27808 PE-1750 SHELLEY LAKE I ~ I ~ ~ 1NLAND PACIFIc ENGINEERING, INC. C3ctober 19, 1994 W.O. Nv. 91066 5gvkane Cvunty Bvard of Cvmmissioners W. 1116 Brrradway Avenue ' Spokane, WA 99260 Re: ShelIey Lake P.`].D,; PE-1754-94, PUDF,-4-94 and ZE-34-94 WriLten Camments to Appellants Written and Spnken S#atements 5pecificaily - The Sauge Letter Dated 1014194 Dear Commissioners. As you &nvw an appeal hear%ng was heard by t.he Board on October 4, 1994. At this meeting there rHere twv oFficial appellants. Thi e~~rst grcrup af appellants was the Rvtchford I7rive Hvmeowners 4iraup. This grvup along with the Shamrock Hvmevwners Group presented arguments fvr possible alternative rvutes for the thrvugh Rotchfard Drive cvnnecbivn. At this time, the appelants staterrients and applicants responsec at the hearing will suffice, although additivnal writCen testimany may be prouided after Octaber 25 and befare October 31, 1994. T'his letter is pzimiarily in response to the comments from the second appellant, which was a Mr. Levnard Bouge, representing his mobile home park named Birch Tree Manar. Eefore, reviewing his testimony and a letter which 1ne submitted, we would like to first addreess, his mvst serivus comments af the evening. Durirbg his presentation, Mr. Bouge represen#eci the fact that he had ,made propasals to the applicant Buster He'rtman during several meetis7,gs prior to preparatian of the Draft and Fina1 US'. Mr. Bouge indicated that in al1 instances his recammendations were ignored and nvt responded ta. T'he fact is that Mr. Heitman and Mr. Bouge, as well as Cvunty representatirres, did rneet seVeral tinnes and although many of 1Vfr. Bouge's recommendations were inde.ed good for ihe Birch T'ree Manvr, and Mr.Bouge in particular, they were not in the best interest of bath tl3is prnject and Spokate Caunty Engirieers _ ceneems regarding the eacisting Cvnklin Raad right of way. Therefvre, we attempted to inelude portions of Mr Bouge's prvposals even thaugh they were minor. Secvndly, we aslc yDU to judge for yourself as to the content and the agenda which we feel Mr. Bouge is reakly attempting to - ~ present by revAewing Ietter No. 5, in the Shelley Lake F'rnal EIS (this letter and eomments frvm the FEIS arre aktached. This letter was written to Spvkane Caunty Planning department as required under the SEPA regulations fvr afficial cornments to t.he DEIS. As required by law, a resptmse was wtatten to Mr. Bauge's letter and approved by 5pokane County Plannning. A brief review vf Mr. Souge's I1ETS eomment letter dated March 11, 1994 will reveal that many ; of the cvmments raised by his October 4, 19941etter and distributed to Lhe Comrnissioners were not in has irst letter. ' 707 West 7th - 5uite 200 5pvkane, Washirrg[vn 99204 . , 504-458-6840 fI1}C• 509-458-6844 ~ Bvard of County Cammissivners Re: Shelley Lak,e P.i].D., PE-1750-94 Octvber 19, 1994 Page 2 Ira Mr. Bauge's, N,farch 11, 19941etter he stressed twv very distinct yet separate concems vvhich were answered by staff (IPECIRamm Associates). The first is tPnat Steen Road shvuld lae used as the primary pvints of ingress and egress to khis P'.U,D.. As his basis he indicates that it moze c1oscly aligns with the one-mi1e spacings vf intersectians vvith the propnsecilfuture Svuth Valley Arterial (SVA). Staff response to the Steen Rvad connection was first that there are significant physical abstacles to construct 5teen road srauth of the existing bridge a.nd second that we heliewei, basel upvn sound erigineering judgement, that in the future the pTanned intersectians at the mile, wiil be relieVeci with the additivn vf half-mile intersections. The reasoning fvr this is that as the density on the valley flaar cvntinues to increase, trying to funnel aH traffie to Ghe arterials at the vne-mile sgacing will cause all crassing arterials to reduce the 1euels of" ser•vice well beyond F. "This is hased on the prerrise that the SVA, is intendeci to relieve the major east- west cvmmuters routes, hut truly d'oes not address nvrth-svuth impacts at the arterials, and when the nvrth-south commute trip impacts are analyzei, the nvrth-sarath arberials v4+il'1 be at LQS's of DIElF. Therefore, as prvposed, we left ihe majar point of ingress and egress as CQnklin and SPrague, feeling cvnfident that in ths future as engineering of the SVA continues an intersectivn will be located vn Ghe half-mile between Sulliwarc Road and Flvra Rvad, which is Conklin ratF►er t.han St.een Itvad. - In Mr. Bciuge's, Ma.rch 11, 1994 UEIS eamments letter he also stressed that the Fourth A.venue and Cvmklin Raad intezsectian is a high-speed short-cut. Tn order to alleviat.e t.his probTem, an alignment change has been propvseci to 4th t1venue intv a'I'-type interseetian, where 4th Avenue will be stop sign cantralled and bent away from it's current lvcatian, see attached plan. This type of intersecki[an control vvill stap mvst if nat all of the shart-cut irips using this raute. In Mr. Bouge's, March 11, 1394 DEI5 comments letter on the DFTS, he states that by praviding him with the 50-feet and aligning the road as shawn, this will be much better for his residenres, in this he states speed and noise as the gredetermining factars. We respandeci to him hy nating that Che alignmenC af Cvnklin cvntinuing baclc around vn t,he curve to the existing alignment and going thrvugh a reverse curvve wittl in effect slow traffic dvwn as can be seen at any location rvhere twa reverse curves cvme tagether. Mr. Bc.iuge's al,ignment will do nathing to slaw traffic dowsi. Mr. Bouge a1sv statei that the SU-feet would prvvide a buffer fvr nvis'e. This in effect is an inaccurate statement as was pvinted out in staff response in the FEIS. Nnise traVe1s linexally until it hits a permartent bamier where it can defiect vr absarb certain levels of sound. Higher pftched stwnds which have higher Freauencies generally are indiViduaUy anuch 1ess gawerful and unable to peneUrate walls. However, the lower leuels vf saund vvhich have Iower frequencies with less aznplitude are able to transmit xheir energy directly to the wall. As Mr. Bouge' Shc]w5 and StateS irl hi5 MarCh 11, 1994 Petter, he vnly wants the buffer as ttus buffer was as Mr. Bouge states, " T`he property deeded (reference to the 5fJ-fr~t strip) to us wrli approxirnateiy equal thatt gaven by us to the County when Birch 7'ree Muraar was Built ~ ; Board vf County Cflmmissianers - Re: shelley Lake F.u,D,, FE-1750-94 +Dc#vber 19, 1994 Page 3 - LastTy, Mr. Svuge, in his Mazch 11, 1934 tet#er praposed a realignment vf Conklin, apprQxirrrately 50-feet east of it's present alignmemt, much the swne as was presented to The Cornmissioners vn October 4fih, 1994. We respondei to Mr. Bouge's comments in the FEIS. Hawever, we will revisit this itern here as a charlge in intemal land uses within the plat, has _ increased the traffic apposite his driveway, thereby reducing the through trips and increasing the tuming traffic. As shov4m in the attached F.xhibit A, the ex.astang traffic vn Ccrnklin at the Birch Tree Nlanor entry intersectivn changes sign,ifican#ly from the existuag to the full buildvut conditian. As shown the existing intersectian results in a,n LQS vf A, while the full build-out condition alsQ resu1ts in a LOS of A. Therefvre, fram a Zevel af servire analysis stand point, , the prvposed SheUey Lake development and the extensivn of Conklin iRoad to Rvtchford Drive, wwrillll have nv signi~'tcant impact to ttie Birch Tree Niamor eatrance driveway. This is not to say that aai increase af 240 to 300 vetucles during the adjacF;nt stre.et peak hvur is not signific.ant, but based vn currently authoriaed, accepted and appraVed analysis methods tttere is no me,asurahle degradation in service to or-cupants vf the Bi.rch Tree Manor driveway anta Gnnklin _ Rvad. The 300 vph equafies to 5 ccarrs per minute wh.ich wnuld nvt cause a significant delayfvr access to and frain the Birch Tree Maaor driveway, - Finally, we wvuld like to pvint vut that, Mr. &ouge did not challenge the Final EIS. Thereby 'validating the staff response to his March '94 Yetter, and invalidating those items in his original ~ letter to the DEIS. ~ At the October 4! 1394 Appeal Hearing, Mr. Bvuge presented to the CQnnmissivners anvther letter stating many vf the same concerns voiced in the M,arch 11, 1994 DETS camrnent letter. Although Mr. Bauge, did n❑t feel that his crrncems were heeied he voiced his apinion that they were ignored is siimply untrue. Be1vw you wi'1 find thase poriions vf Mr. Bouge's Petter requiring respanses in ital.ics. Respvnses wiU follow each item frvm his letter. The , foldo►aing e.xcerpts were tarkEn directly framR a letter hand delivered to t3re Spolcane Caun,ty Comrnis.riorers at an appeai 3tearing on Octoher 4, 1994. Y'ha.r heuririg was held in regards to the propDSed SheFley Lake P. U.D. ut the Spokune Coun!ty P'ublic Warks Building, in the lowwr the G"vmrr:issioners chumbers. All e-xcerpts have been italicfzed fvr easy reference. Ekcerpts and Responses Fvllow: W'hen Birch Tree Mabile Hvme Park (referrer!' to ar B7M in the fvliawing) was built, W'hite Birches Mobile Hor,ne Park (presertt site of Fred Meyer ran Sprague Avenue an Yeradale) was clvsed doum arut the residents were pard hQnd.somely to redoeute. We offered add of the Wh.ite BarcTes resirlerus the opporturtity to redacate rcr BTM. We chase the present Iocation (an Fourth Ave. utrd ConkTin Rd. ) of BTM because it offered our resrd.ents a quret plaee ra iive curd safe access to ConlcTan Rd. (as oppased to Sprague Boa.rd of Caunty Cvmmissianers Re: Shelley Lake P.U.D., FE-1750-94 Octc3beI 19' 1994 Page 4 - Ave. j Safety a►ul comfortable 2iving were of prime importarice to us when selecting the present site of BTM. A high percentage of our residents are Sertivrs. 