t ,
S P Qk,- Ar-T 1E G Q LT I'T T-Y'
1►'E11'11,f Rt'111 D111V1
"TU: L7ivisicsn af Engineering and ktoads, `I'ransportation Engineerin,g, Scott
Engelhard, clo Sandy Kimhall
filftwsion of Engineeringa"nd ~~oad~1Q~ueT7bgment~5~r~ices1YBi41lV
Division of Utilities, Infonnation Services, Tim Red
1]ivision Qf Utilities, Stvrmwater Utility, Brenda Sims
Spokane Regional Health 1]istrict, 5teve Halderby
Cen~tal V'a11ey SchoQI DistriGt #356
Spakane, County Fare District No. i
i1'era irrigation District
FROM: Micki Harnois, Assaciate Planner -,14tk
DATE: October 9, 2000
STTBJEC'I'; Frapased Fina& Plat of Crestview Additicrn, PE- 1$69-00
Attached are copies of the abave referenced final plat. Fiease rewiew and fnxvvard any
cnrnrnents to me hy Octaber 23, 2[]00. If yuu have any questions you may cflntact me at
Thank yvu.
Attachment: Fina1 PIat
cc: WTN, LLC cfo Bryan Walker, 721 N. Pines Rd., Spakane WA 99206
CLC Assvciates, 707 W. 7', Ste 200, Spflkane wa 99244
~ e-
i026 W. aRQnDwnY • sPOxA►vE, wASHWMN 9926ao220
F'FIC1Nfi: (509) 477-72D0 • FA3C. (59N) 477-2243 + Tl7R (5M) 477-7I33
= 4i~17J2001 o Qi 50P
TRAN.CNaTiRN TITI F 1NS iYl flFf: 311,tY1 SnnkanP fi.n Wk
12211 E. BRL3RDWA►Y STE. 3
Dacument TFtle:
1. WTN, L.I,G,
1. 1
Lepal ❑escriQtivn:
ptn SWJ 25-25-44
Parcel Numbers:
. . . : 4549832
. . . Pa e; 7 n{ 27
01~912401 41:54P
TA'8NRA3Tiflk! T1TI G iN4 fSFI nCf; '.44d M 4nnlr2na i:n Wd
This declaratian as made this 9th day of Januarv 2001,
by WTN, L.L.G., a Washingtan eimited Iiability company, referred to as "Declarant.,"
1.1 Real Pronertv Descriotion. Dec9arant is the owner and deVeloper of a11
tnat rea1 property located in Spakane County, Washingtan, as described an Exhibit
"A„ attached hereto, svmetimes referred tv belaw as the "Prvperty" and sometimes
referred to befvw as "VALLEY CRES7V[EW ADDITlON."
1.2 Qeuelonrnent. ❑ecEarant intends to develop and market #he Property as
separate Lats for sinJle fiamily hame purposes. Uporr Recordativn of this Declaration,
Declarant submits and svbject the Property, #vgether with aii huildings, improVements
and ot'her permanent fix#ures of whatever k9nd nvw ar hereafter located therean, and
all easerryents, rights, appurtenances and priuileges beivnging or in any way pertaining
#hereto {all of which constitute a part of The F'roperty as hereinafter defined), ta the
covenants, conditians, restrictions, liens, assessrrtents, easements, privileges and
rights cantained herein, afl of which shafl run with the land.
1.3 Conditions. Any plans fvr development ❑f the Prnper'ty in existence
prior to or following the effectiwe date of this Dec1aration are subject ta change at
any time by Declarant, in 3$S SDIe dISCfL'tdoR, afld ff)'1ppSE no obl6gatinns an Declarant
as to how said real praperty is tv be develaped or impraved. Any purchaser of a Lot
within the Property acknawfedges that said Lot is subject ta zoning and subdiVision
ordinances and regulations and such ❑ther gouernrrtental vrdinances and regulativns,
and approvals hereunder as cnay be in effect or as may from time to time be impDSed.
Said purchaser acknvw1edges it is solely the purchaser's DbIfgatfOf1 tv becvme
famiEiar and comply wrth the sarrae.
Declaran# hereby declares that the Property, and each Lot, parcel ❑s portian
thereaf, is andlor shal{ be he4d, sold, Cf]f1Veyed, enCUmbered, hypcathecated, leased,
used, accupied and empraued subject t❑ the fvllowing terms, covenantsr C.DRdIt10n8,
easements and restrictians, all of which are dec€arecf and agreed tv be in furEherance
of ageraeral plan fnr the protection, maintenance, subdivision, improvement and sale
. ! 4549632
' . : Pae; 3afN
- - 01~170001 01;50P
?RbN4NkTTfIN TTTI F TN5 m IlFC S3d M 5nnkana Cn 1Y4
thereof, and ta enhance the vaEue, desirabiii#y and atteactiveness thereof. The tec'ms,
covenants, canclitions, easements and restrictians se# for°th herein shaf1 run with #he
land, and with each estate therein, and shall he binding upvn all persons having or
acquiring any Tight, title or interest in said real property or any Lot, parce] ❑r partion
#hereof; shals inure ta the benefit af and be hind9ng upon Declarant, Declarant's
successors in interest and each grantee or awner and such grantee's or owner's
1'eSpeCt1Ve SuCC0S50E'S ICl 1C1tet2St, and may be enfarced kay Declarant, by any vwner or
such owner's successors in interest, against any other awner, tenant or vccupant of
said real property.
Natwithstanding the foregairag, no pravision of this ❑ec9aration shall be
construed sa as ta prevent or iimit Qecfaran#'s rignt t❑ complete development nf the
PrQperty and to corrstruct improvements there❑n, nor Qeclarant's right ta maintain
mode9 homes, construction, sa9es or feasing vf'fices or sirrsilar facilities (femporary or
otherwise) an any+ partian thereaf, nor ❑eciarant's right to pvst signs incidentaE ta
canstructian, sales or leasing, nar Declararat's right t❑ modify plaras for the Praperty.
3.1 "Architectura6 Cammittee" shal[ mean 4he committee creaxed by the
Declarant or an Association pursuant ta Article herevf, and may be referred tv
herein as the "Committee."
3.2 "ArEicles" sha[I mean the Articles vf Incarparation vf the AssacEation or
a#her organizationa9 or charter dvcuments af the Associatian.
3.3 °Assessments" sha1G mean thvse payments required of Qwners or
Association Members, inclvding Regular, Special and Limited Assessments ot #he
Assaciativn as further defined in this Qecfaration.
3.4 "Assaciation" shali mean the Valley Crestview Hamevwners
Assaciation, a Washingtvn non-profit corporativn, its successors and assagns,
es#ablished by Qeclarant to exercise the pawers and to carry out the duties set for[h
in this Dec[aratian or any Supplemental C3ecfaration.
3.5 "Assaciation Rules" sha11 mean those ruEes and regu1atians pramuigated
by the Association governing can duct eapon and use of the Praperty under ths
jurisdictivn or cantrol af the A55OcIatIoI°lr the 'smpositian af fines and #orfeitures #or
vavlatian of Association Rt+les and regulations, and pracedural matters for use in the
conduct flf business of the Association.
3.6 "Board" sha9l mean the Board af Directors or other governing bvard or
ihdivirtuai, if applicable, vf the Association.
O~1tT~2001 4Q~ 50P
iR6NCNATP[!N TTTI F iN5 M n€r. 4U M Snnkana rn Y!k
3.7 "8uildRna Lot" shall mean ❑ne or mvre iv#s witfain a Parcel as specified
ar shawn on any Plat anctlor by any Suppfemental Qeclaratian, upan which
improvements may be constructed. With respect to ASSf]CIatIdC1 ►rating rights,
Bui[ding Lvt shall afso mean a lo# so specified ❑n any fina] plat ar an any preliminary
plat af the Prvperty.
3.8 "Bvlaws" shall mean the Bylaws af the Associativn.
3.9 "Common Area" shall mean all real praperty in which the Assoc'ration
holds an interest or which is held ❑r maintained, permanent{y or fernporarily, for t'he
cvrrrman use, enjoyment and benefit of the awners, Comrnon Area may be
established from time to teme by Declarant on any portion of the Propert:y by
describing it vn a Flat, foy gran#ing or reserving it in a deed vr ather instrumen#, or by
designatirrg it pursuan# ta #his DecBarativn or any 5upp[ernenta[ Declaration. Commvn
Area rnay inelude easement andlvr license rights.
3.10 "Declarant" shall mean W7N, L.L.C., a 1lVashington limited liability
company, the vwner of the Property as of the date of execution vf this Deciaration.
The term "Declararst" shall also include the successors in interest of the Declaeant, sv
long as such successar is expressiy designated as the suGCesscrr fleclarant by the
immediately preceding Declarant.
3.1 1 "Declaratian" shall mean this Declaratian as it may be amended from
tEme t❑ time.
3.12 "Limited Assessm,ent" shall mean acharge aga':nsi a particular awner
and such Owner's Building Lot, dzrectly attributable to the ❑wner, equal tv the cvst
incurred by the Association for cmrrectiue activn perfarrned pursuant to the provisians
of this Declarafiion or any Supplemental D@claration, incfuding interest therean as
provic6ed in this Declaratian ❑r a 5upplementa! Declaratian.
3.13"Member" shall mean each peescrn or entity holding a membership in the
3.14"C3wner" shall rrrean the persan ar other legal entity, inc9uding Dec1arant,
which acquires fee simpse interest ❑f recard t❑ a Btrdlding Lv# which is cavered by this
Qeclaratian, as weil as purchasers under real estate contracts.
3.7 5"Person" shall mean any individual, partnership, carpflratian or other
3egal entity.
3.16 "Plat" shall mearr any subdiyisiQn plat cvvering any pvrtian of the
'f9roperxy as recorded at the office vf the Cdunty Auditor, 5pakane Coun#y,
Vllashingtori, as the same may be amended by duly recarded amendments thereaf.
Q111Tt2~~ 40t 50P
TRANSKfaT1ON TTTI F iu4 rA PIFC S14 fiI ~rrnkan& Cn. Wb
3.17 "Prflr)ertu_" shall mean the Property described on Exhibit "A" attached
hereta and incvrparated herein by this reference. The Praperty may be expanded in
the future to inciude, in Declarant's sole cliscretion, addi#ional pro,perky in additian tv
#hat described an Exhibit "A," as may be annexed by means of ane or mvre
Supplementa! Declarativns. In addition, Declarant may, its svle electian, ►,rvithdraw
any pvrtian of the Property af which Declarant is the sale Owner, arid whech was
previously includeri within the provisions herevf, upvn recordatian Q# awritten
Declaratian af Deannexation.
3.18 "Recufar Assessment" shall inean the por#ian of the casts of the capitaf
impravements or replacements, equipment purchases and replacemerrts vr shortages
in Regu1ar Assessments which are authearized and #o lae paid kay each qwner to the
Associatian, purstaan# to the #erms hereaf ar the terrns o# this Ueciaration or a
Supplemental Declaratian.
3 19 "5pecial Assessment" shall rnean the por-tion of the cos'ts of the capitaE
impravements or replacements, equipment purchases and replacements or shvrtages
in Regular Assessments which are authorized and t❑ be paid by each Qwner tv the
AssacPatian, pursuant ta the provisivns af this Deelaration vr a Supplementa!
3.20 "Subqlementaf Declaration" shall inean any Supplemental Declara#adn
includirrg additivna9 cavenants, conditions and rsstrictians that might be advpted with
respect to any portian of the Property or additivna1 real property or improuemen#s
which rraay be made part Qf the Property as provided herein.
4.1 Structures - Generaiev. All struc#ures texcept for sales off'rces or simifar
faciGitres of Qeclaranta are tv be designed, constructed and used in such a manner as
shall be campatibfe with this Dec@arativn, and shall mset the foflowing rninimum
4. 1.1 Llse and Heicsht of 17we1lina Structuee. Except as may be
expressiy prouided in this Declarativn, a1f Buifding Lots shall be improusd and used
solely far residential purposes. Na Building Lot shall be imprvved, except with a
single family dwelling uni# r#esigned #o accommodate nD mnre than a smgle family
and its employees and occasivnal guests, and such ather imprvvements as are
necessary or customarily ancident tv a single family residence.
5ubfect Co the proVisions Qf Section 4.2.12 below, nra dwelling unit shall
be used far any purpvse ❑ther than as a single-farnily residence, and no gainful
occupatiorr, prafessian, trade or vther nan-residential use shall be cvnducted vn any
• ~ ' ~ - Pa e; E af 27
- ,1 - 01~1I12401 01:50P
1R1hl5UTi[1ld. TiliFI NS fig 334.00 5oakane Cn. Ytb
Buiiding Lot. ProVaded, hawever, nothing in this Declarativn shafl preuent the rental
af praperty by an Owner for residential purposes on a long- or short-term baS15, nor
from using apartian the res+dence for in hame af#ice purposes as provided Id1 #hES
4.1.2 New Cvnstructian; No f'Vlanufactured Homes. Al1 homes within
the Praperty shafl be newly constructed vn-site. Nv mQbile, manufactured or mvdu[ar
homes shall be permi#ted on any Lat,
4.1.3 Architectural Committee Review. Nca canstructian, afteratians,
repairs, excavation, grading, landscaping, tree remoual ❑r other exteriar avorlc vvhich
wiil }ae visible above graund or vuhich wiil uEtimately affect the visibility of any aboue
grausnd improvement shaif be buiCt, erected, p9aced or materially aftered on or
rerraoved from the Property unFess and unti1 the 6uilding p1ar+s, specificatiQns, and pfot
plan or other appropriate pfans and specif9cativns have been reVievved in adVance by
the Architectural Cammittee and the same haVe been appro~ed in writing. The
review and appr❑val or disapprvval rnay be taased upon the foll+nwing factars: si2e,
height, design and style elements, mass and fvrm, tapagraphy, setbacks, #inished
ground eIeWations, architectural symmetry, drainage, coCar, rrraterials, physical or
aesthetic impacts an other property, r7rtl5tlC CoC]fOI'RlltV t0 the terrain and the ather
imprvVements on the Property, and any and al1 other factars which the Architecturai
Gomrnit°tee, in its reasorrable discretban, may deem releVant.
4.2 C6venants. Conditivns. RestricC;vns and Easements Aoioficabpe t❑ Lots.
The fol1owing coVenants, eanditions, restrECtians and reserVation af easements and
rights shall apply tv all Building Lnts and the awners #hereof (except thase awned by
the ❑eclararat):
4.2.1 Insurance Rates. Ntathing shall be done or kept on any Building
Lot which wili increase the rate of insurance on any other portion of the Praperty
without the appravaE of the ❑wner of such ather partion, nor shall anything be dane
or kept on the Prop€rty or aBu9lding Lot which wflu1d result 9n the cancelfation of
insurarrce on any praperty owned or managed by the Assflciativn or which wouEd be
in violatian of any law.
