PM~i~s ActEve ~~NEER' S 1REVIEW ~ULt, i
As 13uilt Pla:is Tteceived Plats Fyle~`r: P' E_1g84 -4i
Rva[I PI:1nS Approa~ed CompaW011 PileS;
'NewFlcaad Standaxcis 5-15-95 Mylar P Re3ated Files'
Builclivg Dept'
'fcclirucal Review Fl i-i.~avard R(I Plan -
~I'telin➢inEtry R€Atstv 02=12,40I Type SChaduled T"oC
❑ Larga T ot 13Edg. Squure rket
Dste ReceIvod: 42l14Mp} Klo C.ois' 14 Na.A crcc- 4.13
1'rojectNa-nie HiLLS COSTAPLENTY
Site Addrm S. 0$'114, N, 10 a'H, k l,~L'S"f, W CALV`[3d: ~
Applican4 Range-Township-SeCtit7n: 44 - 25 • 23 PARCEL(S): (Ersl 20)
Andrew WbTlpck Conclitions N9ailed, 45233 44fY1
CLC ASiOCIAI"ES 1hTr- r]Qrd 2onc ~ h!o
707 W. ~(h AV _ 200 Waier Saurre Publsc
~'horie (,~p¢) ~558-6$40 (509) ~lS$-~i84n S~µ`~r 5our~e 5epti~ Tank
Fax (509) 458•6$44 SChool D{st 356
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SPOKrkNE, WA 99214- F(3 BOX 1408-1 SiirYqor
P:t~icCC ] ri+Eaare
PlivriC {5[l9) 922-0782
707 W 7tli Av, 240
SPC1KANE, 'WA 99204
Phonc (349) 45$~840
Pax (509) 45$-6844
}3uilding ph: 477-3475 1 Pimnning Ph: 477-2Z[75 Cpntaet 1A1v1ES Tt1CHAR55QiF&
Da,te Sibtt7iftGd [7escrip(lot7 - - - - f:'r
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Cng Agme Pay rees Rtceived F:ng Fiaal Pla[ Pet,s Coniple[ed ~opy tv Accvunimg
13ng Agree Priority I`m Recetvttl 02I09P2091 Gng PAelim Plat Fees CeRlplela[f
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PT4jCCtStBtUS Active ~'Il\E.G.R1~J ~ Y~.,1:~' " t?'.~E!~
Aa Built Plans Received g'lgts Fj~e#: P,{',-I I884 -41
Road Plaras Anprovecl Companion i'iles:
New R,oud S[andacds 5-15-95 Mylar
RclatetY Filas:
Hoaring; 45/16I2001 1:34 IIuildin$1}apt:
Tachnical Revicw, ❑ Harvard Rd PInn
Prelfcrrjin¢ry Tteuietiv: 0212817041 'i'ype: Scheduled For ,
❑ Lerge Hldg. Sqaard Feet
i7ats Rec{oived: 0V14n001 Na. Lots: 14 ido. Acroa: 4.93
Projeet Name H[G'LS C4~~APLENTY ,
Sita 1t,ddr4SS S. 43'CH, N. ldTtl, E. BES7'S W. CALVIN,
Applitant Renge~1'ownahip-Section: 44 - 25 - 23 PARCEL,{$}: (SM 20)
,yndm1Y WQrlock CanditSons bbileds 43233.0402 .
767 W. 7th Au , 300 1k'eCer Source Public
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SPOKitiHE. WA 99204F Sewtr Savce Sspbc Tank _ '
Pliane (549) 45$-£$40 (509) 458-6$40 Sciiool Disc 356
Fax (509) 458=6844 Fire Dist 1
Phono Did
Biil & 9arbar$ Sniidi
PO BQX 14084 Pafrick 1 Moore
PGorse (509) 922•0782 707 W. ?Ih Av, 200
SP4KANEi WR 94204
Phone (509)ass-6sao
rax (sog) 458-6844
auildin# 477-3675 /Plinning 477-7200 lEnKincor 477-3600 Cott[aci BtP TAMGS R[CkIALU?SON Contact B" SC4'1"I` BN{3EUIAkD
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Eng Agrere Poy Pees Recsiyo[ Eng Fins➢ Plet Faes Campletsd C.uPY to A00aunting
mn$ Agoe a~~ority Fm RoWvta 02m9n001 Eng Pmiim Piac l7cesCompioced
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Hooring L?eta Decision App i' ~Don _ Cand_ AppldBCC _
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Steariped 208 Lat Plaas to Ssmt" (SandY) ~
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JUN 28 2001
RE: Preliminary Plat of Hills Costaplenty, in ) FINDINGS OF FACT,
the Urban Residential-3.5 (LTR-3.5) Zone ) CONCLUSIONS OF LAW,
Applicant: Bill Smith ) AND DECISION
File No. PE-1884-01 )
Proposat: Application for the preliminary plat of Hills Costaplenty, to subdivide
approximately 4.93 acres into 141ots for single-family residences, in the existing Urban
' Residential-3.5 (LJR-3.5) zone.
Decision: Approved, subject to conditions.
The Hearing Examiner has reviewed the preliminary plat application and the evidence of
record, and hereby adopts the following Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Decision:
A. GeneralInformation: '
Applicant: Bill Smith, P.O. Box 14084, Spokane, WA 99214
Site Owner: Bill and Bazbara Smith, P.O. Box 14084, Spokane, WA 99214
Site Address: 14306 East 8th Avenue, Spokane, WA
Locadon of Site: Generally located between 8`b Avenue and 10" Avenue, east of Best Road,
in Section 23, Township 25 North, Range 44 EWM, Spokane County, Washington.
Parcel Number: County Assessor's tax parcel no. 45233.0402
Zoning: Urban Residential-3.5 (UR-3.5). The site is also located within the Aquifer
Sensitive Area (ASA) Overlay zone and the Public Transit Benefit Area designated by the
County Zoning Code.
Comprehensive Plan: Urban category. The subject property is also within the ASA, the
Priority Sewer Service Area and the Urban Impact Area designated in the Plan.
IUGA: The subject property is located inside the interim urban growth area (NGA)
boundaries designated by Spokane County, pursuant to the Washington State Growth
Management Act.
HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision PE-1884-01 Page 1
; _ • ~
EriWirvnmental Review; A Determinaticsn of Nvnsignifcance was issuei by the County
Diuisivn of P1anriing an Apri127, 2001
5ite Description: T'he sate as 4.93 acres in size, P5 relat1VeIy flat 117 topography, and slopes
gently £rom north to south. An existing hvarae and detached garage are fvund iza the northwest
cvmer of the site, with access off S' Av~enue. A barbed wire fence is Zocated alang the west side
of the site.
ACea R(lad SySte[ill: The Caunty Artefial Rvad Plan designates 8' Auenue adjacent tv the site
and Adams Road to the east as Minor Arterials, and designates Evergreen Road to the west as a
Pn'ncipal Arterial. Evergreen Rvad, no i h of Sprague Avenue, was recently widened ta a 5-lane
section, including center turn lane. A new freeway interchange has been installed at Evergreen
Raad and Tnterstate 90. In 2003, the Caunky plans to irnprvve Evergreen Rvad south of Sprague
Avenue, includnng widening such xoad ta a 5-laate section between 2nd and 8~' Avenues, and ta a
3-lane section hefween 8'b and 16" Aver~ues. This vaaupd include the addition of curb and
sidewalk. Evergreen Road and 8~' Aven'ue in the vicinity currentIy 2-Zane paved roads,
without curb or sidewalk.
Tenth Avenue, beriveen the svut,.hwest co~mer of the site and Calvin Road xa the east, has a right
of way width of 25 feet and is unpaved. 10' ,Avenue, west of the site, has a right of way width of
25 feet, lies irnmediately north vFthe alignment of 14th Avenue lcacated to the east, and is
currentiy closed west of Best Rvad.
5urrounding Gvnditians: The surrQUnding area is designated in the Urban categnry ❑f the
Comprehensive Plan, and is daminated by LIR-3.5 tiorung and single-farnily hornes. The
residentiaY subdivisivn ta the east has rvughly tvvice the residential density as the prapasal, while
the residential sutadiwisian ta the west has a stightly greater residential density than the propasal.
The land 1ying directly north and nvrtheast of the site, across Avenue, consists of 41ots zaned
[Jrhan Resir3ential-7 (LPR- i), developed for "zena lat Tine" duplexes.
The larid lying svutherly of the site is ditided into singIe-farnily residentxal garrcels of Various
size, including garcels as large as the currrent site, and parcels rvughly the same size as the
proposed lvts in the proyect. Two single-family lvts lvcated directly south of the vvest half of the
site, across 10`h Avenue, were createi through a 3-]at short plat (5P-1233-40) recorded can
Septeinber 1, 2000, and are snmilar in size ta the lofis in the current project. The Cauriiy pIans to
extend puhlic sewer to the area in approkimately 7years.
Description of Projeet: - The preP'uriinary plat application seeks ta divide 4.93 acres inta 14
lats for single-family homes. The preliminary plat tnap of recorti submitted arb Februaay 9, 2001
illustraxes lvt sizes ranging fram 11,760 square feet to 12,554 square feet. An existing resadence
and detached garage on propased Lot 2, Black 1 wvuld remain after site develvpment. A
cvmmvn apen sgace tract of appraxitnately 4,500 square feet, located along 8"' Avenue, wauld
accvrnmvdate drainage for the project. ~
The "net densit/,' of the project, which is equal to the number of dwelling units per acre,
excluding the area for roads and common apen space (.85 acres), is appraximately 3.44 dwelling
units per acre. The density (net) of the p~vject would be apprtrximately 3.46 dwelling unnts per
I -
NE Findings, Conclusicans aaa Decision PE-18$4-01 Page 2
~ .
acre, if the right of way for Rees Road through the site is widened to 38 feet, as required by
County Engineering conditions for the project.
The applicant proposes to serve 12 of the lots with on-site sewage disposal. The preliminary plat
map indicates that Lot 1, Block 1 and Lot 1, Block 2 of the project will not be developed until
public sewer becomes available, due to land area requirements for on-site sewage disposal, based
on the soil types present on the site. County Engineering conditions of approval require the
applicant to dedicate right of way along the frontage of the site with 8' and 10`h Avenues; widen
8' Avenue along the frontage of the site to a 3-lane arterial road section; insta1124 feet of asphalt
along 10~' Avenue along the frontage of the site; strip pave 10' Avenue off-site to the east, to
meet the existing pavement at Calvin Road, at a width of 24 feet; and pave Rees Road through
the project to a width of 30 feet, within a 38-foot wide right of way.
B. ProceduralInformation:
Applicable Zoning Regulations: Zoning Code Chapter 14.616 (LJR-3.5 zone)
Hearing Date and Location: May 16, 2001, Spokane County Public Works Building, Lower
Level, Commissioners Assembly Room, 1026 West Broadway, Spokane, WA.
Notices: Mailed: Apri130, 2001 by applicant
Posted: Apri130, 2001 by applicant
Published: Apri127, 2001
The requirements for public notice have been met.
Site Visit: May 15, 2001
Hearing Procedure: Pursuant to County Resolution Nos. 96-0171 and 96-0294
James Richardson Greg Baldwin
Division of Planning Division of Engineering
1026 West Broadway 1026 West Broadway
Spokane, WA 99260-0240 Spokane, WA 99260-0240
Andrew Worlock Bill Smith
707 West 7~' Avenue 16420 East Secretariat Lane
Spokane, WA 99204 Veradale, WA 99037
Cherlyn Rose
921 South Best Road
Veradale, WA 99037
Items Noticed: Spokane County Generalized Comprehensive Plan, 1996 CWMP Update,
County Zoning Code, County Code, County Guidelines for Stormwater Management, and 1999
County Standards for Road and Sewer Construction. Comprehensive Plan land use map, official
zoning maps, and Arterial Road Plan maps for vicinity. Final land use decisions referenced in Staff
Report and decision herein.
HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision PE-1884-01 Page 3
County ResvIution NQS. 99-0265 (re`ris ng County Standards far Raad and Sewer Construction),
98-0482 (increasing allowabIe density ih the UR-3.5 zone), 97-0784 (revising interim regulations far
County 1T.JGAs), 96-1224 (adopting Suidivisian Ordinance), 96-0585 (adaptang CWMI' 1996
Interim Update), 96-0294 (Hearing Examiner Rules of Psocedure), 96-(}171 (Hearing Exarniner
Qrdinance), 95-I005 (suspending park mitigation fees), and 85-0900 (adopting County Zoning
Code, and Pragram tv Implement Zvniri~g Code).
Proced►aral Matter: The record wa~ 1eft vpen after the public hearing held an May 16, 2001
tv al1Qw County Engineening to supply additianal information regarding any planried road
improvements ta Avenue and Evergreen Road in the vieinsty. ()n N,Iay 21, 2001, the
Examiner received a copy af a letter froin Chertyn Rgse, an npponent of the project, regarding
the impact of the project an 8' Avenue and the lack of planned raad improvements by the
County along 8`h Auenue. Qn May 24, ~~l(] 1, County Engineerir~g submitted a letter to the
Examiner, with a cc~py pravided to Cherlyn Rase, cammenting an the impact of the prvjecC aIong
8t-i A,venue, planneti raad improVements to Everg;reen Road, aaid acknowledging that the County
had nv plarbs in the Cuture tv widen 80` Avenue.
A. General aDnroVal cnteria The County Hearing Examiner Urdinance autharizes ttae Hearing Examiner ta grant, deny
or grant with such canditions, mndificatilcrns and restrictians as the Exatniner finds necessary ta
malce a preTiminary plat use application campatilale with the County Camprehensive Plan and
developrnent regulativns. See County Resoiutian iVo. 95-0171, Attachment "A,", paT.agraphs 7
(d) and secfion 11. Development reguYaiions include, without limitativn, the County Zoning
Code, the State Enviranmental Policy Act (SEPA) and the County's Lvcal Enviranmental
Ordinanee (chapter 11.10 of Spokane C~unty Cade).
RCW 58.17.1 tf3 requires lacal gvvernments, before appro`ring a preliminary plat, to adapt
written findings that the preliminary plat and its assaciated dedication make apprapriate
provision for the public health, safety and welfare, arid fvr the relevant factvrs listed in such
statute; and also that the prelirninary plai,wi11 serve the public use arid interest. A preliminary
plat must also conforrn to lacal2oning regulatians a►nd other applicable land use cpntrals. See
RCV4, 58.17.195.
General conforrmance with a comprehensive p1an is relevar►t in determining cvhether a
preliminary plat should be approved. See RCW 58,17.014 and RCW 58.17.100; and Norcr
Cvn,rtructian v. King Gounty, 97 Wn.Zd 680,682 (19$2). Acamprehensive plan is considered
as a general blueprint for land use regulation by lacal governrnents. See Gitizens for 1Llount
Yernon v. +City of Mount Vernon, 133 Wn.2d 861, 873, 947 P.2d 1208 (1 997); and Cathcart v.
Sncahomrsh County, 95 Wn.2d 201, 21 1-] 2, 634 P.2d $53 (1981). Where a comprehensiVe plan
conflicts with 2oning regulativns, the latter will usually be construed to prevaix. See
Weyerhaeuser v. Pierce Caunty, 124 Wn,~2d 25, 43, 873 P.2d 498 (1994).
HE Fnndings, ConcIusions and 17ecisivn PE=1884-0I Page 4
The County CornprehensiVe PIan itself indicates that it shfluld be used as a reference
source and guide for making land use decisions, primarnly thxough its policies stated as "decision
Chapter 12.400 vf the County Code sets forth xhe xequirements for approving preliminary
and final plats. 5ectivn 12.400.118 requires the entry of a written finding that the preliminary
plat conforms to the County Zanang Cade, chapter 58.17 FtCW and cather larad use "pt'ans" knov~
to exist. Section 12.400.1 22 requires the design of preliminary plats to conffarin to County pl~s
and standards, artd other land use contrals advpted tcr irnplement the County Camprehensive
Plan; and irr2poses certain general design standards for plats. Chapter 12.404 specifies general
requirernents for raads, sewage disposal, water supply, stotzn water runoff and utilities in shart
p lats.
Section 14.100.104 of the County Zvning Code states that the provisions of the Code shall
kre interpreted to carcy out and implement the puurppvse and intent af the Comprehensive Planp and
the general pla4ns far physical develapment of the county adopted tay the BQard vf County
Comn3issioners. Zoning Cade 14. 100. 106 indicates that when °the pravisipns vf the Zoning Code
cantlict with the Comprehensiwe Plan, or other advpted plans and develapment regulatians, the
mare restrictive provisions sha11 godern ta the extenk legally PemiTSSible and the Zaning Code
provisions wi11 be met as a minimum.
agakane County Yaas designaterl a wide array ef Ivcal SEPA pvlicies which rnay be used ta
condition or deny land use actpans under the County's Lvcal Envirotumental Ordinance. Such
pvlieies include the Comprehensi~e Plan, the County Zoning Code, the County Cade, County
Rvad Standards, County StvzTnvvater Guidelines, recommendations recezved from County
deparkrrlents and vther public agenGies an land use actians, studies perfozzned on a land use
actian Voluntarily or at the request af aCvunty departinent, and nther Listed regulations and
palicies. See chapter 11,10, Spmkane Cou°ety Cvde.
B. The Drelaminarv nlat and dedication, as conditioned. izenerallv conf'arm wath the SDokane
Countv Generalized Comorehensive Plain: bear a substantial relatianshitr to and will nat be
detritnental to the Dublic health. safetri and general welfare: serve khe nublic use and interest:
make annrnnria#e nrovision for the Dublic health. safetw azad welfare. and the £actars set farth in
RCVV 58.17.110: and comnlv with the St)akane Countv Zoning Cade and ather annlacable
develooment reeulations.
The site is designated a.n fihe Urban category ofthe CramprehensiVe Plan. The Sfiaff Report
sets forth the applicable policies of #he Urban categary, and finds thaf the preliminary plat
generally conforrns with the []rban category. "I'he Examiner agrees wuth such analysis, and
adopts the same as findangs and canclusians herein.
The site is z,aned []rban Residential-3.5 (UR-3.5), a zone that specifically implements the
Llrban category. The LTR-3.5 zone pernits a maxianum residential density (net) 0f 4.3 dwelling
units per acre. The density (net) of the project as shavvti vn the preliminaay pTafi map of record is
appraximateiy 3.44 dwelling units per acre. This density rx+ill incxease s1ightly, to approximately
3.46 dvvelling units per acre, to accommadate County EngYneerang's zequesx for a 3$-fvot right of
way width for Rees Road as it extends thrvugh the site.
HE Findings, Ct]I1CYl1S1Op5 Sild D8GSS10II PE-1884-01 Page 5
6 .
The lot sizes in the project range 1~om 11,760 square feet to 12,554 square feet. Sorne or
all of the lats in the project wil1 have to be reduced slight2y to accamrr►odate a3$-faat right of
vvay widkh for Rees Rvad thraugh the site, but such reduced lot sizes wili he able ttr easily rneet
fhe mirjimum lot size required an the LJR-3.5 zone vf 10,000 square feet.
The density of the praject, as adjusted, is well helvw the maximum density a1lowed in the
znne, slaghtly lawer than the suhdivision ta the west, and approximately half ttte density of the
subdAVision ta tlhe east auxd the "zerv 1ot~line" duplex iQts zvned Urban Residential-7 (UR-7) to
the north. A f nal short plat (File No. SP-1233-00) appraved in September, 2000 created twFo
single-family lots directly sc►uth af the west half vf the site that are of comparable size to the
proposed lvts in fihe current prvject.
The []rban categcsry prarnvtes a variety of residential densities and use t}fipes, and
recorrmends a residential density (net) range vf 1 to 17 dwelling units per acre. Higher densities
of housing, inGluding multiple-dwellings rn higher densiiy zvnes, are encvuraged in the Llrban
Category a1ong Minor Arterials such as 18'h Avenue; provided public sewer and other madern
urban services are available, and the s'
ite is located rePatively close to shvpging, employment and
public ftansit. See Zoning Cvde 14.6201100 and 14.622.100; and Gecisian Cufldeline 1.1.3,
Comprehensive Plan. The applicanf pro`,poses a relatively low density Qf hvusing in the i3rban
categvry, which d'erasity is clearly compatible with neighboring land uses.
The site is located inside the interilrn urban growth area (TUGA) baundaries adopted by the
Gounty, puusuant to the State Growkh Management Act. Urban development is encouraged
within Coundy IUGAs. Integim regulativns adopted by tae Cvunty prohibit the suhmittaT crf a
preliminary plat application for Iand lacated within the Caunty's ITJGA boundaries unless the
plat would be setved by pubIic sewer and water, or the site is lacated within the 1 S-year sewer
capitat program area designated in the 1996 Update tQ the County's Comprehensive Wastewater
Management Plan (CWMP). See County Resolution No. 97-4864. The site is designated wIlthsn
such 15-year axea, and is expecteci tv have sewer extended tv it within appraximately 7 years.
See testimany of Andrew Worlock, and 1996 Update to CVVNP.
The sail types present on the site generally require a minirnum grass land density af 18,000
square feet, for ori-site sewage dispmsal, ?utzder apokans Regionall Health YJistrict regulation.s.
See Hea1th District inter-office catrnmunication dated 3-22-01, an File Nv. PE-1884-01. Two 1ots
a.n the prvject may not be devetopable un;til the exCension of public sewer, due tv such tlensity
requirernents. The preliminary plat map indicates that Lpt 1, Block 1, and I,at 1, BTack 2, wili Yse
served with pukalic sewer. The suitability, of the sails an each lot for on-sifie sewage dispvsa1 will
he examnneci more closely, prior to ths iristallaticsn of any systems for on-site sewage disposal.
TheHealth District may permat the applitant to finalize anly 12 lots.
The site is designated in the Public Transit ~~~efit Area, which Zaning Code 14.300. 100
defines as the area where the Spvkar►e Trarisit Authvrity is respansible fvr prawidin,g public
transit service.
The only objectian to the pr8ject wa.s subtnitted by Chsrlyn Rose, whv resides at 921 5outh
Best Raad, an a singie-Family parcel located immediately vvest of the sQUthwest comer of the
site. Such resident expressed concern over mcreased tt'affic from the prvject aPvng $,b Avenue,
HE Findings, Conciusians and Decision PE-1$$4-01 Page 6
the lack of sidewalks along 8~' Avenue; potential impacts to Adams Elementary, a deaf child
area, and children playing on Best Road; and no planned improvements along Best Road.
The Transportation section of the Comprehensive Plan contains the Arterial Road Plan
(ARP) and policies related to the development of and along county roads. The ARP describes
and designates county arterials into the classes of Principal, Minor and Collector Arterials. All
other county roads are considered Local Access roads. See Comprehensive Plan, Section 21.
The ARP indicates that it is to be implemented through adopted arterial road plan maps, adopted
• road standards, and the County's Six-Year Capital Improvement Plan. Comprehensive Plan, p.
