2010, 05-20 Address VerificationSpokane Permit Center 11703 E Sprague Ave, Suite B-3 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 (509)720-5240 FAX: (509)688-0037 permitcenter@spokanevalley.org May 20, 2010 KNOBEL, HARLAN P & VALMA A 18311 E RIVERWAYAVE GREENACRES WA 99016 RE: Address Verification - Parcel # 55071.0190 In partnership with Spokane Valley Fire, our office has verified your current address as: t,831.T.E R11%ERWAYAVE For emergency response purposes, it is important to verify the posting of this address as soon as possible. The International Fire Code (section 505.1) requires address numbers to be: 1. Placed in a position that is plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property. 2. A minimum of 4 inches in height, a half-inch stroke and of a contrasting color to the background on which they are mounted. The City of Spokane Valley Permit Center notifies the following agencies: Master Street Address Guide (MSAG) - 911 Combined Communications Center (CCC) City of Spokane Valley GIS Spokane County Assessor Spokane County Elections Department Spokane County Sherriff's Office Spokane County Utility Department Spokane Regional Health Department Spokane Valley Fire Department United States Post Office Comcast Qwest Waste Management Consolidated Irrigation Water District If you have additional questions regarding this verification, please contact the Permit Center at 509.720.5240 or permitcenter(a7spokanevallev.orq.