2009, 06-02 Special Executive Session , ~ AGENDA ~~~~ANE VALLEY CI.W, Y COlJNCIL SPECIAL MEETING TAlesday, June 2, 2009 5: 00 P, M. Spokane Val.ley Cifiy Hal1 Counc:il Chatnbers 11707 E S;prague A►venue S~okane Valley, WA 99216 CalI t~ Order by Mavor Rich Munson. 1. EXECUTIVE SESSION. Labor Relations: Proposed Motion: to adjaLirn izi:to ExeUative Sessi.on for approximatel.y oiie hour to eliScuSs ]abo:f~° t-elations; and t;hat iio action is atiticipated tllereafter. G'otcn erl adjatrrns in to Executivc Sessiori., City .Tlcrll 2n" F, lo rar Conf~~~~~~ce 12aom. 2, ]Qec~are Council out of Executive 5ession a. Council mQVes to Cou-nci.:l Chambers b. Mayor Declares ~ouncz1 out of Execut~ve Session. c. Mot~on adj Qum the Special Me~~~~g Note: Council's s~parate Tune 2, 2009, 6:00 p.m. study sessian z~~~~ing vvxll be hel.d as usual in the Council Chambers.. ExceLiti:ve Ses~~on Agenda 06-02-09 Pa~e l of 1