2013, 07-18 Permit App: BLD-2013-1419 AC ,. Jul. 18. 2013 1 :24PM R & R HEATING No. 5634 ' P. 1 _i3 Vic( (3-11-{ 19 e. Permit Center 11703 E.Sprague Ave,Suite B-3 PERMIT NUMBER.:Solo ne Spokane Valley,WA 99206 alley (509)720-5240 FAX(509)688-0037 Li COPY '# PERMIT FES: 58.00 .��" `��'J - permicenterasnokanevaliev.ora Community Development ,` .' i'," f\— Mechanical Permit Application i 3 1 I II,Commercial esidential w.i SITE ADDRESS: 18808 E.4th Ave. , Sp�aitaae;Iall4,VA 99016 .. Building Owner Name: Aaron&Darby McLean Phone: 879-9198 Fax: Address: same as above City: State: Zip: Contractor Name: R&R HEATING AND AIC,INC. Phone: 509-484-1405 Fax: 509-483.5255 Address: 5202 N.Florida Street City: State: WA Zip: 99217 License No: RRHEAA*106BW City Business Lic: 1,0916946 Contact/Project Manager: - Name: Ginger Hughes Phone: #UNITS FURNACES&SUSPENDED HEATERS-INSTALLATION OR RELOCATION Up to 8 Including 100,000 BTU FURNACES 8 SUSPENDED HEATERS-INSTALLATION OR RELOCATION Over 100,000 BTU DUCT WORK SYSTEM HEAT PUMP/AIR CONDITIONER 0-3 tons AIR CONDITIONER Over 3-15 torts 1 AIR CONDITIONER Over 15-30 tons AIR CONDITIONER Over 30 to 50 tons AIR CONDITIONER _ Over 50 tons GAS WATER HEATER -a Z GAS PIPING SYSTEM(each outlet) u N ra GAS LOG,FIREPLACE,&GAS INSERT _ APPLIANCE VENTS INSTALLATION,RELOCATION,REPLACEMENT a N O of tn REPAIRS OR ADDITIONS U r C BOILER,COMPRESSORS,ABSORPTIONS SYSTEMS 0 to 3 hp-1000,000 BTU or lessTO : BOILER,COMPRESSORS,ABSORPTIONS SYSTEMS Over 3-15 hp-100,001 to 500,000 BTU 'a�a o = BOILER,COMPRESSORS,ABSORPTIONS SYSTEMS Over 15-30 hp•500,0001 to 1,000,000 BTU - • 3 BOILER,COMPRESSORS,ABSORPTIONS SYSTEMS Over 30 hp-over 1,750,000 BTU °u c BOILER,COMPRESSORS,ABSORPTIONS SYSTEMS _ Over 50 hp-over 1,750,000 BTU . " d AIR HANDLER(DOES NOT include ducting) Each unit up to 10,000 elm,including ducts c a o AIR HANDLER(DOES NOT include ducting) Each unit over 10.000 cfm 5▪ v A • ms EVAPORATIVE COOLERS(other than portables) o VENTILATION AND EXHAUST Each fan connected to a single duct >, v cu VENTILATION AND EXHAUST Each ventilation system e o E VENTILATION AND EXHAUST Each hood served by mechanical exhaust o0 3 e INCINERATORS Installation or relocation of residential Ti .5 'a INCINERATORS Installation or relocation of commercial TO � 3 c APPLIANCES Range.Clothes Washer E c •O M UNLISTED APPLIANCES Under 400,000 BTU c .- 0 0 UNLISTED APPLIANCES Over 400,000 BTU 13 E f., o HOOD type I vl c A HOOD Type II L P STORAGE TANK WOOD OR PELLET STOVE INSERT WOOD STOVE SYSTEM-FREE STANDING EXPIRES; REDACTED VINs HtL ACTED 0CASH ❑CHECK 41flSA DMC �( CARD#: REDACTED SIGNATURE O 1``�-[4 7,4., http://www/spokanevalley.prg/uploads/Communty_Development/Docu menta/Forms/Building/MechanlcalPermitAppllcation040308.doe