09-073.00 Acme Concrete Paving: Sprague & Pines PCCP Intersection S,;0OValley CHANGE ORDER TO CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO: 09-024 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS , PROJECT: Sprague/Pines PCCP Intersection ProJect CONTRACT DATE: 4/2412008 CONTRACTOR: Acme Concrete Paving, Inc. CHANGE ORDER NO: 2 CAPlTAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO: 0103 BID NO.: 09-024 DESCRIPTIOPI OF CHANOES This Change Order pays to furnish and install 3 Pullboxes. Each Pullbox shail meet WSDOT Std Plan J-90.1 Q00 criteria. Fumish & Install Pullbox per each = $2,500.00 Quantlty = 3 The work is funded by an STA grant and by the City. Total Amount of this Change Order( Incl. Tax): $7,500.00 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION ~ Original Date: 6/22/2009 Prior to this Change Order: 6/22/2009 Including this Change Order: 6/22/2009 )riginal Workinq Days: 30 Wortcing Days Added by this CO: 0 Workfng Days including this CO: 30 , THESE CHANGES RESULT IN THE FOLLOWING ADJUSTMENTS OF TOTAL CONTRACT PRICE: • ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $ $634,428.25 TOTAL PRIOR CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT 1,680.00 . TOTAL CONTRACT PRICE PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 636,108.25 NET TH18 CHANGE ORDER 7,500.Q0 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT INCLUDING THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 643,608.25 This change order adds 0 day to contract time. CONTRACTOR ACCEPTANCE: 1~ /C-~ DATE: " 2Z" O ~ C The contractor hereby accepts th(s adjustment under the terms of the original contract for all work perfomed. RECOMMENDED BY: DATE: APPROVED BY: DATE: NeU Keraten, Publio Works D rector v . APPROVED BY: ~ DATE: ~ - David Mercier, diry Man~ger ~ ATTACHMENTS: Dlsfrlbutfon: ORIGINALS TO: Contractor, Clty of Spokane Vailey Clerk's Office, PW ProJect Flle COPIES TO: PW Pro18Ct File P:Publfc Wo1kslPurcha(nglCO (9126J2007) ,ol- o~ 3