sp-1147zSPOKANE COUNTY AUDITOR Filed for record by — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — this --- day of — — — — — — -- — — — — — — — -- at --- __m; and recorded in Short Plot Book --- on Page(s) records of Spokane County, Washington. �kone County Auditor C4 on 0 & ci �o r':2 Ch 0 0 r- DEDICATION C'IMMENCING at a spike and washer morking the northeast owners at said Irocts A. b and U. ,_.�rner of the SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of said Section 9; thence Q �L� (West per deed) 1317.32 feet along the north The public water s pursuant to the Water Plan approved ;inte of the SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of said Section 9 to the by County and State Health authorities, the local fire P OF BEGINNING; thence SOO*08'11"E (South per deed) . district, Spokane County Division of Building and PI anning, 6�.12.70 feet to the north right —of—woy line of Montgomery within th'v s and the water purveyor, shall be installed �_ . hort r L-11rive, as established by Spokane County Commissioner's plot, and the applicant shall provide for individual Rc-solution No. 97-0777 vocating a portion of Jackson Avenue domestic water service as well as fire protection to each 1404; thence southeasterly along the arc of a 1032-00 tract prior to sole of each tract and prior to issuo nce of a foot radius curve in said right—of—way line, the center of building permit for each tract, Use of private wellis and which bears Sll*26'32"W, through a central angle of water systems is prohibited. ( I It P'1*30'06", for on arc length of 81.09 feet to the original ,,�­uth ri line of Jackson Avenue No. 1404 (40' The perpetual (exclusive) easement granted to Spokane wide); thence S89'32'32"W 7.16 feet along said south right— County. its successors and assigns is for the sole purpose of—way line, to the northeasterly right—of—way line of of constructing, installing, operating, maintaining, Montgomery Drive, per Count Road Project No. 1389, conveyed repairing, offering, replacing, removing. and all other uses tc� Spokane County by deeds recorded under Auditor's File or purposes which ore or may be related to a se*.,: system. t o NUMbers 7308210258 and 7308210263, thence along said right— Spokane County, its successors and assigns at all times c,f—way fine the following three (3) courses- hereinafter, at their own cost and expense, ma remove all 1 1 southeasterl along the arc of a 1030.00 foot radius curve, crops, brush, gross or trees that ma interfere w�th the t 1' center of which bears S15*33'42"W, through a central constructing, installing, operating, maintaining, reparing, , ,--:gle of 10'19'55" for on arc length of 185-74 feet; altering, replocing, removing and all other uses or Purposes thence easterly along the arc of o 25.00 foot radius curve, Th which ore/moy be related to a sewer s qrontor(s) t ! 6 le center of which bears N25*53'37"E, through a central reserves the right to use and enjoy that propert vhich is o,,%gle of 70*38'47", for an arc length of 30.83 feet- the subject of this easement, for purposes which � not thence northeasterly along the arc of a 395.88 foot radius interfere with the County's full enjoyment of the hom's C%,,�rve, the center of which bears S44*45'10"E. through a hereb granted. provided, the Grontor(s) shall not erect or c.­.ntrol ongle of 31*23'20", for an arc length of 216.88 construct any building or other structure or drill on the feet to the north right—of--woy line of original Jackson easement, or diminish or substantially odd to the qround ,Avenue; thence N89*32'30"E (East per deed) 328.43 feet cover over the easement. The easement described herein ri;ong said north right—of—woy line, to the west line of above is to and shall run with the land, AMENDED PLAT OF SUNNY VALLEY ACRES, as per plot recorded in Eook 4 of Plots, Page 71; thence NOO*08'11"W 612.93 feet A public sewer system shall be mode available for the plot, (,',,,orth 613.0' plot) along said west line, to the northwest and individual service shall be provided to each tract prior c of Lot 1, Block 2 of said plot-, thence S89'30'43"W to sole. Use of individual on—site sewage disposal systems 136,05 feet along the south right—of—woy line of Buckeye shall not be authorized. Avenue, to the west line of the ME 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of said Section 19; thence N00*0549"W 30,00 feet Drainage easements. as plotted and shown hereon, which are Oong said west line, to the north line of the BE 1/4 of the for the purposes of installing, operating and maintaining N'W 1/4 of said 'Section 9; thence S89*30'43"W (West record) drainage ponds and drainage facilities to dispose of runoff, E53.28 feet along said north line to the Point of Beginning; ore hereby granted to Spokane County and the public— EXCEPT that portion described as follows: BEGINNING at the northwest corner of Lot 1. Block 2 of said The property owners within this short plot shall rnaintain AMENDED PLAT OF SUNNY VALLEY ACRES; thence SOO*08'11*'E oil woter qualit swales ("208" swales) and drainage ditches �- per plot) 101.56 feet along the west line of said situated on their respective properties, and any portion of Biock 2; thence S819*30'43"W 55-00 feet-, thence o "208" swele situated in is public right—of—woy adjacent to N08*32'43"W 102-57 feet to the south right—of—woy line of their respective properties, with a permanent ground cover Buckeye Avenue-, thence N89*30'43"E 70.00 feet along said as specified in the currently approved and occepted plans on s,� right—of—woy line to, the Point of Beginning. file at the Spokane County Engineer's Office. No r,'!ight—of—woy for Jackson Avenue, as plotted and shown hereon, is hereby dedicated to the Public, forever, for ��treet purposes. 'Jde and rear yard setbacks shall be determined at the time t)uilding permits ore requested unless these setbacks ore specificolly drafted on this short plot. The setbacks -dicated on this short plait may be varied from if proper ,,oning or variance approvals ore obtained. The land being plotted herein is subject to the following, which b reference are mode a port hereof.- RIGHT—OF—WAY EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF granted to The Washington Water Power Company. recorded September 13, 1940 under Auditor's File No. 457727A, RIGHT—OF—WAY EASEMENT AND THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF granted to The Washington Water Power Compan recorded September 4. 11997 under Auditor's File No. 4138223. 9209 E. MISSION AVENUE, SUITE "A" SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99206 (509)f)Z6-2821 v FAX (509)926-2736 PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYING I& SHEET OF 3 PTN. NW4 SEC. 9 T25N R4AE WM SPOKANE COUNTY WASHINGTON JOB NO: 970-4013