2011, 12-12 Permit: 11006335 Sewerr tern= Site Address: 7103 E 8D I AVE SPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING & PLANNING 1026 WEST BROADWAY AVENUE • SPOKANE, WA 99260-0050 Pareel Number: 35241.3813 Subdivision: REMINGTON PARK, AMENDED MAP Block: Lot: Zoning: U-7 Owner: CARVER, PENNIF Address: 3828 E 6TH AVE Spokane, WA 99202 Building Inspector: NONE; Water Dist: Project Information Project Number: 11006335 Inv: 1 Issue Date: 12/12/2011 Permit Use: SEWER CONNECTION Applicant: ACME EXCAVATING 6808 S LINKE RD GREENACRES, WA 99016 Phone: (509) 251-8058 Contact ACME EXCAVATING 6808 S LINKE RD GREENACRES, WA 99016 Phone: (509) 251-8058 Setbacks - Front: Left: Right: Rear: Group Name: Project Name: Permits j Sewer Connection Permit Contractor: ACME. FXCV I & SEWER BORING CO License k: ACNIEE.FS963LD SEWERCONNECTION 1 $12500 PROCESSING FEE 1 $25.00 Tavel Permit Fee: $150.00 --FOR SEWER INSPECTIONS CALL THE UTILTIIES DEPT AT (509) 477-3604 FROM 8:30-5:00 MONDAY -FRIDAY PRIOR TO COVER. ONE WORKING DAY NOTICE REQUIRED, PERMIT ALLOWS FOR A 30 .MINUTE INSPECTION. ADDITIONAL. INSPECTION PEES APPLY AF'PER 30 MINUTES. '*INSTALLER IS RESPONSIBLE TO INSURE ALI. WASTEWATER DRAINS ARE CONNEC I'ED TO THE SEWER AND MAY BE REQUIRED TO PERFORM "TESTS FOR VERIFICATION. INSTALLER IS TO FIELD LOCATE AND CONFIRM TI IE ELEVATION AND POSITION 012 SEINER STUB PRIOR TO ANY OTHER EXCAVATION. "SEWER STUBS AND DRY SIDE SEWERS ARE TO BE CHECKED PRIOR TO CONNECTION TO ENSURE 'I'I IAT THEY HAVE ACCEPTABLE GRADE AND ARE CLEAR AND UNOBSTRUCTED. SEWER LINES SI IOULD BE CONSTRUCTED TO ALLOW FOR GRAVITY FLOW FROM HIE LOWEST LEVEL OF THE STRUCTURE. "FI IE INSTA,LE.R AND'I'I IIS PERMIT MUST BE PRESENT ATTI E' JOB SITE AT THE SCI IEDULED INSPECTION LIME BOTI I STATE LAW RCW 19.122 AND COUNTY CODE REQUIRES 'I'HE INSTALLER TO GIVE NOTICE OF EXCAVATION TO OWNDRS OF UNDERGROUND FACILITIES. ""CALL 1-800-424-5555 BEFORE YOU DIG --AT LEAST 2 WORKING DAYS IN ADVANCE. SPOKANE; COUNTY CODE REQUIRES I11I'. INSTALLER COMPLY WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS OF TI I5 WA STATE DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRIES, INCLUDING HTOSE. RELA'TE.D'10 TRENCH SAFETY. Payment Summary Total Fees AmountPaid AmountOwine Tran Date Receipt N Payment Amt $150.00 5150011 $0.00 12/12/2011 5583 $15000 Processed By: DOMPIER, DAWN PERMIT Printed By: Lumley, Linda Page I of 1 NOTICE It is the responsibility of the applicant/permittee to vee to It that the use described on the front of this permit complies with applicable codes and equarcentints and that arluired inspections are requested_ Failure to request inspadovs lex listed below and obtain the necessary approvals before pmgreSsing beyond the point w her, inspections are required oney receSSitate removal of certain pans of the construction ache applicant's/penainee's m property owner's expense At a minimum, the following inspections ARE REQUIRED by County Code I FOOTING - all structures, including manufactured homes when forms and reinforcement are in place and prior to pincement of concrete. NOTE: Thisinspeetist includes rev'ewufthe .atmcratS setbacks from property lines. Mlimumsetbacks establishedbyCountyzon- regulations_ Front- flunking - side and rear Nand Setbacks are measured from property Ines. Curb lines and hence lines are not necessarily indicative of properly lines. In Som, rcvidcuial areas, the County can own as much as 20 feel of right Fit way between your properly and the actual I i mpmsed Str t/cub. The responsibility to comply with applicable setback provisions lies solely with the province—neither Spokane County not its authorized representatives assume any responsibility for the verification or location of your property lines. Please verify their location poor to locating your structure. Failure to properly locate the structure may inquire its relocation at the owner 's/permittee'I expense FOUNDATION- when funs and reinforcement are In place and prior to placement of concrete. n. FRAMING-afterallLeming, bracing and blocking is in place,plumbing, mechanical tough in inspections have been approved. and prior to concealing. 4. INSULA'1'ION - prior to the installation of drywall. 