7he pr,aposed raad plara bordering BTM wild rtegate these impartant cansideratiorrs. in the ahvve paragraph Mr. Bouge relates tv the fact that this development will negate his reasons far purchasing the site where Birch Tree Manpr is lvcated. VVe find this statement ta be flawed, as Mr. &ouge was specifically in#'ormed by the Rice famiIiy tha# they inten+ded tv deveTop the area arvund the 1ake. Therefore, we hepieve that Mr. Bouge did knvw that Conklzn Road would used mvre intensely than it currently is. Additionally, Mr. Bauge has rmade refrences ta the fact that he lrnew ahout the SVA and that Canklin may be cut-off. Ttus infarmation wa.s nvt made public until a Narch, 1991 scoping hearing vn the SVA, and Mr. Bouge purchasad the BTM site prior to that announcement. As has been shvwn, above and iri Exgubit A, the full buila-out of the Shelley Lake develvpment wi11 nQt itnpact the BTM driveway. Primarily, the reason for the low impact during the AM and PM peak haurs is that the BTM is a an older persvns (over 55) community with a predarninance of senivrs. 5eniars, generally do nat garticipate rnrach in the ANi nr PM peak houz commutes as this commute time is used by the horne-base wvrk trips. Senivrs, generaliy make up a gart of the mid-day nvn-;ommute trips as they are hnme-hase nan-work trip. Additionally, as Sprague Avenue continues to become husier and busier, the traffic signal gropased at the intersectivn of Conklin and Sprague will grovide a definite benefit ta the less aggressive senior driver accessing Sprague Aaenue. +Dur understanding when BTM was buidt was that Canklin aRoad wauid eventually become d dead end wath the lortg term plan of the Sauth Yczliey Arterial - which is very acceptrtble ta us. We Qre now taiking 3800 vehicIe trips per dcry as opposed to 4 trips per aray. We are greatly cancerned. • Mr. Bouge, states that it was his understanding that Cvnklin Road may be a deaci end when the 5VA is constructed. Hvwever, tI11S StatelI1eIlt 15 fI1Wed, as all current information regazdi.ng stwts and rvads on the half-ma1e, werr- that they wauld either be dead ended ar they wauld be extended to Spragrae Avenue either under or aver the SVA. Therefvre, ne has made an assumption based upon infvrmativn and design considerativns which have nvt eVen been dealt with beyond ain overall pianning level of analysis. Many more engineering studies are to follvw which will dekermine the fate of the SVA. Therefare, however convenient far Mx. Bouge ta say - that 0 brips rdvould gn this direckivn assumes a c.ertain set of circum stances whieh may turn out altogether dififerent vvhen cvnstructed. i , Baaxd of County Cammissivners Re: Shelley Lake P, U. U. , FE-1750-94 , October 19, 1994 Page 5 We filed this appeal fiecause we fedt that adthough we have been saying the srune thing since Septernber 1993 when thas wus discursed with rhe devedaper a.nd in sulisequena hearing,r, we were simply ignored. We were hoping resoIutron of our corcems would be accamplished long before this. , 1Vr. Bouge's eomments werre nvt ignored, as can be seen frvm the responses in the PETS. However, Mr. Bouge, wa.s requiring this progvseci project tv da things tha# the Caunty does nat ~ haVe the power ta require. PrimarilY, bY FropoSing that Canklin Raad continue directly narth without getting back to the existing Conklin lZoad right-of-way, this projeact would be required ~ tv purchase propierty whieh they da nat cvntrol. Tkerefore, to facilitate Mr. Bouge, we have ' made every effort ta keep the re.aligned Cvialrlin Road widlin our P.U.D. property as lang as pvssible, yet allvwing for minimum Spolrane County curve designs. If we were nvt able ta funy satisfy Mr. Bouge in his request we are sarry, but there are design and economic constraints which we cannot ignvre. Wi th the Co rrklin Road route as desi$nated by the presertt pran, rhe 3800 vehicle trdps p e r day (ar stated in the FinaI Environmentad Impact Strurement rltd. July 22, I994), wild cause a tremendous increase irt tra~i`'tc. It will: 'a. CrQate signa; frca.rrt safety hazardr for residents cu tFte entrancele-xit of BTM. As has been stated elsewhere, the resultir►g level-vf-service, wW continue to be LQS A at the BTM entraricce!lexit. Generally, accepted traffic engineering principles, state that safety is proportional ta the level rrf service of a specific rntersection. Therefvre, if the LUS is gvod a safety problem wvuld not he expacted. A review of sigh# distance requirements far the alignment vf Cvnklin in the P.U.D. plans shvws that there is nv sight distance problem either hvrizontaYly or vertically with this entrance►'exit. b. G"reate significcint naise pallutian along the area of Corrklin adjnining BTM. .Although 3800 vpd is a signi~'icant increase in ►rehicles per day, this increase in traffic is nvt expected to create significant increases in noise. Primarily, the signing nf Conklin between 25 and 30 mph is lavv envugh to negate txre noise which is the predominate noise generated ay traffic. It shnuld be noted tbat aoise from mntar vehicles is exempt fcam 5tate aQd local aaiise regulations. c. Create sa, fety hazard far vur home fram vehicdQS traveifng CorrkrinlRotchford. 'I'his is subjectiwe, as Mr. Bauge has stated, already there is a signifiGant number vf vehicles travel.ling at high speeds an 4th and Conklin. The existing rvadway geometric configuration Board of County Cammissic►ners Re: Shelley Lake P. LT. D. , FE-175(]-94 {3ctvber 19, 1994 ~ Page 6 ; possess a greater degree of risk ta his persanal hame than does the proposed realignment of ~ Cvnklin Rvad and 4th Avenue. Rsgardle,ss, we have prvposed small berms and plantings, which must he kept less than 3-feet high for sight distance requirements, tv shieZd his hause frorn car lights. d. G'reate a 'boFtleneck' simiiar to that raow errsting on 4th Ave. ea.rt, of Sullivcan ~ Rd. {as a re,sult of the numeraus apartnaents zn the area} due to ehange in plan ' to include 204 multa;frrWly unats at the north erul of the prvjeca. i Earlier in this document, it has heen shown that na 6vttleneck will he created by the additian of ttse 200 multi-family units acrass from the Bi.uch Tree Manvr art older persons (over 55) cammunity. Rather, placerrtent of the muTti-family neamr tv the an older persons {vver 55} ; community, ~nsolidates similar land uses. Tv the aboVe aeferenced items Mr. Bouge presents hss solution as fonaws: ~ ~ _ Move CartkZan Raad apprvx. 50, ft. eastwrard per ',Sketch A' submatted to the appdicurrt in - Sepa. 1993 crnd the SpQ. +courty Pdccnning Dept. in March 1994. Corrklfn could be curved back (westwurd) into the present (;ank2'in Rd. intersectian uvith Sprague Ave. ~ As described above, we taVe made every effvrt to keep CvnkIin Road as far east as possible along our P.U.D. houndary. Hvwevep, we can not be canditioned to acquire mev9 right of vvay funther north which is autside the plat boundsry. Therefore, we rnust corne back tv the existing +Cvnklin Rvad right of way as sonn as passible tv meet Spvkane Cvunty requirements. " -Acquisition o.fP'roiaert}' narth of she existing raiT road- riglu-of-tivay to Sprague Ave. would be requtred. The property is presently a vacant lot with a bumed out hou.re ancf a,ppears tv be for sade at thi,s time. As stazed elsewhere, we cannot he conditioned tv prvvide additional right of way beynnd aur plat bouncfaries. 'I'herefore, this request eannat be facilitated. The adWition of the sugge.sted curvature of Conklin Rond would a2so aend to sPow traffic an the area thereby reducing the sufety Tazard noted above. I 'I'his iype of currrature has already been incorporatedr hoWeVelr, it is extended beyand what Mc. ' E¢uge has proposed. This has been dane tv utiTize the existing Cc+nklin Raad right of way. Baard af Cvunty Commissioneas - Re. Shelley Lake P.