2004, 10-04 Permit App: BLD-04-07839 Carport BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION WORKSHEET San' City of Spokane Valley Community Development Department ka Building Division 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 400,11alley Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Phone: (509) 688=0036;Fax: (509) 688-0037 REQUIRED SITE INFORMATION - Street Address: /c2 /9 ra Assessor's Tax Parcel Number(s): 4/5,09,9c2 , /O/cl Legal Description: '77e 4 7b'or E / tcl- �� /$G (� pr i n '7 PERMIT DESCRIPTION: (ñr or 9a//V lifiliir - I-7<3ilding Permit ❑ Change in Use ❑ Grading Manufactured Home D Relocation ❑ Tenant Improvement ❑ Fire Safety ❑ Other OWNER/APPLICANT INFORMAT • ❑ Owner: ,,r A - !/ / 0 App 'can; Phone: • -7; ` Fax: Pho ho e: � Fax: A reqs: _. . ,. ,7vAddr- s: ' / r. b,4P i �Sta- Zip ode City 1 State Zip Code • ❑ Contractor: M/16'401/ .d 1. ❑ Arc itect: Phone: meq. 57943i F s • ane:' Fax: Ad.resl: /26'4/ A"f t//it r !G'® Addres '/• e 4)4 9ge2n / State Zip Code City • State Zip Code WA State Contractor License#: Contact: .J9- 40/045. PERMIT/BUILDING.INFORMATION HEIGHT TO PEAK/ DIMENSIONS: t #OF STORIES: MAIN FLOOR TO SQ. FTG: 2""FLuuR SQ. FIG: UNFIN BASEMENT SQ. FTG: FINISHED BASEMENT SQ. FTG: GARAGE SQ. FTG: ' DECK/COV. PATIOSQ. FTG:. f -E OCCUPANCY GROUP: CONSTRUCTION TYPE: HEAT SOURCE: U #OF BEDROOMS: TOTAL HABITABLE SPACE: IMPERVIOUS SURFACE AREA: COST OF PROJECT: 30%SLOPES ON PROPERTY: SEWER OR ON-SITE SEPTIC , / SYSTEM? O <, , MANUFACTURED HOME Width: Length: Year: Pit Set: Manufacturer: • RELOCATION Previous Address: • Proposed Use: FIRE SAFETY Fire Sprinkler: # of Heads: Fire Alarm: Paint Booth: Tent: Fireworks Display: Blasting: Date/Time: Valuation: Above/Underground Storage Tank Size: • WASHINGTON STATE NON-RESIDENTIAL ENERGY CODE Plans Examiner: Phone: Fax: Address: • City State Zip Inspector: Phone: Fax: Address: City State Zip SPECIAL INSPECTIONS El BOLTING ❑ CONCRETE El REINFORCEMENT ❑ WELDING Firm Name: Phone: Fax: Inspector(s): DISCLAIMER The permitee verifies, acknowledges and agrees by their signature that: 1) If this permit is for construction of or on a dwelling, the dwelling is/will be served by potable water.. 2) Ownership of this City of Spokane Valley Permit inure to the property owner. 3) The signatory is the property owner or has permission to represent the property owner in this transaction. 4) All construction is to be done in full compliance with the City of Spokane Valley Development Code. Referenced codes are available for review at the City of Spokane Valley Permit Center. 5) This City of Spokane Valley Permit is not a permit or approval for any violation of federal, state or local laws, codes or ordinances. Ownership of resulting development rights granted by any issued permit inure to the property owner, Print Name S Signature • Method of Payment: (Faxed permit applications will only be accepted with major bankcard). ❑ Cash 0 Check ❑ Mastercard 0 VISA ❑ Other Bankcard #: Expires: VIN#: Authorized Signature: r , 17 f' - -p e-, ii-,-‘) /6 ,"4-c"/Noogo _,/0 9,2 i O .N /..cti\ ,.44ADDAES k . ,.., -- ZONI_ . ROAD WIDTH FRONT FUNKING COMMENTS 1 REVIEWED B Vd-ZV \''.. representation plan is being submitted for the purpo of obta(1-1 l l This site and is a true and correctrepro e g a buildfng Psiftyq,ktiltaci-1 \„ raprraentation of iM pr��l. Ali known props v�� lineeldimensiden,cIt rbd• Also indleslad alis wands, -a structure*and have been identified. or otMr due' /1.-- .00445°‘ �� ^', :o;dofJP,!. steep V .