Resolution 16-009 Six Year TIP CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 16-009 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON, ADOPTING THE 2017-2022 SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FOR THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, AND OTHER MATTERS RELATED THERETO. WHEREAS, to provide for the proper and necessary development of the street system within the City of Spokane Valley, the City shall, as required by State law, develop and adopt annually a Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ("Six-Year TIP") with such program acting as a guide for the coordinated development of the City's transportation system; and WHEREAS, the Six-Year TIP of the City shall specifically set forth those projects and programs of both City and regional significance that benefit the transportation system and promote public safety and efficient vehicle movements; and WHEREAS, the Six-Year TIP shall be consistent with the City Comprehensive Plan and be adopted following one or more public hearings before the City Council; and WHEREAS, a draft copy of the Six-Year TIP was submitted to the Washington State Department of Commerce and has been reviewed and approved prior to the scheduled adoption of the TIP in accordance with RCW 36.70A.106; and WHEREAS, the City Council conducted a public hearing on June 7, 2016, for the purpose of inviting and receiving public comment on the proposed Six-Year TIP. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington, as follows: The City Council hereby adopts the attached Six-Year TIP for the City of Spokane Valley for the purpose of guiding the design, development and construction of local and regional transportation improvements for the years 2017 through 2022. The City Clerk is directed to file the 2017-2022 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program with the Washington State Secretary of Transportation before July 1. The TIP shall be reviewed at least annually for the purpose of determining the work to be accomplished under the program and the City transportation requirements. • Adopted this 28th day of June, 2016. Ci o •`. . ' alle ej. • Allo L.R. Higgins, A . 41.11 AT ,'S '• us 71 Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Appro ed as to Office the City Attorney Resolution 16-009, Adopting Six-Year TIP Spokane jUalley City of Spokane Valley Public Works Department 2017 — 2022 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program June 28, 2016 Resolution No. 16-009 City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works 2017 — 2022 Six-Year Transportation Spokane Improvement Program Valley' Glossary & Abbreviations Funding Sources: • ARRA American Recovery & Reinvestment Act • BR Bridge Replacement Program Funding Status: • City City Funds • S Project Funding is Secured • CDBG Community Development Block Grant • P Project Funding is Planned. The Most • CMAQ Congestion Management/Air Quality Probable Funding Sources have been • Developers Private Developer Funds Identified. • EECBG Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant • FHWA Federal Highway Administration Project Phases: • FMSIB Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Program • PE Preliminary Engineering • HSIP Highway Safety Improvement Program • RW Right-of-Way • HUD Housing & Urban Development • CN Construction • REET Real Estate Excise Tax • Other Fed Misc. Federal Funding Sources Construction Type: • Other RR Railroad Funding • PCC Portland Cement Concrete • Other State Misc. State Funding Sources • HMA Hot Mix Asphalt • SP TIB Sidewalk Program • ITS Intelligent Transportation System • SRTS Safe Routes to School (Integrated Traffic Signal Control Systems) • SW City Stormwater Funds • S/W Sidewalk • STA Spokane Transit Authority • STP(E) Surface Transportation Program (Enhancement) • STP(U) Surface Transportation Program (Urban) • TA Transportation Alternatives Street Functional Classifications: • TIB Transportation Improvement Board Urban: • UAP TIB Urban Arterial Program • 14 Principal Arterial • UCP TIB Urban Corridor Program • 16 Minor Arterial • WSDOT Washington Department of Transportation • 17 Collector Arterial • WTSC Washington Traffic Safety Commission • 19 Local Access • WUTC Washington Utilities & Transportation Commission �, 2017 - 2022 Spokane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program .0.000 Valley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project I Description I Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total 1 Appleway-Park to Dishman Mica Preservation 1.1 0 3 1,068 1,071 City 144 144 S STP(U) 927 927 Grind and Overlay,ADA Upgrades Funded with STP(U)funds. Project Total 1,071 1,071 2 2017 Street Preservation Projects 0 176 0 2,024 2,200 City 2,200 2,200 P Pavement Preservation Projects: Fund 311 Ongoing,yearly Project Total 2,200 2,200 3 Sullivan/Euclid Concrete Intersection (RW/CN) 0 0 0 2,082 2,082 City 323 323 S STP(U) 1,199 1,199 TIB 560 560 Reconstruct intersection in concrete pavement Funding secured for PE&RW,(SRTC#09-06);City Project#141 Project Total 2,082 2,082 4 Appleway Trail-Sullivan to Corbin 1.33 0 0 1,853 1,853 City 302 302 S RCO 708 708 COM 843 843 Shared Use Path along Old Milwaukee R/R ROW Moved forward to 2016 Project Total 1,853 1,853 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,ani are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/15/2016 Page 1 2017 - 2022 pokilli lN' ane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program .Valley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project/Description/Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total 5 North Sullivan ITS Project 1.75 105 5 804 914 City 15 109 124 S CMAQ 95 695 790 Extend ITS conduit and controls along Sullivan Corridor CMAQ Funded Project Total 110 804 914 6 Argonne-Broadway to Indiana 0.8 65 0 570 635 City 9 77 86 S STP(U) 56 493 549 Pavement Preservation-Grind and Overlay Funded with STP(U)funds. Project Total 65 570 635 7 9th Ave Sidewalk, Raymond to University 0.125 40 0 200 240 City 8 40 48 P Other- 32 160 192 FTA New Sidewalks on the north side of 9th Ave,Raymond to University Awaiting Funding Project Total 40 200 240 8 Sullivan-Wellesley Intersection Imp Project 0.25 198 120 1,052 1,360 City 34 8 142 184 S CMAQ 218 48 910 1,176 Traffic Signal or Roundabout Project Total 252 56 1,052 1,360 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,ani are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/15/2016 Page 2 Or'. 2017 - 2022 Spokane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program 1/ 0 Valley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project/Description/Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total 9 Sprague-Sullivan to Corbin Preservation 0.85 265 0 1,502 1,767 City 36 203 239 S STP(U) 229 1,299 1,528 Pavement Preservation,ADA upgrade Funded with STP(U)funds. Project Total 265 1,502 1,767 10 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation Project 0.5 2,473 2,418 31,144 36,035 City 62 81 290 729 243 1,405 P Other 710 935 3,410 8,577 2,859 16,491 Fed Other 32 41 149 374 125 721 State Construct Grade Separation at Barker/BNSF RR/Trent(SR290) Other- 15 10 79 224 75 403 RR Other 781 1,007 2,271 5,045 1,682 10,786 Fed FY09 Federal Earmark for$720K,20%of CN(up to$10M)received from FMSIB FMSIB 1,246 3,737 1,246 6,229 Project Total 1,600 2,074 7,445 18,686 6,230 36,035 11 Park Road#2-Broadway to Indiana (RW&CN) 0.75 0 150 2,877 3,027 City 20 388 408 P STP(U) 130 2,489 2,619 Reconstruct to a 3-lane section with curb,sidewalks,bike lanes and stormwater facilities PE Funding 6/2009 Project Total 150 2,877 3,027 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,an. are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/15/2016 Page 3 Spokane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program .1.00 Valley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project I Description I Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total 12 Pines (SR27)/BNSF Grade Seperation Project o 1,200 3,000 15,565 19,769 City 68 68 270 584 990 P Other 810 810 3,235 7,004 11,859 Fed Other- 68 68 270 584 990 RR Railroad underpass at Pines(SR-27)/BNSF/Trent TIB 405 405 1,618 3,502 5,930 Project Total 1,351 1,351 5,393 11,674 19,769 13 Sprague/Barker Intersection Improvements 0 39 12 422 474 City 237 237 P DEV 237 237 Intersection capacity improvements.Pending Barker Road Corridor Study Developer+City Partnership Project Total 474 474 14 Appleway Shared Use Path-Pines Rd to 1 0 0 1,926 1,926 City 414 414 S Evergreen Rd STP(U) 921 921 TAP 591 591 Construct Shared Use Pathway along abandoned RR R-O-W Funded with STP(U)funds. Project Total 1,926 1,926 15 2018 Street Preservation Projects 0 176 0 2,024 2,200 City 2,200 2,200 P Pavement Preservation Projects: Fund 311 Ongoing,yearly Project Total 2,200 2,200 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,an. are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/15/2016 Page 4 x. 2017 - 2022 Spokane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program 40000 Valley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project/Description/Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total 16 Coleman Road Sidewalk,4th to 2nd Ave's 0.125 25 0 145 170 City 5 29 34 P Other- 20 116 136 FTA Sidewalks on one side of Coleman from 4th to 2nd Ave. Transit Access to STA bus stops. Awaiting Funding Project Total 25 145 170 17 Argonne Road Concrete Pavement- 1-90 to 0.25 512 0 3,211 3,723 City 102 642 744 p Montgomery TIB 410 2,569 2,979 Reconstruct pavement in concrete;OCI Mullan to Knox 24,OCI Knox to Montgomery 35(2014 Rpt) Project Total 512 3,211 3,723 18 Appleway Trail-Evergreen to Sullivan 1 110 0 1,535 1,699 City 22 207 229 S CMAQ 142 1,328 1,470 Construct Shared Use Pathway along abandoned Railroad Right-of-Way Project Total 164 1,535 1,699 19 Citywide Sidewalk Infill Project 1 140 30 830 1,000 City 40 40 40 40 40 200 P CDBG 40 40 40 40 40 200 SRTS 40 40 40 40 40 200 Infill gaps in Sidewalks and add sidewalks to access completed portions of the Appleway Trail. TIB 40 40 40 40 40 200 Other- 40 40 40 40 40 200 FTA Project Total 200 200 200 200 200 1,000 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,an. are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/15/2016 Page 5 —I(II1 lM' pokane 2017 - 2022 Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program ..01•0 Valley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project/Description/Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total 20 Evergreen Resurfacing-Mission Connector to 0.7 66 0 591 656 City 4 84 88 s Indiana STP(U) 28 540 568 Grind and inlay HMA,Bike Lane Positive Guidance thru the 1-90 EXIT 291-A Project Total 32 624 656 21 Sullivan-Trent(SR-290)to Wellesley Corridor 0.3 90 50 600 740 City 12 62 74 p Lighting HSIP 104 562 666 Street lighting,ROW Project Total 116 624 740 22 Appleway Trail-University Rd.to Balfour Park 0.5 110 120 520 750 City 102 102 s TAP 198 198 CMAQ 450 450 Extend Shared Use pathway to Balfour Park Project Total 750 750 23 2019 Street Preservation Projects 0 176 0 2,024 2,200 City 2,200 2,200 P Pavement Preservation Projects: Fund 311 Ongoing,yearly Project Total 2,200 2,200 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,an, are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/15/2016 Page 6 ��� x 2017 - 2022 Spokane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program j Valley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project/Description/Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total 24 Broadway @ Argonne/Mullan Concrete o 0 0 1,703 1,703 City 230 230 p Intersections (CN Only) STP(U) 1,473 1,473 Reconstruct intersections in concrete pavement ROW Obligated 11/2013 Project Total 1,703 1,703 25 Mission Ave.