[7.D., FL-1750-94 October 19, 1994 Page 7 , - Protective barrters similar to rhose rsrd'icated Drt Sketch 'A' should be pravided to _ protect our hame in the area of Fnurth Avenue. ~ We have stated that we wauld provide a small berm and planted area in the realigned 4th i Avenue and Conklin Road right of way. Hawewer, due to sight distance limitativns from 4th . Avenue 1oaldng naxth, the plantings will neeci to he kept less than 3-feet high. ~ - The praject roerd iraterseetipn closesa to the Birch Tree Manor eritrance with Coriklin , shauld be aIigned with the Birch Tree Mrxnar entrancelexit to Conkiin and iracTude a d - wry stop for safety recxrons ar wetl as rtt the intersectivrt of Fourth, Rorrd 'F' and CanklinIRotchforrl. BTM entrance require,r 50ft. erten.siora. ~ Tle plan for the revised P.U.D. as shawn in the DEIS in fact dves aling the multi-farnily driveway and the BT'M entrancelexiC, any, siight madificativns will be rectified during acutual design. Traffic and transportativn guidelines dictate when 4-way staps can be installed. The ' rule of thunnh is that the traffic vvlumes on a11 fvur legs must he equal. Howevere, even if the Road "F" was re-aligned, which we strongly object ta, there is no justificakion a 4-way stvp beang installed. Additivnallly, a 50-fovt extension, as it wauld give Mr. Bc3uge rnvre prvperty, ' will not prooide aaiy additivnal safety to the residents of BT'M either entering or exiting Conklin. - - Purking along Conklin 1Road ftam the present rarl road right-af-way svuthward to FQUrth Ave. should be prohibited to avaid can$estion as seen on Fourth Ave. east af Suddivan Road. '1Ne have nv prab7em with this request or cvnditian. 2. T'~i e present South Valdey Arterial pian does not designate access to th.e Ar,terial at Conklin Raad. ' . The F.IS prepared for tlais prvjeet acInawledges This fact. HvweVer, the documents preparei fvr , the SVA, are still at the planning level. Tn the fuature, given the requirements vf Crawth Management to intensify density, we feel that the SVA wall bs modified to include intersectinns at the half-miZe interval. ThereFvre, Cvnklin Rvad, will mvst liikely in the 20 fv 30 yeax future of the SVA construction projects, haVe an antersectivn with the SVA. Board of Cvanty Cammissianers Re: Shelley Lake P.U.I3., PE-175(]-94 i []ctober 19, 1994 . Page 8 a. If the Arterral RQad P1an is c3trtnged to aitow access at Cpnklin Ra., it wilT crente the problenis listed f~ #1 ahove wath a soluxfon samilar to ttat proposed an V. _The future signals and rvadway geometrics designed and then canstructed will prvVide the ~erent safety measurres required by AASH'T0, MUTCD, Spakane Caunty and the Washingtmn , Stafie T3epartnlent vf Transportation. ' b. If tFe Arterial Read Plan rs rrat changed arud ara underlover pass ts required an - Corklin Rocud, rhere as nvt sufficient raom to build such a strrECture withora blackang the errtrance to Birch T'ree Manor Mobr'le Home Park. An additional SQ-feet, ►yould only prQVide Mr. Bouge with 54-feet more praperty and wauld not - provide any benerit regarding the consCruction of an underpass or overpass. Due to minimum slvpe requirements for Spokane County, the IBTiVI would need 100 to 250 additavnal feet to acms any prvpvsed avex or undercrossing vf the SVA. - PRQPOSED SQLUTI11N.• Basicatly the samme ar the soiutavn praposed an #1 ahave. The eastward movemerxt of Conklirt Rd. by 50 ,f't. would need to be erwnined cznd perhaFs revised by the En$ineers anvoived to be sure proper uccess to Birch Tree Maraor eould - be retained. Adjusoment could be macte accard`ingty. As has been respnndei to numeraus times, we belieae the intent vf this request is to abtazn aln additivna154--fe.et of prvpeaty fvr Mr. Bouge and the BTM. The 5(]-feet which he is continually sPeaking of wil1 provide nfl safety vr significaszt noise reductians to the proposed CQnklin Road designs presented in bath tlte DEIS and the FEIS. 3. Tt is our understanditag that Faurth Ave. will be curved to the south in the area af C'onklinlRotchforrl so thax a 90 degree intersecuon wiTd result. We reqr.eesr muving Rvaci 'F" to create a 4 wtry intersectivn with Fourth Ave. and Carrklin Fd. as shown on Sketch 'A'. 77ii.r wvuid pravade a safer intersectran and help sdvw traffi~ on ConklanlRotchford rn our vpanion, As was stated earlier, realigning Rvad "F", wi11 prvvide no advan4age to the P.U.D. As a ~ mat'ter vf fact, for the type vf resideritial cvmmunity which the sponsor desires to create a4-way ' %ntersectivn dces nat meet the gvals of the plarsned community. Additionally, due to tvpographic relief, the proposed Pocativn vf Rvad "F" is much rnore suited far the originally planned Board of County Commissianers Re: Shelley B.ake P.II.D., PE-1750-94 Octeaber 19, 1994 - Page 9 location. We believe ttQe intent of Mr. Souge in praposing the re-alignment is to minimiae ' vehicle Iight glare directly inta his house, If this is fhe case, then we will try to rninimize this impact by pmviding a la.ndscaped screening nn the vppos.ite side of Canklin Road. - ! 4. We requuest that the ncrme Cvnklin be maintar'ried so that addresses of 51 famiIie,r in BYM do not have ta be changed. We are under the assumprivn that the name change will be made south of 4th A,venue. 5. Casts resulting fram thas project vr any porrVvn thereof shall not be incurred by ' BTM or its awners. ~ At this g[ainC, we are nat aware of any undue casts whach Mr. Bouge has or wiLL have to incur due tn the develogment of this prvject. Regardless, all of ths cvnstruction effort requirerl by this prv1ect wrill be bvme hy the sponsor or constnucted tfirvugh the RID prvcess. - I C(7LT,ZCI'+aR ARIFJtL9L? Why is it rrecessary to have 'cvtiectar arterrals' in an area such as this ? The residentiaT ~ identiay should be mainrained as much ar possible. Whry can't the road system be designed to discaurage 'outside traffic' by rnaking agridwark of rauds rather_ than a 'speedway' as the present project de.rign wouTd do? We iive at the corrrer of FQUrth and Conklin and can a.rsurQ you that clt the present rr"me to raute easnvard, from Sullivnn Road via Fvurth Aa+enue to Cankkdrn Rd. and nonh Sprague ncyw serves a.s a 'shQrrcut an.d . . speedway' amuricd the rrrrersectron of Sprague u.id SuIlivrrn. We Irelaeve thut such traffic fIow can be at lea.rt dfscouraged by design. At this time, Canktin Rvad narkh of 4th Avenue is classified by Spokane Cvunty Engineers as aCvllector Arterial. The designativn coilector arteriaT is based primariiy an the streets vr zvadways which it intersects, the types v€` trips associated with the roadway and also the total number of trips. As such, Conklin hetween 4th Avenue and Sprague AVenue corunects twv arterial roads, the type of firip anticipated to use this rDadway iri the future is a commuter or commer°ciaUretai1 generatei tirip and la,stly the tiaffic vvlumes when the Frvject is built of 3$00 vpd, alsv meet the requirement for a callector arterial. Therefore, even if the roadways an site are classed as 1oca1s or private rnads, that porbinn of Canklin Roaci' behween 4th ,Avenue and ~ Sprague Ayenue, will always meet the requirements of Spokkane Cvunty as a Collector Arterial roadway. ~ i i &oard af Caunty Commissioners Re: Shelley Z.ake P. LT. D. ,PE-175d-94 , -Octvber 14, 1994 . ~ i Page 10 , We believe tTurt if a collectvr arterial is required, the best solutran to the traffic situruion _ is to r.r.rre what we cail the 'Steen Roud corridor' whrch coula exterrd, from Sprague Avenuue to an area souah vf Sheliey Lake {periaps to 16th via Shamrock Rourl} as suggested in my Sept. '93, Mar. & Aug. '94 contacts with the devePoper aruilor County. It appears to us that there rs intent bry the County to direct eastbound traffic frvm Sullivran Rourd doward the east ida I6th and nortlaward vica Ratchford Drive. This wiIl, of course, , servace a much larger area than just t3te proFosed projeca and generate a hagh volume _af traffic past aur manufactured hcrusrng cornmunity (BTM). lf this is true, then the averall dong terrn results shouid be af prrme consideratinn which mea.ns taking anta ' aecaur,t the South Yal2ey A rtenad Road Flcan which requires 1imited rstcccess (appraximately every miie) arid would e-rclude Conklin Road as an access to the .Arterial. Z7se af Steen Road a.s access to the Arteicad (rathe+r than Ratchfard Dnve) would be rnuch cioser to ' staying with the irrtent as we urrderstarrd it. We request that prvvisions , fvr future raad connectinns be rrzade per Sketch 'T3' attrached. As grevivusly noted, we belieeve the SVA will in khe fz►ture be required to have inttersections vn - the mile and half mile to relisve cangestion for those trips acce.ssing and crvssing the SVA. Steen road nn the three-qu,arter and one-quarter mile sgacing wvuld proVe to be in •adequate to ' meet the nesds vf auffie and signal timing progr+essivn schemes curren#ly teing udliaed in major metropolitan azeas. The use vf Steen Road, does nut provide any benefit to this praject and wvuld require considerabie engineering and construction efforts to accomplish the goals sv easily stated by Mr. Bvuge. '1'herefvre, early on in the prcxess, any access to Steen Road, was not considered feasible vr via61e for the rommuruty atmospheae which the 5pansor has planned for this prapvsed prvject. Addikianally, cansideration frvm the Cvmmissimners has prewivusly been prvpvsed and dismissed regarding the conneetion 4f 5teen Road and 16th Aaenue. VVhile, presently the azea east of fihe Shefley T.ake P.U.D. is being sold as lairger Certificate of Exemptian parrels arid ccruld not justify the use vf Steen Raad as any thing other tttr►►an alocal road svuth of 4th Avenue. - We realr2e that there are jwet&andr and perhaps other fucrors to be considered on ahis route hut certainly this can be avercome by praper desigra. A.r un e-xampde, causeways are bualt over swcrrnps, etc. The cvsr of a patentia[ly required uruier,loverFass