45M ❑se 0 P5 1165 1350 -1 &5 peek flow a 90 {3 18}(Imp J1rda) - 1 38 cTa 80 48DO 053 0 24 1174 1444 -268 85 5100 ❑ 52 0.23 1222 1 SW -IN 97 5400 060 022 1242 1 B2[S -378 So, tha Reefc Now fv the Basm is the grester sN the two tlam, ~ 95 57DO 0 49 022 7283 1710 -427 5.38 cla ~ 1OD BQOd 0.48 0.22 7322 180D -478 208' ORAIAtAGE PflNa CALCULATIC3N5 Required '208' SForage Vdume IRlper71iou8 ArBR % 5!n 112 in11t , 865 cu ft Y~ i 208` Storage Valumg Prpsnded eu ft f~ l7RYWELL REGiLJtREMENTS - to YEAFt DES€GN STpF1M Mawmum Storage Required by 9owatring 563 cu ft x} Number and Typa of DryvreJls Requfred 1 6[ngle ❑ 0[ur61e INLAMD PACIFIC ENGINEERIMCi : • BCIWSTRINC3 ME'fkiOp W'FiC3JEC7 Shellay Lefte- Phase I PEAK FL❑W GALCULATIQN PRQJECT Shdley Lake -Phasa I ~ DETENTION 6ASIN DESIS`sN 6ASIN. i BASfN. J S]ESICiNER. TRW TvL Area a 14 Acres OATE. 11130I85 Imp. Area 2335 5F C - 044 Time lncrement (min) S CASE 7 me cYf Ccme (min) 5 QO . . . . a o Ovtllow (eTs) 03 \f ~~^'v^ry 20 n. oveftana arm oesign rear Flow 10 Area [aeras] 0137 Ct = 015 lmpeMous Area (gy n) 2335 L = 20 tE. 'C' Factor 04443 n = 0.40 ' 208" Vdurns Pmvided 5= 0020 Area C 0061 ~ Tc = 1.69 min., bY E4uahon 3-2 W [3ioldelines Tima Time Inc Interts 0 Devel Yd In Vd,Dut Staragg 70 iii. Gutter flow ~ (min) (sec) {infhr) (cfs) (cu ft) [cu !s) I~ ft1 ~ aaQOa -s-soQ aoP-aa -ao~so ooaa--- n-aoae --maao a~ - So6 Fo. za - 5oo 3m 310 019 78 go -12 ~oa ZF = 36 Typs B~ 1.0 n- 0018 Rdled ~ 3 5 5 300 318 o19 78 go -12 ca~ s= 0020 10 ~0 224 014 ~ Ien -ea i5 900 e,n v il 108 270 -Is2 d= 0070 1L f+ 20 1200 1,45 009 115 360 -245 25 156D 1.21 ❑CY7 118 450 -'A32 Po ~ao a. . aa- a- Q g- 6- 7- ma Tctemjl- a ea- ~ o- - - ~R~~ 30 1800 1 04 008 120 540 -420 ',35 21 DO 091 4.08 122 oC1 -508 ❑1s 003 ols 083 s oo a.+s ❑ 9 a ~ ao aaoa 0.82 005 125 720 sss 45 2700 074 005 126 B'10 -eB4 4pssla fcu CasB 1- 019 cFs ~ 50 3DO0 0 BB Od 128 90t3 -772 55 33CtQ 054 6 04 193 99a ,857 GYl 3600 0.81 004 137 SCJBCi -543 GASE 2 B5 3900 060 004 148 4170 -1024 =-a- =I ' 70 4200 0,58 404 152 1200 -11 U9 Gass 2 esaumea a Time of Concentraticri iess than 5 minutes sa thai tlhe 75 4-R00 0 56 003 157 1350 -i 1g3 peak n ow a90 (3 18){Unp Area} ~ 0 l5 o!s 80 480p 0 53 0.03 158 9440 -1282 85 5100 0 52 00.3 1 BS 1530 -1355 54 go 54[tM] 0.;~ 003 '187 9620 -1453 Sfl, th e Peak flcrrr lor the Basin is fhe grester d tha 4wp tloN+s. 95 5700 0 49 0 03 173 1710 -151' 7 L] 19 CF8 k 100 6DO0 048 0 03 178 1800 -9$22 s 2ff8' C7FtAINAGE PONO CALCIJLATIONS Required '2DB' Stvrnga Vdume ~ Impwsnaus ,4ras x.5 [n 112 inM 97 cu h 208' Strxage Volume Psaviderl cu ft DFiYWELL RSQUIREMEiVTS - 10 YEAR DE51GH STORM o~ Maximum Staags Aequfred by Bawstnng -12 cu ft Hum6er end Type of Drywells Requlred 3 Single . 0 pcxabfa INLAND PACIFIC ENGINEEFi1NC3 y BOWSTRING METHOD ' PR0.IECT: Shelley Lelce- Phase I ~;;,~v~~i:f•.;.~ BASIN DESIGN BASIN: IJ DETENTION PEAK FLOW CAI.CULATION PROJECT: Shelley l.elte - Phase I .;`;o-;~`'~'.~, OESIGNER• TRW BASIN• IJ Tot Area 0.75 Aaes DATE' 11/30/95 Imp Aree 23085 SF C = 0.88 ~`:.v,~• Time Increment (min) 5 CASE t ~J;.`-;:w%• Time o} Conc (min) 8.08 n kns.--.s; SOutflow (Cfs) 1 10 ft. Overland Row ~.w •r•;:.:.o# Design Yeer Flaw 10 Aree (acres) 0745 .r ri`q:4.• Ct = 0.15 Impervious Area (aq R) 23085 L= 10 ft ~~,~},;,,,.<•~'C Factor 06837 n = 0.40 .:,•~{y^^c„~ '208' Vdu'me Provided S= 0020 f,;•t,~ Y; A►ee • C 0.509 Tc = 1.11 min., by EquaLon 3-2 of Gwdelines Time Time Inc. Intens a Oevel Vd In Vd Out Staage 700 ft Gutter fiow (min) (sec) (in/hr) (cts) (cu ft) (cu ft) (cu ft) ~'rjf'+~y#t%~~ svaov =evaea nvncvv coonen veeneva nvvmem aeveee Zt = 500 Fd 22 'yf';~`;s22;#`; 8 08 384 2.88 1.46 714 384 350 ~ „ 22 - 3.5 Type B~ 1 0 ~ s:,a;R;"•''' ti. r .V:vv'~Y.Si n= 0 018 Rdled ~ 3.5 ~ f•k;,~ r~~ 5 300 3.18 1.82 651 300 351 <mm S= 0020 10 600 2.24 1.14 826 600 228 ~•,~i', 15 900 1.77 0.90 923 900 23 x ` ~%'=f r: d= 0.152 f[ 20 1200 1.45 0 74 978 1200 -222 f~•''~ 25 1500 1 21 0 82 1001 1500 -489 A H Q Tc Tc totel I Oc 30 1800 1.04 0.53 1019 1800 -781 ryi,_Z> ;lf; =m- - m- - - - ~====a`,s'.'q`•~„35 2100 091 0.46 1031 2100 -1069 Y4 ~r4 "ff}^J 0.82 0.08 1 48 4 95 6 08 2 88 1.48 40 2400 082 0.42 1054 2400 -1348 45 2700 0.74 0.38 1064 2700 -1638 Qpeak fa Cese 1= 1 48 cfs 50 3000 0 88 0.35 1082 3000 -1918 55 3300 0.84 0.33 1118 3300 •2184 f• `i,; t 60 3600 0 81 0.31 1157 3600 -2443 , CASE 2 ~ 85 3900 0.60 0.31 1230 3900 -2870 e s m~ e o= ~~$;y 70 4200 0 58 0 30 1277 4200 -2823 Case 2 assumes a Time of Concentratlon lesa then 5 minutes so that the 75 4500 0.56 0.29 1319 4500 -3181 ~2hw a peek flow = 80(3.18)(Imp. Area) = 1 52 cfs 80 4800 0.53 0.27 1329 4800 -3471 85 5100 0.52 0.28 1384 5100 .9718 $&.q 90 5400 0.50 0 25 1407 5400 -3993 So, fhe Peek flow for tlie Basin is the greater of the two flaws, 95 5700 0.49 0.25 1453 5700 -4247 1.52 eta av±. ^ 100 8000 0.48 0.24 1497 6000 -4503 20e' DWIINAGE POND CALCULATIONS ' ' ; Reqwred '208' Storage Volume ~ ;;~`~.•~~•.,:~.`,r,t = Imperviaus Aree z 5 in / 12 in/ft 962 cu R • 208' Storage Vdume Provided cu ft g~•~ ~'#~c,,~ DRYWELL REOUIREMENTS - 10 YEAR DESIGN STORM ? ; Mawmum Storage Required by 8owstring 351 cu ft '3. .;`.'c:.:.>,s , ~."Numberand Type of Drywells Required 0 Single rX 1 Dauble INLAND PACIFIC ENGINEERINQ BdW5TR1HO METWC]❑ PRt].IECT Shelley Leke - Phase I 1a}~~ n PEAFI FLOW CALCVILALIDN PRQ,IECT 3hdley Lake- Phase I £ RETENTICIN @qSIN DES[GN BASiN IC BASI Tot. JITen 0 QT Aer~ 1V K 'L7ATE NEFE TRW /30105 Imp Aras 2821 SF Cn ❑81 Tims Increment (min) 5 CASE i Time o1 Conc [rrJn] 500 ra=4==A= - :;t~ OlltflClw (GfB) 03 ta dt. pvelend Flow 0asign You Fow 10 aree {anres} oose Ct = 0.55 ~ impmnors ArBa (sq Sf) 2621 L - 10 ►i. 