- Flora Rd.to Barker Rd. (CN) 1 0 0 3,969 3,974 City 536 536 P TIB 1,719 1,719 STP(U) 1,719 1,719 Widen existing rural roadway to an urban street section to include bike lanes,curbs,sidewalks,and stormwater swales. Project Total 3,974 3,974 26 Broadway Improvement Project-Flora to 0 543 500 4,163 5,206 City 159 883 1,042 p Barker TIB 634 3,530 4,164 Extend Broadway arterial to Barker Rd,Realign Broadway connection east of Barker 3-Lane Urban Section Project Total 793 4,413 5,206 27 Evergreen & Broadway ITS 2 206 80 1,584 1,870 City 36 217 253 P CMAQ 230 1,387 1,617 ITS along Broadway from Pines Rd(SR-27)to Evergreen,along Evergreen from Sprague to 16th Ave. 2018-2020 CMAQ Grant Application funding Project Total 266 1,604 1,870 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,an. are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/15/2016 Page 7 2017 - 2022 Sr��,lN' pokane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program goo•O Valley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project/Description/Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total 28 2020 Street Preservation Projects o 176 0 2,024 2,200 City 2,200 2,200 P Pavement Preservation Projects: Fund 311 Ongoing,yearly Project Total 2,200 2,200 29 Barker Rd-Euclid to Trent Road 0.75 471 100 3,613 4,184 City 114 723 837 P TIB 457 2,890 3,347 Reconstruct Barker to 3-lane urban section Project Total 571 3,613 4,184 30 Barker Rd Improvement Project-Appleway to I- 0.28 382 1,146 2,397 3,629 City 167 324 491 p 90 STP(U) 1,065 2,073 3,138 Widen and improve to 5-lane urban section,Roundabout @ Broadway,Realign east leg of Broadway Project Total 1,232 2,397 3,629 31 Barker Rd Improvements-South City Limits to 0.81 326 25 2,502 2,854 City 46 340 386 p Appleway TIB 293 2,175 2,468 Widen and Improve roadway to 3-lane urban section Project Total 339 2,515 2,854 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,an. are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/15/2016 Page 8 ori,„x. 2017 - 2022 Spokane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program .11000 Valley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project/Description/Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total 32 2021 Street Preservation Projects 0 176 0 2,024 2,200 City 2,200 2,200 P Pavement Preservation Projects: Fund 311 Ongoing,yearly Project Total 2,200 2,200 33 Pines 1-90 IC, City Intersection Imp Project 0 250 300 1,300 1,850 City 54 196 250 P CMAQ 346 1,254 1,600 Intersection Capacity Improvement for City Intersections along Pines @ Indiana,EB Ramp&Mission Project Total 400 1,450 1,850 34 Mirabeau/Mansfield Intersection Improvements 0 110 100 560 670 City 15 76 91 P CMAQ 95 484 579 Intersection Capacity Improvements Project Total 110 560 670 35 Argonne Rd & I-90 IC Bridge Widening 0.1 900 0 5,760 6,660 City 122 144 266 P FMSIB 634 634 STP(U) 778 4,982 5,760 Widen Argonne Rd Bridge to 3 Lanes,SB. New 12' sidewalks. Project Total 900 5,760 6,660 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,an' are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/15/2016 Page 9 2017 - 2022 Spokane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program �s Valley Dollars in Thousands Funding Project/Description/Current Status Length PE RW CN Total Sources 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Total 36 Barker Rd Improvement Project-Spokane 0.53 378 25 2,899 3,302 City 52 580 632 p River to Euclid TIB 322 2,319 2,641 DEV 29 29 Reconstruct and widen to 3-lane urban section Developer Funds Rec'd 6/2014,$29,500 Project Total 403 2,899 3,302 37 2022 Street Preservation Projects 0 176 0 2,024 2,200 City 2,200 2,200 P Pavement Preservation Projects: Fund 311 Ongoing,yearly Project Total 2,200 2,200 Totals: 10,060 8,184 111,091 129,335 12,965 10,280 28,380 45,331 18,968 13,069 128,993 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,an, are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/15/2016 Page 10 cn .r 2017-2022 Spokane Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Walley Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program Totals Secured Projects Planned Projects Totals Year Federal State Other City Total Federal State Other City Total Federal State Other City Total 2017 $2,724 $2,111 $0 $863 $5,698 $2,463 $437 $83 $2,358 $5,341 $5,187 $2,548 $83 $3,221 $11,039 2018 $4,217 $0 $0 $837 $5,054 $3,156 $896 $315 $2,785 $7,152 $7,373 $896 $315 $3,622 $12,206 2019 $2,098 $0 $0 $328 $2,426 $13,136 $7,975 $349 $4,494 $25,954 $15,234 $7,975 $349 $4,822 $28,380 2020 $1,328 $0 $0 $207 $1,535 $25,687 $11,933 $808 $5,368 $43,796 $27,015 $11,933 $808 $5,575 $45,331 2021 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $7,953 $6,798 $104 $4,113 $18,968 $7,953 $6,798 $104 $4,113 $18,968 2022 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $6,840 $2,993 $0 $3,236 $13,069 $6,840 $2,993 $0 $3,236 $13,069 Total $10,367 $2,111 $0 $2,235 $14,713 $59,235 $31,032 $1,659 $22,354 $114,280 $69,602 $33,143 $1,659 $24,589 $128,993 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be consideredestimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. 6/15/2016 City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Projects Listed by Category for the 2017-2022 Six-Year TIP Dollars in Thousands Arterial Improvements Project Name Description Start Year City Cost Total Cost Sullivan-Wellesley Intersection Imp Traffic Signal or Roundabout 2017 $184 $1,360 Project Park Road#2-Broadway to Indiana Reconstruct to a 3-lane section with 2017 $408 $3,027 (RW&CN) curb,sidewalks,bike lanes and stormwater facilities Mission Ave.-Flora Rd.to Barker Widen existing rural roadway to an 2019 $536 $3,974 Rd.(CN) urban street section to include bike lanes,curbs,sidewalks,and stormwater swales. Broadway Improvement Project- Extend Broadway arterial to Barker 2019 $1,042 $5,206 Flora to Barker Rd,Realign Broadway connection east of Barker Barker Rd-Euclid to Trent Road Reconstruct Barker to 3-lane urban 2020 $837 $4,184 section Barker Rd Improvement Project- Widen and improve to 5-lane urban 2020 $491 $3,629 Appleway to 1-90 section,Roundabout @ Broadway, Realign east leg of Broadway Barker Rd Improvements-South City Widen and Improve roadway to 3- 2020 $386 $2,854 Limits to Appleway lane urban section Barker Rd Improvement Project- Reconstruct and widen to 3-lane 2021 $632 $3,302 Spokane River to Euclid urban section Total: $4,516 $27,536 Bridge Projects Project Name Description Start Year City Cost Total Cost Barker Road/BNSF Grade Construct Grade Separation at 2017 $1,405 $36,035 Separation Project Barker/BNSF RR/Trent(SR290) Pines(SR27)/BNSF Grade Railroad underpass at Pines(SR-27) 2017 $990 $19,769 Seperation Project /BNSF/Trent Argonne Rd&1-90 IC Bridge Widen Argonne Rd Bridge to 3 2021 $266 $6,660 Widening Lanes,SB. New 12' sidewalks. Total: $2,661 $62,464 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. Wednesday,June 15,2016 Page 1 of 4 City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Projects Listed by Category for the 2017-2022 Six-Year TIP Dollars in Thousands Congestion Improvements Project Name Description Start Year City Cost Total Cost Sprague/Barker Intersection Intersection capacity improvements. 2017 $237 $474 Improvements Pending Barker Road Corridor Study Pines 1-90 IC,City Intersection Imp Intersection Capacity Improvement 2021 $250 $1,850 Project for City Intersections along Pines @ Indiana,EB Ramp&Mission Mirabeau/Mansfield Intersection Intersection Capacity Improvements 2021 $91 $670 Improvements Total: $578 $2,994 Pedestrian/Bicycle Program Project Name Description Start Year City Cost Total Cost Appleway Trail-Sullivan to Corbin Shared Use Path along Old 2017 $302 $1,853 Milwaukee R/R ROW 9th Ave Sidewalk,Raymond to New Sidewalks on the north side of 2017 $48 $240 University 9th Ave,Raymond to University Appleway Shared Use Path-Pines Construct Shared Use Pathway along 2017 $414 $1,926 Rd to Evergreen Rd abandoned RR R-O-W Coleman Road Sidewalk,4th to 2nd Sidewalks on one side of Coleman 2018 $34 $170 Ave's from 4th to 2nd Ave. Transit Access to STA bus stops. Appleway Trail-Evergreen to Sullivan Construct Shared Use Pathway along 2018 $229 $1,699 abandoned Railroad Right-of-Way Citywide Sidewalk Infill Project Infill gaps in Sidewalks and add 2018 $200 $1,000 sidewalks to access completed portions of the Appleway Trail. Appleway Trail-University Rd.to Extend Shared Use pathway to 2018 $102 $750 Balfour Park Balfour Park Total: $1,329 $7,638 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. Wednesday,June 15,2016 Page 2 of 4 City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Projects Listed by Category for the 2017-2022 Six-Year TIP Dollars in Thousands Safety Program Project Name Description Start Year City Cost Total Cost Sullivan-Trent(SR-290)to Wellesley Street lighting,ROW 2018 $74 $740 Corridor Lighting Total: $74 $740 Street Preservation Projects Project Name Description Start Year City Cost Total Cost Appleway-Park to Dishman Mica Grind and Overlay,ADA Upgrades 2017 $144 $1,071 Preservation 2017 Street Preservation Projects Pavement Preservation Projects: 2017 $2,200 $2,200 Fund 311 Argonne-Broadway to Indiana Pavement Preservation-Grind and 2017 $86 $635 Overlay Sprague-Sullivan to Corbin Pavement Preservation,ADA upgrade 2017 $239 $1,767 Preservation 2018 Street Preservation Projects Pavement Preservation Projects: 2018 $2,200 $2,200 Fund 311 Evergreen Resurfacing-Mission Grind and inlay HMA,Bike Lane 2018 $88 $656 Connector to Indiana Positive Guidance thru the 1-90 EXIT 291-A 2019 Street Preservation Projects Pavement Preservation Projects: 2019 $2,200 $2,200 Fund 311 2020 Street