09-094.00 Cameron-Reilly: Sprague ADA Improvements i . _ Communlry Devetoprttent 61ock Grant ProJect R'o.: 08-24 , ikji, O°~~ane ° a ~~`alley` CHANGE ORDER TO CONSTRUCTION COHTRACT N0: 09•002 ' DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ~PROJECT: Sprague ADA Improvement ProJect CONTRACT DATE: 4M7/2009 CONTRACTOR: Cameron-Relltv, LLC ? CHANGE ORDER NO: 1 CAPITAI IMPROVEMENT PROJrzCT NO: 0097 ^ BID NO.: 08-020 R DESCR1P710N OF CHANOES This Change Ordet adds constructkon of 147 SY of nsw sfdewaik eni assodeted worlc. Contract Item No DescdpUon ~ Cluantily Unit Unft Price Tctal MQDtlizatlon 1 LS S2.004.00 $2,000.00 Temporery Traic Conttol 1!.S 5780.00 $750.00 9 CSTC 33 TON $21.00 $693.00 14 Cement Concrete Sidewalk ~ 147 SY $40.00 $5,880.00 18 Sad InstailaUon 71 SY $20.00 $1,420.00 19 Bark Mulch 18 SY $20.00 $360.00 22 Remove ExEsting Sod and Excaveqon 238 SY $10.00 S2,360.00 The consUucUon work ts funded by a 100% CDBO grant. . ~ Totaf Amount of this Chanpe Order( Inol. Tax): $13,463.00 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION OtigEnal Data: 611612009 Prior to this Ciange Ordar SI1612009 Inctuding this Cfi~ange Order: 6h9/2009 )dqinaf Worktnq Dat+s: 16 Workino Davs Added bv this CO: 3 Worlcina Davs lncludina thls CO: 18 C, r ' THE8E CHANGEB RESULT IN 7Hr: FOLLOWING ADJUSTMENTS OF TOTAL CQNTRACT PRICE: ' OR(GINAL CONTRACY AMOUNT a ~v 63,261.00 TOTAL PRlOR CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER~AMOUPrT S 0.00 T07AL CONTRACT PRlCE PRIOR TO THlS C~ANGE ORDER S 53,261.00 NET 7HIS CHANGE ORDER $13,463.04 TOTAL CONTRACT AM0UNT INCLUOlNO THiS CHANGE ORDER $ 66,724.00 This change oMer adds 3 days to cantracl tfma. f CONTRACTOR ACCEPTANCE• ~ DATE: I' The conVactor hereby accaPts thta ~d~r`tment undoe,ts~e~the original oonirect t 1 work pertomod. ~ / ~ ~ RECOiV1MENDED BY: • ~%f/~i~~~~,~1~,~1' DAYE: ,~p •~S~' O ~ / I i APPROVED BY: • ( DATE: _ i~ I ~C8[SI0 . bli6 WOt1C! QU~ClOf ~ . ' V APPROYEO BY: / DATE: D bluctar, Cip/ Man~Ser ~ 4 ATTACHMENTS: CO 1 Soedflona I ~ DfsbfbuUon ~ ORICiINAtS T0: Conlracta, Cfpl ofSpokene VeRsy Ger t's Oflice, PW Pro)eoi FlIe COPIES T0: PW Prolect File P.PuLlic vror.wwrcn"¢W FW2ar=n , r C-041-vq~1