09-075.00 Acme Concrete Paving: Sprague & Pines PCCP Intersection SFM&ke ,;oOVaUey CHANGE ORDER TO CONSTRUCTiON CONTRACT N0; 09-024 p~PAFtTMENT OF PU6l.IC W4RK8 . . PROJECT: SpraguelPinea PCCP (ntersectfo» PtoJect CONTRACT DATE: 412412008 CONTftACTOR: Acme Concrato Pav1ng, lna. CHANOE ORDER N0: 4 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO: 0103 BID NO.: 08-024 QE3CRiPT10N C)F CHANOES ~ Thts Change Order peys for extendlrtg ths praJeat matahiine 31 feet east to provide a more greduta transitlon beiween ltze exleting Sprsgue Avenue flniah grade and the ttew PCC panel elevailona. The work will Inctease the followtng btd ltems: Item No Oescrlptton Un1t QuanUry B!d Pr[ce 7otal 9 Remove Asphalt Ccncrete Pevement SY 980 $3.35 $1,206.00. 11 Remove PCC Paverr►ent SY 83 $4.16 $344.45 14 Roadway ExcavaEton, lncl, Haul CY 70 $18.00 $1 .054,00 18 CSTC TNS 142 $18.00 $2,658.00 20 HMA CL 112" 84-28 TN8 134 $85.00 $11.390.00 The work ls iuRded by an STA grant and by the City. Tota( Amount ot this Chanps Orderi Inct. Taxi: $10,648.45 , $UBSTANT(AL COMPLETION Ortginal Date: 6122/2009 Prlor to thJs Change Order. 812212009 lncluding thls Change Order. 6123/2009 ~OInal Workln$ DaYS; 30 Worklnq Qays Added bY thta Gq: 0.6 Worklna Dsys Inctuding th}s C0: 31.6 THE8E CHANGEB RE8ULT 1N YHE FOLLOWING ADJUSTMENTS OF TOTAL CONTRACT PRICE: ORtOINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $ $634,428.25 TOTAL PR[OR CONTRAC7 CHANGE OROER AMOUNT $ 10.919.00 TOTAL CON7RACT PR1CE PRIOR t4 TH18 CHANGE ORDSR $ 848,347.28 NET THl8 CHANGE ORDER $ 18,548.45 TOTAI. CONTRACT AMOUNT INCLUDINO THIS CHANGE QRDER 661,893,70 , This chenge order adds 0.6 day to contract ltme. ~ CONTRACTORACCEPTANCE: Iwe DATE: ~ ~ ~ ~ The contrector hereby aooepte lhla adjusiment under ihe terma of the orifltnal aontract fnr ett work perfwned. RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: APPROVEO BY: DATE: ~ iTtie keraten, VUblto a r or ` ' APAROVED BY: /T DATE: Cavid Merder, C~y Meneger ■ ATYACHMEN7S; DJsfdbutlon: ORIGlNALS i'0: Contractor, Ctty ofSpokana ValJey Clerk's Offtce, PW ProJeat File COP1ES T0: PW Prolect Flie P.P~e~cwor~rnurcnano~cotanenoo» , Co~1- 075