Agenda 09/29/2016 sio1Z \1mm Valle Y Spokane Valley Planning Commission Regular Meeting Agenda City Hall Council Chambers, 11707 E. Sprague Ave. September 29, 2016 6:00 p.m. I. CALL TO ORDER II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE III. ROLL CALL IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA V. COMMISSION REPORTS VI. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORT VII. PUBLIC COMMENT: On any subject which is not on the agenda. VIII. COMMISSION BUSINESS: i. Public Hearing: Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update IX. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER X. ADJOURNMENT CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Planning Commission Action Meeting Date: September 29, 2016 Item: Check all that apply: ❑Study Session ❑old business ❑ new business ❑X Public Hearing AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Comprehensive Plan Periodic Update DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Draft Comprehensive Plan Update and Associated Development Regulation Amendments GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Chapter 36.70A RCW (Growth Management Act); chapter 43.21C RCW(SEPA). BACKGROUND: Pursuant to RCW 36.70A.130(1), every 8 years every county and city in the state is required to review and,if needed revise their comprehensive plans and development regulations to ensure the comprehensive plans and development regulations meet the current GMA requirements. The City of Spokane Valley's update is due no later than June 30,2017. Staff and the consultants have developed the Draft Comprehensive Plan Update, associated development regulation amendments, and a draft EIS. On May 3, 2016, staff conducted a joint workshop with City Council and the Planning Commission to provide direction to City staff and the consultant team on the land use alternatives as well as goal and policy focus areas. On June 23, 2016, staff provided the results from the joint workshop with the City Council and the Planning Commission. Staff received feedback from City Council on the workshop results providing further direction on the development of the land use alternatives and the goals and policies. On July 14, 2016, staff provided a presentation on residential development in our region to offer context for the proposed residential development standards. On July 28, 2016, staff provided an overview of the draft land use map and the correlation to the existing conditions report, with an emphasis on the focused analysis of Medium Density Residential,Mixed Use, Office, and Neighborhood Commercial. On August 11, 2016, staff provided an overview of the Comprehensive Plan draft goals and policies. On August 25, 2016, staff provided an overview of the draft development regulations. On September 22, 2016, staff provided an overview of the draft Comprehensive Plan and associated development regulation amendments. Tonight, the Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing on the draft Comprehensive Plan and associated development regulation amendments. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: The Planning Commission may recommend approval, approval with modifications,or denial of the proposal. STAFF CONTACT: Mike Basinger,Economic Development Coordinator ATTACHMENTS: Draft Zoning Map Please bring the yellow binder with the Staff Report,Draft Comprehensive Plan, SEPA analysis,and associated development regulation amendments. —`( ' - �� Antoine Peak • Conservation Area • VI , ..... ! � Plant:s r —�- CampSeka / errySp 1 4-- -- Conservation Stadiu ,�i �� Area `i��/.___- t ® _ ----- Area '.'