'C' Factor 0e125 n- 0 40 a"^;'~ '268' Vdume Provided ~i s = 0.020 Arw * C ❑ vss rc a I.s I min , by equatia, 3-2 or Guandines T;me rrne lnc qnFens ❑ saevel vd Ir, vd.ous sto.agB loo tt. Gutta eava (min) (sec) [in~hr} [Gis] {cu n] (cu t`~ («i ft) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Z5 = 500 For Z2 500 303 318 O1B 71 90 -19 ca= Z2 = 35 7ype B - 1 4 - n= 0019 RolIed=35 ~~c= 5 300 318 018 71 gC1 -19 co= 5= 01455 40 &K] 2 Fd 012 87 4&7 -B:i !5 geo 1 77 010 98 270 -577 d g 0 057 ft 20 1200 1,45 608 944 38Q -256 25 1500 11.21 6 07 407 450 -343 A R O 7e 7e tow I S]c n 90 18oo 1 04 006 109 540 -431 - moe- s - as- ov e- - vvo oo- ao- - .o-sa sasamm a.a.. 35 2100 OSt ❑Q5 111 634 -519 009 003 018 ❑ 82 500 3.18 0.18 40 2400 0 82 0.5 513 720 -607 45 2700 0,74 004 115 814 4885 ❑pea3'C fOr CdBe S- C1,18 Cfs 5{S 3000 ❑ BB 004 117 9DQ -783 55 9300 0.64 004 120 996 -870 60 3600 0,61 003 525 1080 -855 GS 65 3900 060 003 133 117D -1637 n . . a o . h • 70 4200 0.58 003 138 1286 -1122 Cass 2 assumea a Time af CqncenVsbon less tlhsn S minutea sa that the 75 4500 0 58 ❑ Q3 tA2 1350 -1208 Peak now a60 (3 18) (Imp rvee) - o 17 cr9 sa aar~ 053 003 144 1440 -1296 85 6100 052 003 149 1530 -1381 91 5400 0.50 0.03 162 1620 -1468 5q the Peek R ow Sor She Baam is She greater a! Sha taro florra, 95 57700 049 003 157 1710 -1553 Q 18 cTa 100 60DO ❑ 48 003 162 1800 -1638 ~ 268' ❑RRI7dAL'iE POND CALCl1UhT10N5 ;~,v.v;;N - ' i~a•, y,~ ~ Required '208' Stwage Vdume Impernous Aren x 51n ] 12 m/ft 10E) cu ft 298' Strxage Volume Rrwided cu ft D RYWELL REQU fREMENT3 - 1a YEAR DESlCihf 9TaRM Mexlmum Stwage Required by 8rnvs7[rsg -19 cu ft ~ Number end Type of dryrvelIs Required 1 81ng1e ❑ Daulsle IA1LANp PACIFiG EIdGINEEFilNG BOWSTRINL3 METHC1f) PROJECT' Shalley LakQ - Phase I PEA1C FLGW CALCULAT10hf PRCUECT Shotlsy Laka - Phasa I DETEkTIOW BRSfAE DESIGN BA51H L 6ASIN L : OESIGNER TRW 7at Area 007 Acras QATE 11130195 IJ`+ LLA Imp Area 2821 SF , C s U.85 v; . S Tlme Increment [mfn] 5 CASE 1 TEma oT Conc [min] 5 Ua Outfiarr (c1s) 03 10 ft. OveAand Flow ?:c;z~~~ d"gn Yenr Fkorv s0 Area [asrm) 0.0eB CY a 015 ' Irnpervious Ares (sq R) 2621 L= 14 It 'C' Fsctar 08125 n d 040 '20&' Volums Rravlded 3~ a 029 Area • C 0055 Tc - 1 11 mfn, by EquaLQn 3-2 of Guid~ines Trme Time Inc Intens ❑Derel Vd !n Vd Qut Stora9e ~x 9oQ tt Gutter flerv [min] (sac) [inmr) {cfa} Scu ft} {cu St} ~cu ftp aaao~ aaoaa~ ~~~a~o ovaooa asaaa~a oaa~aa aoaa~a z4 a Soo For za Soo aaa 318 aie » go -19 <ma zaa ss ryPea~sQ n m 0016 Fi0!!ed - 3 5 -`,,.-x-v S 300 3.16 0.16 71 9D -19 Co- 3 a 0 058 10 SD] 2 24 012 87 184 -90 15 900 0110 sa am -+za a = ❑ as7 ft. ~ 1200 1.45 Qas +aa 360 -asa 25 1500 5.21 ❑ Q7 107 45p -W A fi 0 TC Tc tolal I Oc 30 1800 104 006 109 540 -431 - - .a .:.a.. - - - oQroa - eaa ==sm- e va.eeP ~35 21DD 091 005 ifi 630 -519 0,09 9.03 D1 B 082 5 Cq 8 19 Q 16 ~ 40 24D0 0 88 005 313 720 -607 45 2700 074 004 115 B10 -695 r.u : c opsek for casse I = a 1$ efs 50 3000 o sa 004 117 900 -fea 55 3300 094 0 Od 120 090 -930 BD 38m 051 003 125 1080 -955 CASE 2 SS 3900 050 003 133 1170 -f i3c3T ==a=- dd 70 4200 058 003 938 1260 -9122 Cass 2 wsumes a Time of CarsCenirsuon Im than 5 minUtes 8O thet the 75 4500 056 ❑ p3 142 13W -1208 pssk tlaw = 90(3 19) (Pmp Area) = 0 17 els 80 4$00 0 53 003 144 1440 -1288 85 51 DO 0 52 ❑ 03 149 1530 -1383 ' go 6400 0 50 003 158 1620 -1 d68 Se, the Pse}e Rrn.i Por the Ba$]n is the gras[er af thQ [wca flaws, 85 5700 0 49 003 157 1710 -1453 l} 19 ets 500 6000 048 003 182 1806 -9638 208' DRAINAGE PDIVD GALCULATI[JIYS ~ Required '208' 8tcuege Vdume - Impamous Area x 5 in 112 inldt 108 cu ft 2fl8' Siaage Ydume ProvEde-d cu ft ~ DRWhfrELL REQi.lIREMEM1lTS - 10 YEAR DESIGhI STQFi1N Nesximum Sioraga Requlred by Sarvstring -14 cv Ft Number end Typ$ ot prywells Required 1 Single Q Daible INLAMD '}7ACIFIC ENGINEERIhIG 80W&AR1NG METHOA PFiC3JECT 3helley Lake - Phpse 9 PFAK FLpW CA4GlJLATlOA1 PRQJECT' ShelIryLnke - Phase I DETEI+CTIC7N BASIN DE51~"iN BASIH Kl. &6~~ Bh81PV, KL ❑ESlGNER TRW ~ Tvt Area 0.14 Acres iQP,TE' 11130195 I~i ~a : vlo ~ I~► Y Imp Ares 5242 5F C= 081 VL 1`► ~7 L] ~ I V'' 7 y ~ Time lncremeni (min) 5 1 Cf45E 1 U, ,Tima of Cuns. (min) 500 t7u[flov(cls) [}3 ~f~•9 10 ft, OvWand Fiow ❑esign Yeer Flow 10 Area (~~res) 0136 cs a 0115 ImpervVous !sw (aq ft) 5242 t a 10 n. 'c• Factor 08125 n a 9.40 '~•':"208' Vdume Provlded 3= 0 020 AYOfl • C 0111 . ~ ~ 7C ~ 1.11 mirt.. by Equat on 3-2 af Guiddlnes , 7ima Time Inc Intens, 4❑evel. Vd,9n Vd 17u4 Stvretge 100 ft Gutter tfrnv ~ (min) (aec) [infhr) (cfs) (csa ft) {cu it} (cu ft) - - - Z1 - 50.0 Fex Z2 5.DQ 300 818 035 141 90 51 co~ Za= 9.5 TypeBgtd n- 0016 R911Bd=35 5 300 318 035 141 90 51 C== 3= Q55 1[] 6D0 224 6.25 170 180 -8 y 55 wo 1 T7 0.20 186 274 -74 d= 0873 Tf. 24 1200 1 45 016 209 36Yk -751 25 1500 1 21 d 13 214 450 -338 A R O Te Tc tetsl I Oc • 30 1000 1.04 0.11 219 540 -321 asemas e- .moa asomoa a- ~v4a aof,~,¢a -e4-¢- -m--aa'r:y., [f ,~i[f~ 0.