Preservation Projects Pavement Preservation Projects: 2020 $2,200 $2,200 Fund 311 2021 Street Preservation Projects Pavement Preservation Projects: 2021 $2,200 $2,200 Fund 311 2022 Street Preservation Projects Pavement Preservation Projects: 2022 $2,200 $2,200 Fund 311 Total: $13,757 $17,329 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. Wednesday,June 15,2016 Page 3 of 4 City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Projects Listed by Category for the 2017-2022 Six-Year TIP Dollars in Thousands Street Reconstruction Projects Project Name Description Start Year City Cost Total Cost Sullivan/Euclid Concrete Reconstruct intersection in concrete 2017 $323 $2,082 Intersection(RW/CN) pavement Argonne Road Concrete Pavement- Reconstruct pavement in concrete; 2018 $744 $3,723 1-90 to Montgomery OCI Mullan to Knox 24,OCI Knox to Montgomery 35(2014 Rpt) Broadway @ Argonne/Mullan Reconstruct intersections in concrete 2019 $230 $1,703 Concrete Intersections(CN Only) pavement Total: $1,297 $7,508 Traffic Operations and Maintenance Project Name Description Start Year City Cost Total Cost North Sullivan ITS Project Extend ITS conduit and controls 2017 $124 $914 along Sullivan Corridor Evergreen&Broadway ITS ITS along Broadway from Pines Rd 2019 $253 $1,870 (SR-27)to Evergreen,along Evergreen from Sprague to 16th Ave. Total: $377 $2,784 Overall Total: $24,589 $128,993 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. Wednesday,June 15,2016 Page 4 of 4 City of Spokane Valley Department of Public Works Six Year Transportation Improvement Program 2017 - 2022 Dollars in Thousands 2017 Item# Project Name Primary Source City Amount Total Amount 2 Appleway-Park to Dishman Mica Preservation STP(U) 144 1,071 3 Appleway Shared Use Path-Pines Rd to STP(U) 414 1,926 Evergreen Rd 4 Appleway Trail-Sullivan to Corbin COM 302 1,853 5 Sullivan/Euclid Concrete Intersection (RW/CN) STP(U) 323 2,082 6 Sullivan-Wellesley Intersection Imp Project CMAQ 34 252 7 2017 Street Preservation Projects City 2,200 2,200 8 9th Ave Sidewalk, Raymond to University Other-FTA 8 40 9 Argonne-Broadway to Indiana STP(U) 9 65 10 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation Project Other Fed 62 1,600 11 North Sullivan ITS Project CMAQ 15 110 12 Park Road#2 -Broadway to Indiana(RW&CN) STP(U) 20 150 13 Pines(SR27)/BNSF Grade Seperation Project Other Fed 68 1,351 14 Sprague-Sullivan to Corbin Preservation STP(U) 36 265 2017 Totals: $3,635 $12,965 2018 Item# Project Name Primary Source City Amount Total Amount 1 Sprague/Barker Intersection Improvements DEV 237 474 6 Sullivan-Wellesley Intersection Imp Project CMAQ 8 56 8 9th Ave Sidewalk, Raymond to University Other-FTA 40 200 9 Argonne-Broadway to Indiana STP(U) 77 570 10 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation Project Other Fed 81 2,074 11 North Sullivan ITS Project CMAQ 109 804 13 Pines(SR27)/ BNSF Grade Seperation Project Other Fed 68 1,351 14 Sprague-Sullivan to Corbin Preservation STP(U) 203 1,502 15 Sullivan-Trent(SR-290)to Wellesley Corridor HSIP 12 116 Lighting 16 2018 Street Preservation Projects City 2,200 2,200 17 Appleway Trail-Evergreen to Sullivan CMAQ 22 164 19 Argonne Road Concrete Pavement-1-90 to TIB 102 512 Montgomery 20 Citywide Sidewalk Infill Project Other-FTA 40 200 21 Coleman Road Sidewalk,4th to 2nd Ave's Other-FTA 5 25 22 Evergreen Resurfacing-Mission Connector to STP(U) 4 32 Indiana 2018 Totals: $3,208 $10,280 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. Added Projects are shown in Green Funded Projects are shown in Blue Wednesday,June 15,2016 Page 1 of 3 2018 Rem# Project Name Primary Source City Amount Total Amount 6 Sullivan-Wellesley Intersection Imp Project CMAQ 142 1,052 10 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation Project Other Fed 290 7,445 13 Pines(SR27)/BNSF Grade Seperation Project Other Fed 270 5,393 15 Sullivan-Trent(SR-290)to Wellesley Corridor HSIP 62 624 Lighting 18 Appleway Trail-University Rd. to Balfour Park CMAQ 102 750 19 Argonne Road Concrete Pavement-1-90 to TIB 642 3,211 Montgomery 20 Citywide Sidewalk Infill Project Other-FTA 40 200 21 Coleman Road Sidewalk,4th to 2nd Ave's Other-FTA 29 145 22 Evergreen Resurfacing-Mission Connector to STP(U) 84 624 Indiana 23 2019 Street Preservation Projects City 2,200 2,200 24 Broadway @ Argonne/Mullan Concrete STP(U) 230 1,703 Intersections(CN Only) 25 Broadway Improvement Project-Flora to Barker TIB 159 793 26 Evergreen&Broadway ITS CMAQ 36 266 27 Mission Ave.-Flora Rd.to Barker Rd. (CN) STP(U) 536 3,974 2019 Totals: $4,822 $28,380 2020 Rem# Project Name Primary Source City Amount Total Amount 10 Barker Road/BNSF Grade Separation Project Other Fed 729 18,686 12 Park Road#2-Broadway to Indiana(RW&CN) STP(U) 388 2,877 13 Pines(SR27)/BNSF Grade Seperation Project Other Fed 584 11,674 17 Appleway Trail-Evergreen to Sullivan CMAQ 207 1,535 20 Citywide Sidewalk Infill Project Other-FTA 40 200 25 Broadway Improvement Project-Flora to Barker TIB 883 4,413 26 Evergreen&Broadway ITS CMAQ 217 1,604 28 2020 Street Preservation Projects City 2,200 2,200 29 Barker Rd-Euclid to Trent Road TIB 114 571 30 Barker Rd Improvement Project-Appleway to I- STP(U) 167 1,232 90 31 Barker Rd Improvements-South City Limits to TIB 46 339 Appleway 2020 Totals: $5,575 $45,331 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. Added Projects are shown in Green Funded Projects are shown in Blue Wednesday,June 15,2016 Page 2 of 3 2021 Item# Project Name Primary Source City Amount Total Amount 10 3 <. 'oar.;/BNSF Gracie Separation Project Other Fed 243 6,230 20 Citywide Sidewalk Infill Project Other-FTA 40 200 29 Barker Rd-Euclid to Trent Road TIB 723 3,613 30 Barker Rd Improvement Project-Appleway to I- STP(U) 324 2,397 90 31 Barker Rd Improvements-South City Limits to TIB 340 2,515 Appleway 32 2021 Street Preservation Projects City 2,200 2,200 33 Argonne Rd&I-90 IC Bridge Widening STP(U) 122 900 34 Barker Rd Improvement Project-Spokane River TIB 52 403 to Euclid 35 Mirabeau/Mansfield Intersection Improvements CMAQ 15 110 36 Pines 1-90 IC, City Intersection Imp Project CMAQ 54 400 2021 Totals: $4,113 $18,968 2022 Item# Project Name Primary Source City Amount Total Amount 20 Citywide Sidewalk Infill Project Other-FTA 40 200 33 Argonne Rd&I-90 IC Bridge Widening STP(U) 144 5,760 34 Barker Rd Improvement Project-Spokane River TIB 580 2,899 to Euclid 35 Mirabeau/Mansfield Intersection Improvements CMAQ 76 560 36 Pines 1-90 IC, City Intersection Imp Project CMAQ 196 1,450 37 2022 Street Preservation Projects City 2,200 2,200 2022 Totals: $3,236 $13,069 Projects and timeframes identified in the TIP are to be considered estimates only that may change due to a variety of circumstances,and are not intended by the City to be relied upon by property owners or developers in making development decisions. Added Projects are shown in Green b-, 'oja;a >ns.vr is_u._ Funded Projects are shown in Blue Wednesday,June 15,2016 Page 3 of 3 Sliokarte 1. Appleway-Park to Dishman Mica Preservationll i 'T169.9158 ti _ z _ti:rt. ,1,;; ...# a ttt ' eel l de a 19C s 4 or ,; 'I ,4- _',- 1 I '* f a t r. gap I. . c:' ... 1__ is .i. fl _ `4,14 a ;a to i Pry S II �� S.. ! t a s — - ---- ` -4 BTS.'.. - i ,if - 1_ _ - eel • i `_ -- .-- �.l'5to - t w - i _ - r �� �4Pfal4wiy•Prrkta is•1a t4 - ' rs `. i ,x a.i I fllleriam MI=Preeerrafce ,;a It / - _ Ticoaix ,e •4 9 i ii ! . -T5i9i T j- . \ Yr tk w ' 11,x.. ‘1.,etP557- ,. .. A 10 ,ems 13 .. • X=+�- .' Worth ' 3 kle xf Y: i e. Y/.,e, 4 l f^ k - Y. .'lam'- ..-''c°Y:. kip e T :i' li ."'20-1 -'.y,.c4 '6.. 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Project Description: This pavement preservation project along Appleway from Park to Dishman Mica is a 4-lane principal arterial and is a part of the I-90 ausiness Route through Spokane Valley. Appleway is an eastbound one-way road section making up one half of the Sprague/ Appleway Couplet. This project will resurface and strengthen 1 mile of the existing pavement with a new thick asphalt overlay r (2.5-3.5 inches}. It will remove existing ruts and provide a sealed road surface to re-establish positive drainage. In addition to the road surface,all sidewalks will be field reviewed to verify that they meet current ADA requirements, Sidewalk end sidewalk ramps not meeting these requirements will be upgraded to meet the current standards. The project will also in- dude sorne stormwater treatment upgrades. ' Benefits of Project This project was identified in the City's 2014 Pavement!vier agement Analysis Report as Marginal. Marginal streets that display high amounts of load associated distresses are selected as a priority for rehabilitation as they provide the greatest cost benefit:o the City—that is the greatest increase in life per rehab ilitahon dollar spent. This project extends the life of this street by replacing the surface pavement and strengthening the road, improving the ride, and upgrading the stnrrnwetnr drainage for marry years of service. Estimated Project Cost Right Of Way II Bibi}= $3,000 i. Construction ICNi=S2,a68,000 Total Project C•cst—$1,D71,CUO This project is funny ftinded using City and Federol SIP urban funds. 2, 15r 23, 28, 32r & 37. 2017-2022 Pavement Preservation Projects City of Spokane \!alley _______.7u_4 ' 2017-2022 Pavement Pt 1 – 7r Preservation Projects 1' •, �+ `� ` "••• -�' _ 9.J7rdr+1� �r oT,t4eaex ,.y -_. .rr aha w — :1•■ 1- • s " , 1 II kl 1.f i°r r s 111 miritaCMmry: l Itai^ ,- ' ■■,.1_ '} r ir- �In�+e -.yrs I 1 rcr .a ""F .7".; .....W — - -- p712147.14411,07.1.-A. 44. 1 I �! �r}� 4Lr 1 k .1 rf - � �y w n w r' YNi k Vr.erey •s e «:i r +y. l r ■1111` A . �r "CC= .• k '__, - i I • MA J - .—_ r ALL M' ,:::-__,I—,0 LAM, .F.-; rh-s,n .- w. I �naa '� r_iJ 1-. I ,. _ice 1 .o:. -r I.'J 'a 7k;i>• m i- �.+ew, =aha+xn hillt lam-.-imps'' "�*y"Ati:'acre' J}L� -Mt,. lejla'a • 1! os-.,�tn.A :rsT 1r-.�.a I r..7 ab...!Turr•ar.+. mss. I1:i-ws6 e r . 'lc,- Iwn 2D17-2022 Preservation Projeos IrJ . y; 1- ,,,14,...7-.,,m.4-..‹; M 1 20J7 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Project Descripton Beginning with the 2011 budget,the City established Fond 311–the "Pavement Preservation Fund". This fund sets aside funds each year to build pavement preservation projects. The funs is broken into these categories: Arterial and Collector Street Overlay Projects–809 of the Pavement Preservation Fund,and Residential/Local Road Overlay and Reconstruction Projects–20%of the Pavement Preservation Fund_ Pavement Preservation Projects will be determined for each of the program years using the results of the Pavement Management' Analysis Report, site visits, further geotechnical engineering and pavement studies, and citizen complaints. A project list will be developed each year and included in the City's yearly budget. Benefits of Project: Pavement preservation projects when constructed at the right time is one of the most cost effective uses of City transportation funds. Monitoring and strategically spending the City's resources on its streets using a pavement management progrm,field sur- veys.additional geotechnical testing—coupled with experience,achieves perpetual pavements that have been shown the most cost effective method to manage an agency's transportation system- Project Cost Estimate: These projects are paid for using City Funds established in Fund 311. In the 2017-2022 TIP the Pavement Preservation funds avai- able have been estimated to be$2.2 M per year. j 0"1. 