The site abuts 8' Avenue, a Minor Arterial, and abuts the half width right of way for 10'
Avenue, a Local Access road. The ARP chazacterizes a Minor Arterial as a moderate speed
facility, which collects and distributes traffic between Principal Arterials and Collector Arterials
and Local Access roads, and which is designed to provide less mobility than a Principal Arterial.
Such arterials aze designed to serve secondary traffic generators, including multiple family
residential azeas. The ARP states that Minor Arterials may function as 2-lane facilities with on
street parking, or as 4-lane facilities with no parking. Channelization and traffic signals are
recommended at major intersections, with stop signs at intersecting Local Access roads. See
Comprehensive Plan, p. 247 and 256.
T'he Transportation secrion encourages an adequate, efficient, safe, economical and energy-
conserving arterial system; one which provides convenient access to homes, employment,
shopping, personal business and recreation. Decision Guideline 21.4.2. Decision Guidelines
21.4.5 and 21.5.7 of the Transportation section recommend that the function of existing and
future arterials be preserved by controlling land uses, parking and direct access along the
arterials. Decision Guideline 21.5.3 encourages land use planning that minimizes the need for
high capacity transportation corridors, and encourages land uses in areas that can take advantage
of the available capacity of existing arterial streets.
Decision Guideline 21.5.11 recommends pedestrian facilities that enhance the safety and
convenience of pedestrian travel and to provide access to neighborhood facilities. Decision
Guideline 21.1.5 states that sidewalks should at a minimum be provided along all arterial roads
and all local access roads which lead to schools, parks and shopping districts.
The ARP recommends the early acquisition of the prescribed right of way width for
Principal Arterials, though actual road construction within such right of way may be
accomplished in phases over time. Comprehensive Plan, p. 253. Decision Guideline 21.1.3 of
the Transportation section states that the review of land use proposals should contain provisions
for extensions, alignments and adequate right of way acquisition for designated County Arterials.
Objective 21.1.6 recommends that long-range widening requirements be considered in
developments adjacent to arterials and anticipated arterials, to allow for increased traffic volumes
caused by future developments. Decision Guideline 21.1.13 states that in selecting long-range
arterial improvements, consideration should be given to long-range improvements at significant
locations where such improvements will delay or eliminate future high cost reconstruction. The
Transportation section policies advise that proposed development may be required to dedicate
HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision PE-1884-01 Page 7
needed right of way, vr tv vviden, or 15F iIY W1['~eI1i11g, existing iaransporkation facilities; all in
aceordance with established road desighcrifieria and vf'f"icial maps. I]ecision Guidelirae 21.1.7.
The primary functivn of L,ocal Access ~ads is to provide access ta adjacent praperty ar~d
deliver traf~ic to arterials. Such roads ~re to be designed and loca#eti ta provide canVenient
access to residential lots, discaurage fl~ws of traffc through a neighborhvad, and encourage
cantinuaus ar unobstructed flaw of traffic from a neighborhvad ta a neighborhovd Callectar
Arterial. Carnprehensiue Plan, p. 247 and 260; and I3ecision Guideline 21.3.3.
Decision Guideiine 21.5,10 discvurages "ihrvugh" traffTC froIi1 i1siT1g teSIld[.i1tlaY 1GCe55
streets, and encourages making residentiai neighborhvads more adtraefive tv fami1y residents.
The aligmnent and traffic corrtral shvul~ encaurage a s1ovv, safe spe~. ~`his anay be
accrannplis~aed }~y utilizang physical ar~d ~trafFG management techn.iques sueh as offset
intezsections, circle driues, curviTinear s I treet design and cul-de-sacs.
The policies of the Transportation section and the ARP are primarily impTemented thtough
the raad provisians cantained in Title 9of the Cvurrty Cvde and the County Standards frar Road
and 5ewer Construction.
The enviranmerataP checklist subaruitted far the pxoject indica#es that the prelimflnary plat
would add a relatively srrzall percentage of vehicl'e trips to 8' Avenue. Gounty Engineering
concluded that such incxease in traffic wvuld not have any significant adaerse impact an the
existing service level along 8" AWenue, or wara'aart any additional off-site mitigativn measures.
See letter dated May 23, 2001 from Couitty Emgineering.
Coun,ty Engineering has required that thie site be impror~ed to a 3-lane sectia~z a1ong
A~renue, inciuding tl~e addition of 14 fe~t of asphalt, curb and sidewalk; and including the
dedicatian of 10 feet of right of way ~v~g 8`h Avenue, plus afutune road set aside of 10 feet. The
Courhty has nm plans in the nea,r ffuture ta rmproVe 8' Awenue in the area, altho~u gh it does pIan tv
wide~ and improve Everg$een Rvad, aPirincipal Arternal, nvrth and svuth of ~Avenue, ia~ 2043.
No evadence of a trafic engineerinIg nature r~+~ subrnined estabYislung that the project will
deg~de tpie 2evels vfservice of transportation infimtructure an the area to a faiTing Ievel, or that
traffic safety will be signifiicantly impac~,ed. Absent such prDCaf, the Exarniner must rely on the
judgment of the Cvunty DiVisivn of Enganeering and Rvads, which found no need far off-site
imprvvements "cept for the extensian ~!f a half street imprravement of 10' Avenue to Galvin
Ftoad. The relatively small traffic impac~t of the project dves nrat justify any nff-site improvernent
to 8" Avenue by the applicant, or denial )~~'the pr€~ject based on the current status o~'s~ich road.
The applicant is reqttired ta pave RI ees Road through the site to a3fl-foot width within a 3$-
fvot wide right of way, including tPie additian of curb and sidewalk. This ctrrnpIlies with Caunty
standards far a L.ocal Access mad. See 1999 Cvunty Standards for Rvad and Sewer
Canstructivn. The preliminary ppat map shau+s vnly 36 feet of deciication for Rees Road.
Dedication of an additional2 feet of righ t of way to the County vvould not significantly impact
lat sizes or the density in the prelirninary plat.
HE Findmgs, Conclusion,s and Decisioa FE-1884=01 pagc 8
The applicant is also required to dedicate 25 feet of right of way along the frontage of the
site with 10t' Avenue, which supplements the 25 feet of right of way that already exists to the
south. This would match the half right of way width of 10' Avenue located between the site and
Best Road, and between the site and Calvin Road. The applicant is required to add 24 feet of
asphalt to 10t' Avenue, along the frontage of the site and east to Calvin Road.
Full width improvements to 10`hAvenue aze not feasible at the current time, but may
ultimately materialize if the lazge parcels of land located south of the east half of the site and
located southwest of the site are later divided and developed at higher residential densities.
Considering the relatively small number of housing units in the project, and the miniscule
amount of traffic that currently occurs along 10`hAvenue, the Examiner finds that the half
improvements to 10' Avenue required of the applicant are adequate and will not cause a safety or
capacity problem along 10a' Avenue. Recent Washington cases limit the County from imposing
dedication or road improvement requirements on preliminary plats, including frontage
improvements, if such requirements are not proportionate to the traffic impact of the project.
County Engineering conditions prohibit access to Best Road west of the site until 10a'
Avenue to the west is fully constructed to County standards. A 1-foot strip is required at the end
of 100' Avenue at the southwest corner of the site, to prevent such access.
County Engineering conditions, as amended at the public hearing, make appropriate
provision for necessary road dedication, sidewalks for schoolchildren who walk only to school,
road improvements and drainage control. The project is required to comply with the County's
Guidelines for Stormwater Management.
There aze no critical azeas or environmentally sensitive azeas on the site. The conditions
of approval recommended by the Regional Health District and County Utilities assure that
adequate and appropriate provision will be made for public sewer and water to serve the
project. The local public water, fire and school districts were contacted regarding the project.
The school district did not submit any comments. Vera Water and Power advised that utility
easements must be shown on the final plat. Spokane County Fire District 1 has required the
installation of a new fire hydrant at the entrance to the project along 8'h Avenue.
The Urban category of the Comprehensive Plan comments that parks will normally be
associated with schools, although not exclusively. See Comprehensive Plan, Section 1,
"Detailed Definition". Decision Guideline 1.2.2 of the Urban category recommends that
residential development provide recreational opportunities for its residents in accordance with
the County's adopted plans. The County no longer requires voluntary mitigation agreements
for county parks. See County Resolution No. 95-1005.
The County Subdivision Ordinance requires that the design, shape, size and orientation of
the lots in the project be appropriate for the residential uses proposed for the site, and the
character of the azea. The lots in the project generally sarisfy such criteria.
The project is conditioned for compliance with the UR-3.5 zone, other applicable
provisions of the County Zoning Code, County subdivision regulations, and other applicable
development regulations. The proposed subdivision meets the general design requirements
HE Findings, Conclusions and Decision PE-1884-01 Page 9
I •
specif ed in se.ctivn 12.400.122 of the County Subdivisian f]rdinance, and vther requirements
listed in chapter 12.40(] of such ordinarice. No deficiencies with regard to the praject's
compliance with developrnen# regulati j s have been established in the recvrd.
The procedural requirements of c~iapter 43.2 I C RCW and chapter 11.1 0 of the Spakane
County Code have been rrtet. The ~Iearoing Exaniner concu3rs with the Determinarion of
Nansignificance issned by the DivisiQnliaf planning. No adverse camrnents were receiveci fram
public agencies that would dictate a need far withdrawal of such enVirarimental determinatian.
The conditians of approval imposed on;the prnject are supported hy a number of SEPA policies
adopted Tay the County identified in this', decisian, including the Comprehensive Plan, County
Zaning CDde, County Rvad Standards, 'etc.
The abvve analysis indicates that ihe praject, subject to conditians, generally conforms ta
the Comprehensive Plan. The project makes apprapriate provis'rons far the pubPic health, safety
and welfare, and far the items of infrastiucture and ather reIevant facts as prryvided in RCW
58.17.110. As canditivned, the praject ns reasnnably compatible with adjacent land uses, and
wili serve the public use anti interest, i
-Sased vn the Findings of Fact and Conclusivns of Law above, the preliminary plat is
herehy appraved, subject to the canditions of the varivus public agencies set fvrth below.
Any conditians that have been add;ed ta or signif cantly aitered hy the Hearing Exarniner
are italierzed. ~
Failure trr camply with the condifi~ns o£~ this approval may result in revocation of this
approVal by the Hearing Examiner. Ttus approval does not waive the applicant's obTigation to
comply with all other reguirements of ather public agencies with jurisdictian aver lanci
develapment. i •
1. All conditians impvsed by the Hearing Examiner shall be binding un the "Applicant",
which term shall include the owner (s) ~ d develvper (s) of the property, and their heirs,
successars, and assigns.
2. This preliminary subdivisian applies ta the following real praperty. The west half ofTract
147 of Vera, Volume "O' of Plats, Page;30, Spokane Cvunty, Washingtfln.
3. The proposal sha11 comply with the Urban Residential-3.5 (UR-3.5) zone, the Aquifer
Sensitiwe Area (ASA) Dverlay xone, and alt ather applicable pravisions of the Spokane County
Zaning Code, as amended. i
4. The prnposal shall comply with the Spvkane Caunty Spokane Caunty Suhdivisian
Drtiinance, as amended,
HE Findings, ConcIusions and becision PE-i 884-d1 Page 10
• ~
5. The final plat shall be desrgned substantially in confarmance with the preliminary plat of
recnrd submitted on Fehniary 9, 2001, subjec# ta compliance with conditions of approval and
deveivpmen# regulatians. Nv increase of density or number of la#s, or substantial madifications
to the preliminary plat shall aceur without achatlge of condition(s) application and approval.
6. Appropriate road name(s) assigned by the I]ivision of Buiiding and Cvde Enforcemen#
shall be drafted an the face of the final plat.
7. The st,ree# address far each lot sha11 be indicated on the face of t'~e final plat. The Division
of Buzlding and Code Enforcement reserrfes the right tv canfirrn the actual address at the time a
building perraait is issued.
The prelirninary plat is given canditional approval far fiNe (S) years, specifically to Tune
28, 2006. TFae applicant may submit an extension of time application at least thirty 30 days privr
to the abave expiratican ciate, but nn later than May 29, 2006. Applicativn for an extension of
time shall be prvcessed under the provisions of Chapter 12.1 00.118 (Extensivn of Tune) of the
Spokane County 5ubdivision Grdinance, as arnended. If the applicant cornplies with the criteria
of Chapter 12.1 [10. 11$, the preliminary appraval and canditions wi11 be changed to reflect the
adopted poiicy and develapment regulatians at the time of the extension applicativn.
9. Appropriate utility easernents sha11 be indicated on copies of the prapvsed final plat.
Apprvval of utility easements hy the appropriate utility companies shall be submitted with any
prrapased final plat.
10. Fmtar (4) current certificates of title shall be furnished to the Division of PIanning priQr tv
filing ihe final plat.
11. If a partian of the appmved preliminary plat is submitted fvr final revievv and approVal, the
applicant's suiveyar shall submit a map outlining in r@d the area being finalitied and delineate the
area to retnain in preTiminary plat status. The scale shall match t.he appropriate assessQr's map
Priar to release of abuilding permit or use of prap" as prnposed:
1. Conditional appraVal of the plat by the County Engineer is given su'6ject to dedication of
right-of-way anti approVal ❑f the raad system, as indicated an the prelirninary plat of recvrd and
in these canditions.
2. A Professavnal, licensed in khe State of Washington, shall submit final road and
drainage plans, a drainage report and calculativns that conform to the 1999 Spakane County
5tandards for Rvad and Sevsrer construction, the current editian of the Guidelines For Storrnwater
Managerrlent and a,ll standards and laws Chat are applzcable to this project if road and'Ivr drainage
improvements are required. Any final rvad and drainage plans and a drainage report shall receide
the County Engineer's acceptance prior ta release of a canstruction ar building permit ar apprvval
HE Findings, C❑nclusions and Decisian PE-1884=01 Page 1 p
af the final p1at. Drainage language vwi t~ he draReti by Spokane County and provided to the
Spansar's Engineer or Surveyvr far inclusion in the final ptat document following plan
acceptance by tne Spakane Courity En 81 neer.
3. Any applxcable stgrmwater rnairrag,ement systems and roads for thais plat shall be cvnstructed
anti certified to be canstructed in accordance with the accepted road and drainage plans, or ali the
required impravements must be bantied for in accar+dance with Spokane Cvunty regulations,
prior to the recvrding of the finafl plat. Ftecarti drawings and aii constructivn daGUmentatian shall
be submitted with the proper certification statement.
4. Ervsion Control: A Temgorary ErI nsion and Seditraentatian +Cantral ('I`ESC) plan sha1P be
prepared by a WA State licensed Prvfessianal Engineer or Landscape Architect, and
irraplemented throughput the duration af canstractiora. `I'he TESC plan stnall be prepared using
best management practices (BMP's) currently accepted withim the Ciui1 Engineenng professiQn,
and shall address limats an amount and durativn of disturbed areas that have not been stabil'azed.
The TESC plan shall include, as aminirnum, a grading plan, location and details of silt cantrol
structures, and street cleaning pragram. Runoff frvm exposed areas must be filtered privr to
discharging intv a detentivn gond, evaporation pand, 208 siwaLe, or infiltt'ation facility. The
TE5+G plan shall he inctuded in the rvad a.nd drainage plans. The applicarbt's Engineer shall
submit the TESG plan and suppartimg calculatians to Spvkane County for review, and shall
receive accepxance as part of the pPan re~view process privr to site disturbance. The TE5C fnajor
sf.ructures (such as silt pvnds, si1t traps) shall be instalted prior to other site wnrk and the TESC
measures implemented and maintained throughvut the duration af canstructian, including house
5. The proposed subdivision is iocated within a drainage basira that has been identified by the
Spakane Caunty Engineer's and LTtiiities vffices as having stvrrnvvater aunoff prvhlems. 5ince
this proposed subdivisian or development proposal is affected by or is a contribu#ar to
stormwater flvws, praperry owners shQUld pa.rticipate in the planning and irnplernentation af a
future basinwide storrnwater managerrtent system.
fi. Cansfruction within the proposed public streets a.nd easements sha11 be per#'ormed under the
direcf supervision of a licensed engineer~surveyar, who shald furnish the Cvunty Engineer with
"Record Drawings" and a certificate in "ting that all irnpravements were anstalled to the lines
and grades shown on the approved constructaon plans and that alI dasturbed monuments have
been replaced. '
7. As per SectiQn 9.14.080 of the Spakane Caunty Crade, no person shall canstruct aroad nr
other facilities within the existing proposed, or future publie right-af-way, or fihe private Xoad
easement in connectian vvith the activMS pnumerated in 5ection 9.14.420 withtrut out first havfng
received a permit as specif ed in Seetion 9.14.070 (1) fvr such facilities from the Caunt}+
Engineer. Said permit will nvt be girai.nted until the plans fvr the dedelopment have been acaepted
by the Caunt}+ Engineer. If this provisiQin is violated, the Cvunty Engineer may require t.he
project plans be reVised to shaw the construction that was done and specify h4w the constnzction
that was dane will meet Spokane Counte~ Siandards prior to plarl acceptance.
HE Findings, Conclusians and Decision ' PE-1$8A-01 Fage 12
r -
8. Na construction work is to be perforrned within the existing or praposeci public right-o£
way until a permit has been issued by the County Engineer. Abl work is subject to inspection and
approval by the Counry Engineer.
9. All constructian within the existing or propased Public right-af-way ns tv be campleted
prior ta filing the final plat or a band in the arnount estirnated by the County Engineer to caver
the cost of constructian of imprnvements. Constnaction certification, "Reeard Drawings" and
monumenting the street cen#eriines sha11 be fiIed with the County Engineer.
10. Nv direct access fram lots to 10th Avenue shall lae allawed until such rvads are canstructed
tv Cvunty Standards and established as Caunfiy Raads.
11. Na direct access fram lots tv 5t~b Rvad canr►ections shali be allawed until such roads are
constructed to Caunty Standards and established as Caunty Roads.
12. Raad design, constructian and drainage cvntrol for half (112) right of ways and stub rvad
cvnnectivns are the respansibility of the developer.
13. Appropriate provision shall be made far the fv114►uing described property tv be held in trust
until the contYnuation of the streets be dedicated ar deeded: A I foc+t strip at the ends or edges of
all streets khat terminate or border the plat baundary. Temporary cul de sacs are required when
streets temrinate at the plat baundaries.
14. The applicanx is advised that indiuidual driveway access petmits are required prior to
issuance of a bunlding permit far driveway appraaches to the Coun#y aoad system,
15. Dedicativn of 10 feet of additivnal right-of=way alang 8#h Avenue and the applicable radius
of Rees Road and 8th A,venue is required.
16. Dedicatian of 3$ feet of rightEvf-way fnr Rees Rvad and the applfcable radius of Rees R.vad
and 1Oth Avenue is requirei,
17. T)edication of 25 feet of right-of way is required for 1 Qth Avenue. auch right of way
dedication shall meet the existing right-af-way line on the vvest (Valley Ho Additian) and
decrease to meet the existing right of way line on the east (Towner's Addition).
18. A.11 pubric raads within the plat shall be designed and canstructed to Spvkane County
19. The faIPowing statement sha11 appeax wi#hin the dedicat❑n-y language of the final plat: "The
owner(s) or successor{s} in anterest agree to join in any County-approVed stormwater
management prograrn and ta pay such rates and charges as may be fixed through public'hearings
for service ar benefit obtained by the planning, design, constructing, rnaintaining ox operation of
starmwater control £acilities."
20. The rGveinty Engineer has designated aLocal Access RQadwa}+ Section for the improVement
ofRees Road which is to be constructed within the propaseci development. Ihis will require the
installation of 30 feet of asphalfi. The canstructi[an of curbing and sidewalk is alsv required.
HE Findings, Canclusivns aud I]ecisiom PE-1884-01 Fage 13
1 .
21, The +CQUmty Engineer has designa _ed a T,ocaI Access koadvti+ay Sectivn fvr the improvernent
of 10th Avenue which is adjaeent tv thepraposed devetopment. This will require the addition of
24 feet of asphalt alang the frontage of ~he development ta create a half street sectian. The
canstnzction of curbing is alsa required I
22. The applicant shail strip pave a hallf street section with 24 feet of asphalt on 10th Avenue
o~f site, te eonnect the frvntage irnprav~ments back ta rneet the exisfing pavement on the easfi at
Calvin Rvad (Towner's Additivn).
23. The Cvunty Engineer has desi,!gna4ed a 3-Lane Minor Arterial Raadway Section fvr the
ianpraaement of 8th Avenue which es adjacent to the proposed development. This will require
the additivn of appraxirnately 12-14 feeli oFasphalt aIang the frantage of the deVelcagment. The
cvnstrucfiion of curbing and sidewaEk is also required.
24. The propvsed plat sha11 be impr+aved to the standards set farth in Spakane County -
ResoPutian Nv. 99-0265, as amended, which establishes regulatians for rvads, approaches,
drainage and fees in new canstruction. ' •
25_ The Cautaty Engineer has examined khis deveioprnent proposal and has determined tYiat the
impact of thns prcaposal upvn the existing Cvranty Road Systetn warrants the dedication of
additianal right of way and the rvadvvay~j impmvernents herein specified,
26. 'The County A.rterial Raad plan id~ntifies 8th Avenue as a Minor ArCerial. The existing
right of way width of 40 feet is nat consistent with that specified in the plan. in order to
impTement the Arteria1 Roati Piarn it is recomrnended tfiat in addition to the required right of way
dedication, a strip of pmperrty 10 feet im width alvng the 8th Avenue fronfage be set aside in
resei`ve. This property may be acquired by Spokane Ccrunty at the time when Arterial
Ilrnpravements are made to 8th Avenue,
27. The applicant is advised that there may exist utilities either underground ar overhead
effecting the applicant's properly, including property to he dedicated or set aside future
acquisitian. Spvkane Cvunty will assume no financial obligation for adjustments vr relacatian
rregarding these uta]ities. The applicant shauId contact the applicabfle utilities regarding
responsibility far adjustrnent nr relocation costs and to rnake arrangements for any necessary
2$. The applicant shall grant applicable border easernents adjacenk to Spakane County Right of
Way per Spakane County Standards.
1. Pursuant ta the 5pokane County Sewer Code, the use of on-site sewer disposal systems
may 1oe authnnzeci. ThYS authorization is conditivried in compiiance with ali rules and
regulations of the Spokane Gounty HeaAh I]istrict and is iuurther conditioned and subject to
specific application appro~aaP and issuar~~e of permits by the Health District.
I-IE Findings, Crsnclusions and Ilecision PE-1884-0I Page 14
r _
2. The dedication shall state: "The double-p1urn6ed dry side sewer sha11 be extended to the
public right-of-way or as reyuired by the llivisian of Lltilities. T)ouble-plumbing dry side sewer
plans acceptable to the DiVision of TJtilities may be required."