~1 Q10 221 ~ -ap9 0 9 d a+l 034 35 4 89 500 318 0.35 • 40 2400 082 009 227 720 -483 45 E700 0 74 ❑ d8 229 810 -581 Qp0a3c frx CASe 1- 135 C!3 so 3000 068 d a9 233 gm -&67 ss 3300 0.64 007 241 990 -749 sa 3500 0.61 0.07 asD soaa -4~30 case a es 39M 060 007 265 1170 -ea.s 70 aaoo nsa 0,08 276 1260 -904 Gase 2 esaumas n Time of GonaeriVe6on Isss fhan 5 minu[es so that the 75 45M 0.58 0.06 285 1850 -Si355 peek €faw - 80(3 18) (Imp Ares) . ❑ 34 cfs 80 480O 053 006 287 9440 -1953 $s sIOD 0.52 0.06 299 ssao -t234 90 546G1 0150 006 304 4929 -9318 So, She Peak flow far the Basin is th a greater of tlse [wa I ows, 85 5700 ❑ 49 005 354 5710 -13w 0.35 cls ~ 5oo GOOD 048 005 324 1800 -1478 208' 0 RAIWA43E PONp CALCilLATICSWS R ulrei'2t78' Stxege Volume ~l °ImpeMcxx.rs Nea x.5 in 1 12 inlft 218 cu R A.. a ~ aps' 3;aage Vdume Pravided cu ft N, DRYWELL AEQl1lREiW1EN7$ - 10 YEAR dE51G1Y STORM F~ ; Maicimum StcFage A~uired Gy 6owsbng 51 cu ft r Number and Typo W Qrywells Rac{uired 1 5ingle 0 ❑oubIs INLAND FHCfFIC ENGINEERINi3 BOWSTRIhlCa1 METMEfO PRQIECT Shelley Lake - REisse I PEAK FL[)W CALCULAFIDtd F'ROJECT. Shelley Leke - Phn3e I DETENZION BASIH dE51GN BASIW' m BASIN M QESIGWER. TRW Tot Aree4 5 95 Aeres DATE i 1 j3Uf95 tmp. Arsa 12$B3 SF j •a~c C = 0,26 ~':;p°,F~{,~' Tme Inerernent (mlR) 5 CASE 1 Tima af Conc. [min] 5 88 vutRaw (cfs) r 140 Tt. OverIMd FlOW DeSfgn YEaf F1DtM 10 Area (scres) 1947 C4 = 0.35 ~ Impemava Arm (sq It' 148W L a 140 ft ~ 'C' Fsctor 02838 n. ❑ a0 3'208' Vdume Rrovide! S n 0080 Area • C 0.514 . ~ TC ~ 3.58 min., by Eguetion 3-2 rs1 Guldelines AF• Time Tirrse Inc lntena C) Devel Vad !n Vd CAiY Storage 250 t[. GLIiteIflOW f`Y~ • :z ~ (mm] (aec) [inlhl (cfs) [cu n} (cu n) (cu ts) ~'~~"f,,fcaaso~a ae ~aaeme eeae~s a.eaemR ...a~a Z1 - 500 FvZx 588 351 a94 1.11 710 351 359 c~~ 22= 35 Fy¢e8=1.0 n- 0016 Ftdlecl = 9 5 ~ 5 300 318 1.63 657 300 357 0,010 10 600 2 24 1 15 62H 600 226 15 goo 1.77 091 927 9W 27 d a ❑ 175 n 20 1200 1 45 074 963 1200 -2 S 7 25 95D9 121 082 1CDS S5M -494 A R 0 'fc Tc [OYAI d Qc ~ 30 5800 1.04 053 9025 i8oo •775 o- - - - .g - aoaoa aaodmm - - oooa - m- - a- seso- e ..3a„oaA 35 P7~ 091 047' SOCi7 21D0 -1~ 082 i7 09 1~ 2 27 5 88 294 1$1 50 2400 0 82 042 taSf 2400 -1335 45 2700 4.74 0 38 1072 2700 -1828 Qpenk for Cess 1 A 1 51 cfa 50 9000 0.88 035 4090 3000 -1850 . F..y` 3300 0 94 Q 33 1124 3300 -2178 so 3800 061 0 31 1105 88O -2435 ClISE 2 115 8800 0 60 0 31 1238 9900 -2861 70 4200 058 030 1287 4200 -2993 Csae $ nasumes a Tfma of Concentratipn less th4n 5 minElY9s aD [hAS the 75 4500 0,56 i],29 1328 4500 -3171 pep4c fircw ..9[f(3.1$){imp. ArsA} a 0 85 CTS Hf1 48{]0 0.53 027 6338 4800 3481 65 5100 0 52 027 1394 5100 -37DB 6a 5400 0,50 026 1417 6400 li983 So, th e Peelt tlowr 1ct the Basi n is the greater oT gte riro Hwvs, 95 5700 049 0 25 1405 5700 -0235 1 51 cTs 100 9mt] 0 48 0 25 150e 60M rt491 j 4 ,k zas' DRAINAGE PQMQ CALCU LATIOM115 Required '20B' SiaragB VDlume Pmpernaas Arsta x 5 m! 12 mlft 536 cu It ~ 208' 9torage Ydume Pravlded cu ft DRYWELL REOUIfiEMEM1175 - 10 YEAR QESIf3W STCiRM Mnximum Stwaga Reqwred hy Barvamng 359 cu ft ~ NumEaer and Type of prywedls Fiequlred n Single 1 bou61e 1h[LAN[7 PACIFIG ER4GINEERINC3 BCsWSTRING METHCip PRDJECT Shal ley LakQ - Phaae I PEAK FLOW CA4C4JLJITldN PRQ.7ECT' Shdley Lake - Phnse 1 DETEWTfON BASiW DESIC3N BA31N N BAcrIW N DESIGNEiL 7RW Ta4 Arm 0 49 Acres DATE 1 1 /30f85 Imp Area 13780 3F iC a ❑.8d Time 1ncrenent (min) 5 CASE 1 Time ol Canc (min) 502 - a= Oudlow (cts) 0.3 90 SL Oveland Flerr pesign Yetu Rpvr 10 Aree, (rxeres) 0485 Ct = 015 Impevlousllrea (gp ft) 13780 L- 10 tL 'C' Fscta 4.8394 n d 040 ''209' Vdurre PrcsYtdet Pres f S A 0020 Area " C 0.330 Te = 1 31 min ,by Equetion 32 [rl Gufdelines Tima T-ime 9nc Intens i] 5euei Vd In VW Out Storaga 5DO tt Gutter flovv (min) (ssc) (Enlhr] (ets) (cu n) (cu tt) (cu n) ~a ZP ~ - - 502 a- a 3~1 a- o 318 Q6- U99 qg- - a7 R- - p~ a- o Z1 500 307 Z2a 35 fypeB=10 ' ~ • n a 0016 Rd1ed - 3 5 5 300 318 099 396 80 308 $ m 01020 ~ 10 BCIa 8.24 0.69 99$ 180 308 ~ 16 9d0 1 77 0'S5 550 270 280 d a 0.131 fG 20 12W 1.45 0.45 588 3uS4 228 25 1500 4 21 0.38 601 450 155 A R C] ic Tc tofal I qc f. j 30 18pp 1,434 0 32 813 540 73 a- dmaa d- - - -a saa~ao aQOOee Qomaa. am~asa oooaoa s 35 21IX} 097 0,28 821 630 -9 it 49 6 07 0 S@ 3~ 502 318 098 40 240D 0 82 0.25 83(i i2i1 -84 45 270[S 0.74 0,23 843 810 -157 Opeek Pw Case 1- ❑ 98 cTa ~ 3000 068 021 BSA gm -245 55 33DD 064 0 24 875 93p -315 80 380Q 051 0 t 9 idp 1080 -78p CASE 2 85 3906 060 019 745 1170 -425 ; 7[] 4200 0 58 G 18 774 1260 -485 Caee 2 saeumea n Time o1 Goncu"ssdorr leas than 5 mlnuies so ftt ths 75 4500 0se 017 799 1350 -651 peak now -00(3 18)(3mp. Araa) = v e1 cn aa nsao 053 Q re 800 1440 -aa4 es s» o sa o ts a~ 1530 -w ~r ga 5400 050 016 1153 1620 -7e7 So, tlhe Feak Anvr lor ihe Sasin is tha grsater a1 ma two Hows, 95 570E9 0 49 0 35 882 1710 -&2a 0 4$ cTa 100 8000 0 48 Q 45 908 18co -892 208' bRAl1YAGE P0N0 CA9.CUl.f1710H5 ~ s~~', •t:,~:~~{ Required'2pe'StorogeVduma r Impervioees ArBn x 5 m 112 inlfS 574 cu ft ~ 208' Stasge Vrlume Plrowded cu ft . r ~ DRYWELL FiEF3UIREMEN75 - 10 YEAR @ESICiN STORM Maaimum Starage Fiequirad by 8owswng 308 cu ft Humtam and Type af prywefls Required 1 Single ~ .MD C}ouble dNLARED PRCIFIC ENGIMEERIPlG 6flYV5TRIN0 METHfl❑ PROJECT fihelPsy Lake - Rhasa I PEAK FtOW CALCULATIOM FqWECP Shellay Ldka - Phese I OETEN7IQN BAS[N DESIC,id @A51H ❑ BASIN° f] OESIGNER T€iW Tot. Area 0 77 Rcres pATE 11130l95 Imp Plres 7170 SF ~~SrC= ❑91 =M Time Incremen4 (min) 5 CASE 7 ~ TYme o! Ccxse. (min) B 38 oum awr (cfa) 03 150 n overiand Fow Qesign Year FCorv v[Y Area (acres) 0768 a~ 0 15 Impemaus Area (sq tt) 7170 L- 1SU ft 'C' Factor 03111 n= 0 40 '208' Votume Provided 5= 0060 Area • C ❑ 238 a Te a 407 min, by EquaUon 3-2 oT [iuideline.i > Tms Tima Inc Intens Q Qarsl Vod Sn Vd Out 9tarage 35o n. ~utt~ sow (min) (s-) {tn/rir} (crs) 4cu n} (cu tt) (cu rt) . . aaoa o. . eoa a. oQaa Qoa-g aoaaaao aa-a aa=aeo Zti = 500 Fwx2 }g e38 aas asa 067 342 >>s aay zaa 35 rypeaefo ~ n= 0016 Ral[ed ! 