at Conklin Rocrd (estirnared at $$00.000) would go a iang ways toward bridging over wetdartds f in faca, ahe wet2and could not be avvzded. The permitting process alone to construct a causr:way as propvsed by NIr. Bvuge wauld cvst ~ $240,004 to $500,000 dollazsy let alane the cvnstructivn cost. A causeway as Mr. Bvuge has requested v►rvuld cvst appmximately $120 to $15[} dvllars per square foat (keep in mind houses cost $80 to $10(1Jsq.ft]. Therefvre, Mr, &ouge's causeway wauld cost appraximately (1000 feet ' Board of Cvunty Cflmmissioners Re: Shefley L,ake P.U.D., PE-1750-94 , Dctober 19, 1994 Page 11 X 44 feet X$135) $5.94 millian dvllazs. His estimate' of $500,000 dvLlars is absalutely , unrealistic in 'going a lDng way ° taward the causeway. ° - Incorparczte ttte 'Steen Road Corridar' an tlte plansIrequiremer,ts nvw~'c~r the future rf it as impracticral at the presena time). As stated the Steen Raad extension to the 5VA is impractical and wtauld not meet t,he traf'ic and transportation gvals of the S'VA. - Dedete the through connechons with the existing 1eQtchford IJtive cul-de-sac to ~ dascouruge spced. We certainty agree wiah the group frnm Rotchford Drive thrit the strait through 'speedway' as proposed in the praject shvuld be edamirrated. .As described during the public hearing nv "speedway° is anticipateci. The types of users frorn the sQUth wvuld iti fact be the Rotchfvrd residents, as Rvtchfvrd Drive does not provide-enaugh - savings of tirne far Ridgernont residents to use tlhis route. The anticipated pasted speed vn ' Rvthchfvrd I3rive is ecp@ctei to be either 25 vr 30 mph. The presence of the Central Valley Schoor properiy shvuld help i n j usfifying a 51vwei pL35ted 3peed l,11111t. ' I - Incorporate the other iaem.r a,r shown on Sketch ,B,. The items frvm the ske#ch have all been covered in the above text fram IVIr. Bouge. SUhfMA.R Y1COMMEN7S: 1. We are rot vppased ta the project but oniy ta the road plun a.r discu,rsed r'n the faregafng and strongly request .rolutions as shcawn ort Sketches 'A' ard 'B'. As has been responded to and described abave and at length, tus project has made every attempt to include al] of Mr. Bauge's ccamments. However, several of his cotnments are nat accurate nvr are rnany of the design revisions which he is requestitag. 2. 7he existing resident.r of the area should be very sCrangly consrdered when a develapmena such as thrs is proposed. The rvad pian ar proposed in the clevelopers plan has sagnificana impact on the residents arcd owners of Bfrch 7Yee ~ Boarrd of CounCy Cammissioners Re: Shelley Lke P.U.i7., PE-1754-94 Octvber 19, 1994 _ Page 12 -Mavr ar discursed in the foregaing. The road plcrn as proposed will have more ' impact on us than cury crthers rznd xe will have ta live wath rt for years to come. - As has been resgvnded ta and described ahove at length, this prvject has made eVery attempt to _ include all of Mr. Bauge's comments. Hawever, seVeraT of his camments are not accurate nor are many of the de.sign revisians which he is requesting. Additianally, we have prepared revised calculativns for level of sernice and have prvaen that there is oo safety problem presentei by the development of this projact. We have also shawn that the additivn of Sa-feet of groperty ta Mr. Bvuge does not pravids any safer entrance or exit to their pxoperty. _ 3. The pmposrrl as presented by the c1eveXoper for Conkiin +road is not workdble withotct blcrcking the errsra.nce to BTM at sorre future d,ate if an unaerlaverpars is requrred. The plun approved for preserat day con.rtruction must inclucle _ provrsion.r for the BTM eruran.celexat rn the future. In the future we believe that saund traffic and trar►sportation engineering judgement wiU be utiized tv determine access pvints to the future SVA and that CvnkTin Raad will be vne of them. Shvuld CQnklin Road howeWer be oznitted, then the constructivn of an underpass ar averpass, - - will imgact the B'1M with or withvut the 54 additional feet. The realifiy is that they would need , between 100 and 250 feet vF raom ta access the vVerlunderpass with slopes less than 1(]=percent, ~Therefort:, no benefit is achieVed by this 54-feet. 4. Move Cankdin Rd. 50ft. ecrstward (+1-) as determrned by the CountyllJeve2apers Engineers to inrure that BTM has a safe enrrylerrt arid that at wid2 not be b2ocked on Canklin Rd. 5ee respcrose Cca Nv. 3 abaue. 5. De.rign ahe road sysrem with .raaps, curves, etc. to discvurage speed per Sketches ' ,A 9 & ,B P. The present design, will grvvide a11 of these items which were raised by Mr. Bvuge, howewer, withaut enfvrcernent of the speed lirnit, nv physical lirnitabions can be cvnstructed which would be safe and meet all Spmkane Cvunty requirement for rvad design. ; Board of County Cominissioners Re: Shefley I..aYke P.U.D., PE-1750.94 , - Qctvber 19, 1394 Page 13 6. Irrclude the 'Steen Road Corridor' in the prans to elir,naruute confusion at a Ic~er ~ ~e. ~ As discussed earlier, saund traf'fic and transgortation engineering judgement would preclude Steen RQad from any intersection u+ith the SVA. We cannvt support this statement in any way. T. Provide the Bouge and Race hames with protecuan agatrrst vehfcles out af cantrod. 'd'he pre,sent design, willl pravide as much safety as the existing configuration of the 4th Avenue and Cvnklin Raad. The Rice hvme, will be aboVe the rvadway 2 to 3-feet and is expected tv have a small wadl built at the back of the sidewalk. The re-aligneci inr.ersectian of Canlcliri and 4th Avenue rneets many of the runvff and clear a.ane requ%remen# for highway design wit.hin the - State of Wash.ington. ' 8. Reduce rwrse pallutivra by proWdang separation and barriers per Sketch-`A'. As nnted earlier, a 50-faot planting strip wathvut a physical harrier will not do anything to ~ pmvide the noise abatement vvhich Mr. Bouge is prvpvsiing. Nc)1se from VehiCles1 emanates at an eleVativn approxitnately 2.5 tv 3.5 feet aff of the ground surface and is generally caused tay motor, wind arid tire nnise. Ti7e speeds proposed far Con.klin kcrad withirt this area, shnuld not ~ cause any of the noise levels Mr. Bouge is vvomied abvut, as the naise 1evels associated with this develapment would be the same as any residential area. 9. PrQhibit parking on Ccrrrkiin Rd. as requue.rrted on Sketches 'A' &T'. 'T'he sponsor has aiways agreed wirth thrs request. 10. Mcaintuan the name of Cvrcklin Rocut, We are anticipating that the name change from ltvtchfvrd I7rive tv Cvnklin Road wi1T nccur svuth of 4th Avenue, thereby nvC causing any confusian for the residents of BTM. ~ _ 11. Cpsrs resuiting.,t'ram thrs,praject or ctry ponion thereof sttaTl nat be ircurred by BTM or it.r owners. _ At this point, we are nvt aware of any undue cost which Mr. Bouge has or will have ta incur ' . ; Hoatd of Cvunty Coammissivners Re: Shelley T.ake P,'[7.D.,, PE-1750-94 - , October 19, 1994 Page 14 - due tv thie deVelopment of thYS prroject. Regardless, a]] of the construetion effvrt required by this ; project, w7illll '[e bQme by the sponsor, vr corastnicted through the RII3 process. Attached to this lettr'r response is a copy of the Bouge's letter and a revased set of 1eve1 of senrice calculativns as requesteci by Cvrnmassioner Chilberg. Please note xhat the level of service of the Birch 'I'ree Manar mvhile home park is currently at LOS A and will remain as such. We da recogniw that the traffic vvlumes haVe increased. Hawever, based upon calculated and vbserved traffic volumes in and out of the BTM, we feel that at this tame no specific channeliratian reqtairements are neeied. Hvwever, we dv propose thafi at the time that the design far the traff'ic signal is preparei, a subsequent Eraf~Fic eount and 1eve1 of service calculatian he made at the BTM driueway and entrancel'exit tv the Shelley Lake Mu1ti-Family i area. If baseci upan this tcaffic count a left tum lane is warranted, then it will be striped at tfie ' same time as the traf'fic signal at Cvnklin and Sprague is constructed. Additionally, w+e do not - feel that the request by the Bouge's for an additional5[3-feet alvng theiz property is ^warrante€i , or substantiated and therefore shvuld not te appraWeci. On this matter please refez ta the March - 11, 1934 ietter, where Mr. Bouge stabe that this 50-fcwt stnip is " appraximately equal that - given by ur (Bouge) to the Cvunty when Btrch Tree n2ranwrr was burlt - Thark you for yvur patience in reading thps doeumenx and we wcauld be haPPy to meet with _ citheF Hob Bruggennan or Pat Harper tv discuss the results of ouc furtther analysis. We wvuld apprecciate yvur agproVal of this prvject with the above recomrnended cvnditions cited. Shauld }+vu haVe any questions ar ~neerns plmw feel free to ca11 me at 458-6$40. Sincerely, Inland acific Fn `n~ering Co., Inc., Todd R. Whipple, P. E. TRWltvv enclvsures CC; Ramnn ssocrates, C:athy ltamrrz fi]e ~i VICINITY MAP This map delineates the followirig: &auge's Birch Tree Manor in Red Rvad System i n Blue Separation between roads and Birch Tree Manvr in Yellow i ~ I UTI i]TE ES P.U. D. I?ATA sixAC[ asacssAL rumc ~ tau,.~ - iork P►wr ueE+ 123.4 +~t+t[s wAT[A SSlDRl1~ 'r$NA w~ ER !