3. The dedication sha11 state: "Puhlic dsy-line sewers shall be constructeti to provide fvr the
future connection of each parcel tv the County's system of sewerage. VVhen the dry-line sewers
hecome wet {liVe}, uses vn properties within the project shall be required to corir►ect tv the sewer
and pay applicable Gharges per the County Sewer [3rdinance. Sewer conriectian permits shall be
4. The applicant shall submit expressly to Sperkane Caunty Division of [Jtilit'res, "under
separate cover", vnIy those sheets showing sewer plans and specifications for the public
dryiine sewer connections fvr reuiew arid approval.
5. 5ewer plans acceptahie to the r]ivisivn of Utxlities shalI be submitted prior ta the
finalizatian of the project,
6. Security shall be deposited with the Diuision ofUtilities for the eernstruetivn of the public
ciryline sewer cannectivn and facilities and fvr the prescribed warranty period. 5ecurity sha11 be
in a form acceptabie tv the I)ivisian of LTtilities and in accordance with the Spvkane Cvunty
Sanitary 5ewer fJrdinance.
7. Any water service fmr this praject shall be prvvided in accordance with the CQOrdinated
Water System Plan for Spakane Gcaunty, as amended.
1. The finai ptat shall be designed as indicated an the prelirninary plat of recvrd andlvr any
attached sheets as noted, subject °ta Cvmpliance with conditians of approvaL
2. Apprapriate utility easements sha11 he indicated nn capies of the preliminary plafi of record
for distributian by the County Z7ivision of Planning to the utiliry cmmpanies, the Spokane County
Engineer, and t.he Spokane Regianal Health District. VVritten approval of the easements by the
utilify companies must be received privr tv the suhmittaT of the fina.l plat.
3. The sewage disposal methad shall be as autharized by the Director ofTTtilities, Spokane
4. Water service shall be cvordinated thraugh the Directar of[Ttilitaes, Spakane County.
5. Water service sha11 be by an existing puhlic water supply when appraved by the Regivnal
Engineer (Spokane), Sfiate Departrnent of Health.
6. Prior to filing the finat plat, the spansor shall demonstrate tv the satisfaction of the Health
District that an adequate and potable water supply is available to each 1ot of the plak.
HE Finduigs, Ccrnclusions and l]ecision PE-1884-01 Fage 15
7. Privr to filing the final plat, the sp~nsc~r shall present evidence that ttte plat lies within the
recorded service ~ea of ~e water syste"! prvpased to serve the p1at.
8. A plan for water faciIities adequate for dvmestic use, domestic irrigation use, and fire
pratection use shall be approved by the ~ ater purveyor. Said water plan musf have been
apprawed by the fire prcatection district and the apprapriate health autharities. Ttae health
authQrities, u+ater supplier (purveyDr), aiid the fire pratectian district will certify, privr ta the
filzng of the anal p1at, on the face of saiI water p1an that ghe plan is in conformance with their
requirements and wi11 adequately satis~ - theFr respectiVe needs. Saiti water plan and certification
wilF be drafted on a tra.nsparency suitablpe far repraductian.
9. The purveyvr will alsv certi£y priox to filing the final plat an a copy of said water p1an that
appropriate contractual arrangements ha~ve been made vvith the plak sponsar for construction of
the vvatex system, in accordance vvith the apparov ed plan and time schedule. The time schedule
wi11 prQvide, ira any case, for campretiora of the water system and inspec#ivn by the appropriate
health aut,horities privr tv application far building permats within the p1at. The contractuaf
arrangements will include a pravisian holding Spokane Cvunty, Spcakane Regianal Health
Districtr and the purveyor harmless frorri claims tsy any Iot purchaser refizsed a building permit
due to failure of the plat sponsar to satis factorily camplete tkxe appraved water system.
14. Ffior ta filing fihe firial plat, the sponsor shall dennvnstrate ta the satisfaction of the Healxh
DisErict that suitable sites ~'ar an an-site ~evs+age disposal systems are available on Block 2, Lats
1, 3, 5and 6, a-id B1ock 1, Lots 3, 4, an~ 6.
11 . Priar tv filing the final plat, the spunsor shaLl demvnstrate to the satisfactian of the Health
District that the existing systern serving I the residence locatefl an Block 1, Lat 2 is whoPly located
• vvithin the baundaries of the lcat.
12. Suhject to specific application appraval2nd issuance of permits by the Health OFfficer, the
use ofindiVidual on-site sewage disposJI systerns may be aut.horized.
13. The dedicatvey language of the pPat shalI state: "Subject #a speeific applicati4n approual '
and isst~a.~°►►ce of permiks by the ~Tealth O~cer, the use of individual vn-site sewage disposal
systems may be authorized."
14. The dedacatory Ianguage on the plaf shall state: "The use of private we1Ps and water
systerns is prohibited." ,
15. The final plat dedieativn shall cantain the following statement: "The puhlic water system,
pursuant to the Water Plan apprvVed Ysy cvunty arid state health authorities, the local fire
pratection district, the Cvuraty T)ivision of Plaaning, ar►d the water pruveyor sha11 be installed
within this subdiVisian. The applicaant shall pravide far indivadual dvmestic water serrvice as well
as fire protection to each lot prior to the sale of each 1at, and privr to issuance of a huildrng
permit for each lvt."
FiE Findings, Cancdusions and Decision PE-1884-01 Page lb
1. A11 applicahle pollution regulations sha11 be met.
1. A new 6re hydrant shall be installed at the entrance to the plat at S`" Avenue.
1. A vvater plan shall be prepared.
2. LFtility easernents shaPl he shown on the final plat anap.
HE Findings, Canclusions and Decision PE-1884-01 Page 17
dl -
DATED this 28th day of dune, 2001.
Micl~iael C. Dempsey, W~~A #823_~
Pursuant tv Spokane County Resa]ution No. 96-0171, the decision Q#'the Hearing Examiner
on an application for a preliminary pTat is ~uzal and conclusiwe unless witl~in twenty-one (21)
calendar days &om the issuance of ihe E~xaminer's decisiDn, a party with standing files a land use
petition in superiar caurt pursuant to ch~pter 35.70C RCW. pursuant to RCW 36.70C.040, the date
of issuance of the Hearing Examiner's decision is three (3) days aftep it is rnailed.
This Decision was mailed by Certi fied 1VIail to the Applicant, ai.nd by regular maiP to other
parties of record, an June 2$, 2001. Th~ date of issuance of the Hearing Examuier's decisivr~ is
therefare July 2, 2001, cvuntia~g to the n~xt business day vvhen the last day for appeal falls on a
'lr`he cvmplete recard in ffiis rnatter, including this decision, is on file during the appeal
period with the Q~'~ice of the Hearing Examiner, Third F1aor, Public Works Euilding, 1026 West
Brvadway Avenue, Spokane, Washingtan, 99260-0245, (509) 477-7490. The 5le may be
inspected during normal worlting hours, listed as Monday - Friday of each week, except
halidays, heiween the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 5:{]0 p.m. Copies of the docuznents in the record
will be rnade availahle at the cost set by ;pakane County.
HE Fmdings, Conclusions and i)ecision PE-1884-01 Pagc 18
File : P -1884-01 1-11
HEARING DATE: May 16, 2001 at 1:30 P.M. FILE NUMBER: PE-1884-01
. .
PROJECT PLANNER: James Richardson, Associate Planner
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Preliminary plat to subdivide approximately 4.93 acres into 14 lots for
single family dwellings and those uses allowed in the existing Urban Residential-3.5 (UR-3.5)
F'roject Ad'dress project site is located between 8~' Avenue and
Avenue and will be bisected by an extension of
Road, within Section 23, T 25 N, R 44 EWM.
~Parcel Numb'""er
Owner: - r~ ~.*Bill Smith
P.O. Box 14084
Spokane, WA 99214
- - '-~'-i. (509) 922-0782
- _ -
Desi'gnated Contact:_3 Andrew Warlock
` - ~ ~~~~.a~~ -
CLC Associates
"~ti,~,w rx =3
707 West 7` - #200
Spokane, WA 99204
; (509) 458-6840
= Compr~ eh,_e.n~siue Plan U,esi'gn tio~n'~''~~.n~-- Urban (U)
- Lon'ing~ Urban Residential-3.5 (UR-3.5)
~T~_" ~ The site is presently used for a single family
ks, ing Land~Use: -
residence and garage which will remain.
--_~;~n ~
Su~'rr'r'o"~"nai n'g~Z~nq a~dlLand lJses: ~ ~FNW~ ;
• Iorth' Properties to the north of the project site are zoned
~ • , , = ~
t~~rt P~ 5 y~:4' Urban Residential-3.5 (UR-3.5) estabtished in 1991
` and PreviouslY classifed A9ricultural Suburban (AS)
and Single Family Residential (R-1), and are
developed with residential and accessorY uses on a
~R ~;;''~•~~'=-X~'~`~
mixture of large parcels and smaller platted lots.
.~i-~,M '
;,'~';,r,-~~r;~n~~'~---_-_ n'
~ ' - -i1 ' °~~A° Four lots zoned Urban Residential-7 (UR-7)
i~f ,Pu
i;f;i';' ' ' ' . r!d ,.3-=~1 ' •
established in 1991 and previously classifed Two
. Family Residential (R-2) are located immediately
Staff Report - May 16, 2001 Public Heanng
1 of 10
s r
nvrth of 8h Avenuea adjacent to the si#e
y~c , r,, y= , r 1.,,.ir:- ~LL•i~ ~ „ui . ~ewg ivrvrxair, iyi;a~ `~`~~-='~5~llfkl ku~,rr~ba;~j;,;^~~~; Praperkies ta #he svuth of the praject site are zan
lil~i414~ ed
--'__---_-_-I' ~_~Uraan Residential-3.5 (UR-3.5) establishet~ in 199`i,
c~'_~'.: ~ ~
and established in 1991 and previously classified
Aghcultura! (A) are developed wifh residentiaf and
accessary uses ❑n large parcels and smaffer short-
I°~;., x R~~I~~~;~;~.r'~;•~'•~;;,,;; , a,. i; i;s',.,s __~=,:~;ti~" y la~8d lDtS
_ r+
~~~~t:':~= -_x~ Ei" PrapertEes to the east of the project site are zoned
_ _
-_'p,~,;,wr', ~'"";IiM {~.~I`bi~ll RiESIC~BCltl21l-3 5 (uR-3.5,~ e5ti9bll5ftf'.d IC1 199`~,
'=g~;~; .I
and are developed with residential
and accessory
LISeS Dn 5!"t1aIf plattEd ImtS,
~ r ra;iLrll`"^i',pq;~r ~ i „ - u~, ^ - - p~
,I i
;~s~. _~4c,=~ , Properties ta the west of the praject site Rre zQn4
x= - - - - ---'~`~'yC~~i~!i;I~N!;+F
;`~y~~ Urban ResidentiaF-3.5 (UR-3.5) established in 1991
BStat3li5F1ECI in 1991 and reviausl
p y classifed
Agricultural Suburban (A5) are developed with _ --',X;;,,--~~~y residenffal and accessory uses on smafl platted Iots.
~I~nvvirn`°-.``an~~lJs'e~P,r~rpvs~af;saii~3~~~FE?rQ~ect;' • SP-1233-i14~ fnal short Ynlat far the divisian of 2,4
I W;' Y I f dSM"~~ ~~Mt yn Ij°WX'~~,.",< ~
A ~ ' ~rr,~ a , "~IWiN'lIR lil,I~T:,h i
acres into 4 tracts was recorded ❑n September
=4'=7 ~ .I'I}"
'.t~i~~ 1, 2(IDD.
- - ~ ~ w~;~~ • 5P-342-84, fina1 short plat for
k the divisian of 4.9
h acres infv 4 tracts was recarded an June 18,
~ -
- = - - _ - ~ x - - - - - ; _
- - - _ ~ _ -~=s _ _ _ z ~ 198
'-A ,
N; , PE-048D-53• Tall Ho Subdivision crea#in
~ Y g 31
Imts for s9ngle family residences was recQrded on
e~_~ fl ~,~.•~yi~~, , ;,,,I; -{y
F$bfur~~ 23, 1960.
° _W - ~'~~=~L'~'ryp i! A • PE-142 1-76; the Vera Terrace Firsf Additivn
creating 22 lvts far single family and duplex
residences was recarded on January 14, 1977.
~ '__n~ ; ~ f~, ~ _ , - . _
i ~1i I' 'e~ ~ie -1i16
' PE-15Q6-85; Towners' Additior~ for the divisiorr of
. .
~~i 4.9 acres into 28 lats fvr single family residsnces
- _ - - I hi~ li'~~i?
dI~I~ 'c.
was recarded on December 11, 1985
uM a"'
nSta'fus=,~' ~~`~=~k Tf~e site consists of ❑ne parcel comprising the west
Mc.e~`-+Nh11IC i' - ' a 7,1111 E aiN
half of Tract 147 of Verar Valume u0i of Plats, Page
~y': ~~6 k:~+z~.'~' ~R~ ~::7'~t~=~- k4:v#..,,ii,.-q,c.. w=ss_~-'s='s•=~:~'+~a uia.r~~t nr~= i:r?
' Sh-breEin~~Des~gn7at-en a~qj-gt£ - - Naf applicabf~:.
'~~li'fa~i v P I i .~I~ w il~ 'r
~IrY~i~~ ~~i~~l;~.~~~~uwi~iui~~ ~4i:~^',~~~ @ _ _ ='•~c~=
r,q,~-~,Vaterp ~u0eyor~~~ The praject s9te is within the Vera Irrig
ation pisirict
i,,~ ~=-~,r z~~-'~'~~=__
#15 which provideal cflmments for tne praposal on
Ff.'f3Rfafy 20, 2001.
age Dn-site sewage dIS~}p5al 5]15te1't15 are proposed tv
serve all but 2 of the prapased lots irrcluding the
existing singie family residence.
f ; h~.y ~ tR~1qF
uistri'ct~#:, • ° --x~
I_ The site is within Spvkane County Fire Pro#ectivn
- ~ District #1. Comments were received from the fire
f,1i ~ N 1 YiL Nl'i Sl~n~h
rP.dis#rict regarding the proposal on February 21, 2001
y k~,~ ~viw-ui r r ~-~-.r,a k . .
~~c~ira'olt=.;Dis~tr'1.~t:a1~x ne~t4:";" °K-The sife is inside the boundarEes of the Central
~a - y~7"~----'d~' Y~' r*",~.`I'~ ^~~,4ulp;',1;, ~:.3_
SCf;I'OO~SwIa'~,;~ ~/allGy QIStrICt #356. AC~aCi"1 5 EIemeC]
tary is lacated
l1nillxi k~_ ~ •,#la~' _ - =F, ~ ,
- - _ _ approximately'l mile east of #he site nn 8" Avenue
-~'y _
and C+entral Valley 5enior Fligh School is located
appraximately s/e mile tv the east on
Sullivan RQad.
No comments were received fram the schvvl district.
li!`~; ~ r~= i , - - ~ _ ~ ~~.,n'1fi~-=-
5taff Re )a rf - Niay 1$, 2001 Public Hearirsg
2 of14
• ~ b-
~ f
~~~e est art~riai an~_~FSt~~ an~"~~`'. jiI Access ta the sA~ff~~r~~l 8Avenue which is
, _
~ designafed as a road. Evergreen ~ioad
is designated as a Princ9pal Arterial and may be
, ~ .~~;.,r ~ ~,F~ • _ ~ : _ k.F; accessed ap,~rvximately l miie to the west of the ~
~'I~N~1iIh~I;i~, Site. Adarns Road is designated as a Minor Arterial
~-i; n
i~'x5^S 4- •~+,;ir~1K'r C: fj'I H p, r
7~~4~~;~~_-'~- - and may be accessed approximately % mile tv the
- - - ~ east of the si#e.
Neare~t Park~ ~t~d l7.istai~+~~. - Terrace View Cvunty Park is Ivcated approximately
1 mile sauthwest of fhe site. Na camments w►ere
received from the Spvkane Caunty Divisivn of Parks
_R~~~q~'~~, and Recreation regarding this proposal.
N~'gYibo;rhaod~"►~s§o~~ciatibno:_ None.
• This praposal is located inside the 1UGA.
• This 'RroRvsal is located inside the Public Transpor#ation Benefit area {PTBA}
•This prvposal is Iocated outside any designated notiflcation area far Natural Resnurce Lands.
k,q ufe R~rirR~ea `~~"'The subject site is located inside the Priariry
Sewer Service Area {PSSA) and inskde af the
~ pquifer Sensitive Area {ASA} t]verlay zvne.
Wldltfe Hahitat La~tiseruatian fvr~a~w- 7he Critica! Areas map fvr fish and wddlife
- ~
= - - habitat identifies no habitat an the praperty. The
WA. State ❑epartmerst of Fish and Wldlife was
not cvr+tacted regarding the need for a habitat
~',~~4 h'ISC ~~iiS ~_ae;~::' y,:y;~4',RY,ey,-•i~a f~4'i 9i ~
management plan
F,f'atid;plain. Review of FIRM rnappir~g indicates that the site is
Eocated An Zone C and outside any 900 year fload
Mceolagi'cally Mrdi60,'syM,reas. i - Critical Areas mapping indicates nv erodable
sails vr other geplogic haazards within #he site
i i
n Utietlan, s:, Review of the Spokane Caunty Wetland
_~°r~, Vnventory maps Endicates no wetlands exisf fln
0y~~'"_„~~;,~ the subjeGt slte.
U A Determination of IVan-S'rgnifiicancs (DNS) was issued by the Diuision of Fianning on
April 27, 2001.
a The cvmmerrt perivd e[nded iVlay 11, 2001.
❑ The appeal periad expires at the same time the appeal time frame expires for the
proposer# land use actian.
0 No appeal has been filed to date.
Published: Nvtice of the Public Hearirag was published in the Spakesrroan ReView Legal
section on April 27, 2001.
Mailed: The IVatice of Applicativn and the Notice of Hearang were mailed tv
taxpayerslvwners of prvperty focated within 400 feet of the boundaries of the subject site
vn March 15, 2001 and April 27, 2001, respective9Y-
Staff Report - May 16, 2001 Publie Hearing
3 af10
1724 Camplrance Dates
Applicativn ►4ccepted {Counter 'Compfete}. February 9, 2001
Deterrninatian of Completenesg issuec! March 14, 2(]p7
Qate Notice vf Decision is Due: July 74, 2007
ReViewirati Agencies
A fatal of nine (9) agencies were nofified regarding the proposal. Final eomrrcents were due May 2, 2001.
'ies ~lotifie~ es~anse Dat
~ ie~~a~'' i ed M1DRReg ~onsa9ei eeEVed ~ ~ Rece
5pokans Caunty Didisinn Yes March 1, Spokane Regional Health Yes March
of Eng€neering 2001 Qistncf 22,2001
❑evelopment Engineering Yes Fehruary Gentra! Valley 5chool No
5ervices ~fi, 2001 Qistrict #356
Spvkane Caun#y DEVision Yes March 5, Spokane Gounty Fire Yes Fehruary
of UfiEities 2001 District Nm. 1 21, 2001
Spcakane County No ~ Spokane CQUnty peir Yes Februar~
Stomiwater lltility , PaUution Gantrof Au#hvrity 21, 2DQ9
Vera Irrigation []istrict #15 ' Yes February
Respvnses fram the Public: Nv cvm~-nents were received fram adjvining proper#y awners or the
general pubfic.
Descriptivn af the Site: The site is 4 93 acres in size and is improVed with a single family
residence ancf a garage. Bofh existirig structures are Ivcated on the northwest pvrtion of the
preperfy adjacent #o 8" Avenue. The site slvpes gently frvm sauth to north.
pescriptivn of Surrounding Neighb~rrhoad: Properties adjaining the sEte ir~ all d€rections are
utilizec~ ~`or single family and d~aplex res~idenfia{ uses.
Background: p pre-applicativn cvnfer~ence for the prvposal was held on Ngvember 7, 2000. The
appllCatlQn was submi#ted on February 9, 2001, and was considered Gounter Cvmplete on
Fehruary 9, 2001. IVa technical review mesting was hefd and the applicant was irrfarmed that the
proposal was cansidered Technicallyj~ CompPete on March 14, 2001. Azane reclassificativn
application (file# ZE-19-00) was stabrmitted on ,lune 13, 2000 and withdrawn an Novem6er 3,
2400. The zone reclassificatian from Wrban Residentia6-3.5 (11R-3.5) fv lJrban Residential-7 (UR-
7) was proposed to allow 18 duplexes on a single parcef.
Comprehensive Land Llse Plan: The project si#e is Iocated in the Llrhan (U) category af the
Camprehensive Plan, inside the urbar~ [mpact Area (UfA) and inside the Interim Urban Growth
Area (IUGA) boundary establtshed pursuant to RClIV 36.70A, the Growth Management Act.
7he "llrban Categary" is intended to proVide the oppvrtuni#y fvr development vf a"city Efke"
environment which includes various I''and uses, intensive residential development, and public
facili#ies and services (water, sanitary and storm sewer lines, police and fire protection, and Qther
features). ~
Decisimn Guideiines within this sectiori are to be used t❑ determine whether or nvfi ar particular
propvsal in the "lJrban Categvry," as designated vn the Plan Map, should be approved,
coraditioned or denied, The Pian Map iIadicates where these policies are to apply.
StafF Rs 3art - May 96, 2001 Publcc Hearing
4 af1Q
A. Density Gharacteristics: '
Residential net densities should haue an approxienate density of 1 unit per acEe to 17 units
per acre.
B. Characteristic Features:
Since Urban areas will be the mast intensely devefaped of afE #he categories, it is primarily
a Tesidential Category of single-famiiy, twv-farraily, multifamily, and candaminium buildings
along with neighborhvvd commercia1, light industrial, and pubEic and recreativnal facilities.
Agricultura1 activities will be uery limi#ed and cvrasidered a secondary use- The aesthetic
setting will be predamiraantly man-made structures wifh vccasianal rratural ar p9anned
npen spaces. Most areas in an Urban setting rnay not have a view of natural areas, and
apen spaces wiEl rnost likely cansist of park andlor schoal grvunds.
Low-to-maderate levels of noise and aEr pvilutian will mos# fikely exist in Llrban areas due
tv #he intensity of activities and the high volume of traf#ic generated.
The more iratensive 'land uses such as lignt industrial and neighborhvod commercial wiii be
1oGated near the heauiiy #raveled s#reets, while the iEast intensive single-family residential
uses will he dsalated from the noise and heavy trafFc. Niultifamify structures wii6 usually be
a transitivnal use lacated befween single-family residential and the mare inferasiVe areas.
C. Public Facifities and 5ervices:
Urban areas wilf have public water systems, sanitary sewer systems, storm sewer
systems, and utility systems such as electricaG, telephone, gas, and cakale senrices
Streets wifl be curbed and paved. Street lights and sidewalks v+rill be comrnvn to
residential, pubfic, and commercial areas. Specialized pathways rnay also be common in
the LJrban area.