4.2.2 No Further Subdivisiorr, Subject to the rights reserved ira
paragraph 4.2.12 belvw, na final6y platted Bui[d9ng Lvt may be turther subdiWided,
nar may any easement or other interes# therein be granted.
4.2.3 5iqns_ No sign of any kind shall be displayed to the public view,
except: (1) such signs as may be used by Qec1arant in connection with the
constructian, deVelopment, management or administration of the Prvperty and sale of
Building Lvts andlor impraWements therevnr (2) temparary cans#ructian signs usecf
by Buiiders for customary natices ta the public and adveetising; f3y temporary "Far
5a1e," „For Rent" and simifar sigras', and (4) such signs as may be reqtaired foy fega!
• . Pa e; i af 27
- ' = 01 ~11I2001 41;50P
TRAPISNATItiH. T1fLE IflS CO DEC S34.00 Sookane Co. 1YA
proceedirrgs or as required under Washington state law.
Each Owner will, in accardance with appIECat]IE praViSians of
Association Rules, 1ae permittea1 to haye one "Fvr 5ale," „For Rent" or similar sign or
notice upon an Owner's Lot. Prcruided rao such sign shafl be larger than six (6) square
feet, unfess permitted by the ArcFeitectural Commi+ttee.
4.2.4 Nu158nCE5. Na rubbish or debres af any [cind sha61 be p[aced or
perrnat#ed tQ accumula#e anywhere upan the Property, and no ador shail be permitted
tv ar9se therefram sv as ta render the Property or any pvrtian thereaf unsanitary,
Wnsightiy, offensive or detrimentaf to any portion of the Praperty or ta its vccupants, ,
or to any ather proper#y in the Vicinity thereof or ta is occupants. Na nQise or other
nuisance shall be permitted to exist or aperate upon any partion vf the Property so as
to be o#fensive ❑r detrimental to the Property or ta its occupants or to other property
irr the vicinity or to its occupants. Without limiting the generaEity vf any vf the
fQregoing yarovisions, no exterior speakers, harns, whistfes, beils or other svund
devices (other thara security devices used exclusively #vr security purpases which
haue been appro►red by the Archi#ectural Cvmmittee), ffashirrg lights or search ligh#s,
sMall be located, used or piaced on the Property withaut the prior wr9tten apprvval of
the Associatian.
4.2.5 Exterear MaFntenance; flwner's Obliaations. No improvement
shall fae permitted ta fialE in#o disrepair, and eaeh impravemertt shall at afl times be
kept in good canditiQn and repair, [r, the event that any Owner shaEl permit any
improvement, inciucfing tress and landscaping, ►ruhich is the respansibifity of such
C]wner to maintain, tv fafl inta disrepair so as to create a dangerous, unsafe,
unsightly ❑r unattractive conditoon, or sa as tv damage adjoining property or faciEities,
the Bvard, upon fifteen (15) days priar written notice to the Dvvner of such property,
shall have the right ta correct such conditian, and to enter upan such C]vuner's
8uilding Lot fQr the purpase of daing so, and such Owner shafl promptfy reimburse
the Assaciativn fvr the cost therevf. Such cast shafE be a Limited Aasessment and
shaiE create a lien enforceabSe in the sa6ne manner as other Assessments set farth in
Article VIl of this aeclaration. The Owner ❑f the offending praperty shall kae
personaliy+ iiable, and such Owner's property shall be suhject to a lien for alf casts and
expenses incurred by the Association in taking such cQrrectiue acts, plus afl casts
incurred in col1ecting the amounts due, including reasonable attarneys' fees.
4.2.6 Na Hazardous Activities. Nv activities shall be conducted on the
Property, and no imprQVements constructed an any portion of the Property which are
or might be unsafe or hazardaus to any person or prapeety.
4.2.7 No Temooraa-a Structures. N❑ hvuse trailer, rnabi1e home, tent
(other than for shvrt term individual use which shall nat exceed one month unless
upproVed by the Architectural Camrnittee), shack or other temporary buifding,
imprawement or structure shai[ be placed upon any portion of the Property, except
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~ , ~ - - - - : - . ~1S+17r2001 01:50P
TWUMAT1011. TITIE IflS C4 dEC $34.40 Soakane Ga. WA
temporariEy as may be required iay constructiarr actiVity eandertaken on the Propertyy.
A[sa excepted from this requirerryent is any sales office es#ablished by Declarant for
the Property.
4.2.8 No LJnscreened Items. No garbage cans, trash iCof1t8fT1BrS,
farevuoad, bvats, tfaflef5, campers, alf-terrain vehicEes, m❑torcycles, recreational
rrehicles, bicycles, difapicfated or unrepaired and unsightEy Vehicfes or similar items,
vehicles or equipment shall be placed or parked upan any partign of the Praperty
(ineluding, withaut fimitatian, streets, parking areas and driveways} unless the same
are enclosed by a structure concealing #hem from view in a manner approued by the
Architectural Cammittee, Tv the extent possible, garage daars shall remain closed at
aIl times,
4.2.9 Af11RlaI5IPetS. N{3 lat'gE af11maIS, insects, exotic animals, pigeons,
pouftry or livestock shall be kept on the Property, and no ❑ther animaf shall be [cept
vn the Property un9ess the presence of such creatures dves nvt canstitute a nuisance,
and daes npt otherwise viofate any further conditians nf this paragraph. Lot Ovuners
shall be entitled ta keep of up to twa (2) damesticated dogs, up ta twv (2)
darr-aesticated cats, ancf other common househald pets, such as fish kspfi in
aquariums and smal[ birds kept inclvors irr cages, which cfa not unreasanab1y bother
or canstitute a nUisance ta ❑thers.
Notwithstanding the abaue, no pit bull dogs and no rottweiller dags shall be
permitted anywhere on #he prvject by any pefsnn for any reason at any time. For
purposes of this pravisian, pit bull Es defined as the American Staffvrd 5hire Terrier by
the American Kerrnei C9ub vr the Staftord Shire Bull Terrier by the A.K.C., ar the
Arnerican Pit Bul1 Terrier tay the LJnited Kennel CIub.
4.2.10 Landsca❑Ena.. At a minimum, within vne year vf campleticrn of
the exterior ❑f the hvme canstructed vn their guifding Lot, afl Lat awners shall
landscape at least their front yards, which shall mean all pvrtions flf their yards
between the front of the hame and the front af the iot, running faterally from Lsa# Eine
t❑ Lot 9ine.
4.2.1 1 Antennas. Except as may be prflvided in 5ectian 4.2.12, na
radia, #elevisian or ather antennas of any kind ar nature, or device for reception or
transmission ot radia, microvvaVe, or other simiEar signals ►nrhich exceeds farty inches
in diameter, shall be placed or maintained tapan any Building Lat unless in accordance
with the Guidelines and specificaliy approVed by the Architeciural Cvmmittee. To the
extent reasonably practicabEe, any permitted deuice shall be placEd ta rrrinimiae its
visibility from any street or road, vnfess doing sn woulri Fmpasr its aperativn.
4.2.1 2 ExemotiQrr of Decfarant. N❑thing cantained herein shall limit the
Yight ot Declararrt to subdi►ride or re-subdivide any pvrtivn af the Property, inciuding
Common Areas, to grant Eicenses, ta reserue rights-of-way and easements t❑ utility
. , . - 4549632
9 of 27
01~1~12001 011.54P
rRAFNArtr,N rIriF rNS M n Pr , sla.M Sonkane ra. VA
cvmpanies, pubfic agencies vr others, as reasonabfe rr appraprFate, in the diseretion
of #he Declarant, in fhe deuelapment, completion ar marketing of #ne Property, and
such rights are specificallyr reserved to the Declarant until afl 8uilding Lots are sold ta
third parties ather tharr the ❑eclaran# ar any successar Declarant.
4.2.13 Convevances to and from Municioafitaes. The Bvard shafl haVe
the pvwer to conVey any Comman Area to any political subdivisivn thereof. The
goard shall alsa have the power ta receive a conveyance of any praperty interest
#ram the aboVe-referenced entities vr any other individual or entity and ta hold such
pfUF]Eft}I It'1teCeSt 85 CoT7lR14Il ,AfeB,
5.1 Orcanization of ValleV Crestuiew Horneowners Association. Vafley
GrestView Homeowners Assaciation, the "Association", shall be initially oTganized by
Dec[arant as a Washingtan non-prafit corpoTatian under the pravisioras of the
Washingtnn Cade relating to genera6 nan-profit CC]CpDfat90F75 and shall be chargecl
with the duties and invested with the powers prescribed hy law and set forth in the
Articles, Byiaws and this Declaration.
5.2 MembershiD. Each Owner, 6y virtue of being an Dwner and far sa lvng
as such ❑wnership 9s maintained, shael be a Member of the Assvciation and na Owner
shall have more than one mem6ership in the Assaciativn. Memberships in the
Associatian, shall be appurtenan# to the Parcel, 8uildsng Lot or vther portian of the
Property awned by such awner. The memberships in t1~e Association s'hal1 nflt be
transferred, pledged, assEgned ar alienated in any way except upon the transfer of
Owner's title and then anEy t❑ the transferee of such titfe. Any attempt to maKe a
prohibited membership transfer shall he Void and will not be reffectsd on the boaks of
the pssociation.
5.3 VOtERQ,. VC]t1ng in the Associatian shail be carried vut by Members,
including ❑eclarant, whv shafl cast tYre uotes attributable to the Building Lvts which
they own. The number of votes sucFs Member may cast on any issue is determined
by the number of 6uilding Lats which the MemFaer vvuns. As of the date hereof, the
Property, in accvrdance with the Plat, cansists of seven (7)_BfJ[ldfng LL]LS. PfqVlded,
each Lat flwner other than the peclarant sha{f have one vote far each Suifding Lat
owned, and the Declarant shall haue seven (7) uates far each Building Lot then
owned by Declarant. When more than one pErsan halds an interest in any Building
Lot, all such persons shail share the vate attributable to the 8uilding LQt, but
fractianal w91I not be ailvwrecl. The right to Vote may nat be severed or separateci
from the awnership of the Building Lot to which it is appurtenan#, except that any
Owner may give a reVOCabIe proxy to any persorr. Any sale, transfer of conveyance
of such Buiiding Lot ta a new Owner shal! ❑perate autarnatically ta transter the
, " - 4549632
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, . ~ fl1~1TJ2001 01;50P
rRANNItaN rtr[; tHS cn nPc ~onkAnp ra. W4
appurtenant vvting right to the new Owner.
5.4 Povver and duties of the ASSociation. The Associatian shafl haue the
powers of a corporativn arganized urader the corparation laws of he State of
Washington applicable tv non-prvfit corporat'rons, subject oniy to such 6imitativns
upvn the exercise ❑f such pawers as are expressly set forth iru the Articies, the
Byiavus, and this Dec[arat9on. The Association shall have the power t❑ do any and all
iawful things which rrtay be authvrized, required ar Permitted to fae dnne hy the
Assaciativn under Washingtan Iaw and under this ❑eclarativn, and the Articles and
Bylaws, and ta da and per#orm any and af1 acts wlaich may be necessary tv, prvper
for, ar incidenta[ to the praper management and vperation of the Common Area and
the Associativn's ather assets, and the affairs and the per#ormance of the other
responsibilities nereira assigned, inclucEirrg withora# Eimitatian:
5.4. 1 A55E55f1'1LfitS. The povuer ta Eeuy Assessmen#s on any
Ouvner ar any portion of the Property and #v force payment of such
Assessments, all in accordance wi#h the provisians of this Decfaration.
5.4.2 Riqht o# Ertfarcement. The pawer and authority frDm time
to time in its awn name, vn its gwn behalf, ar on behalf of any (Jwnee
who consents thereto, La commence ana maintain actions and suits to
restrain and enjvin any breach or threatened breach this Declaration
or the Artic[es ar the By[aws, ancfuding the Assvciation Rules adopted
pursGant to this Declaration, and to enforce by injunction or otheravise,
al1 prvvisians hereo€.
5.4.3 De9eaation of Pawers. The aaathority ta delegate its povver
and duties to cammittees, prouided any such cammittee shall cvntain at
lease tw❑ Directnrs of the Assaciatian; and t❑ Gvntract for the
maintenance, repair, replacement and operatiorr of the Common Area.
5.4.4 Licenses. Ea5e1"Cltf}t5 and Riahts-of-Waa. The pvwer ta
grant and cQnvey to any thiTd party such [icenses, easements and rights-
of-way in, an or under #he Comman Area as may be necessary rar
appropriate far the orderly maintenance, preservation artd enjayment of
the Gomrnon Rrea, and tvr the presenvation of the health, safety+,
canvenience anct #he welfare ❑f xhe Dvyners, fvr the purpvse of
canstructing, erecting, aperating ar maintaining: Lines, cables, wires, conduits or ather devices fvr
the trarrsmission or praVision of electricity car ecec#ronic signals for
lighting, heating, power, teCephone, te1eWisian, cammunicatiQns or
vther purpases;
5.4.4,2 Sewers, storm drains, underground irrigation
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iRAHSNATiQH. TFTLE 3N5 C] OEC 534.00 Saakane Ca. WA
pipes, v►rater drains and pipes, water supp9y systems, sprinkling
systems, hea#ing and gas aines ❑r pipes, and any sirriilar pubfic ar
quasi-puhlic impravemerats or facilities; and Mailboxes and sidewalk abutments araund such
maiiboxes or any seivice faciiity, berm, #encing and landscaping
abutting comrnan areas, public and private streets or land
conVeyed #or any puh[ic or quasi-public purpose inc[uding, but nat
fimited to, bicycde pa#hways.
The right to grant sucYt lICL11SQ5, easements and rights-of-way are
hereby expressfy reserved tv the Association and may be granted at any
time prior ta twenty-ane (21) years follawing execution of thcs
5.4.5 Ooeration and Maintenance of Comman Area. Operate,
maintain, and otherwise manage or pravide far the nperatian,
maintenance and management ❑f the Common Area, inc9uding the repair
and repiacemerat of all impr4vements within any portion of the GvrrimQn
5.4.6 F4eserve pccaunt. Establish and fund a reserve account
with a reputable banking institution ar saWings and Ioan associatron,
which reserre accaunt shall be dedicated to the costs of repair,
replacement, maintenance and improvement of the Common Area.
5.4.7 Taxes and Assessments. Pay alE feal arrd personal
property taxes and Assessments separately levied against the Common
Area ar agair,st the Association andl4r any other prvperty awned by the
Assac'sativn. Such taxes and Assessments may be contested vr
cornpramised by the Association, in its discretion.
5.4.8 Water and Other Utigities. Acquire, provEde andlar pay far
water, garhage disposal. ' refuse and rubbish cal1ectiQn, eiectricai,
telephone and gas and other necessary serVices for the Common Area,
and to rnanage a61 domestic, irrigation and amenity water rights and
rights to receive water hefd by the ASSaciation, vuhether such r'sghts are
evidenced by iicense, permit, clairn, stack ownership or Dtherwise.