. .qui:4' , --1--� �� E Euclid ��i:i1: J� Ave mpire Way iyyy y� Mirabeau/T- '------ ��1 Millwood lnfaiaYea ' ( elts Field ��� �� C —�I Y I I //%'%:/i" , �,: '� ► 111111L I ���/�®� '� �� Liberty — ro�ri�" T►&_ 1 11 Lake Spokan- _._._....------I,-<',---'7.7-:- _.0.-7� I �I j — _ �� E Mission Ave L Ji: ? d—Broadway lista Dr :,..i.• Infi II Area �` a Dr .151231 - "T:— _- _ 'Infill Area iinli /7/41 N -_Carnahan 1 J1 j I j rr= ��� 2_ . (/^) o J Infill- I ✓'alP,E U. �� J �A ~ Area-. J' .' Dishman Hills Ntu . 7/ /011/.'/ Natural Area E 16 hAve / �/ , •a -se Uplaonds AS A City of Spokane Valley Zoning , \-72,.Mu p I B and s=ISE,La re Vs Ilek f/JslrL ,evsll -J eanCro,m rearu a) IBJParks,Mot-Non,&opensp«eE 32n:..,w8Land Use Designation �, ,ZoningVi R1 r% R3 / POS /����'/ -MF //// i i NC fi, . MU /, , . ,,,,I i CMU r/////Z/Vier / ®aPA�asen,ent Area-South Unit Morrow Pork Natural 0 0.5 1 2 3 Yellowstone Plpellne � Miles O { r/1 Legislative Update Draft Comprehensive Plan and Development Regulations Overview Mike Basinger, Economic Development Coordinator Spokane Valley Legislative Update Discussion Topic Meeting Joint Workshop May 3, 2016 Results of Joint Workshop June 23, 2016 Residential Development Standards Comparison July 14, 2016 Overview of Draft Land Use Map July 28, 2016 Policy Overview and Discussion August 11, 2016 Draft Regulations August 25, 2016 Spokane 2 Valley Community Vision ■ Increased focus and access to parks and trails ■ Consider a specific focus area around new City Hall ■ Provide for a greater variety of housing types ■ Preserve the character of the neighborhoods ■ Locate housing near amenities like retail, health care, parks, and transit ■ Increase business opportunities and reduce barriers Spokane 3 jValley° Council Goals ■ Streamline land uses and maximize flexibility ■ Preserve established neighborhoods ■ Provide for a variety of housing types like tiny homes cottage houses ■ Change the mixed-use designations along Trent ■ Consolidate Office and Garden Office or change to Corridor Mixed Use ■ Expand and designate new areas of Neighborhood Commercial Spokane 4 jValley° im....... ...... .....iiini Draft Comprehensive Plan Approach .- 111MIV • Economic Development focus .�•_ 5pikane f ..„,...valley f • Innovative and data driven i 1 • Easy to navigate with an attractive design ,, 7 - , • Concise and understandable _ • Includes existing studies - m • Retail Recruitment Spokane Valley • Tourism Comprehensive Plan 2017-2037 • Existing conditions reports Date Adopted • Includes strategic actions Spokane 5 Valley Approach Continued Economic Development ■ Specific section for goals and policies OALS Support economic opportunities and employment growth for Spokane Valley. ED-G2 Create and cultivate a City brand that support economic growth and leverages existing community.economic and natural asset. • ED-G3 priorities h deael,gn.uent with sulrmluni Ly develepa,lerhl Includes strategies in the goals andoriadieand fiscal sustainability ED-G4 Collaborate with relevant economk development stakehocders. including the business community,to grow a strong and healthy regional economy policies section ED-G5 Support and encourage the development of a strorgxorkforce that Is globally competitive and responds to the Bunging needs of the workplace. EDGE Maintain a positive business climate that strives for flexibility; predictability andstability. POLICIES ED-PI Work collaboratively with the private sector to support catalytic 7 development projects that are consistent with the City's vision. STRATEGIES ED-P2 Identify and encourage business and employmentgrowth in new and 0 s u»dertatreaWm innovativeindustries aed occupations bra-Ida...mess to ceateand nark an tlenoay for Spokam ED-Pt Encourage businesses that prcvidejabs and grow local markets. 