09-088.00 Inland Asphalt: Pines Mansfield Congestion Relief - . ~ Wa5h1ngton Stat~ CAW Department of Transportatian Ch,ange Order - MII'1D1' Cr1ange Con#rac# Number Contract Titfe Federal Aid Number TA-2942 Pines-Mansfield Corridor Congestion ReliefProjec# CM-9932(032) Charrge Qrder Number Change Description Date 24 Irrigatinn additivns a.nd deletians May 21, 2009 Region Praject Engineer ~ Phone Number Eastern Region Steven M. Worley 509-658-0198 Prime Contractor Hand, A.sphalt Companv M Ordered by Engineer under the terms of Secfion 1-04.4 af the Standard Specifications Change prvposed hy Contractor Change Descriptian The C'reneral Special Provisions for xhis project are supplemen#ed as follows; Description The Contractor shall delete the irrigation systems for swales 3 and 4. In addition, the Cantractor shall repair damage caused by construction ta existing sprinlcler systems in Lot 2, Lot 4, Lat 12 and Lot 23. I Payment 'I'he lump su.m amount of $4205.12 shall be full pay far all labor, equipment and materials to perfvrm the work specified. Contract Time Con#ract time will not be adjusted as a result af #his Change Order. Ali work, materials and measurements ta be in accordance vvith the provisions af #he Standard Specifications and Speciat Provisions for #he type of carastructlon involved unless stated otherwise in this dacument. Original Contract Amount Current Cantract Amaunt Est. Net Change This C.O. Est. 14evised Contraet Amount $ 350619916.95 $ 3=71397.12 $ 4,205.12 $ 3,2317602.24 ~ Prime Con#ractor SEgnature or - , Da#e ~ -02_•Gq Method of CvncurrenCe: F u Prvject Engineer's Signature #or Executiono ~ Date distribution: Original wlAttachments - Steven M. Worley Copy of page 1 only w1o Attachments - lnland Asphalt ComAany Pa9e 1 Copy wlo Atka chments - ER Constructi an C]ffice ~ DQT Form 421-005A €F Capy wlo Attachments - State Gonstructian Office Revised 412002