1996, 06-26 Permit App: 96004205 Reroof .. i . • [I- APPLICATION WORKSHEET qk- //1 rGonerai information ` 7-0-b address — 15irceinumher ----- 10526 EAST 9TH AVENUE y■ Owner Thomas Black 1-360_574_55n' ' Madrngaddretr13915 NW 10th Crt - /WV' -4,8167.........i (sly Vancouver 'tat` WA ,rip Site Information r LegalDes(npllion -- -Property WaterDistricl--- -- Nuniberoti --Dwellings— tswld,np Trispector - I. Projoct Information ii Teri tUse '�� New —"Add itTo-o ---"lleinti�7ol— Change ilium .11.) Tear-off and re-roof BuildingInformation COST: $1014.00 Permit: $ ffJ?r// II -Dwellin`wuu -- Mcups nilwJ. — Auildingheight -Stones -l3wWrogrTrmcnswns 'ioiaTagture-Toorage '1teTd-parliiia—ITUrideipparlung 3pnnklersystem -CriticalMaterial -1 . uare f tsge breakdownlieatia _rad iar(alt,tieo•(afornaatbn (R-ontuns n a, nor -Uncovered/covered deck 'Plant-ssource __._. nt _--- PtfReP —'VPOtteire101e tiav:orwt Ilw,r 01 her �� � jTicdbaseiuen1 --- -Ee'li�w grade wail floor Mabee pada Unfinished basementDoti(u-value) Window Perw ee eMmec7 • "Dlira ge—___... -1t)1alwtnaeawsrsl laer torlTaa L Contractor Information' naming coniracTor Plumbing contractor nORER ROOFTNG CO., TNC_ rcense number drone Kenn num••r . DOREEIi<I054M1 (509) 467,89.9$- - - - Mailing•JJresa Maihngiiddfesi• _.-- . P0- 30X-7203 .---- ------ -- ----- - - - —. . _ - - ' City.sul4 zip City,slime,a,p S NA WA 99207-moi 1 eating contractor Otter/Lander License number Phone Lkense number "one 1.1•ain't SiJJress - - — Mailing addres& City,state,zip IP5R14 ri Is t /0 Iy,stale.rip • • l PItOJECf CONTACT ACl I'IIoNE LLT_ mR r. (5e9)_467-A9,98 --. Spokane County Division of Buildings 1026 West Broadway Ave * Spokane, Wa 99260 * (509) 456-3675