0 Valley that sells McCMs jinhere.assets M would-he ED-P4 Promote key retail,office and industrial opportunity sites.as 0 res'darts.errhployersad identified in the CibJs economic development studies and other i '"n1Of3 planning documents leg Certified Sites). Paninpatemeegonal rwn- mrtaand ED-PS Promote Spokane Valley as a great place to work,visit and do „oea erne eItys presence business, ¢ .mai emu. ED-P6 Promote the development redevelopment of vacant and % a Eva oao therenrm an rmderutib properties particularlytcthose with potentialto wore as 0 I evsetrtod patfeavl tourer ac economic 0 fudsacoade0nothefindngs ED-P7 Implement strategies that are intended to create new attractions and events that assert Spokane Valleys presence as a tourist destination. cc'YH7/7°W.44V/7/""7'7poo'YHJron Spdkane 6 Valley" .........m. ........ ......iiim Approach Continued • Includes an implementation PRIMARY matrix identifying: STRATEGY ELEMENT RELATED ELEMENTS} PARTNERS TIMING PRIORITY Undertake a comprehensive branding process to create and market an identity for Spokane Valley • E.D.Division; 2017 HIGH • Strategies that sells the City's inherent assets to would-be Economic •• •• Visit Spokane residents,employers and visitors Development • Primary Element Continue participation in regional tourism-pro- alE.eyl st,Vis motion efforts and increasethe City's presence in Economic • • Spokane,Sports ongoing HIGH regional events Development Commission • Related Elements Evaluate the return on investment of potential • tourism anchors and allocate availablefundsE.D.Division; 2018 HIGH Economic •1 • •• Visit Spokane according to the findings Development • Lead & Partners • Consider usingGlS and web-based technologies to assist business development Economic • E.D.Division 2018 HIGH Development • Timing • E.D.Division; Intensifytargeted retail recruitment efforts Economic •••• Consultant 2019 MEDIUM • Priority Development Evaluate local interest in the creation of a Business • E.D.Division; 2019 MEDIUM Improvement District Economic • • • Spokane County Development Sdkan e i 7 .Valley Approach Cont. - Elements ■ Economic Development ■ Land Use ■ Housing ■ Transportation ■ Capital Facilities ■ Utilities ■ Parks, Recreation and Open Space ■ Natural Resources Spokane 8 Valley Approach Continued Introduction migit it. WHY THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENTELEMENT /14 IS IMPORTANT ■ Elements a r e similarly organized •• Economic develop rent creates living wagecip jobs,builds Valued community amenities and generates additional municipal revenues that can he used to maintain service levels,infrastructure and facilities.All other Comprehensive Plan elements play a rote in attracting and retaining companies,increasing their productivity,and growing the local and regional economy.In that sense,the • Why the element is important Economic Development Element is integrative,and depends on effective land use regulations,quality parks and recreationamenities,efficient transportation infrastructure, reliable utilities and infrastructure, affordable housing • Planning Context opportunities,ec,comic d development resource management,and responsible fiscal poli d Put simply,eeorgnnie development is interbxined in all of the City's services and rotes and is reliant on a dynamic and thoughtful approach to land use planning • Current Conditions Proactive and innovative an erenomic development,induefforts are resomm erciale for attraetlrg,recruiting and retaining office,industrial,and commercial and residential uses within a city.This element is therefore focused on harnessing market forces to encourage the implementation of Spokane Valley's vision.The • Approach Economic Development Element therefore provides a comprehensive overview of Spokane Valleys economy,sets policy direction.for economic growth,and identifies strategies.programs and projectsto improve the economy. 