2000, 04-26 Permit App: 00003141 Pool Project Number: 00003141 "0-Inv: 1_ Application Date: 04/26/2000 Page 1 of 2 THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Penalties will be assessed for commencing work without a permit Project Information: e''; •;, Itm e .' ?.'?`-ii`'3 a5W i '�fiA, sr"• Xr, 31V ... .. ='&:s"s." IFdYfi h2k5"r..3MemkeMIRMAKMA Permit Use: 14 X 28 IN-GROUND POOL Contact: LANDIS,HERBERT&MILDRED Address: 1615 S BUTTERCUP C-S-Z: SPOKANE,WA 99212 Setbacks:Front 102 Left: 24 Right: 148 Rear: 8 Phone: (509)534-2293 Group Name: Site Information: Project Name: 'rF,en.d>K@a,e..<..:�'36t'^.bd'e9N.4:Me�.;',i.4F t,w^�,+ a.....Y@."E3&cYaFd eY Bea, n5k..e"Po�i"d'd 'a.x..-.v%:Si oS4xaNt,rhre E#xeauw+. uU' .,+aNT.had"aknsi„�;ti",n'.�.•9'0'E,wiN.z.> r`�' Plat Key: 002719 Name: VALLEY VIEW HILLS ADD District: E Parcel Number: 35252.0701 Block: Lot: SiteAddress: 1620 S SEEHORN RD Owner:Name: LANDIS,HERBERT&MILDR SPOKANE,WA 99212 Address: 1615 S BUTTERCUP Location::SPO SPOKANE,WA 99212 Zoning: UR-3.5 Urban Residential 3.5 Water District: Hold: ❑ . Area: 28,000 Sq Ft Width: 0 Depth: 141 Right Of Way(ft): 60 Nbr of Bldgs: 1 Nbr of Dwellings: 1 Department Review BUILDING Site Plan Review B : _ ` 1440 Hold Reasons: Permit Conditions: C BUILDING Plan Review �` 070 `tez Hold Reasons: Permit Conditions: HEALTHDISTRICT Septic System Review By: Hold Reasons: Permit Conditions: Permits' ..r=er.,: � w •• a xs .: � ;sM ....� r...: w. ;m ;, Project Number: 00003141 Inv: 1 Application Dat 04/26/2000 Page 2 of 2 THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Penalties will be assessed for commencing work without a permit Swimming Pool Contractor: OWNER Firm: OWNER Address: 0 Phone: (000)000-0000 000000,00 000000 Item Description Units Unit Desc Fee Amount PRIVATE POOL 1 Y OR BLANK $50.00 STATE SURCHARGE 1 Y OR BLANK $4.50 COUNTY SURCHARGE 1 Y OR BLANK $11.00 Permit Total Fees: $65.50 Payment Summary: � . ,.� ; Operator: DMD Printed By: DMD Print Date: 04/26/2000 Permit Type Fee Amount Invoice Amount Amount Paid Amount Owing Swimming Pool $65.50 $65.50 $0.00 $65.50 $65.50 $65.50 $0.00 $65.50 . ► PROJECT APPLICATION SPOKANE COUNTY DIVISION OF BUILDING &CODE ENFORCEMENT 1026 WEST BROADWAY AVENUE 10 SPOKANE, WA 99260 SPOxi COUNTY 509-477-367 SPECIFIC SITE INFORMATION Street Address: / 6 2. 0 5. Se t h o r n R c 5 ov A - - 99 A/ Assessor's Tax Parcel Number(s): 3 2S,Q•0 20) Legal Description: Project Description: f.� — Gni i,�}', eere G' i h —G( YDl/nd sum,' M1/rlq poe/—v/I;U/ linee• eicdosi roe. ✓ by � 1 o�es�9n �fins�/led Per code TYPE OF APPLICATION building Permit O Grading 0 Manufactured Home Permit 0 Timber Harvest 0 Relocation 0 Change in Use Other 0-64_ OWNER/APPLICANT INFORMATION Owner: HG}b s Nt Cdr ier Phone:#f41 4747 IA/ Applicant: Phone: 1.4.n d It Fax: #674710 w7 _ Fax: Mail' g Address:'G L 0 S . Se h Oen Mailing Address: City,State,Zip City,State,Zip Contact: Ikea Land i S Phone:5.34t 2 z,4 3 El Indicate who should be contacted regarding this project Fax: Mailing Address: City,State,Zip ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Are there structures on the property? IW Yes O No - - What is the current property size? If yes,identify`on site plan _ (square feet or acres) • ?8 a G re Is any ofthe property within 250 feet of a-shoreline? •~' What is the current use of this property? Ifyes,identify on site plan 0 Yes' 2N0 f-es e d Gf1 C.e- Is your property in a designated wildlife habitat area? Will the site be served by a septic system?0 Yes rNo 0 Don't know CI Yes fit`No Is any part of the property within a 100 yr flood plain?,. s i Are or will there be wells located on the property? If yes,idention site plan ., If yes,identify on the site plan 0 Yes WNo Cl Maybe 0 Don't know 0 Yes fid"No Are there any wetlands,streams or ponds within 200 feet of the Is there evidence of fill or excavation on the property? property? ( Yes 0 No If yes,identify on site plan 0 Yes fa'No Are there slopes greater than 30%ou the property?