3. ulhv ,anEuciid Concrete Intersection Spc,n ` 'al le: f . :'. ' 4 �. yam± _ fig - m LFa • Sullrvar►�Eue!id Concrete ' . _„_ _ ;Intersection 07W/CN)Prc jecr - — - - '"-, 4 I• : F r IP ril• ' '•:-. 4110111.011- uJcl. r Euclid Ave rumr ' F K..,,— ; . .ter. .:--„4:.r r . � �rA' . — � � ' J _ 1 El ' cd"1: r.. .',.• , e .)--7,),. . ..,- _c_. , . • , :, " . .: l' i — 4 � : _ pit { s • r it ttIrT 71 a ,r £ WA. 1'! r --• ' r.. . - Ilam ., I' M L' North . +h 2017 2018 20L9 2020 2021 2022 Project Description: The existing intersection is experiencing severe rutting,pavement raveling,and longitudinal cracking_ Heavy truck traffic contin- ues to destroy the pavement. preservation of the existing pavement is not an optior in that the existing pavement section dues not have the structural integrity to support the heavy turning trucks. Thisproject will reconstruct the intersection of Sullivan Rd and Euclid Ave by removing the existing asphalt pavement and replac- ing the roadbed with new base, steel reinforcement.and Portland cement concrete. ,Benefits of Project: To reconstruct this intersection using PCC Pavement at a designed depth to support the type of traffic using it will provide a long lasting intersection.This is the most cost effective solution and the least expensive over the long run for the taxpayer.The project also updates American's with Disabilities Act(ADA)upgrades at the intersection corners to comply with the requirements out- lined in Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. Project Cost Estimate: Construction KM =$2,082,ODO Total Project Cost-52,082,000 This project Is fully fumed using City and FederntST°Urban:funds. 4. A lewalSpokane Trail-Sullivan to Corbin Valley PI r -� '-I - -1 .,r � Yw y ¢ - s �� T v7 fe : ..r -rte �-.1 J F .„!,...�-1 + iy, - ,z k- .a _- - 'oi LT- , ,J I�. 10P. 1,11 - gr.,.1 1' J W. l.6 _ Rat Friar '�” oc :: as .e AA J p ',it II"-w 4" •.. ilii . i .r. lr• - ,'�, JI r* 1 1 i - G..• y -_-, _- .3g..-,..-..' ,4 ,e ar Jr-'F'rt,-.� a�°- --- K . lreerad`ale - ' V - :J(! r_! i _ 74. , ' .. - A .h3 " ,� r,a i..• { ` •p+fewa Trail:-Sullivan to Curb d. -- 1I _, . ,. .� . :r d. r al w'a ,llJUPl ' , .WI shill i ..-- -'- - 'tom ,`toy w • F. — l Rieti td�r .fir ..'" .1 ', 114 r � P. � ,�' � `• �! r ' .1 � 1: � rd K. 31.1 rr' ,� j�ir lir ,bA , 1$ e1 n 1? F`414i31i, 1 k/cam pi—ti. •gr y .r ' • �F!< K},, al. .r� + r M• .- "ti b r. Y ; ~j' rFJY1Jr Gf! •,r 1 !` rsr,(��,� • A_ r • f r 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Project Description: ' This project will build 13 miles of the City's Appleway Trail beginning at Sullivan Road and extending to Corbin Road. The Trail wilt be a 12'hot mix asphalt shared-use path. The ApplewayTrail project will be landscaped and include trees and an irrigation system. The trail will include lighting, benches, architectural.features and stormwater facilities. Where the trail crosses Sullivan,a High intensity Activated crossWalK(HAWK)traffic signal is proposed.The HAWK signal is a safe- ty device that signals vehicles to stop allowing pedestrians to cross the roadway and then permit drivers to proceed as soon as the pedestrians have cleared the intersection. Benefits of Proiect: The Appleway Trail provides transportation choices that allow bikers and walkers to access services such as barking, postal and government services, retail services such as drug stores, supermarkets, office supply stares,and restaurants. In addition,the trait provides access to multi and family housing and schools along the corridor. Employees now have a safe choice to walk and bike to access jobs. The Appleway Trail provices facilities for healthy lifestyles giving people the opportunity to walk and ride bikes in a safe urban environment. Trail projects saves valuable fuel and eliminates green house gasses. Project Cost Estimate: Construction(CN) S1,853.0D0 ' Total Protect Cost $1,9S3,000 5. North Sullivan ITS (Intelligent Transportation System) r +.1II.pI ,ol ane 4. W :': ti - - . - a •tea ", • I.+ - 11, . a ',,- -, -_-+ '7R . F Bey v �.ti e ._. Y " ,.---111r North Saliva e a „1---H. 4. pfr ad .°TS Project ____4,-7,7,=--:=.1'.-- 3 -adk 5 y _ A . t, OP . t Nortfi Sullivan Road , . - .:,■ '!. �"°.w wry' -�� - r _. p .# - ir- Or 11-41-' - ,, _ . I _ , , . _ -...., lir - - . .. _ _ , 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Project Description: North Sullivan is a principal arterial serving one of the City's major industrial areas. North Sullivan Road connects a State Highway on the North (SR-290}and 1-90 to the South, North Sullivan Road directly accesses the Spokane Valley industrial Park which ac- cesses the BNSF and UP mainline tracks.This street carries a high volume of freight. The project installs the necessary infrastructure to establish a real time communications and control system to efficiently move i traffic through the North Sullivan Corridor. The project includes new conduit r junction boxes, fiber optic cable,and cornmunice- tion hardware.This system will tie directly into the traffic signals at the intersections at Central Pre-Mix, Marietta,Euclid,Kiernan and Trent Ave(SR-290).The project also installs cameras along the corridor for real time traffic observation. Benefits of Project: This project benefits the City by giving the City a powerful tool to monitor and implement traffic control to efficiently move traffic. Efficient traffic movement through a corridor results in lower dust levels(PM-10), reduced travel time,and less green house gas emissions. Project Cost Estimate: Preliminary Engineering(PE) =$105,000 Right of Way(RW) = $5,000 Construction{CN] = $804.000 Total Estimated Project Cost = $914,000 i This project is fully funded using City and Federal STP Urban fronds. 6. Argonne-Broadway to Indiana vkl ne .. .ar •+. '�'L am,. :,141761.,:_,,,--7_ s ., i.. s . - Y r 2. _3 tom, - 4_ ..„6' !7,.1 t 1 p Wil' F' Argonne-Broadway to( di�ana .al.. - , . .R m. 9 -Jr- � c +. � � 1'� �ti,� h fL. � x • ,, _ �y.°.+'/"r-y 40 r i ale {.y ,_ ri 1 ''- mr. - ` +� , -L Yr _ AM i 1 I +. 1 r..l I .tea"• . *n'.n -r: Li Al �f # r y` �' r J "ice I -� , T_ Le- 9- LA \ _ - f.4'Y-'-fi.. `a S ;.-'. b y. rt "+ /I 7 1'—. " �4 d S e 7 i a W - .•i 1 ' — • iia p -7-1,-_ _ "`.'.�.F' r' eI r� k a u. .. 1 y. s Sa T I ` .. . ..,,,. r,_ -r. • ..7. .31°.; 2. tarI _ .. 2 ii 1 �r ' J-S ; '�' r 'fy re' 1 . ' � '.� • � j 1 �� J' %.rr It.ir • y.j . 14r ,. -�I# Cr-'licit--; ` . i . , - r7,i• ix a,,fra. . , =J-�....,w ,' 3r� �..* sem. • ,- _ ,y A�. .i Rue -LL 110 �• ! tia - t 1 I: ! -� '1•, p .. „ ..„ , ; - . � = -" I + a I t _ am -� 01 'fY " r d 1—; , eth , 7g :n �.. -- - a c i Broadwa . _r - , , r u• obiiw ,AR --- min_ 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Project Description: Argonne Road from Broadway to Indiana Avenue is a 3-lane principal arterial. As Identified in the City's Pavement Management 1 Analysis Report,the pavement through this section is ready to receive a moderate depth hot mix asphalt overlay(1.5 to 2.5 inch- es).This project will review all existing pedestrian facilities and where deficient in terms of ADA will be updated. All broken side- walks will be replaced or restored. II' walksI Benefits of Project: 1 This project will apply a new pavement surface extending the life of the road.In addition to the road surface,all sidewalks will be field reviewed to verify that they meet current ADA requirements. Sidewalk and sidewalk ramps riot meeting these requirements will be upgraded to meet the current standards. Protect Cost E timate: Preliminary Engineering(PE} - $65,OCO I Construction.(CN1, =$S70,C00 Mtn!Estimated Project Cost -$635rO0O I I ' 7. 9th Ave Sidewalk, Raymond to University ." , ne Vali z -°- , _ -STA TRANSOF CENTER „x ti _._- ,41` .- -, -,-- -. Y- Mk- — - z _ a; — „ ; +,, .- R - — t - - ..+• N -----, _ 4 _ - 4* _ - — -, '._ - - ---„,L- . . • _ , — s - -- - s �. y.. �, " _ S� x 77 ... .y . - >r m. a 9t Ave dewcr_fk Project r I. °tom �� �L ® /-V �5 .r - t t -"T\ ' 0 ` • 1 NZ- . Residential carne f c1,hr .- -tt - �. .-- ,. .'4 _ .�_ rye o 1 a 4 -- .. _ _ _ _ 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Project Description: The 9th Ave sidewalk, Raymond to University Project will place 2 blocks of new sidewalk from the Sunshine Gardens residential care Facility to University Road where transit access is available. Existing stcrmweter facilities will be upgraded to account for the installation of new curb. New ADA ramps will be added at the corners at the intersecting streets of Raymond, Oberlin,and Uni- versity roads. Benefits of the Project: This project will extend sidewalks from the Sunshine Gardens residential care facility where many long term patients live. Several , patients are restricted to wheelchairs. Walking and transit are the only form of transportation these people have. Providing a continuous sidewalk to transit stops at University Road gives people the facilities to safely walk in the neighborhood. Project Cost Estimate: Preliminary Engineering(PE) = $40,000 Construction (CN) =$200,00O Total Estimated Project Cost =$240,00[] 8. Sullivan-Wellesley Intersection Improvement Project AL- _ . • ._- SUL.L1YAN WYEt,i,l'.wl-KY• 8 II- cam 95=}iay+vu "i, r _ I -RRVMI'# r`i i'pIRt.J.1Elr,=T f •yil .4 ,may=. Ir _ '•4 * �. 1iiBh� r- +- r,�.. „rts will ..y3 { f" I. 'r f.- . •4 ':'-'-'41t�MFa"w7 :9m1y _ f:Y"...,'1. �#-'r — s +p -. r •- ? s "Ji- . ,-.•.111..„-- ._. - - . --"..--,..-s.,', ..ter'+ arr . _ ,.1 5 '- 4-1,sk,'ice`• c. L J] ; ■ 4 „r- - w .ms' �' "kw . - -_ , S E , - r tr Cr ' ria .o i f . +�;yopti rFn l4-. 