2002, 03-29 Permit App: 02002079 Residence Project Number: 02002079 Inv: 1 . , Application Date: 3/29/02 Page 1 of 3 THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Penalties will be assessed for commencing work without a permit Project Information: Permit Use: RESIDENCE W/GARAGE-GAS Contact: HAYDEN ENTERPRISES Address: 17626 E 2ND C-S-Z: GREENACRES WA 99016 Setbacks: Front 25 Left: Right: 12 Rear: 29 Phone: (509)216-1702 Group Name: Site Information: Project Name: Plat Key: 006217 Name: SP-1288-01 District: G Parcel Number: 55192.0321 Block: Lot: A SiteAddress: 17713 E 4TH AVE Owner:Name: HAYDEN ENTERPRISES GREENACRES,WA USA 9901 Address: 17626 E 2ND Location::GRE GREENACRES WA 99016 Zoning: UR-3.5 Urban Residential 3.5 Water District: 008 CONSOLIDATED IRRG#1 Hold: ❑ Area: 10,006 Sq Ft Width: 81 Depth: 122 Right Of Way(ft): 36 Nbr of Bldgs: 1 Nbr of Dwellings: 1 Review Information: Review — Site Plan Review Released By: -__ lit Plan Review ,� / � Released By: --- � Approach/Drainage Released By: q -1, , -. i et ig'414 /61 ii Sewer Review do ,, ? ( ' ').tom_) L. + . L,'�e 4.,,,L,-, C% 1 Released By: _ e.. j t - - , t, () () ,( 70 if2 LLE -Pr)--14A- 1 1 k. Permits: Operator: JAS Printed By: JAS Print Date: 3/29/02 Project Number: 02002079 Inv: 1 Application Date: 3/29/02 Page 2 of 3 THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Penalties will be assessed for commencing work without a permit Building Permit Contractor: HAYDEN ENTERPRISES INC Firm: HAYDEN ENTERPRISES INC Address: 17626 E 2ND Phone: (509)994-4691 GREENACRES WA 99016 Building Characteristics Const Category: New Group:R-3 Type: VN Nbr Of Dwellings: 1 Occupant Load: Building Height: 23 Stories: 1 Bldg W x D: 68 x 30 Building Sq Ft: 2336 Sprinklers: Req Parking: Handicap Parking: Critical Materials: This Application: Total Project: Description Grp Type Notes Sci Ft Valuation Sq Ft Valuation BASEMENT U R-3 VN 1,168 $13,502.08 1,168 $13,502.08 DECK R-3 VN 72 $529.92 72 $529.92. GARAGE U-1 VN 560 $6,720.00 560 $6,720.00 RESIDENCE R-3 VN 1,168 $72,416.00 1,168 $72,416.00 Totals: 2,968 $93,168.00 2,968 $93,168.00 Item Description Units Unit Desc Fee Amount RESIDENTIAL VALUATION 1 Y OR BLANK $855.00 STATE SURCHARGE 1 Y OR BLANK $4.50 RESIDENTIAL SURCHARGE 1 Y OR BLANK $188.10 Permit Total Fees: $1,047.60 Mechanical Permit Contractor: COMFORT CENTRAL HEATING Firm: COMFORT CENTRAL HEATING Address: 7136 N FOTHERINGHAM Phone: (509)216-1234 SPOKANE,WA 99208 Item Description Units Unit Desc Fee Amount DUCT SYSTEMS 1 NUMBER OF $10.00 GAS WATER HEATER 1 NUMBER OF $10.00 GAS APPLIANCE<=100,000BTU 1 NUMBER OF $12.00 GAS PIPING 3 #OF UNITS $3.00 AIR CONDITIONER:4-15 TONS 1 NUMBER OF $20.00 VENTILATING FANS 3 NUMBER OF $30.00 CLOTHES DRYER 1 NUMBER OF $10.00 GAS LOG OR GAS INSERT 1 NUMBER OF $10.00 Permit Total Fees: $105.00 