3 5 ` 5 300 318 076 905 so 215 S= 0040 10 600 2.24 0.53 390 180 210 15 goo 1 TI 042 935 270 f 65 d= ❑ 100 IL 20 1200 1,45 0.35 480 360 100 25 1500 1 21 ❑ 29 470 450 24 A R f} TC TC to}AI I AC • 30 180o 1,R4 025 478 540 -62 a- - - ao a- - oQO mamaaa eQaaffid Qa- oed -~aaa. os. .a 35 2100 0,91 022 4$4 6010 -SdB 027 005 067 2 31 638 2 80 067 AU 2400 0 82 020 49e1 724 -226 : 45 2700 0.74 0.18 439 81o -311 Opeak }or Case 5~ 0 87 cfs 50 30D0 0,68 0.18 507 900 -393 F f 55 3390 064 015 523 99d -987 sa 3800 081 ais saa 1080 -sae CAS E 2 'x. SS 38M 000 014 538 11 TiY -59A - Rg- s 74 42{iQ Q5B ❑14 59$ 1260 -852 Case 2 asaumea a Tima oi Concmitratlon lasa fherr 6 mlflu[ea ea that the 75 45500 056 13 618 1350 -732 Peak now ago (3 18) (Imp Anen) - ❑ 47 cra aa 4800 053 ❑ i3 623 yaaa -sr7 85 5100 0.52 ❑ 12 848 1530 -882 DD 54cw 050 ❑ 12 sss 1e20 -961 r.: So, tha Peesk 3f ovn for th e @esm is ihs greater a} ihe [vvo flows, . r_ 05 5704 0 49 ❑ 12 BB4 1710 -1 Q29 0 ei cTa 6L ~ : 1 DO BOOd 048 C1 i 1 701 1800 -1099 : a 2DB' dRA[MRGE PONa CALCSJLAT1pN5 Hequlred '208' 5terage V[rlume imperviws Ared z.5 in 112 in/f! 290 cu ft h~ w 248' Starage Vdume Fm~,qded cu n @RYWEL.L RECJL11F1EMENT5 - 10 YEAR C]ES1GN STORM ~ ~ Maxirrtum Stcxage Flequcred by Bowstring 227 cu ft Num6or end Type of Qrywells Required 1 Singla 0 Dai6fe 1►YLANC] PACiFIC E1+iC,IfyEERING ; BCSWSTRlN4 lVCETNQ[7 PROs1ECt. Shdiey take - Phese I PEAK FLOW CALCLlLAFIDN PRQ.3EC7' Shelley Laka - Phsaw I ipETENTIUN BASIN pE51GH 6f441N P BA61N P DESIGNER TAW Tat Area 103 Acres bATE 1 i j30j95 Imp Area 79:38 SF C= 027 Time Irscreanent (min) 5 CA3E 1 Time aS Conc, (min) 5 42 oufflow icfsf 03 140 n ovmland Flrrir oesign rear Flo,a s❑ Area facres1 1029 Ct . 015 ' Imper+ricnus Ares {eq ft,} 7438 L= 140 R. s"C' Factar 0 274A n a 040 208' VdurrSe Prcrvlded 5= 0 D8C7 Aren' C 0282 Tc = 3.58 min., by Equatat 32 cst Guidelines Time Tima Ine lniens ❑ Osvel Vd In Vd Out Storage 250 h. Guner ncrr i (min) (aec) {InRil (cfs) {cu n) [cu R) (cu ft) aaanm .o aoomv saa- vm ma- - ma o- ~.o - - o o_a~rno c m~ ZS = 54 0 FcY Z2 R 5.42 325 3 47 087 378 98 290 Z2= 35 TypeB=10 : G n a 0 678 Rdled - 3 5 '5 300 318 093 381 90 271 8 a U 025 ta 600 2 24 063 449 19G 269 16 9C10 1 77 0 54 SQS 270 285 d= 0 120 TL ~ 'r.-k; 20 12Q0 1 45 041 537 360 177 25 iSHd 1 41 Q 34 550 450 100 A Fi Q Tc Tc total I C}C 30 1800 104 LY 29 561 544 29 vao- - - aoa~=a qP oams- a a- - - - - no- s- a a- nmaa. 35 2140 091 026 568 630 $2 $ 39 008 6 87 184 5 42 3 07 087 W , . '40 24[1(! 0.82 0 23 561 720 -139 " 45 27U0 074 0 21 587 854 -223 r Opsek lor CasO 1= ❑ 87 cTs so 3000 Q BB 019 597 900 -300 55 330(} 0 SA 018 @t9 BW -974 w 38W 061 017 s39 1080 -441 CASE 2 3 85 39ac} 0O7 017 879 1174 -491 70 420D 058 018 705 1260 -554 Gase 2 essumss nTLme oi CaneanVnhon les5 then S minu[es so thmt !he 75 45W 0 58 016 720 1350 -621 47elsli flprV ffi 9E](3.18)[Imp Area] = 0 48 Cla 80 490d 063 0 15 735 1440 -705 &5 5100 052 0.15 785 1530 -785 go SApp 050 0.4A 770 1820 -8+12 so, the PenFe 41rnr Tcx the Ba$in fa the gesater of Gtia two flows, 95 5700 049 014 804 1 710 -Dw 067 cls t00 BOOA 0.48 0 t4 928 1floo -432 z~ aoa• awAiNAGe PoNo caLcUu+TIaNs k b: ,a Requllgd 208' Starage ddume = Impe+dlatls Alea x 5 in 1 12 m/ft 310 cu ft 208' Storage Vdume Provided cu tt - ..tfi%f.,•h D RYWELL REC7LJlREiv1ENT5 - 10 YEAA 0 E51GiY STiORAM1 ~h Msxlmum 5torsge RequEred 6y bawramng 280 cu ft Number nrsd Type a! drywal ls Required 1 Single o flouble INlAND'F'AGIFIC ENGIRIEEFIING ~ BDWSTRINO tU1ETi1-IC7D PRUJECT. SheHey Lake- Phnse l PEAK FLOW CALCLfLATIOT! PROJECT' 9Reiloy Lake • Rhasp I DETERTTION BASIN dE51GN BASIN' Q BA31N p : pE51GhiER, TRW TC9[. AIe9 0 9$ AGF03 OATE' 711~~76 9mp Nea 1&675 SF c=. • 4 iC ~ 0413 Tlme lncremen4 [mIn] 5 CA5E 1 Timeof Con c. (min) 1370 OutNow (eTa) 0.3 140 fc OveAend Flccm Qesign Yew F1aov 10 . Nen (acm) 0 983 Gt a v 15 ~i IRFpBNf4US fV9B (s[$ ft] 18676 L= 140 ft '"C' Facta o 477 n = 440 '208' VoEUmeRro+nded 3= 0040 e4rea ' C 0469 Tc = 4 41 min, by Equahan 3-2 oT Guldd ines ~ Tlms Tima Inc Intena q Revel Vd.ln Vc£Aut 5[arage 1240 Tt. GuKer flow (min) (sec) (In/hr) (cfa) (eu !t) (cee tt) vu tEf •rs • - Z1 . `,~0.{} FF+f Z2 ~ ~1370 aao $22 ~ 1$7 aa~m89 ~ffia~e~8 600 247 a~a 721 c=~ P2 = 35 Type 6= 1 D n- 0 618 Rdled - 8 5 ;~a ~r~>'`~ 5 30a 3 48 1 49 599 90 509 S. 0.024 `r•,~o 10 Soo 224 1 05 844 480 684 15 90D 1 77 0 83 979 270 709 d a 0.12p ft 20 1200 1 45 068 1 QDS 38Q 618 25 1500 1,21 17.57 1010 450 560 A R Q TC TC tOw I {]C 30 1806 1 Dd 0 49 1014 `u40 47d f: Qe3- - - - - n- g= - ea-aeoa emavoo aaamme eammae 35 2107 ❑91 0,43 1015 630 385 039 006 0 89 929 1370 1 87 088 r F 40 24DO 082 0 39 10.70 720 310 45 $300 074 035 1034 810 224 ❑peak I[r Case 1= 4.88 cls 50 300D F7 68 0 32 1046 800 146 55 330U 6 64 030 1074 990 84 B f 1 96E70 6 81 d 2 9 f t i 0 1080 30 CA3E 2 85 3900 0.60 028 19 76 4170 9 . ma=a=a 70 42M 058 027 7218 4260 -42 Gl1S5 2 llBSLRl55 !9 TIPftB W CUf1C9lItYf4[IOrI 19SS tl1LU1 5 R1311uCB9 SU thftS [hB ' 75 45M 0 58 028 1255 4350 J95 n++•~. ~ peafc flcrnr - 90(3 18){Imp Aren) a 9 23 cTa ~ 80 48M 0.53 0 25 1262 1 440 -178 s5 ssva 062 024 1312 tsM -218 90 5400 0.50 023 1332 182Q =299 Sa, ihm