5.4.9 Insurance. Obtarn insurance fram reputabie insurance
cornpanies authnrazed to d❑ r}U5111E;55 in the State of Washingtnn, and
maintain in effiect any insurance policy the Board, in its discretian,
deerns necessary ❑r aduisable, incsuding, withaut aimitation fire and
" casualty irasurance, public Iiability insurance, directors' and afficers'
1iability ansurance, and such other insurance, incfuding motar vehicle
. . ~ . . - , . Page: 1 2 of 27
0111T120Ot 01:50P
TRANSNAiION. FITLE INS tA {lEC ' $34 O[} 5nakane Ca. Vf~A
insurance and Wvrker's Compensa#ian insurartce, tv the extent
necessary tv cvmply with all appiicabEe laws and indemni#y, faithful
performance, fidelity and ather bonds as the Board snall deem necessary
vr required ta carry vut the Assvciatian functians ar to insure the
Assaciatian against any Ivss from ma[feasance or dashanest any
employee or ather persan chargecf with the maraagerment 4r possession
of any Association funds or ather praperty.
5.4.1 C} Architectura1 Cammittee. Appaint and remoWe
members of the Architectural Committee, subject to tne provisians of
#his ❑eclaratian, prouided, at lease two Directors ❑t the Association
shall serve at afl tirnes on this Cammittee.
5.4. "i (3 Enforcerraent of REStrictions and Rules. Perfcarrn
such other acts, whether rar not BXpCe55Iy authvrized by this
Decfaratiorr, as may be reasanably advisable ar necessary tv enfarce any
of the proVisians of the Declaration, ❑r of the Articles ar Bylavus,
including, withaut limita#ion, the recardatior► of any claim of lien vvith
the 5pokane Gounty Auditor, as mare fulfy prouided herein.
5.5 Persanaf LiabiiitW. T❑ the fulfest extent permi#ted by aaw, no
Member of the Baard, member of any commit#ee of the Assacvativn, o#ficer of
the Associatian, the Declarant, nor the manager, if any, shall be persanally
liable t❑ any Owner, vr ta any other party, incl+ading the Assoeiatian, far any
damage, Ioss ar prejudice suffered or claimed an accvunt of any act, omission,
error ❑r negligence the releaseci persvns, provided that such persara, upvn
the basis of such information as may be possessed by such person, has acted
in govc{ faith w9thvu'k wi[jful or intentionaf misconduct. If a released persvn has
sa acted, the Association shall indemnify and hvld harm9Ess said pers❑n #rom
any darnage, loss or prejudice aforesaid, incfuding actual defense cvsts and
attorney's fees.
6.1 Use of~Comrrion Area. Every ❑vvner s'hafl have a right to use xhe
Common Area, vvhich right shall be appurtenant to and sha11 pass with the title
tca eVery 6ui9ding Lat, subject #a the fai[owing praVisions.
6.1.1 The right of the Associatiran, as it may hold or controR such
Common Area, to fevy and inerease Assessments;
5. 1.2 Yhe right of the Assaciation to suspend the uoting rights
" and rights tm use vf, or interest in, Camman Area recreational facilitdes
(but not including access tv priuate roads and paths within the Property)
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TPANSRATtDH. Ti33 F iNS CO DFC 334.00 5oakane Ca. 1YA
by an 8wner fvr any period during which aray Assessment vr charge
against such Owner's Building Lot remains unpaid; and for a period not
to exceed sixty (60) days for an infracticrn of the Assaciatian Rules; anc!
6.1.3 The right of the Associatian to dedicate nr transfer aIC or
any part vf the Cammvn Area to any public agency, authvrity ar utility
far such purpases and sublect to such conditions as may be permitted
by this Declaratian.
6.1.4 The reght af the Assacia#ion or the DecEarant, to create
easements and constrGCt imprvvemer+is an aIC Common Areas, including
but not limited to prvWiding utility and priva#e drainfield ar drainfield
aecess, private StFeBtSr crassings, wa[Isways, trails and o#her
recreational impravements deerr+ed desirable by the Assraciativn andlor
6.2 Desianatiorr vf Cammorr Area. Declarant shall designate and
reserve Cormmon Area in this Declaration, and Declarant shall haue authvrity to
add to such Commvn Area through Supplemental Declaratians andlar recarded
Plats, deeds ar ather instruments ar,dlor as otherwise provided herein.
6.3 Danrcacres. Each awner shafl he fuliy Piable far any damage to any
Cvrnrrran Area which may be sustained by reasan af the negligence ar willful
misconduct af the Qwner, such flwner"s residen# tenant Qr cantract purchaser,
or sucn Dwrrer's family and guests, both rninor ancf adult. ln the case of joant
ovvnership of a Buildmg Lvt, the liability of such Ovvn$rs shai6 be joint and
several. The east of correcting such darnage shall be a Limited Assessment
against the BuiIding Lot and may be colfected as prouidecf herein for the
collectivn of ❑ther Assessments.
6.4 Common areas as 5ubservient Estate. Notwithstanding anything
in these Cavenants to the cdntrary, the Cammon Area is estab9ished, gaverned
and restricted as fallows:
a. The Common Area cfesagnated on the f'srral plat vf the Prvperty
are canveyed and quit claimed to the associativn, and a[I srach Cammvn Area
es dedicated to the cammon use and enjayment of a9l ❑wners n# Iots within the
Property, is subservient to the interests af the Owners af BuiidEng Lats, and
shall nat be sald.
b. The Comm❑n Area shall be retainec6 within the Assaciatiort
and, in the eVent t'he AssocQatian shali ever cease to exist, the Commvn Area
shal9 continue to be held #ar the cammcsn use and enjayrnent of the owners of
" Building Lats within the Property notwithstanding the fact that ownership sha9l
then devofve in undivided interests to the owners of Building Lvts within the
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TRAHCUTff1H TiiE F PNS m ffpC S34 {H1 Gnnkana Cn. WA
Property. Notwithstanding such patential fransfer of ownership, each vf the
Qwners waives any right to partitiQn, divide ar vtherwise seEi their interests 9n
the Cvmmon Area, arrd all rights and interests in the Cammvn Area shall be
appcartenant to avvnership af gtailding Lvts within the Property.
c. The Common Area shall be cansidered to have no independent
market value, and the propanionate share of tYre value of each and eWery part
af the Cornmvn Area shaEE be considered to be contained within the market
Vafus of each of the Lats within the Praperty.
d. Each Building Lot Owner shall be liabie to the Associatiarr
far any portion of any damage to the Cvmman Area not fully reimbursed to the
Associa#ion by insurance, if #he damage is sustained because vf the negiigence
or vuislful misc4nduc# af the Owner, ar #he Owner's gtaests, #enan#s, ar
invitees, ❑r any ather persnns deriving fiheir right of use and enjoyment #ram
the Common Area from the Owraer, vr his ar their respective famrly and
guests, bath minDr and adult. However, the Assnciafiion, acting thrvugh the
Bnard, reserves the right to determine vvhether any claim shall be made upan
the irrscarance mainxained by the Association, and the Associatian furthrer
reserVes the right to levy a Specia! Assessment equal to the increase, it anyF in
insurance premiums directly attributahCe to the damage caused by the Qwner
or the persan ar persans far whom the awner may be Iaable as described aboue. The cost of cvrrectfing the damage to the extent not reimbursed to the
Assaciation by insurance, shal9 be a Special Assessment against the Owner's
Sui3ding Lat and may be enfvrced as provided hereby for the enfarcement crf
any other assessrnents.
7.7 Couenant to Pav Assessrnents. 8y acceptance of a deed vr real
estate contract to arry property in VALLEY CF3ESTVIEW ADQ1TfON, each
Owner ❑f such property hereby cavenants and agrees to pay vvhera due aIl
Assessrrients or charges made by the Assaciation, inclutling a11 Regular,
5pecial and Limited s4ssessn`aents and charges made against srach Uwner
pursuant to the prauiseons of this Declaration or other applicable irastrument.
7.1.1 Assessment Constitutes Lien. Such Assessments and
charges tagether with interest, costs and reasonable attorneys' fees
which may be 6ncurred in callecting the same, shall be a charge on the
fand and shal6 be a cnntinuing lien upan the praperty against which each
such Assessment or charge is rnade.
„ 7.7.2 Assessment is Persanal ObEiciation. Each such
Assessment, together with interest, cos#s and reasonable attorneys'
. Pa e; 15 at 27
- - 4111112001 01:50P
iA6u4UITTf1N TiTI C T1J@ r!1 IiCP 0d M qnnlrano f:n Ytll
#ees, sha9F alsv be the personal obligativn of the Owner of such property
beginning with the tirne when the Assessment faiCs due. The personal
vbligation for deIlllqUent ASSBSSI,'lentS 5rlaII rtat ,pass to such Ovvner's
successors in tftle L1nIeS5 eXp!'e551y assumed by them but sha!l remain
such Owner's personal obGgativn regartilsss of whether he or she
remains an C?wner.
7.2 Reaular Assessments. AEf Owners, not inc@uding the ❑eclarant,
are ablEgated to pay Regu1ar Assessments to the treasurec of the Assaciation
vn a schedu[e o# payments estab[ished by the F3aard.
7.2.1 PurDase of Reaular Assessments. The praceeds from
Regular Ass+essments are to be used ta pay far alf costs and expenses
incurred by the Association, including legal and attQrneys' fees and
other professiona[ fees, for the conduct of its affairs, incfuding withvut
iimitatian the costs and expenses of canstructian, improvement,
pratectivrr, maintenance, repair, management and aperativn of t'he
Common Areas, incEuding aif improvemsnts located on such areas
owned andlor managed and maintained by the Assaciation, and an
amaunt allacated to an adequate reserve fund to be used fvr repairs,
replacement, maintenance arad imprvVement of those elerfftents for the
Cornman Area, ar ather property of the Assvciatian that must be
replaced and maintained an a regufar basis (callectively "Expense").
7.2.2 Camoutation of Reauiar Assessments. The regu[ar
assessment for calendar year 2001 shal[ be $150.00. During tnat year
❑nly, aeclarant shalf pay any shortfal4 in rneeting actual amaurrts
required in cannecti❑n with obligativns to be paid by regu6ar
assessments, withaut pravision for any reserve fund accumulation.
Thereafter, the Associativn shafl compute #he amvunt of its expenses
on an annual basis. The computatian of Reguiar pssessments for 2002
and thereafter shall take place not less than thirty (30) nor mare than
sixty (60) days before the beginning of each fiscal year of the
7.2.3 Arnounts Paid bv Owners. The Board can require, in its
discretion ar as proVaded in the Articles ar Bylaws, payrnent a# Regular
A55eS5fT`1ent5 in semi-annuaE ar annual installrn-ents. The ReguEar
Assessment ta be paid by any particu1ar awner, for any giVen fisca[
year after 2002 shafl be compvted as foElows: Each (7wner, other than
the DecRarant, shall tae assessed and shail pay an amaunt compvted by
multsplying the Assaciatian's #otal advance estimate of expenses by #he
fractian produced by dividing the finally platted Buifding Lots attributable
" to thE []wner by the tatal number of finally p€atted BuiCding Lats in the
Pa e: 16 of 27
• : ~ ~ ~ 41~1712001 41:50P
TRdNSI7dTTf1N iFI! F PNS f3fl I1FC 334 l1f1 5nnkaiu Cn Wd
7.3 Saecial Assessments.
7.3.1 Purrose and Pracedure. Pursuant t❑ the abligation of
Declarant in Section 7.2.2 to cover assessment requirements above the
amvunt specified far Dwners, there shafl be no special assessments
required of any Qwners throvgh the end of 2001. In the event that the
6vard shall determine that its respectiVe Regular Assessment for a given
calendar year after 2001 is ❑r wi11 be inadequate #o rneet the expenses
❑f the Assvciation for any reasan, including bu# not limited ta casts of
constructian, reconstructian, tanexpected repairs or repEacement of
improvements upon #he Comman Area, attorneys' fees andfor [itigativn
cvsts, v#her professional fees, vr fvr any other reason, the Soard shall
determine the approximate amount necessary ta de#ray such expenses
ancf !e►ry a Special Assessment against the Praperty which shall be
cvmputed in the same manner as Regular Assessments, Nn 5pecial
Assessment sha11 be 9evied which exceeds #wenty percent (20%) of the
budgeted gross expenses of the associatian far the fiscal year, withau#
the vote or written assent of the Owners representing a majority of the
votes of the Members of the Assaciation. The 6Qard shaE[, in its
discretivn, determine the schedule under which such Special
Assessment wilC be paid.
7.3.2 Consistent Bssis of Assessment. Every Special
Assessment ie►rieri by and for the Associatian shall be 1eVied and paid
upon the same basis as that prescribed for thE levying and payment of
Regular Assessments far the Association.
7.4 Limitec! Assessments. Natwithstanding the abave pravisians
with respect to Reguiar and 5pecial Assessments, the Board may fevy a
Limited Assessrr3ent against a Member as a remedy ta reimburse the
Assaciation for costs incurred in bringing the Member andlvr sucf-r Membsr's
Building Lot intv campliance with the provisivns of the governing instruments
far VALLEY CRESTVIEW ADD1T1ON, including any actual cflsts, cansultant
charges and attorneys' fees. 7his shalf expressfy inclsade the authority to levy
assessrrzents against any Building Lat Dwner in violation ❑f any of the
requirernents imposed an such Building Lat Qwner under this ❑eclaration.
5uch assessment rnay be made in an amvUnt up to fifty dollars t$ 50.OOy per
day (ar rts equivalent value as campared with ,lanuary 1, 2001 dvlfars, as
adjusted periDdically by the Board in its reasonable discretion), for each
violation which remains uncarrected after thirty (30] days' written natice giuen
tv such ❑wner fTarr3 #he Assvciation.
7.5 L1niform Rate of Assessmerat. Unless otherwise specificaf[y
prouided herein, Regtalar and SpeciaF Assessments shall !ae fixed at a uniform
. _ : ~ . 4549632
Pae; 11vf21
0111112401 01:OP
FREIJSlJdTTf1N TiTI F 1NC f!1 I1Fd`, 5'kd M Cnnkana f:n Yfb
rate per Build9ng Lot far a!I members of the Assvciativn.
7.6 Assessment Period. Unfess atherwise provided in the Articles or
Bylaws, the Assessment period, #he "fiscal year", shall commence on January
1 of each year and terminate aecember 31 of such year. The first
►4ssessment shafl be prv-rated according ta the number ❑f months remaining in
the fiscal year and shafl be payable in advance.
