2000, 04-14 Permit App: 00002711 Addition 10cI PROJECT APPLICATION SPOKANE COUNTY DIVISION OF BUILDING&CODE ENFORCEMENT AlIlk 1026 WEST BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE,WA 99260 SPOI IIS COINTY 509-477-3675 Project Description: c5 lic.4-4(G'e7C41 AX'—e TYPE OF APPLICATION &Building Permit O Change in Use El Grading Cl Manufactured Home Permit CI Relocation O Sign O Tenant (New/Change) O Other SPECIFIC SITE INFORMATION Street Address: it / /, �00e- ' yok/C�LLc..:, t qZ o� Assessor's Tax Parcel Number(s): �°t/ Legal Description: Department Use Only Water District/Purveyor: Sewer District/Purveyor Road width Setbacks Front: Rear: School District: Fire District: Zoning Left: Right: OWNER/APPLICANT INFORMATION 0 Indicate who should be contacted regarding this project 0 Owner: / /� ]` Phone: /_, 7l/i, AAJpp/liccanntt: Phone: 3_7-7 6 R0 e 6A4 d12.4 O t"` Fax: vvv��� /' 6,, 0,/due_ 7,,,___Fax: q_IF- R-- 03 Mailing Address: Mailing Address: n I�f I - (, r CSL a-C z �' City,State,Zip ` f p'' �J(� ry City,Stale,Zip �J ., p ,, 5 Gn�cC� Wti'c L—L.t-.i✓, „..,(,,,,,a.,,,,,,_, if ,,,,, `�o4�f .-.Q(v I.V. yt, tactor I` ��/� Phone G;-�.'7L7`70? ❑Architect/Engineer Phone t ►►► {p /t� l '- l 16a Fax 9.YJ -a �13 Fax Mailing address ^ n Mailing address a-,1 )... - /Q,a-,1 )... - /Q,0 . LW4 .IId��I City,State Zip ' �/ L City,State Zip 7 WA State Contra tor license# Cont t name: PROJECT INFORMATION Building Information Building height to peak #of stories Main floor sq.ft. Unfinished basement sq.ft. / Dimensions Total habitable space 2"d floor sq.ft. Finished basement sq.ft. 1-216, Occupancy group Con truction type Garage sq.ft. Deck sq.ft. A .�. S-Qlakccsii Cost of project; ec- q b Heat source(e} ric,gas,etc.) 66l r ' � //�I /I- �- Manufactured Home Sign Width: 'Length: What is the square footage of the sign How high is the sign? face? Year: Make: #of signs Area of existing signs Relocation Fire Safety Previous address Fire Sprinkler Tent Paint booth_ Fire Alarm Fireworks display Proposed use Value Special Inspections Required? Non-Residential Energy Code Compliance? Firm Name Phone Plans Examiner Phone Inspectors: Address Inspector Phone O Concrete O Welding O Bolting O Reinforcement Address ADDITIONAL SITE INFORMATION Are there structures on the property? O Yes O No What is the current property size? If yes,identify on site plan (square feet or acres) Is any part of the property within 250 feet of a shoreline? What is the current use of this property? If yes,identify on site plan O Yes O No Is your property in a designated wildlife habitat area? Will the site be served by a septic system?O Yes O No O Don't know O Yes O No Is any part of the property within a 100 yr flood plain? Are or will there be wells located on the property? If yes,identify on site plan If yes,identify on the site plan O Yes O No O Maybe O Don't know O Yes O No Are there any wetlands,streams or ponds within 200 feet of the Is there evidence of fill or excavation on the property? property? O Yes O No If yes,identify on site plan O Yes O No Are there slopes greater than 30%on the property?(30 ft rise in 100 ft) Are critical or hazardous materials used or stored on site? ( /%) O Yes O No O Yes O No DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Is the property in a designated Stormwater Control Area? Is public sewer available to the site? O Yes O No O Yes O No Is the property inside the ASA? O Yes O No Is public water available to the site? O Yes O No O Yes O,No Is the property inside the PSSA? O Yes O No Is the property located within 1000 feet of a Natural Resource Area? O Yes O`No Date Received: Staff Representative: e This site plan is being submitted for the purpose of l obtaining a building permit and is a true and correct i` representation of the proposal.All known property 2 S.� fines/dimensions,curb '• •,struct es and easements _._ have been den ' Iso indicate6 are wetlan bodies of :t; j slope o/ er critical ;, / . signed: L i��► } ( k I t Date: I g 4 c) r . I G ____‘N.1 _-_ _,..._ L_. — — ISI I./ `, . I — a 7 - '"�CL�i I - ril �( C i }i ti • I._i r., .1 y 0 . r�l..:tl I •- •- -- -_ -- - a- _- /13 I'• r \4� N 1t - ,-- j _ - a +- 1 OW 1 i t t �I .. / t,, r'. ,Tit K •