Peds flow lor the BnsEn fs the grenier of Vs5 riro flcrwrs, 85 570D 049 023 1374 1710 -338 9 23 cls 100 80013 048 0 23 1413 1800 -397 i% 2D8' DRAiNAGE PQND CALCLlLATIDN9 ' "uired '208' Siorxsga 1lduma ~ Impannafe Aren aa 5 in 112 mlit 778 cu fY as ~~e 208' Storege Vdume Rrovided , cu R [3RYWELL REGfUIREMENT5 - yD YEAR 6E53G1V STaFilti+l klenimum Siaage Requlre-d hy Bowstrtng 721 cu R Number end Type qf prywel ls Required 1 SinglQ 0 Dau61e IHlLANp PACIFIC ENGIWEEfiINp BOwsrRiNa nnETHoo PRnJecT• snelisy Laka - Pr,asg i PEAK FLOW GALCIJLATiON PROJECT Shelley Lelte - Rhaee 1 6E1'ENfiIpPI BA511d DESIGN @A$IN. R BAsIM1r R DESIGNER TRW Tct. Araes 2.47 Acres f pATE S1~3plff5 imp. Area 20579 3F J',`crur C a 0 29 ~ Ttme Incrament (min) 5 CASE s Tlme af Conc. (min) 931 : • Outftewv (c!s) 1 80 1f, CAVerfand Fiow Z Desfgn Year Rawv 10 • Arsa [acros] 2468 Gi a 015 Irnpeneiwe Area (sq ft) . 24578 L a 8D ft 'C° FaetQr 02837 rr s 040 'Mg' Vdume Prrr+r[ded s a 0020 : wmn • c 0.724 Tc ~ 3 88 min, by Equation 3•2 o} Guidelines Tims TErrie Inc Intena a osvai Vd In Vd [3ut Starage ss4 tt. Cwtter flaw (mln) (sec) tmlhr} {cts} (cu st) (eu €t) (eu tt) a 50E1 Ea Y2 9.3f !Q~ ~ a6a2~3 a- - ~ 86 aoao,281 a- a S~ Qga 7i~ Z3 cno Z2 = 3.5 Tppa B a 1€1 n= 0016 Rdled = 3 5 5 300 9.18 2.30 926 3E0 628 $ a 0.024 ~ 10 600 2 24 1 82 1282 ODO 682 15 ow 177 1.28 9338 g70 497 d a. 0 155 ft ` 20 1200 1.45 1.05 1450 1200 260 25 S 50C] 1 21 0 98 1481 1sm -19 E4 R 0 Yc 7c taSa1 I Oc ~~,i^ 30 t5w 1.04 0.75 14$9 1&w ~[71 ~aaaaa sodaa.a o~maa.o - =•d - aa - sea- n - aama- - a- 95 210Q 091 068 7509 2108 •591 0 64 0 L16 1 70 643 4 31 2 33 168 S' dp 2-00Q 082 0 58 1538 2400 -882 ...,~.,45 270D 074 ❑ Ss6 1549 2700 -1151 C7pHaSr, fpt CdLsg 7 a 5 B$ Cft ~ 50 3000 0$$ 049 1574 30L1Q -1429 65 9300 0 86 0.48 1818 3300 -1882 BQ 3600 0$1 ❑ 44 1874 36@fl -1926 =~cs.t • CASE 2 ss asW 060 043 1777 3900 -2+ 2a ao=aa=m 70 920D 0,58 0,42 1844 4200 -2356 CsSa $ R93urR83 a Tlms n1 GOPSCBfIVatlon IBSS tllmn 5 rttfnuSeB 6a Rhat tha 75 4500 0 58 041 1902 4500 •2598 peak rlaw -90(a i s){imp Area) - I as crs 80 4600 053 038 1915 48M -aess . SS 5100 052 038 1992 51 0D -3108 90 5+500 0 50 0 38 2024 5400 -W75 So, th e Pesls flow Far ihe Bssm is fhe greater of the two flows, 85 5300 0+79 035 2M 5700 -mFY 1 B8 cT8 - 106 60DO 048 035 2158 6600 -184B f 20$' ORAIPIAGE POND iCA4Gl1LATPCiMS Raquired '208' Stornge Vdume Impervicxas Area x 5 In j 12 inlft 857 au ft 2fl8' Starage Ydume Provided cu ft ❑RYV4TECL REOIlIREMEHTS - 90 Y€AR 6ESIGN S7ORM Maximurtr Storage FiequEred Gy Bawsfing 703 cu ft Rium6er end Type eT prywOs FSequired 4 Single 1 DtxrF5le lNLANO PPIGIFEC ENGfNEERINC3 'BO1NSTAlNC3 METHOD PRQIECT. 9hr~~lsy Lake - Phase I PEAK FL~dW C{1l,CUEAfiION PRO.IECT 5hel1 Lake- ~ase I ~1 C7ETE74TION BASIN DE51GN B131N, MOQRM 61161k. MOC7RH DESIGNER TRIlY TcL Arsa S 81 Aores OAYE 01129I0 !mp Aren 88172 3F c - 0.32 T]me Increnent {min) 5 CA$E 1 Time of Cextc (min) 990 C]utflaw (e#s) 2 80 Sf. bverland Flow ~ C7eslgn Year Raw 10 Vrea {aores} 6.848 Ct - G.15 ~_~~f,,g`• ImpaMws Area (aq R) 88172 L= 8a ft. f R~`-'•~ 'C' Factar 0.3779 n - 0.40 'WB' VdurnO Ptovided S. 0 023 Rrsa " G 2.160 ~~~~z • ~ . Tc = 3.88 min., by Equanor 3.2 of Guiddmes TEme Tlma Inc Intens Devel Vd In Vd Ou[ 8t«age 1240 fc Gutter flow y~ (min) {sec) [inlhr) {cfs) {cu R) [cu tt) Z1 SU.~ FarZ2 xF'y=Y~~~ S.~ - - 0 594 a- -2.2~ 'a64.B.i -a- a3s.",a -°-1588 aca2670 T2 = 35 1`+y,pB B= 9o n a 0016 Rdled = 3.5 5 30e 3.98 687 2781 ofp 21131 5 m 0024 10 WO 2 24 4.94 398C] 1200 28W 15 oco 1 77 382 4213 180A 2413 d° 0230 n 20 1200 1.45 3.13 4391 2400 1991 25 15w 1 21 $ 83 4449 3000 1449 A R t] Tc 7c tataf I f]e 30 180U 1,04 2,25 qqgg 3$Qq 898 a ~=saaa .a- a- a aoeamo a- a4.n- asaa- .a - maeve a.ooaQ 35 21tt]U 091 1 97 4525 42~ 325 1 42 0is 488 6.02 990 224 a,as ao 2400 082 1 77 4W9 aaW -nss 45 2700 0.74 1 60 463.9 SALIp -751 C]pesiiS Par Cu.99 1= d 85 cfs 54 9000 0 fi9 1 47 470:3 BOOfj -1207 ~~`~"•-y< 55 3300 Dfid 1Z8 4841 660C1 -5758 ~gt60 361Cf 081 1 32 5010 71" -2190 CASE 2 B5 39W 060 1 94 5317 78M -2483 - - - 70 426[? fl 5$ i 25 55 i S 84DO -2685 Caee 2 assuYnes n Tirrie vt C oncantrption I tt~9 ff1at1 S n'finutes sa that fhe 75 45~ o5B ^l21 5589 ~9 ~3t2 9 peak Naw e90(3 18) [!mp Arisa] a 4 35 ols BU 46fJ0 053 1.14 5727 5640 -3873 ~ 85 5100 052 1.12 5356 10200 -4244 90 5900 050 1 08 6051 1 D60U -4749 Sn, fhe Peak flvw Tor the gasm rs tha graater oS the Wa flaars, 95 5700 0 49 108 6247 11400 -5953 4&5 Cfa 100 6000 048 1 Od 8433 52000 -6589 208' 0 FiAINAGE POHD CALCi7l A71O MS Aequired '268' $twege Vdurna f; = ImpervEaus Area x 51n 112 inlft 2757 eu 1i 208' Stcxage Vdums Provided cu ft DRYWEiL REOUlREM ENT8 - 10 YEplq 0 ESIGH STORht v r=~ ARammttm Stcrsg0 Hequ9red by Omsfnng 2680 eu li kum6er and Type of Drywells Required 4&irrgl5 2 Douhle INLAND PACIFIC ENGIPfEEA1NG B4W9TRlh[Ci FRET'fi10D PROJECT' ShelIep lake - Phase I PEAK FLOW CALCl1LA71aN PRC7.lECT Shelley Lake - Phase I ~❑ETEIUTEON BASIN DESIGhF BASihd' S BISIN S DE36GNER TRW TrsL Area 6 48 Acres DATE' 19I30I85 Imp Ares 8714 5F c = 0.40 7ime Inerement {mEn} 5 CASE 1 Time of Canc (mEn) 500 mutflow(cfe) aa 20 ft DveAsnd Ftaw Oesign Yew Reaw iv Area (atrea) 0461 Ct n 015 ImpervioLis Rrta [sq It] 8714 L- 20 fL C' Factar 04008 n A 0 40 z~'208' Yduma F'rwlded S. 0.420 Area • C 0 1 B5 : , • 3: Tc - 969 min, by Equatim 3-2 af Gufdellnes Trme Time Ine frstens. 0 Davel. Vd.in Val.Out Staaqa 370 R. Gutter flow (m9n) {sec) (inlhl [cfs] (cu ft) (cu h) (cu ft) ay~sF - - a- ao eaeaoa aaao- v . . . =aa a5aeaa~ ~~~~.