sp-1147tUT (X) UD (Z M � 00 Fl- ID Uj 1-- 03 00 kA.) 00 CC CC) ,-� U) :r)!O) -0) i()) 0 1+10,,75 LT. 1 WSDOT TYPE 2 GRATE INLET 10 u t 1982.26 N/A PIPE OU I LE ZA 00 i 0. between the dryweli b(. and fl--i 4 0 -1 - CONSTRUC NOT,E'S -,�e -- -,nstr:-- sho comip on ll () letecl within the "19 �,'-;tail.-jrd p cit!, o u for Ro . as p romu a d End , � j . 11. Igatecl by the Washington St at, Municipd ' o n "okae Couy Standards for R r oad and Sew.. a r t. m e n t of Trclnsportatior-�" or id the p n nt l� onstructior 1992", and as ary rid ed rinlzlrnn�#o rho Contractor • NO, A STATK'N DESCRIPTION ' TE ELEV INVERT ELE%/� , 3 0) t 7r- RT 2 GRATE INLET 1984,99 1982,79 WSDOT TYPE - 198499 1982-53 i 7m i- r 1+10,,75 LT. 1 WSDOT TYPE 2 GRATE INLET 10 u t 1982.26 N/A PIPE OU I LE ZA 00 i 0. between the dryweli b(. and fl--i e washed drainrocI, , and between the w..- drainrock C) and the native soils. < z Lij CL Ljj 0 i encountered, the Cont-actor shai '' 0 LLJ Cr LJ V) • NO, A STATK'N DESCRIPTION ' TE ELEV INVERT ELE%/� , J 7r- RT 2 GRATE INLET 1984,99 1982,79 WSDOT TYPE - 198499 1982-53 i 7m i- 1+10,,75 LT. 1 WSDOT TYPE 2 GRATE INLET 10 u t 1982.26 N/A PIPE OU I LE ZA Z-, LOCCII.Iom- o xz:,k" roQ rinczihip fnr Inrc ting all underground n W"Un I Utilities. Any r utilities shall be relocated prior to constrUCCA10r. of road end drainage taca1Ities, T oge 1he ..ontract-or is require(! to have a cof )plete set of' the approved rr-ad and drai n nlane on the 'iob -1-1te whenever the constructikon E in brogress, -67—T-Y.P. -- 7 TYPICAL ROAD SECTION --10' WIDE RIGHT—OF—WA�y' DEDICATION 7 Uj C m J a0000 4, For constructiow drywalls, install filter fabric (Arnoco 4545 or a, pproved equivalent) 0. between the dryweli b(. and fl--i e washed drainrocI, , and between the w..- drainrock C) and the native soils. < 0 CL v discrepancies between the plans d existing conditions 5. If the contractor discovers an an 0 i encountered, the Cont-actor shai '' Immediately notify the Design Engineer and the Spokane LLJ Cr County ngin eer's Office. Z �-- 000 6, Prior to site constrUction, the Contractor is responsible for iocating underground utilities. < k�oll the underground u tility location service at 456-8000 before you dig. LL- T Curb data is 'to bock of curb dimlension, T- I-- cr_ TYPE "R" CURB 8, All signage rnust conform �ci Manual o'l Uniform Traffic Control Standards (M,U,T.C,D. 4 TRANSITION 1 T 0 EDGE OF' DRIVEWAY DROP (BOTH SIDES) Ast 0+90 TYPF' "A" CURB 1984.69 30' -------- DRIVEWAY' DROP PER JACKSON AVE. SPOKANE COUNT'( 2' STANDARD A-4 "'R" TYPE 2.o7, N C U R B u CURB RETURN DETAIL JACKSON AVE. AND SKIPWORK INTERSECTION CL A SS ItB�p ACP 4. CRUSHED ROCK TOP COURSE -67—T-Y.P. -- 7 TYPICAL ROAD SECTION --10' WIDE RIGHT—OF—WA�y' DEDICATION 7 Uj C m ........... j a0000 0. C) < 0 CL 0 L V) LLJ Cr Z �-- 000 < LL- ::D Z ........... j