Agenda 08/11/2016 S11 'ane Valley Spokane Valley Planning Commission Regular Meeting Agenda City Hall Council Chambers, 11707 E. Sprague Ave. August 11, 2016 6:00 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. ROLL CALL IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: July 28, 2016 minutes VI. COMMISSION REPORTS VII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT VIII. PUBLIC COMMENT: On any subject which is not on the agenda. IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS: i. Election of Vice Chair ii. Study Session: Comprehensive Plan Update — Draft Goals and Policies X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER XI. ADJOURNMENT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Action Meeting Date: August 11, 2016 File Number: NA Item: Check all that apply: Study Session ❑old business ❑ new business ❑ Public Hearing AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Comprehensive Plan Update DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Presentation on draft Land Use map GOVERNING LEGISLATION:None BACKGROUND: Per RCW 36.70A.130(1),every county and city in the state is required to conduct an update of its comprehensive plan and development regulations every 8 years. The City of Spokane Valley's update is due no later than June 30,2017. Staff and the consultants are continuing to develop the Draft Comprehensive Plan. On May 3,2016, staff conducted a joint workshop with City Council and the Planning Commission to provide direction to City staff and the consultant team on the land use alternatives as well as goal and policy focus areas. On June 23, 2016, staff provided the results from the joint workshop with the City Council and the Planning Commission. Staff received feedback from City Council on the workshop results providing further direction on the development of the land use alternatives and the goals and policies. On July 14, 2016, staff provided a presentation on residential development in our region to offer context for the proposed residential development standards. On July 28, 2016, staff provided an overview of the draft land use map and the correlation to the existing conditions report, with an emphasis on the focused analysis of Medium Density Residential,Mixed Use,Office,and Neighborhood Commercial. Tonight, staff will provide an overview of the Comprehensive Plan draft goals and policies. The goals and policies provide the foundation for regulations, programs and actions. Ultimately, the goals and policies will be formalized in the Comprehensive Plan document, providing the City with a consistent policy source for making decisions and directing programs and activities. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Discussion STAFF CONTACT: Mike Basinger,Economic Development Coordinator Attachments: Draft Goals and Policies; PowerPoint LAND USE G Maintain and enhance the character and quality of life in Spokane Valley's neighborhoods. G Provide for a balanced mix of land uses essential to Spokane Valley residents, employees and visitors. G Transform commercial, industrial, and mixed-use areas into attractive,accessible districts that create economic vitality. G Ensure that land use plans, regulations, review processes and infrastructure improvements support economic growth and vitality. P Promote neighborhood-scale commercial uses in residential areas. P Implement strategies that are intended to support unique, high quality and locally owned retail in appropriate locations. P Preserve the natural features that make Spokane Valley attractive to residents and business owners. P Encourage the provision of common open spaces in neighborhoods. P Ensure compatibility between adjacent residential and commercial or industrial uses by regulating height, scale, setbacks and buffers. P Support neighborhood efforts to sustainably cultivate produce. P Protect residential neighborhoods from incompatible land uses and adverse impacts associated with transportation corridors. P Ensure that neighborhoods are served by safe and convenient motorized and non-motorized transportation routes. P Provide supportive regulations for new and innovative development types on commercial, industrial and mixed-use land. P Ensure that freight-intensive operations have convenient access to designated truck routes and intermodal terminals. P Support the remediation of environmentally contaminated sites to return the land to productive use. P Maintain a robust supply of productive industrial land as part of a balanced land use mix. P Work collaboratively with landowners and developers that seek to provide mixed-use residential projects. P Promote a variety of housing types. P Encourage development in commercial and mixed-use zones by reducing parking requirements. Spokane Valley Comp. Plan DRAFT Goals and Policies—8/09/16 1 P Maximize the density of development along major transit corridors and near transit centers. P Support voluntary efforts by local home and business owners to improve energy performance and produce or use sources of renewable energy. P When feasible, create public open spaces to link neighborhoods with commercial corridors and regional parks. P Identify and assess opportunities to annex lands within the UGA that will benefit Spokane Valley. P Support voluntary efforts by landowners and developers to incorporate low-impact development (LID) techniques in new development projects. