1998, 07-20 Zoning Correspondence IT1uYk S P O IC A N E c Iq11W1-111111,a �,,. C O U N 11- V : '411H:'_a.vlw... I)UILDING AND PLANNING • A DIVISION 01 THE PURI IC WORKS Di PAID MINI JAMES L.MANSON,C.B.O..DIRECTOR DENNIS M.SCOTT.P-ti_DIRIiC'IOR July 20, 1998 James W. Hughes 4707 79'h Ave. Ct. W. University Place WA 98466 RE: Tax Parcel 45201.1940- 10413 East 8'h Avenue Dear Mr. Hughes: The zoning of your property (UR-3.5) would allow up to two dwelling units based on property size of approximately 25,000 square feet (10,000 square feet per dwelling unit). It should be noted that these units must be connected as a duplex. I have enclosed the appropriate sections of the Zoning Code detailing the development provisions for the property. Structures of the type detailed in the literature you provided are permitted in Spokane County. J'lans and specifications for such a structure must be reviewed and stamped by a structural engineering licensed in the State of Washington. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact this office between the hours of 8:00 and 4:00 p.m.,weekdays. Sincerely yours, Jeffrey E. Forty Senior Building Technician JF:tab Enclosure 1026 WEST BROADWAY AVENUE • SPOKANE,WASHINGTON 99260 PHONE.(509)456-3675 • FAX:(509)4564703 TDD:(509)324-3166 4707 79th Ave. Ct. W. University Place, WA 98466 RErE'VED SP7A8NE COUNTY July 1, 1998 JUL 09 1998 Spokane County Zoning Commission DIVISION OF BUILDING AND PLANNING Spokane, Washington DY: To whom it may concern: I recently called your department regarding development of our lot East 10413 8th Ave. , Spokane, or PARCEL 45201-1940. The person I talked with indicated that due to the area being mixed single, duplex, triplex & apartments that probably we could obtain permits to construct 3 separate units on the lot. Will this require a rezone? I'm enclosing Monolithic Constructions discription or 'word picture' explaining { newly patented building process. Further I would like to point out the house fronting 8th Avenue would be 'stick' built thus being compliant with the other adjacent & facing housing. Monolithic domes are fire, tornado & earthquake proof; this offers the occupants first rate protection. Fire insurance policies are not needed with this type construction. It offers me, the investor, less maintance. Since the dome costs less, they rent competitively. Some citizens being single parents unfortunately cannot afford more luxurious housing. Considering apartment dwelling, they offer safety & privacy. toes c.Nc7/1-./c /e4 KEA Tz .f ,E Ess YNAN C'cd 'FNT/c 14.44 (Zeros May I hear from you regarding our contemplated thoughts for this lot development? Sincerely, !t - L / / ¢ • INiS Gc ( /I4S NE N .5t z)GR/ tie nK-✓�' ✓JILL TNi� 4 h 0--ICE °Z -Fig o 19/Cy7n5'E (_ ✓E Ldlp:rENT. /45 /or 17,4/2.7.1r nls ,i& a 7))ET.4L Sto0 /�" (; /IP. t©R2D . Ir . 6 .c) _S ' 2024 `,p1_)1:J0C? C2 c --- -. . -- - h II IA -I\ 'b n' DmMC Ni kkr - }rouSE 1 a CH R - A�1[a: `. 1L -41-' Por.T - , !a a 1 0 0 ,Th {) DOM¢ W N Si i� nJ1/ 9 S) D f1 pzr , rc4..; Sruury Li )10.0 z8 CD t.-._ 24 a ,..1 CZ' U ze e /1 �[ EktSG Nou59 V _ L y .Y (IHRAfP � C �i<+c��c,F -v- Ali 1%-, s'rozY �' - ` __ -1 `seWE r„ mR' '000CLEANOUT L., o� House- m r t � m -0 � 0 M�; y 3o n_N f '. 1� '� £( T 1 ) I I .._-� m N ul P 1 , +2 e' sc' 0 p is . i.1 - 1 &LAC ro C t .� r -a (fir,re 0 Jrn __ I Z.. 11.11NS "¢ }J. •Z._ y J IC),, - , 5) ://,„7:„\\\ \\ .•[>\ V I I \\ nu (,/, ;-. - 7- )1:;: x1 }___ 1 it I • a FJ s i 4 i '1_11 . i ILE r, Ill W.Ils It ri RY /I /j t:..:„.. h /1.C/tr.:.N CA/ N RanGE IY �h� o NI -0 L- 1 Th. o J �--x e1 ��7m/TFC 3� ^ i 2 h, � ) ( w1. u, i,- I i n ?� 476-7 'xYfh 4:.F C -K/. . ,Vj � a �'/�,VFP-9,.