---7 .41? (`� t ) Date. __, 4 1 ) 1 I /-1 01.17/ plcI 1 PSN r.n J I,, -- o ( i V n 1 ! -7.,..... , U 1 --).C. 1?C 7/7j iJ If ••' fi. s `\ LcS^Fs Y, raly 4ei 9/ X VX7. cA;1 t u !„70/ 9i X o/X1? 26--GEral^.a1 0/ ' 9X ssY)d/� a L 17 � � 9 . ��. Jo,4 a ,,071-/ : i _ ,% , i, ,,,, ,, . 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OSE8TE OTi' 23Zg'9Z , NEEL t 9T OTXZ T i SL ' 9T OOSL ' 9I HOVE LZ OSESTE 2iL823Z EI3 Z39T OTXZ I E O5 ' ZZ 0005 ' ZZ HOVE O8 OZ88TE 09 ' Q8ZFI8EW HOE t OT 9X9 T Z 00 ' LZ 0000 ' LZ HOVE 9E OE88TE 09 ' Q8ZFI823L HOE t ZT 9X9 I T Tp;oz GDT-Id gTun uoTgdz.Iosaa 'C'4O ### papuagx8 gTun magI Z og1TA : diuE 9TZ66 FIM 3NVNOdS . . . . .A D H.L9 8 6T8ZT ' ' ' ssa.Ippy (6o ) NOZrI38 2T QrIFINOQ ' '.I amo q sn0 TZOETT600T#IsnD 560I706600T#al0 008T-ZZ6 (60S) T bd LE066 VM 'aTepe1an ZO : SO : ZT an6PadS '8 ZOOLT D'O/ST/60 600 # 'AuiduioD .Iaquin' leTbaTZ 14.508.040 Nonconforming Uses 1 0- - - -... •. - . •. • . . -, •• • ... .. . - • :.., .,. . •.. - , - - • by approval of a Conditional Usc Permit pursuant to Chapter 14.104 and more specifically nonconforming keeping of dangcoeus mammal or dangerous reptiles is permitted. A Any adult retail use establishment located within the unincorporated areas of Spokane County on September 7, 1999, which is made a nonconforming use by amendments to this code pursuant to Resolution Number 99 0762 shall be terminated within five (5) years. Provided, however, that such termination date may be extended upon the approvals of a written application filed with the Director of Building and Planning no later than September 7, 2003. The administrative decision on whether or not to approve any extension period and the length of such extension period shall be based upon the applicant clearly demonstrating extreme economic hardship based upon an irreversible financial investment or commitment made prior to April 27, 1999, which precludes reasonable alternative uses or the subject property. The administrative decision of the Director of Building and Planning shall be appealable as provided in Section 14.412.041. The Hearing Body for the purpose of this appeal shall be the Spokane County Hearing Examiner. `; The expansion or extension of a use, which was lawfully established and in existence, r` and which becomes nonconforming as a result of the adoption of the Spokane Valley Interim IZoning Code on March 31, 2003, shall be considered a legal use and allowed to expand, remodel or rebuild as if the use was a permitted use in that zoning district. The expansion shall be limited to the parcel in existence and platted (or otherwise divided) as of March 31, 2003 for a use (or 1\ expansion) that has received approval through the issuance of a building permit or land use approval. The nonconforming use identified in this section shall not be expanded onto adjacent parcels or properties. Any expansion allowed under this section shall meet the applicable development standards for the zoning district that the use is located including, but limited to setbacks, height., landscaping, and off-street parking. This provision does not allow for new nonconforming uses to be established contrary to the provisions of this Code. Exception: this provision does not include the keeping of inherently dangerous mammals and/or inherently dangerous reptiles. Any expansion or extension of these uses shall not be permitted. Page 3 C:\Documents and Settings\gmccormick\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK71\Ordinance No.53.doc