Public facilities include efementary, junivr high and high schoals. Parks will narmafly be
aS$flClatBfl WftF1 SCYI1?QIS t3ut Ilat e3(CIUSlVEt]f Public libraries, manned fire sta#ions, medical
faciEities and govemment offices and pos# offices may be dispersed thraughout Llrban
Dther services typical of Urban areas may include police, pub1ic transit, refuse colEection
arad remvvaf, arnmal cantrvl, and street maintenance
D. Noncvmpatible Uses;
Due tv the Variety and mix of land uses and actevities found in the lJrban Categary, there
are few land use activities that wvuld he inappropriate. Many uses may require screening
or ather perfQrmance standards to make them compafible wi#h one anQther.
Mira9ng, majvr comrriercial users, heavy indus#rial uses, and intensive farming waufd nat
be campatible wifhin lJrban areas.
• Gt]AL 1A
Staff Repan - May 16, 2041 Public Heanng
5 OfiD
' e r
Promate f11an within established de%efopment areas and exisfing autlying cammurrities where
utilities, artedals, schvvEs and cvmmunity facifities have already been estabfEShed.
❑ECISION GIJIDELfNES tfar Objective 1.1.a):
lJrban develapment wilf be approved in areas having adequate power supplies, w►ater,
sanitary and s#orm sewers, streets, and schooi and fire services provided tFrat such
dedelopment meets the inten4 of ather C7bjectives ancf f3ecision Guidelines of this secfivn.
Endorse the basic dght of free choice for all peaple to IiVe where they please.
aECiSIQN GUIDELINES (for Objective 1.1.d):
A vadety of densities and residential uses shvuld be available to provide afreecfQm of
choice ta live in Urban areas with varying densities, combinatians, vr mix of uses (see
detailed Urban defnitions).
Response: AIl of the required unfras#nucture specified in Decisivn Guidefne 1.1.1 are availahle at
the site. Public utilities are avaifable within the vicinity of the proposal and include electrici#y,
telep'hvne, gas, and cable seevice. Pu'~lic wa#er is avalable af the sife and sewer service wi[I be
availabfe in tne area by #he year ~010, with the appro,priate main extensians. Stormwater
generated by the proposa6 wilP be dis~vsed of nn-site and per curr°ent stermwater guidelines and
the applicant is proposing the use of drainage pands as appropriate. Other stvrmwater contrals
may be required upvn submittal of a fna1 drainage plan.
COAL 7.3
1.3.a ;
Guide development by environmen#al cvncsms and natural Iimitatlon rather than #hwart
deve'[apmen# svlely hy desire tv prvtect environment.
Future developments shvufd be encvuraged in a manner to Ieast dis#urb the natural elements in
the environment.
DEC1SiOPf GUIDELINES (fvr a6jectives 1.3.a and 1.3.b):
Prapased Urhan develQpments should be designed to benefit frvm, aecommodate and
complement ths environmentai conditians and environmentaf features.
The design ❑r adaptian of apropasal shalB cvnsider the retention and maintenance of
identified "unique enuironrnenta'I~ features."
, - Staff Rel )vrt - May tB, 2001 Publse Hearing
E •
Residential platting shvuld be develvped with publie sewers where it can E?L' L'SfaE7Il5hed that
alternatuves wQUld be a threat to the water saurce.
DECISEON GUlAELINES (fnr abjectiVe 1.3.c):
Afl Llrban devefvpment proposals shvuld require puhlic sani#ary and starm sewer sys#ems
or interim sewer systems to pratecf water quality.
Respanse: Public sewers are not presenfly avaiiabfe to the site. The prvperty is located within
the 15-year sewer service pnority area which prvjects sewer setvice to the area by the year 2010.
The Divisiorn vf Uti[ities has required that dryline sewers be constntc#ed to serve all lots withira the
GC)AL 1.5
New residential or multiple-family tlevelapment shauld be buffered frvrra existing adjacent land
uses where adverse effec#s may develap.
DECISIDN GU1DELINES (for QhjectiVe 1.5.a):
BufFering andlor landscaping will be u5ed to mitiga#e the differences between pro,posed
develvpments and exESting uses.
Landscaping may be required to provide a heaifhful and pleasmg residential enviranment.
Encaurage installation of undergrvund utifities.
Encourage paved stree#s and sfdewalks in existing and future developments where they are
appropreate to the nature af the deVelopment.
C3EC1510N GL11aEL1NE5 (for Ubjec't4ves 1.5.b and 1.5.G):
Urban density develvpments shauld be served with underground utilities where
ecanamically feasible.
5idewalk facilities wifl be required along arterials cgnnecfing residential areas w[th
community+ facilities andlor commercial areas.
I PE-1 saa-01
SEaff Repvrt - May 16, 2001 Public Flearing
7of 10
Paved streets and street ligh#s'sh❑uld be required in Urbara density development.
Response: The existing neighbvrhood surrounding the site is mostly served by underground
utilities, aithough a few overhead elec#rical transmission iines do exist in the neighbarhaod. Afl
utilities wit6 be placed underground within the prvpvsed development and sidewalks will be
prvvided a9vng the proposed public raads ►rvithin fhe cieve[opment. Lvts within the subdivision are
pCaViCIed aCCeSS b]I f]LlL7Ilc f[]adS (Rees Roadf8v' Aaeraue) which will be canstructed to County
Road Standards. i
GOAL 1.6
Utility services such as water, sewer, power, and natural gas should be arderly and prvperly
cavrdinated with Land Use Planning.
DECISIfltd GUlOELIPlES (far 6hfective 1,6.a):
'I .G.1
Befare land use propasats are approved they should:
a} conform ta pfans, paficies, and regulatians of County water, sewer, storm sewer,
utifity, and special service distric#s; and
6} conform to County trans'pvrtatron plans and palicies; and
c} idenfify and fake steps to resoive significant adverse impacts upon existing utilities,
(i.e., water, sanitary and storm sewers, utility, avaiCabl'e and future energy
resvurces), and traffic systems.
Response: The affected utafity providers have identified no adverse impacts vn the capacity of
existing roadway and utili#y systems.
Zvnina Analys;s: The purpose of the Urban Residentiaf-3.5 {4JR-3.5} zone is to implement the
lower density range of the Urban ca#egary of the Comprehensive Plan 7he intent of this zane is
#a pcomvte areas of primarily single-famify residential use in an urbanized neighborhoad setting,
having a high Ievel of public services.. Lots shafE be served by a public water system and shall
require cannecfivn to a centraf sewer system when avaiEable. Rvadways shall be paved, curbeci,
and may have sidewaiks.
Sta# Summarv: F'ubfic water servi'ce will be provided by Vera Irrigativn District #15 and
Spakane CQUnty will ultima#ely provid'e public sewrer service. E[ecteicity and nafura9 gas wiil be
pravided by Avista 4Jtilities. Telephon,e service will be provided by U.S. West. Addttivnal puhlic
facilities and services that are available ta serve the site include paved roads, schools, pmfice and
fire prvtectivn. ;
As propvsed by the app9icant and codditioned by the cvnsufted agencies, the preGminary p1at is
generalfy censistent with the Goafs, 06jectives and Decision Guidelines of the Urban category of
the Comprehensive P1an and the lJrban Residential 3.5 zone classificativn. The propvsal makes
apprvphate provisivns of facilities far t'he pubfic health, safety and genera1 welfare as required by
RCW 58.17.110 and can meet the Irninimum development standards of the exis#ing llrban
Residential-3.5 (LdR-3.5) zone.
Staff RelROrk - May 16, 2009 Public Hganng
$ of 10
A. Maps
• Uicini#y Map
• 5ite Pfan
• Zoning Map
■ Carn,preherrsiue P6an Map
• Aerial Phatograph
B. Recammended Conditians af Apprvval
C. Agency CamnnentslPublic Comments
Staff Repart - May gfi, 2001 Puhlic Heanng
9 of1Q
VicrNrrv flllAP
Vicinity Map
Dts= ~ T~-~ 5 p r ~D
1 ~I
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spnTiffLtiLl faks EI E►rtary ~-Springfie. 0 gprinefdd f
A91r. W I cr~
Alki _
- 111ki ~ rve ,~rogres4 Fremer~ary
~ 5
~ ~''~x--~ _ L° Val
1 y
y ~
~ ~ ~ °a 13
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5uhjec# Praperty wichm fLRGA. A.a.n ene.s Subj ect Property withfn UiA.
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DivisIoN oF PLaNHiNc T SI'OZwIll'CoZ71qI'Y
1. Ali canditivns impQSed by the Hearing Examiner shall he hinding vn the "AppGcant", which term
shall include the awner or awners of the prvperty, their heirs, successors, and assigns.
2. This preliminary subdivisivn applies ta the follawing reaf pcoperty-
"The wesf half of Tract 147 of Vera, Volume "0' of Piafs, Page 30., Spakane County,
3. The propasal shall generally cvmply wifh t~e pfbVE51QnS of tF1E Urban Residential 3.5 (uR-3.5)
zone and shall alsv comply with the Aquifer Sensitive Area (ASA) aVerlay zane, and a11 ather
applicable prvvisivras of the SpQkane County Zoning Cvde, as amended.
4 The prvpvsal shall comply with the Spokane County Critical Areas Ordinance and the Spakane
Caunty 5ubdivision L]rdinance, as amended.
5. The final plat shall be designed generally in canformance with the preliminary plat of record. Nv
increase of density ar number of Ivts, Qr srahstantia[ modifications tv the preliminary pia# sha[I
❑ccur withaut a change of condition(s) applicatian and approvaf.
6 Appropriate road name(s) assigned by the ❑ivision of Building and Gade Enfarcement shall he
drafted on the face of the final p1at.
7. The street address fer each Ivt shali be indicated an the face of the final pfat. Tne Division of
Building resenres the dght ta confirm the actual address at the time a buiiding permit is issued.
8. The preliminary plaf is given conditional apprvval far fve (5) years, specifically to [
The applicant may submit an sxtension of time application at least thirty 30 days prior ta
the above expiration date but nv later than [ ] Application for an extension of time
shall be qrvicessed under the Pf❑VI51DnS of Chaqter 12.100.118 (Extension of 7ime) of the
Spvkane Gounty Subdivision Ordinance, as amended. if fhe applicant compfies with the crEteria
of Chapter 12.100.118, fhe preliminary approval and canditivns will be changed ta reflect fhe
adopfisd policy and development regulativns at the time of #he exttensian application.
9. Appropriate utility easements shall be indicated on capies of the prQpased final plat. ApproVal of
utifity easements by the appropria#e utility campanies shall be submit#ed with any prvposed final
10. Four (4) current certEfcates of title s~jiafl be furnished ta the Division af Planning prior ta filing #he
final plat. I,
11. If aportivn vf #he approved prelirliinary plat is submifted for final review and approval, the
applicant's surveyor shall suhmit a map outiining in red the area beirag finalized and deiineate the
area fa remain in preliminary plat siatus. The scale shali match the apprapriate assessvr'S 111ap
S#aff Rep )rt - May 16, 2001 Pubfic Hearing
1025 W 6roadway Aue, Spokane, WA 99260-01 70 (509)4T7-3600 Fax (549)477-2243
TD: Spokane County F'lanning Department
FRUM: DivisEVn of Engineering & Rvad~
DATE: May 1, 2001
Ffiearing: 0511612001 @1:30
Review aate: 0212812001 W8616N OF PLANNING
SponsorlApplicant: ANDREW WDRLC3CK SectEOn Township Range: 23-25-44
TeGhnical Review Date: (@)
7he 5pokane County Engineedng ❑epartment has reviewed the above referenced applic-ation. The
folCawing "Gonditions of Approval" are submitted to the Spokane County Pianning Departrnent #rar
inclusion in the "Findings vf Fact, Conclusians and OrderlDecision" should the request be apprvaed.
Priar tv release of a building perrnFt or use of prvperEy as propvsed.
1 . Thaf conditivnaE apprvval of the plat by the County Engineer is given subject tv dedicatian of
right-af-way and appraval vf the road system as indicated in the preliminaE°y plat Qf recvrd.
2. A Professianal Engineer, licens+ed in the State vf WashingtanT shall submit final road and
drainage pians, a drainage repvrt and calculations that conform to the 1999 Spokane County
5tandards for Road and Sewer constructivn, the current edition vf the Guidelines for Starmwater
Management and all standards and laws that are applicahle to t'his project if raad andlar
drainage improvements are required. Any fnal raad and drainage plans and a drainage report
shall receiue the County Engeneees acceptance pdvr to reiease vf a construction or building
perrnit or appraval of the final plat. C3rainage language will be drafted by Spokane County and
pravicfed tv the Spvnsor's Engineer or Surveyvr for inclusian in the #inal plat dacument following
plan acceptance by the 5pakane County Engineer.
3. Any applicable starmwater management systems and roads for this p[at shali be constructed
and cerkified ta be cvnstructed in accnrdance with the accepted road and drainage plans, ❑r a91
the required impraVBments must be bonded far in accardance with Sp❑kane County regulatians,
prior to the recvrding of the fna4 plat. Recard dravuings and a!l construction documentation shall
be submitted with the proper certification statement.
CC: Applicant AI3DFtEil WQRLDCK
Page 2
05/16/2001 Heargaq / 02/28/2041 Revxew f TA
4. Erasion Cantrol: A Ternporary Ervsion dnd Sedfinentation Control (TESC) plan is to he prepared
by a WA State lieensed Prafessional Engineer or Landscape Architect, and implemenfed
#hrvughout the durativn of construction. The TESG plan is to be prepared using best
management practices (BMP's) currentfy accepted within the Givii Engir~eerir~g profession, and
shalf address iimits on amount and dur~tivn af disturbed areas which have nat been stabilized.
The TESC plan is to include, as a minimum, a grading plan, iocativn ar~d detai[s vf silt contral
structures, and str~:et cleaning prvgrarn. Runaff from expvsed areas must be filtered privr t❑
discharging intv a detentivn pond, evaparatian pond, 208 swale, or infiffration faci9ify. The
TESC plan is to be included in the road and drainage plans. The appfican#'s Engineer is to
suhmit the TESC plan and supporking calculations to Spvkane Coun#y €vr review, and shall
receive acceptance as part of the piaii review prvicess privr to site disturbance. The TESC
majvr structures (such as silt pvnds, silt traps) are to be installed prior to other si#e wvrk and the
TESC measures are to be implemented and maintained throughout the durativn vf ccrostruction,
including hause cansfructivn.
5. This propvsed subdivision or deVelvp m, ent prvpvsal is located within a drainage basin, which
has been identified by the 5pokarre Gounty Engineer's and Utilities vffices as having stormwater
rurrvfF probCems. Since this Rrvposed sIabdivision or devefopment praposai is afFected by or is a
cvntributar to stvrmwater fCaws, property ov+me~°s shauld participate in the planning and
implementativn of a future basinwide stormwater managemen# system.
fi. Gonstruckion within the proposed public streets and easements shall be perforrned under the
direct supervisian of a licensed engineerlsu►veyvr, whv shall furnish the Gounty Engineer with
"ReCVrd Drawings" and a certificate ir~ ~riting that all impravements were instafied to the Eines
and grades shvwn an the apprvved cons#ructivn plans and that ali disturbed monuments have
been replaced.
7. As per SectiQn 9.14.080 of #he 5pokane Caun#y Code, na person shall construct a rvad or vther
tacii9ties within the existing propassd, oT future public right-af-way, or the private road easemen#
in cvnnectian with the activns enumerated in Sec#ivn 9.14.(}20 withouf vut first having received
a permit as specifed in Sectiora 9.14.U70{1} for such facilities from the CountJr Engineer. 5aid
permit wi{I nvt be granted untii the plans f❑r the develapment have been accepted by the Count7r
Engineer. if this pravisian is vivlated, the Caunty Engineer may require the proJect plans be
revised to shQw the canstruction that was dvns and specify how the construction that was dvne
will meet 5pvkane Caunty Standards pr'vr to plan acceptanGe.
8. No canstruetion work is to be perFvmned within the existing or propvsed public right-af-way until
apermit has been issued by the CQUnty Engineer. All work is subject #o inspectian and
apprvval by+ the Cvunty'€ngineer.
9. All cvnstructivn within the existing or prvpased Public right-of-way is to be campleted priar to
f~ling the fr~af plat or a band in the arnount estimated by the County Engineer #v cvver the cvst
of canstructivn vt impravements. IConstructivn certificatjan, "Record Drawings" and
manumenting the sfireet centerlines shall he fled with the Gvunty Engineer.
Page 3
05/1612001 Hsaring 0212812001 Revxew / TR
10. Nv direct access from fvts to 1 O~' Avenue until such roads are constructed ta County Standards
and estah[ished as Cvunty Rvads. 11
11. No direct access frorra Ivts to Stub Road cannectinns until sGCh roads are canstructed fv County
Starrdards and es#ablished as County Roads.
12. Rvad design, canstructivn and drainage cantrol for 112 right of ways and stub rnad connections
are the responsibility of the developer.
13. That appropriate proVisivn be made that the followEng described praperty he held in trust until
the continuatian of the streefs he dedicated ar deeded: A 1 fov# strip at the ends vr edges of all
streets fhat terminate vr barder the plat bvundary. Tempvrary cu] de sacs are required when
streets terminate at the plat bvundaries.
14. The applicant should be adVised that individuaE driWeway access perrnits are reguired prior to
issuance of abuilding permit f❑r driveway apprvaches ta the County road sys#em.
15. Dedication of 10 feet of additionai right-vf-way alang S' Avenue and the applicable radius of
Rees Road and 8" Avenue is required.
16. Dedicativn of 38 feet of right-of-way far Rees Rvad and the applicahle radius of Rees Rvad and
1 Q'h Avenue is required.
17. Dedication of 25 feet of right-of-way is required frar 10' Avenue. This right of way dedicativn
shall meet fhe existing right-of-way line on the west (V'alley Ho Addition) and decrease fa meet
4he existing right of way line vn the sast (Towner's Additivn).
18. That all public roads within the plat be desigraed and construcfied #o Spvkane Couniy standards.
19. That the following statement shall appear within the dedicatory language of the fnal p1at:
•The owner(s) or successar(s) in interest agree tv join in any Cvunty-approved
s#armwater rnanagement prvgram and tv pay such rates and charges as may he fxed
thrQUgh publEC hsarings fflr service vr beneft abtained by the planning, design,
constructing, maintaining or operation of starmwater control faciiities.
20. The Cvunty Engineer has designated a Lacal Access Rvadway Sectian fvr the improvement of
Rees Rqad which is ta be cvnstructed within the praposed deVelapment. This wi11 require the
installa#ion of 30 fse# of aspha1t. The cnnstructian of curbing and sidewa6k is atso required.
21. The Cvunty Engineer has designated a Lacal Access Roadway 5ection far the impraVement of
1 0' Avenue which is adjacent to the prapvsed develvpment. 7his will require the additian of 24
feet of asphalt alvng t4ae frvntage of the development to create ahaif street section. The
cvnstructivn of curbing is alsa required.
Paqe 4
05/16/2401 Hearzng / 42/28J2001 Rewxew 1 TR
22_ 7he applicant shall stnp pave a half st eet sectiDn with 24 feet of asphalt on 10' Avenue off-si#e
to cvnnect the frontage impravements' bacic to„meet fhe existing pavemen# ❑n the east at Calvin
Rvad (Towner's Additian).
23. The County Engineer has desegnated a 3-Lane Minvr Arteria! Roadway Sectivn i`vr the
improvement of 8' Auenue which is adjacerrt tv #he prQposed development. This wi16 require the
additivn of approximately 12-14 feet bf asphalt alang the frvntage at #he develvpment. The
cvnstruGtion of curbing and sidewalk i~ also required.
24. The propvsed plat shall be improved to the standards set forth in Spokane County Baard of
Commissivners Resvlutivn No. 99-0255, as amended, which establishes regulatians far roads,
appraaches, drainage and fees in new cvnstn.rctivn.
25. The Cvunty Engineer has examined ~his development prapvsal and has deterr~ined that the
impact of this propasal upon the exstic~g Gvunty Rvad Systerra warrants the dedicativn of
additiv~nal r~ght of way and tf~e roadway i impr❑vernents herein specified.
26. The Caunty Arteria! Rvad plan identifues e Avenue as a Minor Arterial. The exis#ing right of
way width of 40 feet is not consistent 'with that specifed in the pEan. In order tv implement the
Arterial Road Pian it is recammended that in additian to #he required right of way dedica#ion, a
strip of prvperty 10 feet in width alang the 8' Avenue frvntage be set aside in reserve. This
praperty may be acquired by Spokane Cvunty at fhe time when Ar#erial Improvements are rnade
tv 8`" Avenue.
27. "The applicant is adVised that there may exist utiEifies either undergraund or ❑verhead efFecting
the applicant's praperty, ir~cluding pr~perky tv be dedicated vr sef aside future acquisition.
Spokane Cvunty will assume no fnancial obligativn for adjustments or relocation regarding
these utili#ies." "The applicanf shvuld contact the appficable utilities regarding responsibility fvr
acijustment or rel❑ca#ian casts and to make arrangements for any necessary wark."
28. The applicant shall grant applicable lbvrder easements adjacent tv Spvkane Caunty Right of
Way per Spakane County Standards.
Inter-office Gornmunication
l]ATE: Marrch 22, 20i1~
~ RFf_'_P'S t,
TCI: 7~es Rrcrdsan, Associate Planner, Spokane County Plan~rizag Divis~ion ~~`r~~ C()UN~
v 2
FR.QM: Donald Gopley - EHSZY, SR14D
SUBTECT: PrQpased Frelirninary Plat: PE-1884-01 (Smith) ~LAPVNING
I. References:
a} Map o£subject, SGale 1" = 50', by CLC Associates Inc., dated Tariuary 18, 200 1, received by this
vffice February= 15, 200 1.
b} Recannaissance Geoivgic Map of the West Half of the S-pvkane (7uadraavle, Washington and
Idaho. ALlan B. Griggs, 1966.
C} Snil Survev, Spokaaze Countv, Washinatvn, Soil CQnservatiun Service, CJ.S.D.A., March, 1968.
d} a-vakane Countv, VVashiriatvn, Enizineerina Internretations. Soil Conservation Service, U.S.D.A.,
.August, 1974.
e) Spokane Cauntv Rules and IteRulatians £or Sewaae Disvasal Systems, January 19, 1995.
f) 5pokane Regional Health District pracedural implernerntatiQn of Sectivn 52 of Subsfiitute Hvuse
Bill 2929 (RCW 58.17.110, as amended)-
g} LQgs of water wells in Range 44E, Tflwnship 25N, iections 14, 22, 23, 24, and 26.
h} Map: ~'rreenacres Quadrangle, T1.S.G.5., 1973, and Spokane N.E., U.S.G.S., 1973.
