09-232.00 Washington State Traffic Safety Commission 0114' 2-32 l MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING (MOU) This agreement is made and entered into by and between: The Washington Traffic Safety Commission PO Box 40944,Olympia,WA 98504-0944 Hereinafter referred to as "WTSC" And: City of Spokane Valley It is the purpose of this agreement to provide overtime funding to law enforcement agencies to conduct nighttime seat belt-focused patrols during the following time period: May 18 and June 7,2009.The goal of the enforcement is to intercept seat belt law violators at night. IT IS,THEREFORE,MUTUALLY AGREED THAT: 1. Contractor will provide commissioned police officer(s) (active or paid reserve) with appropriate equipment on an "overtime" basis (not to exceed 1.5 times their normal salary) to participate in seat belt patrols at night.No on-duty personnel will be funded under this agreement or grant. 2.The patrols will take place between May 18 and June 7,2009.Funding is not available before or after this period and funding may not exceed the amount specified in the approval letter from WTSC. 3. Funded personnel agree to follow procedures outlined in the grant request document. Patrol dates and locations may change, pending availability of personnel. Patrols will be no more than five hours long. 4.Participants agree to take a"zero tolerance"approach with seat belt and child car seat law violators. 5. It is understood that violator contacts may result in other traffic related activity, such as DUI. Activity other than that initiated through nighttime seat belt emphasis patrols (investigating collisions, emergency calls, etc.) will be the responsibility of the contracting agency and will not be reimbursed. 6.Contractor must submit for reimbursement no later than July 24,2009. 7.Billings must include: a. Invoice Voucher (A 19-1A Form). Please note that we cannot accept a FAX. Your agency is the "Claimant," include a Federal Tax ID number and an original signature of your agency head, command officer or contracting officer on the A 19-1A. A sample filled out A-19 can be emailed to you,if needed.The CFDA number for these funds is 20.602. b. Payroll support documents (evidence the officers were paid, such as overtime slips or payroll documents). c. Emphasis Patrol Activity logs. FAX the Emphasis Patrol Ticket Forms within 48 hours of the patrol to 360-586-6489 attn:Jonna VanDyk or scan and email them to jvandyk@wtsc.wa.gov. 8. Disputes arising under this agreement shall be resolved by a panel consisting of one representative of the WTSC, one representative from the Contracting Agency and a mutually agreed upon third party.The dispute panel shall thereafter decide the dispute with the majority prevailing. 9. Either party may terminate this agreement upon (30) days written notice to the other party. In the event of termination, the terminating party shall be liable for the performance rendered prior to the date of termination. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,PARTIES HAVE EXECUTED THIS AGREEMENT: City of Spokane Valley Contracting Agency Tonna VanDyk, Occupant Protection M' e ac De.ut Ci Mana•er WA Traffic Safety Commission *z, Signature, Date Signature Date Nighttime Seat Belt Enforcement Project Law Enforcement Patrol Grant Application Form For patrols that take place between: May 18 and June 7, 2009 Due date for grant application: April 24,2009 Grant amount limits: Agencies with 10 or fewer officers or fewer: $1500 Agencies with 11 -24 officers: $3000 Agencies with 25 -50 officers: $4000 Agencies with over 50 officers: $7000 Agency name and address: Spokane Valley Police Dept., 12710 E. Sprague, Spokane Valley, WA 99216 Sgt. Mike Zollars, mzollars@spokanesheriff.org, Office 509-477-3352, Cell 509-710-0974 Patrol Supervisor Lt. Gary Smith, 509-477-6631, GSmith(aspokanesheriff.orq Directions for conducting patrols: nighttime seat belt patrols must take place in the evening hours (no earlier than 1900 hours). Preference will be given to patrols that take slace from Wednesday through Sunday. :4 w>al greatly help ©ur:ear e'mediae£fa'is •u wools? chedule one'of.your patrols'onThur`sda Mary 2 ;.We encourage law enforcement to conduct stationary (fixed post) patrols. These require the work of multiple officers (see educational video at www.wtsc.wa.gov). Once in operation, you can change your patrol location if it doesn't work out. You