5. PLUMBING - alter rough - in, before covet rg,and final - 6. MECHANICAL-muguin of piping, before covering, metal chimneys before Concealment, and final_ 7. FINAL- all permits - when complete and prior to occupancy and/or use. Please provide 24 hours notice. NOTE: In addition to Inspection of the structure, this inspection includes review of site improvements [typically depaacd on the approved site plan) required by ordinance or as a condition of approval of this permit_ Items such as the installation of fire hydrants, fire department access, on-site drainage ("208 swathes"), road improvements, parking, and landscaping are common requirements of a permit/site plan which must be completed prior to final ap- proval of it building OF issuance of it Cent Ill CaIt of Occupancy. 8, MANUFACTURED HOMES - foundation inspections prior to pouring pads, inspection of blocking/tie-dawns, when completed per manufacturersnstalPC instructions Final Inspection approval prior to oecupinev: sta,liandri ils.'kirttng, em_, installations completed WAINS Tae(s) must be affixed to the home, completed inspection record cut and manufacturer's installation instructions must be available on site. 9. SEWERS-priortocover 10. RIGHT-OF.WAY/APPROACH- poor to placementnf concrete, or, if gravel approach, after completion_ In addition to the above, any plumbing or mechanical systems or material which would be concealed by Naming. drywall, Concrete, rte. must be inspected prior to cover. Check wdth the department for "special inspections' in conjunction with commercial projms, FOR INSPECTIONS: TO INSURE PROMPT SERV ICE, PLEASE GIVE ONE WORKING DAY/24 HOUR NOTICE. PARTS OF YOUR PROJECT MAY REQUIRE PERMITS AND INSPECTIONS FROM MORI; FLIAN ONE AGENCY. • Building, plumbang. mechavicalwid fire inspections -Department Road cuts for utilities ordriveways- Division of Engineering& of Building be ['tanning 477-3675 Roars - 48-HOUR NOTICE REQUIRED 477-3680 or Star • Construction in It flood plxln- Division of Engineering & Roads 477- Department of Transportation 456-3000 3600 Sewer connection, Division of Utilities -477-3604urCity Pub- • Electrical wiring- State Department of Labor and Industries 324-2640 lie Works Department 625-6300 • On- site waste disposal system, Spokane Regional Health District Asbestos,Renovatiom. and Demolitions- Spokane Regional 324-1560 Clean Air Agency 477-4727 PERMIT EXPIRATION & EXTENSION Budding permits Shall automatically expire and become invalid by [initiation of time three (3) years from the date of peanit issuance. Other permits not issued in conjunction with the con Slmc5oc or completion oda building On fracture Shall automatically expire and become invabd by limitation office,e 18 months from the dare of permit issuance The Director e, i nthodzed within his/her discretion to grant one (D extension of time, Hrra period ,of to exceed 180 day S_A request for an extension shall be made by the pernta holder In writing and shall be submincd to and received by the Spokane County Building and Planning Departnrem prior to the expiration date of the permit and shall dentonstrat,just cSusF for the requested extension. REFUNDS The building official may ciffimme refunding: (1) Any fee paid which was erroneously paid or collected, or, (2) Not more than 80% of a permit lee paid when no work has been done under the permit: or, (3) Not more than 8067,, of the plan review fee paid when an application for a permit for which a plan review fee has been paid is withdrawn or canceled before any plan reticence is done: or, (4) Any fee paid except on written application filed by the original permioec not later than 180 days after the dale of fee payment_ Please note that application processing fees are nonrefundable unless the application was erroneonsly processed. MISTAKE? Ifyon think we've made an error in processing this permit or find erroneous information on the permit, please bring it to our attention immediately by filing a written request for correction within 11) working days of discovery. All .Such requests should be directed to the Depaancent of Building and Planning it. Spokane County Department of Building & Planning 1026 West Broadway' Avenue .Spokmte, WA 99260 Phone: (509)477-367x Fax: (509,477-4703 TDD: (509) 477-7133