1977, 07-25 Permit App: M2877 Mfg homeCounty of Spokane, Washington CODES DEPARTMENT, N. 811 JEFFERSON, SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99201 BUILDING ND USE ®R STRUCTURE PERMIT APPLICt'�4�ON ®R `APERMIT PEE----- ------------------ GEE, [ERAL RE0U0'3r7S PERMIT REQUIRED. Aland use or structure permit is required by County Resolution to erecta building or structure o any kind or alter any building or structure already nce.eConstructionor oishsubjecte a l odinspection.truction must onnections disturbs Spokane County Building Code and Zoning ts. Where work shoulders or ditches of County Roads, permission must be obtained from the County Engineer's Office. WATER. Water shPP1Y must be approved Co the County and State Health bepobtomen45-133 and 47.235.n water the surface, s SEWAGE SYSTEM. Permits are required in all cases by County Resolutions rd are required. side yard from a flanking street, and a 25' rear Ya get -back and ingress SET BA CK FROM PROPERTY LINES. In most zones and under most circumstances, a set -back from the front property line, of a least 25' is required, a 5 side yard, clearance must be obtained pertaining STATE HIGHWAYS. Where the structure abuts a State Highway, and egress. points of ingress and egress must be approved by the County d onnaeCounty or State COUNTY ROADS. Work on street right-of-way may not be performed until staked by County Road Department and work mus e performed in accordance with stakes. P MOVING OF BUILDINGGS Abpermit is requifromred tom ty Engineerove an land/orlState Highway bDepartment, is move Highway, clears ACCESSORY BUILDINGS. Accessory buildings (garages, sheds, etc.) require a separate permit. ion. County Officials can not bring action to enforce covenants or dedications. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS- Builders shouldcheckprovisions of covenants or dedications and easements running with the lam which are enforceable through civil APPLICANT FILL IN BELOW THIS LINE, Phone Phone Phone Phone Parcel Number ��C_ Address -� Name of Owner Address Architect Address Engineer Address --- — Contractor 4� '�` £� late description from deed, tax receipt, etc.) Legal Description (Give comp Moving Bldg. Zone -�-- Fire Zone Addition Remodel i`r = DESCRIPTION OF WORK: New _ Sewage System— �FfnstCOnc.,,or., etc.) Size of Lot %rte/ Valuation ---- / x G Total Sq. Ft. _ Stories Dimensions �/� r� Chimney Fireplace Foundation Const.. (Kind) (Number Basement /j Rooms �- Baths art, none Int. Wall Finish f Full, Type of Roofing �' �' .i Ext. Finish= ^° �� No, of Units _Bedrooms Heat. System �l/iJ i/ ! /i7r Use of Bldg. ' PLOT PLAN ro ertn lines; (2) 5)street or road dimensions of buildings;((6)llocation Ofn of esewagegsYsa Draw sketch with dimensions showing: (1) p p proposed buildings; (4) distance to property lines and streets; (5) state License No. tem and water supply lines. Feft %}11�n j NORTH No L I hereby ce fy as shown. Z, Ino. Ins. Acct. RESIDENTIAL — COMMERCIAL REQUIRED Plumbing Permit R, Heating Permit - a Sewage Permit _ so Plans Received _ Plans Checked _ Plans Returned . plans Picked Up Plans Mailed _ UTH emitted is correct and there are no other structures " ocat�`on' is property except 1 i. Date mer or Agent LAND USE OR STRUCTURE PERMIT MUST BE ON THF PRIEMISES BE -FORE COG�9S4���T0®�� COMMENCE . TABS IS PJ07 4 P5RMIT. OT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE / 'i Iour street address will be Sewage Permit Number Issued r,.., nu- r..ae DO N _cv?