sp-1135eDEDICA ON:
property, have caused to be platted into tracts and streets thr- following
ibed property to be known as SHORT PLAT SP-1135-97:
Ihe West 77.5 feet of the East Half of Tract 34, of OPPORTUNITY
per p..lat recorded in Volume "K" ot Plats, Page. 20;
'7,1tIcee. .in the County of Spokane, State of Washington.
And they do hereby dedicate to public use forever the culdesac as shown
";racts A, being one-foot strips ;As shown hereon, are dedicated to Snnkane
as General County Property, to be dedicated for road purposes forever, at
.sicn t me as the road is continued a s full width right of way, or until
acilacent lands are platted.
Utility easements shown on the herein described plat are hereby dedicated
to the serving utility companies for the construction, reconstruction,
rrealetenance and operation of utilities. Together with the right to inspect said
utilities and to trim and/or remove brush or trees that may interfere with the
::..ere31. maintenance and operation of same.
Side yard and rear yard setbacks shall be determined at the time building
ts are requested unless these setbacks are specifically drafted on this
fr plat. The setbacks indicated on this plat may be varied from if proper
...5 or variance approvals are obtained.
Ssibject to specific application approval and Issuance of permits by the
Orficer, the use of individual on-site sewage disposal systems may he
?:aeh new dwelling unit shall be cirmble-plumbed for connection to future
are.awide collection systems.
Ilse of private wells and water systems is prohibited.
public water system, pursuant to the Water Plan approved by the county
. H) !;t1...it.e health authorities, the local tire Protection district, County
of Huildirtg and Planning and water purveyor, shall be installed within
subdivision and the applicant shall provide for individual domestic water
a9 well as tire . protection to each tract prior to sale of each tract and
pr:::)r to the issuance of a building permit for each tract.
The owner(s) ar successor(s) in interest agree to authorize the County to
their name(s) on a petition for the formation of a ULID by Petition method
pure:.;uant to RCW 36.94 which the petition includes the owner(s) property and
tur t not to object by the signing of a protest petition against the formation
ot ULID by resolution method pursuant to RCW Chapter 36.94 which includes the
owea?r(s) property. PROVIDED, this condition shall not prohibit the owner(s) or
.Lsac from objection to any assessment(s) on the property as a result of
,;::: called for in conjunction with the formation of a ULM by either
or resolution method under RCW Chapter 36.94.
' . 'hat in consideration of Mutual Benefits now or to be hereafter derived, do
i7or themselves, their heirs, grantees, assigns and successor(s) in interest
)€.-.e: request and authorize Spokane County to include the above described
proT)erty in a Road Improvement District (RID) and to support the formation ot a
t thE.'! improvement of the road(s) described below by regeesting and
.autleorizing Spokane County to place their name(s) an a petition for the
ot d RID pursuant to RCW 36.88.050, or by requesting and authorizing
') T cintl County to cast their ballot In tavor of a RID being formed under the
resntion methed pursuant to 14A:W Se.88.030, and/or by not filing a protest
inst the tormation of a RID being tormed under the alternative resolution
kt provided for RCW 36.8E1.065 and Chapter 35.43 RCW.
If a RID is proposed for the improvements of the road(s) described below,
owner(s) and successor(s) further agree: (1) that the improvements or
constructicm contemplated within the proposed RID are feasible and (2) that the
k.)eraitits to be derived from the formation of the RID by the property included
therein, together with the amount of any County participation, exceeds the cost
i.Ano expense of formation of the RID, and (3) that the property within the
prcposed RID is sufficiently developed; provided, themselves, their heirs,
'grantees, assigns and successor(s) shall retain the right, as authorized under
RC4 36.88.090, to object to any assessment(s) on the property as a result of the
ime called for in conjunction with the formation of a RID by either
oetitiee or re..4olution method under Chapter 36.11H RCW and to appeal to the
:.;Ii);)erior Court the decision of the Board of County Commissioners contirming the
final assessment roll; provided further, it is recognized that actual assessment
vary trom assessment estimate so long as they do not exceed a figure equal
eee increased true and tar value improvement(s) add(s) to the property.
It is further acknowledged arid agreed that at such time as a RID is created
o: any County Road Improvement project is authorized by Spokane County, the
improvements required shall be at the sole expense of the owner(s) of the
ersperty within the RID or served by the improvements without any monetary
participation by Spokane County.
FD 111111111111111111101,1110!:::n11111111111111111111)
The Rid waiver contained in this ;Agreement shall expire after ten (10)
years trom the date of execution below. This provision is applicable to Boone
and Sinto Avenues.