~a Qaoga~ Z1 - 500 Fd Z2 5 00 300 9.Y8 0 59 238 BB 148 G== Y2 - 3.5 Type B= 1 0 - ra= n= Or]18 Fidled= 35 5 300 398 059 23$ 90 148 5 a 0.444 lU H00 224 041 291 '180 151 ss soo 1 n ❑ as 328 270 s[s d s 0.095 ft. 20 1200 1 as 027 349 38-0 -i 1 25 1500 9 21 022 5456 450 -92 A R 0 Tc 7c [am1 I Qe 36 18M 1[14 ❑ 19 365 540 -1 i5 - aeea- - maQOa a- - - ao Qaaffioa asogao =a-=sa em:ee 35 2100 0,89 017 370 Bm -260 024 ❑ 05 059 2 53 500 3.16 0 S9 90 2400 a.82 c15 839 720 341 45 2700 4 74 014 383 81 B -027 ' l ' L7. Q9EVC !Of CHS@ 1'a 0 59 C}$ ~ 50 30DO 416$ 013 990 9m '550 55 3300 064 ❑ 12 402 SO -58Q 60 36P4 061 d 11 07 1080 -683 CRSE 2 65 3900 ❑ 80 ❑ 1 i 449 9 976 -726 a a s o.e 70 42DO 4 59 0 9 t 481 1280 -789 Gas e 2 aa$umes a Tima o4 Goncen7ahon less than 5 minutes so thnS the 75 4500 0 59 ❑ 10 478 1350 •874 peak flow = 90 [3.18]([cnp. Y1rea] ~ 0 44 cTa 80 4800 0 53 010 480 1440 -M 8a 5100 ❑52 ❑70 500 1530 -1030 961 640a 850 009 SOS 6920 -t S i P Sa, the Peak flctw Far tlia Basin la thQ greater ofi fhe two flowa, 95 57fX} 0.49 O[XJ 525 1758 -1185 4 59 cTs 100 BDOC7 0.48 ❑ 09 571 180D -4 $.59 ~ 208° oRniNAGe RoNp cALcuu+riaNs Required '208' Staage Yduma s~y= Impemous Area x 6 in 1 12 inlft 260 Cu ft 248' StoraOe Vdume Prowded ou fP OFtYH1EL1 REaiJIREMENTS - 10 YEkti DE51Gk STQRM Maacimum Stornge Rsqufred dy BorvsWng 146 cu ft Number and Type of prywd ls Reguired 1 Single 0 Dcu61e IMLAND PACIFIC ENGIMEERIMG 9L1YSTiRING METHOf] PRQIECT' ShOey Ld![e- Phsse f PEY11( FLOW CALCULATI(7N PROJECT 8he1lsy Leke -Phase I . DETEfuTIQN fiASIN DEBIGN BAS]N T Bi45iN T QESEGNER TRW Tot Aren 0.64 Aores DATE' 11C3a195 !mp Arw 18400 SF " C a @Ba :a Ttma Inerenent (min) 5 CASE 1 TEme gf Conc (min) 8.02 ~o=aso= QutNrnq{cts} 03 80 ft f3Yerlsnd Flow C7es1gR Yeru Firnv 10 ArOs (acrd) 0642 Gt - 6, i5 fR+pervioces Flrea {eG R] 184DO L= 20 ft 13 'C' Factar 06436 n P 0 40 i '208' Vdume Provided 5= 0020 j : Aree " C 0413 7c - 169 mln, 6y Equad~ai 3-2 0} Gufdemes 3. Tirne Time Ine Intens Q Davel Vd.ln Vd C7ut 3toage sao ft. Gutter flow (min) [sec' {tnthry (cfs) (cu k) (cu ft) (cu ft) z xas I.re 577 108 469 l o sgn Forxa k sna a~~ ~s+ a~ a zz - , rype s a ti a n- 0016 RdPed = 3 5 5 30C7 318 5 31 528 90 438 8 g 0025 10 9m 2.24 8 93 669 1 SO 489 ~ e= 75 9W 1 TT 073 748 270 479 d~ o 13a n, ea~ ~ 1200 1 as 060 793 360 433 25 15W 1.21 0.50 811 450 381 A R fl Tc Tc [atsl I S]c 30 49Cm 1 44 0 43 826 sdg 2a8 aase- - - d- oma a- e-oo - Qmeoa - - - aaa - - - o- 35 2100 0,81 0,38 838 &3CS 206 049 007 1 20 433 002 289 I.la av 2400 082 0.34 sss m 135 ~ 45 2700 4.r4 031 863 sta sa ' G3pee3c fa C:ase 1= 1 19 sIs 5f] 3000 068 0.28 977 goo -23 55 3300 6.84 0 28 905 990 -S5 W 3600 081 0.25 B38 1060 -542 GASE 2 BS 3900 060 ❑ 25 997 1170 -173 70 4200 0.58 0.24 1030 1260 -224 Cass 2 esgsumas s Time oT CaicentraGarS lesa ttmn 5 minuies ao ihat the 75 45M 0 58 0 23 1470 1350 -280 pe[J[ fIOYY o90(3.19) [fmp Jlreq) ~ 1.25 cfa BD 48U0 053 ❑ 22 1078 144U 482 BS 5100 0.52 024 1122 1590 -408 90 54C3D 050 025 1441 1820 -479 So, tha F eak flow tsx iha 8ssin is the greater oT ihe Mro flms, 95 570a 049 026 1179 17] ❑ -531 1,21 Gfs 100 BOW 0.40 0.20 1214 48L1G 586 i ~'t~ • •q; ~lF~ f Y!i'w~F aaa' owaiNnG E PaMd cnLOuv+rIoNs Requlred '208' Storage Vofum$ = fmpartnous Araa x.S in 152 in/t 767 eu Tt 209' Starage Vduma iPravided ou tt ~ DRl(WELL FiEG7lJIREMEMTS - 10 YERR RESIGN 3TQRM Ma)afmum Storage Requfeed hy Bawatrfng 4E39 cu fi hdumtrerand Type of Drywells itequirel 1 Single ~ 4 doubfe INLANa RACIF7C EMt'aIMEEF41N,r'a i , H43WSTRINII A+1ETH00 PRd.1ECTi Sheilsy Lske ~ Phase I PEAK FLC7W CALCl1V.ATlbN PRc],lECT 5hdley Lafte- F'hasa I OETENTION BR51N DES[GiV BA$EH SJ BASIN Ll i7ESIG"aNEfi. TRW Tr3t Area Q SA Acres ? dATE 11130(95 Pmp Area 16524 3F C a 0 88 Ttme lncrement (min) 5 cASEv Ttme of Co,c (min) s.ar eoam outflaw (cfs) 03 20 n Oderland Flrnw DesiOn Year Flow t❑ Area (atres) 0539 Gt = O.IS Gnpervicus /Ired {sq ft} 16520 L n 20 ft. 'C' Faciar 06781 n- 0 dD '2DB' Vdume Provlded S- et o2c, R►ee • c 0365 Tc = sBe mdn, hy rEqus6on 32 oT i"suidelines ~ Time Time Inc Intena O Desrd. Vol In Yd Out Stcrage 55~ Ft Guttar floar [min] (aec) pnRs►} [cIs) [cu tt] (cv ft} (cu n) ; : za = ~a❑ ~cx ~2 oeo5az oe- aa~ Qo- aam~,r~ aeaaa as~ aas a~a 393 aa- , TypaB - 1.0 b <-r, PY - 0.016 'Adl~ - 3 5 j ~S 900 318 1 18 487 go 377 5.. 0025 10 800 2.24 082 563 780 403 rfl= 15 DDO 9 77 0 65 654 270 3114 si - 0135 it 20 1200 1.45 053 695 360 335 25 1500 1.21 044 713 450 263 A R i] TC TC tofel I ❑e 30 18M 104 038 727 540 187 asoeoa oa- soe - QOaao saaa- ~na~aa ~aago- saaaa as 2100 0.91 aaa 736 po 106 048 007 1 13 378 547 30e ' I.+ 2 ao 2400 ❑8a 0.30 xss 720 33 as 2700 074 C 27 760 810 -sa opeak ror case i- 112 crs 50 3000 068 025 773 900 -127 ss 3300 064 023 798 sm -192 ~ x',•~'~=.a„ Sp 36M 081 022 827 1080 -253 CASE 2 r'65 3900 0.60 022 880 1170 -280 ma- aQ- - 70 42DO 0.58 021 814 1260 -345 Ca7s 8 sssume.s a Time Qf CancenfraLcm ]ass [han 5 manutes s[a that the ~ 75 4500 0.56 ❑ 2Q 9" 1350 406 pea,k fiaw ~90(3 48)[IrTlp AF6d] $ t os efa ' srs 4600 0 53 018 BSj 1440 -489 &5 5100 052 0.19 890 1= -W 9 0 54IX3 0 59 D '1 B 1 007 f $2p -613 Sc, th e Posk fiQrsr t5x tYtie Basin is the greater W[h~ twa fl ows, 95 57DD 0,49 018 1041 1710 -689 1 12 cTs F 100 e900 O.48 018 1072 18co -728 t~ 20$' QF#AIMAGE PG3Hp CALCUIJATIdh13 Wequired'a0&' Starage Vduma Impevlaus Area x S In 112 inlR 88a cu R 208` StQraga Voluma Provides9 eu h s ORYINELL REC3GIREAAEniTB • 10 YEAR DE31CiN STORM ~ AAaxlmum Storage Requlred Gy Bawstnng 403 cu f! a.