2002, 03-11 Permit App: 02001497 Garage • Project Number: 02001497 Inv: 1 Npphcati n Date: 3/11/2002 Page 1 of 2 THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Penalties will be assessed for commencing work without a permit Project Information: Permit Use: 20 X 29 ATTACHED GARAGE Contact: HANSON CARLEY CONSTRUCTION Address: 5245 PRUFER CROSSCUT RD C - S -Z: DEER PARK,WA 99006 Setbacks: Front 40 Left: EX Right: 5 Rear: 20+ Phone: (509) 276-2829 Group Name: Site Information: Project Name: Plat Key: 002614 Name: SYMONS ADD District: E Parcel Number: 35243.0228 Block: Lot: SiteAddress: 6520 E 9TH AVE Owner: Name: HORSMAN,GARY SPOKANE,WA 99212 Address: 6520 E 9TH AVE Location::SPO SPOKANE,WA 99212 Zoning: UR-3.5 Urban Residential 3.5 Water District: Hold: ❑ Area: 0 Sy Ft Width: 67 Depth: 127 Right Of Way(ft): 0 Nbr of Bldgs: 0 Nbr of Dwellings: 1 Review Information: Review ,� Site Plan Reviewdiellaeleased By: ® '^ ® �' ' 4® rre C::11**4/ — Plan Review Released By: 3 ii- Septic System Review Released By: d �2. �-- 3 swap swim de.44 Permits: Operator: RMB Printed By: RMB Print Date: 3/11/2002 Project Number: 02001497 Inv: I —Application Date: 3/11/2002 Page 2 of 2 THIS IS NOT A PERMIT Penalties will be assessed for commencing work without a permit Building Permit Contractor: HANSON CARLEN CONST Firm: HANSON CARLEN CONST CO Address: 5245 PRUFFER-CROSSCUT RD Phone: (509)276-2829 DEER PARK,WA 99006 Building Characteristics Const Category: Addition Group: U-1 Type: VN Nbr Of Dwellings: 1 Occupant Load: 0 Building Height: 13 Stories: 1 Bldg W x D: 20 x 29 Building Sq Ft: 580 Sprinklers: ❑ Req Parking: 0 Handicap Parking: 0 Critical Materials: ❑ This Application: Total Project: Description Grp Type Notes Sq Ft Valuation Sq Ft Valuation GARAGE U-1 VN 580 $6,960.00 580 $6,960.00 Totals: 580 $6,960.00 580 $6,960.00 Item Description Units Unit Desc Fee Amount RESIDENTIAL VALUATION 1 Y OR BLANK $125.50 STATE SURCHARGE 1 Y OR BLANK $4.50 RESIDENTIAL SURCHARGE 1 Y OR BLANK $27.61 Permit Total Fees: $157.61 Payment Summary: Permit Type Fee Amount Invoice Amount Amount Paid Amount Owing Building Permit $157.61 $157.61 $0.00 $157.61 $157.61 $157.61 $0.00 $157.61 Disclaimer: Submittal of this application certifies the owner(or person(s)authorized by the owner)has both examined and finds the information contained within to be true and correct,and agrees that all provisions of laws and/or regulations governing this type of work will he complied with. Subsequent issuance of a permit shall not be contrued to be a permit for,or an approval of,any violation of any of the provisions of the code or of any other state or local laws or ordinances. Signature: Operator: RMB Printed By: RMB Print Date: 3/11/2002 Iii PROJECT APPLICATION WORK SHEET SPOKANE COUNTY DIVISION OF BUILDING&CODE ENFORCEMENT 1026 WEST BROADWAY AVENUE ___= SPOKANE,WA 99260 509-477-3675 SPOKANE COUNTY SPECIFIC SITE l[NFORMATION Street Address: C5- 20 C -i 1 Assessor's Tax Parcel Number(s): 35 ZLl Z a D-Z✓-'0 Legal Description: •2^ 7IO- DC ' , f�A \ 'IV vC 61 7 610a( Z e.S te.'!O 1'lJ3 A., 'ot 2 04 Yl-s +7A3ic cl3 Spc)/(Af,01 co Project Description: 676''1V PI, . 'Building Permit CI Change in Use CI Grading CI Manufactured Home Permit ❑\\Relocation ❑ Sign ❑ Tenant(New/Change) ❑ Other Department Use Only Water District/Purveyor. Sewer District/Purveyor Road width Setbacks Front Rear. School District Fire District: Zoning Left Right OWNER/APPLICANT INFORMATION 0 /nditiate ubo,/:ould be eontuded re;,ardin/Ibi,project /g�t_(hcner: Phone: 6-35 .7 35'e. CI Applicant: Phone V Olt- LiVr,Sv4 VII l•ax: Fax: Mailing.Address: Mailing:Address: (05 2s, i' It k Cin',State,Zip ite C ,State,Zip Phone contractor //,, Phone 1 Z7 22 Z� ❑ Architect, engineer aAAA IN 6V��-• / I ax 27C b ci'`6 C` Fax Mailing address �+ Mailing address 52-`J 5 (Y AV CVnSSC. g Cit ,State.�g Cit,State Zip ,„,t gvi,... VA A State Con ra for license Contact name: h Pq11)50 C -A 0(1 l 6`)\- 11- l' r) PROJECT INFORMATION Building Information Building height to Peak #of stories Main floor sq.ft. Unfinished basement sq.ft. 1b ' 1 Dimension; Total habitable space 2"`i floor sq.ft. Finished basement sq.ft. Occupancy group Constntction type Garage sq.ft. Deck sq.ft. f 5`6" Cost of project I teat source(electric,gas,etc.) \\) 5'O° Manufactured Home yS Width: Length: What is the square footage of the sign flow high is the sign? face? Year: Make: #of signs Area of existing signs Relocation Fire Safety Previous address Fire Sprinkler Tent Paint booth Fire Alarm Fireworks display Proposed use Value Special Inspections Required? Non-Residential Energy Code Compliance? Firm Name Phone Plans Examiner Phone Inspectors: Address Inspector Phone O Concrete O Welding O Bolting O Reinforcement Address ADDITIONAL SITE INFORMATION Arc there structures on the property? !' Yes 0 No AVThat is the current property size? �� �� Ifyes,ident on site plan (square feet or acres) Is any part of the property within 250 feet of a shoreline? What is the current use of this property? Ifyes,ident on site plan O Yes — No Si N�1t� �111-� (9 0014A Is your property in a designated wildlife habitat area? Will the site be served by a septic system?.