09-085.00 Acme Concrete Paving: Sprague & Pines PCCP Intersection S~'~ik,ane ~ . ,;oOVAey CHANGE QRDER TO CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO: 09-024 DEPARTMEN7 OF PUBUC WORKS PROJECT: $praguelPlnea PCCP inberescOon Projeot CONTRACT DATH: 412412049 CONTRACT4R: Acme Corrorets PavingT Inc. CHANGE QRDER N0: 8 CAPITAL iMPRONEMENT PROJEGT NO: 0109 BID NQ,; 09-024 . DE8CRIPTION OF CHANGE8 This Change Order pays tor reustng good materfal excavated for drywells as embanfcment fllf betow subgrade elaveUon, Item No Descriptlon Unit Quentiqr Unit Price Tota1 80 Ptece 8 oompact Drywell excavailort as embankment CY 300 $6.18 $1,848.00 (tndudes Subcontrector Mat1c-up @ 12%) The work Is tunded by an STA grent and by the Ctty, Total Amount of this Ohange Orderf Incl. Taxl: $1,848.00 + $UBSTANTIAL COMPLETlON Origtnal Date: 8122/2009 Prior to thts Change Order. 6/M2009 lnc(udfng this Change Order: 812312008 ~,riqlnai Working Dava: 90 Work(ng bavs Added bv thfs CO: 0 Workfinp Davs fndudlng thts CO; . 31.5 THEBE CHANOEB RE8ULT IN THE FOLl.OW1NG ADJU37MENT8 OF TOTAL CONTRACT PRiCS: ORIG1NAl CONTRACT AMOUNT ..............~....._....~„.~....................,..r.~__._....~..~u.......~.».W.r...~ $634,428.26 TOTAL PR10R C4NTRACT CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT 27,485.45 TOTAL CON7RACT PRICE PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER 661,893.70 NETTHIS CHANGE OROER ,..,..,a..,,ro..„.~.»w..,,....~........_.._.M_..w..,..,........w.»...,....._ ..............d.,..,,~, 9,848.00 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT [NCLUDINO THIB CNANOE.MORDER ~ 863,741.70 Thts change order edds 0.0 day to contract time. CONTRACTOR ACCEPTANCE: ~ DATE; Z-Z~ l~ ~ 7- The oonVector hereby aocepts Ihls aaJustment undet ths terms of the origlnai oonUact tor afl work pertomed. _ DATE: 5 '27'0l RECOMMENDED BY: r^ APPROVED BY: ✓ 0 DAT-. C) ~ an. Pub~a Worka o " ~ ~ . io ~r _ra: ~ APPROVED BY: DATE: ~ Davld ktecdet, Gy Mannget ATTACHMENTS: D/stdbullon: ORl41NAlS TO: Canlreator, Clty of 8pokane Vatiey Clerk'a Offflce, PW PMect FIle ~ COP1E9 Td; i'W Prated Flle P:w~x wo~a~~n~at"Q''~o ~B~ts~oo» , coq- 085