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT G Provide economic opportunities for Spokane Valley residents. G Support business and employment growth. G Create and cultivate a City brand that supports economic growth and leverages existing community, economic and natural assets. G Balance economic development with community development priorities and fiscal sustainability. G Collaborate with other economic development organizations and the business community to grow a strong and healthy regional economy. G Support the development of a strong labor force that is globally competitive and responds to the changing needs of the workplace. G Maintain a positive business climate that strives for flexibility, predictability and clear direction. P Work collaboratively with the private sector to support catalytic development projects that enhance the image of Spokane Valley. P Identify and encourage business and employment growth in new and innovative industries and occupations. P Encourage businesses that are sustainable providers of jobs and grow local markets. P Promote key retail, office and industrial opportunity sites, as identified in the City's economic development studies and other planning documents. P Promote Spokane Valley as a great place to work,visit and do business. P Promote the development or redevelopment of vacant and underutilized properties, particularly those with potential to serve as a catalyst for economic development. Spokane Valley Comp. Plan DRAFT Goals and Policies—8/09/16 2 P Implement strategies that are intended to create new attractions that assert Spokane Valley's presence as a superior tourist destination. P Develop and maintain an infrastructure system that supports Spokane Valley's economic development priorities. P Invest in long-term improvements to create a more attractive tourist destination. P Encourage the creation and retention of home-based businesses that are consistent with neighborhood character. P Leverage federal, state,and regional economic development resources and programs for City economic development purposes. P Leverage community assets (e.g.trails, natural amenities and facilities)to grow the local economy. P Collaborate with businesses, organizations, and the community to organize and promote events and festivals that attract new visitors. P Implement strategies that are intended to sustain Spokane Valley's existing high value and high volume tourism segments. P Pursue opportunities for creating public-private partnerships that will advance the City's economic development goals. P Pursue technology-based solutions that improve assistance to businesses. P Support local educational institutions in the development of educational and training programs that meet the needs of businesses. P Engage local businesses to understand their needs and leverage their strengths and assets. P Provide a positive, accessible and customer-oriented atmosphere. TRANSPORTATION G Ensure that the transportation system and investments in transportation infrastructure are designed to improve quality of life or support economic development priorities. G Ensure that transportation planning efforts reflect anticipated land use patterns and support identified growth opportunities. G Consistent with the State's "Target Zero" safety campaign, strive to reduce the number of serious injury/fatality collisions to zero by 2030. G Provide for safe and efficient freight mobility. P Continue to pursue funding for the Bridging the Valley program to reduce rail/vehicle collisions, improve emergency access, eliminate vehicle waiting times, reduce noise, and improve traffic flow. Spokane Valley Comp. Plan DRAFT Goals and Policies—8/09/16 3 P Consider neighborhood traffic and livability conditions and address potential adverse impacts of public and private projects during the planning,designing, permitting and construction phases. P Ensure that a robust street preservation program is funded and implemented. P Support voluntary efforts to beautify local and regional transportation corridors. P Restrict high-speed traffic from residential neighborhoods and utilize traffic calming strategies to reduce vehicular speeds where appropriate. P Work collaboratively with developers to ensure that areas experiencing new development are well served by motorized and non-motorized transportation options. P Provide access to sources of current information about transportation options in Spokane Valley and the region. P Support local, regional, state and federal transportation safety programs. P Provide and maintain quality street, sidewalk and shared use path surfaces that provide a safe environment for all users. P Develop a City-wide trail system that provides improved access and linkages between Spokane Valley's existing trails, neighborhoods and community amenities. P Designate appropriate freight corridors to ensure that streets/intersections are designed to safely accommodate trucks and other modes. P In major commercial and industrial areas, provide alternate truck routes to minimize the effects of congestion. HOUSING G Provide a broad range of housing opportunities to meet the needs of all members of the community. G Support the development of affordable housing for all income levels. G Ensure that Spokane Valley's neighborhoods have convenient access to the goods and services that meet daily needs. P Support voluntary efforts by property owners to rehabilitate and preserve buildings of historic value and unique character. P Expand housing choices by allowing innovative housing types including tiny homes, accessory dwelling units, pre-fabricated homes, co-housing, cottage housing and other housing types, as appropriate. P Support the development of affordable housing units using available financial and regulatory tools. P Adopt development regulations that provide the housing types envisioned for Spokane Valley. Spokane Valley Comp. Plan DRAFT Goals and Policies—8/09/16 4 P Support the creation of housing for resident individuals and families needing assistance from social and human service providers. PARKS AND RECREATION G Develop,grow, and maintain a diverse and accessible park, recreation,trail and open space system that enhances community character. G Recognize and support local artists. P Ensure that public and private facilities are sufficient for performing arts and community events. P Acquire land for the development of parks or the preservation of open space within the City's boundaries and adjacent UGAs. P Using the Parks and Recreation Master Plan, periodically assess recreational facilities to identify potential gaps and improvements. P Implement innovative strategies for park maintenance, park safety, and park accessibility to reduce operating costs. P Design parks and community facilities