~'[II ~g(R SK ~MUTSjlGTS N'~ iIdCRIiGi1' rERR re~1[R & FO~rGI - IATUk4L C4S WA4rta410H Ir+tCR PO'wCR ClGSS ctkSIT'Y ] I Y7a'[8f+Cm[ us. $DLl~ xwS3r E wALlS1' $W&iCE S[NK[ ORLh SPA:.E/tCuifWa NtG 35.2 KJILi (21Si) f1R( ARGi[G1" rLR[ pSmGf 11 I,sKE NtE+t Zt IC1lO FECAS,►fKe+Aa, LASS+RNT 4.1 Aat[S f"Su:G_ZoNhc F11-15 ARD SR-1 ~ • CGLipNLtErF,rmC PLAN 1#3OsM ►y10 St161lN$iH 6ua,uNC SE7WK5 L4T 1. BLC]Gk 1 1 1S' FRONT. IO' CARACL, & ~ 1 ~ vR-1 2 "ICntIt4C PROFpSCO. 13, l~if~l~, ts• i►4wKn+C 1 q SEC W. 2 I033 -ADoCfiONul ' 1 pn GE1AiLS. _ _ rt►r eaur~a+~r+~r ~ _ _ - _ _ ! I ql~ _ ~ ~ ~ . . . . . . . - - - ° - - r - - r - 3a_furuA~w~irs~fr~ r,RFaa _ _ - Y e` `a...~ I.`._I~~~ 1?-`'+"t+~a' ,r~~ • ~ `'t" ' 73~ I u ~ r d i _ r• • ~'r ^ ~ ' t' "~'r ~ •n ~ l ~ ' s ~ ~ `J' ~ ~:~r ~ * ~ c7' /CCtSS 0l0.11' T CLOS[G I~ •+E~ a",~, iitr e ~ ~ r~ShELT[A 'Fl ~ ~ N C[ ~ • _ _ ' _ j G ❑ FD~ •52 . ~ ~ if ~ ~ ~ ~k~- , ~ ~ - ~i ~y ,~3 - T"'. ~ ` ti s. 1EMCE ~l 4 ~ r~ i:c~`"• 'Uq-t ~o5^D] 4 I #U ip~ ExiSTui !?¢S~CZt+CE~' ' ' ~ +J l. o 'L~ ~ .9.r ~ sCi ..TO'RC 2 41 i0 4 Cl ~ ~ -g7-- - ~ i WGa . j 6 I rw s~~ _ ca - ~;~y s 6 7.a 9- to tti 'o i .11 o`23 5 z' ; 13 ' ~ ~ 19 20 21 21 iT4. 27 26 }r ~ I ~ j V 17 y 1 _B •16 p, r O+ ~ S 39 Ucwi+uw ScTB;CK • ~ l p i j~~ _ I V Qg r y,- 5 fROu CRGirufiY rtK.m V 14 w►reR . i ~Z j S~ ~ n ~ TB►C ' 10 13• FVisl&E BGr:rr, Ptt.niC. . ~ F sa Wo r~X AREA 1 cHLCPeLL'~ ~RL ~/C $ ~ ~I ~ ~ y ~•1 J RECAGrmOnu (►SCraENT ` ~ ~~~~UNDARTrf i i ii `•~L ~~`-~•,x ~2 1 /QRCS+CTn[ eCmirit GF ° .^~1 ( g R~T -`F] RE++TS I~' :ddLCET ~ } a. raan 1.AP1 auu ~ ~pa:• ^i,l ~ - 3 2 f r> KCESS O4Gft+Wr MZM v+,cTER ELEd ' 7+t a P 7009.1 PCR Fi" UtvESf+CAT~N ■ • - 'C • 91' MR. [10i7C PWEO w1 wa.Sti. r I; ~1 ~ 1' f L 8 sr DO E Or+ u►RCM Yd, 1941 ' ~g f , RND Sl1RvEY BY aNLN+D ➢+49FM ! J~' f ~ •1 r~ ~ 11. ~ CI ENCr~vEgRWC ON YaFL7~ 31. 1943. f~ l1 ~to i 1~ +i i ~ ~ ~T • f 56' 4wcrUw SETBALK r :4 ~ ~ A911tD~1' - FRbN ORCfe~Vtf hIICH WATER ~ Y r~ ~r d L ~r ~ 1 ~ . ~r . rR.ts 't . ~ ~ •s 1 t I ~i ti ~ ~r r' ~ ~ ~ ~J j - r' 1,'' ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ; ' p ` r ' 1! a ' r~• i r" 16 17 'IJ ' 1s 9'i 1 I i i•''r j r,~'i r~ ~ r~ fl 14 .'13 71 20 12,F ti.~-~,' # "10 23~ ~ { `s . ..o ~ ~ C; y .3 4 - y . , T~ ' • • . ~ ~vm+ BowrD~7+f 25 4 ~ 23 ~ 2~ 22 ~ ■ 7,1 Q 28 43 !12 y • ! I ~ ~ 1 2a 10 ~ ]I 32 33 +2 3 d S 6 y 19 ' 1 JJ - PLOi aOttNOARr iA►Cf' ~ ~ ~ 12 41 2 e 0 ID 21 ~1 , c $ 1~ 4 13 ~ • ' ° ' P60L1G P4FMN Op1JhORR1' r~ = 1 2 3 y . 9 S 16 15 14 ] 44 I~ r 5 10'~ 13 22 1 ]9 ~1 2 3' Ne 7 ti 17 23 38 13 14 13 y6 17 Zi% d J7 4`~ 9 35 E141iTIG . 10 11 12 13 1 S~ i i 14 _.......~_~T_~--.~•--..Fs.7.•_ __°~_'ti-„~ ~ ..:'r~e.-z~ /!I •s ~7~~ ~ R~EVISE D LEVEL OF SERVICE C.A~~ULATIONS FOR THE BIR.CH TREE M.ANC3R AND SHELLEY LAKE MULTI-FAMILY INTERSECTION Q ~ ~ ExPERES 912410 ~ F-y-N iruT A ~ ^Z~ , F , K's _ Ti~ ! _ • t ~ ' T2 E t ~ ~ - n ; ~ • _ ----~.__v~~ , ~ ~ - - - - _ ; . ~ ~ ; - - - ~ - - ` - +il ;ylyl'i f - I ! I I I ~ ' i ~ : -i i ~ - • - - ~ E V2lM~~.lt~ ~ ~ ~ Dl1iI _ t ~ µ ! ~ . ` . . . . . . • ' ~ ~ -4-:-- - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 417 (I5 ( I ; ; ' . 3 ; . / ~ \ ~ , 3 i i ' i - - ' ` - KE LAV-r . _ ►~ATl.oR ; ; , „vf,~;s,- . ' _v__-- - : - ~ I ` i_ ` `0,~(W ~ i 3 . _ . - ~ f - - L-- ` ~ ~ i• __P_• _ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~ . : I ~ ~~~-L`.~l..~~ ~ • i ~ _ ~ ~ . ' """i_ __~.j ? 3" _ E.._... ~ i F V' ; ` , • _~--Qf `"1r~~ ~ ) ~ ~ ~ ~ . • 3 ~ v ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ [ ~ i A ~ ~ _ { ..p......... _ = - - - n ! , _ ~ - ---o--.- i.---__ _ _ . _ _ ~ 1,04 'f ' r -ti~ ~ y • ~ ' 3 ~ ~ r . ~ p' " -a . i.... ' 1 _ 9 ~ ~ ~ ~ . _ . • 1 _ ! _ , e _ . 4 _ " ~ ' • ~ i 1 ' IWIIliOi _ . .....~...~.~..4..-,.a.~.....,~~~.~_',~... ~ 1 n I a n d MEMO ❑ PROJECT P 8 C I f I C CALC. JOB N0. 0 ~L~HEET 1_0 1 ~ E n g i n e e r i n g MEETING ~ BY -T~LO DATE I'D west 707 >cn, suice zoo Spokane, Washington 99204 OTHER ❑ CHK'D BY DATE 509 458-6840 Fax No. 509 458-6844 ~ ~ ~ i , 1985 HCM: UNSIGNALIZED INTERSECTIQNS Page-1 IDEtdTTFYING INFURMATIQN AV'ERAGE RCINNING SPEEU, MA,TOR STREET.. 30 PEAK HC3UR FACTUR .95 AREA P(3PULATION 150000 NAME OF THE RAST/WEST S'TREEfi......... Birch Tree Manar Driveway NAME OF TIiE NORTH/ SoUTH STREET . . . . , . . Conkl in NA.ME C]F THE ANAI,YST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t]rw I3A`FE C)F THE ANALY aIS (mm/dd/yy) . . . . . . 10-18-1994 TIT+IE PERIOa ANAI,YZEQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Existing A.M Peak f3THER TNFORMATION.... INTER5ECTION TYPE ANI] CaNTRVL -------_-_-___-__--T----------__=____s-------_-------------_-__-_----_ ' TNTERSECTION 'Y'YPE: T-IN'T"ERSECTION MAJflR STREE'I` DIRECTION : NORTHi SOUTH C[7NTRDIa TYPE EASTBDi]ND: STOT' SZGN TRAF°FIi: VaL[TMES - Es wB rrB sa LEFT 5 4 D "I'HRU 0 26 20 gtIGHT 2 4 3 NLTMBEIt UF LANES E8 WB NS SB LANES 1 1 1 I ADJFLTSTMEAlr'r FA,CTQRS Page-2 _ ___-_-----r-----_-___________s_----_A-_______________-__-_--s-------- PERCENT RIGHT TURN CURB RADIUS (£t) ACCELERATI4N LANE GRADE ANGLE FOR RIGHT TURNS FQR RIGHT TURNS EAST$C?UNQ 0.00 90 20 N - WE$TBf]CTNI7 ~ ' xoRTHBaurrD 0.00 90 20 rr sotrrHBoUrrD 0.00 90 20 x VEHIGLE CCJMPQSITIDN # SU TRUCKS ~ COMiBTNATIQI+T ANi] RV' S VEI-IICLES t MOTC3RCYCLES EP,STSOT,]ND D O ❑ WE5'T'HO'{IND _Ye NORTHBi]UdU 0 0 0 sorrrxaau"NRD 0 o v GRITac~ GAPs TABULAR VAL,[7ES ADJiJSTED SIGHT DIST. FINAL (Table 10-2 ) VALUE ADJLIS'I"MEN'I' CRITICAL GAF MINaR RTGHTS EB 5.50 5.50 0.00 5.50 MpiJC}R IsEFTS AIB 5,00 5.00 0.00 5.00 MIddC]R LEFTS ES 6.50 6.50 0.00 6.50 IQENTIFYING T3JFdRMATIt]N HAM~ OF THE EAST/WEST STR,EET...... Birch Tree Manor Driveway ! j NAME ❑F THE NORTH/ SOi]'I'H STREET Conkl in DATE AND mIME OF THE ANALYSIS,..., 10-18-1994 ; Existing AM peak _ DTHER INFDRMATION.... ~ CA,gACITY HND LEVEr,-aF-~~RVrCE Page-3 POTEN- ACTUAL FLOW- TIAL MOVEMENT SHARED FiESERVE RAT~ CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPAGITY CAPACITY MOVEMErrT v(pcph) c (pcPh ) G (PcPh ) c (Pcph) c= c - v L[3s P m SH R SH ~ MIAiOR S7'REET EB LEFT 6 866 863 > 863 > 858 , A > 898 a 890 >A RIGHT 2 999 _ 999 a 999 > 997 > A ' MAJDR STREET NB LEF'T 5 1000 1000 1004 995 A IaENTIFYING INF[3RMATIOH NAME C]F THE EAST/FTEST 5T11REET...... Birch Tree Manor Uriveway NAME OF THE Ni3RTH/ SOCITH STREET.... Canlclin bATE AND TIME OF THE ANALYSIS..... 10-15-1994 ;Existing AM Feak OTHER INF❑RMATInN.. . . , i ' 1985 HCM: TJNSIGNAI,IZEp INTERSECTIONS Page-1 IDENTIFYING INFQRMATION AVERAGE Ri]NNING SPEED, MA~,JOR STREET.. 30 PEAi HOLFR FACTOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95 , AFtEA PoPULATz orr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150000 NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET......... 8irch Tree Manar Driveway ~ I NAME OF THE NaRTH,1 SOiTTH STREET . . . . . . . Conkl in NAME OF THE ANALYST trw DA'I°E OF THE ANAI.YSIS {,mm/dd/YY} . . . . . . 10-18-1994 i TIME PERICrD ANALYZED Existing PM Feak aTHER INF(3RMA'1iI47N . . . . , TNTERSEGTIaN TYPE AND COAITROlr, ~ INTERSECTION TYPE: 'T'-INTERSECTTON MA TvR STItEET DIRECTIaN : NQRTH/ SO[]TH CONTR0L TYPE F-P,STBaLTND: STQP SIGN TRAFFTC VOLUMES EB WB 1+1B 58 LEFZ` 5 4 THRU ❑ 34 11 RIGHT 2 G- 0 G NUMBER OF LANES I ---------s_.._,.--------------____s---------------T-i---s_-=__s..-------_-- EB WB NB SB r,buES 1 1 i_~ A.DJITJSTMENT FACTDRS Page-2 -PERCENT' R1GHT TURN CCRB RADIUS (it) ACCELER.ATION LANE GRAdE ANGLE FDR RTGH'Y` TU'RNS FOFt RIGHT TURNS EASTBOLTNa 0.04 9L} 20 N-~------ ' WESTBD[TND NQRTHBDUND 0.00 90 20 N - SO[]THPiO[1NQ 0.00 90 20 N VEHIGLE CClMPi)SITIaId , -------s-___-----------------------_-----_----------------------_----- $ SU TRUCKS % CdMB$NATIQN , I AND RV' S VEHICLE5 $ MC3TORGY+CLES ' I ----=-=-o-- Y------_----- ' EASTBULINTD ❑ p p WESTBO[FND • N{)RTHBQUND D 0 0 ; SOLTTHHD[TND 0 0 p CRTTICAL GAPS , TABULAR VALIAES ADJCISTEb SIGHT ❑IST. FINAI, (Table 10-2) VALUE ADJ[I5TMENT GRITICAL GAP MINOR RIGHTS EB 5.50 5.50 0.00 5.50 MAJOR LEFTS IdB 5.00 5.00 0.00 5.00 MINQR LEFTS EB 6.50 6.50 0.00 6.50 IT]EAiTIFYTNG FAFFOFtMATION - NAME QF THE EASTrWEST STREET Birch Tree Manvr DraVeway -9- NAME OF THE NORTH/S(3UTH STREET Cor~clin DATE AND TIME OF THE AN'ALYSTS..,.. 1{]-18-1994 ; Existing PM Peak L]THER INFaRMATION. . . . CAPACITY AND LEVEL-OF-SERVICE Page-3 POTEN- ACTUAL FLQW- TIAL MOV'EMENT SHARED RESERVE RATE CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY MavEMENT v(pcph) c (pcph) c(PcPh) c (Pcph) c= c - v Los p m sx R sH P+tINOR STREET EB LEFT 5 865 863 > 863 > 857 > A, - > .898 > 890 5A ' RIGHT 2 999 999 > 999 > 997 ] A - MAJDR S'I'REET -NB LEFT 5 1000 1000 1000 995 A. _ - TDENTIFYING INFORMATI43N NANIE OF THE EASTjWEST STREET...... Birch Tree Manvr Oriveway I+iAME f]F THE NORTHtSOUTH STREET.... Conklin DATE AII+II] TIME aF THE ANALY8I5,.... 10-18-1994 ; Existing PM Peak dTHER INFQRMATI(]N,. . . 1985 HGM: L1NSIGNALIZEa INTERSEGTIONS - Page-l TDENTIFYING INF❑R14ATION - AVERAGE RUNHING SPEEU, Ml,.TDR STREET.. 30 PEAK HOiTR FACTOR .95 14REA PflPULATYON 150000 N,At+IE OF THE EAST/WEST STREET Birch Tree ManQr Driveway NAME QF THE NQRTH/SQUTH STREET...,... Conklin NAME OF THE ANAI,YST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . trw DAT~ OF THE ANALYSIS (mm f dd1YY) . . . . . . 