'U. , __,..;=`--• Y } ,fir �' r n - '. r k .. ,, is a 2017 2018 2010 2020 2021 2022 Project Description! A traffic signal or a multilane roundabout is needed at the intersection in order to provide safe and efficient traffic movement. Currently,during certain times of the day, traffic vol;Jrnes at the Sullivan-Wellesley intersection exceed the capacity of the all-way stop-controlled intersection, Spokane County's moving forward with Its Bigelow Gulch Road project which is scheduled to con- i nect to Wellesley at Sullivan in 201-9. When that occurs, the Sullivan Road intersection will not be able to accommodate the add- ed traffic and motorists will experience excessive delay and congestion. Benefits of the Project 1) Reduces delay and efficiently moves traffic along the Sullivan&Wellesley corridors 2) Reduces serious, high speed crashes 3) Allows for the added traffic volumes expected with the future connection of Bigelow Gulch Road ProjectCost Estimate: Preliminary Engineering(RE) = $198,000 Right of Way (RW) = $120,000 i Construction fCN1 Y$1,052,000 Total Estimated Project Cost =$1,350,000 9. Sprague-Sullivan to Corbin Preservation 1 r ' \alley • —vionaetw r L, -- • Y. a.:: , 'Ili .1_..•. _ r + ._.- � f< t ,, rte Aft _ i +i— 1s,, e a 'Y F' T 1I r 1 ^1 1 4 + ^ : .a1. 1 i -'Y L1 gi— ill i; '.-.;r,:ii_;,. ,• reVre.7,r . 1`1U p.J'i 4 Y �OPragU '' ' II " 7` .4 .,,,� •� a_s A. k — i,an 4'{ r� I�I'' ��. }' {r 'S d, J. a. --r'�Y-,. 1. -,-, C. r � i�fi c�ltik k . rF i ' 1�, _ _pill - . f A L.,- r----- -17f- `^ :.e r_r'iI Sprague-Sullivan to Co! -{';" +` = r. � 1 • c y.' r ' 1 , b x' i . i 1 _ d,--,7.-, i • * � t 4� _ 1/4-7-1,•.-7-7. :" uy ytirAti. l ' ,wi �4, . k ' # � ` i el. . '14-..' o, ir o- 4 ii1° rr y � . 4 ii.i,--* . set' .1-'1#1.111,.731.,;f7W. itiFi I. . e ,f A „ .. 'y 6' +. - Air , i .ti.. mak'.. . V. �.� �-=�-•�o.,[yc4 ` t ' ��- yr �3 a- +, ... . -'."-f• 17,;. , I.' c 'per nP yo N - yr North r ee I 2017 2018 2019 1 2020 2021 2022 Project Description: Sprague Road between Sullivan and Corbin was identified in the City's Pavement Preservation Analysis Report indicates that this section of Sprague needs a 3 inch hot mix asphalt overlay. Building this project in 2418 will extend the life and serviceability of Sprague Road. This project will also evaluate sidewalk,sidewalk corner ramps,and stormwater facilities and make upgrades and replacements as required. Benefits of Project: Sprague Road is the I-9a Business Route through the City ard provides access to services,commercial retail and office space,and access to high, medium, and low density residential developmert.Sprague allows good east and west movement of people and goods and is a vital link in providing economic vitality'along one of the City's major arterials. Bus Service runs in both di recttons at a frequency of 15 minutes during most of the day and evening. i This project is a good use of the City's money in that it provides an extended service life to a very important piece of the City's i transportation infrastructure. Project Cost Estrnat+e: i Preliminary Engineering(PE) = $265,000 y Construction ICN) =$1.502.000 i Total Estimated Project Cost =$1,167,100 1 10. Barker d/BNSF Grade Separator o •... NEY111-5,CA FEATURES. f_r. 1.VISTA GRANDE DR • iVr i •tia Fel Old 4 rpa4c W Ilh.F and E-1A lit— , R Teen!/1/4/1/4,5. s Sidn«adm and bi[yeM lank.d.r, _ ~.I k - 1 Deka.?4d X ,t• X 'A. 7t' 7r _ 1 -IrtaoaArrn % xIt .Y' }Lx _ Clomurc eE 1,.....,1,.....,r W.dpe - Y. fT • , nmrrtrevxkm Ararno ono SW • - A. •Goswn ct FI ora RdlSN Sr A -A L � w ■IL 1oIfaAmefFalzi¢ld LIST av % E WELLESLEX AVE r rig � l r ' III r"� .ted ,. tit d"f~�'~ 5sLLELEY AYE RA9L UNE LEGENDDyi ` , Existinpmain-ime -A- Fu�rm1ai C r: e a Ir - r""� Future 5ierng p_uXi., e--` , c,.rtr, -*{. • 'N'" GENERAL LEGEND riraia ', + r tiri X •Jai. iiiil Future bridge 1 ,; ,.r;I.f 1U Future roadway r le g F _ N115tafe Future retaii:ng Wal 1 mak 2017 2018 2019 2020 2D21 . 2022 Project Description: The Project builds an interchange for Barker Road over the BN5F tracks,adds on-and off-ramps From Barker Road to Trent Avenue SSR-290),Incorporates a realignment of Wellesley Ave, a-id provides safe passage for bikes and pedestrians across both the BN5F rail line and SR 290. Benefits of Project: Benefits of the Barker Rand/8NSF Grade Separation Protect: •Overall project benefit-cost ratio is 5.1 using a 3%discount rate, •Decrease transportation costs and improve long-term efficiency, reliability,and costs in the movement of workers and goods, •Enhance the access and reliability to close to 500 acres of prime,buildable industrial-zoned, •Generates approximately S2 billion in state economic output including 9,800 new jobs(3,300 of those in Spokane Valley) and new general hand taxes($12.3 million for City and$50.8 millaon for State), • Eliminates the growing risk of conflict between roadway users and trains byseparating uses,would eliminates train-vehicle con- flicts,removes automobile delays,and improve the LOS for the intersection from"F"to"A',and •The addition of bike and ADA compliant pedestrian access on the overpass encourages alternative modes of transportation to nearby businesses,residences and schools. Project Cost Estimate: Preliminary Engineering(PE)• $2,473,000 Right of Way(RW) - $2,41.8,000 Construction((CN) =$31.144,000 Total Cost =$36,D35,OD0 11. Park Rd #2—Broadway to Indiana (RW/CN) i ne .0,001;Valley \ ##' wr Palk Rd#2-Eroacrwa'�I if ,,t a e* ,-_-•:..1 "+r"',„� ,x 1 `PL',-, , ei L' _ EC Indiana (1diAirlCJw',l :: _ F" , — �- �� w Vit. v r¢ ..:sem +� 'f J �� of .T`. , 'Y"r-.. - 4. �F - a ` r Fes-. - _ I- Se. -�: - C.._._ -'yam f }4, lcF, 0 --yams• . --.--2-- ---''-7.,_ -_,,,. v f•'+tirw{ � es F _ t "' - l .N+ I _ — dway Ave `-.f. '. `A ' .._ - e _fir- .:�{,�- de- {s1'a – rJ� 3 _ LL f lF! . i - - r P 111', la— - . j R'd".. .. 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Project Description: This project will reconstruct the existing minor arterial to a three lane urban section. This project will also indude curb,gutter, sidewalks and bike lanes. New storrnwaterfacilities will be included in the project to capture and treat stormwater. The project also includes American's with Disabilities Act(ADA) ramps at the intersection corners to comply with the requirements outlined in Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. A right-of-way phase is planned for in 2017 in order to show the funding agencies that the City fully intends to pursue completing this project. The initial funding for this project for Preliminary Engineering was begun in June,2OO9, Benefits Project: The project will provide needed safety and capacity improvements to accommodate the anticipated increase in traffic between Trent (SR-240 and Broadway Ave. The traffic volume on this section of Park Road is anticipated to increase from the existing` 7,200 vehicles per day to approximately 21,040 vehicles per day in 2040 according to the most recent SRTC regional traffic model. Also, Park Road is an 1-90 crossing that has adequate width to meet bike and pedestrian standards. As the bike system develops in the City,the Park Road interstate crossing and eventual Bridging the Valley BNSF Railroad and Trent Ave{SR-290}crossing,will make Park Road a more attractive bike way. Park Road bike lanes will access the Millwood Trail to the north and Sprague and Appleway Trail on the south. Project Cost Estimate: Right of Way{RW} = $150,000 Construction(CM =$2,877,000 Total Estimated Project Cost =$3,027,00© 12. Pine ( R /BN F Grade S p�erat on Project ,�po ne Valley KEY DESIGN FEATURES: epi gr� 4.9t7 - Pines Rd underptt3.5 ci BNSP F'$ III ' • 'i'i-, q I;. - Lowering of Trent AuelPines Rd f .1 ri rotor cci on and lane cePacity +M.o - A.:.--rot, � - addition � In - Sidewalks and bicycle lanes on . ' "'- h r • .14 r• Pines Rei - 'T - Closure of University RdlgNSF { � {�� - _y�' �_ •. v at-grade cruzsir toy The west i7 �_ " "- Rt , . i . GENERAL LEGEND - - .0..,' ,i ' i Future bridge w ,i . -, . _ ': 4 Future roadway !�` ■ I JJ _ Future relairing wail 4 r., " ►,i gtqg .. 'RAIL LINE LEGENO� . , e 4. Ealing ma[nllne+ IM +!� i,_. ?..i ~ .J AB AU, d FourRiming Wing ! rte._.. _ W _t , �. ,-' `t l� ' ' �r Furore mainline �',s4 -, � 0� Furore siding 71Vo 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Project Description: 11 Proposed solutions for the Pines Road/BNSF Railway part of the project include: • Grade-separation so that Pines Road passes under the BNSF railway • Add sidewalks and bicycle lanes to the Pines Road underpass • Lower the Pines Road/Trent Avenue(SR 2S0)intersection and add lane capacity • Close the University Road{BNSF at-grade crossing a Benefits of the Project: •Overall project benefit-cost ratio is 5.1 using a 3%discaurt rate, • Decrease transportation costs and improve long-term efficiency,reliability,and costs in the movement of workers and goods, • Enhance the access and reliability to close to 600 acres of prime, buildable industrial-zoned and 170 acres of mixed-use and commercially-zoned land, • Generate approximately$1.2 billion in state economic output including 8,700 new jobs(4,300 of those in Spokane Val- , ley)and new general fund taxes[$'0.2 million for City and 5101.9 million for State), Eliminates the growing risk of conflict between roadway users and trains by separating uses,would eliminate train-vehicle con flirts, remove automobile delays,and improve the LOS for the intersection from"E'to"A",and I *The addition of bike and ADA compliant pedestrian access on the overpass encourages alternative modes of transportation to nearby businesses,residences and schools. , Project Cost Estimate: Preliminary Engineering • $1,200,000 Right of Way&Construction = $3,0D0.COD Construction(CN l =$15,565,000 Total Estimated Project Cost =$19,769,000 ra uf? Ba�r�€e�r Intersection Ing rov►Improvements 'OO ne 13. Sms' � � � � dal tom° rou r =-r -ra�ww :: '- , • :. xY 4iloirtit )iJk q ...fir` .Y, +.• k. '�`L. iitijk AppfewayAve - _ as e -. ill- ee ui_ f1111 ricer Rd . - q a,.r IF rta'F' rr '. imp11.* i ¢ VAl . pragusearker 1 _ MI) - trrti . r ntersectlon lmprovemenfa �:: i inn. .-40+ µ - 4 _.r i t 1 1' ':: VAS ti { 1C .' t .I� y _ IFS`. -,,, "w . * r _tea _ ��e f 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Project Description: Barker/Sprague intersection is a unsignalized 4-way stop controlled inte-sect on. Barker Road accesses large tracts of undevel- oped residential land. Now,atter several years of slow growth during the sluggish economy the area is beginning to see strong increases in building activity, As traffic volumes increase due to development,traffic analysis indicates that a roundabout or traffic signal will be needed at this intersection in the near future. In 201a,during the design phase and during a public process a preferred Solution of either a roundabout or traffic signal will be built. Benefits of Project: The Barker/Sprague intersection improvements project will install a traffic control device that will accommodate future growth for many years to come. Project Cost Estimate: Preliminary Engineering(PE) = $39,000 Right of Way CRW) _ $17.000 Construction fCN 1 =$422,000 Total Estimated Project Cost =$471,000 This cost for this f roject will be a combination of City ar.d Develope funds, 14. Appleway Shared Use Path Pines Evergreen ..