1 PLANNING CONTEXT — es and d 0 4 REFERENCES KEY g Opportunities i' Economic development is one of the fundamental goals under the GMA As a jRefers to other section• whole,the Economic Development Element attempts to merge the efforts of %-)9( in plan the public and private sectors—the public sector has the ability to mold and — Community and Economic Development Priorities f Refers to other Spokane influence development but it is often the private sector that implements the jCI Valley plans and official community vision through private investment Moreover,the GMA stipulates ldocuments that the Economic Development Element promote economic opportunity — for all citizens,particularly individuals who are unemployed or otherwise Best Praetiees Refers other disadvantaged.Lastly,the GMA also prescribes a balance between economic non-Spokane Valley growth and the efficient use of land and natural resources,which means z references for further that economic development efforts must be based in sustainable planning t• reading paradigms. ka Span 9 .Valley im.......m... .......... ........1 Land Use Map • Created one multifamily designation o IIIIIIII■..... 111 �. 11;:77:1,'. � _ •-"- I f OM C t i [■i� ■�i■■■■■■ ■ : - yr i- - E C- . ! 1 .-■■■■ 1 r 11■: .1■ ...i 111 ■ inm - iIi■1iIiIi 111111111■■■■EI .I Neal U JI a dr- 111.x., ��r1 r I 010-00P1112 1 m 1 .11111111 ■ J.!! 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Iffirmilrilltlifillnumnism- 111■ -IIiii .1 E :�l=� .;'i I. ■ ma mo No 1111111■111111I �li11111 l ■ ■I1 ■� ligiii■■ .1■� �=, ■ i air■ ..=,=MM., .mi 1111111■■111111 f,11hI111. ■■■■I■ ■■■■■ nsli ■ S)(akan'�e� 10 _Valley im......m... ••••••••••= iimiiim Transit Service and Multifamily l 1 - ±W______ I zI I___________--_____--_______j_________.m i i i hi a 4 i zr„,____rn I • 1/2 mile buffer A IIII. • 6 around bus stops E Sprague Ave 27 ■ STA Redline 6 • noir .... w ■W.. 7 ■ minute service Spokane Valley Public Transportation c 0) I c I I Bus Stops 1/2 mile Buffer > Bus Stops 1/2 mile Buffer I E I _ High Performance Transit Network U l) I (n CO —Red Line Blue Line c _ —Green Line Bus Routes - �`_- Municipal Boundaries j \ Q Spokane Valley \ ®Spokane Valley Urban Growth Area(UGA) Parks,Recreation&Open Space 0 0.1 0.2 1 0.4 0.6 0 Miles `—"1 til /1 / Sdkan e Footer 11 jValley° ---'""no Land Use Map • Designated new areas for parks and open space • Land by Mirabeau 4_ -.11 figwort- • Appleway Trail ROW .-low 414* E1iI.i1 . . MIN %,in._ ■` ■!1 1. gyp.. .. -- _eq I .. _ . ---.. -_ 1■1 -'' . -- - .'' .** '7‘ 4 ■ ■ ■ J m==1[_11.•11•• .II ti i § 1.' ..■1IIIEE,2.1.Ic—!"r■r..z _. .." //:// /� +^--•1•mw 11p-. i1h 11111� '�'4" � °I�,: _ /./ .teff - Mtr � 1 11.1-E'2-'=--11— "'_40��P■■j■ i 7, // .. E ak. "�iiLS L.i ir1" t'+n`NJ'ri ■81 it s 4 ■Its��v l■11 a.:ii.. _■ %iPPAr x, hi J r ' 1 I-E l iS3I�Wi�ry� it,l ji1! 1 r ,IllEr f 11 �'i�.r lmooar Clmifai w. S +'S�4. �':'� /a'`t'////!'='rfPll.. ram rr�ara4rar«..e,,..�:.s�.. �.;:r,:.:.w.,..�....- ...r.�..�lw,v..s..a a.,�--y v.=9s' � �. r� , ` '� � ;"' . 1111 f ',r r Il15Aif 11 i I�I a�1 1I"•s!• SII i 1 I _ ■ JI■■= •... II 1111111. it 111 op 'f III sir ! g..