1998, 06-26 Permit App: 98005795 MH PROJECT NUMBER= 98005795 APPLICATION" DATE= 06/26/98 PAGE= 01 PROJECT NUMBER= 98005795 APPLICATION DATE= 06/26/98 PAGE= 01 ****** THIS IS NOT A PERMIT ****** PENALTIES WILL BE ASSESSED FOR COMMENCING WORK WITHOUT A PERMIT SITE STREET= 710 S WOODRUFF RD PARCEL#= 45202 . 1437 ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99206 PERMIT USE= NEW DOUBLE WIDE MANUFACTURED HOME PLAT#= 002208 PLAT NAME= RETTIG ADD BLOCK= 1 LOT= 6 ZONE= UR-3.5 DISi = F AREA= 00000000 F/A= F WIDTH= 99 DEPTH= 161 R/W= 50 # OF BLDGS= 2 # DWELLINGS= 1 WATER DIST = OWNER= LYNCH, MR & MRS JAY M PHONE= 509 926 8477 STREET= 710 S WOODRUFF RD ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99206 CONTACT NAME= JAY OR CHRIS LYNCH PHONE NUMBER= 509 926 8477 BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT= 30 LEFT= NA RIGHT= 5 REAR= NA ****************************** REVIEW INFORMATION ***************************** DEPARTMENT REVIEW REQUIREMENT BUILDING SETBACK REVIEW REQUIRED APPROVAL: J SHATTO DATE: 06/26/98 ****************************** MOBILE HOME PERMIT ***************************** CONTRACTOR= UNKNOWN PHONE= STREET= UNKNOWN ADDRESS= UNKNOWN WA UNKNOWN YR/MAKE= 1998 MARLETTE MODEL= SERIAL#= WIDTH= 28 LENGTH= 52 HEIGHT= 00 ******************************************************************************* * PROJECT NOTE: TOPIC = CONDITIONS DEPT = BUILDING * ******************************************************************************* WAINS4050 EXISTING RESIDENCE TO BE DEMOLISHED PROCESSED BY: JULIE SHATTO PRINTED BY: JULIE SHATTO ******************************** THANK YOU ************************************ APPLICATION INFORMATION hat is the JOB SITE address? ASSESSOR'S tax parcel number? $; 7'i WC)OD IJ) F Cas , / 271- 3 7 Legal description as it appears on the property deed PLAT CO 02 a �o T to, L,Bo c/ / k,�TT/ G- J4/D 1�f T!ON OWNER or OCCUPANT Phone Nit lA.s 41`/ ITA ' /V, ,G Nc) OV72,-9,97-6- Mailing address City,state Zip w ' fztirF MA'S i� 79,Zi6 ho should we contact regarding this project? hone i y A. AyA' c • G:4 V' I YA1ci4 6-- 17+ / What work is being done under this permit? )Mc, 44`416 ,9Alid,9C7-1) r,i, I' c AgfirY ne Inspector;dlstnct Property size RIght Of way Width " r s) B uildi n Building height • *of stories Contractor Dimensions TOTAL SQUARE FOOTAGE WA State Contractor license# Main floor area Unfinished basement area Mailing address 2nd floor area Finished basement area Architect/Engineer Garage area Size of decks,etc. What is the heat source? • What is the cost of your project? Manufactured Home "' Si n Width: Length: What is the square footage of How high is the sign? 4s.5♦y 4 the sign face? Year: Make: / �E7 Installer _` Contractor P4'07Z-if 41‘34/VES Wa State Contractor license# 7 Wa State Contractor license# Mailing address /:,'O, Mailing address SOX 9'65�" P06 /= ,)hts /D 1 3?3,3'-'` Relocation Fiire.SafetY '. Previous address Fire Sprinkler _ Tent _ Paint booth_ Fire Alarm _ Fireworks display VALUE Contractor Contractor WA State Contractor license# WA State Contractor license# Mailing address Mailing address F•uel Storage Tanks Swimming Pool (Circle one) Above-ground Underground Size/gallons Private Contents of tank(s) Size/gallons Public/semi-private Contractor Contractor Wa State Contractor license# WA State Contractor license# Mailing address Mailing address COMPLETE ALL APPLICABLE INFORMATION Spokane County does not discriminate on the basis of disability in the admission to, or treatment or employment in,its programs or activities. or N�J6fN6? r cvl� -(0eP e l/29 . G' -/1) z , 4,..ti ; • Site ,Plan ;x,917, 're, Eche 0 ..„..., ,410054,40,1„..,,,r,,,, . 4Q® , , ,_____ _ . _ AQ 4'eSs. ..,.......r., _ 4m � Fqvil l % ec.) r CO da / 3 • •• H-O vs2 Z.,) ' +1, 10`C. 7 S-6] , C / _-, 1 . / 1 / k 7.(9 )4:, i ...,,.,, * . '.c- .1_,_ - 6 t , -, 0 Y1 ) (91 Si') __ ___... , ';',.. 7,,,,,,jr"cr.,-,K, -,„, �A� )6/A317 1-- it / � - - r I / . kAL ' I I '\,, , (AM.F. l �r I ; T IA1 r , rP-1 R* LI----'-- ..te-,4 , i-t" 514P R i 1 . 1 INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: El AD roadways, driveways & easments G7' Underground utilities O Distances from center of roads, right of ways, E7 North arrow private roads & property lines lY Septic tanks & wells M A P n All existing & proposed buildings I