7.7 Notice and assessment Due Date. Ten (10) days priar writtsn
notics of Regufar and Special Assessmen#s shafl be sen# to the Owner of euery
Suilding Lot subject thereto, and tv any person in passession of such Building
Lot. The due dates for instaElment payment of Regular Assessments ancf
Special Assessments shall be the first day of each mcrnth unless some ather
due date es established by the Baartf. Each monthly installmen# of the Reguiar
Assessment Qr Special Assessment shafl hecame delinquent if nat paid within
ten (10) days after the ]evy thereof. There shall accrue with each delmquent
installment payment a late charge equal ta ten percent (`C O°/o) of the delinquent
installment. !n addition, each installment payment whieh is delinquent for
more #han twenty t20y days shall accrue interest at eighteen percent (18°/0)
per annum calGUlated the date of clefinquency t❑ and incfuding the date full
payment is received by the pssaciativn. The Associatian may bring an action
agairtst the delinquent Qwner and may foreclose the Iien against such ❑wner's
6ui[ding Lvt as mare fulfy provided herein. Each Owner is personalfy [iable #or
Assessments, #vgether with alI interest, costs and attorneys' fees, and nv
Owner may exempt such Orrvner from such liabiiity by a waiver of the use and
enjnyment of the Common Areas, ❑r by fease vr abandanmen# of such
Owner's Building Lot.
7.8 Estcawel Certificate, The Assnciativn, upon at least #ive (5) days
prior written request, shall execute, acknawfedge anc4 deEiver to the parky
making such request, a statement in writing stating whethsr or not, to the
knvwledge of the Assaciation, apartieular Suilding Lat is in defauE# under the
provisEOns of this DeclaratiQn, and further statir,g the dates t❑ which any
Assessments haue been paid by the ❑wner. Any such certificate de9ivered
pursuant to #his paragraph may be reiied UpO!"1 t}y Sf1y pf45pECtfVE purchaser vr
mortgagee of the Owner's Building Lat.
7.9 SoecPal Natice anc! Cluorum Reauirements. Notwithstanding
anything to the cantrary contained in either the Byfaws of the Articles, written
r+atice of any meeting calfed far the purpase of leuying a Speciai Assessment,
ar for the purpose of atataining a rnembership Vvte in connectian with an
increase in the Regufar assessment, shall be sent tv all Members of the ,
Assvciatian and ta any person in passession of a Buildirrg Lot in the applicable
Tract, nat fess than fifteen (15) days nor mare t'han fiifty (50) days before such
meeting. At the first such rneeting called, the presence of the Nlemtaers ar of
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iRkHSNATIOfa, TITLE IHS CO DEC $34,00 Savkane Ca, lYA
prvxies entit[ed t4 cast fifty percent (50°/o) of the totaf Vates ❑f the
Associatian shafl constitu#e a quorurn. ff such quorum is not present,
subsequent meetings may be caf[ed subject #o the same notice requirement,
and the reqvired quarum at the subsequent meetings shall be farty percent
(40°/0) of the quorum required at the preceding meeting. Na $uch subsequent
meeting shall be held mare than thirty (30) days follawing #he preceding
8.1 Riaht t❑ Enfarce. The Assaciation has the righ# to calfect and enforce
its Assessments pursuant ta the provisions hereof. Each Owner of a Building Lot,
upon becoming an Owner of such Building Lat, shail be deerned ta cavenant and
agree to pay each and every Assessment provided far in this 17eclaration and agrees
tv the enfnrcement a# alf Assessments in the manner herein specified. ln the event
an attarney ar attorneys are ernplnyed fvr the coflection of any Assessment, whether
by suit mr ❑theruvise, vr tn enforce compfiance with car specific performance of ihe
terms anci CGC1d1t]OIlS of this Llecf aratian, each Owner agrees to pay reasvnab{e
attnrney's fees in addi#ivn to any ather relie# ❑r remedy abtained against such Ouvner.
The Board or its autharized representatiue may enforee the obligativns of the Uwners
ta pay such assessments by corramencement and mainter+ance ❑f a suit pursuant tcr
paragraph 8.3 ta enforce the Eiens created hereby. A SUit fD recover a maney
judgment for an unpaid Assessment sha11 be main#ainable without forecfasing or
waiving the iien hereina#ter proVided.
8.2 Assessment Liens.
$.2.1 Creation. There is hereby created a claim of lien with pvwer of
sale on each and every Buifding Lat tr secure payment of any and all
A55E55f1"keTltS levied against such Building Lot pursuant tv this ❑eclaration
together with interest #hereon at the rnaxir°num rate perrnitted by law and a{[
costs of cnllectian wh9ch may be paid or incurred by the Assnciatian making
the Rssessment in connectivn therewith, including casts and reasvnabfe
attorney"s fees incurred. pll sums assessed in accordanee with tne prnvisions
of this Declaration shall constitute a lien on such respectiVe guilding Lots upon
rec4rdation of a claim of fien with the 5pakane Caunty Auditvr. SUch lien snaik
be priar and superior to alf other fiens ar claims created sukasequent t❑ the
recordation of the notice of delinquency and c[aim of [ien except for #ax liens
fvr real praperty taxes ❑n any 8uilding Lnt and Assessments on any Building
Lat in favar of any municipal ❑r other gvvernmentaE assessing body vuhich, hy
law, wauld be superior theretv.
" 8.2.2 Claim of Lien. Upon defauEt of any Owner in the payment of any
Regular, Speciaf or Limited Assessment issued hereunder, the Associati❑n may
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rRANSKATdON, iITLE iNS C(1 6EC $34,04 Spokane Co, WA
cause to be recorded in the office of the 5pakane County Auditar a cfaim of
fien. The claim of lien shafl state the amount of such delinqcaent sums and
vther authvrizecf charges fincluding the cost of recording such noticey, a
sufficient description of the Building Lot(s) against which the same have been
assessed, and the name of the recerd ❑wner thereaf. Each del'anquency shaEl
canstitute a separate hasis for a nvtice and c4aim of lien. Upan payment to the
Assaciatian of such delinquent sums and charges in Gvnrrectivn therewith ar
❑ther satisfaction thereof, the Assvciativn shrall cause to be recarded a further
notice stating the satisfaction vr reiief of such delinquent sums and charges.
The Associatian may demand and receive tMe cost a# preparing and recarding
such release before recarding the same.
8.3 Methad of Forecfosure. 5uch fien may be farec[osed 6y apprapriate
actian in court or hy sale by the Associatian establishing the Assessment, its
attarney or other persvn authaTized t4 make the sale. Such sale sha]E be canducted
`:n accordanee with the proVisions of the Washington Code applicable ta the exercise
of powers of sale perr-r3itted by [aw, as thaugh the Assvciatian were a beneficiary
designated under a deed of trust executed on Deed of Trust forrri LPQ #22, as in
effeGt as of the dats of recording this L1eclaratian. The gaard is hereby authorized ta
appvirat its attorney, any afficer or darector of the associatian, or any title carnpany
authorized ta do business in Washington as trustee for the purpase of canducting
such sale or fnreclasure.
8.4 Rectuired Notice. Natwithstanding anything contained in this ❑eclaration
to the cantrary, n❑ activn rnay be brought t❑ foreclose the lien crea#eci by recordation
of the notice of delinquency and claim of 13en, whether judicially, by power of sale or
otherwise, until the expirativn of thirty (30) days a#ter the following haue kaeen
comp[eted: a cvpy of such clairn of lien has been deposited in the United States
mail, certi#ied or registered, pastage prepaid #v the awner of the 6uiiding Lot(s)
descrihed in suGh no#ice of deiinquency anci claim v# lien; and ta the person in
possessivn of such Buildirrg Latts3, and a capy therevf is recorded by the Associatian
ira the ❑ffice of the Spokane County Auditar.
$.5 Subordinatian #a Certain Trust Deeds and Mortaacres. The lien far the
Assessments pravoded far herein in connection with a given 6ui€ding Lot shall be
subardinate t4 the lien of a deed of trust nr mortgage given and made in gaod faith
and fvr value that is of recQrd as an encumbrance against an Owrrer's Building Lot
prior ta the recordatian ❑f a ciaim of gien far any Assessments. Excep# as provicfed in
this paragraph with respect ta a trustee or mortgagee wha acquires title to or a
secursty interest in a Building L,vt, the sale ar transfer of any Building Lat shal] not
affect the Assessment lien provided for herein, nor the creativn thereaf lay the
recardatian ❑f a cfaim of lien, can account o# the Assessments bECaming due whether
befare, ort, ar after the date of such safe vr transfer, nor shall such sa9e or transfer
diminish or defeat the personal obligation of any Qwner far deiinquent Assessments
as provided for in this Declaratian.
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0 i)1TjZ~1 01;50P
TRAHSNAXION, TITtE IHS Cti DEC $34,00 9pakane Cti, WA
9.1 Creation. The Assvciativn shall haue an Arcfaitectural Committee
cvnsisting ❑f that number vf persans, na fewer than #hree nvr more than five
EnCIlVEdLlaIS, specified fram time ta time by resolution vf the Bvard, at least two (2) of
wham shafl aiso be memfoers of the Bvard. Declarant initiafly shall appoirrt the
members of the Architectura1 Comrnittee.
9.2 Desian Ciuidefines. The Architecturaf Committee shaEl haVe the right ta .
establish reasansble pracedural rules, rsgufations, restrictions, architecturaE standards
and cEesign guidelines (the "Design Guide9ines"), which the Architectural Committee
may, fram t'rme ta time in its sale discretian, amend, repeal Dr augment. The Design
Guidelines are ir+carporated herein and shall 6e deerned to he a part af the ❑ecfaratian
and shall be binding on all Owners, Members and other Persans as if expressEy set
farth herein. A copy of the current Design Guidelines shall at alf times be a part vf
the Assaciation's recards.
9.3 Review of Proqosed Canstructidn. The Architectural Committee shall
consider and act upvn any and aIE propasals or p6ans and specifications sutrmitted for
its approval pursuant to this Decfaration, and perform such ather duties as frorn time
t❑ time shall be assigned #o it by the 6aarcl, including the inspection of construction
in prvgress tfl assure its canfc+rmancs with plans approved by the Architectural
Committee. The 8vard shal! haue the power to determine, by rule ar other written
designation consistent with this Dsclaration, which types of improvements shafl be
submitted for Architsctural Committee reView and appraval.
9.4 Architectural Committee Decisiaans. ❑ecisions ❑f the Architectura!
Committee and the reasons therefor shal[ be transmitted by the Architectural
Committee to the Applicant at the address set farth in the appiication for approual
w"sthin thirty (30) calendar days after filing all materiafs ret{uirecf by the ArchitectUra!
Cammittee, faifing which, the applica#ivn shafl be cansidered approved.
9.5 Na WaiVer ❑f Future Aoprovals. The approval af the Architectural
Committee of any proposa[s or p[ans and specificatians ❑r drawings for any work
done ❑r proptased, or in conneGtion with any other matter requirir,g the approvaE and
consent of the Architectural Cammittee, shalf nv# be deemed to cvnstitute a waiver
af any right to withhasd approval or cansent as ta any similar proposals, plans and
specifications, drawmgs flT matter whatever subsequen#Iy ar additionally submittecf
far approval or cansent.
9.6 Agneal. Any Qwner may appeal in writing the decisian nf the
AA~rchitecturaf Camrnittee. The appeal shalC be filed with the Assaciation ten (10) days
after the decisian. Saicf appeal shall state the deeiszrsn appealed from and the reasons
- ° Pa e: 21 af 27
~ ~ _ - - - 41~1712041 Qt :5QP
iRANSNAiION, iIdlE IHS CQ 6EC $34.00 Spakane Co, WA
therefvr. 7he appeal shal{ be heard by the Boat'cf within thirty 430f days. ff nv appeal
is fi[ed within the aforesaid ten (10) days, #he decisian of the ►4rchitecturai
Commitxee shall be final.
10. 7 Su ❑eclarant. Qeclarant intends to deWefap the property cEescribett an
Exhibit "A," and may+, in Declarant's svle discretion, deem it desirable tv annex
additional real property to the Praperty co►rered by this aeclaration. Adcfitianai reai
property may be annexed ta the Praperty and brought within the provisians ❑f this
Declaration as proVided herein by DecEarant, 1#S 5l1CCE55ar5 OC &551gC15, at any time,
and fram time tv time, without the approVal af any Owner or the Assaciatian. The
use and develapment of such additional reaf property shafl canfarm ta all applicable
land use regulations, as such regulatians are modified by variances.
10.2 Bv the Associatian. In addition to the pravisions concerning
annexatians by Declarant specified in 5ectian 11.1 abvve, additional reai praperty
may be annexed to the Property, subject to the same cantiitions b}I the Associatian -
upan the exercise by Members of at least #wv-thirds (213) of the votes of the
10.3 Ricahts and Obliaations of Owners_ of Annexed Pcanertv. 5ubject ta the
pravisions hereaf, upon recarding of a SuppEementaf Declaration as ta any additianal
rea[ property, ali prorrisiaris contained in #t165 DecCaratign shall apply to the additianal
real property in the same manner as if it were originally covered by this ❑eclaratian.
10.4 Method of Annexation. Yhe addition af additional real property ta the
Praperty authorized under 5ections 1 1.1 and "I 1.2 shall be made hy fi[ing of record a
Supplemental Declaratiran ar ❑ther simifar instrument with respect ta the annexed
praperty, which shall be executed by ❑eclarant vr #he Owner therenf and whech sha11
annex such property to the 1'raperty.
10.5 ❑eannexation. aeclarant may delete a91 or a portion of the real property
described on Exhibit "p,° vr any previausly annexed reaf property, frvm the Praperty
and from coverage of this Declaration and jurisdietivn of the Association, so Iong as
❑ec6arant has an interest in such property to be de9eted, and pro►rided that a
Supplemental ❑eclaratian of Deletian of Property is recorded in the O#tice ❑f the
Spokane County Auditar in the same manner as a Supp[emental Deciaration af
Annexation. Members other than Declarant as described above shall not be entitEed
to deannex ali or any portian of the Praperty except on the favorable uote of seVenty-
five percent (75°/v) of ail members of the Associatian anci written appr❑val of
Declarant sa long as Qeclarant owns any portian vf the property described on
Exhibit "A" or any ather reaf property which is then part af the Praperty.
' - -4549632
Pa e: 22 of 27
$34.00 Spokane Co, WA
11.1 Easements of Encroachment: There shall be reciprocal appurtenant
easements of encroachment as between each Building Lot and such portion or
portions of the Common Area adjacent thereto or as between adjacent Building Lots
due to minor unintentional wrongful placement or settling or shifting of the
improvements including but not limited to structures, walkways, paths, sidewalks
and driveways constructed, reconstructed or altered thereon in accordance with the
terms of this Declaration. Easements of encroachment shall be valid only so long as
they exist, and the rights and obligations of Owners shall not be altered in any way .
because of encroachments, settling or shifting of the improvements. Provided,
however, in no event shall a valid easement for encroachment occur due to the willful
act or acts of an Owner. In the event a structure on any Building Lot is partially or
totally destroyed, and then repaired or rebuilt, the Owners of each Building Lot agree
that minor encroachments over adjoining Building Lots that existed prior to the
encroachment may be reconstructed pursuant to the easement granted by this
11.2 Easements of Access: All Owners of Building Lots will have a perpetual
easement for access, ingress and egress over any and all portions of the Common
Area. This easement shall run with the land. Such easements may be used by the
Declarant, and by all Owners, their guests, tenants and invitees, residing on or
temporarily visiting the Property, for pedestrian walkways, vehicular access and such
other purposes reasonably necessary for the use and enjoyment of a Building Lot or
Common Area.
