1985, 03-19 Address Change • Spokane County K Department of Building & Safety JAMES L.MANSON,DIRECTOR March 19 , 1985 Tupper Inc . 12929 E . Sprague Avenue Spokane, WA 99216 Re : Address Change Dear Sir : The following is a listing of address changes our office has made for residences currently under your construction : Old Address New Address Lot Block 1 ) 14801 E . Wabash Ct . 14821 E . Wabash Ct . 2 8 2 ) 14819 E . Wabash Ct . 14919 E . Wabash Ct . 5 8 3 ) 14820 E . Wabash Ct . 14920 E . Wabash Ct . 8 8 4 ) 14825 E . Wabash Ct . 14925 E . Wabash Ct . 6 8 5 ) 14820 E . Summerfield Ct . 14922 E . Summerfield Ct . 18 8 It is extremely important for emergency vehicle purposes that these addresses be posted and remain as assigned . Should you have any questions , please feel free to contact me between 8 a .m. and 4 p .m . , weekdays . Sincerely , DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY 9(13 ( 7---a Jeff Forry Building Technician JF/dl