2. Findings:
a) This project lies ouer the Spokane-Rathdrum Aqtiifer.
b} The praject is within Critical Water Supply Service Area 93 and within the service area of Vera
VVater and power Co. Water supply will be a public system.
C) The project is inside khe Spokane County Coanprehensive VVastewater Managernent Area, inside
fihe General 5ewer 5ervice Area, and inside the Priority Sewes Service Area recornmended in the
'201' Study. The method of sewa I disposal is subject to approval of the Director of Utilities,
Spokane County, pursuant to C~ ty Resolution 80.0418 adopted March 24, 1980. The
topography and soils in the area are generally suitable for use of individual on-site sewage
disposal systems. The lots are not of the proper d'unensions to permit the use of both individual
wells and sewage systems.
d) The project lies in a flat area east of Evergreen Road and south of S" Avenue. Local
drainageways aze insignificant.
e) Surface soils aze classed by the U.S. Soil Conservation Service as Garrison gravelly loam with
0% to 5% slopes. They have a septic tank filter field limitation of slight. There is also possible
contamination of groundwater. This soil would be classified as a Type IV which would require a
minimum gross land density of 18,1000 sq. ft. per lot. PRIOR TO FINALIZING THE PLAT,
fl Geologically, the soils aze glaciofluvial deposits. These geological structures generally yield
moderate to very large amounts of I ater. Data from wells in the azea referenced in section lg
shows they are from 99' to 250' dee- and have static water levels varying from 79' to 188' below
the surface. The Vera Water and Power Co. has indicated that it can supply domestic use water
for the project upon completion of aIreements with the proponent.
3. Required (mandatory) Conditions If Approved:
a) The final plat shall be designed as indicated on the preliminary plat of record and/or any attached
sheets as noted.
b) Appropriate utility easements shall be indicated on copies of the preliminary plat of record for
distribution by the Planning Department to the utility companies, Spokane County Engineer, and
the Spokane Regional Health Dis :rict. Written approval of the easements by the utility
companies shall be received prior to he submittal of the final plat.
c) Sewage disposal method shall be as authorized by the Director of Utilities, Spokane County.
d) Water service shall be coordinated through the Director of Utilities, Spokane County.
e) Water service shall be by an exis ting public water supply when approved by the Regional
Engineer (Spokane), State Department of Health.
fl Prior to filing the final plat, the sponsor shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Spokane
Regional Health District that an adequate and potable water supply is available to each lot of the
plat. g) Prior to filing the final plat, the sponsor shall present evidence that the plat lies within the
recorded service area of the water system proposed to serve the plat.
h) A plan for water facilities adequate for dome`stic use, domestic irrigation use, and fire protection
use shall be approved by the water purveyor. Said water plan must have been approved by the
fire protection district and the appropriate health authorities. The health authorities, water
supplier (purveyor), and the fire protection district will certify, prior to the filing of the final plat,
on the face of said water plan that the plan is in conformance with their requirements and will
adequately satisfy their respective needs. Said water plan and certification will be drafted on a
transparency suitable for reproduction.
i) The purveyor will also certify prior to filing the final plat on a copy of said water plan that
appropriate contractual arrangements have been made with the plat sponsor for construction of
the water system, in accordance with the approved plan and time schedule. The time schedule
will provide, in any case, for completion of the water system and inspection by the appropriate
health authorities prior to application for building pernuts within the plat. The contractual
arrangement will include a provision holding Spokane County, Spokane Regional Health
District, and the purveyor harmless from claims by any lot purchaser refused a building permit
due to failure of the plat sponsor to satisfactorily complete the approved water system.
j) Prior to filing the final plat, the sponsor shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Spokane
Regional Health District that suitable sites for an on-site sewage disposal systems aze available
on Block 2, Lots 1, 3, 5& 6 and Block 1, Lots 3, 4, & 6.
k) Prior to filing the final plat, the sponsor shall demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Spokane
Regional Health District that the existing system serving the residence located on Block 1, Lot 2
is wholly located within the boundaries of the lot.
1) Subject to specific application approval and issuance of permits by the Health Officer, the use of
individual on-site sewage disposal systems may be authorized.
4. Recommended Conditions of Approval:
a) The dedicatory language of the plat will state: "Subject to specific application approval and
issuance of permits by the Health Officer, the use of individual on-site sewage disposal systems
may be authorized."
b) The dedicatory language on the plat shall state: "Use of private wells and water systems is
c) The final plat dedication shall contain the following statement: "The public water system,
pursuant to the Water Plan approved by county and state health authorities, the local fire
protection district, County Building and Safety Deparhnent and water purveyor, shall be installed
within this subdivision and the applicant shall provide for individual domestic water service as
well as fire protection to each lot !prior to sale of each lot and prior to issuance of a building
permit for each lot."
c: Director of Utilities, Spokane County 'I
c: Sponsor: Bill Smith
PO Box 14084
Spokane WA 99214
CLC Associates
707 W. 7`h Ave. Ste.200
Spokane WA 99202
To: James Richardson (Division of Planning)
CC: From: Jim Red (Division of Utilities)
Date: Tuesday, March 06, 2001
Subject: PE-1884-01 Stage: Preliminary Phase:
Hills Costaptenty
SS03 Pursuant to the Board of County Commissioners Resolution No. 80-0418, the use of on-site
sewer disposal systems may be authorized. This authorization is conditioned in compliance
with all rules and regulations of the Spokane County Health District and is further conditioned
and subject to specific application approval and issuance of permits by the Health District.
SS06C The dedication shall state: The double plumbed dry side sewer shall be extended to the public
right-of-way or as required by the Division of Utilities. Double plumbing dry side sewer plans
acceptable to the Division of Utilities may be required.
SS08A The dedication shall state: Public dryline sewers shall be constructed to provide for the future
connection of each parcel to the County's system of sewerage. When the dryline sewers
become wet (live), uses on properties within the project shall be required to connect to the
sewer and pay applicable charges per the County Sewer Ordinance. Sewer connection
permits shall be required.
SS12D Applicant shall submit expressly to Spokane County Division of Utilities "under separate cover",
only those plan sheets showing sewer plans and specifications for the public dryline sewer
connections for review and approval.
SS12E Sewer plans acceptable to the Division of Utilities shall be submitted prior to the finalization of
the project.
SS13D Security shall be deposited with the Division of Utilities for the construction of the public dryline
sewer connection and facilities and for the prescribed warranty period. Security shall be in a
form acceptable to the Division of Utilities and in accordance with the Spokane County Sanitary
Sewer Ordinance.
WS01 Any water service for this project shall be provided in accordance with the Coordinated Water
System Plan for Spokane County, as amended.
FEB-2 1-01 11 :99AM FRON-SCRPCA 5094776029 T-T29 P02lla F-181
CA.~.*"~`~ AIR POLL~1T ION
W€ST'1141 CQL4EGE4 SUItE 803 v SAGKANLWq 9920T *1 (509)a77aair Fax (509j 477-69Y8
Date, Fe6ruanr 21_ 7001
To: James Richarcfsan. ►4ssnciate Pianngr
Wkane CauntXphiian of Planning
7026 W. Broadwau Avenue
§"kane. WA 99260 0220
Fram Ran Edgar, Ctlief of Technical Services
Fde Nv. PE-11884-01
Proponent / Pmjecf Name: Mills Ccsstaolentv Preiiminarv Plat--144d6 E. 8d' Avenue..
D Request for Comments on Februa 28
The follvwmg fs a lrst of concemslissues that may need t4 be addressed tor this project as defermined from
informaton receiued by this nffice The iist is pr69ded as a bnef surnmary of generai requirflments and does not
relieve #he propanent from meeflng ali lacal, state, anafar federal regulatians For additic►nal informafion ar
clarification, r.ontact SCAPCA at (509) 47T-47271. Gopies of SCAPCA regulat{ons are avaflabfe for purchase ir►
aur affice ar can be vlewed and dawnlaaded fram httv:IAvww,scanca.arq
+Construction rafated repuirerir}ents
■ Dust emissions during demQ2ition, canstruction and excavatian projeMS musi be cantrolled This may require
the use of vwfer sprays, iarps, spcinklers, or suspensian of activity during certain weather eonditions
• Measufes must Ee taken to avoid the deposition of dirt and rnud imm unpavsd surFaces anta paved surfaces.
af tricking ar spills occur on paved suriaoes, meas,ares must be taKen immeciiateiy to clean these surfaces.
• Debns generated as a resul# of this project r iust he disposed of by means alher than buming.
+ SCAPGA strongly recommends that all traveled surfaces (i.e ingress, egress, parking areas, access roads,
etc ) be paved and kept cEearr tv mmirnize ci'ust emissions.
~ If objectioriable od❑rs result fram #hES projec:, effective rantrol appara[us and measures musi be taken #o
reduce odars to a minimum_
Additionei reQUirements
• A Nvtice v€ Gonstruct'ron and Applica[ian fcr Approval Es required to be suhmitted and approved by SCAPCA
pricr to the construction ins#allabon, or establishment of an air poIEution source. This includes emergency
generaiprs rated at 540 hp (375 kW) or highJ'er, natural gas heaung equtpment units rated at 4 MMBTUItv ar
higher (input), and heatPng equipment units fired with other fuels 4e.g diesefJ rated at 1 MMBTL91hr {inpuc} or
higher. Ccsntact SCAPCp for a Natice of Csinstrumiorr appltqtion
. A No[ice of fntent must be submit[ed ta SCAFCp prior ta any demolitian prvject or asbestas project. An
ast>estos sun.ey musc be dvne by an RHEFd~ accredited building inspecwr prior ta the demolRtion vr
renovatron of busldings #a determine if asbestos-containing material is present at the site. Gonfact SCAPCA
far a Notfce of lntent appl+cation.
~ J Pr.rrira on Rr~ynoa Asp~
U2021f01 WED 15:19 FAY. 509 1125 SPOHANE VALT..EY FIRE- -'T ~-,4 FLANNING fin 0 13
~ Spnkane Gounty Ffre Dfstriat I
10319 EASi SPRaGU€ AVE. • SPOKANE, Vr1A 99206-3676 •{569} 429-1700 • FAX (509) 892-4125
February 21, 2001
James Richardsan
❑epartment vf Building & Planning
1026 "IIVV. Broadway
Spokane, 11UA 99250
RE; Pre[iminary Plat
Hifis Cvstaplenty
psar Mr. Richardson:
The Spakane Valiey Fire Department will require #he installatian af a new fre hydrant at
the sntrance aF the 6'Iat and Eighth Avenue. Access appears adequate. If a gate is
propcssed €or the entrance, then a'"to scale" drawing is cequired for reaiew.
Kevin MilIer
Fire lnspectar
KMlm d
a,Wepa"e1t DatalFreveMlon Llnsh$md1Pla4slshcrkwuRlc4tardson DOC
601 N Evergreen RQad
Pv Box 630
REC~l\(JkDdale, WA 99037-063(]
FEB 2 ' 200i
Febtuary 24, 2001
Mr. James Richardson
Spakane Caunty PEanning Departmen _
West 1026 Broadway
5pvkane, WA 99260
Re: PE-1884-Q'f ; Prelim inary Plat for Hiils Costaplenty
Dear Mr. Richardsvn:
This subdivision lies within the baundaries of Vera Water and Power arrd we are able
and v+riiling ta supply water and pvwer Lv #his subdivision tor domestic and fire protectian
purposes. This project will require the preparation v# a water plan.
N❑ easements are shown vn the proposed plat map that you mailed to us. Utility
easements will be required fcar Vera VU'ater and Power to praVide utifity services. These
easements mus# no# oderfap drainage easemenfs.
!f yau haVe any further questians plea:,e call.
KeVin M. WeIIs
General lVfanager
S 1~' ~ T< A. N E C ~ i T N T Y
May 23, 2001
Mrchaef C. Dempsey
Spokane Cvun#y Hearing Examiner
Public Warks Building
1026 W. Brvadway Ave.
Spakane, WA 99260-0245
Dear Mr. DempseY:
Spokane Caunty is in receipt of fihe letter dated May 5, 2001, cancerning the Applica,tian
far Preliminary Plat 1$84-01 (Nills Costapfenty+) sent to the Spokane Caunty Hearing
The Spokane County Engineer's Office did cvnduct areview af the Vehicular traffic
generated by the proposed plat in conjunctiDra with the State Enuirvnmental Policy Act -
EnvEronmerrtal Checklist subrriifted by the appficant's agent. The cnecklist described the
addition af 163 trips per day added ta the existing 1935 dai[y trips (199$ traffic cvunt)
which exist nn 8th Avenue. This increase in traffic wauld not significantly impact the
existing service le►rel for 8th Avenue or warrant any vff-site mitigation for this proposaf.
The Spokane Gaunty Engineer accepted the applicant's traffic information in the
enuirononerrtal checkfist wi#hout any further anafysis required.
There appears ta be a misunderstanding concerning the status of 8ti' Avenue and
Evergreen Road in fhe ietter. The roadway imprQVements prapvsed for Evergreen Raad
are schedufed for construction in 2003. No raadway imprvvements are planned for 8th
Avenue by Spokane County. The Spokane Cvunty Six Year TranspQrtativn
Impravemen# Plan shovvs Evergreen Raad will be reconstructed to a S-Lane Principal
►4rterial Roadway fram 2"d AVenue ta 8th AVenue, then firansition into a 3-Lane 5ection
from 8th Avenue to 16 rh Avenue.
Frontage improvements are qroposed far $th A,venue as a conditiQn of the approval for
the plat applicativn. The plar applicant will need ta construct a 3-fane raadway sectinn
along the frontage ot this development compared to the present 2-lane roadway. These
impeovements will add an additiana9 12-14 feet vf asphalt aIong the frorrtage of the
development to include sidewalk and curbing.
1026 1N Sroadway Awe ■ 5pokane, WE1 99260-0170 •(5[}9) 477-3500 FA7t (509) 477-7655 (2nd Floar) 477-7478 {3rd F3oor} • TF3L7: (509) 477-7133
Pg. 2
I apologize if my information was confusing concerning the status of 8th Avenue and
hope this response clarifies the questions raised in Mrs. Rose's letter dated May 5, 2001.
If you have any further questions, I may be reached at 477-7254.
Greg Baldwin
Land Development Coordinator
Division of Engineering and Roads
cc: Cheryl D. Rose
~ 0 w E ~Cheriyn D. Rose
S. 921 Best Road MAY 2 I 2001 ~
Veradale, Washington 99037
May S, 2001 SPOfCANE CaUNTY ~
Nlichael Dempsey, Chie£Hearing Examiner
Spakane Gounty Public Wflrks Buiiding
1026 W. Broadway
Spakane, Washington 99260 RE: PE-I884-01; Hearing Date 5l16101
Dear Mr. Dempsey:
13uring the abvve said hearing Mr, Greg BaZdwin, Plaruning Division, gave uery lirnited
information on lmprovements to 8'h Avcnue betweera Su1livan and Evergreen Roads
(where the prapvsed development is located) As the record wi11 shaw, along wifih #his
very limited infotrnation he also adrnitted that no traffic irnpact study had been done priar
to the hearing. He approached ane after the rneeting and asked me if I wautd like to see
the entire picture of the prrrjected inipravements for EVergreen Ttoad and 8I'' Avenue. He
proceeded to inform rne that Sth Avenue "tivauld be rrnpraved in the summer of 2003
with three Ianes" (this vvas verhatirn). He fhen catted sorneone named "Steve" to see if
there was further infflrrna#ion he could o}atain, but he cautd not reach this persan. He
stated he wauId get back to me later. After arrivang at home later in the afternoan there
vvas a message from Mr. Saldwin. He stated orc my answering niessage --"At this paint
in time we don't have any irnprovements scheduled far the next six years to $tn
Avenue." He went vn to say that there were no federal grants, etc. This was in direct
canflict with what was said in the heanng and what rvas told to me in his office. Why
wauld he nat have consulted with his superiars prior to the hearing? I have a real sense
that this was an open and closed hearing, already decided, and eueryone went through the
formalities. Qbviausly, Mr. Baldwin fvund out the tatal picture of the raad impravements
in a matter af a few hours. Why wasn'f this dane prior to the hearing?
T would also like to sta#e that on the morning af the hearing on 511610I, I naticed a black
rubber tubing strip wtuch ran across S`'' Avenue and vne on Evergreen Road, not Far frorn
St'' Avenue. Qhviously some agency was tracking traffic an that day. I keep returning to
tlae fact that the Planning Divisian did nat complete the impact af this deVelapment in
❑ther areas. As IsXafed in the hearing Mr. Dempsey, even thmugh 8`h Avenue between
Sullivan and Evergreen is considered a"minar arterzal" in the county's ptan-it must be
one of the mflst heavily traveled roads in the county. There is a Child ❑eaf Area, an
elementary schcrol and a majar high school--all in less area than a mile fram this
propased development. Also, with the Evergreen freeway access being campleted many
people are not gozng to go as far east as Suligvan when they can avaid the "SulliVan
congestion" and just swing over to Evergreen via 8th and go straight up to I-90. Eighth
Avenue is now run down and in need ❑f improvernents now. With na imprvvements fvr
six years-please recvnsider the incmmplete testimony and your decisian,
1026 W Broadway Ave, Spakane, WA 99260-01 lfl (509)477-3600 Fax (509)477-2243
TC3: 5pokane County PPanning Qepartment
FRC]M: pivision of Enginesring & Rvads
❑aTE: IVIay 1, 2001 •
F1LE RE-1884-01
Hearing: 0511~612001 @1;30
Review Date: 0212812001
SponsarlApplicant: AN❑REW WC)RL(7CK
Sectian Township Range: 23-25-44
Technical Review Date: (@)
Yhe 5pakane County Engineering aepartment has reviewed the abvvg referenced application. The
fallowing "Conditivns vfi Appraval" are submitted to the Spokane County Pianning Department for
inclusian in the "Findings of Fact, Conclcasions ancf arderlDecision" should the request be appraved.
Priar tv release vf a building permit or use af property as proposed:
1, That conditionap approva1 of #he plat by the County Engineer is giuen subject tv dedicatian of
right-af-way and appraval of the road sysfiem as indicated in the preliminary p6at of record.
2. A Professianal Engineer, licenssd in fhe State of Washington, shall submit fnal road and
drainage plans, a drainage report and calculations that conform to the 1999 Spokarre County
Standards for Raad and 5ewer canstruction, the current edition af the Guidelines for Stormwater
Management and all standards and laws that are applicahle tn this project if road andJor
drainage irrtprouements are reqGired. Any final road and drainage plans and a drainage report
shall receiVe the County Engineer's aceeptance prior to release of a construc#ian vr building
permit ❑r approval of the final plat. [3rairrage [anguage will be drafted by Spokane County and
provided to the Sponsor's Engineer or Surveyor for inclusivn in the final plat document fallowing
plan aceeptance by the Spokarae County Engineer
3. Any appEicahle stormwater managecnent systems and raads far this plat shalf be constructed
and certified to be constrracted in accvrdance with the accepted raad ar+d drabnage plans, or all
the required improvements must be taonded for in accordance with Spokane County regulations,
privr to the recording of the fina@ plat. Recard drawings and all construction documentation shall
be submit#ed wi#h the proper certificatian statement.
pa~e 2
05/16/2001 HeazYnq 1 02{2$I2001 Review 1 TR
~ PE-z884-01
4. Erosian Contral: A Temporary Erosion and Sedimenta#ion Cvntrvl (TESC) plan is ta be prepared
by a WA State Iicensed PrafessionaE Engineer vr Landscape Architect, and Emplemented
throughaut the duratFOn of cQnstruction. The TESC plan is ta be prepared using best
management practices (BMP's) currently accepted within the CiWil Engineering professian, and
shall address limits vn amount and duration of dis#urbed areas which have nat been stabilized.
The TESC plan is to include, as a minimum, a grad9ng plan, laeation and details of silt cantrnl
strucfures, and street caearaing prog6am. Runvf# from exposed areas must be filtered prior to
dischargmg intn a detention pond, evaporation pond, 208 swale, or infiltratiQn facility. The
TESC plan is to be ancluded in the raad and drainage pCans. The applicant'S Ehglfleel' 15 to
submit t'he TESC plan and 5upporting calculations to Spakane County for review, and shaIP
receive aceeptance as part of the plan review process prior to site disturbance. The TESC
major structures (such as silt ponds, sift #ra,ps) are to he cnstalled prior ta other site wark and the
TESC measures are to be implemented and maintained throughaut the duratian vf consfructian,
including hause cvrustruction. °
5. This proposed subdeaisivn or development proposal is I'ocated within a drainage basin, which
has been identified by the Spokane County Engineer's and Lltilities afffices as having starmwater
runaff problerris. Since this prQposed subdpvisian vr development propvsal is afFeGted by vr is a
contributor to stormwater flows, properky owners should participate in the planning and
implementativn vf a future basinwide starmwater managemerat system.
fi. Ganstruction within the proposed public streets and easements shall be perfvrmed under the
direct supervision vf a [icensed engineerlsurveyvr, who shall furnish the County Engineer with
"Record Drawings" and a certificate in writing that all improvements were instafled to the iines
and grades shown vn the approued construction plans and that all disturbed monuments have
been replaced.
7. As per Section 9.14.080 af fhe 5pokane County Code, no persDn shall cvns#ruct a road nr other
facilities within the existeng prapased, or future public right-of-way, ❑r the private rvad easernent
in connection with the actions enurnerated in Section 9.14.020 withaut out first having received
a permit as specified En Section 9.14.070(9) far such facilities fram the County Engineer. Said
permit will not be granted until the plans fior the development have been accepted by the County
Engineer. If this provision is vivlated, the County Engineer rnay require the project plans be
revised tQ show the constructian that was dvne and specify hvw the construction that was done
will meet Spokane County Standards prior to plan acceptance.
8. IVa cans#ruction work is to be perfvrmed within the existing or proposed public righf-of-way until
a permit has been issued by fhe County Engineer. Afl work is subject ta inspection and
apprvval by the County Engineer.
9. AIl construction within the exESting or prQposed Public right-of-way is ta be compfeted prior to
filing the final plat or a bond in the amount estimated by the County Engineer to cover the cost
of canstructron of improvements. Constructiara certificatian, "Record ❑rawings" and
mareumenting the street centerlines shall be filed with the County Engineer.
page 3
❑5/16I2001 Hearang / 02/28/2041 Aeview 1 T&
10, N❑ direct access from Iots ta 1olh Auenue until such raads are constructed to Cnunfy 5tandards
arrd established as County Raads.
11. Na direct access from lvts to Stub Road cannectiorrs until such roads are canstnacted to Caunty
S#andards and established as Gvunty Roads.
12. Rvad design, constructian and drainage control for 1f2 right of ways and stub rvad connections
are the responsibility of the develvper.
13. That appropria#e provision be made that the follawing described property be held in trust until
the cvntinuation of the streets be dedicated or deeded: A 1 foat strip at the ends or edges of all
streets that terminate or border the plat baundary. Ternpnrary eul de sacs are required when
streets teeminate at the plat boundaries.
