1980, 03-06 Permit: N3775 InspectINSPECTION RECORD OWNER ! / LOCATION CONTRACTOR TYPE OF WORK NS E W FINAL INSPECTION: SET BACKS REMARKS: t3I C.0 ft )7r,Wj-f, & `' tile - _0 —RD j).41 -t - -ce- ` r c ali 3 - /7-g0 %Lo coe/44 a.. �.� ./ +�: 41,1 \, Land Use or Structure Permit SPOKANE TY BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT TF1N. Jefferson, Spokane, Washington 99201 J-1 V Group Type ..Zone Owner""*PP ArchlEng Contrac r TOWU 1 CSt.j.$tSO,. Address. .M. .1220 Tonetaar Way. 91206 PhoneSIS1,1016 Location: Width Ito' eItIVI'1100. V.. 114.23' of the E. 112.111 ef..11.. 2411.24' et-tbe_10,.. 1, .492.. Opportunity-. Nis-laidg,---aet-beeke from ell .preporty-lines-4.--frent yard ..t.sa..4oseu..$5! _twos otia of -ed--r/wer--2/111 free plin.--whiehever-is greeter. -Bids-land 5' -fer--easki-sterp...20' ea gee 'ride fer-drivevey. whillu"Eureg0 11 dlitsch4R1-10O-10.allirf.- flahltibi streets. Ai. *s./1i of rd r/w or 151 -free p/1n., eh! ever is . 11 * eel .00 Agri Sub. 9rsIDENTIAL NUMBER Property Address tb Ave._ East Permit for Jam! Aletashed. no ema- *assist see allowed in this none Address OM Phone ..112013.20i Address .Phone n 1 I Bldg. Zone..1. Fire Zone. S. Size of Lot 24gefigit. ewage Stories .1 Dimensions.. 28..xis.t...40.1 ..Total Sq. Ft RmsL BathsfRR Basement Foundation. .poie_ee Chimney.. Type of Roofings...4 Ext. Finish etoia Inf. W Certificate of Occupancy Issued for.........bwro..—na gnu or Remarks.1100.,...AS 010117.141:D ST COM JW$7cO$ro*M TO A14.• .giffis011.WoollEffreCAg4.54-1011.-prier..to..10t00- a. • nish. CODE Bdrms TONE -CAL= WAL...111a eirsit-kr- 1HIS PENH Is vaned 450n the empress condition that the building Of and use 101 which the 00011 souownw reevrailng macoosiruction, use and occupancy ai PoildIngs In Spokane County. and may be rim failure 01 pions as apdtilved, ID 100011 with said ordinances. In consideration of lite Issuance ot the permil ler the erection of signs In. grantee mum plass lin se explralion al the permit unless insularly renewed. This permit will be good only for commencement of work within six month from this date; after which time this permit will he void. Jim* 22, 1$110 Permit Expires IS issued Shall Conloim in all is d al any lime pen 111, .101001 ate Issued3 6/x-6 lalkIres•eo sic D Authorized By by 1/22/7t "did's* to all the indlnancts of ths County 00 any 01 the provisions of said °Min.... gr nly 011ielals and shan remove Ills said sign NI 010. entire completion thereof within' Building Official BUILDINGOODE DEPART ENT - /• INSPECTOR