09-097.00 Kilgore Construction: Pool Upgrades CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY PUBLIC WORKS INFORMATIONAL C4VER SWEET , FOR CITY MANAGER CHANGE ORDER (FIELD) DIRECTIVE Date: June 15, 2009 Budget Account No: CIP # 073 (PR), 074 (TV) & 075(VM) AGREEMENT TOPIC: ' Swimming Poal Upgrades-Contract 08-009, Ghange Qrder -Praposals (COP 046R, COP 0499 COP 050), far a Change Condition BACKGROUND: The Swirnmuag Pool Upgrades entails the upgrade of three (3) Swimming Pools located in the Gity of Spokane Va1Xey. The Pool Upgrades are Park Road, Valley Mission, and Terrace View a11 located in the , City of Spokane Valley. Construction, for these projects, started on. March 31, 2008. SCQPE OF CHANGE: . (COP 048R) At Terrace View, the pole ligbt at the SE sxde of the feature will, -be re-aimed to direct light down. Thus is in response to complaints received form a resident adjacent to the park. Approximate cvst for this work additional work $420. ' (COP 049, FA # 14) Afi Terrace View, the original pump designed for the hoop feature had an und.ersized pump. The pump will be replaced and the holes re-si.zed waith nozzles. Some of this cost may be recouped frorn the architect as a design deficxency. Cost for the pump an.d nozzles are approximately $9,500. .(COP 050, FA #15) At Terrace View, large amounts of debris and material a.re gefiting iato the pool. Tlu"s . - rs causing the nozz_ les from the water feature to plug, subsequently an in line f lter is needed to be iustalW to mitigate the situation. Cost for the filter and labox to install is approximately $2,145. A sumunary of the Public Works Director's change order autho.rity for this proj ect is as 'follows; The co-ntingency fund for this project has been established at $200,000. In addition, the council approved additional fundiag needed for t.he new pool drai:ns required under tlie Virginia Graeme Baker (VGB) Acf Not to Exceed (NTE) $100,537.79 at the May 26" cauncil meeting. T.his raises the change or,der authority for the project to $300,537.79. A total of seven (7) change orders have been issued totaling xn the am, ount 0f'$136,540.63. Public `lVorks Director CO Authorifiy: 1 $ 75,000.00 Previous Change Order Authority Used by Public Works: , 59,940.74 Change Order Authority Used by the City Manager: - 76,599.56 Council Approval on 26 May 09 for new Pool .Dxains reqia.ired by tla.e Virginia $104,537.79 Craerne Baker (VGB) Act This Estimated Cha.nge Order Amount: 12,065.00 - - * The change for the VGB drain- is not to exceed $100,537.79. Tl e final cost for this work has yet to be determined. Please sign below to indicate your approval for us to direct the contractor to proceed with the work for the Cbange condition:''fthe fornial change order for and backup documentation wfll be submitted at a later date. - P:11'ublio WorkslPurchasinglGeneral Purchasing FormslXellow Sheet for Cfiange Order Directive.doc . - . -.s . , , . a 4~ lic orks Director Pro' c Manager . ~l Parks Director ATTACHMENTS: NONE P:1Aublic WorkslPurchasingl(3eneral Purchasing FormslYellow Sheet for Change Order Directive.doc ~ - . , . . ~ ~ . , • i . ~ ~ Public Works Dlrector Pro Manager . ~ . ~ ~ :~f 4Dte Parks Direcfor David Merc'r, City Manager ~ eTTACHMENTS: ~ . NONE . ~ . ~ ~ . -I . 1 I ~ ~ . . ! ~ ~ ~ . I E ~ ' I y . ~ ~ ~ P:1Publio NVorkslPurchasIagMncral Purchaging PomtslYcltow 3hett for Change Ordet Directive.doo ;