11.3 DrainaQe and Utilitv Easements. Declarant expressly reserves for the
benefit of all the Property reciprocal easements of access, ingress and egress for all
Owners to and from their respective Building Lots for installation and repair of utility
services, for drainage of water over, across and upon adjacent Building Lots, and
Common Areas, resulting from the normal use of adjoining Building Lots or Common
Areas, and for necessary maintenance and repair of any improvement including
fencing, retaining walls, lighting facilities, mailboxes and sidewalk abutments, trees
and landscaping. Notwithstanding anything expressly or impliedly contained herein to
the contrary, this Declaration shall be subject to all easements heretofore or hereafter
granted by Declarant for the installation and maintenance of utilities and drainage
facilities that are required for the development of the Property. In addition, Declarant
hereby reserves for the benefit of the Association the right to grant additional
easements and rights-of-way over the Property, as appropriate, to utility companies
and public agencies as necessary or expedient for the proper development of the
Property until close of escrow for the sale of the last Building Lot in the Property to
an Owner.
- . ' . . 4549632
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01~1712001 41:50P
iRkH5MTi4N, iITLE IHS ~ QEC $34,00 Spakane Co, YfA
11.4 lrnnrQvement ❑f Drainaae and Utilitv Easement Areas. The awners ❑f
Building Lats are herehy restricted and enjained frvm canstructing any impraVements
upan any drainage or uti[ity easement areas as shown on the Plat of VALLEY
CRESTVIEW ACl01TION or otherwise designated in any recorded document which
would interfere with or prevent the easement fram being used for such purpose.
PraVided, haweuer that the CJwner of such 6uilding Lots and the Declarant, the
Association vr designated entity with regard to the landscaping easemerrt described
in this ArticEe, shall be entitled to irrstalE and maintain iandscaping vn such easement
areas, and a9so shall be en#itled tv buifd and maintain fencing on such easement areas
subject to approval 1oy the Architectural Committee, so Ivng as the same wau9d not
interfere with crr prevent the easemen# areas from kaeing used fvr their intended
purposes. Pravided further, that any damage sustained ta improvements on the
easement areas as a result of legitimate use of the easement area shall be the saEe
and exclusive ❑bligatian of #he dvuner of the Building Lot whose improvements were
so damaged.
12.1 Term. The easements ereated hereunder shall be perpe#ual, subject only
ta extinguishment by the hofders of such easements as pravided by Iaw. The
cavenants, conditians, restrictians land equi#ab[e servitudes of this ❑ec[aration shall
run for a term of twenty (20) years from the date this Declaratian is recarded, unless
amended as herein provided. Thereafter, such covenants, conditions and restrictions
shalE be autamatically extended for sucGessive periods of ten (10) years each, unless
amsnded or extinguished by a written instrument executed by members halcfing at
least three-#ourths (314) of the vating power of the Associativn and such written
gnstrument 'ss recorded with the Spnkane Caunty Auditor.
12.2 Amendment. Except where a greater percentage is required iay express
provisicsn in this Deciaration, the prvvssions ❑f this Declaratian, other than this Articfe
XIf, may be amended fay an instrument in writing signed and acknawledgr d by the
president and secretary of the Assaciation certifying and attesting tha# such
amendment has been approved by the vote ar written cnnsent of Owners
representing more than fifty percent 450°/oy of the votes in the Assaciatinn, and such
amendment shail be effective upan its recordation with the 5pokane Cnunty Auditor.
Any amendment to this ArtiGle 3C1fE sha1f require #he vote ❑r written cvnsent of
Members holding ninety-five percent (95°Iv) of the vating power of the Association.
12.3 Trust ❑eed and Merrtaacae Pratection. Notwithstanding any vther
pravisivn at this ❑eclaratian, no amendment o# this Deelaration shall ❑perats tv
de#eat or render invalid the rights of the beneficiary under any deed of teust ar
martgagee undEr any mor#gage cowering a Building Lot, made in good faith and for,
value, and recarded prior to the recordatian of such amendment, provided that after
Mreclosure of any such deed of #rus# or mortgage, such Building Lot sha1f rernain
subject to this Declaration, as amended.
• Pa e; 74 of 21
- • = • ~ Oi~i7j20Ui 01:50P
TRANStATI4N, TITLE iNS C4 DEC $34.00 Spokane Cu, W4
12.4 Notices. Any notices permit#ed ar required ta be delivered as provided
herein shall be in avriting and may be delivered either personally vr tay mail. If cielivery
is made tay mail, it shall be deemed ta have been delivered seventy-twv (72) haurs
after the same has been deposited in the United States maif, pvstage prepaid,
adCiCeSSed tfl any person at tne address given hy such person ta the Assvciativn fvr
the purpase o# ser►Fice of such natice, or tv the residence of sueh persan if no
address has been given to the Association. 5uch address may be changed from time
tv time by natice in writing ta the Assaciatian, as providsd in this paragraph.
12.5 Enforcement and Non-WaiWer.
12.5. 1 Riaht of Enforcement. Except as otherwise pravided
herein, any ❑wner of any Bui[ding Lat sha6l have the righ# ta enforce any ar all
of the provisions hereof against any property within the Property and awners
thereof. ,
12.5.2 Viofations and Nuisances. The fai1ure of any Qwner of a
Building Lat ta eomply with any provisivn hereo#a Or WIth aCly pCC3Vf5lOf3 of t'YIP.
Articles vr Bylaws of the Assaciation, is hereby tieclared a nuisance and will
give rise tQ a cause of actian by the Declarant, the Assvciation or any Ownee
of a Building Lot(s) withir+ the Property fvr recavery of damages ar for negative
or affirmative injunctive relief or dovth. However, any other pravision ta #he
cantrary natwithstanding, only Qeclarant, the Association, the Board, ar a du9y
authoriaed agent of any of them, may enfvrce by self-help any of tHe
prvvisions hereof vnly if such sef#-help is preceded by reasonable notice to the
12.5.3 Violatian of Law. Any Wiolatian of any state, municipal ar
iocal law, vrdinance ar regulation pertaining tQ #he awnership, occupation or
use of any property with€n the property is hereby declared ta ioe a violation of
this Declaration and subject t❑ any ❑r alf of the enforcement procedures set
farCh in this ❑eclaratican and any ❑r all enforeement pracedures in law or
12.5.4 Remedies Csamusative. Each remedy provided herein is
cumulative and nat exclusive.
12.5.5 Nan-Waiver. The fai€ure #ra enforee any of the prpVisions
hercin at any trme shafE not canstitute a waiver of the right ta enforce any
such prravisi❑n.
12.6 lrtternretatian. The p1'oVIS[OT15 of this ❑eCI81'at1pP"1 shall be 1ibera[ly
dbnstrued to effectuate its pUrpose of creating a unifQrm plan for the develvpment
and ❑peration of the Property. This Declaration shall be canstruad and governed
. : 4549632
• ' : Pa e: 25 of 27
41~170001 01;50P
under the laws 4f the 5tate of Washington.
12.7 Restrictians 5everabfe. Norwithstanding the prvvisions ❑f the fvregoing
paragraph, each of tha pravisivns of #his QeclaratiQn shaEl be deemed independent
and severable, and the invalidity ur partiaf invafidity of any prQvisivn ar partian thereof
shall not afifeGt the validity or enfarceability of any o#her provision herein.
~/-A WITNE§~L WHEREOF, the parties hereta haue set their hands and seals this
d a y of . 11~'NlJr9°V- L/ 2001.
!!'JTN, L.L.C.
Title: ~~/..oJfrr~r~
) ss.
Dn this 'q day of A L-7 VAI2-aY . 2001, personafly appeared
F> R'1'~tJ 4N - [-L]ALLJ-1 P- !Z . knvwn ar
identified ta me ta 6e the Member of WTN, L.L.C., the company that executed the
within and fvregoing instrument, and acknawiedged the said instrument tv be the
free and Voluntary act and deed a# said cvmpany far the uses and purposes therein
mentivned, and on ❑ath stated that he is autharized ta execute the said instrumerrt.
IN WITNE55 WHEREOF, I haVe hereunta set my hand and affixed my of#icia[
seal the day and year in this certifica#e last abaWe written.
1 fl".... ~ .
i,I' ~
0_=+~ °~R►~r,,s'~ : €'rinted Name:jP=,Qj.2~AVh CRlStla,L3,9-
~ ~ r~ ~flT,,~ ~s= Q% Notary Public #or 11'+lashingtorr
~ Residing at S
op.L \ = N1y cvmmissian expires: 4 3
_ 4549632
• Pa e: 26 of 27
01~1712001 01;50P
iRANSNATI01a, TIiLE INS C4 OEC $34.00 Spokaoe Co, WA
Washington Trust Bank ("Lender") holds a security interest in the property described
in this Declaration Establishing Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for Valley .
Crestview Addition ("Declaration"). Lender consents to and joins in the execution of
this Declaration and all rights, interests, duties and obligations created and conveyed
B tlM ~ j ~ti" •
Z•r•~ ~ ~e
, .
By: /:(~r_amr? ~%iel?d
: .
Tltle: Vic~. P0.cS1Oc,•N7- uu
~ t '~btllON ' ~
i J> ~ ~ ♦
z'ob~ .Nais,s,y
} ss. Zlil;1I I I
On this ay of a-71,(,T ~ , 2001, personally appeared
~ f1.N/ I/ )J , known or identified to
me to be the ,i a~~
~ l.o'j.n~ of ashington Trust Bank, the corporation
that executed the within and foregoing instrument, and acknowledged the said
instrument to be the free and voluntary act and deed of said corporation for the uses
and purposes therein mentioned, and on oath stated that he is authorized to execute
the said instrument.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official
seal the day and year in this certificate last above written.
l l
otary Public for Washington
Residing at St~c, X-'i'7r\ My commission expires: ~
$34,00 Spokane Co, WA
A parcei of real property located in the Southwest Quarter of Section 25, Township
25 North, Range 44 East, W.M. in the County of Spokane, State of Washington,
described as follows: The North 437.00 feet of the West Half of Tract 212 of VERA, as per Plat thereof
recorded in Book "0" of Plats, Page 30.
EXCEPT the following described property: Beginning at the NW corner of said Tract
212; thence South, along the West line of said Tract 212, 385.00 feet to the True
Point of Beginning; thence due East a distance of 130.00 feet; thence due South,
along a line parallel with the West line of said Tract, a distance of 85.00 feet; thence
due West a distance of 130.00 feet, more or less to the West line of said Tract 212;
thence North, along the West line of said Tract, 85.00 feet, more or less, to the True
Point of Beginning. Situate in the County of Spokane, State of Washington.
Parcel: 45263.0314
L---I~ ~ L ~ r~wG LLJJ::5C
Owner Address 1
721 N PINES RD SPOKANE WA 99206- ~
Site Address
Le9al DescriPtion
VERA SW1/4 26-25-44 N 437' OF W 1/2 TRT 212 EXC PTN DAF' rm ~
BEG NW COR TRT 212 TH S ALG W W TRT 212 385' TO TPOB ~rS44Q~~ ~ ~ ~ `
212 85TO TPOB
~ cm~
Notice. This is not a legal document Data depicted on this map is general & subject to constant revision It is intended for
reference use only. Legal documents should be obtained from the appropriate agency.
A PR i 2 2001 srarE oF waHINGTON
~ * * *
over the age of eighteen (18) years, and for the purposes of
forming a corporation under the Miscellaneous and Mutual
Corporations Act of the State of Washington hereby certifies and
adopts in duplicate the following Articles of Incorporation.
The name of the corporation (hereafter called "the
is a nonprofit corporation.
~ The Association shall exist perpetually-
This Association does not contemplate the distribution of
gains, profits, or dividends to its members. The specific primary
purposes for which it is formed are to provide for the
acquisition, construction, management, operation, administration,
maintenance, repair, improvement, preservation and architectural
control of Association property within that certain subdivision
and planned unit development situated in the County of Spokane,
legally known and commonly referred to as Valley Crestview; and to
promote described property and any additions thereto as may
hereafter be brought within the jurisdiction of this Association
for such Conditions and Restrictions ("the Declaration") recorded
or to be recorded with respect to said property in the office of
the auditor of Spokane County.
In furtherance of said purposes, and subject to the approval
of inembers as required by the Declaration, the Bylaws or by law,
this Association shall have power to:
(a) Pearfornt all of the duties and vbligati,ans of the
Association as set forth in the Declaration;
{b} Fix, levy, collect, and enforce assessments and fines
as set forth in Che Declaration;
{c} Pay all expenses and obligatians incurrea by the
Association in the conduct ❑f its business, including, withraut
limitation, all licenses, taxes or gvvernmental charges levied or
impvsed against the Association propexty;
(d) Acquire (by gift, purchase ar ❑therwise)► vwn, hold,
impzvve, }auild upon, operate, maintain, convey, sell, lease,
exchange, transfer, dedicate far public use r.,r vtherwise dispose
of real ar persanal prDperty in connectivn with the affairs of
(e) Make cantracts and incur ].iahilities, borrow money and
mortgage, pledge, deed in trust: or hypathecate any or all v£ its
real or personal praperty as secuxity fQr money borrawed or aebts
{f} ❑ediGate, aell, transfer, or grant easements over alI
or any part of any Association cammon area to any public agency,
autharity or utility for such purposes and subject to such
conditions as may be agreed ta by the memaersr
{g} Participate in mergers and consolidations with ❑ther
nonprofit carparatians ❑rganized for the same purpases, or annex
additional property ta Che property managed by the AssQCiation;
(h) Have and exercise any and a11 powers, rights, and
privileges ►yahich a corparatiDn organized under the Mi,scellaneous
and MuCual Carporations Act af the SCate af Washi.ngton by law may
now or hereafter have or exercise.
1. Non-Stock Caraoration. Participation in management and
nwnership of the Association sha7.1 be by membershig only. The
Association shall issue na stock and shall have no sharehalders.
2. Members;hin. Every persan or entity who is a record
awner of a fee ❑r undivided fee interest a,n any lot which is
subject by cdvenan'ts of record to assessment by the Association
shall be a memaer af the Association. The foregoing is not
inten.ded ta includs persons ar entities who hold an interest
merely as security for the perfarralance of any obligation.
Membership shall Ue appurtenant to and may not be segarated from
s , •
ownershsg of any lot which is subjeCt to assessment by the
Associatian. ~embership shall be in accordance with these
Articles of Incorporatian and the Bylaws of the Assvciation and
shall be subject ta all covenants and restrictions of recvrd wfiach
have been duly recoxded with the County Auditvr in Spakane Caunty.