14. The applicant shDUld he adaised that individual driveway access permits are required priar to
issuance of a building permit for driveway appraaches tv the County raad systern.
15. Ded'rcation of 10 feet of additional right-vf-way alQng 8' AVenue and the applicable radius of
Rses Road and 8' Avenue is required.
16. Dedication of 38 feet of right-vf-way for Rees Road and the applicable radius of Rees Road and
10`h Auenue is required.
17. Dedication of 25 feet of right-of-way is required for 1o`h Avenue. T'his right of way dedication
shall meet the existing right-of-way Eine on the west (Valley Ha Addition) and decrease tv meet
#he existing right of way line ❑n the east (Tawner's Additian).
18. That all public raads wothin the plat be designed and constructed ta Spokane Coun#y standards.
19. That #he follovarirag statement shall appear varithin the dedicatory language of the tinal plat:
* The owner(s) or successor(s) in interest agree ta join in any Cvunty-approved
stormwater management prvgram and to pay such rates and charges as may be fixed
through publiC hearings for service or benefit obtairred 4y the planning, design,
constructing, maintaining or aperation of starmwater contral facilities.
20. The Caunty Engineer has designated a Local Access Roadvvay Section for the improuement of
Rees Road which is to be construc#ed within the propased development. This wilB require the
installation of 30 fee# of asphalt. The canstruction of curbing and sidewal'k is afso required.
21. The Coun#y Engineer has designated a Local Access Roadway Section for the impravement of
10' Avenue which is adjacent tQ tfae propased developmera#. This will require the additian of 24
feet of asphalt alvng the frontage of the development to create a half street sect'ron. The
construction of curbing is also requ,ired.
Page 4
05115/2001 Hearxng 1 02128I2001 Review / TR
22 The applicant shall strip pave a haff street section wtth 24 feet of aspha6t on 10`h Avenue off-s+te
to connect the frontage improvements back to mee# the existing pavement on the easfi at Calvin
F2oad (Towner's Additian).
23 The County Engineer has designated a 3-Lane Minor Arteria9 Roadway Sectian for the
improvernent of 8`hAvenue which is adjacent tv the prvposed deveaopmen#. This wil@ require the
addition Qf approximately 12-14 feet of asphalt alvng the trantage of the de►refopmertt. The
construction of curbing and sid'ewallc is alsa required,
24. The prvposed plat shall be improved ta the standards set farth in Spnkane County Bvard of
Commissiflners Resofution Nm. 99-0265, as amended, which establishes regvVations far roads,
apprcaaches, drainage and fees in new cnnstruction.
25. The County Engineer has examined this develapment proposal and has determined that the
impact of this praposal upon the existing Gounty Raad System warrants the dedicatian of
additianal right of way and the rvadway irnpravements herein specified.
26. The County Arterial R❑ad plan identifes 8"' Avenue as aMirtor ArteriaL The existing right af
way width af 40 feef is nat consisfent with that specified in the plan. Ira order tv implement the
Arterial Road Plan it is recommended that in additian ta the required right of way dedication, a
strip af prflperty 10 #eet in width along the 8th Avenue frontage be se# aside in reserve. This
praperty may he acquired by Spokane County at the time when Arterial Empravements are made
to 8" Avenue.
27. "The applicarrf is advised that there ►nay exist utiiities either underground ar averhead effecting
the applicant's property, incfuding property ta be dedica#ed ar set aside future acquisition.
Spokane County wiCl assume n❑ financial abligation for adjustments ❑r relvcation regarding
these utid'ities °"The applicant shauld contact the applicable utilities regarding respvnsibility fvr
adjustment ar relocation casts and to make arrangements fDr any necessary work,"
28. The applicant shafl grant applicable border easements adjacent to Spokane County IRight of
Way per Spokane County Standards.
' i
S1- ra IK .4 rv 1F- C r~ v~v -r ~
TD: E~p k.n~ af p~~~ae rim~g &_Roa~s; S~ait
~K~i~~' a`
Spokane Caunty C3ivisron of Engineering 8c Roads, Sil9 Hcmmings
Spokane Gounty Division of TJtilities, 7isn Red
Spokane County Stormwater [Jtility; Brenda Sicns
Spokane Regianal Health District; Steve 1-IoCderby
Spokane County Dovision ❑f Building & Code EnForcement,leff Farry
SpDka17e CDLI'17fy F1Fe IJ35i1'lC[ NO I
Vera Water District No. 15
FRDM. .Pames Itichardsan', tsociate Platincr
DAT'E: April 1$, 2001
SLIBIECT: Review and comments far the hearing of May 16, 2001
FTLE NQ: PE-1884-01
BRIEF DESCRIEPTIUN: Prefliminary subdivisian to divide approx. 4.93 acres
into 14 lots for single family dwellings and those uses allowed in the existing
Llrban Residential-3.5 (L1R-3.5) zone.
PARCEL 1Y0: 45233.0402
A.I'PLIiCAhTT: Si91 Smith, PD Sox 14084, Spo€cane, WA 99214 5091422-0782
Ncatc that the applicatton and maps were preaiously circulated io yaur agency.
Please review and return any comments to me by May 2, 2001
ELttachments: 3`1otice of Fublic 14earing
1026 W BROAQ4YAY + S3'C]KrAiVF, WASIilFVCTL7N 99260-0220
1'110fVl_ (509] 4?7-72C!€} 9 FA\ (509) 477-2243 0 'I`1JFJ (5f14) 477-7933
Tfl: All interested persons, a,nd awnersltaxpayers within 400 feet
Applieation. PE-1$84-0 1; Prelirninary subdivision to divide approx, 4.33 acres into 141ats for single
family dwellings and those uses alIowed in the existing Urban kesidential-3.5 (UR-3.5) zone.
Farcel No: 45233.0402
Tiearing Uate and '['ipne: May 16, 2001 @ 1:39 pm.
P1ace: ComrnissiQners Assernbly Rvom, Lower Level, Spokane Caunty 1'ublic Warks Building, I026
West Brvadway, Spokane, Washingtan.
(]wnerlApplicant: Bill Smith, PC7 Sox 14084, Spakane, WA 99214 5091922-4782
Address and Lacatian: The subject site is generally is located between 8th Ave. and 10`h AVe., wifihin
523, T25 N, R44 EWM, Spokane County, WA.
CvmprehQnsive Plan: [Jrbari (U)
Existing Zon'rng: Urban Resideratia1-3.5 (UR-3.5)
EaVfroumental Determination: ADetermination ofNonsignificance (L7Na) was issued by the County
Divisian vfPlanning, as the Iead agency on April 27, 2I]0i. The corriment periad ends May 11, 2001.
ReTateci Permits: Tn crrder fvc the prerject ta be developed as proposed, additiona1 permits must be
vbtained includ'ang building permits.
DiVision af Planning Staff: James Richardson, Assaciate Planner, (509) 477-7168
Hearing Fracess and Appeals: The hearing will be canducted under the rules af procedure advpted in
Spokane County Resolution No. 96-0294. All interested persons may testify at the public hearing, and
rnay submit written comments and docurnents before or at the hearing. The Hearing Examiner may limit
the time given to speakers. A speaker represen#ing each side of the issue is encauraged. Any appeal of
the Hearing Examiner's decisian vvill be based on the recard established befare the Hearing Exarrriner,
pursuant to County lZesolution Nos. 96-4 fl 71. EnVironmental agpeals wn11 fo11aw the same grocedural
route as the underiying acdion. AII hearings will be canducted in facilities that are accessible ta persons
with physical disabilities.
Inspeetion of File, Copies of Documcnts: A Staff Report wa ll generally be available for inspection
seven days befare the hearing. The Staff RepQrt and application file may be inspected at the Spokane
+County I]iuisian of Plarining, lst F1o4r Pennit Center, Public V+rorks Building, 1026 W. Broadway,
Spokane, WA 99260-0224, between 8.30 a.rn. and 5:04 p.m., weekdays, M-F, except halidays. Capies
vf dacuments wiII be made available far the cast of reproductian. If you haue any questions or special
needs, please caZZ the Divisian at (509) 477-7200. Send written camments #o t}ie Spokane County
Division 4f Planning, 1626 W. Broadway, Spakane, WA 99260, Attn: James Ftichardson. Motions must
be made irt vvriting and submitted tn the Spokane Cvunty Hearing Examiner, 3rd FIQbz, Public Works
auilding, 1026 W. Broadway, SpQkane, WA 99260-0245.
47VAG 197-11-970 anti Section lL 10.230(3)
FI~ENLIMBER. FE-3 $$4-0l
DESCRIPTIUN OF PROFUSAL. Prelirninary subdivisiQn t4 divide apprax. 4.93 acres inta ] 4 lots for single
family dwellings arod thase uses aI]awed in the existing llrban Residential-3.5 {i]Ft-3.5) xone.
PARCEL NO: 45233.0402
HEARTIVG 17ATE ANI3 'I'TME; May 16,2001 @ 1:30 pm
APPLTCANT: Bill Smith, P(7 Bax 14084, Spokane, WA 99214 509I922-07$2
LOCATI❑N OF PRqFC3SAL: Genera[]y Eocated between 8th Awe. and 10th Aue, within Section 23,
Township 25N, Range 44 EWM, 5po'kane County, WA
DETERMTN'ATIUN: The lead agency for this praposal has determined that it does not have a probable
significant adverse irnpact Qn the enVironment. This clecision was made after re►riaw af a cornpleted
environmental check9ist and other infannatian can fi1e with the lead agency. This informatian is available to the
publiG on request.
This I]NS is issued under WAC 197-1 I-340(2), the lead agency will not act on this pro,posal far at least 15 days
from the ciate issued (below). Coznments regardin,g thcs T}IVS must be srubmitted nv later than S:il(} p.m.,
May 2, 2Q01, if they are intended to alter the I]NS, dll com ments should be sent to the cDntacf person
listed below.
1tE5PQ1V!SIBLE QFFICIAL: 8y- ,annes Richardson, Associate Planner
5pokane Counfy T]ivision of Planning
1026 W. Braadway Ave.
Spokane, WA 99260-0220 (509) 477-7200
APPEAL OF THIS DETERNIINATION, after it beconnes final, rraay be made ta the S'PdKANE COUNTY
DIVISI[JN OF PLANNTNG, lst Flaar, 1026 W. Sraadway, Spokane,WA 99264. The appeal deadline is ten
(14) calendar days after the signing of the decision to approVe ar disapprave the projecT. This appeal must be
written and the appellant should be prepared to make s,pecific factual abjectipns. Contact the Division of
F'lanning ta assist yau with the specifics far a SEPA appeal
This DN5 was mai4ed to:
1. WA State Departrnent af Eca1ogY ((7lympia}
2. '~~pk~anc'Ct-o~nty Di7isiVn -ofiEngineeririo TransportationvEngine-ering; Scott~EngclharA
3. Spokane County+ L?ivisian af Enganeering, peVelapment Senrvices, Bill Hernrnings
4. Spokane County Division af Utilities, Jim Red
5. Spokane Caunty Stormwater i,]tility; Srenda Sims
6. Spokane Regianal Health bistrict; SteVe Holderby
7, Spokane Caunty C3iaision of Suilding and Gode Enforcement, aef1F Forry
8. Spokane County Air Pollutipn +Control Authority, Chuck 5tuder
9. WA State B4undar,y Review aQard; Susan Winchell
10. Fire Protectaon District No.l
11. Central VaIley Schaol £lisdrect 9356
1026 WBraadway Ave, Spvkane, WA 99260-017(] (5(]9)477-3600 Fax (509)477-2243
TO: Spokane County Planning Department
FROM: Divisian of Engineer+ng & Raads ~~p~~~~~►~~
DATE: March 1, 2001
Fi LE P"E-9 $84-01
F-learing: @
Review ❑ate. 0212812001
SpvnsorlApplicant: AIVDREW V11(]RLQCK
Sectiarr Tawnship Range: 23-25-44
Tec'hnical RevFew Date: ( @ )
The Spokane County Engineering Qepartment has reviewed the above r€;ferenced applicafiaon. The
folbwing "Conditivns of Approval" are submitted ta the 5pokane County Plann'tng pepartment far
inclusian in the "Findings of Fact, Cvnclusians and Orderlaecision" shauld #he request be appraved.
Priar tm release at au huil+ding permit nr use vf property as propused:
1 . That canditianal approval of the plat hy the County Eragineer is given subject #o dedicatian Qf
right-of-vw+ay and approval' vf the raad system as indicated in the preliminary plat of recard.
2. A Prafessional Engineer, 6icensed in the State vf 1NaShingtvn, shail submit final road and
drainage p9ans, adrainage report and calcu6ations that canfiarm ta the 1999 Spokane County
Standards fior Rvad and 5ewer canstfuctivn, the current edition vf the Guidelines for Stormwater
Management and all standards and laws that are applicable t❑ this praject if rvad andlar
drainage improvements are required. Any finaf road and drainage plans and a drainage repor.t
shall receive the County Engineer°s acceptance prioT to release of aconstruction or buifding
permit or appraval af the final plat. Drainage language will be drafted by Spokane County and
prouided to the 5ponsor's Engineer or Surveyor far inclusion in the fnal plat document following
plara acceptance by the 5pokane County Engineer.
3. Any ap,pEicable stormwater managemen# systems and road's for this plat shall be ccanstructed
and certified to be constructed in accordance with the accepted road and drainage plans, or all
the required impravements must hebvnded for irro accordance with Spvkane County regulations,
prior ta the recording af the fina9 ,plat. Record drawings arrd all construction dacumentation skaall
be submitted with the proper certAfication statement.
CC: AppllCant AP]DRE4V WqRL4CK
Sngineerl5urveyor PATRICK MOOfiE
q * I
Pdge 2 -
Hearing / 42i2812001 Review / TR .
4. Erasion Con#roi: A Temparary Erosion and Sedimentatiora Control (TESC) plan is to be prepared
by a WA 5tate Ircensed Professianal Engineer or Landscape Architect, and implemerated
thraughout the duratian of canstructian. The TESC plarr is fo be prepared using bes#
management practices (BMP's) currently accepted within the Civil Engineering professian, and
shall address limits an amount and duration of disturbed areas which have not heen stabifized.
The TESC plan is to include, as a mirrimurn, a grading plara, location and detaiCs of siff Ccantrol
structures, and street clearaing pc-ograrn. Runoff from exposed areas rnust be fi[tered prior to
discharging into a detention pand, evaporation pond, 20$ swale, vr infiltration facility. The
TESC plan is to be included in the road arad drainage pfans. The applicant's Engineer is ta
submit the TESC plan and supparting calculations ta Spakane Caunty for review, artd shafl
receive acceptance as part of the plan review process priar to site disturbance. The TESG
rmajvr structures {such as silt ponds, silt traps} are to be installed prior to ather site work and the
TESC measures are to be irnplemented and maintained thraughaut #he duration of construction,
including house cons#ructivn.
5. Thps proposed subdivision or development proposal %s iacated wethin a drainage 4asin, which
has been identified by the 5pokane County Engineer's and Utifities affices as having stvrmwater
runoff prvbPemS. Since this ,proposed su6diVisivn or development praposal is affected by or is a
contributor to stormwater flows, praperty owners should partici,pate in the pfanning and
implernentativn of afuture basinwide stormwater management system.
6. Construction withirr the proppsed puhlic s#reets and easements shall be performed under the
direct supervisinn of a ficensed engineerfsurveyar, wha shall fumish the County Engiraeer with
"Recard prawings" and a certificate in writing that all impravements were irastalfed tv the lines
and grades shQwn on the approved construcfian plans and that aPl disturbed monuments have
been replaced.
7. As per Section 9.14.080 of the Spnkane County Cade, no person shall construct a road or other
facilities within fihe existing prvposed, Qr future puhlic rigfit-of-way, vr the pr4vate road easement
in connection with the actians enumerated in Section 9.14.020 withvut ❑ut firs# hraving received
a permit as specified in Sectian 9.14.070(1 ) for such fac6lifies from the Cownty Engineer. Said
permit will nat be granted until the plans fior the develapment have been accepted by the County
Engineer. 9t this prQaisian is violated, the County Engineer may require the project plans he
revised to show the construction that vuas dorae and specity how the construc#ion that was done
will meet Spokane Caunty Standards prior to plan accep#ance.
8. No construction wark is to be performed within the existing vr praposed' public right-of-way untal
a permut has been issued by the County Engineer. AlI wvrk is subject to inspection artd
a,pproval by the Cflun#y Engineer,
9. All cvnstruction within the exis#ing or praposed Public right-af-way is to be cpmpleted priar tv
filing #he final plat ar a bvnd in the amount estimated by the Caunty Engineer to cover the cost
of ccanstruction of improvements. Ganstructian certification, "Recard Drawings" and
manumenting the street centerlines shall be filed with the Coranty Engineer.
Page 3 -
Hearrng / 42128/2001 Review / TA
10. No d+rect access from fcats ta 'V[Jt' Avenue until such roads are canstructed to County 5tandards
and estabPished as Caunty Roads.
11. CJo direct access from lots ta Stub Road connections until such roads are constructed #o County
Standards and estab6ished as Cvunty Roads.
12. Raad design, construction and drainage coratrol far 112 right of ways and stub road connections
are the responsibility of #he deVeIQper.
13. That ap,propriate proVrsivn be rnade tlaat the fvllvwirrg described praperty be held in trust until
the cantinuafivn of the streets be dedicated ar deeded: A 1 foot strip at the errds ar edges of all
streets that terminate or border the plat bpundary. Temporary cul de sacs are required when
streets terminate at the plat boundaries.
14. The applicant should be ad►rised that individua[ driueway access permifs are required prior to
issuance of abuilding permit far driveway approaches #v the Gaunty rvad system
15. Dedicatian of 10 feet of addit8onal right-vf-way along 811 Avenue and the applicable radius of
Rees Rvad and 8`h Avenue is requEred.
16. Qedication of 38 feet of right-of-way fQr Rees Road and the applicable radius of Rees Rcaad and
10' Avenue is required
1 - 7. ❑edication of 25 feet of right-of-way is required for 1Ot" AvenGe. 7his right of way dedication
shall meet the existing right-vf-way line an the west (Valley Ho Addikion) and decrease #a meet
the existing right of way line an the east (Towraer's Additian).
18. That a1G publcc raads within the plat be designed and constructed fa S,pakane Cour~ty standards.
19. That the fallawing statement shall appear within the dedieatary language of the final plat:
•"The awner(s) or successor(s) in interest agree fa jvin in any Cvun#y-apprvved storrnwater
management program and tv pay such rates and charges as may be fixed thraugh puhlic
hearings for service ❑r beneft obtaened by the planning, design, constructirag, maintaining ❑r
operation of stormwater cnntrol facilities."
24. The Gaunty Engineer has designated a Laca6 Access Raadway Sectian for the improvemenf of
Rees Road which is to be constructed within the propased development. This will require the
installation of 30 feet of asphalt. The construction of curbing and sidewalk is a!s❑ required.
21. The Cvunty Engineer has designa#ed a Lacal Access Raadway Section for the improvernent of
10' Avenue whic'h es adjacent to tlhe praposed develapment. This will require the additivn of 24
feet of asphalt alQng the frvntage ❑f the development to create a half street section. The
construction of curbing is also requFred.
s . .
Paqe 4 Hearing / 0212812001 Review ] TR
22. The applicant shall strPp pave a half street section with 24 feet of asphalt vn 1o`" Avenue aff-site
to corrrrect the frorrtage irnprvvements back to meet #he existmg pavement on the east a# Calvin
R+aad (Towner's Addition).
23. The County Engineer has designated a 3-Lane Nlenor ArteriaP Rvadway 5ectivn for the
improdement of 8' Auenue uvhich is adjacent to the proposed develvpment. This will require the
additian of approximately 12-14 feet of asphalt along the frontage of the development. The
constructivn of curbing and sidewalk is also required.
24. The propased plat shall be improved ta the standards set forth in SpDkane County 6oard of
Cammissianers Resalutivn N+o. 99-0265, as arnended, which establishes regulations far roads,
approaches, drainage and fees in new constructian.
25. The Courrty Engineer has exarnined this develvpmerrt proposal and has determined that the
impact of this propasal upon the existmg County Road System warrants the dedicafion of
additianal right of way and the raadway improvements herein specified.
26. The County Arterial Road plan identifies $th Avenue as a Minar Arterial. The existing righ# of
way width of 40 feet is not consistent with that specified in the plan. In order tv implement the
Arterial Road Plan it is recommended that in adtlition to the required right of way dedicatiorr, a
strip of prcaperty 10 feet in width along the 8t" Avenue frantage be set aside in reserve. This
praperty may be acquired by Spakane County at the time when Arterial Impravements are made
fo 8" Rvenue.
27. TFre applicant should be adVised that there may exist utilities either underground or overhead
affecting fhe applicants praperty, If1CILIdIng property to be dedicated or set aside future
acquisiti❑n. Spokane Caunty will assume no financial obligation for adjustments or relocativn
regarding these utilities. The applicant should check with the applicable utiiities and Spakane
County Engineer tv determine whether the applicant or utility is responsibfe far adjustment ar
relocativn costs and to make arrangements far any necessai-y wvrk.
28. The applicant shali grarrt applicable border easernents adjacent tQ Spokane Caunty Right of
Way per 5pakane County Standards,
~Smhall, Sandy
Frvm: Hemmings, 6di
5ent: Monday, February 26, 2001 11:17 AM
Ta: Richardson, James
Cc: Engelhard, 5cvtt, Kimhail, 5andy, Parry, Ed, 5ims, Brenda, 8aldwin, Greg; Hahman, John;
Little, Col9een
Subject: P-1$84-01 - Bdl Smith - Prelimirtary F'lat
I received the abave referenced praposal an February 15, 20{]1.
Na concept drainage pfan is required and I consider 1he applicatian to be technicaEly complete
I recomrriend the fallowing conditions of approval:
• A Prafessional Engineer, licensed in the State vf Washingtan, shall subrnit final road and
drainage plans, a drainage report arrd cafculations that conform to the 1999 5pokane County
Standards frar Raad and Sewer constructian, the current edition af the Guidelines for
Stormwater Management and all 5tandards and laws that are appficable to this project if road
andlor drainage lmpraVamen#s are required. Any final rvad and drainage plans and a
drainage repart shall receive the Cvunty Engineer's acceptance priar to release nf a
cons#ructian vr building permit ❑r approval vf the fFnal plat. ❑rainage language will be drafted
by Spakane Gvunty and pra►rided #a the Spansar's Engineer or 5urveyor for inclusion in the
fnal plat document foilowing plan acceptance by the Spokane Caunty Engineer.