~, kumber end Type of D" ls Required 1 Single 0 ❑ouble IMIAFdp PACIFIC EMC3INEER]NG @OW3TRIN£3 AAETHt]C] PRO.IECT, Shelfey Lake- Phdse f PEAEC FLt]W ChLCULATIOM PROJECT, 5hOey Leke - Phese I pFTENTIdN BASIN DESI['sH BASfN V s•-~;~ BASIP! V C7ESICaNER 7RW Tat Araa 0 27 Acres OATE 9 t,i'30t9S Emp Ares tD500 SF c a 082 Tima IncrarnenS (min) 5 CASE i ~ 71me af Gcne [min] 8 73 - outflow{cts} Da 2[] n Onerlsnd F7aav Design Year Fiorr 10 " Area [acres) 0.27 Ct a O 15 ` tmperWaus Area (sq R) 741600 L d 20 R. 'C' Factsx 08249 n = 0.40 '208' Vdume Providad - 3- 0020 Area ` C 6 223 TC a 1 59 min . bp Equat rn 3-2 af Gufdeltnes Time 7ime Inc Intena 0 [1sve1 Vd fn Vd.ou4 Bterage 600 ft Guner flarr [mm} (aec) pnlhr) (efs) (eu tt) (au tt) tt) - eee- a - sv- o- - - =aaa =.ao-e --e - ..nn Qn-a zti g 5o o For z2 8.73 524 241 054 370 asr 219 -caa xa - I Tqpe a= 1.0 rl = 0016 Rdled - 3 S 5 300 3 18 071 285 90 A95 S- 0.010 10 Ba0 2 44 0 5a 3B8 18p 208 z 15 9(0 1 79 0 39 425 270 155 d= 0.120 ft. 20 1206 1.45 032 445 380 85 ~ 25 1500 121 0 27 452 450 2 A Fi W Tc 7c ROtaI I f7C 3E7 180E] 1 DA 0 23 458 w -82 - e- - aa - - - ao.a - -d- do.== - m- - aa- - - aaaa ~aase $5 2100 f7g1 020 482 630 -168 037 006 ❑ 52 7 05 873 241 0 54 40 24570 082 018 477 720 -249 45 2706 074 016 474 810 -138 Opeak IOY Cu88 1- 054 e}s so 30Q0 0 BB o15 481 gm -419 55 3300 064 014 490 9m -4e4 so 3800 001 014 513 1080 -587 CABE 2 4 85 3900 000 013 545 1170 -825 e e- - - m a # 70 4206 068 013 598 1280 -994 caae a nssumes a nme rn conceno-aaon iass then 5 minuzes sa n,a3 tha ' 75 asa❑ 0.5e 012 sw 13sa -787 peak ncw a90(a 1 8){imp n.ea) 9 070 cfs eo asacs 0.53 0.12 588 ia.w -852 ~ u. • 65 5144 052 0.12 811 1536 -91[9 90 540a 050 fl Y 1 621 1&2Q -M Sa, 4he Reak now Tor th s Hasln is th e greatar o} [he rtwo flaws, 95 5700 0,99 ❑ 11 842 1710 -f n88 k; 0 70 cTS 1 CN] @ODO 0 48 CI 11 860 1800 -1140 0 2ii6' QFIAII+lAGE Pt7fV[] CALCULAT[ON5 ;i > ? Required '2578' 5tomge Vdume m Irrperviwua Area x.5 in / 12 in/ft 462 cu R F 208' Storage Vdume Pro~nded eu R s ~.a QRYWELt pEC}UTAEMENTS -10 YEAR DE31C3M1C 3TDRM AAaYJmum Staaga ReGuired Gy Bovrstrfng 219 au tt Num6er and Type of 0ryweI13 RaquGed 1 Sin$le 0 double INIJINd PRCfFIC ENGINEEfl1NG 6OVYSTRING METHO G PRi3JECT, Shelley Leke - Pheee I PEAIC fL4W CALCl,11JITIC]A! PR0.fEC7 5h[iley Lska • Phase E ~ 3 w DE'fEhYT10N BASlN DE&IGN BA$IN, W BASGN. W DE$IC'iM1lEFC TRW TaL Area 0 27 Acres C7ATE, 1113t]195 Imp J1rets sG800 8F C ~ 0 82 N Tirne Inerement [rnEn] 5 iGABE1 ' Time rif C.anc (min) 873 6-a--a a Oufflg (cra) 03 20 ft. Overland Flvw ;t~ Desf n Year FlDw 10 Mee [scres] 4 27 Cf = 0,15 ~F'• ,~~~r~ lmpavlous Arm (sq ft) 1DWO L= 20 tt 'C Facia 08249 n- 0 40 '208' Yotums Provided s= 0020 rvea • c 0.223 r Tc - 1 69 min, by Equation 3-2 of Gu[drJines Timg Time Inc. Intens, 0 pevet, Vd 1n Vd ouY Storaga 6DO Tt Gutter flow (min) {sec} (infhr] (cfa) [cu ft] (cu tt] (eu ft} •E C- u`dc - aeeav easmeo ao- - aa qaP=oa. aaCaaa aCaOCa aI - sa m Fo. x2 873 sxa 2.41 054 srs 157 ais r~a za= i rypes - yo n- 4018 Rdfed=35 5 300 318 071 285 Po 195 S= 0.010 10 600 2 24 B 50 98B 19O 208 15 9w 1 77 0 39 425 270 155 d n 0.720 R. 20 1204 1 45 0 32 445 380 85 25 45m 121 027 452 450 2 A R q dc Tc tctel I Qc 30 1800 1 04 023 458 544 -62 Q~oe.oa o- aoo- ao-a:~ Qo~o.a~ aeaosa a. . aaa . a. dflf. ~ 35 2100 091 020 462 630 -164 0 37 006 0 52 705 8 73 241 0 54 40 2400 o BP 0 18 471 72D -248 • 45 2700 074 ❑ 1 B 474 6 i 0 -338 Qpaak }ar Casu 1 = 0 54 CTs 5U 3000 068 e i 5 481 900 -455 ` 55 3" 064 014 496 990 -494 60 3600 061 014 513 iiQBCI -567 CR$E 2 65 390 0 8a 013 545 117() -625 =m=+=ae 7[} 4200 158 813 5se 1280 -894 Case a asaume$ e Time al Concentretion less Ctan 5 minutes aa thet the i5 4500 nss 0,92 583 1850 -787 pe~ fl aw a qo(3.i e1(im P nrea} , = o iv ~ so aaW 053 012 saa 1440 -asz es stoa 0.52 0.12 611 1530 -919 BO 5404 050 O11 621 1620 -859 Sa, the Peek Haw fa ihe 6asin is the grea[er af Gse hao nars, 95 5700 0 49 O11 642 1710 -1 om S ] 30 Cfs y • ~ s 1 fI0 E00D 048 fi 1 i 660 18w -9 9 40 208' DFZAINAGE PC]MO CALCSJLATION5 , Required '208' Stcmga Vdume _ lmpertiaus Area x S m 112 €n/R Aa2 cu tC ~ 2D8' Storage Vduene Provided cu ft QRYWELL FiEC3UIRE7NENT9 - 74 Y'FJIR 9ESIGRE STCIRM t 2 Maximum StQmge Requlred hy earvstring 219 cu tt Alum6er erid Type aT Ory" ls Requfred 1 Single 0 Oeuble INLAHQ PAGIFIC ENGINEEFiIMG ,Bi3WSTRiNC3 ME7FiDd PRQ.lECT She!!ey Lake - Fhasa I PEAIC FLC7W CAL,CWLF#TION F'ROJECT. $hdlay l.ake - Phase I S7E`fENTION BA31N DESIGRE BASEN' x 9l181N, x f•; l]ESIGNER TRW Tot. Area 0.e5 Acres OATE' i 1 Y3U195 Imp dVaa 14587 SF C = 054 ~ Tme Increment (mEn) 5 CASE 1 Time oT Cnrse (mfn) 5 00 am~oa~a ='~v Qut[ICriY[C}S] 03 10 ft Overland Flasa peMgn Yeer F7aw 10 Area (scres) 0.84a Ct = 0.15 ~ trtpervloua Ares [sq ft] 14567 L- 10 ft. 14' Factcx 05371 n a 040 i `209' Volume Provideci $ _ 0040 Area * C 0.948 ~a,{~;,• Tc a 091 min, by Equabon 3-2 of Gutddinas Tima Time Inc IrStens 0 Deve! Idd In Vrl flut 5tvrege 450 tt Gutter Row tmEn} (aec) (inlhr) (cTs} (ou ft) qcu ft] (cv ft) • a- - oe aasae- a- aama aa- aaa oQavaoa saAOaa a- d- 21 m 5t] 0 Far 22 5 ofa 300 3.18 1 11 445 90 355 Z2 R i Typa8- lo n= 0016 Rdled =36 S 30t7 318 131 445 90 355 8= 0.040 10 eoo 224 078 547 18d 387 co.a. 15 ow 1 77 0.82 B17 270 947 d= 0.123 ft. 20 12DO 1 45 fl 58 657 960 287 25 1`u00 1 21 042 875 450 225 A R Q Tc Tc tetal I Oc 30 i 8ao 1 04 0.36 6B8 540 14B 86 IDe- 089 a.ao D.