(30 ft rise in 100 ft) Are critical or hazardous materials used or stored on sit/e? (�� %) 0 Yes ®'No 0 Yes L9'No r • I� .. a e1 Project Number: FOR STAFF USE ONLY Is the property in a designated Stormwater Control Area? Is the property inside a Joint Planning Area? ❑ Yes gNo What jurisdiction? ❑ Yes ,To Is the property inside the ASA? ° Yes 0 No Is public water available to the site? 0 Yes No ❑'Yes ❑ No Is the property`inside the PSSA? - ,"Q Yes d 0 No Is the property located within 1000 feet of a Natural Resource Area? 0 Yes .2 No Is public sewer available to the site? 0 Yes To What is the zoning for the property? School Dikri E: ' Water Distract/PurveyorFire District Sewer District/Purveyor: x i 1 d 4 d i 1 Vr F 4 9 Date Received: Staff Representative: Comments: a b • • • l iPROJECT APPLICATION - Detail Information SPOKANE COUNTY DIVISION OF BUILDING &CODE ENFORCEMENT ilik 1026 WEST BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE, WA 99260 SPOKANE COUNTY 509-477-3675 Project Number: Contractor Architect / Engineer ConhactorArchitect/Engineer /tC r b .►�. -o_ (0-urKa., - b IA.; /der) Ac,5y S / Jo r) .5-441 ie 1-- u-j a. Pho e Fax Phone ! Fax .50534242--/--4i3 say 446' ? 4f"7/u 5 35 9 k,0 7 Mail ng address Mailing address l C `' /G yG 5 _ io-t T�i� 5 Za 9 �"co cQ d ..11 70 O City,StateZip City,State Zip 5e0 ,� -„, eiq / 2-- 5,0a , . 4- 9 y 2. 1 2_ WA State Contractor license# Contact name: Building Information Building height to ridge #of stories Main floor sq.ft. Unfinished basement sq.ft. Dimensions Total habitable space 2nd floor sq.ft. Finished basement sq.ft. Construction group Construction type Garage sq.ft. Deck sq.ft. Cost of project Heat source(electric,gas,etc.) Manufactured Home 'Sign Width: Length: What is the square footage of the sign How high is the sign? face? Year: Make: Relocation Fire Safety Previous address Fire Sprinkler Tent Paint booth_ Fire Alarm Fireworks display Proposed use Value ivur utvtrvntvt ouJtwir', ,..vvc . ._............-.. . • Appendix Chapter 4 SPECIAL USE AND OCCUPANCY Division I—BARRIERS FOR SWIMMING POOLS, SPAS AND HOT TUBS SECTION 419—GENERAL SECTION 421 —REQUIREMENTS ' 419.1 Scope. The provisions of this section apply to the design 421.1 Outdoor Swimming Pool. An outdoor swimming pool and construction of barriers for swimming pools located on the shall be provided with a barrier that shall be installed, inspected premises of Group R, Division 3 Occupancies. and approved prior to plastering or filling with water.The barrier shall comply with the following: 419.2 Standards of Quality. In addition to the other require- 1. The top of the barrier shall be at least 48 inches(1219 mm) ments of this code,safety covers for pools and spas shall meet the above grade measured on the side of the harrier that faces away requirements for pool and spa safety covers as listed below.The from the swimming pool. The maximum vertical clearance standard listed below is a recognized standard. (See Section between grade and the bottom of the barrier shall be 2 inches 3504.) (51 mm)measured on the side of the barrier that faces away from 1. ASTM F 1346, Standard Performance Specification for the swimming pool.The maximum vertical clearance at the bot- Safety Covers,and Labeling Requirement for All Covers for torn of the barrier may be increased to 4 inches(102 mm)when I Swimming Pools,Spas and Hot Tubs grade is a solid surface such as a concrete deck,or when the barrier is mounted on the top of the aboveground pool structure. When barriers have horizontal members spaced less than 45 inches SECTION 420—DEFINITIONS (1143 mm) apart, the horizontal members shall be placed on the