7Cho: rman, Spokane County Commission
the a have hereunto set C
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the aforesaid owner
BANK, a Corpo ra tion, l into t Blocks, and the l and
shown hereon, to be known as PUR\AS PO INT ADDITION,, located in 1 /4 of the
illi Purvi
SW 1 of Sectio 2 1 , T.25 N. t, W.M. in the unt Stat
Wash ington r e particularly describ as fo ll ows:
Beginn it 20.00 feet South and .1
r t r
of the l r of the Sou thwest quarter of the Southwest quartec.
t hen ce p " . a distance of 7.13 f to Northeast corner of a pa of l
desc ribed in a Quit re co rded under Audito t 4193896.,
A Corporati
thence along r f sa parcel the foll
1. 1 d i s tance of 86.41 feet t the n1i o f a curve concave to
the northwest having a radius of 256.00 feet
2. then t rl y along said e through cent l 1 T32 ' 59 " orc
dis tance f 60.5 f to the rl most corner of the l of land descri
the R
++yy E
of Way De ed recorded n r r Document p 4157347 said i t being t
beg i nning of t curve conca to the t having a radius t l f eet
and f rom is radia line r curve bea t - thence southerly
a l o ng the wes t e rly said r the f
1 continuing l ong said curve thro a central angle 0410 n C
1 t t t f re vers e Cu conca hav r ou
294 .00 feet;
I certif that I know or that I have satisfactory t
2 . southerly along ugh a Gentr I l e of 17*43'50" on arc d i 1 c .1on ce
r r l r" I t i this
of . feet;
in strumen t t t L i execu ' Instrument a
3 . t t 1 f 381 feet line parcel l
a cknowledged t
desc ribed Ii recorded nor qtr Do cume nt ,
be the f ree 1 r the uses and p urposes s t a t ed I
thence N al so ld northerly Hine distance 1 t to :>I t on
the t t
the fitne of r thence t a d*1stance of 634.
feet to
T th
l ine r ll l with and d istont sou therly fee measu at right ang fr
the north l ine of sold Northeast quarter of the t. t quarter of the Southwest
quarte thence N.89*59 along sa Cd ll - I line t t
o r of _ rni ,
NOTARY PUBL r r the State
Wash ington of ii ,
And they do he reby ded use four t add itiona l right f
l *lr p
for 12th v p
S ide yard and rea yard setbacks shall be determ t ime it 1 ng pe a r e
r l ess these setbacks ore specifically drafted on 1 final pl The
se i ndicated l varied r 1 r I it
4 ... p
County of Spokane
pub lic sewer system w ill be mods a for the I t and individual wil be
p rovided to lot prio to sal Us of i nd ivid ual _ on—s sewage disposa s ,i stems
t befo Il
sho ll not be authorized
� A. L �. VY' ..
a W ILLIA M #o t
be the individua Inst
' .�py�( Health {/; LrtV
pub lic tit r' t , a pprov ed �
(�� rr r v l ntcr act can ,
°° l t� t
i p! lo f B u ildi ng an Plan 1
au thoritie s, t local fir prote . d ist rict, cunt vl i ui ,
f r the uses and purposes therein men tion ed .
an w ate r purveyor, shall ins talled with th is subdivis t applicant k l
rc�vi � far I n �v�utrtl- tip water c will fire protection I prior
lven under my hand and offilc sea the d ay a nd r las abo written.
to so le of each It and p rior to * Issuance o f a build perm for each lest. U ae of
pr ivate l is prohib
U tility to the serv r lit r companies adjo
pu blic ro ods as p l otted h er _. S easements are Ctl ,
reconstruction struction maint nanc n operation f ut ilities . Together i right to
i j res t Spokane
inspect t old uti li ties n t trim r r brush r # 1 � r
comm it
i the construction, ma operation some
The Bo rde r he reon r granted to it
au thorized agents , n to the li . for rood purposes, i Inc luding but not limited to
cu rbs , sidewa d ra i nage ., signage and rather usage deemed necessary by the C
Coun En g inee r frt Yore of t lip No fence or portion ii
ill be construct w ithin t without perm
E ng ine er, nor will any j I In said easement that would obstruct i
sigh d istance necessary for safe and efficient vehicular tt Any o ther
easemen r nt o r ded icated with this r r Easement a rea w be subo
to the rights r th n are j to t
permi process prior .
Indivi property ow ners l i, It will be respon r ma inte n ance
t " dewo lks with easements on the respecti p t
D r a inage easement as plotted shown hereo wh ich a re for the pu rposes _c
installfrig, operotitrig and malintai r In a ponds and r i foc iRiftl es
of runoff, ore hereby granted to he County and the li .
The d rainage t lots tra r e subj to t r l r tl r of
Co venant u nde r , Auditor's r
wh i ch by refe Is r p
Cho: rman, Spokane County Commission
++yy E
Cho: rman, Spokane County Commission