[~ oo' i 11 - - m 2~ -ao 60d m.-y 3'18 n 35 21~ 099 092 697 83~ 87 .aa 1.13 ~ 40 2494 f78^~ 0'28 714 7~ ~i r~ y y~' AS 2700 074 0.26 722 810 -88 Opeali SIX CASe 1¢ 1 S 1 Cf9 ~ 5~ 30DO 6e$ 0.24 394 ow -486 65 3300 0.e4 022 758 sso -232 F,'` sa 3ODD a st 021 786 1084 -294 CASE 2 65 39DD 0 80 0.21 836 1170 334 a~ o a~ 70 4200 0 58 4.20 8S6 1260 }382 ass 2 assumes a Tima a1 C~cersVeU~ Yess 4han 5 minutes so that the 75 45t10 0 56 0.18 997 1~ ~53 iC peak flvw = 80 (3 18) {tmp Area} = i] 98 cts 90 48GQ 8 53 ❑ S8 9ll4 1440 S3d 85 5160 52 0.18 641 15.30 589 go fiaaa 050 n17 es> > m -M se, the Peak Slow Ta the Bflsin is tha grea4er d the trrcs flawa, ss 5700 049 017 ess +7+0 -721 t 11 crs loo WW 048 017 1019 ,aaa -781 y~ 248' DRAIiHACa9 PC7Nf] CALCIJI_ATfONS ~ Rsquired '248' Starags Vdume ~Ff, = Impevfous Area i¢ 5 in / 12 [n17f 607 cu !3 K~ 208' Storage Vdume Prewded cu St ^ ~-~t,`~,; •S; pRYWELL RE❑UIHEMENTS - 10 YEAR pE31GM STDRNI MaLylmum Stwage Required by Bt7wsVfng 387 cu ft Number and Type o} Drywel]s Requ3red 1 8ing1e y_ a Dcuble INLAhlD PACIFIC Eh1GINEERfNG BawsrRiwG M ETrtOp PROJEcr Shelley Lake - Phase I PEAK FLOW CALCLlLATION PRtJ.7EC7 Shel1ey l,aka - Phase I OETEh1T4QPF &45NY OESIGN 6k51N ATemp 9ASfN Pi Temp CkE51GNER TRW 7ot Area 097 Acres DATE Cy2151 M !mp Arse 94593 SF C 033 Time Increrrlen4 (min) 5 CASE I~ Time ot Conc [min] 919 vunlow ;❑rsp ❑s 104 ft Overland Flow Qesign Year Flaw 10 Ares (acres) 0569 CS = 015 Impcxnous Rrea {sq Ft} 14583 L= 1 OQ SY 'C' FaCtof 03253 n Q 040 ,,'208' Voiumg PrpvidBd S= 0010 i%.";;~'..`r;Atea•C 17218 TC = 'J QB fStlli , by EqLEASlOf1 3-2 Df GL11dElf1198 Tome Time Ine fntens Q Oevet Vol In Vd Out Storage 450 ft Guner naw (min) (sec) [m/tsr) (cfs) [cu n) (cu n) (eu n) Z1 = SO0 For I2 919 651 234 051 377 165 219 c~= 22 = 5C1 TypeB = 1 p ~~~`,"'°`~„j---------- ______-•_-_•_•-•_~____Y_____-•-_ n= 0016 Pdled c3 s f~~~-„ ~ s 300 318 oBa 278 90 ssa S a 0040 f? ~ 10 fim 224 0 49 384 190 204 f F 15 941C] i 77 039 459 270 143 d a ❑ Q71 f[ 20 12DO 1 45 ❑ 3P 438 360 76 25 95U6 i 29 026 444 d~ -6 A R Q rc re sose+ ~ Cic 30 ieoo 1 ov 023 aso sao -90 amaaoa aaaeQO =-~~aa 35 2100 aea v.20 453 630 -177 0 26 004 ❑ 51 3 73 919 234 0 51 40 2400 082 018 462 720 -258 ~ 45 2700 0 74 l] 1 fi 465 810 -345 ❑peak ior Casa 5 a 051 c{s 50 3000 068 0 15 472 wo -428 55 3306 064 014 486 990 -504 60 3600 ❑ 61 013 503 1 f180 -577 CASE 2 85 3900 060 013 534 1170 -636 a- - =a=Q 70 4200 458 013 554 12150 -708 Case 2 assumes a'fime a1 Ccmcen[ranm less thgn 5 minuFes 8D lhal the 75 4500 ❑ 56 0 12 571 f 350 -779 peak flCaw =90[3 18](Imp ArF.EY) = Q 95 c!s $[1 4800 053 012 575 1440 -$65 ;`F , • , • 85 5 100 ❑ 52 0 3 s 598 1 530 -532 90 5400 050 651 608 1620 -1012 So, [he Peak florv for Fhe Basm is the greater of tha lwa flows, 85 57W 049 D P 1 828 1710 -1082 0 96 cPs i•~'~ 500 BOQCI pdB 010 84$ i8IX] -1154 `$a i ~ ~'s' 208` OFiAIiYAGE PONd CALCl3l_RTIOfVS Aequined '20$' Slorage Vtdume < • Impennoua Area x 5 in ) 12 inttt 608 cu Ft F ff 208' Storage Vdume Pravtded cu Ed s: i`'•~`~ pAY1NELC AEOUIREPNIENTS • 10 YEAfi pE51GN STORM MeFUmum Storaga Required by BowsVing 211 cu €1 ~F r .j 1VUmTiEr artG Type oi Drywells Reyuired 1 Smgle 0 Dauble iNLAND PACIFIC ENGtNEERIhEG BDWSTqIt+lG METH9C7 PRt7JECT Shelley Leke - Phsse I FEAIi FLOW CALCULATION PRCk1ECT Shelley Leke- RnasB I OE7ENYfQN BA51N ❑ESIGN BASIfV A Temp +K[L) &4SIP1 A Tenp + K(L) OESIGNER FRW Trn ~k,r~ D 8 s Aeres ~i,~ C]ATE 02I1y I~ Imp Area 99H35 SF ~ G = ❑5S Time Increment (mm) 5 CASE 9 Time o! Cone (mEn) 860 °°°4Q== ~ z putflow(c}s] ❑3 100 1t pverfand Flaw pesign Year Flaw 50 ~ r ; Area (acres) 0805 C[ p 015 F?' { Impernous Area (sq tt) 59835 L = 100 IC - C' Factor 4 51 a4 n= 040 208' Vdume Prosnded 5= 0010 ;Area•C 0414 zc = 546 mirs, hy EquaLon 3-2 4i Guideltnes Tima Tirrse Inc tntens G perel Vd In Vd Ous Startsge 450 n Ctuster flosv [rrsm] (sec) (in/hr) (eis) (cu h) (cu h) (cu tt) r„ - Z7 = 5L1m FcX22 880 6~6 516 ¢a~243 ^ 100 695 II¢ = 155 ~a ~ 549 c=o Z2 Q 50 7ype F3 = f 0 ~'v;------_~__________--_°_______---_~.~.__---_______-•-•-- n o 0016 RGfeCi = 3 5 5 300 318 1 32 529 60 439 S= 0040 10 B00 224 ❑ 93 719 180 539 ~ ~ i5 ~0 i 77 ❑ i3 7$9 270 &58 d= 0 092 ft 20 1200 i 45 ❑ 60 826 360 468 25 f SIX7 1 21 ❑ 50 839 450 389 A R O Tc Tc total ! Qe 30 1800 i Od 043 851 540 311 - aaea- am~~-- -~aQa~ ===r-s =_anma aQaaaa 35 2100 081 038 857 630 227 ❑ 42 005 i 01 314 860 243 100 40 2400 082 ❑ 3d 874 720 154 45 2700 0 74 0 31 881 81 D 77 C]peak fw Gase I= r QO cPs 50 3000 068 0 28 894 900 -6 55 3300 064 027 921 m -69 9Q 3600 0 81 0 25 954 5080 -12S CA9E 2 65 3w7 050 025 1013 5970 -157 TO 4200 058 024 1657 1264 -209 Gese 2 eSSUmes p Timg DF Cpni::enVatian kgss than b Yni nutes so thet [he ~ 75 4500 0 59 0 23 10$4 5350 -265 pesk flow = 90(3 18) (Imp Aren) = 1 30 cSs eo a&)G 053 022 1092 1440 -346 85 5100 052 022 1136 1530 -394 fFf, 50 SaOO 050 021 1154 1620 -466 So, She Peak Ilow Far tha Bssin is Phe grea[er pf [he twp itaws, 95 5700 0 49 ❑ 2(3 1192 9758 -548 1 30 cFs 100 617C10 048 020 1227 5900 -573 208' flRAlPMHGE PONp CALCULATIDNS Requirecf '2p9' Stcxage Vdumg Impe+nous s4rea sc 5 m 112 inlit 828 cu ss F • ~ 208' StQPAgE VcA IlT[IB PfOVIdEd CLI St ~ ~6RYWELL REOl11REMENTS - 10 YEAR DESIGfV ST[]RM F Maximum Siaege Fiequired by BmwsVing 540 cu ft Number artd Type O} Iprywells fiequired 1 SPng1B 0 Oae61e ifVLANC7 PACIFlG EPVGINEERING