1988, 06-23 Permit App: 88001718 Furnace • MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION WORKSHEET PLEASE PRINT AND COMPLETE ONLY THOSE PARTS OF THE FORM YOU UNDERSTAND 570 Project If Owner's Name Last First MI • Lingow Bob Project Address(Street Name&Number) S. 4518 Woodward `7 City State Subdivision/Plat Nameoy Spokane W a. � 446//J�Z O Jv �� Z (s.�-4-op Assessors Parcell Lot . / Block . Plat 1/ Applicant Address Bob Lingow S . '4518 Woodward Ci StateZip Phone Spokane Wa. l 99206 926-4751 Business Phone • • Contractor Address STURM HEATING, INC. E. 294 Indiana City State Zip Phone Spokane WA 99207 325-4505 Contact License f Business Phone Sherry STURMI* 210 OF _ 325-4505 Describe Worts Install gas furnace/one outlet $24. 50 Fans Evaporative Cooler Hoods Electric Furnace/Ducts Miscellaneous • Dryer Range Gas Log Gas Water Htr. Solid Fuel/Wood Stove • 0-10,000 CFM 10,000+CFM Air Handling Units Refrigeration Systems/ 1-100M 101-500M 501-1,000M Heat Pumps(BTU) 1,031-1750M Over 1750M • 0-3HP 3-15HP15-3OHP 30-50HP 50+HP Compre556r 1-5 Outlets 6+Outlets Gas Piping . 50 1-100,000BTU i 0.,.00+BTU Gas Fired Heating System 9 . 00 I certify that the above information as submitted by me is true and correct and further, agree that all pro- visions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work, including inspection requirements, will be com- plied with whether specified herein-or not. The granting of a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state of local laws regulating construction or the performance of construction. SIGNATURE OF APPLICATION /�,A IS r-o no rI A TC