Operator: JAS Printed By: JAS Print Date: 3/29/02 Project Number: 02002079 Inv: 1 Application Date: 3/29/02 Page 3 of 3 THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Penalties will be assessed for commencing work without a permit Plumbing Permit Contractor: ALPHA PLUMBING&HEATING Firm: ALPHA PLUMBING&HEATING Address: 13615 E.TRENT AVE Phone: (509) 535-0727 SPOKANE,WA 99216 Item Description Units Unit Desc Fee Amount TOILETS/BIDETS 3 NUMBER OF $18.00 SINKS 3 NUMBER OF $18.00 TUBS 3 NUMBER OF $18.00 DISH WASHERS 1 NUMBER OF $6.00 GARBAGE DISPOSAL 1 NUMBER OF $6.00 CLOTHES WASHER 1 NUMBER OF $6.00 WATER USING DEVICES 3 NUMBER OF $18.00 Permit Total Fees: $90.00 Notes: Payment Summary: Permit Type Fee Amount Invoice Amount Amount Paid Amount Owing Building Permit $1,047.60 $1,047.60 $0.00 $1,047.60 Mechanical Permit $105.00 $105.00 $0.00 $105.00 Plumbing Permit $90.00 $90.00 $0.00 $90.00 $1,242.60 $1,242.60 $0.00 $1,242.60 Disclaimer: Submittal of this application certifies the owner(or person(s)authorized by the owner)has both examined and finds the information contained within to be true and correct,and agrees that all provisions of laws and/or regulations governing this type of work will be complied with. Subsequent issuance of a permit shall not be contrued to be a permit for,or an approval of,any violation of any of the provisions of the code or of any other state or local laws or ordinances. Signature: Operator: JAS Printed By: JAS Print Date: 3/29/02 1- _ . r . . . . , PROJECT APPLICATION WORK SHEET ; • ii , L Aiist 1110,i1111\ :-.1 ( •• \NF,COUNTY DIVISION OF BUILDING&CODE ENFORCEMENT r 1026 WEST BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE,WA 99260 509-477-3675 SPI)KA'_.C(ill\MT—---- SPECIFIC SITE INFORMATION :',1"-ti'if i'' \Cldi-CsS: ‘1715 c 41 IA — -- I ,r's [aN parcel Number(s): ' ; 'S /ctc)--, 6.3 3—I 0,scrlythyti: „ i I oCIA Proic,:t 1)es.ription: _N Q-1..).3 VO PVC– _ r 1 ,Oldiour 1'cl n-iit „ 1_ 11(1(4-ono:I 0 Cilanc:4 ,(.11H-4„. CI Sign 0 Tenant(New/Change)0 Grading CI Manufactured Home Permit CI Other Department Use Only'• , ,.s-,-:.':,,-'r,.-<.;',.,)::',-si,.:„;,f,..:?,i-,,z;:5A,-, :.'1,:-:,-ft::..6,'/.,4-i:i:-:_,.,,_k,',-'2: -...t..:,P:dt,t4':',':fi.,,tittiv-e.:-,a&,,,A-,,,z,;:'kzi.,;eeil;,,af.•':t,',',.-_, : vc ate,I..?i,:tt/Purr cc Cr. ' .- , Sewer Distric.t/Purceyor :,:, -?,::.....:1 ..:!-:::!,','':Pai;f::.frf,.tlal::'i .: ,'";,q':;:,;::;'i::;''-ji4V#ii0-f.',,IA`.4;1-;7fa,m-ti-.,..2zz-itaRqN.dc,4-,-,,,, .-,,...,•,:zye.,,,,'P--1xOilt,,,2-i.-.,4-,, ,,r-,c,...-,i-'.-1,4gft,,.4'r:Reilr-:A';4'',-zigr,19e.?ht,.;.';:?,',r. I---- i tichool Dea-iier lire De.trict- :-:-::,. .3,:. i ,,fir**,;:i'i"-:. "'::-:X',!..:14f,:',. ',.'!'',7"---:::::::,',-;.,..:;.411'1,,,;3-,40.,c,:-.?iit'r.-1';,,,,,.--,,,',,';,-,44...:4,1'4',:,;ii:-.,..';'•,','..-,' . 