1990, 08-30 Permit App: 90004320 Sewer SPOKANE COT'( DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY W. 1303 BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE,WASHINGTON 99260 (509)456-3675 I certify that I have examined this permit/application,state that the information contained in it and submitted by me or my agent to compile said permit/application is true and correct,and authorize Spokane County to proceed with processing. In addition, I have read and understand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions included herein and agree to comply with same.All provisions of laws and ordinances governing this type of work will be complied with whether specified herein or not.I understand that the issuance of this permit/application and any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to give authority to violate or cancel the provisions of any state or local law regulating construction,or as a warranty of conformance with the provisions of any state or local laws regulating construction. SIGNATURE OF APPLICATION OWNER OR AGENT DATE AT NAM F: OF'F' RI.11'i.t ..1...f; TF F i F's i.. t':. 3! ,3 rI I.:`T.x..::: _. : . ... DEPTH= 79% ,J x = L`. OWNER= AUBREY . DARRELL L PHONE= 509 '..)24 9129, ADDRESS= SPOKANE WA 99216 N Mi7..:::: i...i::.i.+!`irt1:»i ...- K PHONE N(.!j•,1z. €:::i't= 9 926 0964 FROlNT:::: NA LEFT= NA f;1(. ...:::: .. i,A REAR= jet<<- a:;I:n:i**)I:*k•**)L:h}K****•)I:•**it• ••ri*:a•*it•n:n.••si . .-.. 509 i i ITEM i:-1 i DE_Sl::R1.PT.ION QUANTITY 1.44-4:- AmoON PROCf.. 10, 00 SEWER CONNECTION j 40, 00 :" FEE AMOUNT AMOUNT PAID AMOUNT OWING 50 . 00 PROCESSED BY . ..lt.li... .: SHATTO .±::�i?::?'. I�llt:i �. `: »'.<t.l.{.?_. ? ,• ii.:°�;{:-.�.�:,-,..� .f• .; .. '{t ?� .,..f. .1.4..i4::' .....1� i`-% i . \ DEPARTMENT. ' 4. w j'i:�—3604)i ' CONTRACTOR ON..I.Fs :ii:;-•{t::fR O i.;' APPLICANT { FIELD LOCATE : ![ CONFIRM 'T•t"t E ..... .... . . . . ...... "t.1 i]1= SEWER STUB 1=R:F.t:7!•': TO ANY OTHER TO LOCATE? r-' BURa- _D CABLES, : '1:F'.I.N; WATER t. .T.NF::` , E::t:; - :. CALL BEFORE YOU t;.).t.Y C.'•i.:%?:;-- 3fifit::i�j SEWER gTUES ARE .rc.:I BE CHECKED PRIOR I: ..IR.,•, TO CONNECTION ..Li..l INSURE THAT ' .` ' ARE CLEAR AUNOBSTRUCTED '; THE SEWER ^ ; 4J {•it3iir.••u'it k: i•3t CALL ; = _ - FOR INSPECTION IFI O. f ' COVER t**** i kn 9 th} . . ,. HOUR . I . REQUIRED !t••f.-7L•N.**.fr.,..*.r,. ;I:p ti•x.••u•ju:k.�•h: 456--:2:604 iu:•)k ii•n:)u**ai••p )i• ;,:4t k:_;:kt:it;c•:::fh 4:7r 3:is 4k:.)F$i 3F:L•*9.4:****.i.y:it x. ! ..., TOO -.,.. ,. ,•.,..... ...�}..... ,,:.; ... ff:.,. I C•:t?`d tt 1 n-•i •fE it•W fF 9k 7t Jh iC 7k:Y 1�}.}k�L•9,•: }L n$t i.n')k it ik 4L•it i?••: d / ? L £ ; 1 *************************************Sk*% ***************************** ****** INFURMATICK WORKSHEET 3Q<IL * F*************s*************************#*****.******************4************ GENERAL INFORMATICn e PARCEL NUMBER : /Z-7 L y�55 3 _ * STREET AC CRE SS : + 1XAIC2) * 1 CITY/STATE/ZIP :_c : __2 (2. 4- " - sUOC IV I S ICN : ( c Tilc azo -- * * t3LOCK :__a) __ LOT : 1E5 LCNE :_rg_ CISTPICT#:_______ * _ _ *� LOT AREa :/ FlA : kIOTH: � UtPTF : ��� t/h : � * * K CF PLCGS: # CF DWELLINGS : * 0WNtR :._,_.` l_� ``�__ __=.\ � _ ..L FHCf'E ____-14_�1 •t * • MAIL INC AUDPCSS :_ % � 1 � QAX-\ N, ---_ * CI TV/STATE/Z IP : -----..), _C\-\C- __ . CAAj * CONTACT -'�� C �Cs l� � �, FHCNE :60(].-CM-1C- 11.SETEACKS - FRCNT . LEFT _ RIGHT PEAR � * � * PERMIT LSE : \‘ %-_. `�,� \S- 15-CA `N QJ * ************4*****4*****44************************************ ;;—************ 1 ************4*4 ********444*4*********** ************************************s* PLUMPING INFCRMATION * CONTR LIC# : * * i CONTRACTCR : Pt-CNE :____ _ * MAILING ACCFESS : * * *****4*** **43 *4*********4**********************i***********************4****** MEQ-ANICA INFORMATION * 1 CONTR LIC # : .__' S3 . C°- ii ii CON TRACTOR .La:i- . _ Skis c - QN_ Pt-CNE : T - IOV1 MAILING ADCRESS :_k›a �L�\` _ * ELECTRIC:_ GAS : _ CIL:___ COAL :_ W000: __ SCLAR:___ FEAT FUMP:_ * * 1**********4*4******************************************************** 4******