• Erosion Cantral: A Temporary Erosian and 5edimenta,tian Cantrol (TESC) plan is to be
prepared by a ViIA State ficensed Professianal Engineer ar Landscape Architect, and
implemented throughout the dura#ion of constructian. The TESC pfan is to be prepared using
best management practices (BiV1P's) currently accepted within the Civif Engineering
profession, and shall address limits vn amvunt and duration of disturbed areas which have not
been stabilized. The TESC plan is to inClude, as a minimum, a grading plan, lacation and
details of silt control structvres, and street c1eaning program. RunDff from expased areas
mus# be filtered priQr to discharging into a detentian pand, evaporativn pond, 208 swale, ar
infiltration facility. The TESG plan is to be included in the raad and drainage plans. The
applicant's Engineer is to submit the TESC pfan and suppvrting calculatians to 5pokane
Csaunty far review, and shall receive accep#ance as part ❑f the plan reaiew process pricar to site
disturbance. The TESC maaor structures (such as silt ponds, silt traps) are to be installed prior
to other site work and the TESC measures are to be implemented and maintained throughout
the duratian ❑f canstructian, including house canstruction
• Any applicabfe stormwater management systems and roads for this plat shalf be cvnstructed and
certified to be constructed in accardance with the accepfed road and drainage plans, ❑r all the
required improvements must he banded for in accordance with Spokane Caunty regulations, priQr
to the recarding of the final pla#. Recard drawmgs and all construction dacumentation shall be
submitted with the praper certificatian statement.
• As per Section 9.14.080 of the Spokane Gounty Gode, na person shall construct a road or
other faciI ities within th e existeng propased, ar future public righ#-af-way, ❑r the priVate raad
easemen# in cQnnectivn with the actions enumerated in Section 9.14.420 without ou# first
having received a permit as specified i n Section 9. 140 70(1 ) far such facilr#ies fram the C+aunty
Engineer. Said permit will nof be grarrted until the plans for the development have been
accepted by the County Engineer. If this provrsion is violated, the Courrty Engineer may
require tne project plans he revised to shQw the canstructiQn that was dvne and specify haw
the canstruction that was dane will meet Spokane County 5tandards prior tQ plan acceptance.
■ 7his propased subdivisivn or develapment proposal is lacated within a drainage basin, which
. ~
has been identified by ~pokane County Engineer's and L.,,,.. es offices as hauing
stvrmwater runatF problems. 5ince this proposect subdivision or dewelopment prnposal is
affected by-or is a contributvr ta starmwater flows, property ❑utirners shnufd participate in the
planning and implementa#ion af a future basinwide stormwater rnanagement sys#em. The
follawing statemerrt shall be placed in the plat dedication.
"The avti+ner(s) car successar(s) in interest agree to join in any County-approved starmwater
management program and tv pay such rates and charges as may he fixed through publlc
hearings for service ❑r benefi# ahtained hy the planning, design, constructing, maintaining or
❑peration af stormwater contral facilities."
6ill Hemmings, RE
PAGE 1 0 461L1:44:44 20 FEB 2001
RQad# Road Names _ . . . . . . . . . MPost. Reference L7escriptio Roaci Lcg Infn..........
05855 8TH AV (START) .00{] HAVA3iTA ST {START} & U 16 PAVED 20
.240 CUSTER RI] [ START ) LT 16 FAVEL? 20
.510 CARI'dAHP,N RD U 15 PAVED 20
1.080 5 TH AV (STAR'Y' ) U 15 PAVED 20
1.120 L] I CKEY S T (END ) LT 16 PAVED 20
1.370 DOLLAR RD (END ) LT 16 PAVED 2(}
1.510 THIERMAI'd 5T LF 15 PAVED 20
1.630 BRA.L?LEY RLl L] 16 PAVED 20
1. 7 4 0 CC}LEMAN RU { EiVL7 } CT 15 PAVED 20
1.760 COLEMAN RD (START ) hI 16 PAVED 20
1. 8 50 GIRARD ftD (EIVD) LT 16 PAVED 20
1.870 G XRARI] RD (START ) U16 PAVEI] 2{]
2.000 PARI{ RI? U 19 PAVED 32
2.050 EDGERTGN RD (ENLl ) LT 19 PAVED 32
05866 8TH AV (START) .I][]a DISHMAN-MICA RL} & I)I ll 15 PAVED 44
8TH AV .140 FARR RD U 15 PAVED 44
.340 WALNUT Rn {END} U 16 PAVED 24
.410 HERALD RT7 ( END ) U 15 PAVED 24
.640 RAYMC]NLf RD (END) LT 15 PAVED 24
.770 i:INIVERSITY Rll LI 16 PAVED 24
.920 GLENN RD (START ) U 16 PAVED 22
1.040 PIERCE RD LI 15 PAVED 22
1.280 SOWDISH RD U 15 PAVED 20
1. 53 0 CTNION RD (END) L7 15 PAVED 20
1.660 RQBI E RD { ENI] ) U 16 PAVED 20
1.780 SR 27 {PINES} U 16 PAVED 20
1. 9 2 0 HCIUK RD (END ) T..F 15 PAVED 20
1. 96 0 HJUK RD (START ) U 16 PAVED 20
2.020 VERCLER kD [START] U 16 PAVED 20
2.050 VERCLER RD (END) U 16 PAVED 22
2. 18 0 WQC]DLAWN RD (END ) U 15 PAVED 22
2.220 MdRFZOW RD (START ) U 16 PAVED 22
2. 31 0 MCD(]11TAIsF] RD U 15 PAVED 22
2.430 CLINTON RD (END) U 16 PAVED 22
2.560 BLAKE RD (START) U 16 pP,VE❑ 30
2.590 S LAKE RD (END ) U 16 PAVED 30
2.720 MANIER RD U 16 PAVED 22
2.970 BANNEIV RL] (ENU ) U 16 PAVED 22
. fl 3{~ B°S Rp k r.W:~~ _ U 16 VEI7 22
. $ FA~T~ED ~2
3.160 cALVzN sT (END) u16 PAVED aa
3,220 WARRIEN RD (END) U 16 PAVED 32
PAGE 2 1(} : 4 4: 4 4 20 FEE 2001
Road# Road Names.......... MPost. Re£erence ❑escriptio Road Log Ynfa..........
3.320 ADAMS RD U 15 PAVED 22
3.350 MARCUS RD (END) LT 15 PAVED 22
3.410 MART GQLI7 RL] (END) LT 16 PAVEI7 22
3.470 BURNS R❑ (END) L] 16 PAVED 22
3.570 PRC7GRES S R❑ iJ 16 PAVED 22
05868 STH AV (START ) .000 LONG RD ( S'I'ART) U 19 FAVEL] 24
S TH AV . 510 BARKER RD U 19 PP,VED 32
.670 HARMONY RD (END ) U 19 PAVEI] 32
1.210 CDLONIAL LlR ( START ) ll17 L I GHT BITLIM. 24
1.390 GLENaRC)aK ST (START ) il 17 LI GHT EI TLTM . 30
8TH AV (END), 1.510 HENRY RD il 17 LIGIiT $TTUM. 30
4 Records Pracessed
PAG~ I ~L0:45:14 20 FEa 2001
Road# Raad Names.......... MPast. Reference Descriptio Raad Log Info..........
10TH AV .100 EAS'I'ERN RD LI 19 PAVED 36
.230 ❑7LLAR RD U 19 PAVED 36
.350 `I HI ERMAN ST U19 PAVED 36
.470 BRADLEY RD ll 19 PAVED 36
.710 Gr1tARD RL] LY 19 PAVED 24
10 TH AV (ENL] ) .860 PARI{ RD ll19 PAVED 36
05881 IOTH AV (S TAkT ) .000 Tn1QflDRLIF F RD U 19 PAV ED 36
1 b TH AV .070 WALPIUT RD U19 PAVED 36
10 TH AV (ENT] ) .130 HERALD RD L] 19 PAVED 36
05882 1 D'I'H AV (STAkT ) .000 RAYMOND FZD U 19 PAVED 32
10TH AV .070 OBERLIIV Rn U 19 PAVED 32
1 C}'TH AV .120 WOaT_]LAWN RD U 19 L I GHT B I TUM . 20
.250 MCDC7NALD RD iJ 19 PAVED 40
.380 CLIN'I'ON RD U 19 PAVED 30
.540 F3LAKE RD U 19 GRAVEL 34
05884 I0TH AV (STAR'I' ) ..~~O~"'C% I N ( ENI7 U19 PAVED
1 DTH AV ~ ~ • R - ( ) ~ •RA~]''~+L ~
1OTH AV (END) 3005048 1flTH AV (START) .000 UNIVERSITY RL] U 19 LIGHT SITllM. 20
1 fl TH AV .25(} F' T ERCE RLf U 19 PAVED 40
. 510 BUWL] I SH RD i7 19 PAVED 36
.530 WILSllR RD (ENLJ) U 19 LIGHT BITllM. 24
.750 LTIV ION RL] ll 19 PAVED 40
.850 RQaIE RD (END) v 19 PAVED 40
.520 WHIPPLE RD (END) L] 19 PAVED 40
10TH AV (ENZ]} 1.000 SFt 27 (PINES) i:I lg PAVED 40
05187 10TH AV {STAR'I'} .000 RDBINHC3OTJ ST U 19 PAVED 40
1[]TH AV .070 LI TTLEJaHN CT (ENI7 ) TJ 19 PAVED 40
J. [}TH AV ( END) .120 MARIAM ST LT 19 PAVED 40
1 aTH AV { END} .020 DI SHMAN RL7 LT 19 GRAVEL 30
0 5 0 8 0 10TH AV (STAFtT ) .000 EGGERTON RD i] 19 PAVED 4[}
i aTx Av (END) .060 cENTER nR U 19 PAVED 40
06199 10TH AV (START) .000 WE5"I` ENI] TCl L1IGKEY S L7' 19 PAVED 36
10TH AV (END) .090 I7ICFCEY ST U 19 PAVED 36
06217 l OTH AV (START ) .000 WEST ENI] Ta SURNS RD U 19 PAVED 36
1 0TH AV ( END) .090 BLTRNS RD (STP.RT ) U 19 PAVED 36
12 Records Processed
5 F Ca ~ A Nr
T(): ~
DivisiQn a ngineering an oa s, eve oprt9ent Services, Bill Hemmings
Division nf Lltilities, Tnfarmation Services, Jirrrk Red
T]ivision of L]tilities, StQrmwater Utility, Brenda Sims
Spakane Regavnal Health L3isirict, SteVe Holderby
' Spokane County Air FQllutian Cantrol Authority
Vera lrrigation District #15
Spakane Gaunty Fire DistriGt # I
Central Valiey School District #356
FRONY: James Richardson, Associate Planner
i'lATE: February 14, 2001
RE: PrePirninat-y Plat; PE-1884-d]
Enciosed find apreliminary p1at drawing, applicatiora and enuironx-nental checklisfi for
Hills Gastaplenty, The subdiuision proprrses 14 lats of approxirnateay 12,000 square feet
each an 4.93 acres. The Iots are proposed ta be ser-ved by publac water suppiy and on-site
sewage disposal systerns.
The project site is loeafed between Avenue and 10"' Avenite and wi i! be bisected by an
exlensian vf Rces Road, within Sectran 31, T 27 N, R 41 EWM, atid wathin the Urbai3
Residential-3.5 (UR-3.5) zane. Flease review and forrvard any comments to tne by
February 28, 2001. Ifyau have any questions yvu may contact me at 477-7168.
Eraclasures. (SEFA Checklist, application, plat rnap)
capy wlo enclosures: Sill Srnith; P.O. Box 14084; Spakane, WA 99214
CLC Associafies; 747West 7`h -#200; Spakane, VVA 99204
1026 fV+V LHOrACYWAY ■ SPGKAPVF"., WAS3-3IIVGTC11V 99260-[]220
i'HaNE t509j 477-7200 • Fqx: (509) 477-2243 • 'roo (509) 477-7133
~ . . s . .
~~OKA,1 ■ ~ ~F
P Ll 1NNI1 ■ G
SPOr~r~E cOuNrY
~ 1 - ~ PART I
F E B 0 9 2091
. ;
NAME vF t1PPLlCANTIREPRESE TATIVE: Andrew Warl.ock, CLG Associates. Inc.
MAiLTNG ADaRESS: 707 West 7 th Avenue, Suite 200
CiTY: 5pokane I 5`CATE: WA ZiP: 99204
FHC]NE: 458-6840 (w lrk) (home) FA7i: 458-6844
LEGAL fJWNET{'S NA1ME: Si.ll 5mith & Barbara 5mith PHQNE_ 922-0782
MAIL1NG AZ]DP.E55: P. C} . Sox 14084 _
C1TY: Snokane STAT'E: WA ZIP. 99214
PROTECTIPRGPpSAL SI°fE AREA {acres or sq. ft) 4.93 acras
' All]ACENT AR.EEA +DWNEF7 C?R CpNTRpI,LED (acres or sq. ft) N 1A
. p
5`6"REETAUI3AES5 OF PRGPQSAL 14306 East $th Averaue
EXISTING USE OF PROPERTY ~One sinRle familv resa.dence
FFR.E TJI5TR2CT Fire District Na. Z WATER FUFLVEYOR Vera Water #15
PFtC1POSED USE (?F PROPERT'Y: ~Singte Farnily dwellings ()o Duplexes iviuEtifami[y dwellings
ManufacturecC hames ( } $usiness IndustriaE ( ) Mixed []se { )
C3ther ( ) - L7escrihe:
B. TsEGAI., INx'(]RMA'l"TO1V: LC?CATION C3F F'ROPOSAL: Between 8th & 1[]th Avenue at Reea livad
1'`I.4M`E OF PL7SLiC ROAD(S) PRC}VI]]fAIG ACCESS: 8th Avenue & Rees Rvad
LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF FF;iJPER1"Y {Attaeh Cegal descriptian with stiunce of 1egal clearly ifxdicated }
S'LTE3DIVISI[JN MAP, The Wpsat Half Qf Tract 147 af Vera. as ver ulat thereef
recorded in Valume "O!' of P1ats, PaRe 30.
CDntract Purchasor
PR[3PrJSAL WARRAN7Ei L]? [ 5ee at tached ]
(see aCtaebed)
SURFiOUNC)ING F.AND USE? (see attached)
NUPviBE]t OF LC}T5: 14 GRC?55 AR.EA: 4.93 acres
TYP1CAL LOT SFZE. P 2.[}f7[} 5. F. PHOPDSED 1NET UENSITY*: 2. 8(14-4 .93 )
SMALI..EST L.f3T SIZE. 11,760 S. F. M TN[MUM FiRiJNTACi E: 80,
IndeV'sdual wells Public system (X) Prit+ate Comrnunit]r System
C7ther ( ) - I7escribe:
Pubdic sewer {X} Carnmunicy system Septic tanlc and cirainfie9d {x)
DQUble Plumhing { ) E]ry Sewer t ) Other ( )
i7escribe: Twn lcats wil], e served by €rublic sewer when it becomes available.
* Net Detrsity r,s tsnrls or Fots per acre incdudrng the area fvr prtvale andlor J,rubfic rQads, rQmman apen space, dnd arry
nonresrderrlirz[ use.
Elech-icity: Uale•• Wa~~ f. Vc-vv a~. Sewcr: 5pokane Caunty
Gas: Avtsta Water: Vera Water #15 Phane:
Puhlic raads (X) ,4lrterial roads Traet 7C r+~ads
1 tv 7 years- ~
IS I]EDI{CATiOiN QF LANL? FC]Ft PUBL.IC L]5E CL}NTEMFLATEi3 (Parks, schools, etc)? Ves (vo No
lF YES, 1~E5CRIBE. Rieht-of ~au dedicat i.ons for $ th Avenue (10' 10 th Averiue
(25') and Rees Road (36')1-
~~.0. ~0413ATE` l/z Y/19/
7a7 uJ. rSca~ ~.a~l PNONE.
ziP: 5'r'zo~
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E?fFlRES 12 aa
5LBUIVTSIUN A~h#'ATIC3N Page 4o£ 4
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PHC]NE: jg~?99-k=p 22~
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. STATE OF WA5HYNG"i a lt~.' ~
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CO'Cj+ll'1'Y OF SF'Q~{A ~
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sAGNF-n AND swORN A'i , FFIRMED Orr s ~ nAx OF
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i My e~poin~ew e~pires:
. oct 24,2004
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(Tta ~ j?LETEp 13r TIIE DrvrszoN o~ BLtILnrNCi Ar- ~
D,arE SuBtwTTED: ' FrtE
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PREL 5138D1V APPL 4t', . V 12194
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02/08J01 TIIi] 24:27 ETX/RX N(] 6833J
Hil!'s Costap[enty Pretcminary Plat PAGE 1
Wf:at are the c/►anged conditions a,f tlie area ►vhicl: you fee! make t/:is proposal
warrat:ted? The site is within tha County's Interim Urban Growth Area and is in an
area which can or will be served by existing facilities and services. Public water, gas,
electricity aze currently available and according to County Staff, sewer will be extended
to the area within 7 years. The site is in an area characterized by residential subdivisions
interspersed with lazge tracts. The site is flanked on the east and west by existing
subdivisions with lots of equivalent or smaller size, with similar development to the
north, on the north side of 8`h Aveni~e.
What iinpact will the proposed subl ivision have on the adjacent properties? Aside
from the fact that the neighbors of the proposed development will experience a change of
the project site from a large tract with a single family residence to a more urban
subdivision with 14 residences, ther,e will be very little significant impact on surrounding
properties. The lot sizes are consistent with those in the adjoining developments, being
nearly twice as large as the lots witliin the "Towner's Addition" to the east and about the
same size as the lots within the "Ta ~ y Ho Subdivision" to the west.
The potential environmental effects lof the proposed developed are discussed within the
SEPA checklist which has been submitted as part of the application for the proposed
rezone and preliminary plat. '
What factors support the subdivisi I n? The site is within the "Urban" Category of the
County's Comprehensive Plan. This category supports net densities from between 1 to 17
units per acre. The density of the proposed preliminary plat is approximately 2.8 units
per acre. The proposed development is consistent with the purpose and lot size, frontage
and use standards of the UR-3.5 zon~e and the "Urban" Category of the County
Comprehensive Plan. The soils on s'te have been reviewed by the Spokane Regional
Health District who determined that the soils would support on-site septic systems and
drainfields for twelve residences (in :luding the existing residence). The two remaining
lots would not have residences consl'ructed on them until sewer is provided. After
discussions with County Staff, it is our belief that sewers will be provided to the area
within the next seven years. Approvnl of the subdivision as proposed is consistent with
Section 8 of the Spokane County Int~erim Development Regulations concerning public
services and facilities required for lands located within Interim Urban Growth Areas.
Wl:at n:easures do you propose to mitigate yocir proposal's impact on surrounding laiid
use? This project is designed to conform to the County's reyuirements for single family
development in Urban areas and the UR 3.5 zone. As such, the proposal will have
minimal impact on surrounding landl use. (See response to the second question, above.)
S ~
P E 0
af _ ~
WAC 197-11-960 Environmental checklist.
Purpose of Checklist:
The State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA), chapter 43.21C RCW, requires all governmental
agencies to consider the environmental impacts of a proposal before making decisions. An
environmental impact statement (EIS) must be prepared for all proposals with probable significant
adverse impacts on the quality of the environment. The purpose of this checklist is to provide
information to help you and the agency identify impacts from your proposal (and to reduce or avoid
impacts &om the proposal, if it can be done) and to help the agency decide wbether an EIS is
Instructions for Applicants:
This environmental checklist asks you to describe some basic information about your proposal.
Govemmental agencies use this checklist to determine whether the environmental impacts of your
proposal are significant, requiring preparation of an EIS. Answer the questions briefly, with the
most precise information known, or give the best description you can.
You must answer each question accurately and carefully, to the best of your knowledge. In most
cases, you should be able to answer the questions from your oxvn observations or project plans
without the need to hire experts. If you really do not know the answer, or if a question does not
apply to your proposal, write do not known or "does not apply". Complete answers to the questions
now may avoid unnecessary delays later.
Some questions ask about governmental regulations, such as zoning, shoreline, and landmark
designations. Answer these questions if you can. If you have problems, the governmental agencies
can assist you.
The checklist questions apply to all paris of your proposal, even if you plan to do them over a
period of time or on different parcels of land. Attach any additional information that will help
describe your proposal or its enviroiunental effects. The agency to which you submit this checklist
may ask you to explain your answers or provide additional information reasonably related to
determining if there may be significant adverse impact.
Use of cliecklist for tionproject proposals:
Complete this checklist for nonproject proposals, even though questions may be answered "does
ACTIONS (part D).
i -
FQr nvnpraject actians, the references, xn the checklist to the wards "project," "applicatat," and
"properiy or site" should be read as '""praposal," „proposer," and "affected geogaphic area,"
respectively. A. BACKGRC)LTND
1. Natne vf proposed prvject, if applicable: Flall's Costaplenty Prelaminczr-y Plat
2. Name of applicant• Br22 Smith g
3. Address and phone number of applicant or con#act person: PO Bax 140$4, Spakane, WA. 99214
(504) 922-0782 a
4. I7ate checklist prepared. ,Tcrnuary 23, 200I
5. Agency requesting checklist: Spakarce Caunty
6. proposed timing or schedule (including phasing, if applicable). C'on.struction to commence after
crpproval affinal p1at.
7.a. Da yvu havc any plans for f2iture additions, expansian, or further activity related fv ar
connected with this proposal? If yes, explain. No. ,
b. Da you olvn ar have any options Qn land nearby ar adJacent to this proposal? If yes, explain:
8. List any envzranmental infornatian you knaw about that has been prepared, ar vvill be prepared,
directly related to this propvsal. IVone known.
9. Dta yau krzow whether applications ai-e pendang for governmental approvals vF oiYier grogosals
directty affectzng the property cavered by your proposai? Tf yes, explain. tVone Known.
10. List any goverrunen# approvals or permits that will be needed for your proposal, if knawn.
Prelrminary plaf, final plat, and bualdang~ permzts.
11. Give brief, epmplefe description of your propasal, including the praposed uses and the size of
the praject and site There are several Iquestions later in thrs ehecklisf that ask you to describe
certain aspects vf your groposal. Yau d❑ not need to repeat thase answers on ihis page. (Lead
agencies may madify this form to include additional specifc information on project descripCion,)
Prelrrnrrtaay plat of 4.93 aeres trtta 14 Iats for the developmeral of 13 netiv sirrgle frzmily residenees
in the uR3.5 zone. Eleven of the nev da,ts ujill uttlize Qn srte septic svstems vuilh druanfields Two
lats wrll not laave resrdences constr-trcted "on lhem untal sanrtary .sewer as constructed.
