�°\ 811 N. Jefferson, Spokane, Washington 99201
Land Use or Structure Permit Property Addr s.__ _]].._ p _. pa
-,. Group �'aype Zone.Sing.le Family Res. Permit for privat.e--swimmitag---pool--,---no-commercial--
4• use allowed in this zone.
Owner Mr & Mri.....Geraid_._SfENzions Address South.--41.1:--Woodruff -Road, Phone-...92.6_04.05.
Architect Address Phone
0 Contractpfol_t --po seorporatton Address P-.-0. Box-..#499214 Phone_.. �1a22
Location: Parcel Number.._
5 `1--f 1 t32, tot--2, Block- 1, Ponderosa Acres. Minimum—Zoning -set=ia-oks
from--a-1-1--- -rope-r-t-y--lines. front- yerd- of-at-least 25-* , side-yard-of---at-1.eatt--- ,- 1t'---qor 2
story---bu-i-ldifgt->s--W €-l-a-nk-#ng streets---are---regiirei, or--more, if--re-0144e3...byZoning, Building
-8W/or-fire—cedes. Al-so, all pools or yard area in which pool is located must be fenced
dg o e n ure Zone agt Sze of Lotetg#'t� rittrigate(s) tiav9rirl T e n s that are @gg{:abTe from
1 3 in x3.65 .f
Stories Dimensions 15!X--4O1 Total Sq. Ft .6 Valuati rf her9lass
I Rms Baths/RR Basement Foundation Chimney Fireplace Htg. System
�� �•00
Type of RoofingExt. FinishoC Int. Wall Finish 9a
E YP $firms
s Certificate of Occupancy Issued for___-s.e ,--above __*paoi side-only. Heating permit required.
Remarks-.ca-l--led-Ins-peerion---reqTired-.---Ca-}1 466= 675, prior to in:00 a.m.
THIS PERMIT is granted upon the express condition that the building or land use for which the permit is issued shall conform in all respects to all the ordinances of the County of
Spokane, regulating the construction, use and occupancy of buildings in Spokane County, and may be revoked at any time upon the violation of any of the provisions of said ordinances,or
0 failure of plans as approved, to comply with said ordinances.
In consideration of the issuance of the permit for the erection of signs the grantee must place the said signs where directed by County Officials and shall remove the said sign at the
expiration of the permit unless regularly renewed.
This permit will be good only for commencement of work within six months, and the entire completion thereof within.' year
from this date; after which time this permit will be void. Authorized by Building Official BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT
August 23, 1978
Permit Expires By
31.00 nuc 8/23/77 Building INSPECTOR
Fee Paid $ Date Issued
Form 370R -Bldg. Code
811 N. Jefferson, Spokane, Washington 99201
Land Use or Structure Permit
Property AddreSs,...4$11_.W druf f _Road
Group iype Zone Single...ami.ly_-ReL_._ Permit for pr1va#,ll-tiwir i-f3g--pool-r---temmerC-j-e-}-
use allowed in this zone.
Owner Mr $ Mrs. Gerald. Simmons Address South 4611- Woodruff -Road. Phone. .926..005
Architect Address Phone
Contracttro -ida Poolsearporation Address ±�,ii. 3px-14. 06 992 + Phone....926Asn
Location: Parcel Number __.
45441-6182. Lot 2 Block -10 ponderosa Acres. M1ntmum- Zontng -set= arts
from--a-1.1---p-roper-ty---itn.s. front -yard of -at least -2540 side- yard--of--at--least-54-0-01-for 2
story.buildings-f- 15' flanking streets -are -required, or -more, If -required byZonin9, Building
-algid/-or--fire---coder. Also, all pools or yar t--arrea .1 which poor is located must be fenced
uri-th--.a--far;Ice--at---1east--41--in---height-with gate(s) halving lAlspps that are finable from *
Bldg. Zone 1 Fire Zone 3 Size of Lot 120 x365
Stories Dimensions ;IM MO Total Sq. Ft 600 ValuattrIbnr9lass
Rms Baths/RR Basement Foundation root Chimney Fireplace Htg. System 4903°40
Type of Roofing Ext. Finish Int. Wall Finish
Certificate of Occupancy Issued forsee-above _..epoo_l -side only. nutletpermit required.
Remarks -Called inspection required. Call 4563675, prior -t0 10100 a,•
THIS PERMIT is granted upon the express condition that the building or land use for which the permit is issued shall conform in all respects to all the ordinances of the County of
Spokane, regulating the construction, use and occupancy of buildings in Spokane County, and may be revoked at any time upon the violation of any of the provisions of said ordinances, or
failure of plans as approved, to comply with said ordinances.
In consideration of the issuance of the permit for the erection of signs the grantee must place the said signs where directed by County Officials and shall remove the said sign at the
expiration of the permit unless regularly renewed.
This permit will be good only for commencement of work within six months, and the entire completion thereof within 1 year
from this date; after which time this permit will be void. Authorized by Building Official BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT
August 23, 1978
Permit Expires By ..
31.00 ammo 8/23/77 Building
Fee Paid $ Date Issued