� n .._ ... —.� e`iIS151il5iy/ �•" ••i ■ . - IIIIIIILI■11■' 111 - -- lm t 'IC-- • � , z,- =I= '1 �I II _• - .. :till - I .. r I zzavoi71AS,FA Kr;i AiLirow Emil . . 1 R .Imw ■ •m� a a11111i■■1■1■■11.11 J ES a■■�I■■■■■ r�1111u■■11■1�.11111� 1 I I lap �.' .!!!P_1:!!1� 1■111■111nr I I , o ! __ � _ Sdkan'ems' 12 jValley° ..........m... ........ ...iiiiin Land Use Map .- : 1 rill ilnini■ e m1 1 Ieun /k' ' taa►fr1l u■n +soda . IIII® = ice EIuiP 3 ■ Changed Office corridors to Corridor Mixed Use ; ii 7� �� __ .". ri�iTl w - 1■ • Multifamily, office, retail, and light manufacturing '"'911�_ = � = ■-= ='�IIIenq ■iii:"u'■I,_u I y■ '1111 W► ----M -I .:------ 111 n■EII0 ON WO-UM =_. — — 'r ._ice 1IIILI �FI..Nil IlIIHi _%IIIIC�IL .,11kaki,„...__ , I 1 III 'll:■ F 7_.. :HMI IIII r_.I_ E e r. ■I.m p Ml=r1 ME � 111 �� '� �: III , ►��, :r r '.-]:'.-'911L111■■ IIIil .. X1N Ile IIIIIIIIr■I 4.o-AV'" ' ' h ' '— 11111! I nl S PP Ii610=11111-�I /s Arlt '+�f111 11■11 �/ ��� r�. `� rC El °�1D.� =w1210 1R1 v i 9a. r■Il1 r � % m jinn III�.1 1■5„ ..... I / 49.411116111111 O nue■n �� �•i. ■11_1 --•2 zg se4.l t■`. 1 11i111� —- r! • .� r .■. 0 i ' U■■IIf1■111=:11L: n1lnlln■ w -----1-,_p,�_' -. ■ 4"7 -bl kus=1■n `fess I■■■■.5 ■11111111• ■mq �ixm�■ m=�■7� �" a Iil■1111I. '� 4 1dm A. �11111111nIi." .II : Vera ■ . nn■11111 LA11111111i1 11■■111111111■■■■w` 111 ■1 lrile111;:'Ante=IM"ns 'fir .,,�►N 'meg-EIlu ' ■F'!'s1 I ��.'.c ■I■■F' �o�ww w '�' 1"------'=------2- 1Z-2 r` 11 rre�I f A ,i I r.! 5 F IMIIII IIIIMM frl■■11■1u1n`■� .'.■■In1/111 IMNTRI Imo,=�.M11 ,� f ��. '471-Q .DaltL � � w . 1■! C iwf r o -----�-� t r III r or rt Wail' 11nnn1n■1■nnnlll■n■■m:1,� • ■ Ia1 :: l 1i 1 •• ry ,��.10)- �i■�� •f �' `� u11111U11111■■■Iu1WiNia1[11111J��■11c is 57,--,74.10). �. �,s► 1IAium r C Em www ti !",i-a� 3'4 am ■■■A 11■111 i■11r:In��kW=Com' +vllr 0 OF'!.Q ■11 1■■111lwlllf■111■■■iiiii i11t1■Ir"4i!11�± sog r a,_ — _. Spokane 13 .0,00 Valley' im.......m... ........ .....iiimi Land Use Map • Designated new areas for neighborhood commercial development at major intersections in close proximity to existing neighborhoods rink it - ---' „o '-; *.--1-7. ;71091 at iii , .. ti, , _._ ____ _ ,.._ .„ , . ,, Sj 01Z @ J . _ aT, ,_ 4. , ` 14 .00Vallem Land Use Map • Created Industrial Mixed-Use designation along Trent Avenue • Allows for light industrial (contractors and tow yards) • Continues to allow for commercial uses - _ is rr - —f oi / r 1n IJ ,p 1,_u2_40 8 aad ue__� ■ a. X Jf �l 1 � � ■ : ' H I— ig...fs _ i -Hti, g, .ii ?;,1 4 „ - I. , L .h _.� -.. ,..�!_L �� r6 '. f —_ as Z`_ --� ■ 2 1 = •, . I .. NI ail Ave � ,, EHich A� = I llllllIl1F113t�� F��y�[`,it_,. MIN 1 1 itira -- - f •_I 9 46._t.. 40,.. --,,- - �__— _ _ Lacrosse Ln 0,,,1;.;11 I di E Industn-1 Park ASt X11 Spokane 15 Valley Land Use Ma p • Consolidated the industrial designations !•:I,c_ b,nn,..n.m ■ .r��4� -'�. . a■it'd ►.� :r _ ,,!//I,/ c. f 'I Illi lk- Irl, ll pl; Sri r.! ♦�1"" ""ni + . �t i EE 9,111���� i. -NTr !. \ . :} rirrrt ii illi - r��-r / a lI :II..i_=,, +Ihmllrli nor !! .uFel�l!!-■!nr n.x `. - r i ii` 1�rllA �� '!1111 n! ul s �.u it ullikln! ■isr �A. ■ rte' p� ■ p'uql ' alr_■� rrn• r.d_ dlH+l,Ir■ ZR. ` _PIP :I_ — - - n":11; _l■fi llilr _el 1.11111• r -Biome JJ::f. J - — f.'�'. /i. We gfere 4 Mgt 11111 PrWire-49:14 I_+�r. �IENIIP waRiTten M ' Ili dri 1 I/a P-11.11/ 1 err/✓ ; . IMMINIO11011 innaosotta0=,,o`,*11. -0 - V 11111E'llniiwiallio-f*-1-41i1 1,,, ( { k �,.,.rr,,,k h1,.lil �fr t _ ___ __ 4,2� . .hrJ'1p lll1p0 ri -orall"MI allimm- 1111*,_ „riga �i r� �.1 �111 � szA�ttSttit►� - Irl►. "Iii ... .._, ,..... A i. ! e,a'' Jran nn r r 'rriliiiillir--= :."'