-00°N.......s I } yg IP e4. t • ' ,r rte _ '1. t air —' ., Y ,F , a.� a '� . = F.. • #L'�it.fM r p.. e 'irj? T •r 1` .,i' j '�' 1 ati^u-.,. • .. . „wa . °L4+-+ �T a �.- w~ to .a nY. 4 E ws r• „Cp i A•"R _ ,-�`°re ti. �=7 ,I Ma - �'" ;� •�ten' �c"a�-�" ill-----7,17- ',� vr� � � �5 ,, t. Ojar. i 4 (�a.4'2; ! 'i^A S S r—^ 5 I. Ill 1 ,,17— - .. y -I L t „ r all:'-2.1.i:11'15 A , , . .4. ,.. , .. .., ,, . . ,`r `1 " r ,I -�.. 4. .� Fav J �• ■ ' ',• i r Fp,�way Trait Pines to+Evergreen '. '•44- • ” d ,� tli ref `� �. ri i.. ..� 4y IM I+0- pr.'+ • ''' i �• R, - y'$P `.r_ . - p • , Fir " ' , # "•ewe p . 74i. r. t -°. i .. - 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Project Description: The City's goal is to complete the Appleway Trail across the City from Balfour Park east to Liberty Lake. The length of Trail,when complete will be about 6 miles. This project continues the Trail another mile to the East from Pines to Evergreen. The Trail will be e 12• hot mix asphalt path. The Appleway Trail project will be landscaped including trees and an irrigation system. The trail will ' include lighting.benches,architectural features and stormwaterfaciiities. Where the trail crosses the highway at Pines, a High intensity Activated crossWalK(HAWK)traffic signal is proposed.The purpose of a HAWK is to stop vehicles to allow pedestrians to cross the roadway and then permit drivers to proceed as soon as the pedes trians have passed. At Evergreen Road where the trail crosses, a Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacon (RRFB) is proposed. Including l RRFBs traffic control devices increases driver alertness for pedestrians. Benefits of Project: The trail accesses services such as banking, postal and government services, the City police department, retail services such as drug stores, supermarkets.office supply stores, and restaurants_ In addition, the trail provides access to multifamily housing and single family housing along the corridor. Employees now have a safe choice to walk and bike to access jobs. The Trail provides facilities for healthy lifesyles giving people the opportunity to walk and ride bikes in a safe urban environment. Project Cost Estimate: Only the construction phase for this project remains. The estimated construction cost is$1,926,0041 16 Coleman Road Sidewalk, 4th to 2nd Avenueihi ; a Val • e ' Coleman Sidewalk Project _t"', °f 4t11 to 2nd Avenue my -`--_— _. — .mow' wa w. >s Fes. Existing'Transit Slops Fi.jrior ' 1 _. If F _ -- -.i:,: - -- 7 AppI.. y Blvd .�— - ;-3 •a ] j- u J, F.,s, T 1 :6' ✓: i. -�. .. � _ ' "511*'. till a Jam..- >L • - - , of $.. -.S • J � ! Jam- - -��. - 11`'fR .i1 X.4 EagIa Polak Scl-oc+1, C.Itl Pratt `" I " & _ SI 1E _ - - e .. 14 ,.r Ellimantary - '+ y I` *,qc. a ..rz � .! r .. tiro. ::L•.1� K_St i;li• � 3 r Y DI _ _, ,,.-tet 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 ;i Project Description: The Coleman Sidewalk project will fill a gap in the sidewalk system from the Eagle Peak School to transit facilities on Appleway Boulevard and Sprague Avenue. Eagle Peak School is a special needs sch❑al staffed by over 30 professionals serving approximate- ly 100 students. This project will install about 430 lineal feet of sidewalk,curbing,and ADA compliant sidewalk ramps between e and 2"d Avenues along Coleman Road, Installing 430 lineal feet to fill this gap will provide more than 1,350 lineal feet of continuous sidewalk from l the Eagle Peak School to permanent transit stops on Appleway Boulevard and Sprague Avenue. Benefits of Project: The absence of a safe accessible route discourages many students from non-vehicle transportation alternatives.Wheelchair bound residents in particular must travel along the edge of.be roadway which increases potential vehicle-pedestrian conflicts. The transportation plan identifies sidewalk improvements for increased accessibility and installing sidewalks on streets that do not currently have any are goals of the plan. Eagle Peak School provides services to high-risk children with autism,behavior disorders, learning disabilities,and developmental delays. The staff has four dental health therapists and Is a licensed mental health facility. Many of students attending Eagle Peak ' School use transit at Appleway and Sprague Avenue to get back and forth to school. Providing continuous sidewalks to perma- nent stops allows safe access to transit services. Project Cost Estimate Preliminary Engineering(PE) =$25,000 Construction(CN) =$145,000 Total Estimated Project Cost =5170.000 17. Argonne Rd Concrete Pavement: 1-90 to Montgomery p,•kn ``' 'Valley _---:_-__:-._Th: ,_—___rt------o-ri )[ IR- - -- . . _ - -... -..-. ...-. -., ,-,. - .. 4 - •..' .,..9 it: . ,___,,,,--, , , , ,, L r ,: , - ,_.0. . _ _ _ _ ___ .,, , . r _ _ ..... \ , I' ',c," 1 rr-i—• - . 457- ..:- -''' • %-i- •..-4111116eA,,-`-- %.'...4-4 ' ---- — ---------. --ifriiii,, alley Ara,iJ._alienv" V w k1R s ��+ag'..•�� �+ k'�. '','I I ice.• �*—`i•—d�` _ n ��� .r� �, �� 'c" • • _'� • - -- s- ,i7-` 1 - ,• �,Ip-. . �, 1, ,a." F ti ' r. `r e -". . { i p +� a e * +� i '� ice' 1r • �. f k, a . + 0 - -- .alb ... .� " ,�,: _,,1,. - - -- fir. P .i` ke-- '.' —' .�.n• rooms Fed Concrete Pevem�et - L •• r I'. — ' - •' '' 4��~ 1-90 to MarygOmery yr —_ - .'•; :ate f 1 .. g 2'' •.- t , . * P„ -0 ilk �„ err: { a , .. i y� •;'. .. �. , ' , a we rd� iy1�rM1� _ - _ �y y r ft � - - = -'w ......ir r5iiJ-f- + n ��a # 4 , i i ,� -- r 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Project Description: Argonne Road from Indiana to Montgomery Avenues is about a if 4 mile(14401,7-lane asphalt concrete pavement that has ade- quate capacity for the traffic that is there today and expected traffic that will use the facility over the next 24 years, Out the road is quickly failing and has gcnc past the point where pavement preservation is an option. A full reconstruction is required. The solution is to fully reconstruct this roadway by rebuilding the base and constructing a thick structural reinforced Portland ce- ment concrete pavement surface. In addition, all pedestrian sidewalks and wheelchair ramps will be upgraded to meet ADA re- quirements, Benefits of Project: The City of Spokane Valley's Pavement Management Analysis Report(PMAR)allows staff to be good stewards by providing up-to- date roadway conditican information when selecting projects. The PMAR has identified Argonne Road as a reconstruct. With the high amount of traffic on this street and the high maintenance dollars being spent to maintain this roadway it makes sense to invest in reconstructing this roadway using concrete rather than continuing to spend scarce resources trying to preserve it, Pav- ing this street with concrete will provide a long design life. Project Cost Estimate: Preliminary Engineering(PF) = $S12,O00 Construction (al) =S3,211,OD0 Total Estimated Project Cost =$3,723,000 18 Appleway Trail - Evergreen to Sullivan `p ane 'uF"" 1le ',T '?4 wr.A,-t :: {;s s' ,. m ' 1i Lo dj� l — ?.Y "� l'A„ *yi u. 'zcriq . rsrt PA!, A 1 i +. '. I - �` + 't. -11 Appleway Trait- I' S rrap�w ;�. . ] �l '''" r' . ', 71 .7.,„_'71:._Eivergr�een to a:fil rl ,4 '.- .i ri , s { .�a. ",, II,,1 I•I 1 ++ . iit+ '4I - M of k f l`I a •- - ,r ..7 r'il M• P 4 j -..: I r . r . �' ,b d op, r ° r,I -, _ LL P-r 1 . . + Vdn + 5ulff - I� •. 1 "ems .ti rg :.. �• t awl , - E.. '0. 4,� i F �.F E . . ,� '. �+ _. 1 .. -tea• r.y5fh d ie AI moi^ •` �I'S'"� -• i '. �r I$ �,s" '` '' 6 .- ' it Al-4."--.:-.,47_,. �•. d . ,- . 41E5'�� Zvi.. i , t. L.. . .,. .... 2....,,, 1ielley.-Sake:::,,,..fyp J[ yI L T 'moi �; .•I ' :-Y, ,, w4� kI,lp:� j . k'*` °` .r' I +.ter "1 '4 I 1 i - - — 1,.' " me. . ' qi 1 � I ed ' • � -+4. 44p, $ , '+. , I , - ' •�7. + c 7. • ,6 �w P " A.!, ^ . N -J, E 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Project Description: The City's goal is to complete the Appleway Trail across the ON from Balfour Park east to Liberty Lake. The length of Trail, when complete will be about 6 miles. This project continues the Trail another mile to the East from Evergreen to Sullivan Road. The Trail will be a 121 hot mix asphalt path. The Appleway Trail project will be landscaped that will include trees and an irrigation sys- tem. The trail will include lighting,benches, architectural features and stormwater facilities. Benefits of Project: 1 The trail accesses services such as health care,banking, postal and government services, retail services such as drug stores,super- ' markets,office supply stores, and restaurants. In addition,the trail provides access to multifamily housing and single family hous- frig along the corridor. Employers such as the Nurni riga Corporate Offices, Monaco Enterprises, H & H Molds, and various retail services will allow walkers and bikers to access jobs. Project Cost Estimate: Preliminary Engineering IPE} _ $164,11CO Construction ICN} = 1,5353711.1O Total Estimated 'Project Cost =$1,699,1}[X) 19. Citywide Sidewalk Infill Project poi n: . , i ..-,..." ' i : . 1 '1 2 1 MO IIIM &MOE AV r , i)! '° . 1„ 9 . w tri _ t .. f .- e 1 t , { l t7 .w '1 { t yr iters _ s i i A >!1 e 71 S. S i. s i i„ 174 ' -. h M i i .. .71414.0',.1. 16111 AV, 11/ t ,-1 • •'! ,..-. ,..:; , _, ' d" 1 a , Legend • rrxrl ., 1. i '4 - _ n t-1-t-R31r�fl0 FerfiIAlan h'ehreri _r l n° f.- -, f = '.f4• •,••Clclunnlai —Repaead 510ewalki . a. 1 f tr 8dtsuaRa 9e nee - a ---r—DowrraYCrwswg 'a j .-e [ Llbrr<v stlna Shared Lis,Pa 1n M l"�+ =` W Dancet iU 3r. - -Proposed Spred ListPart .a � , 1:it m TryilfaaJ —P.6G�9lkr 6*age. 1-'5 i -- 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Project Description: This project will continue tie City's effort to nil in sidewalk gaps and improve transit access at selected locations throughout the City.The project segments will focus on improvements within the walking radius of schools,high density housing,commercial districts and transit facilities. Benefits of Project: The project would enhance nor-motorized t-ansportatien with the goal of increasing transit ridership,walking and hiking trips, while re&ting the need to drive_ sidewalks improve the accessibility of services,public facilities,and jobs, The project expands the choices for non-mo.arized travel between schools,recreation,commercial districts and residential areas. This is consistent with the City's comprehensive Plan to develop a balanced,integrated, multi-modal transportation system, ' which serves the existing and future needs of the area and provides convenient choice among modes For trips into and out of Spokane Valley:for work,school,shopping,personal business,and recreational purposes. Project Cost Estimate: Several funding sources are available for sidewalk projects, The City will pursue grants as they become available- The City match for these type of projects are from 0-20%. 