can also change the dates of the patrols if you need to. You can start with a stationary patrol, then move to mobile patrols when traffic drops off, or you can conduct solely mobile patrols, but patrols must still be conducted no earlier than 1900 hrs (7:00 pm), be focused on seat belt law violators and be no longer than five hours long. If an officer is held over on a time consuming detail (such as processing a DUI), please note this on your paperwork and you will be reimbursed for this time. Pleaselax or email your.ticket data to WTSC within 48 hours of your patrol. When you submit your A19 for reimbursement (details follow),we ask that you mai copies of,your tickets for the project evaluation. Ticket copies will be kept strictly confidential, used only for the evaluation, handled only by people who have passed a security clearance, then shredded. • r To apply for this grant: please list the patrol day, date, time, the number of officers, patrol location and total number of hours requested. Day Date Time # officers Location Total hours: Wednesday 5/20/2009 1900-2400 4 Pines/ I-90 25 Friday 5/22/2009 1900-2400 4 Sprague/Pines 25 Wednesday 5/27/2009 1900-2400 4 Mission/Argonne 25 -Mullan Friday 5/29/2009 1900-2400 4 Sprague/ 25 Broadway Wednesday 6/3/2009 1900-2400. 4 Sprague/Sullivan 25 Friday 6/5/2009 1900-2400 4 Mission/Sullivan 25 Saturday 6/6/2009 1900-2400 4 Mission/Pines 25 Total grant request amount: $7000 Will these be multi-jurisdictional patrols? Yes No If yes, what other agencies are involved? Spokane County Sheriff, Spokane Police Department,Washington State Patrol Submitxthis;document with a s fined MOU (see WTSC web page for form). Reporting: compile the ticket data for your entire patrol onto an Emphasis Patrol Activity Log and fax email this to WTSC within48 hours or as soon as you can reasonably do so to (FAX) 360-586-6489 or email:jvandyk@wtsc.wa.gov. Copies of tickets are necessary for the research being conducted on this project, so please mail copies of tickets to: WTSC, Attn: Jonna VanDyk, P.O. Box 40944, Olympia, WA 98504-0944. After Action Report: a report giving WTSC feedback on your patrols is encouraged, though not a requirement. Mail the After Action Report in with your A-19. To be reimbursed for patrols: send an A-19 form and proof that your officers were paid to: Jonna VanDyk, Occupant Protection Program Manager,WA Traffic Safety Commission; P.O. Box 40944, Olympia, WA 98504-0944. Due date for the A 19 is July 24, 2009. Your bookkeeper may want to know this: the federal CFDAnumber for these,funds is 20`602 Forms are available at www.wtsc.wa.gov under the Nighttime Seat Belt Program or email Jonna and ask for it:jvandyk@wtsc.wa.gov. For further information:Jonna VanDyk, WTSC Occupant Protection Program Manager, jvandyk@wtsc.wa.gov or 360-586-3870. FORM STATE OF WASHINGTON AGENCY USE ONLY A 19-IA INVOICE VOUCHER AGENCY NO. LOCATION CODE P.R.ORAUTH.NO. (Rev.5/91) 2280 AGENCY NAME Washington Traffic Safety Commission INSTRUCTIONS TO VENDOR OR CLAIMANT. Submit this form to claim Attn: Jonna Van Dyk, NTSBE Program payment for materials, merchandise or services. Show complete detail for PO BOX 40944 each item. Olympia WA 98504-0944 VENDOR OR CLAIMANT(Warrant is to be payable to). Vendor's Certificate: I hereby certify under penalty of perjury that the items and totals listed herein are proper charges for materials,merchandise or services furnished to the State of Washington, and that all goods furnished and/or services rendered have been provided without discrimination because of age, sex, marital status, race, creed, color, national origin, handicap, religion, or Vietnam era or disabled veterans status. BY (SIGN IN INK) (TITLE) (DATE) FEDERAL I.D.NO.OR SOCIAL SECURITY NO.(For reporting Personal Services Contract Payments to I.R.S. RECEIVED BY DATE RECEIVED '.`l1NIT � PORAGENC.Y �. •, DATE , DESCRIPTION = QUANTITY PRICE AMOUNT , _.._ USE Donna VanDyk— Nighttime Seat Belt Enforcement Progzram PREPARED BY TELEPHONE NUMBER DATE AGENCY APPROVAL DATE 3/12/09 3/12/09 DOC.DATE PMT DUE DATE CURRENT DOC.NO. REF DOC. VENDOR NUMBER VENDOR MESSAGE UBI NUMBER REF TRANS M -- MASTER INDEX SUB -•SUB:• ORG WORKCLASS COUNTY CITY/TOWN SUB-.'';PROD: DOC 0 FUND APPN PROGRAM SUB BUDGET PROJECT AMOUNT INVOICE NUMBER CODE :OBJ INDEX ALLOC MOS -PROD; PHAS SI IF n INDEX INDFX -- -OA.IFCT' UNIT ACCOUNTING APPROVAL FOR PAYMENT DATE WARRANT TOTAL WARRANT NUMBER