-in,Yes O No O Don't know O Yes acNo Is any part of the property within a 100 yr flood plain? Arc or will there be wells located on the property? Ifyes,identzf on site plan Ifyes,ideuti_fy on the site plan O Yes f3-)No O Maybe 0 Don't know O Yes O\No Arc there any wetlands,streams or ponds within 200 feet of the property? Is there evidence of fill or excavation on the property? Ifyes,ident j'on site plan 0 Yes J3•\•No 0 Yes -*No Are there slopes greater than 309 0 on the property?(30 ft rise in 100 ft) Are critical or hazardous materials used or stored on site? ( /%) 0 Yes ONNo 0 Yes .${No DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Is the property in a designated Stormwater Control Area? Is public sewer available to the site? 0 Yes 0 No 0 Yes 0 No Is the property inside the ASA? 0 Yes 0 No Is public water available to the site? 0 Yes 0 No 0 Yes 0 No Is the property inside the PSSA? 0 Yes 0 No Is the property located within 1000 feet of a Natural Resource Area? D Yes 0 No Date Received: Staff Representative: METHOD OF PAYMENT SUBTOTAL VISA ❑ c:vslI ❑ CHECK 0 0 0 -I FAXED PERMITS WILL ONLY BE ACEPTED WITH PAYMENT OF A MAJOR CREDIT CARD DA"I'l: FNl'IIZI?S: TOTAL FEE B:ANKC:ARD NUMBI?R: MINIMUM PERMIT FEE IS$35.AOPLEASE M:\KE CHECKS PAYABLE TO SPOKANE ALM lORIZND S!GN.A PURI'.: COUNTY PERMIT CENTER OCT-10—'91 08:39 I D:HEALTH SPO TEL NU: 4bE224,5 14JID reel wsirrormrirrrlr 6041 Spolcne County Health District i111 { III 1 West 1101 College Avenue Spokane, Washington 99201-2095 �� �� ' .+ October 10, 1991 • _ Mr. Horseman Spokane, Washington 99206 Dear Mr. Norseman: We have conducted a partial inspection of your new (replacement) on-site sewage disposal system being installed by Appleway Septic Service. The inspection revealed a residential building addition constructed too close the existing septic tank (regulation requirement is 5' minimum separation) . Actually, the addition is located immediately adjacent to the outside edge of the tank. . .but appears to not be bearing on the tank. You indicated to our inspector that the addition was an above-ground deck orginally. . .and that you "enclosed" the deck several years ago, making a day-porch room to help insulate the home. You further indicated the addition was constructed without you first obtaining a building permit from Spokane County. Please be advised we will accept the replacement leachbed system location and acknowledge the building addition to be closer than the required 5' setback from the septic tank. Accept this letter as official waiver based on the following conditions: 1 . Obtain official approval of the buildingaddition from okane County Department of Buildings; including, but nolimited to, a tstructural inspection certificate that the addition meets current building code requirements. 2. Proceed with connecting to the Spokane County public sewer system as soon as it becomes available to your property (probably within the next 5-6 years) . We ask for your prompt attention to this matter. If you have any questions, please feel free to call 456-6040. EN iii EN 'IVISION ,/ / ",7 , Daryl E. =y, R.S. Assistan+ Director AdmInIitration 6-3630 Parsonol Haolth 456-3613 Environmental Health 456-6040 AIDS Program 458-2580 C{init cc: 1ef1450ths1fy, ` PCount§5t? . ot° . i fYii ngs 4564667 AIDSNET Region I 459-6418 Dennis Kroll , R.a. - D Koff VoitlyittmopRol Health Overhead Phone Overhead power & CATV Drain Feibd, 00 ADOPIESe:VO ZONE gg ROAD WIDTH 9* FRONT U() FLANKING COMMENTS REVIEWED Y This site p;9n is being submitted for the obtaining a building perrn and is a true representation of the prop -sal All know lines/dimensions, curb lin s. structur ss have been identified. F so indicated a.a bodies of water, steep lopes or other CI Signed: Z r Date: 3/ i 1'l o1. Existing House 960 Sq ft New Garage 40 40' 2 Drive -)Llrpose of nd os€:fNLrts aiCLS. 175' 73" 9th Steet Plot Plan Scale 1" = 20-'0" Legal Description: The west 27' of lot 6, and the east 45' of lot 7. Block 2 symons addition according to plat recorded in Vol 2 of plats page 93, In Spokane County Washington. Parcel Number 35243.0230