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1998, 08-03 Permit App: 98007148 MFH
PROJECT NUMBER= 98007148 APPLICATION DATE= 08/03/98 PAGE= 01 PROJECT NUMBER= 98007148 APPLICATION DATE= 08/03/98 PAGE= 01 ****** THIS IS NOT A PERMIT ****** PENALTIES WILL BE ASSESSED FOR COMMENCING WORK WITHOUT A PERMIT SITE STREET= 311 S SARGENT RD PARCEL#= 45191 . 9126 ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99212 PERMIT USE= NEW DOUBLE WIDE MANUFACTURED HOME PLAT#= 999999 PLAT NAME= RANGE BLOCK= LOT= ZONE= GA DIST#= D AREA= 00000000 F/A= F WIDTH= 120 DEPTH= 122 R/W= 50 # OF BLDGS= 1 # DWELLINGS= 1 WATER DIST = PRIVATE WELLS OWNER= KELLY, JOYCE PHONE= 509 924 9278 STREET= P.O. BOX 13504 ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99213 CONTACT NAME= KERY EWING PHONE NUMBER= 509 990 2632 BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT= LEFT= 5 RIGHT= 5 REAR= 20+ LQ ****************************** REVIEW INFORMATION ***************************** DEPARTMENT REVIEW REQUIREMENT BUILDING SETBACK REVIEW REQUIRED COMMENTS: € CP1,f=NiN1 ,��.__.� E [9e ENGINEER APPROACH/ DRAINAGE/ FLOOD ©It L 4 e-a- 's COMMENTS: t AI PLANNING UNPLATTED/SEGREGATED PROPERTY plead0/17 COMMENTS: G� _ y,„6- 1.7 '1�' UTILITIES W/IN PRIORITY SEWER AREACOMMENTS: "LU' 165 - L lS (5440 ****************************** MOBILE HOME PERMIT ***************************** CONTRACTOR= EWING CONSTRUCTION PHONE= 509 624 2246 STREET= 701 N FLINT RD ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99204 YR/MAKE= 98/MODULINE MODEL= SERIAL#= WIDTH= 28 LENGTH= 60 HEIGHT= 10 PROJECT NUMBER= 98007148 APPLICATION DATE= 08/03/98 PAGE= 02 ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY FEE AMOUNT INSPECTION FEE 2 100. 00 COUNTY SURCHARGE Y 22 . 00 STATE SURCHARGE Y 4 .50 PERMIT TYPE FEE AMOUNT AMOUNT PAID AMOUNT OWING MANUFACTURED HM 126.50 .00 126.50 126. 50 . 00 126.50 PROCESSED BY: BURRIS, ROBIN PRINTED BY: BURRIS, ROBIN ******************************** THANK YOU ************************************ F-1-)/LI APPLICATION INFORMATION -What is the JOB SITE address? ASSESSOR'S tax parcel number? A/•e x-f / c 5. 5 arAy c 41. /.9r Legal description as it appears on the property deed /9 - ?9 wSa I of F. /4,0 alt , a � ` a / VV #y OWNER or OCCUPANT Phone ga 9tet dee "r' , 02, - 0.7 24-' Mailing address City,state Zip -51-41 ce Who should we contact regarding this project? Phone t°YY r r c )a ry* c.e,,1 c:!- e; %a What work is being done under this permit? /9r?ra.-Gt rare c s's"'ri i gone Inspector district 'Property size Right of way width Water distncf . aa) aa) Building Building height #of stories Contractor Dimensions TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE WA State Contractor license# Main floor area Unfinished basement area Mailing address 2nd floor area Finished basement area Architect/Engineer Garage area Size of decks,etc. What is the heat source/ What is the cost of your project/ Manufactured Home Sign Width: Length: What is the square footage of How high is the sign/ tib" �' . the sign face? Year: Make: r91 Ue G+ f/pJd Installer Contractor Wa State Contractor license# Wa State Contractor license# Mailing address Mailing address 7o/ ,v -/,/v-/ Relocation Fire Safety Previous address Fire Sprinkler _ Tent Paint booth_ Fire Alarm _ Fireworks display _ VALUE Contractor Contractor WA State Contractor license# WA State Contractor license# Mailing address Mailing address Fuel Storage Tanks Swimming Pool' (Circle one) Above-ground Underground Size/gallons Private Contents of tank(s) Size/gallons Public/semi-private Contractor Contractor Wa State Contractor license# WA State Contractor license# Mailing address Mailing address COMPLETE ALL APPLICABLE INFORMATION Spokane County does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission to, or treatment or employment in, its programs or activities. co W) _ U) 0 J Th s site plan is being submitbed for the purposei of Ab a4nin b<il�ding p wnit.arv! i a trice alirLcnrl'Act represerrtat on of the proposa . AH known propely lines/dimensions, curb fides st/uctures and eas:risen s ha✓e _leen identifies Also 'ryted are wetlangs, bodies o water, ste= r slope or other cn'dcal areas. l Signed: Date: Afuf.RESS , 3 U ZONE 41 ROAD W1DTF Sc) FRON L--_ GANHING EOE*MEN” HEMMED D OI fisivoN \RJ. f Dr. c-Vsk‘re I R 1 (€71 \.) 'Fu t 5.zsjj 1 IVe S 0.r -e\,„ " Sir INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: R 0 ca L C 0) co N Q O A m"0 as 2c= N G >.-0 ` w > a2 -ov 0 a 0 ,Ea N O cis Oa 3 CA `O C 0 (.3 a...y c 'x �coa, co)_ _ — Q * aQ 0 0