1 20. Evergreen Resurfacing- Mission Connector to Indiana .: �- - - - - r . �' ".,.:, F^'--+• it T 'kb pokane Valle thane Evergreen Reaurfecing- `� � - - ,.: �lfitsslon Conneataar to frrdfa'ne • - y a , - ! � - - ,, 4 _ r II _ 1 ���: , .• '. 4�w sem * J OW ft! JU - v)d iallii I 11 i .n. fl afon Ave' . ,�'� s -'4• '- � -.' •� - inti�".'�:' - - '4 �Y�-�. tau _ -i'+`r-fv ' ..ate - _ - iiii - 7— .• ti 's^ .� North �." • II ` i a d ff • aw - l Cl x x_ '3' �. J - • r ,�y� �.� � Tey. ".L:4, 2017 2018 I 2010 f 2020 2021 _ 2022 Project Description: This preservation project will resurface and strengthen the existing pavement by grinding theexisting surface dawn below the existing ruts and cracks and apply new asphalt overlay to the surface. This project provides a sealed road surface and reestablish- es roadway slopes for good drainage. This project will improve bicycle facilities on Evergreen Road over l-90, There are bike lanes through this section of Evergreen Road but the bike lanes start and stop at the various ramp terminals and turning pockets. One of the desires for this project is to 1 provide positive guidance for bicyclists both from the standpoint of the bike user for better wayfaring and to make it clear to the motorists to expect bicyclists and to give them the right-of-way requirec to negotiate such a high-speed, large roadway. Benefits of Project: This project was identified in the City's 2014 Pavement Management Analysis Report as needing a thin to moderate overlay. i Streets requiring minimal treatment at the right time are selected as a priority for preservation for they provide the greatest cost benefit to the City—that is the greatest increase in life per rehabilitation dollar spent. This project benefits the City by using our limited dollars to preserve a key roadwaytl'at provides the greatest benefit for the least cost. updating Bike Facilities over the Evergreen lC will provide positive guidance for motorists and bicycl;sts over 1-91 Project Cost Estimate: Preliminary Engineering(PE) = $66,000 Construction CCN I =$591,OQO Total Project cost =$655.000 21. Sullivan - Trent (5R-290) to Wellesley Corridor Lighting ., We!esfeyrAve v -r - ,� i NIL , ; vi. lop lop wit WA a. Ilr , �� 5 ,. R ', _ ifir. e 474 % 3.. a a `.} :` te ` r_= r' -. Am ,.� .,. �_ _ ��1144 , Jrlr. Jr _ -�f '' 0,, 44 . ¢ — . .0---• --i 4,,, , - _ -,--l• T. Trent ISR-290)10 learn Tey , .!!.. r 't. }G , i tio''' '"� CorridorLigrhtingr '' "�,= a A _ a, ,,. �J /O. r d.1 �In ': ' - C + a1. Wf V. i - r '= -- , � 1, moi;, °� .'111 I I ,F _ -- r it te. a ' „: c.air & WI l' r': - .1.t I. - ... a. - i: r r • .lam s -. , _ IL4 1 Not(SR-290) I9jl fP - d it rid ..ti _ a l lei.. - ' North 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Project Description: This project installs street lights along Sullivan Road beginning at Trent(5A-290i north to Wellesley Avenue. This project was iden-y tified in the recently completed North Sullivan Corridor Study that saw increased night time crashes through this section of Sulli- van Road. Street lights have been shown to reduce nighttime crashes anywhere from 12-30%. Benefits of Project: By adding streetlights,this project will reduce the number of nighttime crashes along Sullivan Road between Trent and Wellesley Avenue. Project Cost Estimate: Preliminary Engineering(Pp) _ $90,000 Right of Way(RW • $50,000 Construction{CN) - =$600,000 Total Estimated Project Cost ,$740,000 22. Appleway Trail - University to Balfour Park `pokan ....00Valley � aur �. % ' Eta/f 01 I� Possible site for - r -�, r� � , ivrealife_.i* � ,� . ",: ~'-I Spokane,Valley _,...4000, M1 ' T� anal Library `i:• I # y a I Haroci 744 r — — Sprague Ave — _5 �, li " t • r �•. 7 — " • University rssty j 1f f l: _ _ _ • _ i. -� - 4 roc ' 11° !; . --� thew Applewi.y = I - Dartmouth Trail . - S "-,y'' °.'-,--- — - - T i 4 q_ -. -:, r .1: 1 '1 ,, , - , '� Cen I... , `saw '. , 2017 I 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Project Description: Th.e City's goal is to complete the Appleway Trail across the City from Balfour Park east to Liberty Lake. The length of Trail,when complete will be about 6 miles.This project continues the Trail another 34 mile from Balfour Park to University Road. The Trail will be a 12' hot mix asphalt path. The App ieway Trail project will be landscaped that and include trees and an irrigation system. The trail will include lighting, benches,architectural features and stormwater facilities, The Appleway Trail from University to Balfour Park connects the University City Mall, Balfour Pork,and the City's future City Hall to the Appleway Trailhead at University. Benefits of the Project; This project is probably one of the most important components of the entire Appleway Trail project in that it connects walkers and bikers to shopping, a park,municipal government, and possiblya County/City library. Also,this portion of the trail would con- nect people to the Spokane Transit Authority's Transit Center,giving people the option to use the bus to work,shop,play,and ' conduct their business here in Spokane Valley. I The Trail provides facilities for healthy lifestyles giving people the opportunity to walk and ride bikes in a safe urban cnuironrnent. Project Cost Estimate: Preliminary Engineering(PC) =$110,000 Right of Way(PW} =$120,ODO i Construction ICN) =$520,000 Total Estimated Project Cost =$750,000 24. Broadway @ Argonne/Mullan Concrete Intersection (CN only) 04* _I - t+ ---°' ,i+. __ - ..,, a .�..+ Y,a l tiR - 4_. ,fid ; •• �,. , _ A Imo •➢' k.."'` ~j.._. �— VI iw! Aii .- a ti'?"-j , �j = i t TTT `, ++ 3y� - " F t M 4 c L q lif - V\-- Jr k . _. __`I _ -•-els S1F Ik ...,,,e,„._ . ,,, 1 8roadwa Ava 1- te —• '. "_ _ .. '" -.. YµF y (rj/,!`, i i .. :i e f , y - 1 .3 y6 %)-,.., t'F a ifsi i Jr J ni 2 I P� o R-i _w 4 r , . { ;1 T. K . . ___ r i ` "`: _ -� �r E is �, , ;z 1 1 y it 4 - 4 r. 1 ; k.. If' _ 4- .. _. S c- 11, _- -` fir T 3 # r. ❑° i r a o w i oK ne sem+ 1,-,.f.�'-._� , 4J1 i « ;t Val ley. . . .,1 x + .' t i i 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Project Description: This project will reconstruct the intersections of Broadway Avenue at Argonne and Mullan Roads with a reinfo-ced Portland ce- ment concrete pavement and provide ADA upgrades as necessary_ Benefits of Project: The existing intersection is experiencing severe rutting.raveling and longitudinal cracking, Significant truck traffic continues to destroy the pavement. Preservation of the existing pavement is not an option in that the existing pavement section does not have the structural integrity to support the heavy turning trucks. TO reconstruct this intersection using PCC Pavement at.B de- signed depth with adequate base to support the type of traffic using it will many years of service This is the most cost effective solution and the least expensive for the taxpayer. Project Cost Estimate: This project has been designed and right-of-way is being purchased in 2016. The construction cost for this project is estimated to be 51,703,000. 25. Mission Ave-Flora Rd to Barker Rd poi ane``' ` Val ley at '.T. t --... a ti R Ir M T M - tee - . �F* { Z '11 ission Ave Flora t0 �'k. "` .L. - • • rker. Road 1� ., '.,. -, d .b. Ei . - r, y. ' • a_ i � . a �_ • - 1. , I .fd 9. i yN It lora y i , a °— —L S, " u i-, . . , �.y . rteymRA. ` r-• N. • ry l` 'M' t • om L ,47-.4,-;,:,-.7, al , :l"'.—yL. k . ` y� _ 7ft' -� rfc,,_____41_ bV # �. ` ,1?".. Yy _ . i {Gren acres C. •�} _ r ` , ! a I. + icy 1 F % iti 5. • 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 t Project Description; Mission Ave from Flora Road to Barker Road will be constructed to a 2-lane urban section with bike lanes in each direction. Mission is a minor arterial that connects the major commercial districts along Sullivan and Indiana to the North Greenacres Neighborhood and Liberty Lake, The route currently carries approximately 21700 vehicles per day,but this is Empected to significantly Increase to a 20-year projected ADT of 1114001. Benefits of Project: The project will accommodate the rapidly growing neighborhoods surrounding the project. Greenacres Park has recently been built on the south end of Long Road and a new elementary school is proposed for the SW corner of the intersection of Mission and Long. The school and the park will generate significant pedestrian traffic from the surrounding neighborhood along Mission Ave.The pro- ject also improves access to two trailheads fc r the Centeno al Trail along the Spokane River at the north end of Flora Road and the west end of Old Mission Ave. Project Cost Estimate: The design and right-of-way is being completed for this project in 2016_ The estimated construction cost for this project is $3,969,CQO. 26. Broadway Improvement Project-Flora to Barker eggiff.:::.;: Val leY 7 _— o'2�i�, !c'S-6 •- :a----;FS' , , , }‘..,ks-q- 'y • oacmay.Jarrprovemant _ - -- __ +/lif ed, - -- yr , .L'.. 3i ., _ , roF �s.x 1 .__ ,:1_, _ .,,, 4....,0,..!-•-• ,,_ -• - . * ■• r #k.s • h�`,�"- p. l.a w.a,*J 7 -.. r If r_ iv.r,., a,� 7 *t' -- , 7 t 44 w: - zr r '0, I, .a.1 r +s J i it . • �� ;n ''fi1i, .+ ,y yam,�r. Cay - -11 � iffr_ • . r sJrra 1 i n 'to +,' L - p1 : � #a r{y .T l"1 �` v , '* E ' ti + '. f...":.� A i. .1..1.1. .•iL •J or a.' ti i h'r • of _ter r r 1 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Project Description: The Broadway Improvement Project between Flora and Barker Road will connect Broadway between Flora and Barker Roads and improves Broadway Avenue to a 3-lane urban section with bike lanes,curb,gutter,sidewalks and swales. i Benefits of Project: The project will provide access to large vacant parcels that have limited access because the current Broadway Avenue does not go through from Flora to Barker. Also,this project will allow those traveling east on Broadway to Barker and the interstate unre- stricted travel east of the Flora and Broadway roundabout. This project will give drivers,bikers and walkers direct access to Bark- er Road. Project Cost Estimate: Preliminary Engineering(PE) = $543,000 Right of Way(RW) = $500,000 Construction+;CN 1 =54,1+3,000 Total Estimate Project Cost =55,206.000 27. Evergreen � Broadway ITS .�pvkan Valles, nrdr 'Jr .7 - i u 1- o E:- I r` � ia-'ik-[inn-U�• [li _ }''�- ■ „ y` I `` --- •-._ - f -. .- #° -- . ;p ' i [ = iv- t .4ftw rg'rem e n &Broadway ITS • • 7.1 aim.,.N - l o ... m m, .- .. ,. -- d a � i f �•a L. fir. nr _ opiF "j , t lei- ""^m• l 4_ .. verrreen • ..-• C 'p rtu rl 1ty _ " - ' ,- Note: Blue Una Indicates the extent of • Communication and Traffic Sigma!Corridor that will ,7 i_I• _ x. LW Uam,pteted wrrh ih's crolect. . [ ' '4 T North • it.rja -i:a Ern v ° ea 16th Ave - _ w - -- ' -;° - i ; Saila. .f.K y�� .