10-18-1994 TIME FERIOD ANALYZED 2000 AM peak - [3THER INF4RMATIaN.. . , ~ INTERSECTIQId TYPE AND CQNTRDL INTERSECTION TYPE: 4-LEG MATOR STREET QIRECTION: NORTHS Sc]UTH CC)NTROL 'I'YPE EASTBOUND : 5TC]P SIGAA CflN'I'ROL TYPE WESTB4UND: STDP SIGN TRAFFIC VC?I,T,PMES EB WB N$ SB ' LEFT 5 15 4 8 THRU ❑ 0 52 110 ,I ' RzGxT z 5s a 3 ~ ' NUMBER OF LANES AND Y,ANE USAGE ; EH W$ Ng Sg LANES 1 1 1 1 I,TR ~T~ ~E .~Sp,GE , ~ AUJ-USTMENT FACTDRS page-2 I -____o_---------___------__---------------------_-------------------- ' ~ PERCENT RIGHT TFJFtN CURg RAbYTJ'S (ft) ACCELERATION LANE GRADE ANGIsE F'OR RIG~I-IT TLTRNS FOR RIGHT TURNS i EASTBOUND 0.00 90 2[} N ~ WESTBDCTIy'D 0.00 90 20 N NORTHBO[JND 0.00 90 20 N SOUTHBa[TNfl 0.00 90 20 N I VEHICLE CC7MF°OSITI0N $ SU TRUCKS ~ CaMBINA`i'If3N AND RV' S VEHTCLES ~ ly+IOTORCYGLES EASTB[]LTNLD I} p 0 WESTSD[7ND 0 0 p NC3RTIIBO[]N[7 D 0 p ~ - SDT,JTHBOUNU 0 0 0 CRITICAL GAPS TABULAR V'AIF[dES ADJCISTED' SIGHT ❑IST. F'INAL (Table 10-2) VALUE AL7JLT5'1'MENT CRITICAL GAp A+IINOR 17IGq-IT5 EB 5.50 5.50 0.00 5.50 WB 5.50 5.50 0.00 5.50 MA4TQR LEF'I'S SH 5.00 5.00 ❑.00 5.00 NB 5.00 5.00 0.00 5.00 MINOR THRDT.7GHS EB 5.00 6.00 4.00 5.00 wB 6.00 6.00 0.00 6.00 MaNoR LEFTs EB 6.50 6.5[] 0.00 - 5.50 _ WB 6.50 6.50 0.00 6.50 IDE.NTIFYING INFDRM'ATIDN NAME OF THE EAST/WEST BfiREET...... Birch Tree Manor Driveway - NAA'fE ~OF 1THE NORTH/S(3LTTH STREET.... Cankl1ri DATE AND TIME aF THE ANALYSIS..... 10-18-1994 ;20vQ ~,+,M peak f3'Y'HER INFCDRMATIaN. . . . cAFACITY ANQ LEVEU=c3F-sERWIcE pa9e-3 , POTEN- ACTUAL FTOW- TICAL MDVEMMEN'I'' SHARED RESERVE R.ATE CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACYTY GAPAGITY MQVEP+IENT v(pcph) c(pcph) c IPcPhl C (PcPh) c = c - v LaS - P M SH R SH MTIdOR STREET E8 LEFT F 675 642 ] 642 > 636 > A THROUGH D 803 796 > 712 795 > 704 796 >A A RIGHT 2 977 977 > 977 > 974 > A - MTN012 STREET i - WH LEFT 17 728 721 ' 721 a 703 7A THROUGH 0 805 798 > 924 798 a 840 798 >A A RIGHT 67 997 997 > 997 ] 930 ] A MA 77OR STREET sB LEFm 9 ioaa 1000 1000 991 A NB I,EF'I' 5 997 997 997 993 A 3DENTTFYING INF[)RMATION ----------------------y--------- I+TAME (]F THE EASTIWEST STREET...... Birch Tree Manor Driveway NANIE vF THE NORTH/ SOCIZ'H STREET Car►k1 in t]P,TE ANT7 TIME OF THE ANA.LYSFS.,... 10-18-1994 ;2000 AA+I pea}c OTHER INFaRMATION., . . 1985 HCM: [IN'SIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS paqe-I IOENTIFYING INFORMATIaN AVERP,GE RUN1V'TNG SPEED, MAJOR STREET.. 30 PEAK HO[7Fd FACT[3R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95 PiREA POP[JLATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150000 NP,ME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET......... Birch Tree Manor Driveway NAME OF THE NORTH/Sa[ITH STREET Ccsnkl in HAME L3F THE PNALYST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . trw DATE QF THE ANp,LYSIS (anm,IddfYY) . . . . 10-18-1994 TIME PERYOD ANALYZED 2000 PM peak hvur ~THER ZNFC)RMATIUN. . , . INTERSECTI+DN TYPE AND CQNTRaL INTERSECTIc3N TYpE; 4-LEG MAJOR STREET bIRECTION : 1+I0RTH/SOUTH CONTRC?L TYPE EASTS[1UND: STCYP SICN COiNTROL TYFE WESTBC]LTNF7: STC]P SIGN `t'RAF]E'TC' VOLUMES EB WB NB SB LEFT 5 4 4 69 - THR[] 0 ❑ 77 100 RIGHT 2 31 7 5 NUMBEkt OF LANNES AND LANE USA+GE EB WB NS 5S LANES 1 1 1 1 - LANE USAGE LTR LTR i ADJTJSTMENT FACTORS Page-2 - PERCENT RIGHT TURN CURB R.AL]IIIS (ft) ACGELERATIald LANE GRA,DE AtdGI.L FOR RIGHT TURNS FOR RY[yHT TFJRNS EASTBt7[JND ❑.00 90 20 N - WESTBOUND 0.00 90 2[] N ' NC7RTHBOUND 0.00 90 2(} N 'SOTJTHBOUND LlD 90 20 N VEHICLE C❑MPC35ITIdN % SLT '15RUCK5 $ COMBTNATIOAI ,AND RV' S VEHICLES % MUTC]RCYC°LES . RASTsoUNn n a 0 _ WEST$(7T7ND 4 U p - N0RTHB9LTND ❑ 0 0 - - ' SOUTHBd3[IHI] a D 4 CRITICAL GAPS TABLiIAR VA,LUES ADJUSTED SIGHT DTST. FINAL (Tabie in-z ) vALvE ADazrsTMENT cRzTICAL GAP MINOR RIGHT5 EB . 5.50 5.50 p.Q{? 5.50 WB 5.50 5.50 0.00 5.50 _ MAJdR LEFTS ~ SH 5.00 5.00 0.00 5.00 - N8 5.00 5.00 0.00 5,00 MINt}R THRQ[]GHS EB 6.00 6.00 0.00 6.00 WB 6.00 5.00 0.04 5,{}0 ; I MINOR LEFTS E8 6.50 6.50 0.00 E.50 ifiTB 6.50 6.50 0.00 6.50 IDEAITIF~ING ZNFORMATION I~ , AME O~' THE EAST/WEST STREET...... Birch Tree Manor priveway - ` ; NAME DF THE NmRTH J SU[ITH STREET Conk111Y DAfiE AND TIME f?F THE AA1ALY5IS..... 10-18-1994 ;2400 PM peak hour OTHER 3NFORMATIDN.... CAPACITY AND LEVEL-OF-SERVICE Page-3 POTEN- ACTUAL FLOW- TIAL MOVEMENT SHARED RESERVE RATE CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY MOVEMENT v(pcph) c(pcph) c(pcph) c(pcph) c= c - v LOS p M SH R SH MINOR STREET EB LEFT 6 630 585 > 585 > 580 > A THROUGH 0 732 695 > 662 695 > 654 695 >A A RIGHT 2 986 986 > 986 > 984 > A MINOR STREET WB LEFT 5 656 622 > 622 > 617 > A THROUGH 0 733 696 > 932 696 > 891 696 >A A RIGHT 36 996 996 > 996 > 960 > A MAJOR STREET SB LEFT 80 1000 1000 1000 920 A NB LEFT 5 998 998 998 994 A IDENTIFYING INFORMATION , NAME OF THE EAST/WEST STREET...... Birch Tree Manor Driveway NAME OF THE NORTH/SOUTH STREET.... Conklin DATE AND TIME OF THE ANALYSIS..... 10-18-1994 ; 2000 PM peak hour OTHER INFORMATION.... Bouge's March 11, 1994 Comment Letter to the DEIS with Staff Respanses LETTER NCy. 5 March 11. I994 Fage 1of r spokane CaLtnty Flanning Department ! W. 1026 Broadway SpoFcane, Wa. 99~2160 Attn: Mr. Tim Lawhead. AICF, Planner 11 Contact Fersan I SLab,ject: Draft Environment Impact Statement SMel1 ey LaIce - F'reF i ma nary PP anned 17nit Bevel crprroent PI at - -I Dear Mr. Lawhead : . , My wi4e ar,d I are owners and managers of B1rch Tree Manc►r Manufactured ~ _ FfOLssi ny CornMuni ty (Mabi 1 e Home F~ari; ) whi ch is 1 ocated a n Vera, B10cf; , 40, on Fourth & Conkl i n Road i n Veradale, Wa. , A-fter r-eview ❑f the subject document and as previ,ously atidressed during tihe May 199Z scaping meeting, we are very cancerr,ed a4oLit the road system as descri bed r n the dncument. The system, as prQposetf, WOLdl d be very disrupti ve arsd defri menta}. to aur Cnrnmuni ty. In 5eptember, 1997. we held a meeti ng wf th Mr. Esuster Hei tman, ' proponent Qf tha s pro ject and Mr. Ai cl: Mascrn. Engi neer, to d i, scuss our ' cvncerns aaa th traff ic on Faurth Ave. and ConEcl in Raad. CiLar posi ti 4n is as stated i n 5eptember to h1r Hei tman and Mi7 r7a5an: ' 1A- ' It appear°s to us that the best and most efficien't design n~ the ~ arterial road necessary to servaee the prvposeci prnject is by E utaiizing the Steen Road tarridar. This corridor fa31s more in line , wi th Spokane County's 1 Qrrg range pl an IArterial Road Plarr y for tF7e ~ 1 i mi ted access ar-teri al runni ng down the o] d°rai 1 road ri ght of way'. The pl an i s, ta have aecess er~ery mi Ae whi eh woul d mean eventual ~IacF:ing ❑ff of Conklin Road whrch we agree wath and have been under the impressi on waul dbe i mpi emented as devel Qprnent eas't of Su12 i varr Road progresses. We strongl, y ob ject ta the i ncreased traff i c f 1 nw ❑n f :onkl a n Road and Fourth Ave. whi ch wou1 d occur i f the ,praposed road ! systern were t❑ be permitted. 'lease explaxn t❑ us the reasons frr nQt sncarporating khe Steen Road ; ~ s orrieior in the prpJect plans. It seems tQ us that access to the ; enti re area i s much mare favarable. ' _'ourth Ave. and Conl.i xn Road r~ow serwe as a `shprt cut' for those : vehi c1es travel 1 i ng south of 5prague Ave. to/f r-om SuI 1 i varr Raad. Th i s ,•oute pravi des a by-pass ❑t the traff i c 1 i ght at 5prague an+d Sul li van. rhe route als❑ serves «s a`speedway' for many. Traffac derssz'ty seems to be at a ma;: i mum duri ng hi gh schoa7. (Centra], VaP 1 ey) openi rrg arrti ~ ,rlosing and during the many events at the scheal. ~ 1 i ! ~ i - ~ ~ . SpG,.arie Co. P; arir,i rit~ [3etp`t../517e1 I 'r_y L_ake F'rojec: L/LJFqaiugr--, Mar-. i i, 19`-?4 _ F'agt= 7 0f 2 ~ RealiYirig t3-a~:,t tI-ic- prait:ct offer~ opFortursxl:y+ far tiie deveiQper- ared - other-s, wc- prUpo!Lecl thf_ i, ciad i- e--C-i ].:igrirrien t p e~ Sketch `r;' (CapY attuched) tSat-~-d 9/9/'7'7. •to h'1r. Hrzitrr~an t~ Mr-. h1~sor, dut-ir,g aur- aep'k. ~ - rn~~t x rig «w a at_ceptat,le -tci i hEy See:r~ed ~o be rectpt ivr-_a •Lo ~ -k.l~~e p-l ar,. Thi s i-mr-r- annemenf pr-ovi des 5arr~e arnount ofi r~~~ arai 7 or; ~et~~~~en L-tae : ncr e ~~~E,-cE ti-a f-i ic 71 ovi [whi. c#7 wz 3 1, r-iO CIOLdbt, krp- SubStarIti&l and - ia~~7 ur~ r r~~a7~:1 f:Ga~i Ijhxt~h wx 3.1 r•eriute t liE:, riu,. s e ar;d irri ta's:i on caustcJ to Lhe resr dents m; B7 r-ch `d'"f~ee Ilanor. We ar-e st xl}. CL9nl_ernecS ~5bOUt thL- i ncr-eased t;a--ard 0-F ei-itry 'and e:: i t to ~ rUF COmrreUu:r t.V- 71-~e traf i au vrx 3 1 be hi gF-x 5peed (ba~ed an current tr-affxL c:n Fc5ur-ths ?s C'onUirr) ae. aiell as higher denaxty, Thc--~ Lur=aG~tur~ ~~s 5h~owr: z n aN ~~(:.!-e `fi' PaA1 a he1 p. iPeduc~ ~~~eed. W~ ~~~s;k t.hat sca uta ,r~~ ~ ~ to i:hE: entryfe:: i t: pr-ot-~lem t~e wor°E.ed c7ut by the pt"47pCr1"lE.'nt COT the j)rDaeCt ,_i17C6 t.hat vzcat ed which <ndj(a.Lrr OLir prrapei-ty be deedeci ~o us after- ccrnpletxora p &:•r Spcrkc-ane COLdr-ity iequirernents sci that we iTi l,er►r. 17"hc propert'y decryc3~d to u5 Wi 1 3 appi-0:; i rlsOtO1 yeqLA.1l ci~. ~Iti.i1 I-I ~ that give4-i by us tc) Li:e County whEn B:, rch Tr~ec- h1anor w~~s bui 3t).