to provide easy access for pedestrians, bicycles, autos and public transit. P Seek grants, private land donations,and other funding sources for land acquisition and recreational facilities development. P Identify and protect regional open spaces and natural areas to form an interconnected network of active and passive recreation areas. P Plan for access to parks,trails and other open spaces in all neighborhoods. P When possible, use artwork from local artists in public places. P Support the voluntary inclusion of common open space and public art in new development. P Partner with public and private entities to encourage, sponsor and support a range of public activities and special events within appropriate open spaces. P Identify opportunities to transform vacant land located in neighborhoods into pocket parks. CAPITAL FACILITIES G Coordinate with special districts, other jurisdictions, and the private sector to effectively and affordably provide facilities and services. G Provide public facilities and services necessary to promote Spokane Valley's economic development goals and community priorities. Spokane Valley Comp. Plan DRAFT Goals and Policies—8/09/16 5 G Ensure efficient and cost-effective public safety and emergency services. G Pursue a diverse set of capital funding sources. P Seek a balance between the quality and cost of providing public facilities and services. P Optimize the use of existing public facilities before investing in new facilities. P Coordinate the construction of public infrastructure with private development to minimize costs. P Require adequate emergency vehicle road access and water supply/pressure for new development within the City. P Coordinate with a fire services provider to disseminate information about fire-wise development to property owners and land developers. P Ensure that facilities and services meet minimum Level of Service standards. P Maintain a comprehensive emergency management plan that meets the needs of the City and coordinates with regional emergency planning efforts. P Coordinate sewer planning with Spokane County. P Support continued planning for domestic water needs in partnership with water purveyors,the Joint Aquifer Board,Washington State Department of Health and the Washington State Department of Ecology. P Coordinate with water services providers to disseminate information regarding water conservation and the safe and appropriate use of the waste treatment system. P Require new development to connect to public sewer and water. P Provide information to property owners and developers about xeriscaping. P Identify opportunities to reduce waste and increase recycling in City facilities and at City sponsored events. P Plan and build infrastructure to support the development of high quality retail and commercial projects P Encourage the use of low impact development techniques in stormwater management P Coordinate with school districts in land use planning processes. P Coordinate with school districts to use school facilities as community centers where appropriate. P Evaluate a variety of capital funding sources including, but not limited to,grants, local improvement districts, latecomer agreements and impact fees to fund projects and programs. P Plan and coordinate the location of public facilities and utilities in potential annexation areas. P Coordinate with adjacent jurisdictions in developing capital improvement programs. Spokane Valley Comp. Plan DRAFT Goals and Policies—8/09/16 6 P Support library services providers in offering efficient and cost effective library services. P Collaborate with Spokane County jurisdictions in determining the best locations for public and private essential public facilities. P Prioritize public investments necessary to support catalytic economic development and redevelopment projects. UTILITIES G Coordinate with utility providers to balance cost-effectiveness with environmental protection,aesthetic impact, public safety, and public health. P Promote the efficient co-location of new utilities,where appropriate. P Promote the development of City-wide communication networks using the most advanced technology available. P Promote the undergrounding of utility distribution lines in new development. P Coordinate with utility services providers to prevent obstructions to regional utility corridors. P Require the placement of cellular facilities, substations and antennas in a manner that minimizes adverse impacts on adjacent land uses and utilizes existing structures. P Coordinate with utility providers to ensure that sizing, locating and phasing of utility systems are appropriate for planned growth. P Participate in regular updates of the Inland Northwest Regional Pavement Cut Policy. P Support the formation of a water authority, potentially involving the aggregation of water rights. P Support the conversation of irrigation water rights to municipal water rights. P Support the inclusion of irrigation water rights when evaluating water supply capacity. P Encourage the construction and maintenance of utility, communications and technology infrastructure that will help attract business and industry. NATURAL RESOURCES G Pursue flood hazard reduction while providing predictability for landowners. G Protect the Spokane Valley Rathdrum Prairie sole source aquifer from contamination and maintain high quality groundwater. G Ensure that Natural Environment regulations are based upon best available science and are consistent with overarching state planning laws and policies. Spokane Valley Comp. Plan DRAFT Goals and Policies—8/09/16 7 G Regularly update stormwater management plans for sensitive riparian areas. G Promote the voluntary enhancement of riparian and large wooded areas throughout the City, particularly on public lands G Support existing mineral resource extraction land uses within the City but do not preclude other land uses simply due to presence of mineral resources. P Model and delineate floodplain/floodway boundaries to correct inaccurate delineations,which may allow the removal of developable areas from floodplains and improve