NO. SP 11
The owner(s) or successor(s) in interest agree to authorize the County to
place their name(s) on a petition for the formation et a ULID by petition method
pursuant: t }CV/ 36.94 which the petition includes the owner(s) property and
further not to object by the signing ot a protest Ts:tition against the formation
of a IJI,TD hy resolution method pursuant to RCW Chapter 36,94 which includes the
owner(s) propert y. PROVIDED, this condition shall. not prohibit the owner(s) or
successorea from objection to any assessment(s) on the property as a result of
improvementt:i called for in conjunction with the formation of a ULID by either
petition or resoistion method under RCW Chapter 36.94.
This e,eort plat: is located within the Aquifer Sensitive Area (ASA).
Treatment: st:' storm runott tram driveways shall be provided. T'ne preferred method
of treatmf.nt :ft; is 0 have the runoff from driveways sheet flow over lawn turf or
native-typ (Irassea. It a ditch is to be used to collect runoff' from driveways,
then the ditch is to be grass lined.
The prot:)e.rty owners within this plat shall be held responsible for keeping
open and maintaining the surface path of natural or man-made drainage flow over
and across their respective properties. Each property owner or authorized
represent,:Ative shall inform each succeeding purchaser of any drainage easements
on the prcyserty and their responsibility for maintaining surface drainage paths
and swales within said easements. It the property owner(s) fails to maintain the
surface p;.:eh of natural or man-made drainage flow, or the drainage swale,
notice of such failure may be given to the property owner(s). If not corrected
within the pt indicated on said notice, Spokane County has the right to
correct the maintenance failure, or have it corrected, at the expense ot the
property owner.
Any that Is constructed on a lot in this Plat shall be set at such
an elevation so as to provide positive drainage away trom any drainage entry
point t o teAild ilea (including but not limited to a window well, a window
unprotected by a window well, or a doorway). Said positive drainage shall
consist of a minimum slope of 3% away trom the building for a distance of at
least 10 feet from the building. The lots shall be graded so that either a) all
runoff :if; '11t *(I away from the building, and conveyed over the lot to i natural
drainage swale or approved drainage facility, or b) drainage intercepted on the
lot h of on the .lot in an approved drainage facility. The approved
drainage focility shall he constructed in accordance with any applicable
accepted pi:ans on tile at the County Engineer's Office, Any rev 1 ,5101'11i t o the
accepted dr-air“ plans must be accepted by the County Engineer's Oftice prior
to constru( of said revisions.
The !1orc1(..ir 1..:asements as shown hereon are hereby granted to Spokane County
and its aug.:horized agents, and to the public for road purposes, including but
not limit (el t() curbs., siciewalks, drainage, signing, and other usage deemed
necessary by the Spokane County Engineer for the safety and welfare of the
Public. No fences or portion thereof will be constructed within said easement
without pel'mission of the Spokane County Engineer, nor will any objects be
placed in 5aik..1 easement that would obstruct the sight distance necessary for
safe and efrficient vehicular movement. Any other ea7iements granted or dedicated
within this eordee Easement area will be subordinate to the rights created by
this eas(:tnent uui are subject to Spokane County Engineers permit: procetis prior
to usage.
Subject 10 existing Agreement recorded in Book "F." of (ontracts, Page 267,
recorded as Document No. 131084.
TN W11 Will. the aforesaid owners have hereunto set their hand
this day of , 1997.
Evelyn Kadow
On this day of , 1997 before me personally appeared EVELYN
KAIJOW d1 her sepe.rate property, known to me to be the individual that executed
the within and rciregottig inutrument lid acli.nowiedged said inetrume_:rit to he the
free and voluntary act of said individuals for the uses and purposes therein
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal the day
and year kcit ahlwe written.
Notary Public in and for the State of Washington residing at
Ar M. Ifi 3 K OF AT PAGE
This mop represent, a survey
made by me or under my super
vision In conformance with the
Spokane County Short Plat
Ordinance at the request of
_ and
all corners have been togged
and set as shown.
Lawrence V. Dunsmors
L.8. No 12606 Dated thle Day of
N. 11111 Pines Rood
1 (109) 924-9141
APR 23 IS9/
. N1111111111.1.1111410.1111,111111111111111111#1411111113,111111110,10111,11111111411111111111M,111111,11411,11111411,1111,1,11,111,111,(1.,11,11,1,1,,111,,1,1,10,111,,,,
No. SPI13597 NE
So co .1 6 Twp.2.5N. We M.
. ■■ .1.1 4 Nil
Scale: rs. 50
Date: Feb, 1997'
Sheet 2 of 2.