-- - l;eepa ng i r-, mz r;rJ that d•ae L-ap-re t_snc£er trre irnpr essi on th at tra-4f ic aI ong ~ CoraF,3 in F;oad Nic-ul ci t~e reduc=ed in Lhe iUtcar-e and that we have i nvest_ed so ffeL4th in BirLh Tree Manor. w` beliewe at only +air anci reasvnab7.e for our cnr,cerrrs t« be fuliy s~t i s•Fied pi-f.or tG Spal:arae Cnunty's ~ approval crf thi s pro.ject. ,F• ii ricer-el y. ~ ,'K ' ~ Lp-oraard Bot_tge, 1='E E1 iz a4et Ii JY: Bougc- S. 304 Cufr};l], rs r1CJcltj ~ Vp-radal e, Wa. ~1?037 ( aQ9) 426-5700 ~ I - . ~ • ' ` v.-'! t .y ' •r+~t " ~ _ • • • w`1 . " ' -.....I.~~ Sti.;'p~~~~F}, 1~~~~,l~•41~~ y..F. . . ; . _ " ~ r,:p, `1~ 1 4~. +~~Fltf _ • n r,' • ' ' S , . . + i~ 3 +C:L'"~~-.'_~4; "''~E~~~'~• ~ti'~~ ~~u~ ^P. . . , jY . e a ~i['K• :~r~...a'~ .r,t, . Y 1 _ • ~ . , . • ~•f . • ~.Ep..~"a_!~j S' ~~~1 ;r' 'yf~~"Y t•..+i y;:~ . ;i- • s k3 +y, ~•Y ~ • S ~ ~-i@ i h° • i.. ~a9+~ ~-,~S i ~ ' . =^i r ~~;.~.ti4.- 'li ~ Ts•i IiT ` ~ 'J3 - 'r~ , ~ ' ~ ^ ~ . ~ • ~ ' , w . .~L _ ~ . - e r+~ r±~j°w . , , • ^-EFart, ~-'r' ~ - r :~r~~CO`~ ~r~•»_ . . . • - ~y4: ♦y~ ~ ' ^ •L~ 4 1 ~ lr~cvi.~`~~ F• '~~T p r~~ .~~I ',il: __i ' ,w~~JCic.~~~4~-~I~~O~-r~ r . ~r!~~~ i ~~F~µ,~•,, ~,[~i ' ' • Sr•,r.. ~ , ~~,~~~T.►~~" _ - , ,~~~r~~`.' ~`",t. . ~ ~ ,F ~ ~,r•,_~ " ' ' : `f • ' . ~ ° - - • . ~ , . - ; ~ , : . . _ E" ~ y o r r y~= ~ ~ ~ . ' , , ~ ~ . . . = ~ . ~ - :t ~ ~ . 4 ~ . : . . - ~ ~o~~ Srv~~~'~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ` ~ ~ ~ ~ , : s._ : . ~ ! . • . . ~ . , t ~ , ~ ._~ar~ . , ~ ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' - ~ -~A~1v~~v ~ ~ ~4 ~ . , y; , ~a ~a a~ v couc.n ~3 ~ c.~ w~•~n ~ - r,c~ t~Er~ !3e`►~rr-r . . - J►f0Yf1~C-'IIST ~ - ~ A~~. I~Q~~J~r ' ~ . ~ - ~ _ " ~d U~G~ r ~ ~ A~G~+P ►~~L~oV~~ , ~ ~ I ~au~. ~~x „ 'V'V',~ G.C ra " jp~~Gr $ID Af L~' ~ . ~ ~ GAM~vE~2Y ' 6~,+~►~ ' ; . ' ' ' ~ ~ ~ . ~ - ~ - • ~ ~ ~ ~ 4~~ ~f~ ~ V~ - , ~ - ~ . Y r _ _ 1.~5C P() , ~ • a. ~L~ _ r ~J+~~~ ~ , ~ ~'ti~ r . . - - ' . 8 ~ I~a ~ _ t~~r r~ ,~~~a~' ~ ~fr~ ~SR~~ , ~ . - . ~ ~ ~ ~ k~~r,~ ~ Frr~ ~ ;r~i►vs - . , ~ ~~~~~;.s ~ 9 - _ . T~~~r~ ~c~P'r,a ~vr.~r. L . , _ . ~ ~ ~ • t. ~~~~~r~ .A i ~ ~ } ~ ~ ~:~:n ~ ~ F J •,i+:,~ ~ r`v-a ~ ~r~•~ ~ ~V~~ ~ ~ ~a:~:~~~. ~ z~.~.~~.~. i~re'►~1 i7 rF . ~ ~ ; Response ta Letter Nv. 5 ~ - Levnard and Elizabeth Bouge - March 11, 1994 ~ 1. At this time, neither Steen vr Cankfin Road is planned tv have an iratersection ~ witFa the future Sauth Vafiey Arterial. Steen Road €alEs at the three-quarter to seven-eights mf a miEe spacing between 5ullivan Road and F4vra Raad, creating specifiic design obStacles in cannecting with either Fkora Road vr the futuTe SQuth Valbey Arterial. Canklin Raad, layang at the one-half mile between Sullivan and Flara Roads, wauld be less disruptiwe to traffic flaw on the Svuth Va11ey Arterial, AdditionaEly, please note that the 7ransportation section flf the Draft E1S ' indicates that a Canklin Road (uia Sprague AVSnue) and a4th Avenue (via ' Sulfivan Rvad) cornbined access is tnuch mare advantagevus than a IimEted 4th Auenue to Sullivan vnly acce5s pvint. If access were tv be ,proVided anly Via 4th Avenue, traffic fram the Shelley Lake development, your manufactured - hvusing commuraity (mabtle hvme park), and the traffic firom flver 1 000 apartments would all need to gain bath ingress and egress frvrn 5ullivan Road ; alvng 4th ►4uenue. The resulting delays and threats to safety vn Sutlivan that a single access pvint would have is greatly reduced ay utilizing the___Conklin Road and Sprague Ayenue intersectiori as the primary irrgress aRd egress paint, nat only for this project, but also fvr fu#ure properCies along Cvnkiin and north ❑f 4th Avenue. 2, Steen Road is designated as a 1ocal access raad in the Spakane ArteriaE Road Plan. Steen Road's praximity to Flara Road, a principal arterial, rnakes it less attractive as an intersectivn with the South VaIley Arterial ta provide access in ~ this area. 3. Seueral revisions were made ta the layout and preliminary design af this prvject ' rnrhich wvuld nat vnly minimize the "shart-cuttin$" as you describe but alsv ; reduce the speed ❑f those uehicles which may access Canklin Road frarn 4th - Avenue. The prirnary improvement is the 3-type intersectivn Gr+eated at 4th , Averaue and Conlclin Rvad, making 4th Avenue the minar street and Canklin the majvr inter5ecting street. This type ❑f intersectiom modificatian will make it more incvnveraient #ar the op,portunistic short-cutting vehicle to access Sprague :AVerrue frgrn Sulli►►an Road via 4th Avenue, by having to came to a camplete stop at tYre Conlclin and 4th intersectivn. ~ - She!!ey Lake Fina! E!5 July 1994 Hesponse xo Comments Respvnse to Letter No.S (cvntirrued) 4. 6ased upon yvur input as wQll as nrhers during the prvjeci scoping process, the best preEiminary design which cauld be accammodated by the existing Cankiin ' Road right-af-way, project layout, and rvadway safety was prvpased. As shawn on Figure 3A, the roadway was pushed away from yvur manufactured hausing deveEopment as rriuch as possible. Hav+rever, in order to maintain Spokane County minimcrm roadway standards and alsv ta utilize the existFng Spokane Caun#y Conklin Raad right-of-way north of the abandoned railraad right right-c~f-way, LFle c~lig~1R]eflt 85 5}1O11YF1 15 pfQpaSei~, , , 5. As nated tn res,pQnse ta carnment #4 abvve, the roadway geametries must ' meet 5pokane Caunty standards. Additianaliy, CY1@ 61orLFlerf1-fT1o5t fABdWay1 W1lI be aligned as closely as possible with your entranee onto Cvnkfin Road. This wiEE create a properly aligned faur-way intersectivn, which will pravide the 3 ' greatest amvunt af safety far ingress and egress to bath properties. Alsp, the propased pasted speed limit far Cnnklin Road thraugh the Shelley Lake tievelapment is intended to be 25 miles per hour. This shouEd reduce naise and ' prvdide far safe and e#ficient mvvement vf traffic. ~ - - . - Shefley Lake Final FIS July 1994 Respense tv Comments Bouge's October 4, 1994 L.etter to the 5pokane County Board af Commi ssioners which was presenfed at the Octaber 4th, 1994 Commissioners Meeting and Appeal Hearing l[~--E3 -~t _ _TP-U. 7 R ~ Octoher 4, 1994 ~ V ~ ~ ~ - OCT 4 1994 Fg 1 of 4 To. 5pokane Caunty Board of Corncnissianers R~ ~W ~~#~I.~~ .EFF',SS Ref: 5helley Lake Prqject, PE-1750-94, PUDE-4-94 & ZE-34-94. Appeal of 8126194 Hearing Examiner Carnrnittee Findings of Fact, Gonclusions and prder. - , ' IN GENERAL,: - We have real eancerns regarding the traffic which wi11 tae generated in our arec,a as a result of the road I system as proposed. When Sirch Tree Mangr MobtIe Hame Park (referred ta a.s BTM in the fQllowirt,g) was built, White , Birches Mobiie Hame Park (present site of Fred Meyer vn Spra,gue Avenue in Veradate} was closed down and the residents were paid handsomely to rel4cate. We offered all of the White Birches reszdents the opportunity to relocate to STM. We chflse the present iocativn (an Faurth Ave. arad Cnnklira Rd-) of STM bec.ause it affered flur residents a Quite place to Iive and safe access to Canlelin Rd. (as apposed to Sprague AVe.) 5afery and comFflrttable 1iving were of prime im}aortance tv us when selecting the ; presen[ site of BTM. A high perCentage of our residents are 5eniars. The prvposecl road plan bvrdering BTM wili negate these irnportant cvrsiderations. Our understanding when BTM was built vvas #hat Conklin Raad would eventually hecome adead end _ with tIYe long terrn plan -of.the South Valley Arterial - which is very acceptable ta us. We are naw talkiug 3800 vehicte trips per day as vgposed ta 0 trips per day. We are gneaily eancerned. -1 - We complied withi the requirements of the Planning Dept. in 199(l fvr the construction of BTM. The time to plan far the futiare is now - befare construction of the referenced project hegins. We filed this ap,peal because we felt that aithvugh we have been saying the same thing since September 1993 when dhis was discussed wi#h the developer and in subsequent hearings, we were simply ignared. We were hoping resv]utivn of aur cvncerns woul'd be accam,plished long 6efare tlus. , . - . ~ CONCERNSIOBJECTTON5ISC?LUTIQNS TO ROAD PLAN AS PRQPQSED BY THE DEVELOPER: We have the follawing concerns regarding the immediate vicinity of Sirch Tree Manar which we request ~ be addxessed and resalVed befvre fina.l project approvaI (refer to Sketche-s `A' &`B' attached). 1. With the Conklin Raa€i route as designated by the present ptan, the 38IX] vehicle trips per da,y (as stated in the Final Envir4nmental impact Statement dtd. July 22, 1994), wiFl cause a tremendous rncrease in tiraffic. It will: a. Create signifcant safety hazard for residents at the entrancclexit of STM. b. Create signifcant nvise polIutirrn along the area of ConkIin adjaining BTM. c. Create safety haa.ard fvr aur hame frarn vehicles travelling CvnklinlRotc'hfard. d. Create a`bottieneck' similar to that naw existing an 4th Ave. easc of SuZtivan Rd. (as a result of the numeraus apartments in the area) due to change in plan tv include 2430 ~'r~ multi-family units at the north end of the project. I . Spo. County gQard of Comm from L.&E BougelPE-1750-44, etc.._..I014194 pg 2 of 4 PFiQPOSED SOLUTtON: Mave Conklin Road approx. 