pool side of the barrier. Any decorative design work on the side For the purpose of this section.certain terms,words and phrases away from the swimming pool,such as protrusions,indentations are defined as follows: or cutouts,which render the barrier easily climbable,is prohibited. ABOVEGROUND/ON-GROUND POOL.See definition of 2. Openings in the barrier shall not allow passage of a "swimming pool." 13/4-inch-diameter(44.5 mm)sphere. EXCEPTIONS: I.When vertical spacing between such openings BARRIER is a fence, wall, building wall or combination is 45 inches(1143 mm)or more,the opening size may be increased thereof that completely surrounds the swimming pool and such that the passage of a 4-inch-diameter(102 mm)sphere is not obstructs access to the swimming pool. allowed. 2. For fencing composed of vertical and horizontal members,the GRADE is the underlying surface,such as earth or a walking spacing between vertical members may be increased up to 4 inches surface. (102 mm)when the distance between the tops of horizontal members HOT TUB. See definition of "spa, nonself-contained" and is 45 inches(1143 mm)or more. "spa, self-contained." 3. Chain link fences used as the barrier shall not be less than 11 gage. IN-GROUND POOL.See definition of"swimming pool." 4. Access gates shall comply with the requirements of Items 1 SEPARATION FENCE is a barrier that separates all doors of a through 3.Pedestrian access gates shall be self-closing and have a dwelling unit with direct access to a swimming pool from the self-latching device. Where the release mechanism of the self- swimming pool. latching device is located less than 54 inches(1372 mm)from the ' SPA, NONSELF-CONTAINED. is a hydromassage pool or bottom of the gate,(1)the release mechanism shall be located on I tub for recreational or therapeutic use. not located in health-care the pool side of the barrier at least 3 inches(76 mm)below the top facilities, designed for immersion of users and usually havinga of the gate, and (2) the gate and barrier shall have no opening filter,heater and motor-driven blower. It may be installed indoors greater than 1/2 inch(12.7 mm)within 18 inches(457 mm)of the or outdoors,on the ground or on a supporting structure,or in the release mechanism. Pedestrian gates shall swing away from the ground or in a supporting structure. A nonself-contained spa is pool. Any gates other than pedestrian access gates shall be intended for recreational bathing and contains water over equipped with lockable hardware or padlocks and shall remain 24 inches(610 mm)deep. locked at all times when not in use. SPA,SELF-CONTAINED,is a continuous duty appliance in 5.Where a wall of a Groep R,Division 3 Occupancy dwelling unit serves as part of the barrier and contains door openings which all control,water-heating and water-circulating equipment between the dwelling unit and the outdoor swimming pool that is an integral part of the product. located entirely under the spa provide direct access to the pool,a separation fence meeting the skirt.A self-contained spa is intended for recreational bathing and requirements of Items 1,2,3 and 4 of Section 421.1 shall bero- contains water over 24 inches(610 mm)deep. vided. p SWIMMING POOL is any structure intended for swimming EXCEPTION:When approved by the building official,one of the or recreational bathing that contains water over 24 inches (610 following may he used: mm)deep.This includes in-ground.aboveground and on-ground I. Self-closing and self-latching devices installed on all doors with I swimming pools. and fixed-in-place wading pools. direct access to the pool with the release mechanism located a minimum of 54 inches(1 372 rant)above the Floor. SWIMMING POOL, INDOOR, is a swimming pool that is 3. An ;darn, installed on all doors with direct access to the pool. totally