3. Transferred Membershi~. Mernbership in the Assvciatian
sha11 nvt be transferred, pledged, Qr alienated in any way, except
upan the transfer of ownership of the lvt tQ which it is
appurtenant, and then only to the new awner. Any attempt ta make
a prvhibited transfer is vvid. Yn the event the owner of any lat
shouZd fail or xefuse to transfer the membership registered in his
name to the purchaser of his lot, the P,ssociation sha1l have the
right to recard the transfer upQn its bvvks and thereupvn tY^ie o1d
mernbership outstanding in the name ❑f the seller ahall be nu11 and
4. membership Votina: Trans£er of Cantrol. Each metmber
of the Assaciation, being each owner of a lot in such suYadivision,
sha11 be entitled to ane uote, subject ta provisions in the
Declaration of Covenants, Coxaditions and Restriction of Valley
Crestview, for twv di.f£exent classes of membership.
5. Limitation of Pavment to DissentinQ Member. Membership
in the Association is appurtenant tca and cannot be segregated fram
the ownership of alQt wi.thin the jurisdictiQn of the Associatian.
Except upan dissolutian of the AssociaCian, a dissenting membex
shall raat be entitled to any return of any cantribution ❑r oCher
interest in the Association.
The initial registered affa,ce of the Association shall be 721
N. Pi,nes Road, 5pokane, Washington, 99206, and the initial
registered agent at such address shall be BRYAN A. wALKER.
The affairs of this Associatian shall ina.tially be managed by
a single directar who need nvt be a member of the Assaciatian,
until transfer of control. of the Board to the general membership
which shali caccur ea.ther at such time as the Class A irtembership
equals the Class B membership or sooner pursuant tn the Covenants,
after which time a11 affairs of the Association shall be managed
by aBoard of three (3) directors, and after which tisne all
dix`ectars must be memhers of the Association. The number of
directors may be changed by amendment of th~ Bylaws of the
Associatian. The name and address af the persan who shall act as
the initial airector shal1 be:
BRYAN A. W,ALF{ER 721 N. Pines Rd.
Spokane, WA 99206
`T'rie a.ncvrporator' s name and address ❑f VALLEY CRESTVIEW
H(7MEt7WNERS ASSOCIATI{7N is as follows :
721 N. Fines Rd.
Spflkane. WA 99206
xn the event of the dissolutian, liquidatian, or winding up
of the Associatian, after paying ar adequately praua.ding far the
debts and obligations ❑f the Assaciation, the directars or persans
in charge of the liquidation shall divide the remaining assets
equally arnang the members ❑f the Associata on.
These Articles may be arnended by written cansent of at J east
twa-thirds (2/3) of a quarum of the total voting power of the
Associatian, provided, however, that the percentage of the voting
power riecessary to amend a specific clause ❑r grovisian herein
shall nnt be less than the percentage of affirmative vates
prescribed far action to be taken under said clause ox provision.
For the purpose af forming Chis Association under the laws of
the 5tate of Washingtan, I, the undersigried, constituting the
incaxgvxatar of thna ca rata.on, have executed these Articles af
incorporation on this ~ day af w7anuary 2001.
SRYAN A. fW'ALKER, Incorparator
On this day personally appeared before me BRYAN A. WALKER, to
me known tfl kae ths individuals described in and whv executed the
within and faregaing instrument, and acknowledged that he signed
the same as his free and voluntary act and deed, fnr the uses and
purposes therean mentianed.
GIVEV under my hand and o€ficial seal this ~ day o f
January 2003.
= Clp~s±',~~ A ` •
r r
rr 1 NOTARY PUBLZC Zn and far the
; p s A s~ ; State of Washingtrn, residing
; at~ y [ ~ •
My cammission exgires
4.09=4!-` „&W4LJ~
Printed Name
I, BRYAN A. W.ALKER, dv hereby cansent ta serre as registered
agent far the cvrporation, VALoLEY CRESTVYEW ~OMEOWNERS
I7ATED this day vf January 2001.
721 N. Rd.
5p❑kane, WA 99206
J ~ (
! -
I _ _ - -
I Planning, Enpbreminp, Arehitse[ura, lantlseeping ArthiteeNre, LanA Survaylnp
~ for ~
Crestview Addition
~ CLC #t99245
\ - - •n-------' a...-----i-- -
Crestview Addition
¢ CLC #99245
Prepared by: CLC Associates, Inc.
707 Wesf 7fh Suite 200; Spokane, WA 99204; (509)458-6840
The design improvements shown in this set of plans and calculations conform
to the applicable editions of the Spokane County Standards for Road and
Sewer Construction and the Spokane County Guidelines for Stormwater
Management. All design deviations have been approved by the Spokane County
_Engineer. I approve these plans (calculations) for construction.
f This report has been prepared by Susan Murphy, E.I.T. and by the staff of CLC Associates Inc.
under the direction of the undersigned professional engineer whose seal and signature appear
i hereon. ~
I ~ -
I ~ EXPIRES 9/24/'
I Todd R. Whipple, P.E.
CresfviewAddition P.U.D.
Storm Water Technical Evaluation Narrafive
. ~
~ The proposed Crestview Addition P.U.D. is situated on approximately 3.08 acres, located
east of Best Road and south 24"' Avenue in the Spokane valley. A vicinity map is included
in the appendix. The project is within Spokane County, and is currently vacant with field
i grass as the predominant land cover and vegetation. An existing home is located on the
southeast corner of Best Road and 24'h Avenue. Though included in the plat to create Lot
6, Block 3, the lot will not be part of the P.U.D.. ~
~ The purpose of this drainage report is to determine the extent of storm drainage facilities
which will be required to dispose of stormwater runoff created by this development. The
storm drainage facilities on this project have been analyzed for both the 10 and 50 year
I storm events, and have been designed to contain runoff from the 50 year event. This
development is within the Aquifer Sensitive Area of Spokane County and is subject to'208'
i requirements. For this project, the Intensity, Duration, and Frequency (IDF) curves from the
Spokane, Medical Lake, Reardon, Cheney and Rockford intensity curves were used.
The Rational Method, which is recommended for basins less than ten acres in size, will be
~ used to determine the peak discharges and runoff volumes for the singular basin involved,
as it is less than 10 acres in size.
The project is located in the Southwest quarter of Section 26, T. 25 N., R. 44 E., W.M. in
Spokane County, Washington.
The site is mostly flat with an average of 1 to 2 percent slope from the northwest to the
! southeast. For development purposes the natural ground slope is maintained as possible
~ throughout the project.
~ CLC Associates. Inc. i Crestview Addition P.U D Drainage Report
As can be seen from the accompanying soils map from the Spokane County Soils
Survey as performed by the SCS, the site consists of one Class A soil type. The soil
description is as follows.
SxB - Springdale gravelly sandy loam, deep, 0 to 20 percent slopes: This complex
of soil consists of somewhat excessively drained, coarse textured and moderately
coarse textured, gravelly and cobbly soils. These soils formed in glacial outwash mixed
with volcanic ash. Surface runoff is slow to medium, and the hazard of erosion is slight
to moderate. Spokane County Guidelines for Stormwater Management indicate this to
be a Soil Group Type B and pre-approved for drywell installation.
Hydrologic Soil Classification - A
~ The proposed plat is bounded on the west by Best Raod, and on the north by 24`n
Avenue. Native flow patterns generally follow a northwesterly to southeasterly path.
Therefore, no offsite flows have been incorporated into the drainage analysis. See the
enclosed basin map with existing ground contours labeled.
All on-site drainage will be collected and treated using the "208" runoff method as
described in the Spokane County Guidelines for Stormwater Management. The project
consists of one basin, lettered A, which includes sub-basins A1 and A2. Basin A will
drain to the grassy `208' pond at the southwest end of the proposed plat. A basin map
with the proposed location of the "208" area delineated can be found at the back of this
"208" Calculations
. The street impervious areas are designed to flow to the grassy'208' pond by sheet flow
' and shallow concentrated flow via curb gutters. '208' volume calculations are based on
' a treatment depth of 5". As shown on the '208' calculation worksheets included, the
'208' storage volume provided is adequate to perForm '208' treatment for the runoff
created by the first half inch of rainfall upon the basin it serves.
A Bowstring calculation for Basin A has been included in the appendix portion of the
report to determine the extent of storm drainage facilities required for the 10 or 50-year
CLC Associafes, Inc. 2 Crestview Addition P.U D. Drainage Report
event. The basin characteristics are summarized below with the remaining calculations
in the appendix.
Table No. 1- Basin Summary Table - Areas
Total Impervious Runoff
1 . Basin Area (SF/AC) Area (SF/AC) Coefficient O
A 129,578/2.97 24,663/0.57 0.29
Sub-Basin A1 48,014/1.10 8,420/0.19 0.28
Sub-Basin A2 81,564/1.87 16,243l0.37 0.30
Table 2 summarizes the requirements of the basin.
Table No. 2- 208 Basin Summary
' Basins . Pond 208 208 Area 208*i4rea Di-ywells
Volume Required Provi,ded Required
Required (sfl* (sfl (cfl
A A 1,028 1,534 1,574 1-B
Based on 0.67' depth, bottom area only
- Type A is a Spokane County Standard Drywell - Single Depth, Capacity 0.3 cfs
- Type B is a Spokane County Standard Drywell - Double Depth, Capacity 1.0 cfs
As demonstrated by the calculations and body of this report, the storm drainage
facilities provided in the design will adequately store and dispose of the storm water
~ from the site. Additionally, the "208" area required for the paved parking areas and the
roof areas is provided.
( CLC Associates, Inc. 3 Crestview Addition P,U D. Drainage RepoR
CLC Associates, Inc. q Crestview Addilion P U.D Drainage Report
1 ~
~ '7 ~ ~[TC~Tl3
-T s 1 _
- - -_~go s Arv ~
~ rss ~ MI551QN
~ .
~ w E LI EY 20
_ ♦
J ~
41 30 x 24
- 25 ~ 29
m 32IND ~
GaLF ~ $n•- 3S 0
~ ~t
05 L 4`°~-~ D:t# 02 a1 06 05
~ -
I -
! .
Weighted Runoff Coefficient Calculation
Project: Crestview Addition
1 Basin: A IPE Job 99245
, Total Area (acres): 2.97 Designer: SKM
Imp. Area (acres): 0.57 Date: 09/01
Grass Area (acres): 2.40
Imp. Area "C": 0.90
Grass Area "C": 0.15
(Imp. Area)(Imp. "C")= 0.5094
(Grass Area)(Grass "C")= 0.3606
2.9700 0.8700
Weighted "C"= 0.8700
10-Year Design Storm ~y' BOWSTRING METHOD PROJECT: Crestview Addition
. ~ ;10-Year Design Storm DESIGNER SKM
BASIN: A DATE. 9/7/00 16:48
Tot Area 2.97 Acres 129,578 SF
Imp. Area 24663 SF ; q
~ ' "3 •`s:
C 0.29 Lawns - 0 15 Time Increment (min) 5
= 4
CASE 1 Pavement - 0.90 i Time of Conc. (min) 5.00
OulflOw (Gfs) 1
Design Year Flow 10
20 ft. Overland Flow ~r
`'~1 ~ Area (acres) 2 97
Ct = 0.15 ° eImpervious Area (sq ft) 24663
L= 20 ft. 'C' Factor 0•29
-n= 0.016 Area ' C 0.861
S = 0.020
' ~i
Tc = 0.24 min., by EquaGon 3-2 of Guidelmes
~'c Time Time Inc. Intens. Q Devel. Vol.ln Vol.Out Storage
600 ft. Gutter flow (min) (sec) (iNhr) (cfs) (cu ft) (cu K) (cu ft)
5.00 300 3.18 2.74 1101 300 801
Z1 = 50.0 For Z2 .
Z2 = 1 Type B= 1.0 5 300 3.18 2,74 1101 300 801
n= 0.016 Roiled = 3.5 10 600 2.24 1.93 1354 600 754
S= 0.012 15 900 1 77 1.52 1528 900 628
20 1200 1.45 1.25 1626 1200 426
d= 0.217 ft. 25 1500 1.21 1.04 1670 1500 170
4' 30 1800 1 04 0.90 1704 1800 -96
A R Q Tc Tc total I Qc 35 2100 0.91 0.78 1726 2100 -374
1.20 0.11 2.74 4.36 5.00 3.18 2.74 40 2400 0.82 0.71 1767 2400 -633
45 2700 0.74 0,64 1786 2700 -914
Qpeak for Case 1= 2.74 cfs 50 3000 0.68 0.59 1817 3000 -1183
55 3300 0.64 0 55 1875 3300 -1425
60 3600 0.61 0.53 1945 3600 -1655
65 3900 0.60 0 52 2068 3900 -1832
70 4200 0.58 0 50 2149 4200 -2051
Case 2 assumes a Time of Concentration less than 5 minutes so that the y yu,-;,s 75 4500 0.56 0 48 2220 4500 -2280
peak flow =.90(3.18)(Imp. Area) = 1.62 cfs 80 4800 0.53 0.46 2238 4800 -2562
85 5100 0.52 0.45 2330 5100 -2770
90 5400 0,50 0.43 2369 5400 -3031
So, the Peak Flow for the Basin is the greater of the hn+o (lows, 95 5700 0.49 0.42 2449 5700 -3251
2.74 cfs ; r'•"•'~ 100 6000 048 0.41 2523 6000 -3477
'208' VOLUME REQUIRED = 1028 cu ft
'208' VOLUME PROVIOED = 1055 cu k
Maximum Storage Required by Bowstnng 801 cu ft
. Number and Type of Drywells Reqwred 0 Single
1 Double
~ •t =
50-Year Design Storm BOWSTRING METHOD PROJECT Crestview Addition
50-Year Design Storm DESIGNER SKM
BASIN: A : DATE: 9/7/00 16.51
Tot. Area 2.97 Acres 129,578 SF i
Imp.Area 24663 SF
C= 0.29 Lawns - 0.15 Time Increment (min) 5
CASE 1 Pavement - 0.90 ' Time of Conc. (min) 5.00
.OutFlow (cfs) 1
20 ft. Overland Flow ~ Design Year Flow 10
yy Area (acres) 2.97
Ct = 0.15 ' Impervious Area (sq ft) 24663
L= 20 ft. 'C Factor 0 29
n= 0.016 Area ' C 0.861
S = 0.020
r •5
Tc = 0.24 min., by EquaGon 3-2 of Gwdelines
rTime Time Inc Intens. Q Devel. Vol.ln Vol.Out Slorage
600 ft. Gutter flow t' ~ (min) (sec) (inlhr) (cfs) (cu ft) (cu ft) (cu k)
5 00 300 4 58 3.84 1586 300 1286
Z1 = 50.0 For Z2 ' - s
Z2 = 1 Type B= 1.0 S 5 300 318 2.74 1101 300 801
n= 0.016 Rolled = 3.5 10 600 2.24 1.93 1354 600 754
S= 0.012 ~ 15 900 1.77 1.52 1528 900 628
20 1200 1.45 1.25 1626 1200 426
d= 0.248 ft. 25 1500 1.21 1.04 1670 1500 170
30 1800 1 04 0.90 1704 1800 -96
A R Q Tc Tc total I Qc 35 2100 0 91 0.78 1726 2100 -374
1.57 0.12 3.94 3.98 5.00 4.58 3.94 ~M 40 2400 0.82 0.71 1767 2400 -633
45 2700 0.74 0.64 1786 2700 -914
Qpeak for Case 1= 3.94 cfs 50 3000 0.68 0.59 1817 3000 -1183
55 3300 0 64 0.55 1875 3300 -1425
'T 60 3600 0.61 0.53 1945 3600 -1655
CASE 2 65 3900 0.60 0 52 2068 3900 -1832
70 4200 0.58 0.50 2149 4200 -2051
Case 2 assumes a Time of Concentra8on less than 5 minutes so that the ~ 75 4500 0 56 0 48 2220 4500 -2280
peak flow =.90(4.58)(Imp. Area) = 2.33 cfs 80 4800 0.53 0.46 2238 4800 -2562
85 5100 0.52 0.45 2330 5100 -2770
90 5400 0.50 0.43 2369 5400 -3031
So, the Peak flow for the Basin is the greater of the hnro flows, 95 5700 0 49 0 42 2449 5700 -3251
3.94 cfs 100 6000 0 48 0.41 2523 6000 -3477
'208' VOLUME REQUIRED = 1028 cu ft
'208' VOLUME PROVIDED = 1055 cu ft
Maximum Slorage Required byBowstring 1286 cu ft
Number and Type of Drywells Reqwred 0 Single
1 DOUble
( Weighted Runoff Coefficient Calculation
Project: Crestview Addition
~ Basin: A1 CLC Job # 99245
I Total Area (acres): 1.1 Designer: SKM
Imp. Area (acres): 0.19 Date: 09/01
Grass Area (acres): 0.91
Imp. Area "C": 0.90
Grass Area "C": 0.15
(Imp. Area)(Imp. "C")= 0.1740
(Grass Area)(Grass "C")= 0.1360
1.1000 0.3100
f Weighted "C"= 0.3100_ _
~ - 0.28
, 1.1000
10-Year Design Storm
Tot. Area 1.10 Aues 48,014 SF ,
Imp. Area 8420 SF - '`a•
C = 0.28 Lawns - 0.15 • •
CASE 1 Pavement - 0 90
20 ft. Overfand Flow
Ct = 0.15
L = 20 ft.
