1988, 03-21 Permit: 88000553 GarageSPOKANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING AND SAFETY NORTH 811 JEFFERSON SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99260 (509)456-3675 I certify that I have eumined this permit and state that the information commined in it ana submitted by me or my agent to wimple saki permit is true arb ob,n of in addition. I have read aM urderstand the INSPECTION REQUIREMENTS/NOTICE provisions int, bled Wish anal agree to comply wbh same. All pnwisiana 0 laws and erdbarcea governing this type of work will be complied with wM1efier specified herein or not. I unij.hr mb that the'wwance of this pennR and any subsequent inspection approvals or Certificates of Occupancy shall not be construed to Siva aotharty to violate or cancel the prosslwis of any stabs or 1., law regulating cgretrpcmn, or as a wernanty of conformawie with the provisions 0 any mate or brat laws negllaWg construction. APPLICATION L� SIGNATURE OF e� w�t1 � DATE / OWNER OR AGENTT y PROJECT NUMRFRB= 89000553 DATE::: : (),',/21/38 F'VE= Oi ISSUED PERMIT if iF if x..x.nnu x>Fx•x ifxx XXec Xif ifazX,r at P'ERMI'T INFOIMATICTtdXXif if ifxxX##if##XXxif of of ifxx i�.,„.u.u.u,(. ;; 7:TE: S1RE:ET= 10714 E 10TH AVE PAR CEI..AP== 21543--9043 ADDRESS:::: SPOKANE WA 99206 PERMIT UEE== DETACHED GARAGE PLA It= 003967 PLAT NAME='- EP 294 FILOCI(_: LOT '= ZONE E== AGRI 1)1 STr'=- E - AREA=: 00000000 F/A= F WIDTH= 100 DEP'T'H== 140 R/W= 0 OF I:fLD(::5= ._ 1 DWELLINGS= 1 OWNER:::: OLEON, HARRY PHONE= 509 926 6016 STREET=- 10714 Ei: 101H AVE ADDRESS= EPOI(ANE WA 99206 CONTACT NAME= OWNER PHCiNE NUMBER-= BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT= 31 I_ECF I= 6 RIGHT= NA REAR= 6 tt xxx;t u..u. x. a. x..reie*ac x Xinxx xXxxxX u..x..u. x. BUILDING PERMIT lE ihxx xx#iF iFxf(k'xxif###3tXXx#XX#xv CONTRACTOR= OWNER PHONE== NI::W= X REMODEL= ADDII IUN= CHANGE OF USE= DWELL_ UNITS= OCCUR. I... D= BLDG HG'T== `2 .3T0RE E. S= 1 BLDG W X D == 18 X 20 SQ FT= 360 REQ PARKING= V IAND:ICAP== SEWER= N HYDRANT= N DESCRIPTION GROUP 'TYPE.: SQ FT VALUAT'ION GARAGE: M—i VN 360 2520.00 :ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY FEE AMOUNT ... ...____....... .... ... ..__... .................. RES I D I::: NT:I:AL VALUATION __..._..........._ ._....... ... . ..... ____. Y 54.00 STATE. SURCHARGE Y 3: 50 •xx xa;xaaEitit..ux..x..x xiFxX eexxnx..x.rcxx• PAYMENT .SUMMARY atpnxxksfaifn.x..x. i�.u. i;..x..x.R �fx uxXXxx PAYMENT DATE RECEIPT': PAYMENT AMOUNT 03/21/99 763 57 J>0 iOTAI_ DUE= -00 TOTAL.. PAID== .`.i'7.50 PERMIT TYPE:: FESE AMOUNT .... _.. AMOUNT PAIL) AMOUNTOWING .. ....._ ... .... ...__ BUILDING F RMI7 i7 10 .... .... .... ... 57. SO .00 rrt(fFE L:I) BY: I i)I,Ic T, - EJ.: i:: E F11,H) L, D**14R'i-pe*•: x x'4 r. I )r Xx-H lfn rx. x if b”" �1 Atj I, YOtj vup; Xy itkxxxiflf ii&x... itX XX# 114"'h Rx i' A k ifir /oa P /03 A