flood hazard reduction efforts. P Prepare and/or regularly update watershed plans for Chester Creek,Glenrose Channel, and Saltese Creek. P Prepare an accurate, updated map of areas expected to be inundated by a 100-year flood, particularly in the Spokane River, Forker Draw, and Glenrose Channel areas. P Work with state agencies and use grant opportunities to improve natural resource inventory data within the City. P Stay involved with regional collaborators to protect and improve regional water quality. P Develop and enforce regulations to prevent groundwater contamination. P Ensure that emergency response resources are available in the event of a spill that could contaminate the aquifer. P Educate the public about the aquifer and River's susceptibility to contamination. P Maintain compliance with state underground injection control and NPDES permit. P Periodically update the City's Critical Areas Ordinance and Shoreline Master Program to ensure that planning for the City's natural environment is based on the best available science. P Update stormwater plans to include inventory and maintenance of stormwater facilities; implementation of an illicit discharge and elimination program; enforcement of stormwater control measures for development projects;and preference of treatment options that do not pose risk to the aquifer(e.g. rapid infiltration of roadway runoff). P Support existing and future mineral resource extraction without specifically designating mineral resource lands within the City. Spokane Valley Comp. Plan DRAFT Goals and Policies—8/09/16 8 Comprehensive Plan Legislative Update Draft Goals and Policies Mike Basinger, Economic Development Coordinator Spokane Valley Legislative Update ■ Joint Workshop on May 3, 2016 ■ Results of Joint Workshop provided on June 23, 2016 ■ Residential Development Standards Comparison on July 14, 2016 ■ Overview of Draft Land Use Map on July 28, 2016 ■ Policy Overview and Discussion on August 11, 2016 ,Sppkan� Goal and Policy Discussion 2 4000 Valley Community Vision ■ Increased focus and access to parks and trails ■ Consider a specific focus area around new City Hall ■ Provide for a greater variety of housing types ■ Preserve the character of the neighborhoods ■ Locate housing near amenities like retail, health care, parks, and transit ■ Increase business opportunities and reduce barriers ,Sppkan� Goal and Policy Discussion 3 4000 Valley Council Goals ■ Streamline land uses and maximize flexibility ■ Preserve established neighborhoods ■ Provide for a variety of housing types like tiny homes cottage houses ■ Change the mixed-use designations along Trent ■ Consolidate Office and Garden Office or change to Corridor Mixed Use ■ Expand and designate new areas of Neighborhood Commercial ,Sppkan� Goal and Policy Discussion 4 jUalley Overview • Goals and policies are required for every element • Land Use • Economic Development • Transportation • Housing • Capital Facilities • Natural Resources • Utilities • Parks, Recreation and Open Space Spokane' Goal and Policy Discussion 5 Valley Overview ■ Goals are broad statements of intent ■ Policies are more specific statements that support the goals ■ Strategies provide explicit direction for city efforts ■ Goals and policies are based on GMA requirements, as well as identified community and economic development priorities ,Sppkan� Goal and Policy Discussion 6 jUalley Examples • Land Use Goal : Ensure that land use plans, regulations, review processes and infrastructure improvements support economic growth and vitality. • Land Use Policy: Provide supportive regulations for new and innovative development types on commercial, industrial and mixed-use land . • Economic Development Goal : Support business and employment growth . • Economic Development Policy: Promote key retail, office and industrial opportunity sites, as identified in the City's economic development studies and other planning documents. ,Sppkan� Goal and Policy Discussion 7 Valley Examples ■ Transportation Goal : Ensure that the transportation system and investments in transportation infrastructure are designed to improve quality of life or support economic development priorities. • Transportation Policy: Ensure that a robust street preservation program is funded and implemented . ■ Housing Goal : Provide a broad range of housing opportunities to meet the needs of all members of the community. • Housing Policy: Adopt development regulations that provide the housing types envisioned for Spokane Valley. ,Sppkan� Goal and Policy Discussion 8 4000 Valley Examples • Parks Goal : Develop, grow, and maintain a diverse and accessible park, recreation, trail and open space system that enhances community character. • Parks Policy: Seek grants, private land donations, and other funding sources for land acquisition and recreational facilities development. • Capital Facilities Goal : Coordinate with special districts, other jurisdictions, and the private sector to effectively and affordably provide facilities and services. • Capital Facilities Policy: Support continued planning for domestic water needs in partnership with water purveyors, the Joint Aquifer Board, Washington State Department of Health and the Washington State Department of Ecology. Sokan�e ' ' Goal and Policy Discussion 9 Valley Examples ■ Utilities Goal : Coordinate with utility providers to balance cost- effectiveness with environmental protection, aesthetic impact, public safety, and public health . • Utilities Policy: Promote the efficient co-location of new utilities, where appropriate. ■ Natural Resource Goal : Pursue flood hazard reduction while providing predictability for landowners. • Natural Resource Policy: Model and delineate floodplain/floodway boundaries to correct inaccurate delineations, which may allow the removal of developable areas from floodplains and improve flood hazard reduction efforts. ,Sppkan� Goal and Policy Discussion 10 4000 Valley Discussion Spokane Goal and Policy Discussion 11 Valley Next Steps • Draft Comprehensive Plan Discussion September 8, 2016 SpokaneGoal and Policy Discussion 12 Valley