n= 0.016
S = 0020 - ticr:
:~}i~.~.• . .
Tc = 0.24 min., by EquaGon 3-2 of Gwdehnes
500 ft. Gutter Flow
Z1 = 500 For Z2
Z2 = 1 Type B= 1 0
n= 0.016 Rolled = 3.5 t'1L,•'r-';'w!'
- ~~44
S = 0013
d= 0 146 ft.
A R Q Tc Tc total I Qc
0.54 0.07 0.98 4.60 5.00 3.18 0.981~~{s,;'
' Qpeak for Case 1= 0.98 cfs
Case 2 assumes a Time of Concentrahon less than 5 minutes so that the
peak Flow = 90(3.18)(Imp. Area) = 0 55 cfs
• So, the Peak flow for the Basin is the greater of the two flows, ~Y hT1~~Jiy ;5
0.98 cfs
~ `'t•~~74.
. ~~i~ !n•
50-Year Desgn Slorm PEAK FLOW CALCULATION PROJECT Crestview Addition "
Tot. Area 1.10 Acres 48,014 SF ° r: ;,~•.Imp. Area 8420 SF
C = 0.28 Lawns - 0.15
CASE 1 Pavement - 0.90
i. r!r ti'^.}f~..
20 ft. Overland Flow ~'~;v;.+~;,.
Ct = 0.15
L = 20 ft.
r".:' :
n= 0016 '
S = 0.020
: +`~c:••3
Tc = 0.24 min., by Equation 3-2 of Gwdelines
500 ft Gutter 8ow
r;.? -lh'.•' • `:i
: S"~ .yf;t•,~;
Z1 = 50.0 For Z2 . Z2 = 1 Type B= 1.0 ~
n= 0.016 Rolled = 3.5 ~?r.-^~,~•~ti~'
S= 0013
d = 0.167 ft
A R Q Tc Tc total I Qc
0.71 0.08 1.41 4.20 5.00 4.58 1.41
Qpeak for Case 1= 1.41 cfs
, . .
~y..rt ~E ~
CASE 2 • " ~y E:'+ c"
Case 2 assumes a Time of ConcentraGon less than 5 minutes so that the
peak flow =.90(4.58)(Imp. Area) = 0.80 cfs
.4~1 A
So, the Peak flow (or the Basin is lhe greater of the rivo flows. {;L~
1.41 Cfs . " a
4;rv~ , ~~t'•1
u ~
. i
Weighted Runoff Coefficient Calculation
Project: Crestview Addition
Basin: A2 IPE Job 99245
Total Area (acres): 1.87 Designer: SKM
Imp. Area (acres): 0.37 Date: 09/01
Grass Area (acres): 1.50
Imp. Area "C": 0.90
Grass Area "C": 0.15
(Imp. Area)(Imp. "C")= 0.3356
(Grass Area)(Grass "C")= 0.2246
~ 1.8700 0.5602
? Weighted "C"= 0.5602_ _
- 0.30
1.8700 '
i ~
10-Year Design Storm ;.,;.w: • ' PEAK FLOW CALCULATION PROJECT Crestview Addition
Tot Area. 1.87 Acres 81,564 SF
Imp. Area 16243 SF ''`;;~a`~''~•;~~~
C= 0.30 lawns - 0 15
CASE 1 Pavement - 0.90 r• f~ '
20 ft. Overland Flow >+~i~~^~ y'•~~
Ct = 0.15
~i'~;s ~'r•`t;r'•
L = 20 ft. •;:;;j~W
n = 0.016 ' ~ ~•'j'`••
s = 0.020
Tc = 0.24 min., by EquaGOn 3•2 of Guidehnes r~•ra~ ~~.,a.-;~~ '
600 ft. Gutter flow M
FOr Z2
Z1 = 50.0
Z2 = 1 Type B= 1.0 V
kr ' i
n = 0.016 Rolled = 3.5 S = 0.012
d = 0.184 ft.
_ Y
A R Q Tc Tc total I Qc
0 86 0.09 1 77 4.86 511 3.15 1.77 ` 4,i~
~~~~:'_•r;•A ,
Qpeak for Case 1= 1.77 cfs
.T I ~ • • ? ,
Case 2 assumes a Time of ConcentraUOn less than 5 minutes so that the .
peak flow =.90(3.18)(Imp. Area) = 1 07 cfs
So, the Peak Flow for the Basin is the 9reater of the two Flows,
1.77 Cfs
• i.,-' :r.
r. , -
_ •1=~ '
`•`t-;,k~• ,
50-Year Design Storm
Tot. Area 1 87 Acres 81,564 SF ~•'~/°~`A
imp. Area 16243 SF ',Jx'~ •x,.~~,''^~"
C = 0.30 l2wns - 0.15
CASE 1_ Pavement - 0.90
20 ft. Overland Flow
Ct= 0.15
L = 20 ft.
n= 0.016
S = 0.020 •:r`,,e~•",~"
Tc = 0.24 min., by Equation 3-2 of Gwdelines
600 ft. Gutter flow
}N`, 'r.s
Z1 = 50.0 For Z2
Z2 = 1 Type B= 1.0
n= 0016 Rolled=35
S = 0.012 •
d= 0.211 ft ,
A R Q Tc Tc tolal I Qc
1.14 0.10 2.57 4 43 5.00 4 58 2.57 - .
Qpeak for Case 1= 2 57 cfs
• YtaCASE 2 .
• ';,i;. r.M
Case 2 assumes a Time of ConcentraUon less than 5 minutes so that the
peak flow =.90(4.58)(Imp. Area) = 1.54 cfs ~iz-.r„.:y~+•~.
i: . y.... ~.a i
icl~re(,r^ • J
-iG'.: . So, the Peak Flow for the Basin is the greater oF the two Flows,
2.57 cfs
ti~.:, ;a;~'°•~
.i' •;:,~,S.~:a•t
r qL'Y~R a`+J_
> ,
11707 E. 5prague Ave., 5uite 105 ♦ Spokane Valiey WA 99206
549.688.0239 ♦ Fasc: 509.688.0295 ♦
Date: ,June 3, 2009
To: Flle I)
From: Carrie~6sta, f]e,puty City Clerk
Re; Moftly documents: PE-1869 Crestview Add PU[3
Que to a water pipe breaking in City Hall's basement svmetirne fast year, we are raouv
discvvering that several fi1es cantain dacuments wi#h mold on them.
The State Archivist Office confirmed with our CEty Clerk that we should make capies of, then
destray all rnaldy dacuments and make a nat in the file; that is the purpose of thi5
; The dacuments within this file are merely cvpiss of documents which had mald and are now
cfean and can be handled without cancem of contaminatian.
The fallflwing lists the dacuments which were copied, then destrayed.
•❑rainage Repart for Crestview Additivn PUD 5eptember 2000, CLC #99245, 2 sets
■Fina1 F'lat of Crestview Addition (A Planned Unit Develapment) natarized 4J2112001,
5heets 1 and 2 of 2
• Msmv dated 101912000 fram Micki Harnois, Assaciate Planner of Spa'kane Caunty to
d'rstribution list regarding Propmsed Final Plat of Crestview Addition, PE-1859-OD
• Articles of lncvrporation of Valley Crestview Hvmeawners Assaciation filed with state of
Washington Sec of 5tate 111212001, date received 411212041
0 Declarativn Establishing Covenan#s, Conditivns, and Restrictions for Valley Crestview
■ Preliminary Plat of Crestview Rddition, December 1999, 5ite Plan of Record, date `
received Spokane Gvunty Current Planning Divisivn 313012000, Sheets 1 and 2 of 2'
• Preliminary Plat of Crestview Additivn, ❑ecember 1999, date received 310812000,
Sheets 9 and 2 of 2
• Prefminary Plat of CrestviewAdditivn, ZE-1-dD, PE-1869-40, 5ite Plan of Recvrd, date
received 110712000, 5heet 1 of 2
• Preliminary Site Plan of Crestview Additian, ZE-1 -00, PE-18fi9-0O, date received
110712000, 5heet 2 of 2
■ Street and Drainage Plan Crestuiew Additivn PL1D Caver 5heet, date reoeived
911212000, Sheets 1- 4 of 4
0 Water Plans Crestview Additivn Water Caver, dats received 911212000, Sheet W1.00
vl~ in9, enewe«u+e. amnnaa,re. L"a9utpina nfflnn~u,re, L„n surv"na
~ CreStV'le11V Additi[]f'1
P. u . D.
~ 5EP7EMBER 2000
CLC #99245
r ~ •
- for
Crest►view Addi#ion
- CLC #99245
Prepared by; CLC Associates, lnc.
707 Wesf Tth Suite 200; Spokane, 1lVA 99204; (509)458-6840
.Thie;n~asi~n rvvements„stiowii';~n ,~his set;'of ~plans ~and'calculations confarm
~ ' ' _ -'~a r . , : _
5pvkane~.Couzity.°'SEandaras• far ~Rvad and
applica.b].~ eiiitions of~~the -
. '.r 1 - ; r. P , , . B' . • Jt ^
Sewex' ':Cvnst•r'uc t ion an~ `~tYie ~,~Spaxan~ , County;; Guideline's_-•#v~ S ta~inwa t eic -
. ~ _ . . . . rs . . .
- --~i;x`=_ ai~J'1'• - s ~ ~ . . .
ave, 1~-be. en aPPr-vvedti~byr the_TSgokai~e County
lylanageni~,nG.AI1 _desi•gn ~dev7a'ts
`v ~ :~i i•: "•-~:'E--- '~~4 o-tz..:~f':~z,r' .af 1: . . ✓a
Y$r%gineer: i appi;vve•t~iese'ana=-:{calciila~~innsl.,,fo~''fcarisGrixc~~nii`. ' -
. i " } (a ..Sa'
:-.~.t„:,_~t.,.. _:..i . _.s . _t .f.:._ .."a'..'.;_. ~ . '
This repvrt has been prepared by 5usan Murphy, E I.T. a n d by the staff of CLC Associates Inc.
under the directivn af the undersigned prafessionaf engineer whose seai and signature appear
hersvn. ~
~ E](PiRES 9/24/r
Tadd R. Whipple, P.E.
r I
CrQS#view ,+4ddr`tion P. U.D.
Starrrr Water Technical Evaluation Narratrve
The praposed Crestview Addition P.U.D. is situated ❑n approximately 3.08 acres, lacated
_ eas# of 6est Road and south 24th Avenue irt the SpQkane uailey. p vieinity map is included
an the appendix. The project is within Spokane Caunty, and is currently vacant with fielei
grass as the predamanant land caver and uegetation. An existing hame is lacated on the
~ southeast corner of 6est Road and 24"' Avenue. Though included in the plat fia create Lat
fi, B1ock 3, the lot will not be part af the P.U.D--
~ PL114PaSF
The purpvse of this drainage repart is ta determine the extent vf storm drainage facilities
which will be required to dispose of s#armwater runaff created by #his deveiopment. The
s#vrm drainage facilities on fhis prvject have been analyzed for both the 10 and 50 year
starm events, and have heen designed ta contain runQff fram the 50 year event. This
~ devefopment is within the Aquifer SenSitive Area uf Spokane Gounty and is subject tv'208'
~ requirements. For this project, the fntensity, Quratian, and Frequency (lDF) curves from the
5pokane, Medical Lake, Reardan, Cheney and Rockford intensity curves were used.
The Rational Method, which is recvmmended fvr basins less than #en acres in size, wiq be
used to determine the peak discharges and runoff Vaiumes fvr the singular basin invafved,
_ as it is less than 10 acres in size.
_ The project is Iocated in the 5au#hwesf quarter of Section 26, T. 25 N., R. 44 E., W.M. in
Spokane County, Washington.
- The site is mastly fiat with an average of 1 to 2 percent slape frvm the northwes# #v the
svutheast. For development purposes the natural grvund slope is maintained as possible
thraughout the project.
GLC L►ssociafes,lnc. Crestview Addifian P.U.R. DrarRage Report
As can be seen from the accompanying soils map frvm the Spakane Cvunty Svils
5urvey as perfarmed by the SCS, the site cvnsists of one CIaSS A soif type. The soiE
description is as faflows.
5xB - Springdale gravelly sandy loam, deep, i] to 20 percent slvpes; This corriplex
~ of soil cansists of somewhat excessively drained, coarse textured and maderately
coarse textured, graaelly and cobbly soils. These soils formed in glacia9 vutwash mixed
with voicanic ash. 5urface runvff is slow to mediurn, and the hazard of erosiQn is slighf
~ to moderate. Spokane C4unfy Gutdelines far Stormwater Management indicate #his to
be a Sail Group Type B and pre-apprvved fvr drywekl instalfation.