__ _ i -i,`..._.t.— �m, a� - f-5. m•w. 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Project Description: This project installs an ITS(Intel'igentTransportation System)communication system to improve traffic flow, reduce congestion, and reduce emissions on Evergreen from Sprague to 16th Avenue and along Broadway from Pines Road (5R-27)to Evergreen Road. Benefits of the Project The Project will reduce travel time and stops along Evergreen and Rroadway. In addition,the project reducesemissions along corridors keeping the air clean in Spokane Ve Rey. The project increases economic development by reducing delays to Freight trav- el, reduces fuel and maintenance costs for freight carriers and the public, reduces the operational cost for traffic signal manage- ment, and improves the monitoring of the traffic signal system to enhance efficiency(emergency situations and operations). Project Cost Estimate Preliminary Engineering = $206,000 Right of Way&Construction — $50,000 Construction (CN} =$1,584,{}00 Total Estimated Project Cost -51,87E1,000 29. Barker Road- Euclid to Trent Sgvlar Valley f 'Trent Ave- SR-290 _ ,r `� . - ... .L . -, ,— • Rirker Rd-Euclid to 0.1 mi S of Trent Ave(SR-290) rrINI � t- r - 44�'ilfu 11+01 tet _-,-2V R.--�--.'r C }� 1st�L 0,r. f c�' /�yMr+/^y�+}1.' `�' { f' 11 pa. T t .} s rr..F'+•' '' 01 A.k •F w!ic... /*V"� • •�- - s. roll s7 C9 e tri. V e! •, '_ — - - 5 .. 1,-.4e74,,, V 3 g * enc - 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 1I Project Description: Barker Road from the Spokane River to Euclid intersection will be widened to a 5-lane roadway with 2 lanes in each direction and a middle turn lane,and will include bike lanes,sidewalks and wales. Benefits of Project: Barker Road accesses the heart of the city's industrial area and traffic is expected to grow by 3BM by year 2040- Widening the road anticipates future growth and will be in place as the industrial land is developed. New bike lanes and sidewalks will extend access to Trent Ave(5R-29D) and neighborhoods on the north side of the highway and east to Otis Orchards along Wellesley Aver ue. Project Cost Estimate. Preliminary Engineering(PE)_$471,000 Right of Way(RW)-$100,000 Construction [CMM =$3,613)110 Total Estimated Project Cost=$4,184,400 30. Barker Rd Improvement Project-Appleway to 1-90 r%=wf ; l , l L4 i � 1_ _ - _ ..-. emad4i AyetrUQ , - - q,.. �. - - Barker Rd Imp'Project-Apple way to 1-90 .-, r • 7•'411.. 1 € �_ 7 R im. *keel x , w ' R .�_. _Y LL _ f f. Y t iii t. 4r I rr y y ja_ r :' -Nu. . , r --••--- ..:` 4.''' ...it "' \, ;:',,,060.• . ir Valle vat . 2017 , 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Project Description: Barker Road will be widened to a 5 lane urban arterial section from Appleway to the Barker Road 1-90 interchange (IC). The east leg of Broadway Avenue will be realigned to match. Broadway on the west side of Barker Road.The new intersection will either be a 2-lane roundabout or traffic signal. Barker Road will include new bike lanes, sidewalks, and swales. Benefits of the Project: Barker Road between Appleway and the Barker Road 1-90 IC is an important arterial link. Appleway is the east end of the l-90 Business Loop and accesses the heart of the commercial district in the City of Spokane Valley. New sidewalks and bike lanes will connect to the Appleway Trail on the south and provide a link over 1-90 to the Centennial Trail along the Spokane River. This area is ripe for development and redevelopment and this upgrade will provide good transportation facilities to facilitate that growth. Project Cost Estimate: Preliminary Engineering(PE) a $382,000 Right of Way(RW) _$1,146,000 Construction{Cry} =$2,39/.000 Total Estimated Project Cost -S3,629,000 31. Barker Rd Improvements-South City Limits to Appleway -v=,w^a �I- -'- " - , , - Val �`L Valley . •OF h. ,� � - �.. -�_-_��� :7—r—I . 3_ Y sF r - . 'er iii � - �,,y. -.�— . r r -: 'rtrer fail Imp,J 4slij _ .-: : .77; : �- i_l' Of a F•" - iw_- gid- 1 1� i _ :l f _ z5 { i . J r +a,a.e.,� i t x r . v y1 1. ' ore re j , 1 . gi, North 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Project Description: The Barker Road Improvement project from the South City Limit to Appieway is about 0,8O miles long and will be widened to a 3- lane urban section that will include bike lanes,curbs,sidewalks, and swa les. Barker Road traffic is steadily increasing due to significant housing development in both the City and the County. The existing road was constructed when this section of the City was primarily rural and Barker Road was a farm to market road. In most places the road is one lane in each direction,narrow,with gravel shoulders. The drainage facilities are at a minimum with few swales' Crash rates are slowly increasing and as the area becomes more developed,crashes are expected to increase. Benefits of Project: This project wi'I upgrade the existing road to urban standards. A new center turn lane will provide le't turn refuge out of the mainline traffic. rtew bike and pedestrian facilities will be installed to give residences more options in transportation. Rebuilding , and widening the road is expected to reduce crash rates. Project Cost Estimate: Preliminary Cngineering(PE) = $326,000 i Right of Way(RW] = $25,t}00 Construction(CN) =$24502,000 Total Estimated Project Cost -$2,554,000 c n Ok ne 33. pines I-90 IC, City Intersection Improvement P Va ll B iiri.-_, ._- 577 in.-1, ,.7 a. z! i I:— .,gy. m- - - _ 3X, e�' f0- .. ''1liqkt„ - a- • ' • -1 _ f off .. A ,�-.`e '�•` ;•,i,f i ' �- ryl - -i 1 , A.,- r� — v I TyV It '„1 rl t 201 ' 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Project Description: The Indiana& Pines{5R-27)Traffic Signal project installs a new double left turn lane for eastbound left turning traffic. The left turn bays will extend east beyond the l-9C eastbound offramp, Two traffic signals will be updated to include the added lane. In addition,new lanes will be added to the Mission and Pines intersection for east and westbound traffic. 13enefts of Project: Adding new lanes and upgrading the traffic signals along Pines near the I-90 Pines Road interchange will reduce delay and provide added capacity will reduce the bottleneck that is beginning to develop at this key inter[hange in the City. Project Cost Estimate: Preliminary Engineering(PE) = $250,000 Right-of-way(RW( = $300,000 Construction (CN) =$1.A0C),000 Total Project Cost =$1,85D,000 i 1 34. Mirabeau/Mansfield Intersection Improvements lit iIl - fry'' t _ p'_1 t `1� 4R � t !' Spo� an U. 4_ "` % i�]irabcaru Parkway �; -•- Mirabea iMac fiefrf 4 a_ _ fratorsecrion i=mfrroven ears -' ate f „it / r ra _mf1elcidive - - ..!0:0. 110\00: .- - _ North. . " A 2317 2018 2019 2020 2021 .-.3.. . 2022 Project Description: The MIrabeau Pkwy&Mansfield Traffic Signal project installs a new traffic signal at the intersection. New commercial develop- ment along Mirabeau Pkwy and potential development along Mansfield Avenue will increase traffic volumes at the intersection. Benefits of Project: Installing a new traffic signal at Mirabeau Pkwy&Mansfield Avenue wi II increase the level-of-service at the intersection from LOS "F"to "LOS"B during the AM &PM Peak Hour. A failing LOS places the burden of mitigating this condition on new development which is oftentimes cost prohibitive to new development. Installing a traffic signal at this location will encourage business to la- ctate and develop along Mirabeau Pkwy and Mansfield Avenue. Project Cost Estimate: Preliminary Engineering(PE) =$110,000 Right-of-Way(RW) =$100,000 Construction(CN+ =5550,000 Total Project Cost =$770,000 35. Argonne Rd 1-90 IC Bridge Wideningpa ar .. Valley \\,,,.-----) , - , i�1h rd' .p' , IAL_ .I ^,k4 1 T- A 1 i.—� ,.-Y' °15 `' y , 1 v - S '' t { 1 Uj ro r — `* r _ _ 1 kNQEH ��A ORME 70� 5,. , •„-- _.-,_, mcglNE 6 irstC1 ENT nura9ER N7 yI 1 I 1 ' I I I _ 1 r - SIDE ie ,;_,.,W I I - __ -, 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 1 Project Description: 1 Argonne Road north and south of the interchange is three lanes,except over the interstate,where Argonne Road travels aver a 2. lane bridge. This creates a bottleneck and significantly adds delay and congestion in the peak travel hours. I The City recently completed the Urr[versity Gveroass Resort that recommends adding a third lane and a sidewalk to the bridge. According to the report,adding an additional lane mould significantly reduce delay through the 2040 design year. This project wi I add another 12 foot travel lane,a 6 foot wide shoulder and a 10 foot sidewalk to the Argonne Road bridge over I- 90. Benefits of Project: The project relieves corridor congestion and significantly reduces travel time. By 2010, according to traffic modeling, if no lane were added,the time to drive south from Trent to Mission would take about 7 minutes. By adding another lane to the bridge the same trip would take just under 2 minutes. The project supports future plans for STA% "Fly-over" Stop at Argonne Interchange when they implement the High Performance Transit Network(HPIN l, Widening the bridge and adding a new 10 foot sidewalk and widened shoulder provides improved pedestrian facilities per the City's Carrprehensive Ran. Project Cost Estimate: Rreliminary Engineering(ME} = $9,0,000 Construction{CN] `$5,760,000 Total estimated project cost tl$6,660,000 36. Barker Rd Improvement- Spokane River to Euclid i pokane a..r •. ' �.__ 7 .•} rF I1. _ - 4 t "- '2' ice..' ii N # 2 �' ____,---i-,1---1" d` acidA�. - r" : 1 -- , i : ' :rker-Spokane River to Euclid ; 1 , - . r : =x' r s N, s a.1411 °I I r'• _ . "- ,�„ •.^rfr rN.�"ly. >r s 11. Ak�� RPII.. a r+ � r 111 111.114 _ r r I r� i6i . { ';r '.sr.e �* -- . i F.,a:,� /.4"....-',...;,°..- '�_' .e .Y P. P.ty . ' l.i.";4' ' # • 716E �. 5 i fpm epi, i 1• s ..kr* +ir .. nr gra ,s . 4� ., ti '+„.4 0 P ! +cs .,:..0.. ''A=-' ' '' ' —.,L'-- v ; - h arth 1 ' L kr 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Project 0escriptiion: Barker Road from the Spokane River to Euclid intersection will he widened to a 5-lane roadway with 2 lanes in each direction and a middy turn lane, and will include bike lanes,sidewalksand swales. i Benefits of Project: I Barker Road accesses the heart of the city's industrial area and traffic is expected to grow by 38%by year 2040. Widening the road anticipates future growth and will be in place as the industrial land is developed. Adding bike lanes and sidewalks i ill ex- tend access to theCentennial Trail along the Spokane River,STA bus stop Route 9$, and to various commercial businesses. Project Cost Estimate: Preliminary Engineering(PEI = $378,000 Right of Way(RW) = 525,000 Construction{CN} =$2,899,000 Total Protect cost 43,302,000