1990, 09-10 Permit App: 90004482 Sewergive authority to violate laws regulating constru SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR AGENT SPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY W. 1303 BROADWAY AVENUE SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 (509)456-3675 iispe rmi^appllcation.statethatthe intoonation contained In it and submitted by me ormyagennocompileeaid per -n tnopplita tion istrue r, emceed with nroceeaino. In addition. I have need and understand the INSPECTION REOUIREMENTSMOTICE APPLICATION DATE C O U IV T Y DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY A DPJISION OF THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT JAMES L. MANSON. DIRECTOR DENNIS M. SCOTT. DIRECTOR INVOICE DATED: September 11, 1990 TO: Courchaine Construction East 16402 Valleyway Avenue Veradale, Washington 99037 Please make checks payable and mail to: SPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY West 1303 Broadway Avenue Spokane, Washington 99260 ATTN: Julie Shatto, Building Technician REF: Sewer Connection Permit Application #90-4482 #90-4477 #90-4476 DATE PROPERTY ADDRESS FEE 09/11/90 East 10515 10th Avenue $ 50.00 North 203 Skipworth Road $ 50.00 East 11002 Main Avenue $ 50.00 Amount due and payable $ 150.00 Pursuant to your request for the above sewer connection permits, we are issuing an authorization to proceed with construction, however payment must be received prior to September 21, 1990. Failure to remit this amount on or before this date will result in a double fee being assessed. Thank you for your prompt attention. WEST 1303 BROADWAY • SPOKANE.WASHINGTON 99260-0050 . (509)456-3675 FAX (509)456-4703