sp-638jA fdairMEN ree
ta Wing; ;nano
, tracts the land
*fished as tallness
leia0e Ela
sA• the Montt 362;8 4
1 10S/ here as
nortion of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of
northwest Quarter of Section 9, Township SO torte, Renee 44
- ne n lying aorta at Montoonory Avenue and West of Montgomery
• pranneue•• as recormes in F.710$:$K ia ork Snort Plate, pase ida
a EXCEPT the west. 3o.oq feet for Univers Rosd-
:sore than one primary use :snail :faced on any Tea, nor
II any lot be further subdivided for • e surprise of or:sitting
Itienal lett, ownerships cr building slters wittout first
• and and recorong approval n$ a rapist;
:+2 raTA end rsai yard setbacks shall be determines at tbs tlAe
pernit.!$: are requested, The setbacks indicated nn this
„sat* may be varies thom it proper zoning approvals are obtained,
ne•HNINCdn; heesuse county has no xypfsonsiblitty to build,
ogve, mapsta$n or oteerwise service the private roads deo a
Yoe_ meddle 09 prOVide service to the property described In
pi$;:it$ teneptaho this prat or subsequently by allowing a
:load derait to ne Issued oy property on a prtvote roaa,
rune frounty usesses no obligation fat said private road, sirs,
dopers tererny acknowledge that the County has ho obingstion
hind or Patore ematsoaver to estabnish, examine, survey,
detOr, repair, Improve, maintain or provide italigage
;sau ranonsi on d prIVOto read. Tele requirement Is and shall
the tend and. snail na banding: apon the ownerhsI, hnelm
.r„ rA, oasnessorn or assigns, including the obligation tie pert:dam
door n tee asistenence Qt the private toad as province -ars-
* ++ „ ,;nui ao widen. utreon is an easement wblen +provides a
-tidos ut int end egress tor T$7••••
a0* and
roor to apedfdp a p ication approval and isesence of permits
the hhaatn officer, the use +,+' 'individual on-site sewage
tees may DC....! aathOri4ed$
prl'iVA:110 W.211:S ene wetur systeso is peon:in
sae„ns eatts system, as aniroved by County :ern state health
v; fonitian anq the local hitt district and purveyor, will bp
D tailed within this plat, and the subdivider will provide for
;tient' domestic water mortice, es Well We firm protection, te
oseetra$ ar tycossoneLp) ;a interest agree to authorise the
as pLech shear sumn(S) a petition for the formation oir
petitior 'Defend pursuant to :situ ":$6,94, which the petition
studs tne stirefDir' property: and turther not; to object ry the
;Ley of a pretest potttion against the formation of SLID by
aisflot meinuo pursuant to nee J1190twr vinith inciudes
other(s)g p -sporty. PROVIDED this condition sttsii not pro -
at the owner(s) or sdedesserfa) from °blasting to emy assess
N$ on the property om result of imprnvesentr estled ter in
remotion ei.itt ram fornotten of verb my eta-et
afelntion setnob nutter Erg Chapter fm„sf
„ : 9 nes 9 curt chair rs doubt* ed tor connection to
L irt uteeolud Deflection systems.
+$ity easements US shown are !hereby granted-
streett as shoWn horomm ere hereD (iodise
4 asne County tor road purposes,
Duane R.. Sooting Jud Cooking+
U,S, Beds at vashIneton
petition or
TRESS WHEREOF, I hamm hereunto set. my hand and affixed my
thin puhdp.._______SAY „ tie .
duis nht
f$ ervir$
county ut
Loupe/ W:
On tmla
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U.S. nett
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the sass
uses ang :•
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represents a survey made ' Rs or ender my
:.$$$$ reenoe with the requirements the isokene
Pier nrnarance;
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o y rook 1 a as Man a d wite; and:
,known to by , of
1 a s h in (1 44 „ n Oregon Corporation ,as the i nd C,18 18
4 Re ihe thin and f oregoing instrument sue acknowledged
nu his/her free and voluntary act and deed for the
:tees Oerein mentioned.
aSEOF, T hane heateneem set my hand and +affixed
ens Diet and. year birds seem* written-
ssahrh E elle in ano tor the State of Washl
re•theilsog at ao „... whashinetra
A. I
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