1956, 03-20 Permit: C2564 ResidenceSPOKANE COUNTY BUILDING CODE DEPARTMENT NUMBER C 2564 County Engineer's Office, Court House, Spokane, Washington Land Use or Structure Permit Property Addressr a._yR.=AST _�:!..V. ............ Permit for... M00140000 ................................. ...... ................. _... .. Owner..... W......iaTl........e............................................_.._..............._.._......-...........................................Phone_ Z .................. Address....__" _tWk �! �! wO _...._......... ............. _........................................................ .----------------- _....._.................... Contractor----- aw------------------------------------ --------- ._..........-.._..._.....---- .--- .--- .............................................._. rMILT WBWYM 3004 ♦ fmd 7rd of at maaot 251# a mii yard of 51 (151 tar Gums mot) aad a roar yard of -- - .......... --. ----....._..-- --------- Size of . lot..------......_---Material_POW................_.._.._..Dimensions f.6..._._...._....._�------------------------- .Sq. Ft_ -----_ .l Rooms.1LA-.1.RW...BasementY . ......_..........Stones...i.................. Sewasca.--._!��... cost --- $90- ---------------- _.._--- Certificate of Occupancy Issued for ..... . ...................... ....................................................... _.._........ _._--------------------------- Upon Permit Expires-L_1.0J..T....._.................. _..... ............ Fee Paid $-- 4" .................... (Form IM—Bldg. cme 5.111-11-55) or lana Vee for whleh IL¢ lr Il Is Issued ehnn condom In an monotn to [allure or pi ne` es mbn,. caeto mmVlr wLLn xald ordlmay p¢ge RVokea at the granleo %.st pinec L,e Bold Blem where dtrreted by Coanty 00smAs ilarly renewed. BUILD= CODS DEPAR1KW g.. .................. _.._.......... Date.. ..... "_.rte.. R_1..��.d._.._....._..._.._..P......