`°fig — or'-'426- II rf 1■r,.:�nru..r 1.1 mpg_room 1 MI tir,rr:cir.rW _ J =ui�5=1t■111 + � � . ! .,� '� xrr�! /d°;+: or',..,-,r'!r lit s ■ m ®sit■■ ,:34 r +r - Spakane 16 Valley m•••••••mm. ........ ....iiiiimi Land Use Map • Integrated Community Commercial into Corridor Mixed Use and Regional Commercial A__ Id -r---Li- ,ILLI1JilliEgliartiffia! In �... _ i Zliditifii,ii, — 1 O SVp AI ' , ? iii0/1?" - . .. r i 1 1 I • .,47:ii.d..4 Ord z • , Ail ono � -- �� r a 'ay— r —I � ME ! _ — gT, rlj:jifl(t 111 5 s 1 , . 1 .- T-'' . rig - 'Fianna I — 1• i i )21104 _ ��� +1 — fJ ? T. , Ar 0' . ' 7 *://,>1.///:,7 ',..'e,' - 2immimwm.1%0 - „‘,....4 Sr . 1 91wl.■ = ,. +,C ,,'14' -"' rtroM - . • , /./ .....,. ,. , HeFA J� � � y I. / r r /// 14. 0 ri �7 r. v roitig j� 1 + J� / l l _ - vii. .I!_. �T p _ _� _r v _ i - ./// 177 r f h , , I _I ° � IA � ` ` ..„ _ __ g I -1 1 i ! ^ r. �..� .. r '3"/i CIS - Sdkan e 17 Valley Land Use Map z) -- --, .___, , _ ,____1 ____-- , ______ , , .,. _ ate. s__ . ■ New housingr BOP opportunities . r4 _ gill • North/south corridors y, tril :, ..71-rr- v1::- i�" lir- -::::- • Consolidated R3 & R4 :43 iiiiiiiiim'6- • Consolidated MF zones jig • 11111•771.611.6-1 WWII Mall ~'' -4, '''�I i 1 • New mixed-use area r di cS Housing Designations Community Prosperity EDfty puisne vea,2016 Comprehensive Pla n Designations SiIwerereoey -War Roads = ani S r { Spokane 18 .100Valley- LandUseMap • Spokane Valley Mining - ■ Created language in ` development regulations F to allow existing mining 3 :. ._._ r :. . 3 .--'rare: d ,. operations to mine • v , c i .- 3 ;r- 3 within their permitted Y rights 2 , ,_„. ., i il j • _j til 4b i Spokane 19 Valley '........m...7 .......7...IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Community Prosperity Proposed Map (9 Designations, 11 zones) Existing Map (12 Designations, 17 zones) w h ml I —...ill moi`°% � ilim AIMMamen1=.11 4 M �. Fiir 1 � a €j : I 4... spioN MP S �Er— rg x - . o- 1 Millslimilli v MI" —111;—:_ — �mrr�im:a�iin ��1; _ 1� �_ 1l 70 \ r VI `��I aEl�\ dm At I_wilralillm !MINI i rl I _ , is l: i . aoaerooAIOO.a� !a ' Community Prosperity Alternative --- �n - jrcof Sp,ane VAy Mixed use J , ieotl, watnobody I=negnmhood CommancA o -rr.areo,�.mu�m.Ra �. Future Lane use Map 2.017 =, pna commem. .� , �,� a deg 1.NIA -a usma M=eeuse �,. ='.....^.." m.a�l...m^� e aaea'. m 1=Multi nom 6Y .1 .. Ineusbai .wu:.:n a.ama -rt.,r�w.rn comd0MuedUep -F eks ane Open Space _ um.^m"'°'m'ae2W _re0000 , Spokane 20 Walleye Development Regulations Revisions ■ Consistency with Comprehensive Plan ■ Compliancy with current laws ■ Streamline regulations Spokane 21 Valley Implementing Regulations ■ Title 17 General Provisions ■ Title 19 Zoning Regulations ■ Title 21 Environmental Controls ■ Title 22 Design and Development Standards ■ Appendix A Definitions Spokane 22 Valley Title 17 General Provisions ■ Develop a stronger interpretation process ■ Remove rebuttal period ■ Modify sign requirements for Public Hearing Notice ■ Hearing Examiner change of conditions ■ Added vesting provisions Spokane 23 Valley Title 19 Zoning Regulations ■ Reorganized Title ■ Modified zoning district to be consistent with the new land use map ■ Modified permitted used matrix to reflect new zoning districts ■ Incorporated language for small dwellings (tiny homes and cottages) ■ Modified Density and Dimensional standards ■ Created Transitional Standards ■ Modified Administrative Exceptions Spokane 24 Valley Zoning Districts • Created implementing zoning districts consistent with Comp Plan • R-1 preserves existing development patterns • R-2 preserves