1989, 07-24 Permit: 89002391 GarageSPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY W. 1303 BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99250 (509) 455-3575 In n ens autminee ev me or mvegenuawmpueum permu lenueuecorrea.ln ...,.,.,,.......,A.„..._......e...._.,.__ .._ ..._. ___ inpedlon epPrels or Certiticetes of u en enot be conetruee. give authority to violate or cenwl iM1e provisions o any stat, ov construction, or ea s were e e�ll Prov Ione at a tete or local levee repulatln0 construction. 2_ZOWSIGNATURE OF APPLICATION —2-2— OWNER NER OR AGENT ^ATE