14-039.13 Max J Kuney: Sullivan West Bridge Ph 2 sotikanoo:\...„ Va11ey. CHANGE ORDER NO: 13 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO: 14-039 PROJECT: Phase 2-Sullivan Road West Bridge Replacement Project CONTRACT DATE: 8/8/2014 PRIME CONTRACTOR: Max J.Kuno/Company CIP NO: 0155 DE SCRIPTION Of CHANGES This Change Order pertains to: Schedule A-Sullivan Road West Bridge Replacement The Contractor shall modify the groundwater monitoring well adjacent to the south overlook to provide a ground level access casing, The work shall include,but not be limited to,removing the above-ground steel protective casing and bollards,excavating to revise the grade at the monitoring well site to blend with the proposed elevation of the south overlook,cutting the PVC upper well casing and replacing the existing cap below the adjusted ground level,replacing disturbed portions of the below-ground bentonite well seal, providing a flush-mounted casting with lockable lid,providing a minimum one-foot wide surface level concrete apron around the new casting(similar to the concrete pad detailed on Sheet DU-06 of the Contract drawings),and reestablishing the flush-mounted surveyor's pin. This Change Order also extends the Contract time as follows for two other issues unrelated to the groundwater monitoring well modifications: Shaft Obstructions:4 working days are added to the Contract, Avista Natural Gas Main Relocation Delay: 9 working days are added to the Contract. !tem No. Description Unit Quantity Unit Price Total CO-13.1(A) Groundwater Monitoring Well Revisions LS 1 $ 2,200.00 $ 2,200.00 8,7%Sales Tax(applicable only to Bid Schedules C,D,end E) $ - Total Amount of this Chan a Order incl.Tax: $ 2 200.00 Original Contract Working Days: 484 Revision By This Change Order. 13 Revisions by Prior Change Orders:M._.33 _ Total Revised Contract Working Days: _530 CONTRACT AMOUNT THESE CHANGES RESULT IN THE FOLLOWING ADJUSTMENTS OF TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT: ORIGINAL TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT $ 12,307,560.31 TOTAL PRIOR CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT(mrougn Coai2) "---__.___...._____._._._._.__._ $ 613,442.45 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 12,921,002.76 NET THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 2,200.00 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT INCLUDING THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 12,923,202.76 CONTRACTOR ACCEPTANCE: DATE: 111411 Iv The contractor hereby adjustment under the terms of Section 1- . of the original contract. accepts this I RECOMMENDED BY: t ,tSL0 DATE: I!/ 1(.fib) 6 { Proje ger J APPROVED BY: DATE: Spokane Coun ,Utilities Director APPROVED BY: / ��`'� DATE:424.L. Public Works Director APPROVED BY: N/ DATE: City Manager ATTACHMENTS: None Page 1 of 1 COSV Form 9/5/2014 Public Works Department Spokane#11\111111111.6 Capital Improvement Program Valley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 40000 .Iv 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.688-0261 • cityhall@spokanevalley.org Change Order Memorandum Date: November 7, 2016 To: Eric Guth Through: Steve Worley From: Jim Dingfiel Re: Change Order No. 13—Phase 2-Sullivan Road West Bridge Replacement Project, 0155 Budget Account No. 303.303.155.595.50.63.00 Max J. Kuney Company Contract 14-039 `3 The purpose of this memorandum is to request approval of Change Order No. 13, which provides for modifications to the previously relocated groundwater monitoring well adjacent to the south overlook. The original well design calls for an above-ground casing pipe and three protective bollards around the casing pipe. The groundwater monitoring well was relocated during Phase 1 of the project. The location was field marked by City staff in accordance with notes on the project drawings. It was understood at that time that the marked location would be clear of the south overlook concrete area. However, the groundwater monitoring well is slightly within the outer boundary of the south overlook. To eliminate the undesirable above-ground facilities from within the overlook area, the above-ground casing pipe is removed and replaced with a flush-mounted casting (similar to a survey monument casting), the bollards are removed, and the surrounding ground is excavated to blend with the elevation of the overlook. In addition, Change Order No. 13 addresses to unrelated time extension claims; one related to shaft obstructions and the other related to a delay caused by Avista Utilities. Change Order No. 13 is aligned with Schedule A of the Contract. It increases the Contract amount by $2,200.00 and extends the Contract time by thirteen working days. Project to date, the Public Works Director (PWD) has executed seven previous change orders for the project that collectively have reduced the Contract amount by $2,275. Upon execution of Change Order No. 13, the PWD executed change order total will be ($75.00). The following table provides a general summary of the current project budget status: Revenues: Expenditures: Federal BR Grant $ 8,000,000 PE $ 1,824,835 State TIB (CN) $ 3,500,000 RW $ 81,503 State FMSIB Grant (10% CN) $ 1,605,550 Phase 1 CN $ 181,145 Utilities $ 367,782 Phase 2 CN $13,846,762 City* $ 2,380,834 Total Est. Expenditures$15,934,245 CH2M $ 86,477 Total Funds Available $15,934,245 *Includes estimated revenues from Fund 311 for northbound street preservation work.