Resolution 16-010 Greenhouse Gas Policy CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY SPOKANE COUNTY,WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 16-010 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, SPOKANE COUNTY, WASHINGTON,ADOPTING A GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS REDUCTION POLICY FOR THE CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, AND OTHER MATTERS RELATED THERETO. WHEREAS, the State of Washington adopted chapter 70.235 RCW in 2009 related to limiting greenhouse gas emissions;and WHEREAS, state, regional and local governments throughout the United States are adopting policies to reduce byproducts caused by the combustion of fossil fuels in an effort to reduce greenhouse gases; and WHEREAS, the City continues its efforts to be good stewards of its public resources through the implementation of programs and policies that promote recycling,green space preservation,clean air,reduce energy bills, traffic congestion and the need for imported oil, and gives its residents and visitors more transportation choices for biking and walking; and WHEREAS, the City also promotes economic development and job creation through energy conservation and new energy source development and usage. NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, Washington as follows: Section 1. Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Policy Adopted. Pursuant to RCW 70.235.070,the City Council hereby adopts the following Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Policy: GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS REDUCTION POLICY The City shall, in all City actions, consider and use its reasonable efforts to implement and effect the following policies: A. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. 1. All new publicly funded buildings should be cost-effective with an energy-efficient design. 2. Encourage energy conservation practices in buildings by raising the awareness of employees' own energy use. B. EMPLOYEES. Support an alternative commute-trip reduction program which includes car- pooling, van-pooling,walking, biking, flex-work schedules, and the use of public transit. C. FLEETIVEHICLES. 1. Consider cost-effective and energy-efficient fleet vehicle replacements. 2. Consider methods to reduce pollutants from transportation activities,including through the use of cleaner fuels and vehicles, increasing alternatives to driving alone, and reducing City-vehicle idling time. Resolution 16-010, Adopting a Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Policy Page 1 of 3 D. PURCHASING. 1. Consider purchasing practices and standards to support reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, including preferences for energy-efficient office equipment, and the use of recycled materials and manufacturers that have implemented energy-efficient management practices. 2. Review bidding standards and contracting practices that encourages overall cost- effectiveness and greenhouse gas emissions reduction as allowed within the law. E. EQUIPMENT. 1. Manage street lighting needs by applying lighting standards and using lamps that will assure safe and effective illumination at minimum cost and energy use. 2. Consider efforts to reduce pollutants from transportation activities, including through the use of cleaner fuels and vehicles and increasing alternatives to driving alone, as well as through design and land use. F. WASTE REDUCTION/USE. 1. Encourage the use of building construction materials made from recycled,recyclable materials and the use of above-code sustainable construction methods. 2. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions waste through improved management of waste handling and reductions in waste generation. G. LAND USE. 1. Encourage a development pattern that maximizes cost effectiveness for the existing infrastructure; reduces the need for new roads, utilities and other public works in new growth areas; and enhances non-automobile transportation. 2. Encourage new growth into existing City/urban reserve areas. 3. Encourage alternative modes of transportation. 4. Whenever possible, urban development should occur only where urban public facilities and services exist or can be reasonably made available. IL PUBLIC EDUCATION/OUTREACH 1. Consider energy conservation actions to raise public awareness of the value of wise energy use. 2. Continue providing a recycling program to reduce the amount of waste produced. 3. Coordinate with other agencies and outreach efforts to align messages on topics such as: • Energy efficiency and conservation, and green energy • Trip reduction,public transit,carpooling,vanpooling,walking,bicycling,and alternative modes of transportation • Green building and energy-efficient design • Waste reduction, recycling, and composting • Water conservation and water-efficient design and products • Benefits of buying local, and information about locally grown, prepared, and manufactured goods and local services Resolution 16-010, Adopting a Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Policy Page 2 of 3 I. TRANSPORTATION 1. Consider transportation projects that will contribute to a reduction in vehicle miles traveled per capita,while maintaining economic vitality and sustainability. 2. Provide safe and convenient access for pedestrians and bicyclists to cross, and travel along major transit priority streets. 3. Consider signal timing programs providing emissions reduction benefits, including maintenance of the synchronization system, and coordinate with adjoining jurisdictions as needed to optimize transit operation while maintaining a free flow of traffic. 4. Support voluntary, employer-based trip reduction programs through the local transit service. J. OTHER 1. Coordinate with other agencies in the region to develop and implement cost-effective waste management. 2. Encourage water-efficient landscapes and irrigation, including: • Plant drought-tolerant and native species, and covering exposed dirt with moisture-retaining mulch. • Install water-efficient irrigation systems and devised, including advanced technology such as moisture-sensing irrigation controls. 3. Protect and enhance the environment and public health and safety when providing services and facilities. Section 2: Effective Date. This Resolution shall be effective upon ad ption. PASSED by the City Council of Spokane Valley, Washington,this 9 ay of August,2016. CITYfl,f F SPO ANE VALLEY - 1 n L.R.HigginW ATTES /47 -et-2,44' rristine Bainbridge, City Cler Approved as to Form: /g-4 0 Offic f the •ttorney Resolution 16-010, Adopting a Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Policy Page 3 of 3