Hydrvingic 5vr! Classrficatian - A
~ The prvpvsed plat is bvunded on the west by Best Raod, and on the north by 24`n
Avenue. Na#ive flow patterns generally fvllaw a northwesterly to southeasterly path.
Therefnre, na offsite fiows have been incorporated into the drainage analysis. See #he
enciosed basin map with existing ground contvurs fabeled.
Afi vn-site drainags will be callected and treated using the "208" runvfF methvd as
described in the Spokane Coun#y Guidslrnes fQr Stormwater lV1an~gement. The project
cvnsists of ane basin, lettered A, which incfudes sub-basins Al and A2. Basin A wiif
drain to the grassy `2fl8' pond at the sauthwest end of the prvposed pla#. A basin map
with the prvposed Iocatian of the "208" area defineated can be faUnd at the back of this
"208" Calculafions
7he street impervious areas are designed to flow to the grassy'208' pond by sheet fiow
and shalfow co ncentrated flaw uia cu rb guttet's. `2 OS' volume cafculativns are based on
- a treatment depth of 5". As shawn on the'2Q$' calculation worksheets included, the
- '208' storage Volume provided is adequate #o perform '208' treatment for the runoff
created by the first half inch of rainfafl upvn the basin it serves.
A Bawstring calGUla#ivn for Basin R has been included in the appendix portivn of the
report ta determine the extent of starm drainage faci[ities required for the 10 vr 50-year
CtC Assoc+ates, 1nc. 2 CrestwewAddifivn F'.LJ d C?rainage Report
event. The basin characteristics are summarized below with the remaining calculations
in the appendix.
_ Table No. 1- Basin Summary Table - Areas
-;~,~•r-:^;r.=;:'."_, , - ' _ ' , . ' - ' ,
Total Impervious , Rurioff
~',•.~~.t~,Basin'' Area,-.(SF/AC) Ar,'ea (SF/AC) ' • . Coefficient O .
- . . - - - .r - - • . - - - . . _ . . . - -
A 129,578/2.97 24,663/0.57 0.29
Sub-Basin A1 48,014/1.10 8,420/0.19 0.28
Sub-Basin A2 81,564/1.87 16,243/0.37 0.30
Table 2 summarizes the requirements of the basin.
~ Table No. 2- 208 Basin Summary
t~'„4'l: . ~ }r°b,~.~,i.,.~"M,vv,s_~~r•x - : .
Basins F ~o n08~~~ 208fArea.~' ;-r~20$-A'r.ea - Drywells kta' . :'`~Vol~u m~e . Required 'Provided Required ~ .
~I . 4, n~,•
~r ~°~`~-'x' _ (sfl*` '(sfl . . •
~ . . _.:..:f~`~ , . .i : , . . .
A A 1,028 1,534 1,574 1-B
Based on 0.67' depth, bottom area only
- Type A is a Spokane County Standard Drywell - Single Depth, Capacity 0.3 cfs
- Type B is a Spokane County Standard Drywell - Double Depth, Capacity 1.0 cfs
As demonstrated by the calculations and body of this report, the storm drainage
facilities provided in the design will adequately store and dispose of the storm water
from the site. Additionally, the "208" area required for the paved parking areas and the
_ roof areas is provided.
CLC Assoclates, lnc. 3 Crestview Addition P.U D. Drainage RepoA
- I Cl-Yr.
CLC A559CI8tE5, Inc ~ Crestview Addrtipn P.[1 CJ []rainaga Raport
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! 10 YEAR SfaRM
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- { Weighted Runoff Caefficient Calculation
Pr❑ject: Cresiview Addition
Basira: A IPE Job 59245
a Total Area (acres): 2.97 Designer: SKM
fmp. Area {acres}; 0.57 Date: 09101
Grass Area (acres): 2.40
9rnp. Area "C": 0.90
Grass Area „C": 0.15 ,
(Imp. Area)(Imp. "C")= 0.5094
(Grass Area)(Grass "G°')= 0.3506
2.970(]- 0.87470
Weighted "C„= 0.8700
14-Yea rqesign 5torm BOW57RIfVG METHaD PRDJECT• CrestviewAdditian
10-Year aesign Starm ❑ESIGNER 5MM -
BASIiV: A QATE: 917140 16:48
Toi Area 2 97 Rcres 129,578 5F
Imp. Area 24663 5F
C= 6.29 Lawns • 0.15 Time 9nr,rement [min] 5
CASE 1 Pavement - 0 90 7ime af Conc {mm} 5.00
l7utflow (Cfs) 1
20 ft. Overland F[vw Design Year Ffow 10
Area (acres) 297
Ct = 0.15 Impervious Rrea (sq ft) 24663
L= 20 ft 'C' Factor 0.29
n ~ 0 415 Rrea ' C 0.861
s = 0,020
Te = 0.24 min., by Equatan 3-2 aF Guidelines
Time 7ime Inc Intens Q Devel. lAal,ln Vol Out 5torage
500 ft GutYerflow fminl (sec) GnfhrJ (u"fs) (eu {t} [cu R] (cu ft)
500 300 3.18 2 74 1101 300 601
Z1 = 50.0 Far Z2 ..._.._.r_-
72 = 1 Type B=1.0 5 300 3.18 274 1101 300 801
n= 0016 Rolled = 3.5 16 500 2.24 1,93 1354 600 754
5= 0.012 15 900 i 77 1.52 1528 900 628
20 1200 145 1,25 1626 9200 426
d= 0211' it 25 7500 1 21 1,04 3670 1500 170
30 1800 1.04 0.90 1704 1800 -95
A R Q Tc Tctotal f Qc 35 2100 091 0.78 1725 2900 -374
9.20 0.11 2 74 4.36 5.00 3.18 2.74 40 2400 0 82 0.74 1767 24017 -633
45 2700 0.74 0.64 1786 2700 -914
Qpeak for Case 1= 2 74 cfs 56 3000 0.88 0 59 1817 3000 -1183
55 330(] 0 64 055 1875 3300 -1425
64 3600 Ofii 053 1945 3600 -1655
CASE 2 65 3940 0.60 052 2068 3900 -1832
TO aaao 0.58 050 2149 4200 -2051
Case 2 assumes a Time of Concentration less than 5 minutes sv [hat the 75 4540 0.56 048 2220 4500 -2280
peak flaw = 90(3 18)(Imp larea) = 1 52 cfs 80 4$00 0.53 0.46 2238 4$00 -2562
85 5100 052 045 2330 5100 -277{]
90 5400 O 50 D.43 2369 6400 -3031
50, the Peak flow for the Basin is the greater of ths two flows, 95 5700 049 042 2449 5700 -3251
2.74 Cfs ipD 6000 048 U.41 2523 5000 -3477
'298' VOLUME REQL]IRED = 1028 eu ft
'208' V{}LUPAE PROVIpEp = 1055 Gu ft
Maximum Stvrage Required hy 8owstring 801 cu ft
Mumber and Type pf ❑rywells Ftequired 6 Single
1 ❑ouble
50-Year Oesign 5torm BOWSTRING METHOD PROJEC7 Crestview Additian
50-Year Oesign 5tvrm QE5IGNER, SKM -
BA51iV: A DATE' 91710015:51
Tot. Area 2 87 Acres 129,578 SF
imp. Area 24663 SF
C= C] 29 Lawns -13.15 Time Increment (min) 5
CASE 1 PaVerrtent - 6 90 Time of Gonc (mm) 500
putflow (cFs) 1
20 ft. Dverland Flaw ❑esign Year Flow 10
Ares (acres) 2 97
Ct = 015 Impervlous Rrea {gq ft} 24663
L t 20 ft. 'C' Faczor 0.29
n= 0.016 Area' C 0.861
S = 0.020
Tc = 0 24 min., Gy Equation 3-2 of Guidefines
Time 7ime Inc, lntens Q Davel. Vok In Vfll.Out St4rage
600 H, Gutter flow (min) {sec) {inPhr} lcfs} (eu R) {cu ft) (cu ft)
500 300 4.58 3 94 1686 300 1288
21 = 50.0 Far Z2
Z2 = 1 Type 8= 1 p 5 300 3.18 2 74 1101 300 8[]1
n= 0016 Rolled = 3 5 10 644 2.24 1 33 1354 600 754
S= 0.012 15 904 137 1.52 1528 904 628
26 1264 i.45 1.25 1626 1204 426
d _ 0.248 ft 25 1500 1.21 1 04 1574 9540 170
30 1840 1.04 090 1704 1800 -96
A R Q Tc Tc total I Qc 35 2140 4.91 0.78 1726 2100 -374
1.57 0.12 3.94 3.98 5.00 4.58 3.94 46 2404 082 071 1767 2400 -633
45 2700 0.74 0 64 1786 2700 -914
Qpeak for Case 1= 3.94 efs 50 3000 0.68 0 59 1817 8040 -1183
55 3300 0.64 0.55 1875 3300 -1425
60 3604 0.61 053 1945 36{]0 -1655
CASE 2 65 390(] 0 60 052 2068 3900 -1832
70 4200 058 0.50 2149 4200 -2051
Gase 2 assumes a Time of Cnncentratvn less thare 5 mmutes so that the 75 4500 0,56 0 48 2224 4500 -2280
peak flow =.90{4.58}(1mp Area) _ 2 33 cfs SD 4806 0 53 0 46 223$ 4$00 -2562
85 5100 0.52 0.45 2330 5106 -2770
96 5400 0.50 043 2369 5400 -3031
So, the Peak flow far the Basin is the greatsr of the twa Bows, 95 5700 0.49 042 2449 57170 -3251
3.94 cfs 100 6004 0.48 041 2523 6000 -3477
'208' 1fOLUME REQUIRED = 1028 cu ft
'208' VC]LUME PRQVIDEQ = 1055 cu ft
Nlaximurn 5torage Required by Bowstring 1288 cu ft
Numher and 7ype of Drywells Required 0 Single
1 ❑ouhla
Weighted RunofF CQefFicient Calcufativn
Prvject: Crestview AdditiQn
Basin: R1 CLC Jab # 99245
~ Total Area {acres}: 1.1 ❑esigner: SKIUI
I rnp. Area (acres); 0.19 Qate: 09l01
Grass Area (acres): 0.91
Imp. Area "C": 0.90
Grass Area "G": (].15
(fmp. Area)(lmp_ "C")= 0.1740
[Grass Area](Grass "C„)= 0.1360
j 1 1000 0.3100
+ Weigh#ed "C"= 0.3100
~ - 0,28
I _
10•Year CDesigrr Starm
Tvt Area 1 10 F1cres 48,014 5F
Imp. Area 8420 SF
G=: 0.28 Lawns - 0 15
CASE 1 Pavement- 0.90
20 R. Overland Flow
Ct = 0.15
L = 20 ft
n = 0.016
S = 0,020
Tc = 0.24 min., by EquaUvn 3-2 of Gwde1ines
500 ft. Gutter flow
Z1 = 50.0 Fer Z2
Z2 - 1 Type 8='l 0
n= 0016 Rolled = 3.5
S = 0.013
d = 0.146 ft
R R a Tc 7c tatal I Qc
0.54 OAT 0.JB 4.60 500 3.18 0 98
Qpeak tor Case 1= 0.9$ cfs
Case 2 assumes a Time of Coneentration less tMan 5 rninutes sv lhat the
peak flova =.90{3.18}(Imp. Arsa) = 0.55 cfs
Sa, fhe Reak flow for the Basin is the greater of the twr flows,
0 98 Cfs
50-Year Design 5torm
PFA1S FLaW CALCLII.ATI0N PRdJECT Crestview Flddifian
Tot. Arsa 1.10 Arxes 48,014 SF
Imp. Area 8420 SF
C= 0.28 Lawns - Q 15
CASE 1 Paaement - 0.90
^20 fl. Overland Fl4w
Ct= 015
L = 20 ft.
n= 0016
S= 0020
Yc = 0 24 min, 6y Equation 3-2 of Guidslines
500 ft. Gutter flow
Z1 = 500 For Z2
Z2 = 1 Type 8 =1 IJ
n= 0416 Rolled=35
5 = 0.013
dr 0 1G7R
A R Q 7c TC [otal I Oc
071 0.08 1.41 420 5 OCl 4 58 1.41
Opeak far Case 1= 1.41 cfs
Case 2 assumes a Time af Cancen[ration less than 5 minutas so that the
peak flaw = 90(4.58)(Imp Area) = 0.80 cfs
8v, the Peak Hpw frir the Sasin is the greater of the two flcsws,
1.41 cfs
Weigh#ed Runaff Caefficient Calculativrr
Prvject: Crestview Additian
Basin: A2 IPE Jab 99245
Total Area (acres): 1,87 Designer: 5KM
1mp. Area (acres): 0.37 ❑ate: 09l01
Grass Area (acres): 1.50
Imp. Area "C": 0.90
Grass Area "C": 0.15
{ (lmp. Area)[1mp. „C")= 0.3356
~ (Grass Area)(Grass'"C")= 0.2246
; 1.8700 ❑.5602
i Weighted "C"= 0.5502
` -_--_==Z ~ 0.30
10-Year aesign 5torm
Tvt Area 1.87 Acres $1,564 SF
Imp. Area 15243 5F
C= 0 30 Lawns - 0 15
CASE 1 Pauement - 4.90
20 ft, averland Flvw
Ct= 015
L = 20 8
n= 0016
s = 0,020
Tc ~ 0.24 min„ by Equauor+ 3-2 vf GuideEines
600 f4. Gutter flaw
Z1 = 5a 0 For Z2
7-2 = 1 77pe 6 , 1.0
n= 0016 Rvllsd = 3.5
S= 4012
d = 0.184 ft.
A R Q Tc Tc tolal I Qc
0.86 009 1.71 4.86 511 315 1 77
Qpeak far Case 1= 1 77 cfs
Case 2 assume s a Time af Cvnr,entration less than 5 minute s sv that the
peak flow =.90(3.98)(Imp. Area) = 1(]7 cfs
Sq, the Peak flaw Por the 6as3n is ths grea[er of the two flows,
177 cFs
50-Year Design SLorm
Tvt Area 1 87 Acres 81,564 SF
Imp Area 16243 SF
C= fl 30 Lawns - 0,15
CASE 1 PaVerrient - p 90
20 ft. Dverland Flnw
CT= 015
L = 20 ft
n= 0016
s = 0.020
Tc = 0.24 mEn., by EquatlQn 3-2 vf Guidelines
500 ft. Gutcer flow
Zi = 50.0 Fvr Z2
Z2 = 3 Type 6= 1 ff
n= 0.016 Rvl[ed = 3 5
5 = 0.012
d = 0,211 ft
R R Q Tc Tc total ! QC
1 14 010 2 57 4 43 500 4.58 2 57
Qpeak for Case 1= 2 57 cfs
Case 2 assumes a Time af Concentrahon less [han 5 mEnutes so that lhe
peak ftvw =.9a(4 58)(Imp Area) = 1 54 cfs
So, tlhe Peak flaw for the Bas3n is the greater aF the riva flaws,
2.57 cfs
~ ~