-y n;c ' t , M1 12 ,.is i 1. U s e a "Word Picture" The Monolithic`° Process The Monolithic Dome starts as a concrete I'hc single most important step in picture needs to be worked on for ring foundation, reinforced with steel rebar. the design of any construction project some time. Carry a notebook to make Vertical steel bars are embedded in the ring is the"word picture."A word picture notes, recording the measurements which are later attached to the steel is the written description of a home and description of rooms you Iiiiiatiii. reinforcing of the dome before it is designed. It should be well prefer. • itself. Small domes may thought uxn and detailed,describing Next,describe the purpose of VW iir use an integrated floor/ the rooms,views,ambiance,etc. each room. Is it for conversation, ring foundation. Other- Ask questions: a basement?A a big screen TV,or a dance? Each wise,the floor is poured main floor?An upstairs? Life style? room has its own functions, after completion of the . • Entertaining? Is the home located in which can be multiple in nature. dome. the country or in the city? Does it Be aware of standard design— 1/4_ _ An Airform fabricated have a view? work with it. For instance,a s to the proper shape and To have a good understanding of standard tub is 5 feet long. size,is placed on the ring the best size it is extremely important Nonstandard items cost much base.Using blower fans, to have a ripe measure and use it to more. it is inflated and the measure any and all rooms. Measure Once the designer has the -.W' Airform creates the' bedrooms,a living room. Measure a word picture the actual layout �- ---`' shape of the structure to f j neighbor's living room if it has a usually goes pretty fast. It is be completed. The fans better layout.Measure kitchens.The amazing how the use of the word run throughout const- j measurement of a good working picture will size a house appropri- ruction of the dome shell. room is better than trying to envision ately. Often people start with tl it a room based on a set of blueprints. overall size of the home first andPolyurethane foam, .' Describe which rooms should be then fit the rooms inside. In most approximately three next to each other.Should the cases,they wind up with a home _. inches, is applied to the a nursery be next to the master bed- that is too big. k interior surface of the room,or down the hall?Should the The wants,desires and needs \ Airform ". Entrance into home have a formal dining room off of the family should be a part of the air-structure is made the kitchen? How about a great making the word picture.The 0;,raiii. ----' through a double door room? purpose of writing the word _ irlock which keeps the tr ressure inside'at a constant level. The All these items and more need to picture is to identify the items that are P 1 be in the word picture.The word important in the new domicile. i am is the base for attaching the steel j inforcing rebar. aa ext, steel reinforcing rebar is attached to;3 1 e foam using a specially engineered layout horizontal and vertical steel rebar. Small 00.17.111 Ines need small diameter bars with wide ppiiir-,.,b1, . ., pacing.Large domes require larger bars with . 'loser spacing. ;?'. i < , :hotcrete, a special spray mix of concrete, I ` " ;• applied to the interior surface of the dome. ' " e steel rebar is embedded in the concrete. V. mor : , Y ' hen the shotcrete is in place, the Mono- • . 0 I hic'Dome is finished.Lastly,the blower fans -I t+i Oberon Ill S re shut off after the concrete is set. :1 _��— „ to :e- �, ie 32' Dome he Airform' is left on the Monolithic ' Dome.t. et 804 square feet i forms a super-strong,waterproof,single-ply sof membrane. The Airform. is the best; protection for the insulation. 5':J 8(,) tire 0 '31 j,W. /4015 s- 4-20 47s '7 7f I4 ,0,t. L r, k). )rnaX2s ,-ry p 4et* dot/ a q1 44,4. , . , • , . , I (:) . . ‘ , , , ,g : _•_) • ._ n ("( = __,.. . ._ ..._ i ...z.: 6 '-..1 1 ,..... '.:Z4',.N..... -• ... }•-• 'q, --... :: 7.Z. ---- - ------ -\ - ... \ - = NJ ...7. N ,„. _ = o (t.1 ip ITI -. ..."` -N — ‘,A % 0,,.... sk. %.1 ef.. 'S 1: '‘,"- •-?` /.. (N I- •---- V; . .