50 ft. eastward per `Sketch A' submitted to the applicant in Sept. 1993 and rhe Spo. County Planning Dept. in Maxch, 1994. Con,klin ' cvuld be curved back (westward) intv the present Cvnldin Rd. intersection with Sprague Ave. - Acguisition af property notth of the existing rail-road-right Qf way to Sprague Ave. ►3vould be required. The property is presendy a vacant iat with a bumed out hause and appears to be for saIe at this time. , ; - The additivn of the suggested curvature of Conklin Road wcauld also tend to slow traiffic - in the area thereby reducing the safety hazard nQted ahvve. , i - Proteetive barriers similar to thase indicated on `Sketch A' should be pravided to protect aur hvme in ttte area vf Fourth AVenue. - The praject raad intersection cIasest to the Sirch Tree Manor entrance wath Canklin shauld be aligned with ttae Birch Tree Manor entrancelexit to Conklirg and include a 4 way stop for safety reasons as well as at the intersection of Faurth, Rvad `F' and CanklinlRotchford. BTM entrance requires 50 ft. extension. - Parkixig alang Cvnklin Raad from the presecnt rail rcrad rrght-of-way southward to Faurt.tx Aue. shvutd be prohibited to avaid congestion as seen an Fourth Ave. east of 5ullivan Rvad. _ 2. 'Fhe pre5ent South V-aliey Arterial pIan does not desig;nate access to the Arterial at Conklin Raad. a. If the Arterial Road Ptan is changed to allaw access at Cvnklin Rd., it wilp create the prvbZeras listeei in #1 at3ave with a salution similar to #hat praposed in #1. b. If xhe Arterial Road Ptan is nat ctianged and an underlover pass is required on Conklin Rvad, there is nvt safficient room to build such a structure vvithaut blockang the sntrance to . - Birch Tree Manar Mobite Hame Park. PROPOSED SDI.UTI()N: Basically the same as the solutian proposed iri #1 ahvve. The eastward movement of Cvnklin Rd. by 50 ft. wau2d need to be exarnined and perhaps revised by the Eragineers involved to be sure prvper access to Birch Tre.e Manor cvuld , be retained. Adjustinent cauld be made accordingly. i 3. Tt is aur understanding that FQw-th Ave. wi11 be cun+ed Efl the south in the area vF Cvnklin- , Rotchford sv that a 90 degree intersection will result. We request mvving Road `F' to create a ; 4 way interseetign with Fvurth Ave. and Conklin Rd. as shown on Sketch `A'. This would - provide a safer intersectian and help slow traffic an ConklinlRatchford in aur oginifln. 4. We request thaC the name Cofilciin te maintained sv that addresses of 51 famiIies in BTM do not hawe to te changed. i 5. Costs resulting fram this project vr any portaan thereof shall not be incurred by STM Qr its Dwners. i _ Spa. County eaard of Camm. frvm L&E Bauge1PE, 1754-94. etc. 1014I94 pg 3 vf 4 ' COLLECTOR ARTEHIAL? _ Why is it necessary to have `callectar arterials' in an area such as this? The residential identity should i be rnaintained as much as pvssihte. Why ean't the road system be designe,d to diseourage `ourside ' traffic' by making agridwork af raads rather than a`speedway' as the present pro3ect design wvuld do? We i'ive at rhe corner of Fnurth and Coriklin and can assure you ttaat at the present drne the route ! eastward from Su1liVan Road vaa Fourth Avenue to Canlclin Rd and nflrrh to Sprague nvw serves as a - `s'hvrtcut amd speedway' around the anteasectian of Sprague and Sullivan. We believe that such traffc flvw can he at ]e.ast discauraged tay design. ' We helieve that if a caFlector arteriai is requrred, the best solutior► to the traffic situafion xs to use what , we call r.he `Steen Rvad carridflr' which could extend frQm Sprague Avenue to an area sauth of Shelley ' Lalce (perhaps to 16tt: via Shamrvck Raad) as suggested in my Sept `93, Mar. 8i Aug. `94 contacts with the deuelvper andlor Cvunty. It appears to us Yhat there is intent hy the Caunty to direct mtbound , traffic €rvm Suliivan Rvad toward the easi via 16th and norrhward via Rotchford drive. This wili, of ; cai€rse, service a much larger area than just the proposed project and generate a high volume of braffic past nur manufactured housing cammunity (BTM). If thhas is true, then the aaerall long term resuits shonld be of grime considerativn which means taking into accvunt the Svuth Valrey Arterial Itoad Plan which requires Iirnited access (appraximately every mile) and wvuld exclude Conklin Road as an access to the Arterial. Use of Steen Road as access to the Arterial (rather thain Ratchford UriVe) wonld be -much closer to staying with ttte intent as we underAand it. We reguest that proVisions far future raad ; connectians be made per Sketch `B' attached. - We realia.e tha.t there are wetlands and perhaps ather factors t4 be considered an this rQute but certainly this can be overcome hy proger desfgn. As an elcarnple, causervay5 ~.r.re huilt ouer swamp5, etc. The cast of a potentially required underlvverpass at Canklin Raad (estimated at $800,004) ►;+QUId go a lvng ways taward hridging over wetlands if, in fac#, the wetlands cvuld nvt be avoided. - Incorporate the `Steen Rvad Carridar' rn the ptanslrequirements now for the future (if it is - impractical at the present time). , - Delete the thraugh cvnne.ctian with the existing Rotchfard Drive culdesac_ta discaurage speed. - We certainly agree with the group t`rvm Rotc'hford Dnive that the str-ait thirougn `speedway' a.s praposed in the project should be eliminated. - - Incorpvrate the other items as shvwn an Sketch `B'. ~ S U M M ARyICCDMM~NTS : ' 1. We are nat opposed to the prvject but only to the road plan as discUSSecf in the foregoing and strangly request the solutions as shown an Sketches `A' and `B'. I i ~ Spo. County B«ard of Comm _ frorn L&E EaugelPE- l 75Q-94, etc ----1 014194 pg 4❑f 4 2. The existing residents caf the area should be very 5trangty corasidered whert a development such as this is pcoposed_ The raad plan as praposed in the dewetopers plan has significant impac[ an the residents and owners of Birch Tree Manvr as discussed in the foregoing. The road plan as prflposed will have more impact on us than any others and we will have to live with it for years to corne. ~ 3. The prvpvsal as presenied hy the deveioper for Conklin Rvad is not warkable without hlvcking the eritrtrance to BTM at same fiuture date if an underOnverpass is re+quired. 7'he plan approved ; For present day construction must anciude provisians fvr the $TM entrancelexit in the future. 4. Move Conklin Rd. 50 ft. eastward 1- as determined by the CauntylDeVelopers Engineers to insure that BTM has a safe entrylexit and that it will nat be blocleed on +Cvntclin Rd. , 5. Design the soad system with stvps, curves, etc. to discaurage speed per Sketches `A' &`B'. f. Include the `Steen Rvad Carridor' in the plans to eliminate canfusion at alater date. : 7. Pro►aide the Souge and Rice hvmes with psotectian against vehieles vut of cantrol. - _ 8. Reduce naise pallutian by praviding separation and barriers per Sketch `A'- i - 9. PrQhibit parking an Canklin Rd. as requested on Sketches `A' & `B'- I0. Maintain the name af Conklin Road. 11. Ccasts resulting fram this proJect or any portian thereof shall not be incwred by BTM or xts ovvners. We ask that our concerns be dealt weth in a manner which wi11 cantinue to provide cvrnfortable Iiving and safety for vur residents. • Sencerely, _ - , Leanard Bouge, PE Elizabeth SoUge C]wnerslManagers of Birch Tree Manar NIHP 5. 304 Conklin Road - Veradale, Wa. 99037 - (509) 926-5300 ~ • TO . SP~ACUF ~r . ,A ]IE, wRrA( . CAIr1zAUrc.6 EN'TI"Nar ~ ~ - ~xr6ua-~ ~ 4 WAY ~ ~ ~ k'OAD S rPE EC~&~ dr CUg,5 md v&-D 60 EASrYVAap ~ V A1o AoWlm6 tANaS ~ d ca~~v ~ ~ orD coucv '36 cowedzEr, ~ , ~.~1 C tEV c7~ l,34~l4Y7 . , I I - i { CaAIc. 131-x 1~E,uov~n srv~cur~cl~' f WA cc ro - 1 I~~~v SIV e "IVIVc'P}o 'CD ~ FO IJR TAI q YE z PlUETE _ . ~vs~ Pv a~ ~O4 X\ - 4 wA Y F . 1Q ;EIlC6 L:5AAf€ WAc z ~ . ' a _ ~ 5,~~rc~r A J L . J 5oaG 6 ~ 5. 30 M!AR 0 0% ♦ , N L-:x f s i -1 A c, 511h f IpJlA &#Jc i4Yg PA'VekftA!T ' ln,~ i E-~5C'~~ r~N ► ~7~ Ce~91.10 I?a. I ir wl+r 4c-c c.$ ic, L?&-A15 17r7' XX'i A j 50[+.nE C~0^Iu+P`r k9x k Cl_ ~-ca-.~ ~~G.[~~ i ~ f •~~~~lir~~~-` . ~I`ll. ~ "!{i ~ ' ~ ! j, ~•Viw : cc~~ - - ~ I { l ~ ~ ryT3=~~ ~ Pg 6' - W f f d i ~ ~ _...w il - ~ , . ~ t~;~ ~°f'` ` ~ • ~ y. ~s] ~ , ~c.~c ~ E , ~ •t ~ _ i i- - 1 r ua= ~ aI'ROPOs 01 ✓ N 1.1:.~.L +C1~PP[C ' 4 ~ ~ ! ~ 1 s~4trw ~a - ` ; IE~ ~ - i] ~ J~ q pv as~ai~117~1r5~aaVai,~n nr- ; f ; i ;E ' ~ ~1't ~ a1, ° _ ~ ~ 1;, _ • ~ ' ' a~. 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I~{r ■ ts 7~ as 2s i• 8 q ad/ f.t~ • 4 L ~o~aa l~'GA N~ ~ • ~ ~ - Li ~ i ~ y ~ • ~o1•r~ ~y ~~P toa ' 9 ~fL I d~ ' ~.li ~ ~ ~ i i i i`: ~ E ~ Ic 79 ~e~i • ~ ~ a ~ ~ +'1 m 13 ,,~~•ccrn • ! ~ a' ~.r e jksJ~?{7 5 Ex~6Su~{C~ ~ 7~ 31 - r ~ i~ ~~r ' •i 1e- y i a E}~ ~ ,.1 • - - . . . . ~ r . _ _ . . ~-.~1! ~ sy • • ~ ~ ' L _ _ a r , 's - i' x ;i ti6 JI~ 3~ i . ~ ~7 • , t•~ ' _ ~ ~ • rr71 • ' ' ~ ' - " ~ . . ~ ~ • ' i i ~f 7 i ' I ''~I . .s~-:~ ~ ' ~ ' v y _ ~1 1'p'-.~""~ , . p t• ~ .a J 1 C. v ' ' _ IG I ~ ~ - • - vt~J_i~ Ci ~[.:1 '4 'rS-~~.....~ _ ° - ~ r ~ ~ ' 1 - • ~ J I ' . - ~7a~ ,~i]T•`:~F>•! } a~~ . ,ia~. ~sC~1 F 5r~pj.J i + _oo7 F~3o-fF`f . ~~r- ~ SKETCR ~ ' . ' ~ ~/4~ . ~r](: c`c'AlTM AVc)