Found 1/2" R r )'ar
L W/Simpson Cap
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that Charles E. Strowther & Donna L. Strawther; SpokoneTeachers Credit Union have caused to be platted into Lots, Blocks Filed for record this day of
and Streets the land shown hereon as "STRAWTHERS ADDITION" described as follows:
2005 at—M. in BOOk—of Plats on Page
at the request of
That portion of the SW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 in Section 33, T. 25 N., R. 44 E-W.M. described as foll Commencing at the SE corner of said SW 1/4 of the NW
TRACT 'C' 1/4 of said Section 33; thence NOO*35'31"E, along the East line of said SW 1/4 of the NW 1/4, 141.46 feet to the True Point of Beginning; thence continuing
TRACT 'B' 11021 1-1 NO*35'31"E along said East line 100.00 feet; thence N89*07'W, 242.10 feet; thence N34*52'49"W, 114.80 feet; thence S55"53'W, 190.70 feet to the Easterly right of
11007 E, way line of Dish man—Mica Road; thence S3838'02"E, along said right of way line 129.63 feet; therice S89*07'E, parallel with the South line of said Southwest 1/4
of the NWI/4, 395.13 feet to the True Point of Beginning.
A743-92 TOGETHER WITH that portion of the South 341.45 feet of the SW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Sec. 33, T. 25N-, R. 44 E.W.M., lying Northeasterly of Dish man Mica Road;
Found 1/2" R
Cup Ille
Spokane County Auditor
rounu ji l nzuul TV I" The private road shown on this plot is hereby dedicated to the Dishman—Mica, Homeowners Association created by docurnent recorded, June 2004, under State mairtenonce Or crainage courses in arallinage easements on pnV3te pri perty.
F SW #4413 W/Simpson Cap document no. 71-0968181
The lot owners within this plot shall maintain all natural drainace chat iels, ( roll : nage ditches, and all water quality treatment swales situated
on their respective properties, and any portion of swale situal in a )ublic right—of—way adjacent to their respective properties.
N00 242.10(record) The Dublic streets and/or drainaae facilities shown on this plot are herebv dedicated to the Citv of Sookom-_ VnIlev for nitihilic lljp
A nn*AA"l Oil" 2\4,.48 30' tiL corner
South fine OT tne �>WI/4 OT The NWI/f+ R = 2834-71
T = 18-22 �S\
L = 36.44
N89 4 53 0 11j A VENUE
A 39*42'05"
R 65.00
T 23.47
L 45.04
This covenant and agreement shall run with the land and shall be binding upon the owner, their successors or assigns, including
the obligation to participate in the maintenance of the private road and drainage facilities as provided herein.
Donna L. Strawthers
On this day of 2005 before me personally appeared Charles E. Strawther & Donna L. Strowther
who executed the within and foregoing instrument and acknowledged the some to be their free and voluntary act and deed
for the uses and purposes herein mentioned.
Tff jJ7
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ZY commission expires
Notary Public in and for the State of Washingt]
Residing at , Washingto
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this—day of 2005
Nam U1 vital 11)
On this day of 2005 before me personally appeared
known to be of Spokane Teachers Credit Union who executed the within and
foregoing instrument and acknowledged the some to be the free and voluntary act and deed for the uses and
purposes herein mentioned.
Examined and approved this day of 2005 Examined and approved this (Ja of 2005
For mutual offsetting benefits which are hereby acknowledged, do beret y convey and grant to INLAND POWER & LIGHT CO., a Washington
Corporation (hereinafter called "Grantee*) and to its successors, assign ;, or fermittees, the right, privilege and authority, to install, after,
bury, rephase, energize, chemically treat, operate., move, maintain, and remill electric transmission and distribution facilities, consisting of
poles, cables, wires, and all other necessary or convenient appurtenonc s, to make said facilities an integrated electric system, as such
specifications now exist and as hereafter changed in accordance with :recificitions adopted by the Grantee, to the extent necessary to
install and maintain said electric system, which is located upon, under over, and across the following—described lands and/or in or upon
private streets, abutting said fonds and premises situated in the Cour ty of !3pokone, State of Washington.
It is agreed that areas over buried vaults, cables, and within th-e right- of—wcy shall remain free and clear of structures, barriers, building,
trees, shrubbery and/or any other physical encumbrances except by wr tten c>nsent of Grantee.
Free access to off facilities over the Grantors adjacent lands will be all )wed (it ail times, Grantee shall not be responsible for loss,
replacement or damage of any improvements or other things be ow, a% -r or i lipon such easement necessitated by the Grantee's use of this
UR VE YO "S' CE T 'ITI FI 1. -, A TE
This map correctly represents a survey made by me or Lider direction in conformon
w i h the requirements of the City of Spokane Valley Subdivision Airl ice.
it I