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Unfinished basement sq.ft. 2 I.6 kl4r 11 Cf _ rola!!:a1-11-, 1, .1):1co 2nd floor sq.ft. Fshed basement sq.ft. 23 _4) ----- ..------- :II, C sc Garage sq.ft. Deck sq.ft. I • 5i-rsiA_Ai 5c) 77 ileat source(electric,gas,etc.) I 1 31 (00 I Manufactured Home • Sign • , !What is the square footage of the sign How high is the sign? face? . \i a:_ ,#of signs Area of existing signs Relocation Fire Safety:. Fire Sprinkler Tent Paint booth Fire Alarm _— Fireworks display Value -- ---- --- ----- Special Inspections Required? Ton=lZesidential Energy Code� , �panc� •+,. ... Ph,n. Plans Examiner Phone Address _--- - Inspector Phone Cl urcrete ❑ Welding ❑ Bolting CI h,inforeement Address ADDITIONAL SITE INFORMATION rrucnirc;on the property? ❑ l \n What is the current property size? V l :i, hr� ou.rh> Inn (square feet or acres) ,n. past ,1 the property within 250 feet of a sIo:(line? What is the current use of this property? r i ,j ort.+'il /an ❑ l c Ne, 1 nut 1 rr petty in a designated wildlife hal-Mat ai Will the site be served by a septic system?❑ Yes O o ❑ I)on't know ❑ 's e )(No I- rn, pal „f the property within a I00 yr Are or will there be wells located on the property? !,:'. on in'+>/on Ifyes,idents on the site plan ❑ Yes No ❑ Maybe ❑Don't know ❑ 1"csNo re tier, my wetland,,streams or ponds within^nr. t,et of the property? Is there evidence of fill or excavation on the property? onCI 'irs 'o 0 Yes ' No 1 . tDicr, rope--pl ater than 305'0 on the pr,pdtst= ft se in 100 ft) Are critical or hazardous materials used or stored on site? 7 1, oto ❑ Yes t5(No DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Is the property in a designated Stormwater Control Area? •r.1 yes O Is public sewer xva+able to the site? 8 f °-) I ' R �To: z Is the property inside the ASA? ❑ Yes ❑ No ' Is publie water available to the situ Q Yes A,:Q old'; ❑ Yes O No Is the property inside the PSSA? ❑ Yes D No Is the proper Igcatecl within 10(X1 feet o a a}I r s4f1£ce 2�r � MET IOI)OF PAYMENT SUBTOTAL ( ':;II ❑ C.111CK ❑ 111111111111 ❑ 0 F\\liI)PERMITS WILL ONLY BE ACI?PTRt)WITH PAYMENT OF A MAJOR CREDIT CARD I)` If 3.S \I.r 1 )V'L'i,I1tl 1. }ltiviMtJM1'F M } t xtS 11E?AS$ _ ,D,tnKE,rti"�CisSsP'`�".n•$.�?rd�� N1E, �` c CII''I 1, l.l).-IHN V'I'IIRI:. cot rtY1EIYMtr E{VRE ; 1 F 7 81,-411, A. /NO�%dl 47tlpn 'fig /'??I bh�bc��a e"sip of e d^ ear for 0, o�',a` 0 . nS Arps. �i the Si 1 pr..i a0171/r C`rb!,nom ase/.A/ lr;',?otos 9nF�. � ate,Std�ii,o.rs stZc f�op'�,�n�cp e°f �,���,. �-, A sio , dicate tura. es a,�Pro„, apt / 3, e0 or pth�are iv, 'ise e Z critic.,d"-s, o _ �_ areas x k,k, 37-412"' 40' , 3 A 2,G t 36' z 122 Il ' ‘=::)C::::) \S\A N. c.--..) b PAde ' C--7-3 s OF ,�0rv`FSS Fq �T;� 1. ' -,,,..f_zip.a._ ,1 2.1:-..----,_ ,, 7...") _.....,„ TRACT "A" PLAT SP-1288 SINAL A L.,,t, —Q1 17713 E,4TH