existing development patterns • R-3 promotes reinvestment in existing neighborhoods • MFR allows for multi-family housing near business and transit • MU allows for office, retail, & multi-family • CMU allows for light manufacturing, retail, multi-family and office • NC allows for small-scale retail and offices uses • RC allows retail, wholesale, and service • I allows for manufacturing, processing, assembly, and freight handling • IMU allows for retail, office, light industrial uses (contractors yards) SOkane 25 .Va11ey Alternative Residential Development ■ Provides options to traditional single-family development • Identifies where alternative housing types can be developed • Identifies the permit type • Provides development standards for: — Accessory dwellings units — Manufactured homes — Industrial accessory dwelling units — Small residential dwellings — Cottage developments — Townhouses — Duplexes Spokane 26 Valley Permitted Uses ■ Modified permitted uses to reflect zoning classifications • Added - Industrial Mixed Use • Removed - Single-Family Residential Urban district (R-4), Medium Density Residential, Office, Garden Office, Community Commercial, and Light Industrial ■ Consolidated retail sales and service uses into one broad use category ■ Consolidated medical uses into one broad use category ■ Created a Marijuana broad use category Spokane 27 Valley Supplemental Uses ■ Created a new section for supplemental uses ■ Removed supplemental uses from district descriptions ■ Related supplemental uses to broad use categories ■ Created a section for uncategorized uses such as Home Businesses Spokane 28 Valley Density and Dimensions ■ Adjusted standards in R-3 • Min lot size 5,000 sq. ft. • Eliminated min lot width and length • Retained density (6 units/acre) ■ Adjusted standards in MFR • Eliminated density • Eliminated building height ■ Eliminated non-residential dimensions except for NC Spokane 29 jValley° im.......m... •••••••••• =iiiiiiiiiiiii Transitional Provisions • Reduces impacts on adjacent uses Si i ' 1 ■ Ground level setback 10' PI v/ 81 • Landscaped per 22.70.070 �1o �� 45' Limited uses allowed ` .� • � 1 tig\c335 �› ■ Upper level is a 1 to 1 ratio §.. 25' LI 15' starting at a height of 15' at the property line of the protected Protected Zones 1 Zones Providing Protection setback zones. Spakane 30 Valley' Title 21 Environmental Controls ■ Created a SEPA infill exemption to promote development ■ Consistency with the Shoreline Master Plan Critical Areas regulations ■ Updated methods and references to reflect best available science Spokane 31 Valley Title 22 Design and Development Standards ■ SVMC 22.50 Off-street Parking and Loading Standards ■ SVMC 22.70 Fencing, Screening & Landscaping ■ SVMC 22. 110 Sign Regulations ■ SVMC 22. 130.040 Street Standards ■ Re-organize and streamline language st,tlley 32 Title 22 Design and Development Standards ■ Modified off-street loading space requirements ■ Clarified clearview requirements ■ Streamlined buffering and screening requirements ■ Modified landscaping requirements ■ Modified surety requirements st,attiley 33 Appendix A Definitions ■ Removed unnecessary definitions ■ Strengthened Use Category definitions Spokane 34 Valley Schedule Meeting Planning Commission City Council Study Session September 22, 2016 Public Hearing September 29, 2016 Public Hearing (Extended) October 6, 2016 Deliberation and recommendation to City Council October 13, 2016 Administrative Report October 25, 2016 1st Reading (Public Hearing) November 8, 2016 2nd Reading November 22, 2016 Spokane 35 Valley Questions Spokane 36 Valley