contained within a residential structure and surrounded on The alarm shall sound continuously for a minimum of 30 sec- all lour sides by walls of said structure. unit.within seven seconds after the door and its screen.it pros- I ent.are opened.and he capable iii providing a sound pressure SWIMMING POOL, OUTDOOR.DOOR. is ;my swimming. pool Icycl of mot Ics than,tis dlir\when measured indoors;it Ill feet tlial is not an indoor pool. (111.15 mini. lie alarm shall automat.eally reset under all condi- -1-317 . Mrrcnum‘..nrar I cn 4 tau‘ vI.0-vnm ua.01wu.v.......L. tions.The alarm system shall he equipped with a manual means, or steps are secured,locked or removed,any opening created shall such as a touchpad or switch,to temporarily deactivate the alarm be protected by a barrier complying with Items 1 through 5. for a single opening.Such deactivation shall last no longer than 15 seconds.The deactivation switch shall be located at least 54 inches(1372 mm)above the threshold of the door. 421.2 Indoor Swimming Pool. For an indoor swimming pool, 3. Other means of protection may be acceptable so long as the protection shall comply with the requirements of Section 421.1, degree of protection afforded is not less than that afforded by Item 5. any of the devices described above. 6.Where an aboveground pool structure is used as a barrier or 421.3 Spas and Hot Tubs. For a nonself-contained and self- where the barrier is mounted on top of the pool structure,and the contained spa or hot tub,protection shall comply with the require (7-: - means of access is a ladder or steps,then(1)the ladder or steps ments of Section 421.1. ,. shall be capable of being secured, locked or removed to prevent EXCEPTION: A self-contained spa or hot tub equipped with a access or(2)the ladder or steps shall be surrounded by a barrier listed safety cover shall be exempt from the requirements of Sec- that meets the requirements of Items 1 through 5.When the ladder tion 421.1. l l 1-318 CHAPTER 11 SWIMMING POOLS Sections: 3.1 1.010 SWIMMING POOLS-GENERAL 3.11.020 PERMITS 3.11.010 SWIMMING POOLS - GENERAL. It shall be required that all public and semipublic pools have the arca in which the pool is located corn- -' pletely surrounded by a fence of substantial construction. Such fence shall be not less than six feet in height and shall he provided with a gate or gates hay- ing latching hardware which can be locked or otherwise securely fastened shut when the pool is not in use by persons authorized to use such pool. All private " swimming pools shall have a fence of substantial construction not less than • four feet in height completely surrounding the pool or the yard arca in which the pool is located,and such fenced arca shall be provided with a gate or gates having a latch openable only from the pool side of the fence located a mini- mum of 42 inches above the adjacent grade. Covers which may be used to enclose or cover the pool shall not be considered to qualify as a substitute for the required fence as a means of providing minimum safeguards of the pool arca. For the purposes of this section,a fence of substantial construction shall mean a fence,wall or other obstruction or barrier so constructed as not to have openings, holes or gaps larger than 2 inches in any dimension, except for fences consisting solely of vertical pickets which may be spaced not more than 4 inches apart. All such fences shall be installed, inspected and approved prior to filling the pool with water.Thc fec for swimming pool permits issued pursu- ant to this Title shall be as specified in section 3.08.060(c). 3.11.020 PERMITS. The permit fec for a swimming pool is intended to offset the costs of permit processing and inspections to verify fencing and set- back requirements only. 0440000004000000040. 0-• CHAPTER I I -SWIMMING POOLS 43 ��kse