12. Lacatian of the propQSai. (aive sufficient informativn fvr a person to Lrnderstand the precise
Ivcation of your proposed project, including a street arirlress, if any, and section, township, and
range, i f known. If a proposa1 wauld csccur over a range 4f area, prouide the range ar bounclaries of
the site{s}. Provide a legal descriptiorn, site plan, vicanity rruap, and topographic rnap, if reasona6ly+
awaniable. VVhiile you should submit any plans required by the agency, Ymu are not required to
duplicate maps or detailed plans suhrnitted vvath aiZy germit applications related to this checkIisL
The sate as Iocatetd on the south side of Avenue, at the interseetiora of Rees Rocad, rznd extends
sauth approximately 64$ feet to Tenth Avenue. ne exastttag site address as 14366 E. 8h Auenue,
beang lacatetl tn the southwesl quarter of Sectaon 23, Towrrshzp 25N Range 44E, Willtrrnette
Meridtart, an the Coun*y af Spokane, WA. A legal descriptiara is attachecl.
13. Does the proposed action lie within xl-ie Aquifer Sensitrve Area (ASA)? The General iewer
Service Area (GSSA)? T'he Pn'vrity Sewer Service Area (F'SSA)? The City ot'Spvkame? (See
Spokane County's ASA QverIay Zone Atias for boundaries). The project is an the ASA, the PSSA
and tha IUGA.
B. ENVMO1VMENTAL ELEIVIENTS Eua[uQridnforAg~ncy use Onry
1. Ear#h.
a. General descnption of the sife (circle one): Flat, rolling, hitly, steep
slopes, mountainous, crther
h. Wksat is the steepesfi slope vn the site {approximate percent slope}?
0-1 percent
c VVhat general t}pes of soils are faund an the site (for eacarnple, clay,
sand, graveI, peat, muck)'? IF you know the classification of agncu1tural
svils, specify them and note any prirrge farrnland The soils are GgA,
Gcrrrzson graveldy laarn.
d. Are there surface 1Tld1GatFt3i'15 gr histary of unstable soils in the
imrnediate vicinity? If sv, descnbe. No
e. Describe the purpase, type, and appraxamate quantities of any filling
or grading praposed Tndicate sQUrce of fitl. Maiior ga•adrng wili be
necessury for installutiQai of zrtalatres, cayastrucltora of the roaclway
withirr the plat crrrd prepuraaran of the buzlding lnr.r for foQtzyrgs and
f. Coupd erosian pccur as a result of cleanng, CoI75tTlICt1471➢r or use? if so,
generally describe. No.
g- About what percent of the site will be covered with ampervious
t I
surfaces aRer project constnuctaon (for exanple, asphalt or lauildsngs)?
7t is estimaled ta be crtaout 20%, zncluding roadway imprravements
{`Pavement and siclewalks} and rescdentiad structures.
h. Proposed rneasures tv xeduce vr corntro] erosion, or other impacts to
the earth, if any. Constructiora and Aer gradirzg acttvitzes wrll be
conducted rrz cacc4rclance with Courrty standards.
2. Air
a. What types of emassions to the air wvuld result frvm the proposal
(i.e., dust, automabile, Qdors, industrial wood smake) during
conslructian and when the proj'eGt is completed? If any, generalty
describe and give appraximate quantities if known. Dust and emissions
from cpnstruction machanery during cbnstructaon, and erni.ssians frarn
vehicles eratering ernrt exztirag 1he subdiuision after the praject as
b. Are there any off site sources of erhissivns or-odor that may affect
your propcasal? Tf so, generally describef: Minrmal amounts of dusa fram
unpaved andJor uacant Iots rn surraundang area and vehacle emis.srons
from adjoinrng streets.
c. Froposed rneasures to reduce or control emissions or Qther impacts ta
air, if any: SC'.4PCA slarrdards wrll bre followed during cvnstructaon
14ny fuel-2aarrnang heatirzg saurces instadlerl wilhin the residences wzll
compTy with the applicahle lQCal, Stc~rte anctfor Fecleral regulattoras
cancerrzing such sQUrces
3. Water ;
a. 5urface: `
l) Is there any surface water body can ar~ in the immediatc vicinity of the
site (including year-raund and seasonal streams, salCwater, lakes, pvnds,
wetlands)7 If yes, descnbe type and prauide names. If apprapn'ate, state
what siream or river it flaws into. 1Va.
2) Will the paoject require any Work over, in, or adjacent to (within 200
feet) ihe riescribed waters? [t` yes, please describe and attach available
plaiis. Na ,
3) Estimate thc amvunt af fill and dredge material that vvould be placed
Fvnlerntfan fpr Agefrey Use On[y
mor removed from surface water or wetlands arad indicatc the area af
the site that would be afFected. Indicate the source of fill material.
4) Wi11 the groposal reguire sur#'ace water wi#hdrawals or diversions?
[iive general descriptivn, purpose, and apprerximate quantaties zf knvvan.
5} I3oes [he proposal lie wi#hin a 100-year floadplain? If so, nQte
locataon an the site plan. No.
6} Dves the pmposal inr+olrre any dischaa-ges of waste rnaterials tv
surface waters? Tf so, describe the type vf waste and anticipated volune
of discharge. Na.
b. Ciraund:
1} Will ground wafer be withdrawn, or will water be discharged to
ground water? Give general descriptian, purpose, and apprnximate
quantities ifknown. Na.
2) Describe waste rraaterial that will be discharged in#o the ground from
septic tanks +ar other sources, if any (for example: Dornestic sewage;
Zndustnal, containing the fol9owing chemicals agricultural; etc-)-
I3escribe the general size vf the sysCern, the number vf such systems, the
nutnber of hfluses to be seeved (if applicable), or the nurnber of animaIs
Qr hurnans the system(s) are expected to serve. It is prapased that 12
of the resrdences yvrll utrdize indrvrduad oM-sile septic tarrks antl
clraanfelds. The remainrrag ttuo lgls wiPl be cannected to sanitary sewer
whera at beeomes avaalable. c.Water Runoff (including storm vvater):
1} Descn'be the source af runof£ (incItiding stmrm water) and ►riethoci of
cvllectimn and disposal, if any (include quantities, if lcnown). Where
wilf this water f]ow7 Wall this water flow intv ather waters? If so,
descn'be. S1ornr werter runo.f,f.frorri the road wrthin the subdrvTSaan tiuill
be dtsprased af lrz ca desagnafed trtact u+alrzing engirzeered, grass lineel
swales ca►zd drj4vell,s a.s requzrcd $y Spakane Coirnty.
2} Could waste materials enter grerund or surface waters? If so,
generally descn'be. N1ost storm wtrter conicrininarais will be filtered
tlrraugl7 1he grcrss lnred svvuTes. Oialy in unusuccl crrcunistrances woulcl
Evalualion jarAgenry Use f?nfy
uratreated starm water runoff dlrectl}' enter the dr^ywells vvathin the
grass lined swales.
d. Proposed rneasures #o reduce ar cantral surface, ground, and nFnoff
water impacts, if any: The on sile soals have beert reviewed by zhe
Spokane Craunty Regional Health District. 2fre number of lads utalazing
on-sate septic tcrnks and dr-axr~ftelds has been limited ta 12 per Hecrlth
Da.strtct standrxrds The ora-sife starm water dispa.sad systerre, cnclutling
grass swales and drywells wil[ be designed and canslructsd to Spokarre
County standards.
4. PlaiDts
a. Check or circle types afvegetation faund on the site:
X deciduous tree: alder, maple, aspen, vther
_ evergreen tree: firs cedar, pine, other
F grass
_ pasture
_crop or grain
T wet soil plants- cattaii, buttercup, bull'rush, skunk cabhage, other
- water plants: water lily, eelgrass, milfoil, other
X other types of vegetafiian: Some weerl.s arzd annucrl grasses.
b. What kind and amaunt of vcgetati~n will be removed or altered?
,Some of the exislitzg vegetutirn around the exasting resrdEnce wil1 be
removed privr ta rsr deeYir►g con.sirudion of the iretiv roacl antl new
c. List threatened or cndangered speciesl knawn to be on or near the site.
111one krrown. ,
d. F'roposed landscaping, use of nativ,e planis, or other measures to
preserve vr enhance Vegetation an the site, if any: There is no s,pecic
landseaping propased. It Xs expeeted tI hat the rrrdauadual homeowners
wrII drzxadscape therr yard.r an a nacrnrier comnaerrsurcrte wtth other .single
furmrly residerrircrd praperties in tlze vicin~ity.
5. Anima1s
a. Circle any bird~ ~iiri aFlinials wuhich have been obseived on or near
the site mr are known to he Dn or near the site.
Evrrluri ason for Agexcy Use f7nfj+
birrls: hawk, heran, eagle, 5o1ghirds, ather
mammals: deer, bear, c13c, beaver, ather.
fish: bass, salmon, trout, herring, 5I1eIlfi5I7, ❑ther:
b. List any threatened ❑r endangered species known tv he on ar near the
site. Nane knawn.
c. Is the site part of a rnigration route? If so, explain. Na.
d. Proposed measures to preserve ar enhance wildlife, if any: New
landscapzrag wzll heplantecl by irrdividual hamecrwners.
6. Energy and NatuYal Resources
a. What kinds of energy (electric, naturaF gas, oil, woDd stcave, sQtar) will
be used ta meet the co2npleted project's energy needs? I3escribe whether
rt will be used for hea#ing, rnanufacturing, etc. Energy consumptron wall
1~e typical of singde famaly development, ineludtng electrzczty and naturctl
gasprovaded by Yera Water and Pawer and Avrsta Utilcties, respectivelY-
b. Wauld your praject affect the potential use o#'solar energy by adjacent
properties9 If so, generaIly describe. No.
c. What k.inds of energy cansen+ation features are included in the plans of
this proposaI? List ather prvposed measures io reduce or cantrol energy
tmpacts, if any: Gonstructrpn will canap[y vvith the Northwest Eraergy
7. Enviranmental Heatth
a. Are there any enVironrnental heaith hazards, inciuding expvsure to
toxic chemicals, rzsk of fire arxd explosion, sp'1l, or hazardcrus waste, #hat
could occur as a result oFthis propasal? If sv, describe. No.
1} Descriiae special emergency seruices that might he required. T-here are
no specral emergeracy seruices Ihat mrghc be recluireed.
2) Proposed rneasures to reduce ar contro1 environmental hcalth hazards,
if any: Nane rreedecl.
b. Nfli5E
1)What types of naise exist in the area which rnay affect your prQject {for
, Evaluataom jor Agencp Use Only
example: traff c, equipment, Qperation, other)? Trafjac noise from
adjoining County, Streets undfrom nearby resrdenttal acttvitaes.
Z} What types and levels Qf n4ise wauId be created by vr associated with
the project on a shrart-tertn or a long-term basis {for example: trafftc,
consti-uctian, aperation, other}? Indicate what haurs noise would cflme
from the site. There wr11 be rzaise durl ~ng constructcon from equipment
and frorn vehacles. There wz1l also be .so,me rzoise associated with the
resident's vehieles after the project rs complete and from residenfral
actavities withan !he suhtlavasaort. 3) Froposed measures ta reduce vr cvxttral noise impacts, if any: None
8. Land and 5horeline Use
a. What is the current use of the site art3 adjacent properties? The site is
currentZy vacant except for a single Ifamaly restdertce and detaehed
garage on the narthwestportion of the site.
b. Has the site been used for agriculture' If so, descnbe. Urrkraown, nnt in
the recent pczst.
c. Descnbe any stnzctures vn the site. Ther-e rs a residence, detached
garage and a chairalink, fence on the site.
d. Will any structures be demolished? Tf so, what? None of the structures
are praposed ta be demolfshed.
e. What is the current zoning classif-ieativn of the site? T'he site is
r:uurrently zanerl UR 3.5.
f. What is the currrent comprehensive paan designatian af the siie? 7'he
site rs desagnated "°Urhan " accardang to the Spokune County
Crmprehensive Plan Map.
g. If applicahle, what is the current shareline masier progam designation
❑f the site? NIA.
h. Has any part of the site been elassifier, as an environrnentally sensitLve"
area? If so, specify. No.
i. gpproximateiy how many people would reside or work sn tlse
Evadvaafon forAgency Vse CJnly
cornpIeted praject? flppraxrrrrcately 14 families would reside wrthin t17e
completed project
j- ApPraximately how many pevple would the completed prv,ect
displace? None
k. Proposed measures to avoid or reduce displacernent irnpacts, if any:
Norie needed.
1. Praposed measures to ensure the proposal is compatible with existing
and projected Iand uses arad plans, if any: The lat .sizes are scmilar to
thvse of the surrouradtrrg developments. Y`1te residences constructed
wzthan the developmerrt will be sirrgle family and will comply wath the
standccrds of the UR 3 5 zane
9. tiousing
a. Approximately hvw many uruls wou1d be prvvided, if any? Indicate
wheiher high, rnriddle, or low-incame housing Thirleen new resadences
will be provaded. It is expected that they will be prieed fnr moderate
income familaes.
b. Approximate3y how many units, if any, wauld be elirriinaced? Indicate
whether high, rniddle, or law-incQme housing. Nane. There as a srngle-
family residenee on the proper-ty thal will $e retarned ctyad arrcarporxted
afito the suhdcviscon
c. Fraposed measures tv reduce ar control housing impacts, if any: NQne
10 Aesthetics
a What is t.he tailest height Qf any propmsed stnacture(s), nat incIuciing
antertnas; what is the principal extcrivr buildiTZg rraatenal(s) prQpased?
The rescdences will be rao higher than two storres taI1 Tlze exterror
bualdriag materacrLs will be t}:pacal of resiclerataral developmenl rrr the target
przce rcrnge, such crs vrrayl nr wood sidirrg wit1a masonry accerats .
b. What views in fhe imrnediatc vicinity would be altered ❑r abstnicted?
77ze development of dlais praperty will not rrffeet any estalalished vaews rr
protected vrew corrtdors
c. Praposed measures to reduce or cvntrol aestheiic impacts, if any: Noize
Evrrlunrion for Agerrcy Use Cln!}+
raeeded. The develapment widl carnply wath the UR 3.5 standards.
11. Light and Glare
a. What type of light or glare wiil the proposal prvduce? What time of day
would it mainly occur? Ae proprsal ~vill produce lEght assocaated with
exterrar izghtirag and light from headIamps of vehacles Enterirrg and
exitirrg the subdrvisaon.
h. GQUId Iight or glare finxn the finished prQject be a safety hazard or
interfere wilh views? Nv, it `s unlakedy
e. What existing aff=site svurces of lrght or glare may affect your
proposal? Street lighfang, Iighfs fYOm ~ehicZes on the streets cxnd lights
fram neaghbortng residences.
d. Prapased measures to reduce or contioI light and glare impacts, if any.
None needed
12 Recreation
a. What designated and infonr►a1 recr+:afiional opporturuties are in the
immediate vicinit}+? 2herE are na Farks or informal recreatiorzal
opportunrties rra !he ammeclaate vicirrity.
b. Would the proposed project displace any existing recreationaI uses? If
so, clescnbe IVo.
c. Froposed measures ta recIuce or controt impacts on recreation,
including recreativn opporftinities to be provided by the pra,ec# or
appIicant, if any: Nrane needed.
13. Histaric and Cultural Preservatiar
a. Are tnere any places or ohjects Iistcd on, or proposed far, national,
state, or lvcal preservation registers kno6 tv be vn or next ta the site? If
so, generally deseribe. No.
b. Generally descnbe any lancimarks or evidenee of histvric,
archaeaIt~gical, scientif c, or cultural im~ortance knvwn to be on or next
ta the site. NIA
c. Fropased measures to reduce or cantral impacts, if any: 1Vane needed
Evrrluarran fnr rfgeney Use [7nly
14 Transpnrtation
a. Identif y public streets and highways serving the site, and describe
prnposed access to the existing street system. Shorv on site pIans, if any.
The sate has drrect access to 8'h Avenue which as classifiecl as u minor
artercad. The site alsa has frontage on 1 dh Avenue whach is ara
irnimproved lacal access street Access to the lots wall be uaa aaa exterrsion
ofRees I2oad between r5'`h arad IO;h A verrues.
b. Is site currently served by public transit? If not, what zs the
approximate distance to the nearest transit stop? No. The nearest bus
routes are on Spragxce Avenace (8 bloc►'rs to the narth), Pirres (mvrc than 8
blocks west) and Progress raad, to the east
c. How many parking spaces wouId the completed praject have? Hvw
rnany wouTd the prQject elinninate? Each resicderrce will have at least the
mrnamum number of spaces required by the SpokGine County aorring code
The Spokcxne Couratv Zonang Code requares two off-street parkarrg spaces
for evefy sarzgle fizmily residerrce
d. Will the pr9posal require any new rvads flr streets, or improvements to
existing xQads rrr strcets, nvl including drivcways9 Jf so, gcnerally
deseribe (indfcate whether public or private). Yes, Rees RQad wtll be
exlended as a publac road between 8'h and ICt`F' Avenues There rrzay also `
$e frontage improuements adjoiixing the sate alorag $`f'.4veizue
e. Will the project use {or occur in the irnmediate vicinity oo water, rail,
or air transpcarkatTOn? If sa, generally describe. No.
f How rriany vehicular trips pec day would be generated 6y the completed
project? Tf known, indicate when peak volumes wauld accur. See tcrbles,
fLand U5e Cateporv: ISINGLE FAMILY DE7ACNE D HQllSiNG (210)
1Endeoenden4 Variable, IUN6T5 I I I
Amount of fnd Var 114 1 1 1
f 1 1 1
IRatelPercent IValume 9 I
AM Rate - Tvtal 10 77 I11 ~ I
AN1 Rate - Enterina b5°/0 b
AM Rate - ExitmQ ~5°1d
PM Rate - Total 11.02 114 1 1
PM Rate - Enterin❑ 164°Io b I
Evnluretron farAgency Use Dnly
PM Rate - Exitina hfi°Io [5 ~
I kl I
I ~
ADT Rate - Tvtal 111.66 ' 1163
g. Praposed measures ta reduce ar control transportatian impa.cts, if any:
Norte needed.
15. Puhlic Ser-viees
a. Would the project result in an increaseci need far public seruices {far
exampie: fire protection, police prote.ctfnn, health care, schaols, other}? If
scr, generally describe. nere wi2Z be ca manimal, ineremental rncrecrse in
demand for publze services resulttng,, i'r-am the new residences. Aolice
protectaon is provided hy the Spokane C, ounty Sheriff's Department. Fare
protectaon i,s provided hy S'pokane Gourt~ty Ftre District #1.
b. Proposed measures to reduce crr c)ntrol direct impacts an pubiic
seruices, ifany. NonePropased.
16. iJtilities
a. Circle utiliEies currentl}+ available at thc site: electrieity, natural gas,
water, refi.ise ser►fice, telephone, sar►itar5 sewers septic system, other.
b. Descnbe the utilities t.hat are proposed for the project, the utility
praviding the scrvice, and the general c(nstructson activities on the site or
in the irnrnediate vicinity which might b° needed. Water xtill be provided
by Madem Electrte. Sewer wrll beprov`derl by Spakune County. IVaturad
gas and electrtcity as provided by ,4vr-,ta Utrlities and Vera Water arad
Power, respectively. Telephone serviGe rs provided 6v LTS GYest.
callectiora is,provaded by YYaste Manage nent Inc.
T the undersigned swear under the penaIty of perjurry that the abave respon5es are made truthfully
and to the best af my knowledge. I also understand that shauld ihere 6e any vvil1fu11
misrepresentatian or wzliful lack of fuIl disclasure on my part the ag~'~ may tivithdraw any
deterininatiQn of non-sigruficance that it rnight issue in reliaTace an this checklist.
1 ~
r~ r... w--~ ~
Dafe: Progonent: 3 ~ 1 rf 5
Propanent: Address: p°p, P, 0 5r Y 5Po, w A°
1'hone_ 2 Z - d"Z_
I7ate. I rZ 3 U~
Persesn completing forrn.
Phone: ( 57-01 - 6 8
Staffrnernbens} reviewing checklist:
Sased on this staff review of the enViroiunental checklist and other pertinent infvrnaation, staff,
A. Concludes ihat there are n4 probalhle significant adverse innpacts arid recarnrnends a
determination ufnon-51gnifiCance.
Q. Concludes that grobable significant adverse environmental impacts do exist fvr the
curren# propflsal and a-ecommends a mrtigated determination af non-significance with conditians.
C. Cancludes that there are prahahie significant adverse environmental ianpaGts and
recommends a determination of sxgnificance.
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- ` 3~t~e , . v . _
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~ SrrE IrrnvRMA'n[ON PxoyEC'r T.IFaxMAnaN
Slke Addtess: 14346 E 8T&A AVE Vennit rojecfi 1Kumber. 010CJ0423 Inv, 1,Lssne Uate:
VERADAL.E, Ws4 99037 C1se: PE-- 1[)l
Parcel Numbcr. 452310402
5ubdisisson: []NKNOVdN APPlirank: HII.L, G W
Slack: Ut• I4306 E 8'ITI AVE
Zoning' LTNK Unknawn VERADALE, WA I9037-4671 Phone. (504) 926-7218
Contact: Andrew Wallick (CLC)
(3wner: HILL, C'i W
Address: 14306 E$TEI AVE F'hone: {509} 438-5840
VERADALE, WA 99037-9571
Setbacks - Frant: Left• Right: Rear:
WaterDist: LTt3KNOWN
Groiap Name: unknown
Prajetf Nama:
~ PERM17(5) ~
LonP Plat Caniraetar: Licensa N:
wh1GII~P~LRS PP~~ELIiH ~EVIEW $200 00 PRELTMINARY 14 $1.824 U(1
Tofal Permit'F'es: $2,204.00
• ~'w . s ~s: - - _ _ - . r..
- _ . t r , -
~ FAYMEIV'I' S[7MMARY Page 1❑f l NdTTS ~
PAYMEI"f' Processed By. WRTGHT, RAE
Printed By: WFNDEL, GLf]T{.TA
Tran Ilafie Receip.L# Pavment Amt
219I01 766 $2;204 DQ
Tata'l Fees AmoantPaid AZIl6RIlf0W1IIg.
$2,204 il0 $2,204 40 $000
p .
. t
►Spokane Caunty -
Public Warks .I3epdrtment
Divisan of Building & C'ode EnfnYcement
keceipt Number: 766 C'ustomer Num6er
Prrrieet Nbr 1'nv Nhr Fee Aint , Inv Anrt f]wrng PATT) dPm1
01000423 1 $2;204 OQ $21204 DQ. ~ $21264 'a0 $2,204.00 S/I
Totul: $2,204.00 $2,204:00 $2,204.00 $2,204.00
MisceFlaneous Items
Torar PArD: $2,204.00
Type , C`lieck -Aect Balance-_C'C Nhr ,Exp-1)41e, TLc1YUERED
" , 2,204010
Total TE1VDERE'T): 2,204.[}0
[7ver I {Slaort) $000
Clrunge $f].00
Tran Date17'ime. 219I012: 1Q:36PM
By: GWende!
zogon User: gwendel
Statiarr: GW'ENDEL
fluerride 8y:
Prinied: 2191012:10:37 PM Puge ! nf 1