2000, 08-23 Permit App: 00007451 Duplex Project Number: 00007451 Inv: 1 App'rication Date: 08/23/2000 Page 1 of 3 THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Penalties will be assessed for commencing work without a permit Project Information: Permit Use: DUPLEX NV/GARAGES-GAS Contact: ALEX HAIDER Address: 16610 N HIGHLAND LN C-S-Z: COLBERT,WA.99005 Setbacks: Front 25 Left: 61 Right: 60 Rear: Phone: (509)468-1613 Group Name: Site Information: Project Name: Plat Key: 005769 Name: SP-1038 District: G Parcel Number: 55202.0171 Block: Lot: B SiteAddress: 19019 E 4TH AVE Owner:Name: WADE,DAVID A&JUNE R GREENACRES,WA USA 99 Address: PO BOX 9728 Location::GRE SPOKANE,WA 99209-9728 Zoning: UR-3.5 Urban Residential 3.5 Water District: 008 CONSOLIDATED IRRG#1 Hold: ❑ Area: 20,832 Sq Ft Width: 197 Depth: 125 Right Of Way(ft): 20 Nbr of Bldgs: 1 Nbr of Dwellings: 1 Review Information: Department Review ��- BUILDING Site Plan Review Released y: {-- � �i Hold Reasons: Peruut Conditions: BUILDING Plan Review Released By: 00 Hold Reasons: Per 't Condi .ons: HEALTHDISTRICT Septic System Review Released By: �"' ��ti 9---Z*i- j Hold Reasons: Permit Conditions: ENGINEER Approach/Drainage Released By: !J -as Q. Hold Reasons: Permit Conditions: PetZ0141U 2,2) /*I &61/ei 7-4 3 4. 1- TE-S--64!T 7 L2 U t 1Z-E.,fl Project Number: 00007451 Inv: 1 Appiication Date: 08/23/2000 Page 2 of 3 THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Penalties will be assessed for commencing work without a permit Building Permit Contractor: ALEX HAIDER CONSTRUCTION Firm: ALEX HAIDER CONSTRUCTION Address: 16610 N HIGHLAND LN Phone: (509)468-1613 COLBERT,WA 99005 Building Characteristics Const Category: New Group:R-3 Type: VN Nbr Of Dwellings: 2 Occupant Load: Building Height: 20 Stories: 1 Bldg W x D: 41 x 71 Building Sq Ft: 4652 Sprinklers: Req Parking: Handicap Parking: Critical Materials: This Application: Total Project: Description Grp Type Notes Su Ft Valuation Su Ft Valuation BASEMENT U R-3 VN 2,326 $26,888.56 2,326 $26,888.56 DECK R-3 VN 160 $1,177.60 160 $1,177.60 GARAGE U-1 VN 1,000 $12,000.00 1,000 $12,000.00 RESIDENCE R-3 VN 2,326 $144,212.00 2,326 $144,212.00 Totals: 5,812 $184,278.16 5,812 $184,278.16 Item Description Units Unit Desc Fee Amount RESIDENTIAL VALUATION 1 Y OR BLANK $1,320.00 STATE SURCHARGE 1 Y OR BLANK $4.50 STATE SURCHARGE-UNITS 1 #UNITS>1 $2.00 RESIDENTIAL SURCHARGE 1 Y OR BLANK $290.40 Permit Total Fees: $1,616.90 Mechanical Permit Contractor: R&R HEATING&AIR COND INC Firm: R&R HEATING&AIR COND INC Address: 4019 E CENTRAL Phone: (509)484-1405 SPOKANE,WA 99207 Item Description Units Unit Desc Fee Amount HOOD-TYPE II 2 NUMBER OF $20.00 GAS WATER HEATER 2 NUMBER OF $20.00 GAS APPLIANCE>100,000BTU 2 NUMBER OF $30.00 GAS PIPING 6 #OF UNITS $6.00 AIR CONDITIONER:4-15 TONS 1 NUMBER OF $20.00 VENTILATING FANS 6 NUMBER OF $60.00 CLOTHES DRYER 2 NUMBER OF $20.00 GAS LOG OR GAS INSERT 2 NUMBER OF $20.00 Permit Total Fees: $196.00 r" Y Project Number: 00007451 Inv: 1 , Application Date: 08/23/2000 Page 3 of 3 THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Penalties will be assessed for commencing work without a permit Plumbing Permit Contractor: JACKSON PLUMBING Firm: RANDY JACKSON PLUMBING Address: P.O.BOX 7272 Phone: (509) 926-7101 SPOKANE,WA 99207 Item Description Units Unit Desc Fee Amount TOILETS/BIDETS 4 NUMBER OF $24.00 SINKS 6 NUMBER OF $36.00 TUBS 4 NUMBER OF $24.00 DISH WASHERS 2 NUMBER OF $12.00 CLOTHES WASHER 2 NUMBER OF $12.00 FLOOR DRAINS 2 NUMBER OF $12.00 SEWAGE EJECTOR 2 NUMBER OF $12.00 Permit Total Fees: $132.00 Payment Summary: Operator: JAS Printed By: JAS Print Date: 08/23/2000 Permit Type Fee Amount Invoice Amount Amount Paid Amount Owing Building Permit $1,616.90 $1,616.90 $0.00 $1,616.90 Mechanical Permit $196.00 $196.00 $0.00 $196.00 Plumbing Permit $132.00 $132.00 $0.00 $132.00 $1,944.90 $1,944.90 $0.00 $1,944.90 Notes: f• a t , l ' PROJECT APPLICATION ilk SPOKANE COUNTY DIVISION OF BUILDING&CODE ENFORCEMENT all 1026 WEST BROADWAY AVENUE MN SPOKANE,WA 99260 SPOKE COUKTY 509-477-3675 Project Description: \i—fijj'S 0../E-4° TYPE OF APPLICATION XBuilding Permit O Change in Use O Grading El Manufactured Home Permit O Relocation O Sign O Tenant (New/Change) O Other SPECIFIC SITE INFORMATION Street Address: /qD/q E r4 7I, Assessor's Tax Parcel Number(s): -4/ 551202 ' 0/7/ Legal Description: C C)t'6 2 add 1c7 &vt-t-1 c1 r -7-/p 8 174a.Spq$ /O 35.?.,'` 7 /9Z t k' %s•9./O 3. //V g R7/1/ o/4' i 5 v/-/-2 /-/—o/s 3 z c.c'T o(17/3 /3>2/ Department,Use Only Water District/Purveyor:`- Sewer District/Purveyor Road width Setbacks Front: Rear: School District: Fire District: Zoning Left: Right: OWNER/APPLICANT INFORMATION El Indicate who should be contacted regarding this project ❑ Owner: - Phone: 3'7q—7�3 2 ❑ Applicant: Phone: V A4� /J, - --e' Fax: �L- � //g//74--/e' r/��f/f� /` Fax: Mailing Address: _ Mailing Address: / g0l7 t • 4 7z City,State,Zip City,State,Zip Cl Contra for Phone %( 7._/G'/3 ❑ Architect/Engineer Phone /--Mex- tt r GCr C.Fa —C9iifC — f/7 , pr-c, 9,--1_ Fax Mailing address Mailing dress (66(0 /v'- f 1/f//G.J A t o l6r City,State Zip City,State Zip G )/� • ggQO WA State Contractor license# Contact name: 4/6-�c 0 3S--1,W PROJECT INFORMATION Building Information Building height to peak N of stories ( Main floor sq. t. Unfinished basexte sq.ft. `Z 0 r //63 . 2 /76- 1 ,z rc-2 Dimegsigns / Total habitable space 2id floor sq.ft. Finished basement sq.ft. Occupancy group Constryction type Garage sq.ft. Deck sq.ft. Cup<<� 7 f� Z ex /c9 X.e_ Cost of project Heat source(electric,gas,etc.) Manufactured Home Sign` Width: Length: What is the square footage of the sign How high is the sign? face? Year: Make: #of signs Area of existing signs Relocation Fire Safety Previous address Fire Sprinkler Tent Paint booth_ Fire Alarm Fireworks display Proposed use Value Special Inspections Required? Non-Residential Energy Code Compliance? Firm Name Phone Plans Examiner Phone Inspectors: Address Inspector Phone O Concrete 0 Welding O Borg 0 Reinforcement Address ADDITIONAL SITE INFORMATION Are there structures on the property? O Yes IXNo What is the current property si ? 2 jZ If yes,identify on site plan (square feet or acres) I 00 ,CZ.) Is any part of the property within 250 feet of a shoreline? What is the current use of this property? If yes,identify on site plan O Yes lrNo Is your property in a designated wildlife habitat area? Will the site be served by a septic system?PirYes 0 No (Don't know O Yes 0 No Is any part of the property within a 100 yr flood plain? Are or will there be wells located on the property? If yes,identify on site plan If yes,identify on the site plan 0 Yes prNo O Maybe 0 Don't know 0 Yes 7r No Are there any wetlands,streams or ponds within 200 feet of the Is there evidence of fill or excavation on the property? property? D Yes I 'No If yes,identify on site plan 0 Yes N'No Are there slopes greater than 30%on the property?(30 ft rise in 100 ft) Are critical or hazardous materials used or stored on site? ( /%) D Yes p-No 0 Yes ( No DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Is the property in a designated Stormwater Control Area? Is public sewer available to the site? 0 Yes El No 0 Yes O No Is the property inside the ASA? 0 Yes O No Is public water available to the site? 0 Yes El No D Yes 0 No Is the property inside the PSSA? O'Yes 0 No Is the property located within 1000 feet of a Natural Resource Area? 0 Yes 0 No Date Received: Staff Representative: