09-089.00 Kilgore Construction: Spokane Valley Pool Upgrades o~r•b CHANGE ORDER CopiGS t0: Owner X ORB Form 300 Arcnitec, x (This form is to be oxecuted in trlpUcate end each party is to retain an original) Cflntractor X Projcct Name: Spokane Valley Swimming Pool Upgrades Date: 14-May-2009 Project Address: Park Road - N 906 Perk Road Change Order Tenace View - 13500 E 24" nvc No.: 007 Valley Mission - E 11123 Mission Contractor Name & Kilgore Construction, Mc. ORB Project No: 2701 Address: P.O. Box 367 18621 N. Yale Contract For: General Colbert, WA 99005 Construction Contract Date: 2-Apr-2008 All supporting dacumentation for the items listed below have been attached to this document. 1. Proposal Request 044 - Valley Mission modify deck slopes $ drainage along existing edges $5,063.64 (Site survey data was insufficient to define variaUons in elevations) Contract time associated with this item 0 Calendar Day(s) 2. Proposal Request 045R - All Pools provide suroey work to confirm exlsUng pool drain condiUons $2,53527 (Required to comply with new Virginia Gramme Baker legislation) Contract time associated with this item 0 Calendar Day(s) 3. Proposal Request 046 - Valley Mission provide sod in lieu of seed along new trail to Splashdown $7,941.07 (Requesied by Owner to mitigate disturbed surfaces by public) Contract time assoclated with this item 0 Calendar Day(s) 4. Proposal Request 047 - Terrace Visw oosts associated with sprinkler system spray onto river prep $929.25 (Pool World time 8 material to dry out and chemical wash freshly primered surFaces) Contract time assoaated with this item 0 Calendar Day(s) TOTAL COST IMIPACT OF THIS CHANGE ORDER $16,469.23 Excludes Sales Tax Total time adjustment this change otder........ 0 Calendar Day(s) Contract Sum The Original Cantract Sum was $2,664,018.00 Net Change by previausly authorized Change Orc1er(s) was $120.071.40 The Contract Sum prior to this Change Order was $2,784,089.40 The Contract Sum will bejunshanged} [increased}{desceased} by this Change Order in the amount of $16,469.23 The new Contract Sum incorporating this Change Order will be $2,800,558.63 Exdudes Sales Tax Contract Time The Original Substantial Completion Date was June 5, 2009 The Contract Time has been modified on previously authorized Change Order(s) by 0 Calendar Days The Contract Time will be [unchanged] ' by 0 Calendar Days The Substantial Completion Date incorporating this Change Order will be .lune 5, 2009 This Change Order must be signed by the Owner. Architect and Contractor to be vaUd. ORB Arcfiitects, Inc. Kilgore Construction, Inc. City of Spokane Valley Architeci Contrector Owner 607 SW Grady Way, Suite 210 PO Box 367 11707 E. Spraque Ave, 5uite 108 Address Address Address Renton, WA 98055-2977 Colbert, WA 59005 okarte Valley, WA 99206 City, State, Zlp Code Cily, State, Zip Code i a,'p Code ne J ~ n B Signed By ~ v/ g y Wck Charbonneau y .a'. %•^e i ~ Prtnt Name Print N~ e /ri Name May 14, 2009 ~//4/(/9 Date Date Date C,O ~ ~ o $°I