2012, 10-23 Permit App: BLD-2012-1897 Pole Bldg Community Development Department (Staff Use Only) ;"''- ,ermit Center t if 11703 East Sprague Avenue, Suite B-3 PERMIT NUMBER: Sökane Spokane Valley, WA 99206 � Tel: (509) 688-0036 PERMIT FEE: Valle Fax: (509) 688-0037 T --. per mitcenter@spokanevalley.orq ESI C f RESIDENTIAL CONSTRUCTION PERMI,T APPLICATION '% NEW CONSTRUCTION d ADDITION/REMODEL 0 ACCESSORY UI 1 NG 0 DECK 0 OTHER SITE ADDRESS: pia7 jJ• i/UJ( r Sp ,(G.-' ff',,-e_ v3 A-1, c" V _. 1 ASSESSORS PARCEL NO.: LEGAL DESCRIPTib ' BUILDING OWNER NAME: f?;reel k LJi-ln i r7 44.-.� NAME: '...r'e�.\-' e.---t5,1ri)'1U.,4 e=y1✓to'N✓ 1 ADDRESS: i y0"7 ✓1 . (A) 4b�f CITY: .y�Ci3--t_- STATE: (,, ) ZIP: 'M Z'e) PHONE: FAX: CELL: CONTACT NAME: V.14,"„2..-2„.1."-C--V.14,"„2..-2„.1."-C--PHONE:( I O"I ) g3'I— / S✓ 1 FAX: CELL: CONTRACTOR NAME: Pev 1 e-- =, { 3,,,',"', i d N�%{- MAILING ADDRESS: [ p l 0 • 1�� s — e CITY: , s ,e_.. .� STATE: 'vv ZIP: CM2e12— PHONE: e ZPHONE: ( c1'ei) S-1?`1 `S C y / FAX: CELL: CONTRACTOR LICENSE No.: EXPIRES: CITY BUSINESS LICENSE NO.: DESCRIBE THE SCOPE OF WORK IN DETAIL AND INDICATE USE & PROPOSED USE: ****YOU MUST COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING**** MARK N/A IF NOT APPLICABLE Height to Peak: Dimensions: No. of Stories: Total Habitable 3, 50/c))(12_ Space: Main Floor SQ FT: Upper Floor SQ FT: `, Unfinished Basement SQ Finished Basement SQ I O.0 FT: FT: 7` Garage SQ FT: Deck/Covered Patio SQ Impervious Surface 30%Slopes on FT: Area: Property: 1 2,4,`' 61_ No. of Bedrooms: Construction ype: Heat Source: ,Pc. Sewer or Septic: TOTAL COST OF PROJECT: $ i / L(6, -Z , vQ --- DISCLAIMER The permitted verifies, acknowledges and agrees by their signature that: 1) if this permit is for construction or on a dwelling,the dwelling is/will be served by potable water. 2) Ownership of this City of Spokane Valley permit inure to the property owner. 3) The signatory is the property owner or has permission to represent the property owner in this transaction. 4) All construction is to be done in full compliance with the City of Spokane Valley Development code. Referenced codes are available for review at the City of Spokane Valley Permit Center. 5) The City of Spokane Valley permit is not a permit or approval for any violation of federal, state or local laws, codes or ordinances. 6) Plans or additional information may be required tobesb itted and subsequently approved before this application can be processed. SignatureG' -�-ADate: tc , t Z. Updated 1-11-11 Page 1 of 1 http://www.spokanevalley.org/filestorage/124/938/210/948/1496/Building_Permit__Residential_11-11-11.doc iL 013- /2.17 r RECEIVED Residential Driveway Sfökane � I OCT 2 3 2012 PAVING WAIVER w 4.••0 Valley po er?, itet.$ry Per, o Development— Planning Division " t Sprague Ave Suite B-3 • Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.720.5026 • Fax: 509.688.0037 •planning@spokanevalley.org Spokane Valley Municipal Code(SVMC)Section 19.40.020.B; "All residential driveway and off-street parking areas shall be paved with asphalt,Portland cement,grasscrete,paver blocks or other equivalent hard surface material". A paving waiver can only be granted if the structure you are proposing is not going to require a driveway for daily use. PART/ I — OWNER INFORMATION OWNER NAME: L re 14 16t._ Z C�r S c PARCEL#: ADDRESS: ! L/O—? A) , tV, /( (ir CITY: cj,� d/c u {_ 17A-//c 7 STATE: w'4- ZIP: / 2 (; c PHONE: �' FAX: CELL: EMAIL: PART II —DETAILS OF PAVING WAIVER 1. Do you have an existing garage for parking daily use vehicles? KYES ❑ NO 2. Is the proposed detached structure used for storage only?A YES ❑ NO 3. Do you plan on using the detached structure to park vehicles? ❑ YES ,'NO If yes, then what type of vehicles? 4. Do you plan to conduct a business from proposed detached structure? ❑ YES ,NO If so, what is the nature of your business? PART III —AUTHORIZATION I,(PRINT NAME)4. c. -t d6 Z47'(-e/-7 owner, hereby confirm that the information provided on this form is true and correct. I acknowledge that any change in the foregoing conditions, could require the City to impose paving requirements. I further agree to report any change in these conditions to e Sp, ane -Iley Cr munity Development Department, Planning Division,� within 30 days. L AO / C ,I r ( .- Z -- E, v/Z. •wner Signatipt Date PART IV— DECISION STAFF HAS REVIEWED THE PROPOSED PAVING WAIVER ON BEHALF OF THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR AND FIND THE REQUEST IS GRANTED AT 11 C7 rJ W!LBO,2 P-: , SAID ADDRESSDRFOR PERMIT#: . �7,:p SS, YU - /0/23/20,_ Planning Division Staff Signature Date Created 6/27/11 Page 1 of 1 / ...-ttn4.4041. • H G 7 Ai , i).3bL.5 (• L6i.cse- t-v/euget ( ait- . 1 ii CA4) ,-4t it (( of ........_ zo, ................4.......... t‘i 4\ • - 6,-____ C ................„. „11 • .15P: 1. 0 p , //7/1__. .. / .A Oft 6k) <"---- 2-0'•--474ri P *ft __31.4.C.----7 ClOe 1 i41 ,----- --9,0.ft. ...----- „..i a c (C.-- NN • IA. . I I Project ta-/2 ..11, 0 7 2012 , . H c 3 s 1.e... suR z„. (:;''z',,k • ',i i-••-'''.-1‘1, -/•.;.” F-7-11 i • ,..... ..H _ .„,-----!--- 17 1°e-it-l' 4 1.•%•,,, Fro ri. ,,,,,,,,v,.--• 1 ri/i i I\k ,. •t - It' . ..__........... ............ ..... . . .. ....... ... .. ......._ • ................ ......... ... ........... ..„ ........ ... .... / 1 Li G 7 9 I• 4‘'/ I ... rti i200 \et t-‘1 t4 — 0, 1 .... .... ,F a c tC-- n , „.. ,..,,,!..... . .. , D .._ , -- , ,-... -,, nai ...:L) 1 ' .--_---. . . "..*" . PLANNING DEPT. APPROVED \ . 16`\ BY: DATE: /0/23/20/2— Lor---- 2 --73 16 44-4%'I.)64 iTk