1980, 04-21 Permit: 80-3489 InspectINSPECTION RECORD OWNER LOCATION CONTRACTOR NS E W SET BACKS TYPE OF WORK FINAL INSPECTION: tibo- SPOKANE COON — l ■• AORTA all JEFFERSON / SPOKANE. WASHINGTON MOO / ISM 414.3 VS APPLICANT. COMPLETE NUMBERED SPACES - PRESS HAM) TO MAKE 3 COPIES PHoNE 9,2,4-021./ LEGAL DESCRIPTION - SEE ATTACHED PARCEL NUMBERIS4.'ZQ-.fi.Z -/ 7.1..3 POgT RIF L3.(X /P17 -6, P6vI•F W. za.D 71/ IFt1PPOR uMl ro F./�siG lia.Q.IC �ip��ae.0 gi.T�..ia adAOOPIReS A �f .0 lliAr FDESIO anQ "1"�- Y1 4 ADOR.= cN NOLO' UM !AOM zip 992/4 Actual SO In Feel ISOuth PHONE 926—>frz 511. al 011011 ZIP 49�.aG PHONE ZIP V .Hen 11 /6f0. t Min IIoP Upper lloaN ao. 1444 d/ A. ol PeeY• I PIn1NM .a.mint I LOOK 4 enwed No. Bin. I No. et Ns. i1LlI'N�' . *1 Dwelling,..e'e. priory.o'd. 'Weer en. C4Nlilcallan BMlnksn DVM 0N. 0 vows. Bglalna Arn Ina/ IN. Ft. Mori. ITO P TYAA 7. W ORKES OCRIEE WORN - fI 0 NEW 0 ALT. 0 BLD. 0 FLMB. )"l ADW. 0 RPI. 0 NOE. 0 ,co.M0 M.N. 0 POOL ❑ or0ER CERTIFICATE N EXEMPTION No. Rood. )lALllAnon I! SouiCC g. �� E■a irlunu PAS! 1 ELECTRIC WATER BEwaA Enures. Dist. 'Location Vogl Ownlo elpO PurgewlwnR USE CODE I hereby certify that I have reed end examined Ihls application and have reed the "NOTICE" ;wagons Included on reverse side. and know the same to be true end correct. All provisions of laws and nrdinancf governing this type olwork will be complied with whether specified herein or not. The granting os a permit does not presume to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any other stale or local law Ieonalnlg construction or the 'ser f.nmance of con.iruotion. SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR REQUIRED INSPECTIONS un l/I nPyl •(n 'ISN Slf NaIURf nH ..ITL ri..1NT SPECIAL APPROVAL E 1 PPg1AL CONDITIONS:NAME I� aK (ANS • A'iWQMO 2Z3 -rem/ -Mr/ -,L< -/N IJ7/Qq. /-23-yI /Sq COLLECTED Simi yy$ Building r .�•OP Plumbing Mech. Plan Check SEPA Moble N me Orn.. (rowdy, TOTAL S LSOO