/ The zone j�9 n,,iiaina permit _ Receipt L S -IS -77 At said time and place any interested person may appear for, or against, the granting of this application. y SPOKANE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION ZONING ADJUSTOR HEARING TELEPHONE NO.: 456-2274 TIME: Monday, August 15, 1977, 1:30 P.M. PLACE: County Courthouse Annex Conference Rm. "A" (Use Mallon Avenue Entrance) - CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 1 • CUE -62-77, Trailer as Residence for Dependent Relative a Location: b Applicant: c Site Size: d. Existing Zoning: e. Permit Requested: f. Application of Zoning Provision: Section 23, Township 25, Range 44 E.W.M. W 129 ft. of Tract 136 in Vera Addition Parcel No. 23541-1623 Gary R. Austin 14910 E 4th Spokane, WA. 99216 Approximately 2 acres Agricultural, established March 27, 1942 To allow a trailer as a residence for a dependent relative v Chapter 4. 04, Section 4. 04.170 (f) z "­�\IG ADjTJ,3TG2'% 1vil-11TUTSE'S c" Heaiftng: A-ugust 1, ..977 Minutes Written: August 25,1977 CONS TTIONAL USE PERM'a, 'N',"C,,J'E, 62-77, Trailer as a Rasidpnc�,;., for a caretali'zar ZONITKG ADFUSTOR DEC'I'S101,1: To ap-pirove, -.nbr t1he following reasons and sub`ec� to the following conditions: I The applicant was able to demonsun.I'Le to the satis.-P-3ction of the Zoning Adjustor the ne.5d for a mobile home as -residence for a, careta` er of thr:� prope.rty Crisevu)1ri_'c.y purposes . 2. The proposed ;-frnbile hon -:e is for a 5 year period of time and shall not . be construed as a Permanent residence. B . CONDITIONS: 1. The tnai_jer small re locEted on the su",Dje;at proper'iy in substantial confo_--mance vAth the "approved" Plot Plan o'i ffl,z i',Tfth this apl,.Ji-zation, and in any cz-,.se, shall obse:ve 'the yard (setbacl,-,', reauj;rej-n.c_n-ts ,ora si. - ngic f Larnily d't-'velling as prescribc-..d in &-ction 4. 05. 110 (a) of the Zoning Ordinance of Spokane Coonty. 2. This; approval is granied. to August 1, 1932, at whch tine any prri-lit issu--d pursuant to this approval .hall becom, e null and void. 3. The trailer steal' be skirted with a fil-re resistant material. 4. The trailer shaE. not be mounted On a permanent foundation ij, such a nanne-v- as to constitute a permanen-t reside --ace. 5 The trailer shall riot be attaiched to other resideniia-1 or accessory st,­u(,1,tujr(:_,3 . Me"al canopies,, tip outs aid a,;Amings may be attached to tha- trailer; hoNilever, all wo,,,)de.,,i st.. uctures and accesso-ry L-uildings,, except open porches, must be detaclL.,ed and at least tl-jr-eco (3) feet from tj'.e :railer. 6. The teailar shall "2ave an ow.i-:ersaip Utle and be listed as �,')ersonal property:' V Uh the he Coun'-,j Assessor. C. 03TECTOPS OF REGOR%D, None _TO(:'a tion: Secl:ion 238 Twxxnship 256 Ra.age 43 E.W�M. All `1_lat i_.-jortion of the 1\-1xjv1 -1/4 of th�e INIE. 1/4 dlervoribad as J'--61i'__V--jF,­ Commenc:'.nc tj_ja ln�-- s-sotion of the "" line, C.1' Canaahan Rd. and tha N" linle of Third Ave c ­i a5 CO-1-n7sl: j -ed to the State of WF�s3a.;. a, E alona N iine, of said TI-hir N F,.-�,'4d pErallel with the EEO li�e of . d Ave 2(0 L'n Carnahan Rd, 360. to tije Irj�e Liege -,h "VV' & -pa, 11el w"i N �inc of ird * Ave. e,-ct, a - (1 j c.YiCe of 20f.). i% t'3 z ol- E 'Line Of Rd,; La N along the E lin,,-., of Rd, a elistanc,,,', of 2) 0'l f�, ,rjore Ic- ss SW _Ors�� . c'f `r: ;l S J!a t' e R. f on -, ;aid x $�°�!.''ii,S�fU c�-�,`•.l} GviJ�4.ti3d i1.�$�3!�7::�� Dead, c. dis�:c2l:ue of ?00 R; t S awlo l� a 1-i Ane 2F,'I ft. Ff.lo'e of less io it e P1. of Parcel N, o. %,3531•-1556 !cant.- Cary R, A .s':in 5106 :5 5jprat, ue Spokaneo "th%'S 99206 ;,.,.c Size: :�lppx I na?.� f 1 av r d. Existing coning: ;.oted indl str..ald estal`'o:�pru'a�-c 1. 1�r y . .,5 . Perm,. -Lt requested: To eMo-,w a t,;'edlar X15 a tempo ar"y residence for a Caretaker f. .nplication of Zonis g Provision: Chapter 4.11 a Secti.on 4.11.160 (gib; JOHN T. ErVV IT7/..:SRo Acting Zosallp.­�c"'�justor